Move sram_clk to user_project_wrapper
diff --git a/openlane/openram_testchip/config.tcl b/openlane/openram_testchip/config.tcl
index de26d8b..3c81ce3 100644
--- a/openlane/openram_testchip/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/openram_testchip/config.tcl
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
 set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) "$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/openram_defines.v \
-set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/openram_testchip.sdc"
+#set ::env(BASE_SDC_FILE) "$script_dir/openram_testchip.sdc"
-set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "clk"
-set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "clk sram_clk"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "la_clk"
+set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "clk"
 #set ::env(CLOCK_NET) ""
 set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "20"
 set ::env(IO_PCT) 0.1
 set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
-set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 400 2600"
+set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 400 2400"
 set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) 0
 set ::env(VDD_NETS) [list {vccd1} {vccd2} {vdda1} {vdda2}]
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 #set ::env(SYNTH_NO_FLAT) 1
 set ::env(GLB_RT_ADJUSTMENT) 0.20
 set ::env(RUN_KLAYOUT_DRC) 0
-set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.40
+set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.25
 # This doesn't check for supply connectivity:
 set ::env(FP_PDN_CHECK_NODES) 0
diff --git a/openlane/openram_testchip/openram_testchip.sdc b/openlane/openram_testchip/openram_testchip.sdc
index 644e49a..5f91463 100644
--- a/openlane/openram_testchip/openram_testchip.sdc
+++ b/openlane/openram_testchip/openram_testchip.sdc
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
 # correct resetn
 set_input_delay $input_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(CLOCK_PORT)] $all_inputs_wo_clk_rst
 #set_input_delay 0.0 -clock [get_clocks $::env(CLOCK_PORT)] {resetn}
+#set clk_indx [lsearch [all_outputs] [get_port sram*_clk]]
+#set all_outputs_wo_clk [lreplace [all_outputs] $clk_indx $clk_indx]
+#set_output_delay $output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(CLOCK_PORT)] $all_outputs_wo_clk
 set_output_delay $output_delay_value  -clock [get_clocks $::env(CLOCK_PORT)] [all_outputs]
 # TODO set this as parameter
diff --git a/openlane/openram_testchip/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/openram_testchip/pin_order.cfg
index 2031dcb..9402f88 100644
--- a/openlane/openram_testchip/pin_order.cfg
+++ b/openlane/openram_testchip/pin_order.cfg
@@ -8,39 +8,23 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
index f40c1d4..4b6844c 100755
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v "
 ## Clock configurations
-set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "user_clock2"
-set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "wb_clk_i"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "la_sram_clk"
+set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "sram_clk"
 set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
index 9a9ef9c..ed4bc40 100644
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@
 # 823 x 335
 SRAM8 2000 2600 N
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/openram_testchip.v b/verilog/rtl/openram_testchip.v
index f8aa54e..8dbb34d 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/openram_testchip.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/openram_testchip.v
@@ -16,50 +16,48 @@
 			input         in_select,
 			input         la_clk,
-			input         la_sram_clk,
 			input         la_in_load, 
 			input         la_sram_load,
 			input  [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] la_data_in,
 			// GPIO bit to clock control register
 			input         gpio_clk,
 			input         gpio_in,
-			input         gpio_sram_clk,
 			input         gpio_scan,
 			input         gpio_sram_load,
 			// SRAM data outputs to be captured
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_dout1,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_dout0,
-			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_dout1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data1,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data0,
+			input  [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data1,
 			// Shared control/data to the SRAMs
 			output reg [`ADDR_SIZE-1:0] left_addr0,
@@ -83,70 +81,17 @@
 			// One CSB for each SRAM
 			output [`MAX_CHIPS-1:0] right_csb0,
-			// Clocks for each SRAM
-			output reg sram0_clk,
-			output reg sram1_clk,
-			output reg sram2_clk,
-			output reg sram3_clk,
-			output reg sram4_clk,
-			output reg sram5_clk,
-			output reg sram6_clk,
-			output reg sram7_clk,
-			output reg sram8_clk,
-			output reg sram9_clk,
-			output reg sram10_clk,
-			output reg sram11_clk,
-			output reg sram12_clk,
-			output reg sram13_clk,
-			output reg sram14_clk,
-			output reg sram15_clk,
 			output reg [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] la_data_out,
 			output reg gpio_out
    reg clk;
-   reg sram_clk;
 // Store input instruction
    reg [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] sram_register;
    reg 		       csb0_temp;
    reg 		       csb1_temp;
-// Hold dout from SRAM
-// clocked by SRAM clk
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data1;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data0;
-   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data1;
    // Mux output to connect final output data
    // into sram_register
    reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] read_data0;
@@ -167,23 +112,6 @@
 //Selecting clock pin
 always @(*) begin
     clk = in_select ? gpio_clk : la_clk;
-    sram_clk = in_select ? gpio_sram_clk : la_sram_clk;
-    sram0_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram1_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram2_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram3_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram4_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram5_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram6_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram7_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram8_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram9_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram10_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram11_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram12_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram13_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram14_clk = sram_clk;
-    sram15_clk = sram_clk;
 always @ (posedge clk) begin
@@ -222,88 +150,15 @@
    left_addr1 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE-1:`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2];
    left_din1 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`WMASK_SIZE+2];
-   left_csb1_temp = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1];
+   csb1_temp = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1];
    left_web1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE];
    left_wmask1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE-1:0];
 // Apply the correct CSB
 always @(*) begin
-   csb0 = csb0_temp << chip_select;
-   csb1 = csb1_temp << chip_select;
-// Store dout of each SRAM  
-always @(posedge sram_clk) begin   
-    if(reset) begin
-       sram0_data0 <= 0;
-       sram0_data1 <= 0;
-       sram1_data0 <= 0;
-       sram1_data1 <= 0;
-       sram2_data0 <= 0;
-       sram2_data1 <= 0;
-       sram3_data0 <= 0;
-       sram3_data1 <= 0;
-       sram4_data0 <= 0;
-       sram4_data1 <= 0;
-       sram5_data0 <= 0;
-       sram5_data1 <= 0;
-       sram6_data0 <= 0;
-       sram6_data1 <= 0;
-       sram7_data0 <= 0;
-       sram7_data1 <= 0;
-       sram8_data0 <= 0;
-       sram8_data1 <= 0;
-       sram9_data0 <= 0;
-       sram9_data1 <= 0;
-       sram10_data0 <= 0;
-       sram10_data1 <= 0;
-       sram11_data0 <= 0;
-       sram11_data1 <= 0;
-       sram12_data0 <= 0;
-       sram12_data1 <= 0;
-       sram13_data0 <= 0;
-       sram13_data1 <= 0;
-       sram14_data0 <= 0;
-       sram14_data1 <= 0;
-       sram15_data0 <= 0;
-       sram15_data1 <= 0;
-    end
-    else begin
-       sram0_data0 <= sram0_dout0;
-       sram0_data1 <= sram0_dout1;
-       sram1_data0 <= sram1_dout0;
-       sram1_data1 <= sram1_dout1;
-       sram2_data0 <= sram2_dout0;
-       sram2_data1 <= sram2_dout1;
-       sram3_data0 <= sram3_dout0;
-       sram3_data1 <= sram3_dout1;
-       sram4_data0 <= sram4_dout0;
-       sram4_data1 <= sram4_dout1;
-       sram5_data0 <= sram5_dout0;
-       sram5_data1 <= sram5_dout1;
-       sram6_data0 <= sram6_dout0;
-       sram6_data1 <= sram6_dout1;
-       sram7_data0 <= sram7_dout0;
-       sram7_data1 <= sram7_dout1;
-       sram8_data0 <= sram8_dout0;
-       sram8_data1 <= sram8_dout1;
-       sram9_data0 <= sram9_dout0;
-       sram9_data1 <= sram9_dout1;
-       sram10_data0 <= sram10_dout0;
-       sram10_data1 <= sram10_dout1;
-       sram11_data0 <= sram11_dout0;
-       sram11_data1 <= sram11_dout1;
-       sram12_data0 <= sram12_dout0;
-       sram12_data1 <= sram12_dout1;
-       sram13_data0 <= sram13_dout0;
-       sram13_data1 <= sram13_dout1;
-       sram14_data0 <= sram14_dout0;
-       sram14_data1 <= sram14_dout1;
-       sram15_data0 <= sram15_dout0;
-       sram15_data1 <= sram15_dout1;
-    end
+   left_csb0 = csb0_temp << chip_select;
+   left_csb1 = csb1_temp << chip_select;
 // Mux value of correct SRAM dout FF to feed into 
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
index d74db1e..5e9e3e5 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
@@ -125,96 +125,97 @@
 wire [31:0] sram14_dout0;
 wire [31:0] sram14_dout1;
+   wire     in_select = io_in[16];
+   wire     in_reset = io_in[15];
+   wire     gpio_clk = io_in[17];
+   wire     gpio_sram_clk = io_in[18];
+   wire     gpio_scan = io_in[19];
+   wire     gpio_sram_load = io_in[20];
+   // Only io_out[21] is output
+   assign io_oeb = ~(1'b1 << 21);
+   // Assign other outputs to 0
+   assign io_out[`MPRJ_IO_PADS:22] = 0;
+   wire     gpio_out;
+   assign io_out[21] = gpio_out;
+   assign io_out[20:0] = 0;
+   wire la_sram_clk = la_data_in[126];
+   reg 	sram_clk;
+always @(*) begin
+    sram_clk = in_select ? gpio_sram_clk : la_sram_clk;
 openram_testchip CONTROL_LOGIC(
-			       .reset(io_in[15]|~wb_rst_i),
-			       .in_select(io_in[16]),
-			       .gpio_clk(io_in[17]),
-			       .gpio_sram_clk(io_in[18]),
-			       .gpio_scan(io_in[19]),
-			       .gpio_sram_load(io_in[20]),
+			       .reset(in_reset|~wb_rst_i),
+			       .in_select(in_select),
+			       .gpio_clk(gpio_clk),
+			       .gpio_scan(gpio_scan),
+			       .gpio_sram_load(gpio_sram_load),
-			       .la_sram_clk(la_data_in[126]),
-			       .gpio_out(io_out[21]),
+			       .gpio_out(gpio_out),
 			       // Shared control/data to the SRAMs
-			       .left_addr0(addr0),
-			       .left_din0(din0),
-			       .left_web0(web0),
-			       .left_wmask0(wmask0),
-			       .left_addr1(addr1),
-			       .left_web1(web1),
-			       .left_wmask1(wmask1),
+			       .left_addr0(left_addr0),
+			       .left_din0(left_din0),
+			       .left_web0(left_web0),
+			       .left_wmask0(left_wmask0),
+			       .left_addr1(left_addr1),
+			       .left_web1(left_web1),
+			       .left_wmask1(left_wmask1),
 			       // One CSB for each SRAM
-			       .left_csb0(csb0),
-			       .left_csb1(csb1),
+			       .left_csb0(left_csb0),
+			       .left_csb1(left_csb1),
 			       // Shared control/data to the SRAMs
-			       .right_addr0(addr0),
-			       .right_din0(din0),
-			       .right_web0(web0),
-			       .right_wmask0(wmask0),
+			       .right_addr0(right_addr0),
+			       .right_din0(right_din0),
+			       .right_web0(right_web0),
+			       .right_wmask0(right_wmask0),
 			       // One CSB for each SRAM
-			       .right_csb0(csb0),
+			       .right_csb0(right_csb0),
-			       // Clocks for each SRAM
-			       .sram0_clk(sram0_clk),
-			       .sram1_clk(sram1_clk),
-			       .sram2_clk(sram2_clk),
-			       .sram3_clk(sram3_clk),
-			       .sram4_clk(sram4_clk),
-			       .sram5_clk(sram5_clk),
-			       .sram6_clk(sram6_clk),
-			       .sram7_clk(sram7_clk),
-			       .sram8_clk(sram8_clk),
-			       .sram9_clk(sram9_clk),
-			       .sram10_clk(sram10_clk),
-			       .sram11_clk(sram11_clk),
-			       .sram12_clk(sram12_clk),
-			       .sram13_clk(sram13_clk),
-			       .sram14_clk(sram14_clk),
-			       .sram15_clk(sram15_clk),
 			       // SRAM data outputs to be captured
-			       .sram0_dout0(sram0_dout0),
-			       .sram0_dout1(sram0_dout1),
-			       .sram1_dout0(sram1_dout0),
-			       .sram1_dout1(sram1_dout1),
-			       .sram2_dout0(sram2_dout0),
-			       .sram2_dout1(sram2_dout1),
-			       .sram3_dout0(sram3_dout0),
-			       .sram3_dout1(sram3_dout1),
-			       .sram4_dout0(sram4_dout0),
-			       .sram4_dout1(sram4_dout1),
-			       .sram5_dout0(sram5_dout0),
-			       .sram5_dout1(sram5_dout1),
-			       .sram6_dout0(sram6_dout0),
-			       .sram6_dout1(sram6_dout1),
-			       .sram7_dout0(sram7_dout0),
-			       .sram7_dout1(sram7_dout1),
-			       .sram8_dout0(sram8_dout0),
-			       .sram8_dout1(sram8_dout1),
-			       .sram9_dout0(sram9_dout0),
-			       .sram9_dout1(sram9_dout1),
-			       .sram10_dout0(sram10_dout0),
-			       .sram10_dout1(sram10_dout1),
-			       .sram11_dout0(sram11_dout0),
-			       .sram11_dout1(sram11_dout1),
-			       .sram12_dout0(sram12_dout0),
-			       .sram12_dout1(sram12_dout1),
-			       .sram13_dout0(sram13_dout0),
-			       .sram13_dout1(sram13_dout1),
-			       .sram14_dout0(sram14_dout0),
-			       .sram14_dout1(sram14_dout1),
-			       .sram15_dout0(sram15_dout0),
-			       .sram15_dout1(sram15_dout1),
+			       .sram0_data0(sram0_data0),
+			       .sram0_data1(sram0_data1),
+			       .sram1_data0(sram1_data0),
+			       .sram1_data1(sram1_data1),
+			       .sram2_data0(sram2_data0),
+			       .sram2_data1(sram2_data1),
+			       .sram3_data0(sram3_data0),
+			       .sram3_data1(sram3_data1),
+			       .sram4_data0(sram4_data0),
+			       .sram4_data1(sram4_data1),
+			       .sram5_data0(sram5_data0),
+			       .sram5_data1(sram5_data1),
+			       .sram6_data0(sram6_data0),
+			       .sram6_data1(sram6_data1),
+			       .sram7_data0(sram7_data0),
+			       .sram7_data1(sram7_data1),
+			       .sram8_data0(sram8_data0),
+			       .sram8_data1(sram8_data1),
+			       .sram9_data0(sram9_data0),
+			       .sram9_data1(sram9_data1),
+			       .sram10_data0(sram10_data0),
+			       .sram10_data1(sram10_data1),
+			       .sram11_data0(sram11_data0),
+			       .sram11_data1(sram11_data1),
+			       .sram12_data0(sram12_data0),
+			       .sram12_data1(sram12_data1),
+			       .sram13_data0(sram13_data0),
+			       .sram13_data1(sram13_data1),
+			       .sram14_data0(sram14_data0),
+			       .sram14_data1(sram14_data1),
+			       .sram15_data0(sram15_data0),
+			       .sram15_data1(sram15_data1)
@@ -268,23 +269,20 @@
    wire [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_dout0;
    wire [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_dout1;
-   // Only io_out[27] is output
-   assign io_oeb = 1'b1 << 21;
 sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_8x1024_8 SRAM0
      `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-      .clk0   (sram0_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (left_csb0[0]),
       .web0   (left_web0),
       .wmask0 (left_wmask0),
       .addr0  (left_addr0),
       .din0   (left_din0),
       .dout0  (sram0_dout0[7:0]),
-      .clk1   (sram0_clk),
+      .clk1   (sram_clk),
       .csb1   (left_csb1[0]),
       .addr1  (left_addr0),
       .dout1  (sram0_dout1[7:0])
@@ -298,14 +296,14 @@
-      .clk0   (sram1_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (left_csb0[1]),
       .web0   (left_web0),
       .wmask0 (left_wmask0),
       .addr0  (left_addr0),
       .din0   (left_din0),
       .dout0  (sram1_dout0),
-      .clk1   (sram1_clk),
+      .clk1   (sram_clk),
       .csb1   (left_csb1[1]),
       .addr1  (left_addr1),
       .dout1  (sram1_dout1)
@@ -317,14 +315,14 @@
-      .clk0   (sram2_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (left_csb0[2]),
       .web0   (left_web0),
       .wmask0 (left_wmask0),
       .addr0  (left_addr0),
       .din0   (left_din0),
       .dout0  (sram2_dout0),
-      .clk1   (sram2_clk),
+      .clk1   (sram_clk),
       .csb1   (left_csb1[2]),
       .addr1  (left_addr1),
       .dout1  (sram2_dout1)
@@ -336,14 +334,14 @@
-      .clk0   (sram3_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (left_csb0[3]),
       .web0   (left_web0),
       .wmask0 (left_wmask0),
       .addr0  (left_addr0),
       .din0   (left_din0),
       .dout0  (sram3_dout0),
-      .clk1   (sram3_clk),
+      .clk1   (sram_clk),
       .csb1   (left_csb1[3]),
       .addr1  (left_addr1),
       .dout1  (sram3_dout1)
@@ -355,14 +353,14 @@
-      .clk0   (sram4_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (left_csb0[4]),
       .web0   (left_web0),
       .wmask0 (left_wmask0),
       .addr0  (left_addr0),
       .din0   (left_din0),
       .dout0  (sram4_dout0),
-      .clk1   (sram4_clk),
+      .clk1   (sram_clk),
       .csb1   (left_csb1[4]),
       .addr1  (left_addr1),
       .dout1  (sram4_dout1)
@@ -375,14 +373,14 @@
 //       .vccd1(vccd1),
 //       .vssd1(vssd1), 
 //       `endif
-//       .clk0   (sram6_clk),
+//       .clk0   (sram_clk),
 //       .csb0   (csb0[6]),
 //       .web0   (web0),
 //       .wmask0 (wmask0),
 //       .addr0  (addr0),
 //       .din0   (din0),
 //       .dout0  (sram6_dout0),
-//       .clk1   (sram6_clk),
+//       .clk1   (sram_clk),
 //       .csb1   (csb1[6]),
 //       .addr1  (addr1),
 //       .dout1  (sram6_dout1)
@@ -397,7 +395,7 @@
-      .clk0   (sram8_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (right_csb0[8]),
       .web0   (right_web0),
       .wmask0 (right_wmask0),
@@ -413,7 +411,7 @@
-      .clk0   (sram9_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (right_csb0[9]),
       .web0   (right_web0),
       .wmask0 (right_wmask0),
@@ -429,7 +427,7 @@
-      .clk0   (sram10_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (right_csb0[10]),
       .web0   (right_web0),
       .wmask0 (right_wmask0),
@@ -439,13 +437,14 @@
    assign sram10_dout1 = 0;
+   wire [63:0] temp_sram11_dout0;
 sram_1rw0r0w_64_512_sky130 SRAM11
       `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-      .clk0   (sram11_clk),
+      .clk0   (sram_clk),
       .csb0   (right_csb0[11]),
       .web0   (right_web0),
       .wmask0 (right_wmask0),
@@ -453,11 +452,117 @@
       .din0   ({right_din0[31:16], 32'd0, right_din0[15:0]}),
       .dout0  (temp_sram11_dout0)
-   wire [63:0] temp_sram11_dout0;
    assign sram11_dout1 = 0;
    assign sram11_dout0 = {temp_sram11_dout0[64:33], temp_sram11_dout[15:0]};
+// Hold dout from SRAM
+// clocked by SRAM clk
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data1;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data0;
+   reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data1;
+always @(posedge sram_clk) begin
+   if (in_reset) begin
+      sram0_data0 <= 0;
+      sram0_data1 <= 0;
+      sram1_data0 <= 0;
+      sram1_data1 <= 0;
+      sram2_data0 <= 0;
+      sram2_data1 <= 0;
+      sram3_data0 <= 0;
+      sram3_data1 <= 0;
+      sram4_data0 <= 0;
+      sram4_data1 <= 0;
+      // sram5_data0 <= 0;
+      // sram5_data1 <= 0;
+      // sram6_data0 <= 0;
+      // sram6_data1 <= 0;
+      // sram7_data0 <= 0;
+      // sram7_data1 <= 0;
+      sram8_data0 <= 0;
+      sram8_data1 <= 0;
+      sram9_data0 <= 0;
+      sram9_data1 <= 0;
+      sram10_data0 <= 0;
+      sram10_data1 <= 0;
+      sram11_data0 <= 0;
+      sram11_data1 <= 0;
+      sram12_data0 <= 0;
+      sram12_data1 <= 0;
+      sram13_data0 <= 0;
+      sram13_data1 <= 0;
+      sram14_data0 <= 0;
+      sram14_data1 <= 0;
+      sram15_data0 <= 0;
+      sram15_data1 <= 0;
+   end
+   else begin
+       sram0_data0 <= sram0_dout0;
+       sram0_data1 <= sram0_dout1;
+       sram1_data0 <= sram1_dout0;
+       sram1_data1 <= sram1_dout1;
+       sram2_data0 <= sram2_dout0;
+       sram2_data1 <= sram2_dout1;
+       sram3_data0 <= sram3_dout0;
+       sram3_data1 <= sram3_dout1;
+       sram4_data0 <= sram4_dout0;
+       sram4_data1 <= sram4_dout1;
+       // sram5_data0 <= sram5_dout0;
+       // sram5_data1 <= sram5_dout1;
+       // sram6_data0 <= sram6_dout0;
+       // sram6_data1 <= sram6_dout1;
+       // sram7_data0 <= sram7_dout0;
+       // sram7_data1 <= sram7_dout1;
+       sram8_data0 <= sram8_dout0;
+       sram8_data1 <= sram8_dout1;
+       sram9_data0 <= sram9_dout0;
+       sram9_data1 <= sram9_dout1;
+       sram10_data0 <= sram10_dout0;
+       sram10_data1 <= sram10_dout1;
+       sram11_data0 <= sram11_dout0;
+       sram11_data1 <= sram11_dout1;
+       // sram12_data0 <= sram12_dout0;
+       // sram12_data1 <= sram12_dout1;
+       // sram13_data0 <= sram13_dout0;
+       // sram13_data1 <= sram13_dout1;
+       // sram14_data0 <= sram14_dout0;
+       // sram14_data1 <= sram14_dout1;
+       // sram15_data0 <= sram15_dout0;
+       // sram15_data1 <= sram15_dout1;
+   end
 endmodule	// user_project_wrapper