Revised the user_id_programming layout to have contact areas over
both HI and LO positions on every conb cell, so that the GDS can
be manipulated by moving the vias around to get the correct GDS
for any given 32-bit user ID.
diff --git a/mag/user_id_programming.mag b/mag/user_id_programming.mag
index a9a5a60..5b9cb1b 100644
--- a/mag/user_id_programming.mag
+++ b/mag/user_id_programming.mag
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
tech sky130A
magscale 1 2
-timestamp 1606333889
-<< checkpaint >>
-rect -1260 -1260 8369 8337
+timestamp 1606755340
+<< nwell >>
+rect 2304 2369 2397 2389
<< viali >>
rect 4353 5117 4387 5151
rect 5273 5117 5307 5151
rect 2145 4641 2179 4675
rect 3249 4641 3283 4675
-rect 3617 4437 3651 4471
-rect 4721 4437 4755 4471
-rect 1593 4233 1627 4267
-rect 4721 4233 4755 4267
-rect 2053 4165 2087 4199
-rect 5549 4165 5583 4199
+rect 3617 4641 3651 4675
+rect 4721 4641 4755 4675
+rect 1593 4029 1627 4063
+rect 2053 4029 2087 4063
rect 4445 4029 4479 4063
+rect 4721 4029 4755 4063
+rect 5549 4029 5583 4063
rect 1685 3553 1719 3587
rect 1961 3553 1995 3587
+rect 2697 3553 2731 3587
+rect 3157 3553 3191 3587
+rect 3433 3553 3467 3587
rect 4261 3553 4295 3587
+rect 4813 3553 4847 3587
rect 5273 3553 5307 3587
-rect 2697 3485 2731 3519
-rect 3433 3417 3467 3451
-rect 3157 3349 3191 3383
-rect 4813 3349 4847 3383
rect 1593 2941 1627 2975
-rect 4813 2465 4847 2499
+rect 4813 2397 4847 2431
rect 5089 2397 5123 2431
-rect 3249 2057 3283 2091
-rect 4077 2057 4111 2091
-rect 5641 2057 5675 2091
-rect 2605 1989 2639 2023
-rect 2881 1921 2915 1955
rect 1593 1853 1627 1887
rect 2145 1853 2179 1887
-rect 1685 1309 1719 1343
-rect 2973 1309 3007 1343
-rect 4629 1309 4663 1343
+rect 2605 1853 2639 1887
+rect 2881 1853 2915 1887
+rect 3249 1853 3283 1887
+rect 4077 1853 4111 1887
+rect 5641 1853 5675 1887
+rect 1685 1377 1719 1411
+rect 2973 1377 3007 1411
+rect 4629 1377 4663 1411
<< metal1 >>
rect 1104 6010 5980 6032
rect 1104 5958 2607 6010
@@ -66,19 +66,23 @@
rect 1104 5392 5980 5414
rect 4062 5108 4068 5160
rect 4120 5148 4126 5160
+rect 4157 5148 4215 5157
rect 4341 5151 4399 5157
rect 4341 5148 4353 5151
rect 4120 5120 4353 5148
rect 4120 5108 4126 5120
+rect 4157 5111 4215 5120
rect 4341 5117 4353 5120
rect 4387 5117 4399 5151
rect 4341 5111 4399 5117
rect 4614 5108 4620 5160
rect 4672 5148 4678 5160
+rect 5077 5148 5135 5157
rect 5261 5151 5319 5157
rect 5261 5148 5273 5151
rect 4672 5120 5273 5148
rect 4672 5108 4678 5120
+rect 5077 5111 5135 5120
rect 5261 5117 5273 5120
rect 5307 5117 5319 5151
rect 5261 5111 5319 5117
@@ -93,8 +97,12 @@
rect 4412 4870 4424 4922
rect 4476 4870 5980 4922
rect 1104 4848 5980 4870
+rect 1949 4672 2007 4681
rect 2133 4675 2191 4681
-rect 2133 4641 2145 4675
+rect 2133 4672 2145 4675
+rect 1949 4644 2145 4672
+rect 1949 4635 2007 4644
+rect 2133 4641 2145 4644
rect 2179 4672 2191 4675
rect 2958 4672 2964 4684
rect 2179 4644 2964 4672
@@ -102,22 +110,37 @@
rect 2133 4635 2191 4641
rect 2958 4632 2964 4644
rect 3016 4632 3022 4684
+rect 3050 4672 3114 4684
rect 3234 4672 3240 4684
-rect 3195 4644 3240 4672
+rect 3050 4644 3240 4672
+rect 3050 4632 3114 4644
rect 3234 4632 3240 4644
rect 3292 4632 3298 4684
-rect 3605 4471 3663 4477
-rect 3605 4437 3617 4471
-rect 3651 4468 3663 4471
+rect 3418 4672 3482 4684
+rect 3602 4675 3666 4684
+rect 3602 4672 3617 4675
+rect 3418 4644 3617 4672
+rect 3418 4632 3482 4644
+rect 3602 4641 3617 4644
+rect 3651 4641 3666 4675
+rect 3602 4632 3666 4641
+rect 4522 4674 4586 4684
+rect 4706 4675 4770 4684
+rect 4706 4674 4721 4675
+rect 4522 4644 4721 4674
+rect 4522 4632 4586 4644
+rect 4706 4641 4721 4644
+rect 4755 4641 4770 4675
+rect 4706 4632 4770 4641
+rect 3620 4468 3648 4632
+rect 4720 4539 4755 4632
+rect 4720 4505 4754 4539
+rect 4720 4480 4755 4505
rect 3878 4468 3884 4480
-rect 3651 4440 3884 4468
-rect 3651 4437 3663 4440
-rect 3605 4431 3663 4437
+rect 3620 4440 3884 4468
rect 3878 4428 3884 4440
rect 3936 4428 3942 4480
-rect 4706 4468 4712 4480
-rect 4667 4440 4712 4468
-rect 4706 4428 4712 4440
+rect 4706 4428 4712 4480
rect 4764 4428 4770 4480
rect 1104 4378 5980 4400
rect 1104 4326 1794 4378
@@ -134,53 +157,67 @@
rect 5225 4326 5237 4378
rect 5289 4326 5980 4378
rect 1104 4304 5980 4326
-rect 1578 4264 1584 4276
-rect 1539 4236 1584 4264
-rect 1578 4224 1584 4236
-rect 1636 4224 1642 4276
rect 3050 4224 3056 4276
rect 3108 4264 3114 4276
-rect 4709 4267 4767 4273
-rect 4709 4264 4721 4267
-rect 3108 4236 4721 4264
+rect 3108 4236 4568 4264
rect 3108 4224 3114 4236
-rect 4709 4233 4721 4236
-rect 4755 4233 4767 4267
-rect 4709 4227 4767 4233
rect 1394 4156 1400 4208
rect 1452 4196 1458 4208
-rect 2041 4199 2099 4205
-rect 2041 4196 2053 4199
-rect 1452 4168 2053 4196
+rect 1452 4168 1902 4196
rect 1452 4156 1458 4168
-rect 2041 4165 2053 4168
-rect 2087 4165 2099 4199
-rect 2041 4159 2099 4165
-rect 5350 4156 5356 4208
-rect 5408 4196 5414 4208
-rect 5537 4199 5595 4205
-rect 5537 4196 5549 4199
-rect 5408 4168 5549 4196
-rect 5408 4156 5414 4168
-rect 5537 4165 5549 4168
-rect 5583 4165 5595 4199
-rect 5537 4159 5595 4165
+rect 1394 4060 1458 4072
+rect 1578 4060 1584 4072
+rect 1394 4032 1584 4060
+rect 1394 4020 1458 4032
+rect 1578 4020 1584 4032
+rect 1636 4020 1642 4072
+rect 1870 4069 1902 4168
rect 2222 4088 2228 4140
rect 2280 4128 2286 4140
-rect 4890 4128 4896 4140
-rect 2280 4100 4896 4128
+rect 2280 4100 3924 4128
rect 2280 4088 2286 4100
-rect 4890 4088 4896 4100
-rect 4948 4088 4954 4140
+rect 1857 4059 1915 4069
+rect 2041 4063 2099 4069
+rect 2041 4059 2053 4063
+rect 1857 4031 2053 4059
+rect 1857 4023 1915 4031
+rect 2041 4029 2053 4031
+rect 2087 4029 2099 4063
+rect 2041 4023 2099 4029
+rect 3896 3992 3924 4100
rect 4062 4020 4068 4072
rect 4120 4060 4126 4072
+rect 4540 4069 4568 4236
+rect 4249 4060 4307 4069
rect 4433 4063 4491 4069
rect 4433 4060 4445 4063
rect 4120 4032 4445 4060
rect 4120 4020 4126 4032
+rect 4249 4023 4307 4032
rect 4433 4029 4445 4032
rect 4479 4029 4491 4063
rect 4433 4023 4491 4029
+rect 4525 4060 4583 4069
+rect 4709 4063 4767 4069
+rect 4709 4060 4721 4063
+rect 4525 4032 4721 4060
+rect 4525 4023 4583 4032
+rect 4709 4029 4721 4032
+rect 4755 4029 4767 4063
+rect 4709 4023 4767 4029
+rect 5350 4020 5356 4072
+rect 5408 4060 5414 4072
+rect 5537 4063 5595 4069
+rect 5537 4060 5549 4063
+rect 5408 4031 5549 4060
+rect 5408 4020 5414 4031
+rect 5537 4029 5549 4031
+rect 5583 4029 5595 4063
+rect 5537 4023 5595 4029
+rect 4890 3992 4896 4004
+rect 3896 3964 4896 3992
+rect 4890 3952 4896 3964
+rect 4948 3952 4954 4004
rect 1104 3834 5980 3856
rect 1104 3782 2607 3834
rect 2659 3782 2671 3834
@@ -201,19 +238,56 @@
rect 4764 3680 4770 3732
rect 5902 3652 5908 3664
rect 1964 3624 5908 3652
+rect 1486 3584 1550 3596
rect 1670 3584 1676 3596
-rect 1631 3556 1676 3584
+rect 1486 3556 1676 3584
+rect 1486 3544 1550 3556
rect 1670 3544 1676 3556
rect 1728 3544 1734 3596
rect 1964 3593 1992 3624
rect 5902 3612 5908 3624
rect 5960 3612 5966 3664
+rect 1765 3584 1823 3593
rect 1949 3587 2007 3593
-rect 1949 3553 1961 3587
+rect 1949 3584 1961 3587
+rect 1765 3556 1961 3584
+rect 1765 3547 1823 3556
+rect 1949 3553 1961 3556
rect 1995 3553 2007 3587
rect 1949 3547 2007 3553
+rect 2501 3586 2559 3593
+rect 2685 3587 2743 3593
+rect 2685 3586 2697 3587
+rect 2501 3555 2697 3586
+rect 2501 3547 2559 3555
+rect 2685 3553 2697 3555
+rect 2731 3586 2743 3587
+rect 2774 3586 2780 3596
+rect 2731 3555 2780 3586
+rect 2731 3553 2743 3555
+rect 2685 3547 2743 3553
+rect 2774 3544 2780 3555
+rect 2832 3544 2838 3596
+rect 2958 3584 3022 3596
+rect 3142 3584 3148 3596
+rect 2958 3556 3148 3584
+rect 2958 3544 3022 3556
+rect 3142 3544 3148 3556
+rect 3200 3544 3206 3596
+rect 3234 3585 3298 3596
+rect 3418 3587 3482 3596
+rect 3418 3585 3433 3587
+rect 3234 3557 3433 3585
+rect 3234 3544 3298 3557
+rect 3418 3553 3433 3557
+rect 3467 3553 3482 3587
+rect 3418 3544 3482 3553
+rect 4065 3584 4123 3593
rect 4249 3587 4307 3593
-rect 4249 3553 4261 3587
+rect 4249 3584 4261 3587
+rect 4065 3556 4261 3584
+rect 4065 3547 4123 3556
+rect 4249 3553 4261 3556
rect 4295 3584 4307 3587
rect 4522 3584 4528 3596
rect 4295 3556 4528 3584
@@ -221,54 +295,46 @@
rect 4249 3547 4307 3553
rect 4522 3544 4528 3556
rect 4580 3544 4586 3596
-rect 4798 3544 4804 3596
-rect 4856 3584 4862 3596
+rect 4614 3585 4678 3596
+rect 4798 3587 4862 3596
+rect 4798 3585 4813 3587
+rect 4614 3557 4813 3585
+rect 4614 3544 4678 3557
+rect 4798 3553 4813 3557
+rect 4847 3553 4862 3587
+rect 4798 3544 4862 3553
+rect 4982 3544 4988 3596
+rect 5040 3584 5046 3596
+rect 5077 3584 5135 3593
rect 5261 3587 5319 3593
rect 5261 3584 5273 3587
-rect 4856 3556 5273 3584
-rect 4856 3544 4862 3556
+rect 5040 3556 5273 3584
+rect 5040 3544 5046 3556
+rect 5077 3547 5135 3556
rect 5261 3553 5273 3556
rect 5307 3553 5319 3587
rect 5261 3547 5319 3553
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-rect 2731 3516 2743 3519
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rect 2222 3408 2228 3460
rect 2280 3448 2286 3460
-rect 3421 3451 3479 3457
-rect 2280 3420 3280 3448
-rect 2280 3408 2286 3420
-rect 3142 3380 3148 3392
-rect 3103 3352 3148 3380
-rect 3142 3340 3148 3352
-rect 3200 3340 3206 3392
-rect 3252 3380 3280 3420
-rect 3421 3417 3433 3451
-rect 3467 3448 3479 3451
+rect 3438 3448 3466 3544
rect 4706 3448 4712 3460
-rect 3467 3420 4712 3448
-rect 3467 3417 3479 3420
-rect 3421 3411 3479 3417
+rect 2280 3420 3280 3448
+rect 3438 3420 4712 3448
+rect 2280 3408 2286 3420
+rect 3252 3380 3280 3420
rect 4706 3408 4712 3420
rect 4764 3408 4770 3460
-rect 4801 3383 4859 3389
-rect 4801 3380 4813 3383
-rect 3252 3352 4813 3380
-rect 4801 3349 4813 3352
-rect 4847 3349 4859 3383
-rect 4801 3343 4859 3349
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+rect 4814 3380 4842 3544
+rect 3252 3352 4842 3380
+rect 1104 3290 2150 3312
rect 1104 3238 1794 3290
rect 1846 3238 1858 3290
rect 1910 3238 1922 3290
rect 1974 3238 1986 3290
-rect 2038 3238 3420 3290
+rect 2038 3238 2150 3290
+rect 1104 3216 2150 3238
+rect 2181 3290 5902 3312
+rect 2181 3238 3420 3290
rect 3472 3238 3484 3290
rect 3536 3238 3548 3290
rect 3600 3238 3612 3290
@@ -276,10 +342,22 @@
rect 5097 3238 5109 3290
rect 5161 3238 5173 3290
rect 5225 3238 5237 3290
-rect 5289 3238 5980 3290
-rect 1104 3216 5980 3238
+rect 5289 3238 5902 3290
+rect 2181 3216 5902 3238
+rect 5966 3216 5980 3312
+rect 2773 3131 2779 3183
+rect 2831 3174 2837 3183
+rect 5902 3174 5908 3188
+rect 2831 3143 5908 3174
+rect 2831 3131 2837 3143
+rect 5902 3136 5908 3143
+rect 5960 3136 5966 3188
+rect 1397 2972 1455 2981
rect 1581 2975 1639 2981
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+rect 1581 2972 1593 2975
+rect 1397 2944 1593 2972
+rect 1397 2935 1455 2944
+rect 1581 2941 1593 2944
rect 1627 2972 1639 2975
rect 3050 2972 3056 2984
rect 1627 2944 3056 2972
@@ -305,15 +383,19 @@
rect 4412 2694 4424 2746
rect 4476 2694 5980 2746
rect 1104 2672 5980 2694
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-rect 4801 2465 4813 2499
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rect 5442 2496 5448 2508
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+rect 4815 2468 5448 2496
+rect 4815 2437 4843 2468
rect 5442 2456 5448 2468
rect 5500 2456 5506 2508
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+rect 4801 2431 4859 2437
+rect 4801 2429 4813 2431
+rect 4617 2401 4813 2429
+rect 4617 2391 4675 2401
+rect 4801 2397 4813 2401
+rect 4847 2397 4859 2431
+rect 4801 2391 4859 2397
rect 4890 2388 4896 2440
rect 4948 2428 4954 2440
rect 5077 2431 5135 2437
@@ -323,6 +405,13 @@
rect 5077 2397 5089 2400
rect 5123 2397 5135 2431
rect 5077 2391 5135 2397
+rect 2314 2320 2320 2372
+rect 2372 2360 2378 2372
+rect 6454 2360 6460 2372
+rect 2372 2332 6460 2360
+rect 2372 2320 2378 2332
+rect 6454 2320 6460 2332
+rect 6512 2320 6518 2372
rect 1104 2202 5980 2224
rect 1104 2150 1794 2202
rect 1846 2150 1858 2202
@@ -338,59 +427,85 @@
rect 5225 2150 5237 2202
rect 5289 2150 5980 2202
rect 1104 2128 5980 2150
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-rect 3195 2060 3240 2088
-rect 3234 2048 3240 2060
-rect 3292 2048 3298 2100
-rect 3786 2048 3792 2100
-rect 3844 2088 3850 2100
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-rect 4065 2088 4077 2091
-rect 3844 2060 4077 2088
-rect 3844 2048 3850 2060
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-rect 4065 2051 4123 2057
-rect 5626 2048 5632 2060
-rect 5684 2048 5690 2100
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rect 3970 2020 3976 2032
-rect 2639 1992 3976 2020
-rect 2639 1989 2651 1992
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-rect 3970 1980 3976 1992
-rect 4028 1980 4034 2032
+rect 2976 1992 3976 2020
rect 1210 1912 1216 1964
rect 1268 1952 1274 1964
-rect 2869 1955 2927 1961
-rect 2869 1952 2881 1955
-rect 1268 1924 2881 1952
+rect 1268 1924 2452 1952
rect 1268 1912 1274 1924
-rect 2869 1921 2881 1924
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-rect 2869 1915 2927 1921
+rect 1397 1884 1455 1893
rect 1581 1887 1639 1893
-rect 1581 1853 1593 1887
+rect 1581 1884 1593 1887
+rect 1397 1856 1593 1884
+rect 1397 1847 1455 1856
+rect 1581 1853 1593 1856
rect 1627 1853 1639 1887
rect 1581 1847 1639 1853
+rect 1949 1884 2007 1893
rect 2133 1887 2191 1893
-rect 2133 1853 2145 1887
+rect 2133 1884 2145 1887
+rect 1949 1856 2145 1884
+rect 1949 1847 2007 1856
+rect 2133 1853 2145 1856
rect 2179 1884 2191 1887
-rect 6454 1884 6460 1896
-rect 2179 1856 6460 1884
+rect 2314 1884 2320 1896
+rect 2179 1856 2320 1884
rect 2179 1853 2191 1856
rect 2133 1847 2191 1853
rect 1596 1816 1624 1847
-rect 6454 1844 6460 1856
-rect 6512 1844 6518 1896
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-rect 3234 1776 3240 1788
-rect 3292 1776 3298 1828
+rect 2314 1844 2320 1856
+rect 2372 1844 2378 1896
+rect 2424 1893 2452 1924
+rect 2409 1884 2467 1893
+rect 2593 1887 2651 1893
+rect 2593 1884 2605 1887
+rect 2409 1856 2605 1884
+rect 2409 1847 2467 1856
+rect 2593 1853 2605 1856
+rect 2639 1853 2651 1887
+rect 2593 1847 2651 1853
+rect 2685 1884 2743 1893
+rect 2869 1887 2927 1893
+rect 2869 1884 2881 1887
+rect 2685 1856 2881 1884
+rect 2685 1847 2743 1856
+rect 2869 1853 2881 1856
+rect 2915 1884 2927 1887
+rect 2976 1884 3004 1992
+rect 3970 1980 3976 1992
+rect 4028 1980 4034 2032
+rect 2915 1856 3004 1884
+rect 3050 1884 3114 1896
+rect 3234 1884 3240 1896
+rect 3050 1856 3240 1884
+rect 2915 1853 2927 1856
+rect 2869 1847 2927 1853
+rect 3050 1844 3114 1856
+rect 3234 1844 3240 1856
+rect 3292 1844 3298 1896
+rect 3786 1844 3792 1896
+rect 3844 1884 3850 1896
+rect 3881 1884 3939 1893
+rect 4065 1887 4123 1893
+rect 4065 1884 4077 1887
+rect 3844 1856 4077 1884
+rect 3844 1844 3850 1856
+rect 3881 1847 3939 1856
+rect 4065 1853 4077 1856
+rect 4111 1853 4123 1887
+rect 4065 1847 4123 1853
+rect 5442 1884 5506 1896
+rect 5626 1884 5632 1896
+rect 5442 1856 5632 1884
+rect 5442 1844 5506 1856
+rect 5626 1844 5632 1856
+rect 5684 1844 5690 1896
+rect 1596 1788 3004 1816
+rect 2976 1748 3004 1788
+rect 3234 1748 3240 1760
+rect 2976 1720 3240 1748
+rect 3234 1708 3240 1720
+rect 3292 1708 3298 1760
rect 1104 1658 5980 1680
rect 1104 1606 2607 1658
rect 2659 1606 2671 1658
@@ -402,23 +517,29 @@
rect 4412 1606 4424 1658
rect 4476 1606 5980 1658
rect 1104 1584 5980 1606
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-rect 1673 1340 1685 1343
-rect 1176 1312 1685 1340
-rect 1176 1300 1182 1312
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-rect 2919 1312 2964 1340
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-rect 2958 1300 2964 1312
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-rect 4614 1340 4620 1352
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-rect 4614 1300 4620 1312
-rect 4672 1300 4678 1352
+rect 1118 1368 1124 1420
+rect 1176 1408 1182 1420
+rect 1489 1408 1547 1417
+rect 1673 1411 1731 1417
+rect 1673 1408 1685 1411
+rect 1176 1380 1685 1408
+rect 1176 1368 1182 1380
+rect 1489 1371 1547 1380
+rect 1673 1377 1685 1380
+rect 1719 1377 1731 1411
+rect 1673 1371 1731 1377
+rect 2774 1408 2838 1420
+rect 2958 1408 2964 1420
+rect 2774 1380 2964 1408
+rect 2774 1368 2838 1380
+rect 2958 1368 2964 1380
+rect 3016 1368 3022 1420
+rect 4430 1408 4494 1420
+rect 4614 1408 4620 1420
+rect 4430 1380 4620 1408
+rect 4430 1368 4494 1380
+rect 4614 1368 4620 1380
+rect 4672 1368 4678 1420
rect 1104 1114 5980 1136
rect 1104 1062 1794 1114
rect 1846 1062 1858 1114
@@ -472,11 +593,7 @@
rect 3283 4641 3292 4675
rect 3240 4632 3292 4641
rect 3884 4428 3936 4480
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-rect 4712 4437 4721 4471
-rect 4721 4437 4755 4471
-rect 4755 4437 4764 4471
-rect 4712 4428 4764 4437
+rect 4712 4428 4764 4480
rect 1794 4326 1846 4378
rect 1858 4326 1910 4378
rect 1922 4326 1974 4378
@@ -489,17 +606,17 @@
rect 5109 4326 5161 4378
rect 5173 4326 5225 4378
rect 5237 4326 5289 4378
-rect 1584 4267 1636 4276
-rect 1584 4233 1593 4267
-rect 1593 4233 1627 4267
-rect 1627 4233 1636 4267
-rect 1584 4224 1636 4233
rect 3056 4224 3108 4276
rect 1400 4156 1452 4208
-rect 5356 4156 5408 4208
+rect 1584 4063 1636 4072
+rect 1584 4029 1593 4063
+rect 1593 4029 1627 4063
+rect 1627 4029 1636 4063
+rect 1584 4020 1636 4029
rect 2228 4088 2280 4140
-rect 4896 4088 4948 4140
rect 4068 4020 4120 4072
+rect 5356 4020 5408 4072
+rect 4896 3952 4948 4004
rect 2607 3782 2659 3834
rect 2671 3782 2723 3834
rect 2735 3782 2787 3834
@@ -516,15 +633,15 @@
rect 1719 3553 1728 3587
rect 1676 3544 1728 3553
rect 5908 3612 5960 3664
+rect 2780 3544 2832 3596
+rect 3148 3587 3200 3596
+rect 3148 3553 3157 3587
+rect 3157 3553 3191 3587
+rect 3191 3553 3200 3587
+rect 3148 3544 3200 3553
rect 4528 3544 4580 3596
-rect 4804 3544 4856 3596
-rect 5908 3476 5960 3528
+rect 4988 3544 5040 3596
rect 2228 3408 2280 3460
-rect 3148 3383 3200 3392
-rect 3148 3349 3157 3383
-rect 3157 3349 3191 3383
-rect 3191 3349 3200 3383
-rect 3148 3340 3200 3349
rect 4712 3408 4764 3460
rect 1794 3238 1846 3290
rect 1858 3238 1910 3290
@@ -538,6 +655,8 @@
rect 5109 3238 5161 3290
rect 5173 3238 5225 3290
rect 5237 3238 5289 3290
+rect 2779 3131 2831 3183
+rect 5908 3136 5960 3188
rect 3056 2932 3108 2984
rect 1676 2796 1728 2848
rect 4620 2796 4672 2848
@@ -551,6 +670,8 @@
rect 4424 2694 4476 2746
rect 5448 2456 5500 2508
rect 4896 2388 4948 2440
+rect 2320 2320 2372 2372
+rect 6460 2320 6512 2372
rect 1794 2150 1846 2202
rect 1858 2150 1910 2202
rect 1922 2150 1974 2202
@@ -563,21 +684,21 @@
rect 5109 2150 5161 2202
rect 5173 2150 5225 2202
rect 5237 2150 5289 2202
-rect 3240 2091 3292 2100
-rect 3240 2057 3249 2091
-rect 3249 2057 3283 2091
-rect 3283 2057 3292 2091
-rect 3240 2048 3292 2057
-rect 3792 2048 3844 2100
-rect 5632 2091 5684 2100
-rect 5632 2057 5641 2091
-rect 5641 2057 5675 2091
-rect 5675 2057 5684 2091
-rect 5632 2048 5684 2057
-rect 3976 1980 4028 2032
rect 1216 1912 1268 1964
-rect 6460 1844 6512 1896
-rect 3240 1776 3292 1828
+rect 2320 1844 2372 1896
+rect 3976 1980 4028 2032
+rect 3240 1887 3292 1896
+rect 3240 1853 3249 1887
+rect 3249 1853 3283 1887
+rect 3283 1853 3292 1887
+rect 3240 1844 3292 1853
+rect 3792 1844 3844 1896
+rect 5632 1887 5684 1896
+rect 5632 1853 5641 1887
+rect 5641 1853 5675 1887
+rect 5675 1853 5684 1887
+rect 5632 1844 5684 1853
+rect 3240 1708 3292 1760
rect 2607 1606 2659 1658
rect 2671 1606 2723 1658
rect 2735 1606 2787 1658
@@ -586,17 +707,17 @@
rect 4296 1606 4348 1658
rect 4360 1606 4412 1658
rect 4424 1606 4476 1658
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-rect 2964 1343 3016 1352
-rect 2964 1309 2973 1343
-rect 2973 1309 3007 1343
-rect 3007 1309 3016 1343
-rect 2964 1300 3016 1309
-rect 4620 1343 4672 1352
-rect 4620 1309 4629 1343
-rect 4629 1309 4663 1343
-rect 4663 1309 4672 1343
-rect 4620 1300 4672 1309
+rect 1124 1368 1176 1420
+rect 2964 1411 3016 1420
+rect 2964 1377 2973 1411
+rect 2973 1377 3007 1411
+rect 3007 1377 3016 1411
+rect 2964 1368 3016 1377
+rect 4620 1411 4672 1420
+rect 4620 1377 4629 1411
+rect 4629 1377 4663 1411
+rect 4663 1377 4672 1411
+rect 4620 1368 4672 1377
rect 1794 1062 1846 1114
rect 1858 1062 1910 1114
rect 1922 1062 1974 1114
@@ -623,15 +744,15 @@
rect 572 3732 624 3738
rect 572 3674 624 3680
rect 584 800 612 3674
-rect 1136 1358 1164 6277
+rect 1136 1426 1164 6277
rect 1582 4448 1638 4457
rect 1582 4383 1638 4392
-rect 1596 4282 1624 4383
-rect 1584 4276 1636 4282
-rect 1584 4218 1636 4224
rect 1400 4208 1452 4214
rect 1400 4150 1452 4156
rect 1412 2553 1440 4150
+rect 1596 4078 1624 4383
+rect 1584 4072 1636 4078
+rect 1584 4014 1636 4020
rect 1688 3602 1716 6277
rect 1768 5468 2064 5488
rect 1824 5466 1848 5468
@@ -730,6 +851,10 @@
rect 2581 3760 2877 3780
rect 1676 3596 1728 3602
rect 1676 3538 1728 3544
+rect 2780 3596 2832 3602
+rect 2780 3538 2832 3544
+rect 3148 3596 3200 3602
+rect 3148 3538 3200 3544
rect 2228 3460 2280 3466
rect 2228 3402 2280 3408
rect 1768 3292 2064 3312
@@ -749,8 +874,8 @@
rect 1398 2479 1454 2488
rect 1216 1964 1268 1970
rect 1216 1906 1268 1912
-rect 1124 1352 1176 1358
-rect 1124 1294 1176 1300
+rect 1124 1420 1176 1426
+rect 1124 1362 1176 1368
rect 1228 1034 1256 1906
rect 1136 1006 1256 1034
rect 1136 800 1164 1006
@@ -778,8 +903,9 @@
rect 1984 1060 2008 1062
rect 1768 1040 2064 1060
rect 2240 800 2268 3402
-rect 3148 3392 3200 3398
-rect 3148 3334 3200 3340
+rect 2792 3189 2820 3538
+rect 2779 3183 2831 3189
+rect 2779 3125 2831 3131
rect 3056 2984 3108 2990
rect 3056 2926 3108 2932
rect 2581 2748 2877 2768
@@ -795,6 +921,11 @@
rect 2581 2672 2877 2692
rect 2962 2544 3018 2553
rect 2962 2479 3018 2488
+rect 2320 2372 2372 2378
+rect 2320 2314 2372 2320
+rect 2332 1902 2360 2314
+rect 2320 1896 2372 1902
+rect 2320 1838 2372 1844
rect 2581 1660 2877 1680
rect 2637 1658 2661 1660
rect 2717 1658 2741 1660
@@ -806,11 +937,11 @@
rect 2717 1604 2741 1606
rect 2797 1604 2821 1606
rect 2581 1584 2877 1604
-rect 2976 1358 3004 2479
-rect 2964 1352 3016 1358
-rect 2964 1294 3016 1300
+rect 2976 1426 3004 2479
+rect 2964 1420 3016 1426
+rect 2964 1362 3016 1368
rect 3068 1170 3096 2926
-rect 3160 1873 3188 3334
+rect 3160 1873 3188 3538
rect 3394 3292 3690 3312
rect 3450 3290 3474 3292
rect 3530 3290 3554 3292
@@ -824,7 +955,7 @@
rect 3394 3216 3690 3236
rect 3238 3088 3294 3097
rect 3238 3023 3294 3032
-rect 3252 2106 3280 3023
+rect 3252 1902 3280 3023
rect 3394 2204 3690 2224
rect 3450 2202 3474 2204
rect 3530 2202 3554 2204
@@ -836,7 +967,7 @@
rect 3530 2148 3554 2150
rect 3610 2148 3634 2150
rect 3394 2128 3690 2148
-rect 3804 2106 3832 5630
+rect 3804 1902 3832 5630
rect 4080 5250 4108 6277
rect 4206 6012 4502 6032
rect 4262 6010 4286 6012
@@ -854,17 +985,17 @@
rect 3988 5222 4108 5250
rect 3884 4480 3936 4486
rect 3884 4422 3936 4428
-rect 3240 2100 3292 2106
-rect 3240 2042 3292 2048
-rect 3792 2100 3844 2106
-rect 3792 2042 3844 2048
+rect 3240 1896 3292 1902
rect 3146 1864 3202 1873
+rect 3240 1838 3292 1844
+rect 3792 1896 3844 1902
+rect 3792 1838 3844 1844
rect 3146 1799 3202 1808
-rect 3240 1828 3292 1834
-rect 3240 1770 3292 1776
+rect 3240 1760 3292 1766
+rect 3240 1702 3292 1708
rect 2976 1142 3096 1170
rect 2976 800 3004 1142
-rect 3252 898 3280 1770
+rect 3252 898 3280 1702
rect 3394 1116 3690 1136
rect 3450 1114 3474 1116
rect 3530 1114 3554 1116
@@ -923,9 +1054,7 @@
rect 4712 4480 4764 4486
rect 4712 4422 4764 4428
rect 4724 3738 4752 4422
-rect 4712 3732 4764 3738
-rect 4712 3674 4764 3680
-rect 4816 3602 4844 6277
+rect 4816 4127 4844 6277
rect 5019 5468 5315 5488
rect 5075 5466 5099 5468
rect 5155 5466 5179 5468
@@ -950,12 +1079,11 @@
rect 5019 4304 5315 4324
rect 5368 4298 5396 6277
rect 5368 4270 5488 4298
-rect 5356 4208 5408 4214
-rect 5356 4150 5408 4156
-rect 4896 4140 4948 4146
-rect 4896 4082 4948 4088
-rect 4804 3596 4856 3602
-rect 4804 3538 4856 3544
+rect 4816 4099 5028 4127
+rect 4896 4004 4948 4010
+rect 4896 3946 4948 3952
+rect 4712 3732 4764 3738
+rect 4712 3674 4764 3680
rect 4712 3460 4764 3466
rect 4712 3402 4764 3408
rect 4620 2848 4672 2854
@@ -974,7 +1102,12 @@
rect 4618 1728 4674 1737
rect 4206 1660 4502 1680
rect 4724 1714 4752 3402
-rect 4908 2446 4936 4082
+rect 4908 2446 4936 3946
+rect 5000 3602 5028 4099
+rect 5356 4072 5408 4078
+rect 5356 4014 5408 4020
+rect 4988 3596 5040 3602
+rect 4988 3538 5040 3544
rect 5019 3292 5315 3312
rect 5075 3290 5099 3292
rect 5155 3290 5179 3292
@@ -1011,9 +1144,9 @@
rect 4342 1604 4366 1606
rect 4422 1604 4446 1606
rect 4206 1584 4502 1604
-rect 4632 1358 4660 1663
-rect 4620 1352 4672 1358
-rect 4620 1294 4672 1300
+rect 4632 1426 4660 1663
+rect 4620 1420 4672 1426
+rect 4620 1362 4672 1368
rect 4816 800 4844 1686
rect 5019 1116 5315 1136
rect 5075 1114 5099 1116
@@ -1026,7 +1159,7 @@
rect 5155 1060 5179 1062
rect 5235 1060 5259 1062
rect 5019 1040 5315 1060
-rect 5368 800 5396 4150
+rect 5368 800 5396 4014
rect 5460 2514 5488 4270
rect 5920 3670 5948 6277
rect 5908 3664 5960 3670
@@ -1035,15 +1168,15 @@
rect 5630 3567 5686 3576
rect 5448 2508 5500 2514
rect 5448 2450 5500 2456
-rect 5644 2106 5672 3567
-rect 5908 3528 5960 3534
-rect 5908 3470 5960 3476
-rect 5632 2100 5684 2106
-rect 5632 2042 5684 2048
-rect 5920 800 5948 3470
-rect 6472 1902 6500 6277
-rect 6460 1896 6512 1902
-rect 6460 1838 6512 1844
+rect 5644 1902 5672 3567
+rect 5908 3188 5960 3194
+rect 5908 3130 5960 3136
+rect 5632 1896 5684 1902
+rect 5632 1838 5684 1844
+rect 5920 800 5948 3130
+rect 6472 2378 6500 6277
+rect 6460 2372 6512 2378
+rect 6460 2314 6512 2320
rect 570 0 626 800
rect 1122 0 1178 800
rect 1674 0 1730 800
@@ -2498,458 +2631,458 @@
rect 3660 1738 5049 1974
rect 5285 1738 5980 1974
rect 1104 1696 5980 1738
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_17
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_8_44
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5152 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_22
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_8_27
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3588 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_8_32
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_8_15
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_16
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_8_3
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 5984
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[23\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5060 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_13
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_15
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_6_40
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4784 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 774 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_6_48
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5520 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 222 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_7_42
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4968 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_7_46
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5336 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[12\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4508 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[5\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4140 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_21
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_6_28
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3680 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_6_32
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_6_36
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4416 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_7_27
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3588 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_7_36
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4416 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[21\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3404 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[30\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3036 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_6_20
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2944 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_6_24
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3312 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_7_15
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2484 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[19\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1932 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_12
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_14
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1104 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_6_3
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_6_12
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2208 0 -1 4896
-box -38 -48 774 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_7_3
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 1 4896
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[29\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5336 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_11
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_5_40
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4784 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_5_49
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5612 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[10\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4232 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[18\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4508 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_5_31
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3956 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_5_23
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3220 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 774 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[2\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1840 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[6\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_10
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1104 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_5_6
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1656 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 222 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_5_11
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2116 0 1 3808
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[26\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5060 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_9
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_4_41
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4876 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 222 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_4_46
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5336 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[16\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4600 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[22\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_20
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_4_26
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3496 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_4_30
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3864 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_4_35
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4324 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[14\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[25\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2944 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[8\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3220 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_4_14
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2392 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_4_18
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2760 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 222 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[17\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1472 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[24\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1748 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_8
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_4_3
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_4_10
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2024 0 -1 3808
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_7
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 1 2720
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_3_42
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4968 0 1 2720
-box -38 -48 774 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_3_30
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3864 0 1 2720
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_3_18
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2760 0 1 2720
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[31\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 1 2720
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_6
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1104 0 1 2720
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_3_6
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1656 0 1 2720
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[9\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4876 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_5
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_2_44
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5152 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[13\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4600 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_19
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_2_27
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3588 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_2_32
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_2_15
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_4
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_2_3
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 2720
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[4\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5428 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_1
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_3
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform -1 0 5980 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_0_39
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4692 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 774 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_0_47
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5428 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_1_45
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 5244 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 222 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[15\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4416 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[7\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3864 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_18
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_0_29
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3772 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 222 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_0_32
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 406 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_1_33
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 4140 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 1142 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[0\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2392 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[11\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2668 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[1\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3036 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[20\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2760 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_0_15
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_0_21
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3036 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 774 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_1_20
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 2944 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_1_24
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 3312 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 590 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[27\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1472 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[28\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1932 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[3\]
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 1 1632
-box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_0
-timestamp 1606333889
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_0 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 1632
box -38 -48 314 592
use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_2
-timestamp 1606333889
+timestamp 1606755340
transform 1 0 1104 0 1 1632
box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_0_3
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 130 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_0_7
-timestamp 1606333889
-transform 1 0 1748 0 -1 1632
-box -38 -48 774 592
use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_1_6
-timestamp 1606333889
+timestamp 1606755340
transform 1 0 1656 0 1 1632
box -38 -48 314 592
-use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_1_12
-timestamp 1606333889
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[27\] ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1472 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[28\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1932 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[3\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_0_3 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_0_7 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1748 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 774 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_1_12 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
transform 1 0 2208 0 1 1632
box -38 -48 222 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_0_15
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[0\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2392 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[11\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2668 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[1\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3036 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[20\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2760 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_1_20
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2944 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_0_21
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3036 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 774 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_1_24 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3312 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 590 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[15\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4416 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[7\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3864 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_18 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_0_29
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3772 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 222 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_0_32 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_1_33 ~/projects/efabless/tech/SW/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/mag
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4140 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_1
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_3
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_0_47
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5428 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[4\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5428 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_0_39
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4692 0 -1 1632
+box -38 -48 774 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_1_45
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5244 0 1 1632
+box -38 -48 222 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_4
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_2_3
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_2_15
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[13\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4600 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_19
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_2_27
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3588 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_2_32
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 590 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_5
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[9\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4876 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_2_44
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5152 0 -1 2720
+box -38 -48 590 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_6
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1104 0 1 2720
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[31\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 1 2720
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_3_6
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1656 0 1 2720
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_3_18
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2760 0 1 2720
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_3_30
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3864 0 1 2720
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_7
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 1 2720
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_3_42
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4968 0 1 2720
+box -38 -48 774 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_8
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[17\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1472 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[24\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1748 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_4_3
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_4_10
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2024 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[14\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[25\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2944 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[8\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3220 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_4_14
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2392 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_4_18
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2760 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 222 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_4_35
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4324 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[16\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4600 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[22\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_4_30
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3864 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_20
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_4_26
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3496 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_9
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[26\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5060 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_4_41
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4876 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 222 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_4_46
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5336 0 -1 3808
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_10
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1104 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[2\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1840 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[6\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_5_6
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1656 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 222 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_5_11
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2116 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_5_23
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3220 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 774 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_5_31
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3956 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[10\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4232 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[18\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4508 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_11
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[29\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5336 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_5_49
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5612 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_5_40
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4784 0 1 3808
+box -38 -48 590 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_12
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_14
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1104 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[19\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1932 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_6_12
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2208 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 774 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_6_3
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 590 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_7_3
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[21\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3404 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[30\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3036 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_6_20
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2944 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_6_24
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3312 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_7_15
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2484 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 FILLER_6_28
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3680 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[12\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4508 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[5\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4140 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_6_36
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4416 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_21
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_6_32
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_7_27
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3588 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 590 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_7_36
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4416 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 590 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_13
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_15
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value\[23\]
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5060 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_1 FILLER_7_42
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4968 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_8 FILLER_6_40
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4784 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 774 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill_2 FILLER_6_48
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5520 0 -1 4896
+box -38 -48 222 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_7_46
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5336 0 1 4896
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_16
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1104 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_8_3
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 1380 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_8_15
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 2484 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd_1 PHY_22
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3956 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 130 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_4 FILLER_8_27
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 3588 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 406 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_12 FILLER_8_32
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 4048 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 1142 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_3 PHY_17
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform -1 0 5980 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 314 592
+use sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap_6 FILLER_8_44
+timestamp 1606755340
+transform 1 0 5152 0 -1 5984
+box -38 -48 590 592
<< labels >>
rlabel metal2 s 4066 6277 4122 7077 4 mask_rev[0]
port 1 nsew
@@ -3022,6 +3155,6 @@
<< properties >>
string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 7109 7077
string GDS_FILE /project/openlane/user_id_programming/runs/user_id_programming/results/magic/user_id_programming.gds
-string GDS_END 90784
string GDS_START 24124
+string GDS_END 90784
<< end >>