blob: d88c28e3bb9ae6a90588a17b661474132a0374a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module rv_timer (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i,
output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o,
output logic intr_timer_expired_0_0_o
localparam int N_HARTS = 1;
localparam int N_TIMERS = 1;
import rv_timer_reg_pkg::*;
rv_timer_reg2hw_t reg2hw;
rv_timer_hw2reg_t hw2reg;
logic [N_HARTS-1:0] active;
logic [11:0] prescaler [N_HARTS];
logic [7:0] step [N_HARTS];
logic [N_HARTS-1:0] tick;
logic [63:0] mtime_d [N_HARTS];
logic [63:0] mtime [N_HARTS];
logic [63:0] mtimecmp [N_HARTS][N_TIMERS]; // Only [harts][0] is connected to mtimecmp CSRs
logic mtimecmp_update [N_HARTS][N_TIMERS];
logic [N_HARTS*N_TIMERS-1:0] intr_timer_set;
logic [N_HARTS*N_TIMERS-1:0] intr_timer_en;
logic [N_HARTS*N_TIMERS-1:0] intr_timer_test_q;
logic [N_HARTS-1:0] intr_timer_test_qe;
logic [N_HARTS*N_TIMERS-1:0] intr_timer_state_q;
logic [N_HARTS-1:0] intr_timer_state_de;
logic [N_HARTS*N_TIMERS-1:0] intr_timer_state_d;
logic [N_HARTS*N_TIMERS-1:0] intr_out;
// Connecting register interface to the signal //
// Once reggen supports nested multireg, the following can be automated. For the moment, it must
// be connected manually.
assign active[0] = reg2hw.ctrl[0].q;
assign prescaler = '{reg2hw.cfg0.prescale.q};
assign step = '{reg2hw.cfg0.step.q};
assign = tick[0];
assign = tick[0];
assign hw2reg.timer_v_upper0.d = mtime_d[0][63:32];
assign hw2reg.timer_v_lower0.d = mtime_d[0][31: 0];
assign mtime[0] = {reg2hw.timer_v_upper0.q, reg2hw.timer_v_lower0.q};
assign mtimecmp = '{'{{reg2hw.compare_upper0_0.q,reg2hw.compare_lower0_0.q}}};
assign mtimecmp_update[0][0] = reg2hw.compare_upper0_0.qe | reg2hw.compare_lower0_0.qe;
assign intr_timer_expired_0_0_o = intr_out[0];
assign intr_timer_en = reg2hw.intr_enable0[0].q;
assign intr_timer_state_q = reg2hw.intr_state0[0].q;
assign intr_timer_test_q = reg2hw.intr_test0[0].q;
assign intr_timer_test_qe = reg2hw.intr_test0[0].qe;
assign hw2reg.intr_state0[0].de = intr_timer_state_de | mtimecmp_update[0][0];
assign hw2reg.intr_state0[0].d = intr_timer_state_d & ~mtimecmp_update[0][0];
for (genvar h = 0 ; h < N_HARTS ; h++) begin : gen_harts
prim_intr_hw #(
) u_intr_hw (
.event_intr_i (intr_timer_set),
.reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i (intr_timer_en[h*N_TIMERS+:N_TIMERS]),
.reg2hw_intr_test_q_i (intr_timer_test_q[h*N_TIMERS+:N_TIMERS]),
.reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i (intr_timer_test_qe[h]),
.reg2hw_intr_state_q_i (intr_timer_state_q[h*N_TIMERS+:N_TIMERS]),
.hw2reg_intr_state_de_o (intr_timer_state_de),
.hw2reg_intr_state_d_o (intr_timer_state_d[h*N_TIMERS+:N_TIMERS]),
.intr_o (intr_out[h*N_TIMERS+:N_TIMERS])
timer_core #(
) u_core (
.active (active[h]),
.prescaler (prescaler[h]),
.step (step[h]),
.tick (tick[h]),
.mtime_d (mtime_d[h]),
.mtime (mtime[h]),
.mtimecmp (mtimecmp[h]),
.intr (intr_timer_set[h*N_TIMERS+:N_TIMERS])
end : gen_harts
// Register module
rv_timer_reg_top u_reg (
.devmode_i (1'b1)