├── verlog # User verilog Directory │ ├── rtl # RTL │ ├── dv # Design Verification │ ├── gl # Gate Level Netlis
├── verlog # User verilog Directory │ ├── rtl # RTL | ├── Brqrv_EB1 # BrqRV_EB1 folder | ├── Brqrv_EB1.v # BrqRV_EB1 source file | ├── sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.v # 1KB sram
├── verlog # User verilog Directory │ ├── dv # Design Verification │ ├── BrqRV_EB1 # Design Test Directory │ ├── hex # Hex files folder │ ├── asm # Assmebly files folder
├── verlog # User verilog Directory │ ├── gl # Gate Level Netlis │ ├── BrqRV_EB1 # User Design Netlist
├── def # def Directory │ ├── BrqRV_EB1 # User Design def ├── lef # lef Directory │ ├── BrqRV_EB1 # User Design lef ├── gds # gds Directory │ ├── BrqRV_EB1 # User Design gds
Go to verilog/dv/BrqRV_EB1/ directory
Note: Dont forget to add 0x00000FFF instruction in the end of the uart.hex to stop the uart transmission if you are using your own codes.