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# CIIC Harness
A template SoC for Google SKY130 free shuttles. It is still WIP. The current SoC architecture is given below.
<p align=”center”>
<img src="/doc/ciic_harness.png" width="75%" height="75%">
## Getting Started:
Start by cloning the repo and uncompressing the files.
git clone
cd caravel
make uncompress
Then, you can learn more about the caravel chip by watching these video:
- Caravel User Project Features --
- Aboard Caravel -- How to put your design on Caravel? --
- Things to Clarify About Caravel -- What versions to use with Caravel? --
## Managment SoC
The managment SoC runs firmware that can be used to:
- Configure Mega Project I/O pads
- Observe and control Mega Project signals (through on-chip logic analyzer probes)
- Control the Mega Project power supply
The memory map of the management SoC can be found [here](verilog/rtl/README)
## Mega Project Area
This is the user space. It has limited silicon area (TBD, about 3.1mm x 3.8mm) as well as a fixed number of I/O pads (37) and power pads (10). See [the Caravel premliminary datasheet](doc/caravel_datasheet.pdf) for details.
The repository contains a [sample mega project](/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v) that contains a binary 32-bit up counter. </br>
<p align=”center”>
<img src="/doc/counter_32.png" width="50%" height="50%">
The firmware running on the Management Area SoC, configures the I/O pads used by the counter and uses the logic probes to observe/control the counter. Three firmware examples are provided:
1. Configure the Mega Project I/O pads as o/p. Observe the counter value in the testbench: [IO_Ports Test](verilog/dv/caravel/user_proj_example/io_ports).
2. Configure the Mega Project I/O pads as o/p. Use the Chip LA to load the counter and observe the o/p till it reaches 500: [LA_Test1](verilog/dv/caravel/user_proj_example/la_test1).
3. Configure the Mega Project I/O pads as o/p. Use the Chip LA to control the clock source and reset signals and observe the counter value for five clock cylcles: [LA_Test2](verilog/dv/caravel/user_proj_example/la_test2).