tree: baaeb57f2555424b97d11b67a48d37a97041098e [path history] [tgz]
  1. decred_hash_macro/
  2. mips_cpu/
  3. scripts/
  4. sky130_fd_pr/
  5. sky130_stdcells/
  6. sky130_tests/
  7. stdcells/
  10. sky130_fd_pr.patch
  11. xschemrc


XSCHEM symbol libraries for the Google-Skywater 130nm process design kit. A step by step video shows how to boostrap a working environment for xschem + skywater-pdk + ngspice, that is, compile and install xschem, download the xschem_sky130 symbols and libraries, install the skywater-pdk files, and finally build the pre-master development branch of ngspice.

This repository contains:

  • sky130_fd_pr Xschem SKY130 component library
  • stdcells Xschem process agnostic digital standard cell library draft
  • sky130_stdcells Xschem digital standard cell library specifically targeted to the Skywater sky130_fd_sc_hd digital gate library
  • mips_cpu Xschem port of Diadatp mips_cpu verilog project
  • sky130_tests Xschem testbenches for testing sky130_fd_pr components with NGSPICE
  • sky130_fd_pr.patch Patch file (apply in sky130_fd_pr directory) to move ‘nf’ parameter before ‘AD’,‘AS’,‘PD’,‘PS’ that might contain equations that depend on ‘nf’. Ngspice considers ‘nf’ as undefined if not found before the equations.
  • decred_hash_macro Import of a big RTL design from spice netlist.
  • xschemrc Xschem configuration file.

Run xschem from this directory. It will read the xschemrc file to correctly set the search paths. Stefan