added maglef files
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48f3735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+export PDK_ROOT=~/foss/pdks/open_pdks/sky130;
+export MAGTYPE=maglef ;
+export PDKPATH=$PDK_ROOT/sky130A ;
+export MAGIC=magic
+$MAGIC -rcfile $PDKPATH/ -dnull -noconsole <<EOF
+drc off
+load $1.mag
+select top cell
+lef write $1.lef
+quit -noprompt
+$MAGIC -rcfile $PDKPATH/ -dnull -noconsole << EOX
+drc off
+lef read $1.lef
+load $1
+save $1.lef.mag
+#writeall force $1.lef.mag
+ # copy GDS properties from the MAG view into the MAGLEF view
+ set gds_properties [list]
+ set fp [open $1.mag r]
+ set mag_lines [split [read \$fp] "\n"]
+ foreach line \$mag_lines {
+ if { [string first "string GDS_" \$line] != -1 } {
+ lappend gds_properties \$line
+ }
+ }
+ close \$fp
+ set fp [open $1.lef.mag r]
+ set mag_lines [split [read \$fp] "\n"]
+ set new_mag_lines [list]
+ foreach line \$mag_lines {
+ if { [string first "<< end >>" \$line] != -1 } {
+ lappend new_mag_lines [join \$gds_properties "\n"]
+ }
+ lappend new_mag_lines \$line
+ }
+ close \$fp
+ set fp [open $1.lef.mag w]
+ puts \$fp [join \$new_mag_lines "\n"]
+ close \$fp
+mv -f $1.lef.mag ../maglef/$1.mag
+rm -f $1.lef