tree: d86e1a5eaf4ae5a88bfa190d91bae072a8fab2a3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. config_block_cells.tcl
  2. config_block_flat.tcl
  3. Makefile
  4. pdn_cells.tcl
  5. pin_order.cfg

Templates for OpenLane configuration files

Several files are used for each possible project to be included in the Caravel chip. One is a Verilog file that is used to generate user_proj_example.gds (the name must be this as it is what user_project_wrapper expects) and another is a Tcl configuration file that must be copied to ../openlane/user_proj_example/config.tcl so openlane can do its job.

Other files are pdn.tcl and pin_order.cfg.


/verilog/morphle/user_proj_block.v is invoked from config_block.tcl (which gets renamed when copied to /openlane/user_proj_example/) and connects a single 16x16 yblock cells to the Caravel logic analyzer pins. It also attaches a dummy circuit to the Wishbone interface, but leaves all io pins dangling (so ignore warnings about that).


/verilog/morphle/user_proj_block.v is invoked from config_block2.tcl (which gets renamed when copied to /openlane/user_proj_example/) and connects a single 16x16 yblock cells to the Caravel logic analyzer pins. It also attaches a dummy circuit to the Wishbone interface, but leaves all io pins dangling (so ignore warnings about that). In this version the ycell has been hardned and the yblock is build from that.