blob: 7d34f34384ab971cfffd9a5c1824f9285161a1ca [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "decred_defines.v"
module controller (
input wire EXT_RESET_N_fromHost,
input wire SCLK_fromHost,
input wire M1_CLK,
input wire SPI_CLK,
input wire SCSN_fromHost,
input wire MOSI_fromHost,
input wire MISO_fromClient,
input wire IRQ_OUT_fromClient,
input wire ID_fromClient,
output wire SCSN_toClient,
output wire SCLK_toClient,
output wire MOSI_toClient,
output wire EXT_RESET_N_toClient,
output wire ID_toHost,
output wire CLK_LED,
output wire MISO_toHost,
output wire HASH_LED,
output wire IRQ_OUT_toHost,
output wire hash_clock_reset
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Pass-through wires
wire rst_local;
wire sclk_local;
wire scsn_local;
wire mosi_local;
wire miso_local;
wire irq_local;
wire address_stobe;
wire write_enable;
wire [6:0] setSPIAddr;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Heartbeat output
reg [23:1] counter;
always @(posedge M1_CLK)
if (rst_local)
counter <= 0;
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
assign CLK_LED = counter[23];
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// SPI deserializer
wire start_of_transfer;
wire end_of_transfer;
wire [7:0] mosi_data_out;
wire mosi_data_ready;
wire miso_data_request;
wire [7:0] miso_data_in;
spi spiBlock(
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// SPI pass through
spi_passthrough spiPassBlock(
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Interface to addressalyzer
wire [14:0] address;
wire regFile_read_strobe;
wire regFile_write_strobe;
addressalyzer addressalyzerBlock (
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Interface to regfile
regBank regBankBlock (
endmodule // decred