blob: e379f8a4132c1ca86491b39a9a1807acb0f7095d [file] [log] [blame]
// N:1 arbiter module
// Verilog parameter
// N: Number of request ports
// DW: Data width
// DataPort: Set to 1 to enable the data port. Otherwise that port will be ignored.
// EnReqStabA: Checks whether requests remain asserted until granted
// This is the original implementation of the arbiter which relies on parallel prefix computing
// optimization to optimize the request / arbiter tree. Not all synthesis tools may support this.
// Note that the currently winning request is held if the data sink is not ready. This behavior is
// required by some interconnect protocols (AXI, TL). The module contains an assertion that checks
// this behavior.
// Also, this module contains a request stability assertion that checks that requests stay asserted
// until they have been served. This assertion can be optionally disabled by setting EnReqStabA to
// zero. This is a non-functional parameter and does not affect the designs behavior.
// See also: prim_arbiter_tree
module prim_arbiter_ppc #(
parameter int unsigned N = 8,
parameter int unsigned DW = 32,
// Configurations
// EnDataPort: {0, 1}, if 0, input data will be ignored
parameter bit EnDataPort = 1,
// Non-functional parameter to switch on the request stability assertion
parameter bit EnReqStabA = 1,
// Derived parameters
localparam int IdxW = $clog2(N)
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input [ N-1:0] req_i,
input [DW-1:0] data_i [N],
output logic [ N-1:0] gnt_o,
output logic [IdxW-1:0] idx_o,
output logic valid_o,
output logic [DW-1:0] data_o,
input ready_i
// this case is basically just a bypass
if (N == 1) begin : gen_degenerate_case
assign valid_o = req_i[0];
assign data_o = data_i[0];
assign gnt_o[0] = valid_o & ready_i;
assign idx_o = '0;
end else begin : gen_normal_case
logic [N-1:0] masked_req;
logic [N-1:0] ppc_out;
logic [N-1:0] arb_req;
logic [N-1:0] mask, mask_next;
logic [N-1:0] winner;
assign masked_req = mask & req_i;
assign arb_req = (|masked_req) ? masked_req : req_i;
// PPC
// Even below code looks O(n) but DC optimizes it to O(log(N))
// Using Parallel Prefix Computation
always_comb begin
ppc_out[0] = arb_req[0];
for (int i = 1 ; i < N ; i++) begin
ppc_out[i] = ppc_out[i-1] | arb_req[i];
// Grant Generation: Leading-One detector
assign winner = ppc_out ^ {ppc_out[N-2:0], 1'b0};
assign gnt_o = (ready_i) ? winner : '0;
assign valid_o = |req_i;
// Mask Generation
assign mask_next = {ppc_out[N-2:0], 1'b0};
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
mask <= '0;
end else if (valid_o && ready_i) begin
// Latch only when requests accepted
mask <= mask_next;
end else if (valid_o && !ready_i) begin
// Downstream isn't yet ready so, keep current request alive. (First come first serve)
mask <= ppc_out;
if (EnDataPort == 1) begin: gen_datapath
always_comb begin
data_o = '0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) begin
if (winner[i]) begin
data_o = data_i[i];
end else begin: gen_nodatapath
assign data_o = '1;
// TODO: waive data_i from NOT_READ error
always_comb begin
idx_o = '0;
for (int unsigned i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) begin
if (winner[i]) begin
idx_o = i[IdxW-1:0];
endmodule : prim_arbiter_ppc