Rework compress/uncompress targets

- now users can define their own COMPRESS/UNCOMPRESS commands
- by default any compressed files that are still larger than 100 MB will
  be split automatically to avoid the need for LFS storage
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 52964a6..a060310 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -16,13 +16,31 @@
 # cannot commit files larger than 100 MB to GitHub
+# Commands to be used to compress/uncompress files
+# they must operate **in place** (otherwise, modify the target to delete the
+# intermediate file/archive)
+COMPRESS ?= gzip -n --best
+UNCOMPRESS ?= gzip -d
+# The following variables are to build static pattern rules
+# Needed to rebuild archives that were previously split
+SPLIT_FILES := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.$(ARCHIVE_EXT).00.split")
+SPLIT_FILES_SOURCES := $(basename $(basename $(basename $(SPLIT_FILES))))
+# Needed to uncompress the existing archives
+ARCHIVES := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.$(ARCHIVE_EXT)")
+# Needed to compress and split files/archives that are too large
 LARGE_FILES := $(shell find ./gds -type f -name "*.gds")
 LARGE_FILES += $(shell find . -type f -size +$(FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MB)M -not -path "./.git/*" -not -path "./gds/*" -not -path "./openlane/*")
-LARGE_FILES_GZ := $(addsuffix .gz, $(LARGE_FILES))
-ARCHIVES := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.gz")
+LARGE_FILES_GZ_SPLIT := $(addsuffix .$(ARCHIVE_EXT).00.split, $(LARGE_FILES))
+# consider splitting existing archives
+LARGE_FILES_GZ_SPLIT += $(addsuffix .00.split, $(ARCHIVES))
 # PDK setup configs
 THREADS ?= $(shell nproc)
@@ -61,25 +79,43 @@
-$(LARGE_FILES_GZ): %.gz: %
-	@if ! [ $(suffix $<) == ".gz" ]; then\
-		gzip -n --best $< > /dev/null &&\
+	@if ! [ $(suffix $<) == ".$(ARCHIVE_EXT)" ]; then\
+		$(COMPRESS) $< > /dev/null &&\
 		echo "$< -> $@";\
+	@if [ -n "$$(find "$<" -prune -size +$(FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MB)M)" ]; then\
+		split $< -b $(FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MB)M $<. -d --additional-suffix=.split &&\
+		rm $< &&\
+		echo -n "$< -> $$(ls $<.*.split)" | tr '\n' ' ' && echo "";\
+	fi
 # This target compresses all files larger than $(FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MB) MB
 .PHONY: compress
-compress: $(LARGE_FILES_GZ)
 	@echo "Files larger than $(FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MB) MBytes are compressed!"
-$(ARCHIVE_SOURCES): %: %.gz
-	@gzip -d $< &&\
-	echo "$< -> $@";\
+	@echo "$< -> $@"
+$(SPLIT_FILES_SOURCES): %: $$(sort $$(wildcard %.$(ARCHIVE_EXT).*.split))
+	@cat $? > $@.$(ARCHIVE_EXT)
+	@rm $?
+	@echo "$? -> $@.$(ARCHIVE_EXT)"
+	@echo "$@.$(ARCHIVE_EXT) -> $@"
 .PHONY: uncompress
-uncompress: $(ARCHIVE_SOURCES)
 	@echo "All files are uncompressed!"
@@ -189,7 +225,7 @@
 	@$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$'
 .PHONY: pdk
 pdk: skywater-pdk skywater-library skywater-timing open_pdks build-pdk