blob: 917cdc6c4b6198bb272afce01acd2dd16b6c5232 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
* Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
* License, Version 0.51 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law
* or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
* this License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* File:
* Author: Florian Zaruba <>
* Date: 19.7.2018
* Description: JTAG DMI (debug module interface)
module dmi_jtag #(
parameter logic [31:0] IdcodeValue = 32'h00000001
) (
input logic clk_i, // DMI Clock
input logic rst_ni, // Asynchronous reset active low
input logic testmode_i,
output logic dmi_rst_no, // hard reset
output dm::dmi_req_t dmi_req_o,
output logic dmi_req_valid_o,
input logic dmi_req_ready_i,
input dm::dmi_resp_t dmi_resp_i,
output logic dmi_resp_ready_o,
input logic dmi_resp_valid_i,
input logic tck_i, // JTAG test clock pad
input logic tms_i, // JTAG test mode select pad
input logic trst_ni, // JTAG test reset pad
input logic td_i, // JTAG test data input pad
output logic td_o, // JTAG test data output pad
output logic tdo_oe_o // Data out output enable
assign dmi_rst_no = rst_ni;
logic test_logic_reset;
logic shift_dr;
logic update_dr;
logic capture_dr;
logic dmi_access;
logic dtmcs_select;
logic dmi_reset;
logic dmi_tdi;
logic dmi_tdo;
dm::dmi_req_t dmi_req;
logic dmi_req_ready;
logic dmi_req_valid;
dm::dmi_resp_t dmi_resp;
logic dmi_resp_valid;
logic dmi_resp_ready;
typedef struct packed {
logic [6:0] address;
logic [31:0] data;
logic [1:0] op;
} dmi_t;
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
DMINoError = 2'h0, DMIReservedError = 2'h1,
DMIOPFailed = 2'h2, DMIBusy = 2'h3
} dmi_error_e;
typedef enum logic [2:0] { Idle, Read, WaitReadValid, Write, WaitWriteValid } state_e;
state_e state_d, state_q;
logic [$bits(dmi_t)-1:0] dr_d, dr_q;
logic [6:0] address_d, address_q;
logic [31:0] data_d, data_q;
dmi_t dmi;
assign dmi = dmi_t'(dr_q);
assign dmi_req.addr = address_q;
assign = data_q;
assign dmi_req.op = (state_q == Write) ? dm::DTM_WRITE : dm::DTM_READ;
// we'will always be ready to accept the data we requested
assign dmi_resp_ready = 1'b1;
logic error_dmi_busy;
dmi_error_e error_d, error_q;
always_comb begin : p_fsm
error_dmi_busy = 1'b0;
// default assignments
state_d = state_q;
address_d = address_q;
data_d = data_q;
error_d = error_q;
dmi_req_valid = 1'b0;
unique case (state_q)
Idle: begin
// make sure that no error is sticky
if (dmi_access && update_dr && (error_q == DMINoError)) begin
// save address and value
address_d = dmi.address;
data_d =;
if (dm::dtm_op_e'(dmi.op) == dm::DTM_READ) begin
state_d = Read;
end else if (dm::dtm_op_e'(dmi.op) == dm::DTM_WRITE) begin
state_d = Write;
// else this is a nop and we can stay here
Read: begin
dmi_req_valid = 1'b1;
if (dmi_req_ready) begin
state_d = WaitReadValid;
WaitReadValid: begin
// load data into register and shift out
if (dmi_resp_valid) begin
data_d =;
state_d = Idle;
Write: begin
dmi_req_valid = 1'b1;
// got a valid answer go back to idle
if (dmi_req_ready) begin
state_d = Idle;
default: begin
// just wait for idle here
if (dmi_resp_valid) begin
state_d = Idle;
// update_dr means we got another request but we didn't finish
// the one in progress, this state is sticky
if (update_dr && state_q != Idle) begin
error_dmi_busy = 1'b1;
// if capture_dr goes high while we are in the read state
// or in the corresponding wait state we are not giving back a valid word
// -> throw an error
if (capture_dr && state_q inside {Read, WaitReadValid}) begin
error_dmi_busy = 1'b1;
if (error_dmi_busy) begin
error_d = DMIBusy;
// clear sticky error flag
if (dmi_reset && dtmcs_select) begin
error_d = DMINoError;
// shift register
assign dmi_tdo = dr_q[0];
always_comb begin : p_shift
dr_d = dr_q;
if (capture_dr) begin
if (dmi_access) begin
if (error_q == DMINoError && !error_dmi_busy) begin
dr_d = {address_q, data_q, DMINoError};
// DMI was busy, report an error
end else if (error_q == DMIBusy || error_dmi_busy) begin
dr_d = {address_q, data_q, DMIBusy};
if (shift_dr) begin
if (dmi_access) begin
dr_d = {dmi_tdi, dr_q[$bits(dr_q)-1:1]};
if (test_logic_reset) begin
dr_d = '0;
always_ff @(posedge tck_i or negedge trst_ni) begin : p_regs
if (!trst_ni) begin
dr_q <= '0;
state_q <= Idle;
address_q <= '0;
data_q <= '0;
error_q <= DMINoError;
end else begin
dr_q <= dr_d;
state_q <= state_d;
address_q <= address_d;
data_q <= data_d;
error_q <= error_d;
// ---------
// TAP
// ---------
dmi_jtag_tap #(
.IrLength (5),
) i_dmi_jtag_tap (
.tck_i (tck_i) ,
.tms_i (tms_i),
.trst_ni (trst_ni),
.td_i (td_i),
.td_o (td_o),
.testmode_i (testmode_i),
.test_logic_reset_o ( test_logic_reset ),
.shift_dr_o ( shift_dr ),
.update_dr_o ( update_dr ),
.capture_dr_o ( capture_dr ),
.dmi_access_o ( dmi_access ),
.dtmcs_select_o ( dtmcs_select ),
.dmi_reset_o ( dmi_reset ),
.dmi_error_i ( error_q ),
.dmi_tdi_o ( dmi_tdi ),
.dmi_tdo_i ( dmi_tdo )
// ---------
// CDC
// ---------
dmi_cdc i_dmi_cdc (
// JTAG side (master side)
.tck_i (tck_i),
.trst_ni (trst_ni),
.jtag_dmi_req_i ( dmi_req ),
.jtag_dmi_ready_o ( dmi_req_ready ),
.jtag_dmi_valid_i ( dmi_req_valid ),
.jtag_dmi_resp_o ( dmi_resp ),
.jtag_dmi_valid_o ( dmi_resp_valid ),
.jtag_dmi_ready_i ( dmi_resp_ready ),
// core side
.core_dmi_req_o ( dmi_req_o ),
.core_dmi_valid_o ( dmi_req_valid_o ),
.core_dmi_ready_i ( dmi_req_ready_i ),
.core_dmi_resp_i ( dmi_resp_i ),
.core_dmi_ready_o ( dmi_resp_ready_o ),
.core_dmi_valid_i ( dmi_resp_valid_i )
endmodule : dmi_jtag