In spite of many errors that still need fixing, this is a major advance
over the previous commit.  All verilog modules are in place more or less
as intended, with various functions such as the housekeeping SPI placed
on user area pads, with the ability to switch to user control from the
configuration.  The pad control bits are local to the pads and loaded
via serial shift register, so that there are not hundreds of control wires
feeding into the user space.  The user has three basic controls over each
pad:  in, out, and outenb.  Two timer/counters and an SPI master have been
added to the SoC.  The SPI master shares I/O with the housekeeping SPI, so
that all housekeeping SPI registers can be accessed from the SoC directly.
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/housekeeping_spi.v b/verilog/rtl/housekeeping_spi.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97bd7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/housekeeping_spi.v
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+// SPI controller for Caravel (PicoSoC)
+// Written by Tim Edwards
+// efabless, inc. September 27, 2020
+// This is a standalone slave SPI for the caravel chip that is
+// intended to be independent of the picosoc and independent
+// of all IP blocks except the power-on-reset.  This SPI has
+// register outputs controlling the functions that critically
+// affect operation of the picosoc and so cannot be accessed
+// from the picosoc itself.  This includes the PLL enables
+// and trim, and the crystal oscillator enable.  It also has
+// a general reset for the picosoc, an IRQ input, a bypass for
+// the entire crystal oscillator and PLL chain, the
+// manufacturer and product IDs and product revision number.
+// To be independent of the 1.8V regulator, the slave SPI is
+// synthesized with the 3V digital library and runs off of
+// the 3V supply.
+// This module is designed to be decoupled from the chip
+// padframe and redirected to the wishbone bus under
+// register control from the management SoC, such that the
+// contents can be accessed from the management core via the
+// SPI master.
+// Caravel defined registers:
+// Register 0:  SPI status and control (unused & reserved)
+// Register 1 and 2:  Manufacturer ID (0x0456) (readonly)
+// Register 3:  Product ID (= 2) (readonly)
+// Register 4-7: Mask revision (readonly) --- Externally programmed
+//	with via programming.  Via programmed with a script to match
+//	each customer ID.
+// Register 8:   PLL enable (1 bit)
+// Register 9:   PLL bypass (1 bit)
+// Register 10:  IRQ (1 bit)
+// Register 11:  reset (1 bit)
+// Register 12:  trap (1 bit) (readonly)
+// Register 13-16:  PLL trim (26 bits)
+// Register 17:	 PLL output select (3 bits)
+// Register 18:	 PLL divider (5 bits)
+module housekeeping_spi(
+`ifdef LVS
+    vdd, vss, 
+    RSTB, SCK, SDI, CSB, SDO, sdo_enb,
+    mgmt_sck, mgmt_sdi, mgmt_csb, mgmt_sdo,
+    pll_dco_ena, pll_div, pll_sel,
+    pll_trim, pll_bypass, irq, reset, trap,
+    mask_rev_in, pass_thru_reset,
+    pass_thru_mgmt_sck, pass_thru_mgmt_csb,
+    pass_thru_mgmt_sdi, pass_thru_mgmt_sdo,
+    pass_thru_user_sck, pass_thru_user_csb,
+    pass_thru_user_sdi, pass_thru_user_sdo
+`ifdef LVS
+    inout vdd;	    // 3.3V supply
+    inout vss;	    // common ground
+    input RSTB;	    // from padframe
+    input SCK;	    // from padframe
+    input SDI;	    // from padframe
+    input CSB;	    // from padframe
+    output SDO;	    // to padframe
+    output sdo_enb; // to padframe
+    input mgmt_sck;    // from management SoC
+    input mgmt_sdi;    // from management SoC
+    input mgmt_csb;    // from management SoC
+    output mgmt_sdo;   // to management SoC
+    output pll_dco_ena;
+    output [4:0] pll_div;
+    output [2:0] pll_sel;
+    output [25:0] pll_trim;
+    output pll_bypass;
+    output irq;
+    output reset;
+    input  trap;
+    input [31:0] mask_rev_in;	// metal programmed;  3.3V domain
+    // Pass-through programming mode for management area SPI flash
+    output pass_thru_reset;
+    output pass_thru_mgmt_sck;
+    output pass_thru_mgmt_csb;
+    output pass_thru_mgmt_sdi;
+    input  pass_thru_mgmt_sdo;
+    // Pass-through programming mode for user area SPI flash
+    output pass_thru_user_sck;
+    output pass_thru_user_csb;
+    output pass_thru_user_sdi;
+    input  pass_thru_user_sdo;
+    reg [25:0] pll_trim;
+    reg [4:0] pll_div;
+    reg [2:0] pll_sel;
+    reg pll_dco_ena;
+    reg pll_bypass;
+    reg reset_reg;
+    reg irq;
+    wire [7:0] odata;
+    wire [7:0] idata;
+    wire [7:0] iaddr;
+    wire trap;
+    wire rdstb;
+    wire wrstb;
+    wire pass_thru_mgmt;		// Mode detected by spi_slave
+    wire pass_thru_mgmt_delay;
+    wire pass_thru_user;		// Mode detected by spi_slave
+    wire pass_thru_user_delay;
+    // Connect to management SoC SPI master when mgmt_csb is low
+    wire loc_sck;
+    wire loc_csb;
+    wire loc_sdi;
+    wire loc_sdo;
+    wire loc_sdoenb;
+    assign loc_csb = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : CSB;
+    assign loc_sck = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? mgmt_sck : SCK;
+    assign loc_sdi = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? mgmt_sdi : SDI;
+    assign mgmt_sdo = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? loc_sdo : 1'b0;
+    assign sdo_enb = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 : loc_sdoenb;
+    // Pass-through mode handling
+    assign pass_thru_mgmt_csb = ~pass_thru_mgmt_delay;
+    assign pass_thru_mgmt_sck = pass_thru_mgmt ? SCK : 1'b0;
+    assign pass_thru_mgmt_sdi = pass_thru_mgmt ? SDI : 1'b0;
+    assign pass_thru_user_csb = ~pass_thru_user_delay;
+    assign pass_thru_user_sck = pass_thru_user ? SCK : 1'b0;
+    assign pass_thru_user_sdi = pass_thru_user ? SDI : 1'b0;
+    assign SDO = pass_thru_mgmt ? pass_thru_mgmt_sdo :
+		 pass_thru_user ? pass_thru_user_sdo : loc_sdo;
+    assign reset = pass_thru_reset ? 1'b1 : reset_reg;
+    // Instantiate the SPI slave module
+    housekeeping_spi_slave U1 (
+	.reset(~RSTB),
+    	.SCK(loc_sck),
+    	.SDI(loc_sdi),
+    	.CSB(loc_csb),
+    	.SDO(loc_sdo),
+    	.sdoenb(loc_sdoenb),
+    	.idata(odata),
+    	.odata(idata),
+    	.oaddr(iaddr),
+    	.rdstb(rdstb),
+    	.wrstb(wrstb),
+    	.pass_thru_mgmt(pass_thru_mgmt),
+    	.pass_thru_mgmt_delay(pass_thru_mgmt_delay),
+    	.pass_thru_user(pass_thru_user),
+    	.pass_thru_user_delay(pass_thru_user_delay),
+    	.pass_thru_reset(pass_thru_reset)
+    );
+    wire [11:0] mfgr_id;
+    wire [7:0]  prod_id;
+    wire [31:0] mask_rev;
+    assign mfgr_id = 12'h456;		// Hard-coded
+    assign prod_id = 8'h10;		// Hard-coded
+    assign mask_rev = mask_rev_in;	// Copy in to out.
+    // Send register contents to odata on SPI read command
+    // All values are 1-4 bits and no shadow registers are required.
+    assign odata = 
+    (iaddr == 8'h00) ? 8'h00 :	// SPI status (fixed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h01) ? {4'h0, mfgr_id[11:8]} :	// Manufacturer ID (fixed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h02) ? mfgr_id[7:0] :	// Manufacturer ID (fixed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h03) ? prod_id :	// Product ID (fixed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h04) ? mask_rev[31:24] :	// Mask rev (metal programmed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h05) ? mask_rev[23:16] :	// Mask rev (metal programmed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h06) ? mask_rev[15:8] :		// Mask rev (metal programmed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h07) ? mask_rev[7:0] :		// Mask rev (metal programmed)
+    (iaddr == 8'h08) ? {7'b0000000, pll_dco_ena} :
+    (iaddr == 8'h09) ? {7'b0000000, pll_bypass} :
+    (iaddr == 8'h0a) ? {7'b0000000, irq} :
+    (iaddr == 8'h0b) ? {7'b0000000, reset} :
+    (iaddr == 8'h0c) ? {7'b0000000, trap} :
+    (iaddr == 8'h0d) ? pll_trim[7:0] :
+    (iaddr == 8'h0e) ? pll_trim[15:8] :
+    (iaddr == 8'h0f) ? pll_trim[23:16] :
+    (iaddr == 8'h10) ? {6'b000000, pll_trim[25:24]} :
+    (iaddr == 8'h11) ? {5'b00000, pll_sel} :
+    (iaddr == 8'h12) ? {3'b000, pll_div} :
+               8'h00;	// Default
+    // Register mapping and I/O to slave module
+    always @(posedge SCK or negedge RSTB) begin
+    if (RSTB == 1'b0) begin
+        // Set trim for PLL at (almost) slowest rate (~90MHz).  However,
+        // pll_trim[12] must be set to zero for proper startup.
+        pll_trim <= 26'b11111111111110111111111111;
+        pll_sel <= 3'b000;
+        pll_div <= 5'b00100;	// Default divide-by-8
+        pll_dco_ena <= 1'b1;	// Default free-running PLL
+        pll_bypass <= 1'b1;		// NOTE: Default bypass mode (don't use PLL)
+        irq <= 1'b0;
+        reset_reg <= 1'b0;
+    end else if (wrstb == 1'b1) begin
+        case (iaddr)
+        8'h08: begin
+             pll_dco_ena <= idata[0];
+               end
+        8'h09: begin
+             pll_bypass <= idata[0];
+               end
+        8'h0a: begin
+             irq <= idata[0];
+               end
+        8'h0b: begin
+             reset_reg <= idata[0];
+               end
+        // Register 0xc is read-only
+        8'h0d: begin
+              pll_trim[7:0] <= idata;
+               end
+        8'h0e: begin
+              pll_trim[15:8] <= idata;
+               end
+        8'h0f: begin
+              pll_trim[23:16] <= idata;
+               end
+        8'h10: begin
+              pll_trim[25:24] <= idata[1:0];
+               end
+        8'h11: begin
+             pll_sel <= idata[2:0];
+               end
+        8'h12: begin
+             pll_div <= idata[4:0];
+               end
+        endcase	// (iaddr)
+    end
+    end
+endmodule	// housekeeping_spi
+// housekeeping_spi_slave.v
+// General purpose SPI slave module for the Caravel chip
+// Written by Tim Edwards
+// efabless, inc., September 28, 2020
+// This file is distributed free and open source
+// SCK ---   Clock input
+// SDI ---   Data  input
+// SDO ---   Data  output
+// CSB ---   Chip  select (sense negative)
+// idata --- Data from chip to transmit out, in 8 bits
+// odata --- Input data to chip, in 8 bits
+// addr  --- Decoded address to upstream circuits
+// rdstb --- Read strobe, tells upstream circuit to supply next byte to idata
+// wrstb --- Write strobe, tells upstream circuit to latch odata.
+// Data format (general purpose):
+// 8 bit format
+// 1st byte:   Command word (see below)
+// 2nd byte:   Address word (register 0 to 255)
+// 3rd byte:   Data word    (value 0 to 255)
+// Command format:
+// 00000000  No operation
+// 10000000  Write until CSB raised
+// 01000000  Read  until CSB raised
+// 11000000  Simultaneous read/write until CSB raised
+// 11000100  Pass-through read/write to management area flash SPI until CSB raised
+// 11000101  Pass-through read/write to user area flash SPI until CSB raised
+// wrnnn000  Read/write as above, for nnn = 1 to 7 bytes, then terminate
+// Lower three bits are reserved for future use.
+// All serial bytes are read and written msb first.
+// Fixed control and status registers
+// Address 0 is reserved and contains flags for SPI mode.  This is
+// currently undefined and is always value 0.
+// Address 1 is reserved and contains manufacturer ID low 8 bits.
+// Address 2 is reserved and contains manufacturer ID high 4 bits.
+// Address 3 is reserved and contains product ID (8 bits).
+// Addresses 4 to 7 are reserved and contain the mask ID (32 bits).
+// Addresses 8 to 255 are available for general purpose use.
+`define COMMAND  3'b000
+`define ADDRESS  3'b001
+`define DATA     3'b010
+`define USERPASS 3'b100
+`define MGMTPASS 3'b101
+module housekeeping_spi_slave(reset, SCK, SDI, CSB, SDO,
+	sdoenb, idata, odata, oaddr, rdstb, wrstb,
+	pass_thru_mgmt, pass_thru_mgmt_delay,
+	pass_thru_user, pass_thru_user_delay, pass_thru_reset);
+    input reset;
+    input SCK;
+    input SDI;
+    input CSB;
+    output SDO;
+    output sdoenb;
+    input [7:0] idata;
+    output [7:0] odata;
+    output [7:0] oaddr;
+    output rdstb;
+    output wrstb; 
+    output pass_thru_mgmt;
+    output pass_thru_mgmt_delay;
+    output pass_thru_user;
+    output pass_thru_user_delay;
+    output pass_thru_reset;
+    reg  [7:0]  addr;
+    reg		wrstb;
+    reg		rdstb;
+    reg		sdoenb;
+    reg  [2:0]  state;
+    reg  [2:0]  count;
+    reg		writemode;
+    reg		readmode;
+    reg  [2:0]	fixed;
+    wire [7:0]  odata;
+    reg  [6:0]  predata;
+    wire [7:0]  oaddr;
+    reg  [7:0]  ldata;
+    reg		pass_thru_mgmt;
+    reg		pass_thru_mgmt_delay;
+    reg		pre_pass_thru_mgmt;
+    reg		pass_thru_user;
+    reg		pass_thru_user_delay;
+    reg		pre_pass_thru_user;
+    wire	csb_reset;
+    assign odata = {predata, SDI};
+    assign oaddr = (state == `ADDRESS) ? {addr[6:0], SDI} : addr;
+    assign SDO = ldata[7];
+    assign csb_reset = CSB | reset;
+    assign pass_thru_reset = pass_thru_mgmt_delay | pre_pass_thru_mgmt;
+    // Readback data is captured on the falling edge of SCK so that
+    // it is guaranteed valid at the next rising edge.
+    always @(negedge SCK or posedge csb_reset) begin
+        if (csb_reset == 1'b1) begin
+            wrstb <= 1'b0;
+            ldata  <= 8'b00000000;
+            sdoenb <= 1'b1;
+        end else begin
+            // After CSB low, 1st SCK starts command
+            if (state == `DATA) begin
+            	if (readmode == 1'b1) begin
+                    sdoenb <= 1'b0;
+                    if (count == 3'b000) begin
+                	ldata <= idata;
+                    end else begin
+                	ldata <= {ldata[6:0], 1'b0};	// Shift out
+                    end
+                end else begin
+                    sdoenb <= 1'b1;
+                end
+                // Apply write strobe on SCK negative edge on the next-to-last
+                // data bit so that it updates data on the rising edge of SCK
+                // on the last data bit.
+                if (count == 3'b111) begin
+                    if (writemode == 1'b1) begin
+                        wrstb <= 1'b1;
+                    end
+                end else begin
+                    wrstb <= 1'b0;
+                end
+	    end else if (state == `MGMTPASS || state == `USERPASS) begin
+		wrstb <= 1'b0;
+		sdoenb <= 1'b0;
+            end else begin
+                wrstb <= 1'b0;
+                sdoenb <= 1'b1;
+            end		// ! state `DATA
+        end		// ! csb_reset
+    end			// always @ ~SCK
+    always @(posedge SCK or posedge csb_reset) begin
+        if (csb_reset == 1'b1) begin
+            // Default state on reset
+            addr <= 8'h00;
+            rdstb <= 1'b0;
+            predata <= 7'b0000000;
+            state  <= `COMMAND;
+            count  <= 3'b000;
+            readmode <= 1'b0;
+            writemode <= 1'b0;
+            fixed <= 3'b000;
+	    pass_thru_mgmt <= 1'b0;
+	    pass_thru_mgmt_delay <= 1'b0;
+	    pre_pass_thru_mgmt <= 1'b0;
+	    pass_thru_user = 1'b0;
+	    pass_thru_user_delay <= 1'b0;
+	    pre_pass_thru_user <= 1'b0;
+        end else begin
+            // After csb_reset low, 1st SCK starts command
+            if (state == `COMMAND) begin
+                rdstb <= 1'b0;
+                count <= count + 1;
+        	if (count == 3'b000) begin
+	            writemode <= SDI;
+	        end else if (count == 3'b001) begin
+	            readmode <= SDI;
+	        end else if (count < 3'b101) begin
+	            fixed <= {fixed[1:0], SDI}; 
+	        end else if (count < 3'b110) begin
+		    pass_thru_mgmt_delay <= pre_pass_thru_mgmt;
+		    pass_thru_user_delay <= pre_pass_thru_user;
+	        end else if (count == 3'b111) begin
+		    if (pre_pass_thru_mgmt == 1'b1) begin
+			state <= `MGMTPASS;
+			pre_pass_thru_mgmt <= 1'b0;
+		    end else if (pre_pass_thru_user == 1'b1) begin
+			state <= `USERPASS;
+			pre_pass_thru_user <= 1'b0;
+		    end else begin
+	                state <= `ADDRESS;
+		    end
+	        end
+            end else if (state == `ADDRESS) begin
+	        count <= count + 1;
+	        addr <= {addr[6:0], SDI};
+	        if (count == 3'b111) begin
+	            if (readmode == 1'b1) begin
+	            	rdstb <= 1'b1;
+	            end
+	            state <= `DATA;
+	        end else begin
+	            rdstb <= 1'b0;
+	        end
+            end else if (state == `DATA) begin
+	        predata <= {predata[6:0], SDI};
+	        count <= count + 1;
+	        if (count == 3'b111) begin
+	            if (fixed == 3'b001) begin
+	                state <= `COMMAND;
+	            end else if (fixed != 3'b000) begin
+	                fixed <= fixed - 1;
+	                addr <= addr + 1;	// Auto increment address (fixed)
+	            end else begin	
+	                addr <= addr + 1;	// Auto increment address (streaming)
+	            end
+	        end else begin
+	            rdstb <= 1'b0;
+	        end
+            end		// ! state `DATA
+        end		// ! csb_reset 
+    end			// always @ SCK
+endmodule // housekeeping_spi_slave