blob: 54fa901e7fd2e617a51f0c79b92693d6b34a4b3c [file] [log] [blame]
* Writeback Stage
* Writeback is an optional third pipeline stage. It writes data back to the register file that was
* produced in the ID/EX stage or awaits a response to a load/store (LSU writes direct to register
* file for load data). If the writeback stage is not present (WritebackStage == 0) this acts as
* a simple passthrough to write data direct to the register file.
module brq_wbu #(
parameter bit WritebackStage = 1'b0
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
input logic en_wb_i,
input brq_pkg::wb_instr_type_e instr_type_wb_i,
input logic [31:0] pc_id_i,
input logic instr_is_compressed_id_i,
input logic instr_perf_count_id_i,
output logic ready_wb_o,
output logic rf_write_wb_o,
output logic outstanding_load_wb_o,
output logic outstanding_store_wb_o,
output logic [31:0] pc_wb_o,
output logic perf_instr_ret_wb_o,
output logic perf_instr_ret_compressed_wb_o,
input logic [4:0] rf_waddr_id_i,
input logic [31:0] rf_wdata_id_i,
input logic rf_we_id_i,
input logic [31:0] rf_wdata_lsu_i,
input logic rf_we_lsu_i,
output logic [31:0] rf_wdata_fwd_wb_o,
output logic [4:0] rf_waddr_wb_o,
output logic [31:0] rf_wdata_wb_o,
output logic rf_we_wb_o,
input logic lsu_resp_valid_i,
input logic lsu_resp_err_i,
output logic instr_done_wb_o,
// floating point
output logic fp_rf_write_wb_o,
output logic fp_rf_wen_wb_o,
output logic [4:0] fp_rf_waddr_wb_o,
input logic [4:0] fp_rf_waddr_id_i,
input logic fp_rf_wen_id_i,
output logic [31:0] fp_rf_wdata_wb_o,
input logic fp_load_i
import brq_pkg::*;
// 0 == RF write from ID
// 1 == RF write from LSU
logic [31:0] rf_wdata_wb_mux[2];
logic [1:0] rf_wdata_wb_mux_we;
logic [31:0] fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux[2];
logic [1:0] fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux_we;
if(WritebackStage) begin : g_writeback_stage
logic [31:0] rf_wdata_wb_q;
logic rf_we_wb_q;
logic [4:0] rf_waddr_wb_q;
logic wb_done;
logic wb_valid_q;
logic [31:0] wb_pc_q;
logic wb_compressed_q;
logic wb_count_q;
wb_instr_type_e wb_instr_type_q;
logic wb_valid_d;
logic fp_rf_we_wb_q;
logic fp_load_q;
// Stage becomes valid if an instruction enters for ID/EX and valid is cleared when instruction
// is done
assign wb_valid_d = (en_wb_i & ready_wb_o) | (wb_valid_q & ~wb_done);
// Writeback for non load/store instructions always completes in a cycle (so instantly done)
// Writeback for load/store must wait for response to be received by the LSU
// Signal only relevant if wb_valid_q set
assign wb_done = (wb_instr_type_q == WB_INSTR_OTHER) | lsu_resp_valid_i;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if(~rst_ni) begin
wb_valid_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
wb_valid_q <= wb_valid_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
if(en_wb_i) begin
rf_we_wb_q <= rf_we_id_i;
rf_waddr_wb_q <= rf_waddr_id_i;
rf_wdata_wb_q <= rf_wdata_id_i;
wb_instr_type_q <= instr_type_wb_i;
wb_pc_q <= pc_id_i;
wb_compressed_q <= instr_is_compressed_id_i;
wb_count_q <= instr_perf_count_id_i;
// added for floating point registers for wb stage
fp_rf_we_wb_q <= fp_rf_wen_id_i;
fp_load_q <= fp_load_i;
assign rf_waddr_wb_o = rf_waddr_wb_q;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] = rf_wdata_wb_q;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] = rf_we_wb_q & wb_valid_q;
assign fp_rf_waddr_wb_o = rf_waddr_wb_q; // no seperate datapath for rd address
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] = rf_wdata_wb_q; // no seperate datapath for data bus
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] = fp_rf_we_wb_q & wb_valid_q;
assign ready_wb_o = ~wb_valid_q | wb_done;
// Instruction in writeback will be writing to register file if either rf_we is set or writeback
// is awaiting load data. This is used for determining RF read hazards in ID/EX
assign rf_write_wb_o = wb_valid_q & (rf_we_wb_q | (wb_instr_type_q == WB_INSTR_LOAD));
assign fp_rf_write_wb_o = wb_valid_q & (fp_rf_we_wb_q | (wb_instr_type_q == WB_INSTR_LOAD));
assign outstanding_load_wb_o = wb_valid_q & (wb_instr_type_q == WB_INSTR_LOAD);
assign outstanding_store_wb_o = wb_valid_q & (wb_instr_type_q == WB_INSTR_STORE);
assign pc_wb_o = wb_pc_q;
assign instr_done_wb_o = wb_valid_q & wb_done;
// Increment instruction retire counters for valid instructions which are not lsu errors
assign perf_instr_ret_wb_o = instr_done_wb_o & wb_count_q &
~(lsu_resp_valid_i & lsu_resp_err_i);
assign perf_instr_ret_compressed_wb_o = perf_instr_ret_wb_o & wb_compressed_q;
// Forward data that will be written to the RF back to ID to resolve data hazards. The flopped
// rf_wdata_wb_q is used rather than rf_wdata_wb_o as the latter includes read data from memory
// that returns too late to be used on the forwarding path.
assign rf_wdata_fwd_wb_o = rf_wdata_wb_q;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux[1] = rf_wdata_lsu_i;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[1] = rf_we_lsu_i & ~fp_load_q;
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux[1] = rf_wdata_lsu_i;
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[1] = rf_we_lsu_i & fp_load_q;
end else begin : g_bypass_wb
// without writeback stage just pass through register write signals
assign rf_waddr_wb_o = rf_waddr_id_i;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] = rf_wdata_id_i;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] = rf_we_id_i;
// for floating point unit
assign fp_rf_waddr_wb_o = rf_waddr_id_i; // no seperate datapath for rd address
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] = rf_wdata_id_i; // no seperate datapath for data bus
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] = fp_rf_wen_id_i;
// Increment instruction retire counters for valid instructions which are not lsu errors
assign perf_instr_ret_wb_o = instr_perf_count_id_i & en_wb_i &
~(lsu_resp_valid_i & lsu_resp_err_i);
assign perf_instr_ret_compressed_wb_o = perf_instr_ret_wb_o & instr_is_compressed_id_i;
// ready needs to be constant 1 without writeback stage (otherwise ID/EX stage will stall)
assign ready_wb_o = 1'b1;
// Unused Writeback stage only IO & wiring
// Assign inputs and internal wiring to unused signals to satisfy lint checks
// Tie-off outputs to constant values
logic unused_clk;
logic unused_rst;
wb_instr_type_e unused_instr_type_wb;
logic [31:0] unused_pc_id;
assign unused_clk = clk_i;
assign unused_rst = rst_ni;
assign unused_instr_type_wb = instr_type_wb_i;
assign unused_pc_id = pc_id_i;
assign outstanding_load_wb_o = 1'b0;
assign outstanding_store_wb_o = 1'b0;
assign pc_wb_o = '0;
assign rf_write_wb_o = 1'b0;
assign rf_wdata_fwd_wb_o = 32'b0;
assign instr_done_wb_o = 1'b0;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux[1] = rf_wdata_lsu_i;
assign rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[1] = rf_we_lsu_i & ~fp_load_i;
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux[1] = rf_wdata_lsu_i;
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[1] = rf_we_lsu_i & fp_load_i;
// RF write data can come from ID results (all RF writes that aren't because of loads will come
// from here) or the LSU (RF writes for load data)
assign rf_wdata_wb_o = (rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0]) ? rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] :
assign rf_we_wb_o = |rf_wdata_wb_mux_we;
assign fp_rf_wdata_wb_o = fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] ? fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] :
assign fp_rf_wen_wb_o = |fp_rf_wdata_wb_mux_we;