[DV] Updated spi_sysctrl_wb unit test
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb_utests/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb_utests/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.v
index 4eca16a..99cb008 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/wb_utests/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.v
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb_utests/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.v
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
 `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
-`include "spi_sysctrl.v"
-`include "striVe_spi.v"
+`include "simple_spi_master.v"
 module spi_sysctrl_wb_tb;
@@ -36,41 +35,8 @@
 	wire wb_ack_o;
 	wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
-    wire [7:0] spi_ro_config; // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ? 
-    wire [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div; 
-    wire [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel;
-    wire spi_ro_xtal_ena;
-    wire spi_ro_reg_ena; 
-    wire [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim;
-    wire spi_ro_pll_dco_ena;
-    wire [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id;
-    wire [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id;
-    wire [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev;
-    wire spi_ro_pll_bypass;
-    // HKSPI
-    reg RSTB;	    
-    reg SCK;	   
-    reg SDI;	    
-    reg CSB;	    
-    reg trap;
-    reg [3:0] mask_rev_in;	
-    wire SDO;	  
-    wire sdo_enb;
-    wire xtal_ena;
-    wire reg_ena;
-    wire pll_dco_ena;
-    wire [25:0] pll_trim;
-    wire [2:0] pll_sel;
-    wire [4:0] pll_div;
-    wire pll_bypass;
-    wire irq;
-    wire reset;
-    wire RST;
-    wire [11:0] mfgr_id;
-    wire [7:0] prod_id;
-    wire [3:0] mask_rev;
+    reg [31:0] spi_cfg_data;
+    reg [31:0] spi_data;
     initial begin
         wb_clk_i = 0; 
@@ -81,22 +47,13 @@
         wb_we_i  = 0;  
         wb_dat_i = 0; 
         wb_adr_i = 0; 
-        CSB = 1;
-        SCK = 0;
-        SDI = 0;
-        RSTB = 0; 
     always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
-    // System Control Default Register Addresses (Read-only reg)
-    wire [31:0] spi_cfg         = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_CFG; // unused & reserved ? 
-    wire [31:0] spi_ena         = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_ENA;
-    wire [31:0] spi_pll_cfg     = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_PLL_CFG;
-    wire [31:0] spi_mfgr_id     = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_MFGR_ID;
-    wire [31:0] spi_prod_id     = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_PROD_ID;
-    wire [31:0] spi_mask_rev    = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_MASK_REV;
-    wire [31:0] spi_pll_bypass  = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_PLL_BYPASS;
+    // SPI Control Register Addresses
+    wire [31:0] spi_cfg  = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.CONFIG; 
+    wire [31:0] spi_data_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.DATA;
     initial begin
@@ -115,56 +72,32 @@
     initial begin   
         // Reset Operation
         wb_rst_i = 1;
-        RSTB = 0;       // active low reset
         wb_rst_i = 0;
-        RSTB = 1; 
+        #10;
+        // Write to SPI_CFG
+        spi_cfg_data = {16'd0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0,
+            1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 8'd2};
+        write(spi_cfg, spi_cfg_data);
-        // Read mask_rev register
-        mask_rev_in = 4'hF;
-        read(spi_mask_rev);
-        if (wb_dat_o !== {28'd0, mask_rev_in}) begin
-            $display("Error reading mask_rev reg");
+        // Read from SPI_CFG
+        read(spi_cfg);
+        if (wb_dat_o !== spi_cfg_data) begin
+            $display("Error reading spi_cfg reg");
-        // Read manufacture id register
-        read(spi_mfgr_id);
-        if (wb_dat_o !== {20'd0, 12'h456}) begin
-            $display("Error reading manufacture id reg");
+        // Read default value of SPI_DATA
+        spi_data = 32'h00FF;
+        read(spi_data_adr);
+        if (wb_dat_o !== spi_data) begin
+            $display("Error reading data register reg");
-        // Read product id register
-        read(spi_prod_id);
-        if (wb_dat_o !== {24'd0, 8'h05}) begin
-            $display("Error reading product id reg");
-            $finish;
-        end
-        // Read PLL-Bypass register
-        read(spi_pll_bypass);
-        if (wb_dat_o !== {31'd0, 1'b1}) begin
-            $display("Error reading pll bypass id reg");
-            $finish;
-        end
-        // Read PLL-Configuration register
-        read(spi_pll_cfg);
-        if (wb_dat_o !== {5'd0, spi_ro_pll_trim, spi_ro_pll_dco_ena}) begin
-            $display("Error reading pll bypass id reg");
-            $finish;
-        end
-        // Read SPI Enables register
-        read(spi_ena);
-        if (wb_dat_o !== {22'd0, spi_ro_pll_div, spi_ro_pll_sel, spi_ro_xtal_ena, spi_ro_reg_ena}) begin
-            $display("Error reading pll bypass id reg");
-            $finish;
-        end                
-        $display ("Monitor: Test SPI System Control Passed!");
+        $display ("Monitor: Test SPI-SYSCTRL WB Passed");
@@ -180,14 +113,35 @@
             // Wait for an ACK
             wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
-            wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
-            wb_cyc_i = 0;
-            wb_stb_i = 0;
+            #2;
+            wb_adr_i = 0;
             $display("Monitor: Read Cycle Ended.");
-    spi_sysctrl_wb uut(
+    task write;
+        input [32:0] addr;
+        input [32:0] data;
+        begin 
+            @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+                wb_stb_i = 1;
+                wb_cyc_i = 1;
+                wb_sel_i = 4'hF; 
+                wb_we_i = 1;     
+                wb_adr_i = addr;
+                wb_dat_i = data;
+                $display("Write Cycle Started.");
+            end
+            // Wait for an ACK
+            wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+            #2;
+            wb_adr_i = 0;
+            wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+            $display("Write Cycle Ended.");
+        end
+    endtask
+    simple_spi_master_wb uut(
@@ -198,46 +152,6 @@
-	    .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o),
-        .spi_ro_config(spi_ro_config), // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ? 
-        .spi_ro_pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div), 
-        .spi_ro_pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel),
-        .spi_ro_xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena),
-        .spi_ro_reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena), 
-        .spi_ro_pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim),
-        .spi_ro_pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena),  
-        .spi_ro_mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id),
-        .spi_ro_prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id), 
-        .spi_ro_mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev), 
-        .pll_bypass(spi_ro_pll_bypass)
+	    .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o)
-    striVe_spi hkspi (
-		.SCK(SCK),
-		.SDI(SDI),
-		.CSB(CSB),
-		.SDO(SDO),
-		.sdo_enb(SDO_enb),
-		.xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena),
-		.reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena),
-		.pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena),
-		.pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel),
-		.pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div),
-		.pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim),
-		.pll_bypass(spi_ro_pll_bypass),
-		.irq(irq_spi),
-		.RST(por),
-		.reset(ext_reset),
-		.trap(trap),
-		.mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id),
-		.prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id),
-		.mask_rev_in(mask_rev_in),
-		.mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev)
-    );
\ No newline at end of file