blob: 4ef7a26bb3168ea9e2f69a842d3bff4e99802303 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
* Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
* License, Version 0.51 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law
* or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
* this License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* File:
* Author: Florian Zaruba <>
* Date: 11.7.2018
* Description: Memory module for execution-based debug clients
module dm_mem #(
parameter int unsigned NrHarts = 1,
parameter int unsigned BusWidth = 32,
parameter logic [NrHarts-1:0] SelectableHarts = {NrHarts{1'b1}},
parameter int unsigned DmBaseAddress = '0
) (
input logic clk_i, // Clock
input logic rst_ni, // debug module reset
output logic [NrHarts-1:0] debug_req_o,
input logic [19:0] hartsel_i,
// from Ctrl and Status register
input logic [NrHarts-1:0] haltreq_i,
input logic [NrHarts-1:0] resumereq_i,
input logic clear_resumeack_i,
// state bits
output logic [NrHarts-1:0] halted_o, // hart acknowledge halt
output logic [NrHarts-1:0] resuming_o, // hart is resuming
input logic [dm::ProgBufSize-1:0][31:0] progbuf_i, // program buffer to expose
input logic [dm::DataCount-1:0][31:0] data_i, // data in
output logic [dm::DataCount-1:0][31:0] data_o, // data out
output logic data_valid_o, // data out is valid
// abstract command interface
input logic cmd_valid_i,
input dm::command_t cmd_i,
output logic cmderror_valid_o,
output dm::cmderr_e cmderror_o,
output logic cmdbusy_o,
// data interface
// SRAM interface
input logic req_i,
input logic we_i,
input logic [BusWidth-1:0] addr_i,
input logic [BusWidth-1:0] wdata_i,
input logic [BusWidth/8-1:0] be_i,
output logic [BusWidth-1:0] rdata_o
localparam int unsigned DbgAddressBits = 12;
localparam int unsigned HartSelLen = (NrHarts == 1) ? 1 : $clog2(NrHarts);
localparam int unsigned NrHartsAligned = 2**HartSelLen;
localparam int unsigned MaxAar = (BusWidth == 64) ? 4 : 3;
localparam bit HasSndScratch = (DmBaseAddress != 0);
// Depending on whether we are at the zero page or not we either use `x0` or `x10/a0`
localparam logic [4:0] LoadBaseAddr = (DmBaseAddress == 0) ? 5'd0 : 5'd10;
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] DataBaseAddr = (dm::DataAddr);
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] DataEndAddr = (dm::DataAddr + 4*dm::DataCount - 1);
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] ProgBufBaseAddr = (dm::DataAddr - 4*dm::ProgBufSize);
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] ProgBufEndAddr = (dm::DataAddr - 1);
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] AbstractCmdBaseAddr = (ProgBufBaseAddr - 4*10);
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] AbstractCmdEndAddr = (ProgBufBaseAddr - 1);
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] WhereToAddr = 'h300;
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] FlagsBaseAddr = 'h400;
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] FlagsEndAddr = 'h7FF;
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] HaltedAddr = 'h100;
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] GoingAddr = 'h104;
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] ResumingAddr = 'h108;
localparam logic [DbgAddressBits-1:0] ExceptionAddr = 'h10C;
logic [dm::ProgBufSize/2-1:0][63:0] progbuf;
logic [7:0][63:0] abstract_cmd;
logic [NrHarts-1:0] halted_d, halted_q;
logic [NrHarts-1:0] resuming_d, resuming_q;
logic resume, go, going;
logic exception;
logic unsupported_command;
logic [63:0] rom_rdata;
logic [63:0] rdata_d, rdata_q;
logic word_enable32_q;
// this is needed to avoid lint warnings related to array indexing
// resize hartsel to valid range
logic [HartSelLen-1:0] hartsel, wdata_hartsel;
assign hartsel = hartsel_i[HartSelLen-1:0];
assign wdata_hartsel = wdata_i[HartSelLen-1:0];
logic [NrHartsAligned-1:0] resumereq_aligned, haltreq_aligned,
halted_d_aligned, halted_q_aligned,
halted_aligned, resumereq_wdata_aligned,
resuming_d_aligned, resuming_q_aligned;
assign resumereq_aligned = NrHartsAligned'(resumereq_i);
assign haltreq_aligned = NrHartsAligned'(haltreq_i);
assign resumereq_wdata_aligned = NrHartsAligned'(resumereq_i);
assign halted_q_aligned = NrHartsAligned'(halted_q);
assign halted_d = NrHarts'(halted_d_aligned);
assign resuming_q_aligned = NrHartsAligned'(resuming_q);
assign resuming_d = NrHarts'(resuming_d_aligned);
// distinguish whether we need to forward data from the ROM or the FSM
// latch the address for this
logic fwd_rom_d, fwd_rom_q;
dm::ac_ar_cmd_t ac_ar;
// Abstract Command Access Register
assign ac_ar = dm::ac_ar_cmd_t'(cmd_i.control);
assign debug_req_o = haltreq_i;
assign halted_o = halted_q;
assign resuming_o = resuming_q;
// reshape progbuf
assign progbuf = progbuf_i;
typedef enum logic [1:0] { Idle, Go, Resume, CmdExecuting } state_e;
state_e state_d, state_q;
// hart ctrl queue
always_comb begin : p_hart_ctrl_queue
cmderror_valid_o = 1'b0;
cmderror_o = dm::CmdErrNone;
state_d = state_q;
go = 1'b0;
resume = 1'b0;
cmdbusy_o = 1'b1;
unique case (state_q)
Idle: begin
cmdbusy_o = 1'b0;
if (cmd_valid_i && halted_q_aligned[hartsel] && !unsupported_command) begin
// give the go signal
state_d = Go;
end else if (cmd_valid_i) begin
// hart must be halted for all requests
cmderror_valid_o = 1'b1;
cmderror_o = dm::CmdErrorHaltResume;
// CSRs want to resume, the request is ignored when the hart is
// requested to halt or it didn't clear the resuming_q bit before
if (resumereq_aligned[hartsel] && !resuming_q_aligned[hartsel] &&
!haltreq_aligned[hartsel] && halted_q_aligned[hartsel]) begin
state_d = Resume;
Go: begin
// we are already busy here since we scheduled the execution of a program
cmdbusy_o = 1'b1;
go = 1'b1;
// the thread is now executing the command, track its state
if (going) begin
state_d = CmdExecuting;
Resume: begin
cmdbusy_o = 1'b1;
resume = 1'b1;
if (resuming_q_aligned[hartsel]) begin
state_d = Idle;
CmdExecuting: begin
cmdbusy_o = 1'b1;
go = 1'b0;
// wait until the hart has halted again
if (halted_aligned[hartsel]) begin
state_d = Idle;
//default: ;
// only signal once that cmd is unsupported so that we can clear cmderr
// in subsequent writes to abstractcs
if (unsupported_command && cmd_valid_i) begin
cmderror_valid_o = 1'b1;
cmderror_o = dm::CmdErrNotSupported;
if (exception) begin
cmderror_valid_o = 1'b1;
cmderror_o = dm::CmdErrorException;
// word mux for 32bit and 64bit buses
logic [63:0] word_mux;
assign word_mux = (fwd_rom_q) ? rom_rdata : rdata_q;
if (BusWidth == 64) begin : gen_word_mux64
assign rdata_o = word_mux;
end else begin : gen_word_mux32
assign rdata_o = (word_enable32_q) ? word_mux[32 +: 32] : word_mux[0 +: 32];
// read/write logic
logic [63:0] data_bits;
logic [7:0][7:0] rdata;
always_comb begin : p_rw_logic
halted_d_aligned = NrHartsAligned'(halted_q);
resuming_d_aligned = NrHartsAligned'(resuming_q);
rdata_d = rdata_q;
// convert the data in bits representation
data_bits = data_i;
rdata = '0;
// write data in csr register
data_valid_o = 1'b0;
exception = 1'b0;
halted_aligned = '0;
going = 1'b0;
// The resume ack signal is lowered when the resume request is deasserted
if (clear_resumeack_i) begin
resuming_d_aligned[hartsel] = 1'b0;
// we've got a new request
if (req_i) begin
// this is a write
if (we_i) begin
unique case (addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:0]) inside
HaltedAddr: begin
halted_aligned[wdata_hartsel] = 1'b1;
halted_d_aligned[wdata_hartsel] = 1'b1;
GoingAddr: begin
going = 1'b1;
ResumingAddr: begin
// clear the halted flag as the hart resumed execution
halted_d_aligned[wdata_hartsel] = 1'b0;
// set the resuming flag which needs to be cleared by the debugger
resuming_d_aligned[wdata_hartsel] = 1'b1;
// an exception occurred during execution
ExceptionAddr: exception = 1'b1;
// core can write data registers
[DataBaseAddr:DataEndAddr]: begin
data_valid_o = 1'b1;
for (int i = 0; i < $bits(be_i); i++) begin
if (be_i[i]) begin
data_bits[i*8+:8] = wdata_i[i*8+:8];
default ;
// this is a read
end else begin
unique case (addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:0]) inside
// variable ROM content
WhereToAddr: begin
// variable jump to abstract cmd, program_buffer or resume
if (resumereq_wdata_aligned[wdata_hartsel]) begin
rdata_d = {32'b0, dm::jal('0, 21'(dm::ResumeAddress[11:0])-21'(WhereToAddr))};
// there is a command active so jump there
if (cmdbusy_o) begin
// transfer not set is shortcut to the program buffer if postexec is set
// keep this statement narrow to not catch invalid commands
if (cmd_i.cmdtype == dm::AccessRegister &&
!ac_ar.transfer && ac_ar.postexec) begin
rdata_d = {32'b0, dm::jal('0, 21'(ProgBufBaseAddr)-21'(WhereToAddr))};
// this is a legit abstract cmd -> execute it
end else begin
rdata_d = {32'b0, dm::jal('0, 21'(AbstractCmdBaseAddr)-21'(WhereToAddr))};
[DataBaseAddr:DataEndAddr]: begin
rdata_d = {
data_i[$clog2(dm::ProgBufSize)'(addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:3] -
DataBaseAddr[DbgAddressBits-1:3] + 1'b1)],
data_i[$clog2(dm::ProgBufSize)'(addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:3] -
[ProgBufBaseAddr:ProgBufEndAddr]: begin
rdata_d = progbuf[$clog2(dm::ProgBufSize)'(addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:3] -
// two slots for abstract command
[AbstractCmdBaseAddr:AbstractCmdEndAddr]: begin
// return the correct address index
rdata_d = abstract_cmd[3'(addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:3] -
// harts are polling for flags here
[FlagsBaseAddr:FlagsEndAddr]: begin
// release the corresponding hart
if (({addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:3], 3'b0} - FlagsBaseAddr[DbgAddressBits-1:0]) ==
(DbgAddressBits'(hartsel) & {{(DbgAddressBits-3){1'b1}}, 3'b0})) begin
rdata[DbgAddressBits'(hartsel) & DbgAddressBits'(3'b111)] = {6'b0, resume, go};
rdata_d = rdata;
default: ;
data_o = data_bits;
always_comb begin : p_abstract_cmd_rom
// this abstract command is currently unsupported
unsupported_command = 1'b0;
// default memory
// if ac_ar.transfer is not set then we can take a shortcut to the program buffer
abstract_cmd[0][31:0] = dm::illegal();
// load debug module base address into a0, this is shared among all commands
abstract_cmd[0][63:32] = HasSndScratch ? dm::auipc(5'd10, '0) : dm::nop();
// clr lowest 12b -> DM base offset
abstract_cmd[1][31:0] = HasSndScratch ? dm::srli(5'd10, 5'd10, 6'd12) : dm::nop();
abstract_cmd[1][63:32] = HasSndScratch ? dm::slli(5'd10, 5'd10, 6'd12) : dm::nop();
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] = dm::nop();
abstract_cmd[2][63:32] = dm::nop();
abstract_cmd[3][31:0] = dm::nop();
abstract_cmd[3][63:32] = dm::nop();
abstract_cmd[4][31:0] = HasSndScratch ? dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH1, 5'd10) : dm::nop();
abstract_cmd[4][63:32] = dm::ebreak();
abstract_cmd[7:5] = '0;
// this depends on the command being executed
unique case (cmd_i.cmdtype)
// --------------------
// Access Register
// --------------------
dm::AccessRegister: begin
if (32'(ac_ar.aarsize) < MaxAar && ac_ar.transfer && ac_ar.write) begin
// store a0 in dscratch1
abstract_cmd[0][31:0] = HasSndScratch ? dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH1, 5'd10) : dm::nop();
// this range is reserved
if (ac_ar.regno[15:14] != '0) begin
abstract_cmd[0][31:0] = dm::ebreak(); // we leave asap
unsupported_command = 1'b1;
// A0 access needs to be handled separately, as we use A0 to load
// the DM address offset need to access DSCRATCH1 in this case
end else if (HasSndScratch && ac_ar.regno[12] && (!ac_ar.regno[5]) &&
(ac_ar.regno[4:0] == 5'd10)) begin
// store s0 in dscratch
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] = dm::csrw(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
// load from data register
abstract_cmd[2][63:32] = dm::load(ac_ar.aarsize, 5'd8, LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
// and store it in the corresponding CSR
abstract_cmd[3][31:0] = dm::csrw(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH1, 5'd8);
// restore s0 again from dscratch
abstract_cmd[3][63:32] = dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
// GPR/FPR access
end else if (ac_ar.regno[12]) begin
// determine whether we want to access the floating point register or not
if (ac_ar.regno[5]) begin
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] =
dm::float_load(ac_ar.aarsize, ac_ar.regno[4:0], LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
end else begin
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] =
dm::load(ac_ar.aarsize, ac_ar.regno[4:0], LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
// CSR access
end else begin
// data register to CSR
// store s0 in dscratch
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] = dm::csrw(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
// load from data register
abstract_cmd[2][63:32] = dm::load(ac_ar.aarsize, 5'd8, LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
// and store it in the corresponding CSR
abstract_cmd[3][31:0] = dm::csrw(dm::csr_reg_t'(ac_ar.regno[11:0]), 5'd8);
// restore s0 again from dscratch
abstract_cmd[3][63:32] = dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
end else if (32'(ac_ar.aarsize) < MaxAar && ac_ar.transfer && !ac_ar.write) begin
// store a0 in dscratch1
abstract_cmd[0][31:0] = HasSndScratch ?
dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH1, LoadBaseAddr) :
// this range is reserved
if (ac_ar.regno[15:14] != '0) begin
abstract_cmd[0][31:0] = dm::ebreak(); // we leave asap
unsupported_command = 1'b1;
// A0 access needs to be handled separately, as we use A0 to load
// the DM address offset need to access DSCRATCH1 in this case
end else if (HasSndScratch && ac_ar.regno[12] && (!ac_ar.regno[5]) &&
(ac_ar.regno[4:0] == 5'd10)) begin
// store s0 in dscratch
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] = dm::csrw(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
// read value from CSR into s0
abstract_cmd[2][63:32] = dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH1, 5'd8);
// and store s0 into data section
abstract_cmd[3][31:0] = dm::store(ac_ar.aarsize, 5'd8, LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
// restore s0 again from dscratch
abstract_cmd[3][63:32] = dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
// GPR/FPR access
end else if (ac_ar.regno[12]) begin
// determine whether we want to access the floating point register or not
if (ac_ar.regno[5]) begin
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] =
dm::float_store(ac_ar.aarsize, ac_ar.regno[4:0], LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
end else begin
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] =
dm::store(ac_ar.aarsize, ac_ar.regno[4:0], LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
// CSR access
end else begin
// CSR register to data
// store s0 in dscratch
abstract_cmd[2][31:0] = dm::csrw(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
// read value from CSR into s0
abstract_cmd[2][63:32] = dm::csrr(dm::csr_reg_t'(ac_ar.regno[11:0]), 5'd8);
// and store s0 into data section
abstract_cmd[3][31:0] = dm::store(ac_ar.aarsize, 5'd8, LoadBaseAddr, dm::DataAddr);
// restore s0 again from dscratch
abstract_cmd[3][63:32] = dm::csrr(dm::CSR_DSCRATCH0, 5'd8);
end else if (32'(ac_ar.aarsize) >= MaxAar || ac_ar.aarpostincrement == 1'b1) begin
// this should happend when e.g. ac_ar.aarsize >= MaxAar
// Openocd will try to do an access with aarsize=64 bits
// first before falling back to 32 bits.
abstract_cmd[0][31:0] = dm::ebreak(); // we leave asap
unsupported_command = 1'b1;
// Check whether we need to execute the program buffer. When we
// get an unsupported command we really should abort instead of
// still trying to execute the program buffer, makes it easier
// for the debugger to recover
if (ac_ar.postexec && !unsupported_command) begin
// issue a nop, we will automatically run into the program buffer
abstract_cmd[4][63:32] = dm::nop();
// not supported at the moment
// dm::QuickAccess:;
// dm::AccessMemory:;
default: begin
abstract_cmd[0][31:0] = dm::ebreak();
unsupported_command = 1'b1;
logic [63:0] rom_addr;
assign rom_addr = 64'(addr_i);
// Depending on whether the debug module is located
// at the zero page we can instantiate a simplified version
// which only requires one scratch register per hart.
// For all other cases we need to set aside
// two registers per hart, hence we also need
// two scratch registers.
if (HasSndScratch) begin : gen_rom_snd_scratch
debug_rom i_debug_rom (
.addr_i ( rom_addr ),
.rdata_o ( rom_rdata )
end else begin : gen_rom_one_scratch
// It uses the zero register (`x0`) as the base
// for its loads. The zero register does not need to
// be saved.
debug_rom_one_scratch i_debug_rom (
.addr_i ( rom_addr ),
.rdata_o ( rom_rdata )
// ROM starts at the HaltAddress of the core e.g.: it immediately jumps to
// the ROM base address
assign fwd_rom_d = logic'(addr_i[DbgAddressBits-1:0] >= dm::HaltAddress[DbgAddressBits-1:0]);
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_regs
if (!rst_ni) begin
fwd_rom_q <= 1'b0;
rdata_q <= '0;
state_q <= Idle;
word_enable32_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
fwd_rom_q <= fwd_rom_d;
rdata_q <= rdata_d;
state_q <= state_d;
word_enable32_q <= addr_i[2];
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
halted_q <= 1'b0;
resuming_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
halted_q <= SelectableHarts & halted_d;
resuming_q <= SelectableHarts & resuming_d;
endmodule : dm_mem