blob: c1975edcb3c59dc907ba10d93e9754dcc1ff83e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Common register defines for RTL designs
// Abridged Summary of available FF macros:
// `FF: asynchronous active-low reset (implicit clock and reset)
// `FFAR: asynchronous active-high reset
// `FFARN: asynchronous active-low reset
// `FFSR: synchronous active-high reset
// `FFSRN: synchronous active-low reset
// `FFNR: without reset
// `FFL: load-enable and asynchronous active-low reset (implicit clock and reset)
// `FFLAR: load-enable and asynchronous active-high reset
// `FFLARN: load-enable and asynchronous active-low reset
// `FFLARNC: load-enable and asynchronous active-low reset and synchronous active-high clear
// `FFLSR: load-enable and synchronous active-high reset
// `FFLSRN: load-enable and synchronous active-low reset
// `FFLNR: load-enable without reset
// Flip-Flop with asynchronous active-low reset (implicit clock and reset)
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// Implicit:
// clk_i: clock input
// rst_ni: reset input (asynchronous, active low)
`define FF(__q, __d, __reset_value) \
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin \
if (!rst_ni) begin \
__q <= (__reset_value); \
end else begin \
__q <= (__d); \
end \
// Flip-Flop with asynchronous active-high reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __arst: asynchronous reset
`define FFAR(__q, __d, __reset_value, __clk, __arst) \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk) or posedge (__arst)) begin \
if (__arst) begin \
__q <= (__reset_value); \
end else begin \
__q <= (__d); \
end \
// Flip-Flop with asynchronous active-low reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __arst_n: asynchronous reset
`define FFARN(__q, __d, __reset_value, __clk, __arst_n) \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk) or negedge (__arst_n)) begin \
if (!__arst_n) begin \
__q <= (__reset_value); \
end else begin \
__q <= (__d); \
end \
// Flip-Flop with synchronous active-high reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __reset_clk: reset input
`define FFSR(__q, __d, __reset_value, __clk, __reset_clk) \
`ifndef VERILATOR \
/``* synopsys sync_set_reset `"__reset_clk`" *``/ \
`endif \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk)) begin \
__q <= (__reset_clk) ? (__reset_value) : (__d); \
// Flip-Flop with synchronous active-low reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __reset_n_clk: reset input
`define FFSRN(__q, __d, __reset_value, __clk, __reset_n_clk) \
`ifndef VERILATOR \
/``* synopsys sync_set_reset `"__reset_n_clk`" *``/ \
`endif \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk)) begin \
__q <= (!__reset_n_clk) ? (__reset_value) : (__d); \
// Always-enable Flip-Flop without reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __clk: clock input
`define FFNR(__q, __d, __clk) \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk)) begin \
__q <= (__d); \
// Flip-Flop with load-enable and asynchronous active-low reset (implicit clock and reset)
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __load: load d value into FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// Implicit:
// clk_i: clock input
// rst_ni: reset input (asynchronous, active low)
`define FFL(__q, __d, __load, __reset_value) \
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin \
if (!rst_ni) begin \
__q <= (__reset_value); \
end else begin \
__q <= (__load) ? (__d) : (__q); \
end \
// Flip-Flop with load-enable and asynchronous active-high reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __load: load d value into FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __arst: asynchronous reset
`define FFLAR(__q, __d, __load, __reset_value, __clk, __arst) \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk) or posedge (__arst)) begin \
if (__arst) begin \
__q <= (__reset_value); \
end else begin \
__q <= (__load) ? (__d) : (__q); \
end \
// Flip-Flop with load-enable and asynchronous active-low reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __load: load d value into FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __arst_n: asynchronous reset
`define FFLARN(__q, __d, __load, __reset_value, __clk, __arst_n) \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk) or negedge (__arst_n)) begin \
if (!__arst_n) begin \
__q <= (__reset_value); \
end else begin \
__q <= (__load) ? (__d) : (__q); \
end \
// Flip-Flop with load-enable and synchronous active-high reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __load: load d value into FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __reset_clk: reset input
`define FFLSR(__q, __d, __load, __reset_value, __clk, __reset_clk) \
`ifndef VERILATOR \
/``* synopsys sync_set_reset `"__reset_clk`" *``/ \
`endif \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk)) begin \
__q <= (__reset_clk) ? (__reset_value) : ((__load) ? (__d) : (__q)); \
// Flip-Flop with load-enable and synchronous active-low reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __load: load d value into FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __reset_n_clk: reset input
`define FFLSRN(__q, __d, __load, __reset_value, __clk, __reset_n_clk) \
`ifndef VERILATOR \
/``* synopsys sync_set_reset `"__reset_n_clk`" *``/ \
`endif \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk)) begin \
__q <= (!__reset_n_clk) ? (__reset_value) : ((__load) ? (__d) : (__q)); \
// Flip-Flop with load-enable and asynchronous active-low reset and synchronous clear
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __load: load d value into FF
// __clear: assign reset value into FF
// __reset_value: value assigned upon reset
// __clk: clock input
// __arst_n: asynchronous reset
`define FFLARNC(__q, __d, __load, __clear, __reset_value, __clk, __arst_n) \
`ifndef VERILATOR \
/``* synopsys sync_set_reset `"__clear`" *``/ \
`endif \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk) or negedge (__arst_n)) begin \
if (!__arst_n) begin \
__q <= (__reset_value); \
end else begin \
__q <= (__clear) ? (__reset_value) : (__load) ? (__d) : (__q); \
end \
// Load-enable Flip-Flop without reset
// __q: Q output of FF
// __d: D input of FF
// __load: load d value into FF
// __clk: clock input
`define FFLNR(__q, __d, __load, __clk) \
always_ff @(posedge (__clk)) begin \
__q <= (__load) ? (__d) : (__q); \