blob: 8d18df5b142511eebd9c583e818365c401bb9634 [file] [log] [blame]
// tlul_adapter (Host adapter) converts basic req/grant/rvalid into TL-UL interface. If
// MAX_REQS == 1 it is purely combinational logic. If MAX_REQS > 1 flops are required.
// The host driving the adapter is responsible for ensuring it doesn't have more requests in flight
// than the specified MAX_REQS.
// The outgoing address is always word aligned. The access size is always the word size (as
// specified by TL_DW). For write accesses that occupy all lanes the operation is PutFullData,
// otherwise it is PutPartialData, mask is generated from be_i. For reads all lanes are enabled as
// required by TL-UL (every bit in mask set).
// When MAX_REQS > 1 tlul_adapter_host does not do anything to order responses from the TL-UL
// interface which could return them out of order. It is the host's responsibility to either only
// have outstanding requests to an address space it knows will return responses in order or to not
// care about out of order responses (note that if read data is returned out of order there is no
// way to determine this).
module tlul_host_adapter #(
parameter int unsigned MAX_REQS = 1
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// interface with host agent
input req_i,
output logic gnt_o,
input logic [tlul_pkg::TL_AW-1:0] addr_i,
input logic we_i,
input logic [tlul_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] wdata_i,
input logic [tlul_pkg::TL_DBW-1:0] be_i,
output logic valid_o,
output logic [tlul_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] rdata_o,
output logic err_o,
// interface with other tilelink agents or tlul interface
output tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_h_c_a, // tilelink host channel A
input tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_h_c_d // tilelink host channel D
localparam int WordSize = $clog2(tlul_pkg::TL_DBW);
logic [tlul_pkg::TL_AIW-1:0] tl_source;
logic [tlul_pkg::TL_DBW-1:0] tl_be;
if(MAX_REQS == 1) begin
assign tl_source = '0;
end else begin
localparam int ReqNumW = $clog2(MAX_REQS);
logic [ReqNumW-1:0] source_d, source_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
if(!rst_ni) begin
source_q <= '0;
end else begin
source_q <= source_d;
always_comb begin
source_d = source_q;
if(req_i && gnt_o) begin
if(source_q == MAX_REQS -1) source_d = '0;
else source_d = source_q + 1;
assign tl_source = tlul_pkg::TL_AIW'(source_q);
// For TL-UL Get opcode all active bytes must have their mask bit set, so all reads get all tl_be
// bits set. For writes the supplied be_i is used as the mask.
assign tl_be = ~we_i ? {tlul_pkg::TL_DBW{1'b1}} : be_i;
assign tl_h_c_a = '{
a_valid: req_i,
a_opcode: (~we_i) ? tlul_pkg::Get :
(&be_i) ? tlul_pkg::PutFullData :
a_param: 3'h0,
a_size: tlul_pkg::TL_SZW'(WordSize),
a_mask: tl_be,
a_source: tl_source,
a_address: {addr_i[31:WordSize], {WordSize{1'b0}}},
a_data: wdata_i,
d_ready: 1'b1
assign gnt_o = tl_h_c_d.a_ready;
//assign rdata_0 = tl_h_c_d.d_data;
assign err_o = tl_h_c_d.d_error;
assign valid_o = tl_h_c_d.d_valid;
logic [31:0] rddata;
assign rddata = tl_h_c_d.d_data;
assign rdata_o = rddata;