initial commit
diff --git a/verilog/dv/dummy_slave.v b/verilog/dv/dummy_slave.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857ce0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/dummy_slave.v
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+module dummy_slave(
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input wb_stb_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ output reg [31:0] wb_dat_o,
+ output reg wb_ack_o
+ reg [31:0] store;
+ wire valid = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i;
+ always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ if (wb_rst_i == 1'b 1) begin
+ wb_ack_o <= 1'b 0;
+ end else begin
+ if (wb_we_i == 1'b 1) begin
+ if (wb_sel_i[0]) store[7:0] <= wb_dat_i[7:0];
+ if (wb_sel_i[1]) store[15:8] <= wb_dat_i[15:8];
+ if (wb_sel_i[2]) store[23:16] <= wb_dat_i[23:16];
+ if (wb_sel_i[3]) store[31:24] <= wb_dat_i[31:24];
+ end
+ wb_dat_o <= store;
+ wb_ack_o <= valid & !wb_ack_o;
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c934af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# ---- Test patterns for project striVe ----
+.SILENT: clean all
+PATTERNS = gpio mem uart perf hkspi sysctrl xbar
+all: ${PATTERNS}
+ for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
+ ( cd $$i && make -f Makefile $${i}.vcd &> verify.log && grep Monitor verify.log) ; \
+ done
+clean: ${PATTERNS}
+ for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
+ ( cd $$i && make clean ) ; \
+ done
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/defs.h b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d777f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#ifndef _STRIVE_H_
+#define _STRIVE_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+// a pointer to this is a null pointer, but the compiler does not
+// know that because "sram" is a linker symbol from
+extern uint32_t sram;
+// Pointer to firmware flash routines
+extern uint32_t flashio_worker_begin;
+extern uint32_t flashio_worker_end;
+// IOs: UART (0x2000_0000), GPIO (0x2100_0000), LA (0x2200_0000)
+#define reg_uart_clkdiv (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x20000000)
+#define reg_uart_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x20000004)
+#define reg_gpio_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000000)
+#define reg_gpio_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000004)
+#define reg_gpio_pu (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000008)
+#define reg_gpio_pd (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2100000c)
+#define reg_la0_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x22000000)
+#define reg_la1_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x22000004)
+#define reg_la2_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x22000008)
+#define reg_la3_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2200000c)
+#define reg_la0_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x22000010)
+#define reg_la1_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x22000014)
+#define reg_la2_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x22000018)
+#define reg_la3_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2200001c)
+// Flash Control SPI Configuration (2D00_0000)
+#define reg_spictrl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2D000000)
+// House-Keeping SPI Read-Only Registers (0x2E00_0000)
+#define reg_spi_config (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2E000000)
+#define reg_spi_enables (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2E000004)
+#define reg_spi_pll_config (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2E000008)
+#define reg_spi_mfgr_id (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2E00000c)
+#define reg_spi_prod_id (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2E000010)
+#define reg_spi_mask_rev (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2E000014)
+#define reg_spi_pll_bypass (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2E000018)
+// System Area (0x2F00_0000)
+#define reg_rcosc_enable (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000000)
+#define reg_rcosc_out_dest (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000004)
+#define reg_xtal_out_dest (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000008)
+#define reg_pll_out_dest (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F00000c)
+#define reg_trap_out_dest (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000010)
+#define reg_irq7_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000014)
+#define reg_irq8_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000018)
+#define reg_overtemp_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F00001c)
+#define reg_overtemp_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000020)
+#define reg_overtemp_out_dest (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2F000024)
+// Crosbbar Slave Addresses (0x8000_0000 - 0xB000_0000)
+#define qspi_ctrl_slave (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x80000000)
+#define storage_area_slave (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x90000000)
+#define mega_any_slave1 (*(volatile uint32_t*)0xA0000000)
+#define mega_any_slave2 (*(volatile uint32_t*)0xB0000000)
+// #define reg_adc0_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000010)
+// #define reg_adc0_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000014)
+// #define reg_adc0_done (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000018)
+// #define reg_adc0_convert (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2100001c)
+// #define reg_adc0_clk_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000020)
+// #define reg_adc0_input_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000024)
+// #define reg_adc1_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000030)
+// #define reg_adc1_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000034)
+// #define reg_adc1_done (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000038)
+// #define reg_adc1_convert (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2100003c)
+// #define reg_adc1_clk_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000040)
+// #define reg_adc1_input_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000044)
+// #define reg_dac_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000050)
+// #define reg_dac_data (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000054)
+// #define reg_comp_enable (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000060)
+// #define reg_comp_n_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000064)
+// #define reg_comp_p_source (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x21000068)
+// #define reg_comp_out_dest (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x2100006c)
+// #define reg_analog_out_sel (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x210000c0)
+// #define reg_analog_out_bias_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x210000c4)
+// #define reg_analog_out_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x210000c8)
+// #define reg_bandgap_ena (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x210000d0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9253c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+PATTERN = gpio
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../../../ip -I ../../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c ../ ../start.s
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,../,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ ../start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O verilog $< $@
+ # to fix flash base address
+ sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/gpio.c b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/gpio.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17a4885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/gpio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include "../defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+ GPIO Test
+ Tests PU and PD on the lower 8 pins while being driven from outside
+ Tests Writing to the upper 8 pins
+ Tests reading from the lower 8 pins
+void main()
+ int i;
+ /* Lower 8 pins are input and upper 8 pins are o/p */
+ reg_gpio_data = 0;
+ reg_gpio_ena = 0x00ff;
+ // change the pull up and pull down (checked by the TB)
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA000;
+ reg_gpio_pu = 0x000f;
+ reg_gpio_pd = 0x00f0;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0x0B00;
+ reg_gpio_pu = 0x00f0;
+ reg_gpio_pd = 0x000f;
+ reg_gpio_pu = 0x000f;
+ reg_gpio_pd = 0x00f0;
+ // read the lower 8 pins, add 1 then o/p the result
+ // checked by the TB
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB00;
+ while (1){
+ int x = reg_gpio_data & 0xff;
+ reg_gpio_data = (x+1) << 8;
+ }
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/gpio_tb.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/gpio_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c20ba26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/gpio/gpio_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * StriVe - A full example SoC using PicoRV32 in SkyWater s8
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Tim Edwards <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "harness.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+module gpio_tb;
+ reg XCLK;
+ wire VDD3V3;
+ assign VDD3V3 = 1'b1;
+ reg XI;
+ reg real adc_h, adc_l;
+ reg real adc_0, adc_1;
+ reg real comp_n, comp_p;
+ // External clock is used by default. Make this artificially fast for the
+ // simulation. Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
+ // would be the fast clock.
+ always #10 XCLK <= (XCLK === 1'b0);
+ always #220 XI <= (XI === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ XI = 0;
+ XCLK = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ // Analog input pin values
+ adc_h = 0.0;
+ adc_l = 0.0;
+ adc_0 = 0.0;
+ adc_1 = 0.0;
+ comp_n = 0.0;
+ comp_p = 0.0;
+ #2000;
+ adc_h = 3.25;
+ adc_l = 0.05;
+ adc_0 = 1.0;
+ adc_1 = 1.5;
+ comp_n = 2.0;
+ comp_p = 2.5;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("gpio.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, gpio_tb);
+ // Repeat cycles of 1000 XCLK edges as needed to complete testbench
+ repeat (25) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ $display("+1000 cycles");
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test GPIO (RTL) Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ wire [15:0] gpio;
+ reg [7:0] gpio_lo;
+ wire [7:0] gpio_hi;
+ assign gpio[7:0] = gpio_lo;
+ assign gpio_hi = gpio[15:8];
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire flash_io2;
+ wire flash_io3;
+ reg SDI, CSB, SCK, RSTB;
+ wire SDO;
+ // Transactor
+ initial begin
+ gpio_lo = {8{1'bz}};
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'hA0);
+ gpio_lo = 8'hF0;
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'h0B);
+ gpio_lo = 8'h0F;
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'hAB);
+ gpio_lo = 8'h0;
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ gpio_lo = 8'h1;
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ gpio_lo = 8'h3;
+ end
+ // Monitor
+ initial begin
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'hA0);
+ wait(gpio[7:0]==8'hF0);
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'h0B);
+ wait(gpio[7:0]==8'h0F);
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'hAB);
+ wait(gpio[7:0]==8'h00);
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'h01);
+ wait(gpio[7:0]==8'h01);
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'h02);
+ wait(gpio[7:0]==8'h03);
+ wait(gpio_hi==8'h04);
+ $display("Monitor: Test GPIO (RTL) Passed");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ #1000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
+ #2000;
+ CSB <= 1'b0; // Apply CSB to start transmission
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ #1 $display("GPIO state = %b (%d - %d)", gpio, gpio_hi, gpio_lo);
+ end
+ wire VDD1V8;
+ wire VSS;
+ assign VSS = 1'b0;
+ assign VDD1V8 = 1'b1;
+ harness uut (
+ .vdd (VDD3V3),
+ .vdd1v8 (VDD1V8),
+ .vss (VSS),
+ .xi (XI),
+ .xclk (XCLK),
+ .SDI (SDI),
+ .SDO (SDO),
+ .CSB (CSB),
+ .SCK (SCK),
+ .ser_rx (1'b0),
+ .ser_tx (),
+ .irq (1'b0),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .flash_io2(flash_io2),
+ .flash_io3(flash_io3),
+ .adc_high (adc_h),
+ .adc_low (adc_l),
+ .adc0_in (adc_0),
+ .adc1_in (adc_1),
+ .comp_inp (comp_p),
+ .comp_inn (comp_n)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("gpio.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(flash_io2),
+ .io3(flash_io3)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2850baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+PATTERN = hkspi
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../../../ip -I ../../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c ../ ../start.s
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,../,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ ../start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O verilog $< /dev/stdout | sed -e '1 s/@10000000/@00000000/; 2,65537 d;' > $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/hkspi.c b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/hkspi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d572727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/hkspi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include "../defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+void putchar(char c)
+ if (c == '\n')
+ putchar('\r');
+ reg_uart_data = c;
+void print(const char *p)
+ while (*p)
+ putchar(*(p++));
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+void main()
+ // Set clock to 64 kbaud
+ reg_uart_clkdiv = 625;
+ // NOTE: Crystal is running in simulation at 5MHz
+ // Internal clock is 8x crystal, or 40MHz
+ // Divided by clkdiv is 64 kHz
+ // So at this crystal rate, use clkdiv = 4167 for 9600 baud.
+ // This should appear at the output, received by the testbench UART.
+ print("\n");
+ print(" ____ _ ____ ____\n");
+ print(" | _ \\(_) ___ ___/ ___| ___ / ___|\n");
+ print(" | |_) | |/ __/ _ \\___ \\ / _ \\| |\n");
+ print(" | __/| | (_| (_) |__) | (_) | |___\n");
+ print(" |_| |_|\\___\\___/____/ \\___/ \\____|\n");
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/hkspi_tb.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/hkspi_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edc43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/hkspi/hkspi_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ StriVe housekeeping SPI testbench.
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "harness.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+`include "tbuart.v"
+module hkspi_tb;
+ reg XCLK;
+ reg XI;
+ reg real adc_h, adc_l;
+ reg real adc_0, adc_1;
+ reg real comp_n, comp_p;
+ reg SDI, CSB, SCK, RSTB;
+ wire [15:0] gpio;
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire flash_io2;
+ wire flash_io3;
+ wire SDO;
+ always #10 XCLK <= (XCLK === 1'b0);
+ always #220 XI <= (XI === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ XI = 0;
+ XCLK = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ // Analog input pin values (static)
+ adc_h = 0.0;
+ adc_l = 0.0;
+ adc_0 = 0.0;
+ adc_1 = 0.0;
+ comp_n = 0.0;
+ comp_p = 0.0;
+ end
+ // The main testbench is here. Put the housekeeping SPI into
+ // pass-thru mode and read several bytes from the flash SPI.
+ // First define tasks for SPI functions
+ task start_csb;
+ begin
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ CSB <= 1'b0;
+ #50;
+ end
+ endtask
+ task end_csb;
+ begin
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ #50;
+ end
+ endtask
+ task write_byte;
+ input [7:0] odata;
+ begin
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ for (i=7; i >= 0; i--) begin
+ #50;
+ SDI <= odata[i];
+ #50;
+ SCK <= 1'b1;
+ #100;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read_byte;
+ output [7:0] idata;
+ begin
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ for (i=7; i >= 0; i--) begin
+ #50;
+ idata[i] = SDO;
+ #50;
+ SCK <= 1'b1;
+ #100;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read_write_byte
+ (input [7:0] odata,
+ output [7:0] idata);
+ begin
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ for (i=7; i >= 0; i--) begin
+ #50;
+ SDI <= odata[i];
+ idata[i] = SDO;
+ #50;
+ SCK <= 1'b1;
+ #100;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ endtask
+ integer i;
+ // Now drive the digital signals on the housekeeping SPI
+ reg [7:0] tbdata;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("hkspi.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, hkspi_tb);
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ // Delay, then bring chip out of reset
+ #1000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1;
+ #2000;
+ // First do a normal read from the housekeeping SPI to
+ // make sure the housekeeping SPI works.
+ start_csb();
+ write_byte(8'h40); // Read stream command
+ write_byte(8'h03); // Address (register 3 = product ID)
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ end_csb();
+ #10;
+ $display("Read data = 0x%02x (should be 0x05)", tbdata);
+ // Toggle external reset
+ start_csb();
+ write_byte(8'h80); // Write stream command
+ write_byte(8'h07); // Address (register 7 = external reset)
+ write_byte(8'h01); // Data = 0x01 (apply external reset)
+ end_csb();
+ start_csb();
+ write_byte(8'h80); // Write stream command
+ write_byte(8'h07); // Address (register 7 = external reset)
+ write_byte(8'h00); // Data = 0x00 (release external reset)
+ end_csb();
+ // Read all registers (0 to 8)
+ start_csb();
+ write_byte(8'h40); // Read stream command
+ write_byte(8'h00); // Address (register 3 = product ID)
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 0 = 0x%02x (should be 0x00)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h00) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 1 = 0x%02x (should be 0x04)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h14) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 2 = 0x%02x (should be 0x56)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h56) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed, %02x", tbdata); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 3 = 0x%02x (should be 0x05)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h05) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 4 = 0x%02x (should be 0x07)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h07) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 5 = 0x%02x (should be 0x01)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h01) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 6 = 0x%02x (should be 0x00)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h00) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 7 = 0x%02x (should be 0x00)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h00) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ read_byte(tbdata);
+ $display("Read register 8 = 0x%02x (should be 0x00)", tbdata);
+ if(tbdata != 8'h00) begin $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Failed"); $finish; end
+ end_csb();
+ $display("Monitor: Test HK SPI (RTL) Passed");
+ #10000;
+ $finish;
+ end
+ wire VDD3V3;
+ wire VDD1V8;
+ wire VSS;
+ assign VDD3V3 = 1'b1;
+ assign VSS = 1'b0;
+ assign VDD1V8 = 1'b1;
+ harness uut (
+ .vdd (VDD3V3),
+ .vdd1v8 (VDD1V8),
+ .vss (VSS),
+ .xi (XI),
+ .xclk (XCLK),
+ .SDI (SDI),
+ .SDO (SDO),
+ .CSB (CSB),
+ .SCK (SCK),
+ .ser_rx (1'b0),
+ .ser_tx (tbuart_rx),
+ .irq (1'b0),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .flash_io2(flash_io2),
+ .flash_io3(flash_io3),
+ .adc_high (adc_h),
+ .adc_low (adc_l),
+ .adc0_in (adc_0),
+ .adc1_in (adc_1),
+ .comp_inp (comp_p),
+ .comp_inn (comp_n)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("hkspi.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(flash_io2),
+ .io3(flash_io3)
+ );
+ tbuart tbuart (
+ .ser_rx(tbuart_rx)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63df1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+PATTERN = mem
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../../../ip -I ../../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c ../ ../start.s
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,../,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ ../start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O verilog $< $@
+ # to fix flash base address
+ sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/mem.c b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/mem.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bff65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/mem.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "../defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+ Memory Test
+ It uses GPIO to flag the success or failure of the test
+unsigned int ints[10];
+unsigned short shorts[10];
+unsigned char bytes[10];
+void main()
+ int i;
+ /* All GPIO pins are configured to be output */
+ reg_gpio_data = 0;
+ reg_gpio_ena = 0x0000;
+ // start test
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA040;
+ // Test Word R/W
+ for(i=0; i<10; i++)
+ ints[i] = i*5000 + 10000;
+ for(i=0; i<10; i++)
+ if((i*5000+10000) != ints[i]) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB40;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB41;
+ // Test Half Word R/W
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA020;
+ for(i=0; i<10; i++)
+ shorts[i] = i*500 + 100;
+ for(i=0; i<10; i++)
+ if((i*500+100) != shorts[i]) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB20;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB21;
+ // Test byte R/W
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA010;
+ for(i=0; i<10; i++)
+ bytes[i] = i*5 + 10;
+ for(i=0; i<10; i++)
+ if((i*5+10) != bytes[i]) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB10;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB11;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/mem_tb.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/mem_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09bb0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/mem/mem_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * StriVe - A full example SoC using PicoRV32 in SkyWater s8
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Tim Edwards <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "harness.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+module mem_tb;
+ reg XCLK;
+ reg XI;
+ reg real adc_h, adc_l;
+ reg real adc_0, adc_1;
+ reg real comp_n, comp_p;
+ reg SDI, CSB, SCK, RSTB;
+ wire [15:0] gpio;
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire flash_io2;
+ wire flash_io3;
+ wire SDO;
+ // External clock is used by default. Make this artificially fast for the
+ // simulation. Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
+ // would be the fast clock.
+ always #10 XCLK <= (XCLK === 1'b0);
+ always #220 XI <= (XI === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ XI = 0;
+ XCLK = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ // Analog input pin values
+ adc_h = 0.0;
+ adc_l = 0.0;
+ adc_0 = 0.0;
+ adc_1 = 0.0;
+ comp_n = 0.0;
+ comp_p = 0.0;
+ #2000;
+ adc_h = 3.25;
+ adc_l = 0.05;
+ adc_0 = 1.0;
+ adc_1 = 1.5;
+ comp_n = 2.0;
+ comp_p = 2.5;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("mem.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, mem_tb);
+ // Repeat cycles of 1000 XCLK edges as needed to complete testbench
+ repeat (100) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ //$display("+1000 cycles");
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test MEM (RTL) Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ #1000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
+ #2000;
+ CSB <= 1'b0; // Apply CSB to start transmission
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ if(gpio == 16'hA040) begin
+ $display("Mem Test (word rw) started");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB40) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Test MEM (RTL) [word rw] failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB41) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Test MEM (RTL) [word rw] passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hA020) begin
+ $display("Mem Test (short rw) started");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB20) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Test MEM (RTL) [short rw] failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB21) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Test MEM (RTL) [short rw] passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hA010) begin
+ $display("Mem Test (byte rw) started");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB10) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Test MEM (RTL) [byte rw] failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB11) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Test MEM (RTL) [byte rw] passed");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ wire VDD3V3;
+ wire VDD1V8;
+ wire VSS;
+ assign VSS = 1'b0;
+ assign VDD3V3 = 1'b1;
+ assign VDD1V8 = 1'b1;
+ harness uut (
+ .vdd (VDD3V3),
+ .vdd1v8 (VDD1V8),
+ .vss (VSS),
+ .xi (XI),
+ .xclk (XCLK),
+ .SDI (SDI),
+ .SDO (SDO),
+ .CSB (CSB),
+ .SCK (SCK),
+ .ser_rx (1'b0),
+ .ser_tx (),
+ .irq (1'b0),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .flash_io2(flash_io2),
+ .flash_io3(flash_io3),
+ .adc_high (adc_h),
+ .adc_low (adc_l),
+ .adc0_in (adc_0),
+ .adc1_in (adc_1),
+ .comp_inp (comp_p),
+ .comp_inn (comp_n)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("mem.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(flash_io2),
+ .io3(flash_io3)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad371f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+PATTERN = perf
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../../../ip -I ../../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c ../ ../start.s
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,../,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ ../start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O verilog $< $@
+ # to fix flash base address
+ sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/perf.c b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/perf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc34b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/perf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "../defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+ Performance Test
+ It uses GPIO to flag the success or failure of the test
+unsigned int ints[50];
+unsigned short shorts[50];
+unsigned char bytes[50];
+int main()
+ int i;
+ int sum = 0;
+ /* All GPIO pins are configured to be output */
+ reg_gpio_data = 0;
+ reg_gpio_ena = 0x0000;
+ // start test
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA000;
+ for(i=0; i<100; i++)
+ sum+=(sum + i);
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB00;
+ return sum;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/perf_tb.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/perf_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd10ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/perf/perf_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ * StriVe - A full example SoC using PicoRV32 in SkyWater s8
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Tim Edwards <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "harness.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+module striVe_perf_tb;
+ reg XCLK;
+ reg XI;
+ reg real adc_h, adc_l;
+ reg real adc_0, adc_1;
+ reg real comp_n, comp_p;
+ reg SDI, CSB, SCK, RSTB;
+ wire [15:0] gpio;
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire flash_io2;
+ wire flash_io3;
+ wire SDO;
+ // External clock is used by default. Make this artificially fast for the
+ // simulation. Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
+ // would be the fast clock.
+ always #10 XCLK <= (XCLK === 1'b0);
+ always #220 XI <= (XI === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ XI = 0;
+ XCLK = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ // Analog input pin values
+ adc_h = 0.0;
+ adc_l = 0.0;
+ adc_0 = 0.0;
+ adc_1 = 0.0;
+ comp_n = 0.0;
+ comp_p = 0.0;
+ #2000;
+ adc_h = 3.25;
+ adc_l = 0.05;
+ adc_0 = 1.0;
+ adc_1 = 1.5;
+ comp_n = 2.0;
+ comp_p = 2.5;
+ end
+ reg [31:0] kcycles;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("striVe_perf.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, striVe_perf_tb);
+ kcycles = 0;
+ // Repeat cycles of 1000 XCLK edges as needed to complete testbench
+ repeat (150) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ //$display("+1000 cycles");
+ kcycles<=kcycles+1;
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Performance (RTL) Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ #1000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
+ #2000;
+ CSB <= 1'b0; // Apply CSB to start transmission
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ //#1 $display("GPIO state = %X ", gpio);
+ if(gpio == 16'hA000) begin
+ kcycles = 0;
+ $display("Performance Test started");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB00) begin
+ //$display("Monitor: number of cycles/100 iterations: %d KCycles", kcycles);
+ $display("Monitor: Test Performance (RTL) passed [%0d KCycles]", kcycles);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ wire VDD3V3;
+ wire VDD1V8;
+ wire VSS;
+ assign VSS = 1'b0;
+ assign VDD1V8 = 1'b1;
+ assign VDD3V3 = 1'b1;
+ harness uut (
+ .vdd (VDD3V3 ),
+ .vdd1v8 (VDD1V8),
+ .vss (VSS),
+ .xi (XI),
+ .xclk (XCLK),
+ .SDI (SDI),
+ .SDO (SDO),
+ .CSB (CSB),
+ .SCK (SCK),
+ .ser_rx (1'b0),
+ .ser_tx ( ),
+ .irq (1'b0 ),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .flash_io2(flash_io2),
+ .flash_io3(flash_io3),
+ .adc_high (adc_h),
+ .adc_low (adc_l),
+ .adc0_in (adc_0),
+ .adc1_in (adc_1),
+ .comp_inp (comp_p),
+ .comp_inn (comp_n)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("perf.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(flash_io2),
+ .io3(flash_io3)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4392c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x400000 /* 4MB */
+ RAM(xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x400 /* 256 words ( 1024 ? ) */
+ /* The program code and other data goes into FLASH */
+ .text :
+ {
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ *(.text) /* .text sections (code) */
+ *(.text*) /* .text* sections (code) */
+ *(.rodata) /* .rodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
+ *(.rodata*) /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
+ *(.srodata) /* .srodata sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
+ *(.srodata*) /* .srodata*sections (constants, strings, etc.) */
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ _etext = .; /* define a global symbol at end of code */
+ _sidata = _etext; /* This is used by the startup to initialize data */
+ } >FLASH
+ /* Initialized data section */
+ .data : AT ( _sidata )
+ {
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ _sdata = .;
+ _ram_start = .;
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ *(.data)
+ *(.data*)
+ *(.sdata)
+ *(.sdata*)
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ _edata = .;
+ } >RAM
+ /* Uninitialized data section */
+ .bss :
+ {
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ _sbss = .;
+ *(.bss)
+ *(.bss*)
+ *(.sbss)
+ *(.sbss*)
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ _ebss = .;
+ } >RAM
+ /* Define the start of the heap */
+ .heap :
+ {
+ . = ALIGN(4);
+ _heap_start = .;
+ } >RAM
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spiflash.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/spiflash.v
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 100%
rename from verilog/rtl/spiflash.v
rename to verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/spiflash.v
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/start.s b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/start.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62a6f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/start.s
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+.section .text
+# zero-initialize register file
+addi x1, zero, 0
+# x2 (sp) is initialized by reset
+addi x3, zero, 0
+addi x4, zero, 0
+addi x5, zero, 0
+addi x6, zero, 0
+addi x7, zero, 0
+addi x8, zero, 0
+addi x9, zero, 0
+addi x10, zero, 0
+addi x11, zero, 0
+addi x12, zero, 0
+addi x13, zero, 0
+addi x14, zero, 0
+addi x15, zero, 0
+addi x16, zero, 0
+addi x17, zero, 0
+addi x18, zero, 0
+addi x19, zero, 0
+addi x20, zero, 0
+addi x21, zero, 0
+addi x22, zero, 0
+addi x23, zero, 0
+addi x24, zero, 0
+addi x25, zero, 0
+addi x26, zero, 0
+addi x27, zero, 0
+addi x28, zero, 0
+addi x29, zero, 0
+addi x30, zero, 0
+addi x31, zero, 0
+# zero initialize scratchpad memory
+# setmemloop:
+# sw zero, 0(x1)
+# addi x1, x1, 4
+# blt x1, sp, setmemloop
+# copy data section
+la a0, _sidata
+la a1, _sdata
+la a2, _edata
+bge a1, a2, end_init_data
+lw a3, 0(a0)
+sw a3, 0(a1)
+addi a0, a0, 4
+addi a1, a1, 4
+blt a1, a2, loop_init_data
+# zero-init bss section
+la a0, _sbss
+la a1, _ebss
+bge a0, a1, end_init_bss
+sw zero, 0(a0)
+addi a0, a0, 4
+blt a0, a1, loop_init_bss
+# call main
+call main
+j loop
+ flashio_worker_begin flashio_worker_end
+.balign 4
+# a0 ... data pointer
+# a1 ... data length
+# a2 ... optional WREN cmd (0 = disable)
+# address of SPI ctrl reg
+li t0, 0x28000000
+# Set CS high, IO0 is output
+li t1, 0x120
+sh t1, 0(t0)
+# Enable Manual SPI Ctrl
+sb zero, 3(t0)
+# Send optional WREN cmd
+beqz a2, flashio_worker_L1
+li t5, 8
+andi t2, a2, 0xff
+srli t4, t2, 7
+sb t4, 0(t0)
+ori t4, t4, 0x10
+sb t4, 0(t0)
+slli t2, t2, 1
+andi t2, t2, 0xff
+addi t5, t5, -1
+bnez t5, flashio_worker_L4
+sb t1, 0(t0)
+# SPI transfer
+# If byte count is zero, we're done
+beqz a1, flashio_worker_L3
+# Set t5 to count down 32 bits
+li t5, 32
+# Load t2 from address a0 (4 bytes)
+lw t2, 0(a0)
+# Set t6 to count down 8 bits
+li t6, 8
+# Clock out the bit (msb first) on IO0 and read bit in from IO1
+srli t4, t2, 31
+sb t4, 0(t0)
+ori t4, t4, 0x10
+sb t4, 0(t0)
+lbu t4, 0(t0)
+andi t4, t4, 2
+srli t4, t4, 1
+slli t2, t2, 1
+or t2, t2, t4
+# Decrement 32 bit count
+addi t5, t5, -1
+bnez t5, flashio_worker_LX
+sw t2, 0(a0)
+addi a0, a0, 4
+lw t2, 0(a0)
+addi t6, t6, -1
+bnez t6, flashio_worker_L2
+addi a1, a1, -1
+bnez a1, flashio_worker_LY
+beqz t5, flashio_worker_L3
+sw t2, 0(a0)
+# Back to MEMIO mode
+li t1, 0x80
+sb t1, 3(t0)
+.balign 4
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b43365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+PATTERN = sysctrl
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../../../ip -I ../../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c ../ ../start.s
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,../,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ ../start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O verilog $< $@
+ # to fix flash base address
+ sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/sysctrl.c b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/sysctrl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a6762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/sysctrl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "../defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+ System Control Test
+ - Reads default value of SPI-Controlled registers
+ - Flags failure/success using gpio
+void main()
+ int i;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0;
+ reg_gpio_ena = 0x0000;
+ // start test
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA040;
+ // Read Product ID value
+ if(0x05 != reg_spi_prod_id) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB40;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB41;
+ // Read Manufacturer ID value
+ if(0x456 != reg_spi_mfgr_id) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB50;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB51;
+ // Read Mask revision
+ if(0x1 != reg_spi_mask_rev) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB60;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB61;
+ // Read PLL-Bypass
+ if(0x1 != reg_spi_pll_bypass) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB70;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB71;
+ if(0x7FFDFFF != reg_spi_pll_config) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB80;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB81;
+ // Read spi enables
+ if(0x83 != reg_spi_enables) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB90;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB91;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/sysctrl_tb.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/sysctrl_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e4439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/sysctrl/sysctrl_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "harness.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+module sysctrl_tb;
+ reg XCLK;
+ reg XI;
+ reg real adc_h, adc_l;
+ reg real adc_0, adc_1;
+ reg real comp_n, comp_p;
+ reg SDI, CSB, SCK, RSTB;
+ wire [15:0] gpio;
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire flash_io2;
+ wire flash_io3;
+ wire SDO;
+ // External clock is used by default. Make this artificially fast for the
+ // simulation. Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
+ // would be the fast clock.
+ always #10 XCLK <= (XCLK === 1'b0);
+ always #220 XI <= (XI === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ XI = 0;
+ XCLK = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("sysctrl_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, sysctrl_tb);
+ repeat (25) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ $display("+1000 cycles");
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test GPIO (RTL) Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ if(gpio == 16'hA040) begin
+ $display("System control Test started");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB40) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: System control (RTL) Test failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB41) begin
+ $display("Monitor: System control product ID read passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB50) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: System control manufacture ID read failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB51) begin
+ $display("Monitor: System control manufacture ID read passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB60) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: System control mask rev read failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB61) begin
+ $display("Monitor: System control mask rev read passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB70) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: System control pll-bypass read failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB71) begin
+ $display("Monitor: System control pll-bypass read passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB80) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: System control pll-config read failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB81) begin
+ $display("Monitor: System control pll-config read passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB90) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: System control spi-enables read failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB91) begin
+ $display("Monitor: System control spi-enables read passed");
+ $display("Monitor: Sysctrl (RTL) test passed.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ initial begin
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ #1000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
+ #2000;
+ CSB <= 1'b0; // Apply CSB to start transmission
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ #1 $display("GPIO state = %b ", gpio);
+ end
+ wire VDD3V3;
+ wire VDD1V8;
+ wire VSS;
+ assign VSS = 1'b0;
+ assign VDD1V8 = 1'b1;
+ assign VDD3V3 = 1'b1;
+ harness uut (
+ .vdd (VDD3V3),
+ .vdd1v8 (VDD1V8),
+ .vss (VSS),
+ .xi (XI),
+ .xclk (XCLK),
+ .SDI (SDI),
+ .SDO (SDO),
+ .CSB (CSB),
+ .SCK (SCK),
+ .ser_rx (1'b0),
+ .ser_tx (),
+ .irq (1'b0),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .flash_io2(flash_io2),
+ .flash_io3(flash_io3),
+ .adc_high (adc_h),
+ .adc_low (adc_l),
+ .adc0_in (adc_0),
+ .adc1_in (adc_1),
+ .comp_inp (comp_p),
+ .comp_inn (comp_n)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("sysctrl.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(flash_io2),
+ .io3(flash_io3)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/tbuart.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/tbuart.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c4283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/tbuart.v
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * PicoSoC - A simple example SoC using PicoRV32
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+/* tbuart --- mimic an external UART display, operating at 9600 baud */
+/* and accepting ASCII characters for display. */
+/* To do: Match a known UART 3.3V 16x2 LCD display. However, it */
+/* should be possible on a testing system to interface to the UART */
+/* pins on a Raspberry Pi, also running at 3.3V. */
+module tbuart (
+ input ser_rx
+ reg [3:0] recv_state;
+ reg [2:0] recv_divcnt;
+ reg [7:0] recv_pattern;
+ reg [8*50-1:0] recv_buf_data; // 50 characters. Increase as needed for tests.
+ reg clk;
+ initial begin
+ clk <= 1'b0;
+ recv_state <= 0;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ recv_pattern <= 0;
+ recv_buf_data <= 0;
+ end
+ // NOTE: Running at 3.0us clock period @ 5 clocks per bit = 15.0us per
+ // bit ~= 64 kbaud. Not tuned to any particular UART. Most run at
+ // 9600 baud default and will bounce up to higher baud rates when
+ // passed specific command words.
+ always #1500 clk <= (clk === 1'b0);
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ recv_divcnt <= recv_divcnt + 1;
+ case (recv_state)
+ 0: begin
+ if (!ser_rx)
+ recv_state <= 1;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ end
+ 1: begin
+ if (2*recv_divcnt > 3'd3) begin
+ recv_state <= 2;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ 10: begin
+ if (recv_divcnt > 3'd3) begin
+ // 0x0a = '\n'
+ if (recv_pattern == 8'h0a) begin
+ $display("output: %s", recv_buf_data);
+ end else begin
+ recv_buf_data <= {recv_buf_data, recv_pattern};
+ end
+ recv_state <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ default: begin
+ if (recv_divcnt > 3'd3) begin
+ recv_pattern <= {ser_rx, recv_pattern[7:1]};
+ recv_state <= recv_state + 1;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..057be64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ---- Test patterns for project striVe ----
+PATTERN = uart
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../../../ip -I ../../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c ../ ../start.s
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,../,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ ../start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O verilog $< $@
+ # to fix flash base address
+ sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/uart.c b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/uart.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe362f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/uart.c
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "../defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+void putchar(char c)
+ if (c == '\n')
+ putchar('\r');
+ reg_uart_data = c;
+void print(const char *p)
+ while (*p)
+ putchar(*(p++));
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+void main()
+ // Set clock to 64 kbaud
+ reg_uart_clkdiv = 625;
+ // NOTE: XCLK is running in simulation at 40MHz
+ // Divided by clkdiv is 64 kHz
+ // So at this crystal rate, use clkdiv = 4167 for 9600 baud.
+ /* All GPIO pins are configured to be output */
+ reg_gpio_data = 0;
+ reg_gpio_ena = 0x0000;
+ // start test
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA000;
+ // This should appear at the output, received by the testbench UART.
+ print("\n");
+ print("Monitor: Test UART (RTL) passed\n\n");
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB00;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/uart_tb.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/uart_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56c76f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/uart/uart_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * StriVe - A full example SoC using PicoRV32 in SkyWater s8
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Tim Edwards <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "harness.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+`include "tbuart.v"
+module uart_tb;
+ reg XCLK;
+ reg XI;
+ reg real adc_h, adc_l;
+ reg real adc_0, adc_1;
+ reg real comp_n, comp_p;
+ reg SDI, CSB, SCK, RSTB;
+ wire [15:0] gpio;
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire flash_io2;
+ wire flash_io3;
+ wire SDO;
+ // External clock is used by default. Make this artificially fast for the
+ // simulation. Normally this would be a slow clock and the digital PLL
+ // would be the fast clock.
+ always #12.5 XCLK <= (XCLK === 1'b0);
+ always #220 XI <= (XI === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ XI = 0;
+ XCLK = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ // Analog input pin values (static)
+ adc_h = 0.0;
+ adc_l = 0.0;
+ adc_0 = 0.0;
+ adc_1 = 0.0;
+ comp_n = 0.0;
+ comp_p = 0.0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("uart.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, uart_tb);
+ $display("Wait for UART o/p");
+ repeat (150) begin
+ repeat (10000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ // Diagnostic. . . interrupts output pattern.
+ end
+ $finish;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ #1000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
+ #2000;
+ CSB <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ if(gpio == 16'hA000) begin
+ $display("UART Test started");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB00) begin
+ #1000;
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ wire VDD3V3;
+ wire VDD1V8;
+ wire VSS;
+ assign VSS = 1'b0;
+ assign VDD1V8 = 1'b1;
+ assign VDD3V3 = 1'b1;
+ harness uut (
+ .vdd (VDD3V3),
+ .vdd1v8 (VDD1V8),
+ .vss (VSS),
+ .xi (XI),
+ .xo (),
+ .xclk (XCLK),
+ .SDI (SDI),
+ .SDO (SDO),
+ .CSB (CSB),
+ .SCK (SCK),
+ .ser_rx (1'b0),
+ .ser_tx (tbuart_rx),
+ .irq (1'b0),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .flash_io2(flash_io2),
+ .flash_io3(flash_io3),
+ .adc_high (adc_h),
+ .adc_low (adc_l),
+ .adc0_in (adc_0),
+ .adc1_in (adc_1),
+ .comp_inp (comp_p),
+ .comp_inn (comp_n)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("uart.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(flash_io2),
+ .io3(flash_io3)
+ );
+ // Testbench UART
+ tbuart tbuart (
+ .ser_rx(tbuart_rx)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/verify.log b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/verify.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/verify.log
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/Makefile b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5302d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+PATTERN = xbar
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../../../ip -I ../../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c ../ ../start.s
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,../,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ ../start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O verilog $< $@
+ # to fix flash base address
+ sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ /ef/apps/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/xbar.c b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/xbar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5565f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/xbar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "../defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+ Crosbbar Switch Test
+ - Reads default value of SPI-Controlled registers
+ - Flags failure/success using gpio
+void main()
+ int i;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0;
+ reg_gpio_ena = 0x0000;
+ // start test
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xA040;
+ // Write & Read from QSPI CTRL Slave
+ qspi_ctrl_slave = 0xA0A1;
+ if(0xA0A1 != qspi_ctrl_slave) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB40;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB41;
+ // Write & Read from storage area Slave
+ storage_area_slave = 0xB0B1;
+ if(0xB0B1 != storage_area_slave) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB50;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB51;
+ // Write & Read from Mega Project 1st slave
+ mega_any_slave1 = 0xC0C1;
+ if(0xC0C1 != mega_any_slave1) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB60;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB61;
+ // Write & Read from Mega Project 1st slave
+ mega_any_slave2 = 0xD0D1;
+ if(0xD0D1 != mega_any_slave2) reg_gpio_data = 0xAB70;
+ reg_gpio_data = 0xAB71;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/xbar_tb.v b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/xbar_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9357f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/harness/mgmt_soc/xbar/xbar_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "harness.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+module xbar_tb;
+ reg XCLK;
+ reg XI;
+ reg real adc_h, adc_l;
+ reg real adc_0, adc_1;
+ reg real comp_n, comp_p;
+ reg SDI, CSB, SCK, RSTB;
+ wire [15:0] gpio;
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire flash_io2;
+ wire flash_io3;
+ wire SDO;
+ always #10 XCLK <= (XCLK === 1'b0);
+ always #220 XI <= (XI === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ XI = 0;
+ XCLK = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("xbar_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, xbar_tb);
+ repeat (25) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge XCLK);
+ $display("+1000 cycles");
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Crossbar Switch (RTL) Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m", 27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ if(gpio == 16'hA040) begin
+ $display("Crossbar Switch Test started");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB40) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from QSPI CTRL slave failed.");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB41) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from QSPI CTRL slave passed");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB50) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from storage area failed.");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB51) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from storage area passed.");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB60) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from mega project 1st slave failed.");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB61) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from mega project 1st slave passed.");
+ end
+ else if(gpio == 16'hAB70) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from mega project 2nd slave passed.");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end else if(gpio == 16'hAB71) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Crossbar test R/W from mega project 2nd slave passed.");
+ $display("Monitor: Timeout, Test Crossbar Switch (RTL) Passed.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ initial begin
+ CSB <= 1'b1;
+ SCK <= 1'b0;
+ SDI <= 1'b0;
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ #1000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
+ #2000;
+ CSB <= 1'b0; // Apply CSB to start transmission
+ end
+ always @(gpio) begin
+ #1 $display("GPIO state = %b ", gpio);
+ end
+ wire VDD3V3;
+ wire VDD1V8;
+ wire VSS;
+ assign VSS = 1'b0;
+ assign VDD1V8 = 1'b1;
+ assign VDD3V3 = 1'b1;
+ harness uut (
+ .vdd (VDD3V3),
+ .vdd1v8 (VDD1V8),
+ .vss (VSS),
+ .xi (XI),
+ .xclk (XCLK),
+ .SDI (SDI),
+ .SDO (SDO),
+ .CSB (CSB),
+ .SCK (SCK),
+ .ser_rx (1'b0),
+ .ser_tx (),
+ .irq (1'b0),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .flash_io2(flash_io2),
+ .flash_io3(flash_io3),
+ .adc_high (adc_h),
+ .adc_low (adc_l),
+ .adc0_in (adc_0),
+ .adc1_in (adc_1),
+ .comp_inp (comp_p),
+ .comp_inn (comp_n)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("xbar.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(flash_io2),
+ .io3(flash_io3)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0e09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# ---- Test patterns for project striVe ----
+.SILENT: clean all
+PATTERNS = gpio_wb intercon_wb spimemio_wb uart_wb crossbar_wb arbiter_wb
+all: ${PATTERNS}
+ for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
+ ( cd $$i && make -f Makefile $${i}.vcd &> verify.log && grep Monitor verify.log) ; \
+ done
+clean: ${PATTERNS}
+ for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
+ ( cd $$i && make clean ) ; \
+ done
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/arbiter_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/arbiter_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e792a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/arbiter_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = arbiter_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I ../../../ip -I .. -I ../../ -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/arbiter_wb/arbiter_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/arbiter_wb/arbiter_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..164d526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/arbiter_wb/arbiter_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "arbiter.v"
+`include "dummy_slave.v"
+`ifndef AW
+`define AW 32
+`ifndef DW
+`define DW 32
+`ifndef NM
+`define NM 2
+module arbiter_wb_tb;
+ localparam SEL = `DW / 8;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ // Masters Interface
+ reg [`NM-1:0] wbm_stb_i;
+ reg [`NM-1:0] wbm_cyc_i;
+ reg [`NM-1:0] wbm_we_i;
+ reg [`NM*SEL-1:0] wbm_sel_i;
+ reg [`NM*`DW-1:0] wbm_dat_i;
+ reg [`NM*`AW-1:0] wbm_adr_i;
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_ack_o;
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_err_o;
+ wire [`NM*`DW-1:0] wbm_dat_o;
+ // Slave Interface
+ reg wbs_ack_i;
+ reg wbs_err_i;
+ wire [`DW-1:0] wbs_dat_i;
+ wire wbs_stb_i;
+ wire wbs_cyc_i;
+ wire wbs_we_i;
+ wire [SEL-1:0] wbs_sel_i;
+ wire [`AW-1:0] wbs_adr_i;
+ wire [`DW-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
+ wb_arbiter #(
+ .AW(`AW),
+ .DW(`DW),
+ .NM(`NM)
+ ) uut (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ // Masters Interface
+ .wbm_stb_i(wbm_stb_i),
+ .wbm_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_i),
+ .wbm_we_i(wbm_we_i),
+ .wbm_sel_i(wbm_sel_i),
+ .wbm_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),
+ .wbm_adr_i(wbm_adr_i),
+ .wbm_ack_o(wbm_ack_o),
+ .wbm_err_o(wbm_err_o),
+ .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),
+ // Slave Interface
+ .wbs_ack_i(wbs_ack_o),
+ .wbs_err_i(wbs_err_o),
+ .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wbs_stb_o(wbs_stb_i),
+ .wbs_cyc_o(wbs_cyc_i),
+ .wbs_we_o(wbs_we_i),
+ .wbs_sel_o(wbs_sel_i),
+ .wbs_adr_o(wbs_adr_i),
+ .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_i)
+ );
+ // Instantiate one dummy slave for testing
+ dummy_slave dummy_slave (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wbs_we_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
+ .wb_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wb_ack_o(wbs_ack_o)
+ );
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ wbm_we_i = 0;
+ wbm_sel_i = 0;
+ wbm_dat_i = 0;
+ wbm_adr_i = 0;
+ wbs_ack_i = 0;
+ wbs_err_i = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("arbiter_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, arbiter_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Arbiter Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ reg [`DW-1:0] data;
+ reg [`AW-1:0] address;
+ integer i;
+ initial begin
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // Case 1: Initiate W/R requests from M0 -- MN
+ for (i=0; i<`NM; i=i+1) begin
+ data = $urandom_range(0, 255);
+ address = $urandom_range(0, 255);
+ write(address,data,i);
+ #2;
+ read(i);
+ if (wbm_dat_i[i*`DW +: `DW] !== data) begin
+ $display("Request Error from master %0b", i);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ #10;
+ // Case 2: Initiate W/R requests from MN -- M0
+ for (i=`NM-1; i>=0; i=i-1) begin
+ data = $urandom_range(0, 255);
+ address = $urandom_range(0, 255);
+ write(address,data,i);
+ #2;
+ read(i);
+ if (wbm_dat_i[i*`DW +: `DW] !== data) begin
+ $display("Request Error from master %0b", i);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ // Case 3: Initiate concurrent W/R requests from all masters
+ address = $urandom_range(0, 255);
+ wbm_stb_i = {`NM{1'b1}};
+ wbm_cyc_i = {`NM{1'b1}};
+ wbm_we_i = {`NM{1'b1}};
+ wbm_sel_i = {`NM{4'hF}};
+ wbm_adr_i = {`NM{address}};
+ for (i=`NM-1; i>=0; i=i-1) begin
+ wbm_dat_i[i*`DW+: `DW] = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ end
+ // Make sure that served request is master 0 (highest priority)
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[0]);
+ if (wbm_ack_o[`NM-1:1] !== 0) begin
+ $display("Arbitration failed");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Read
+ wbm_we_i = {`NM{1'b0}};
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[0]);
+ // Make sure that the second master doesn't receive an ack
+ if (wbm_ack_o[`NM-1:1] !== 0) begin
+ $display("Arbitration failed");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #10;
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task read;
+ input mindex;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i[mindex] = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle from master %0b started", mindex);
+ end
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle from master %0b ended.", mindex);
+ end
+ endtask
+ task write;
+ input [`AW-1:0] adr;
+ input [`DW-1:0] data;
+ input integer mindex;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i[mindex*SEL+: SEL] = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_adr_i[mindex*`AW+: `AW] = adr;
+ wbm_dat_i[mindex*`DW+: `DW] = data;
+ $display("Write Cycle from master %0b started", mindex);
+ end
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 0;
+ $display("Write Cycle from master %0b ended.", mindex);
+ end
+ endtask
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/crossbar_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/crossbar_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcd10cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/crossbar_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = crossbar_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I .. -I ../../ -I ../../../ip -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/crossbar_wb/crossbar_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/crossbar_wb/crossbar_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a35b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/crossbar_wb/crossbar_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "crossbar.v"
+`include "dummy_slave.v"
+`ifndef AW
+ `define AW 32
+`ifndef DW
+ `define DW 32
+`ifndef NM
+ `define NM 2
+`ifndef NS
+ `define NS 4
+`ifndef SLAVE_ADR
+ `define SLAVE_ADR { \
+ {8'hB0, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'hA0, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'h90, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'h80, {24{1'b0}}}\
+ }\
+`ifndef ADR_MASK
+ `define ADR_MASK { \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}} \
+ }\
+module crossbar_wb_tb;
+ localparam SEL = `DW / 8;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ // Masters interface
+ reg [`NM-1:0] wbm_cyc_i;
+ reg [`NM-1:0] wbm_stb_i;
+ reg [`NM-1:0] wbm_we_i;
+ reg [(`NM*(`DW/8))-1:0] wbm_sel_i;
+ reg [(`NM*`AW)-1:0] wbm_adr_i;
+ reg [(`NM*`DW)-1:0] wbm_dat_i;
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_ack_o;
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_err_o;
+ wire [(`NM*`DW)-1:0] wbm_dat_o;
+ // Slaves interfaces
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_ack_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_i;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_cyc_o;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_stb_o;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_we_o;
+ wire [(`NS*(`DW/8))-1:0] wbs_sel_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`AW)-1:0] wbs_adr_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
+ wb_xbar #(
+ .NM(`NM),
+ .NS(`NS),
+ .AW(`AW),
+ .DW(`DW),
+ )
+ wb_xbar(
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ // Masters interface
+ .wbm_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_i),
+ .wbm_stb_i(wbm_stb_i),
+ .wbm_we_i (wbm_we_i),
+ .wbm_sel_i(wbm_sel_i),
+ .wbm_adr_i(wbm_adr_i),
+ .wbm_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),
+ .wbm_ack_o(wbm_ack_o),
+ .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),
+ // Slaves interfaces
+ .wbs_ack_i(wbs_ack_o),
+ .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wbs_cyc_o(wbs_cyc_o),
+ .wbs_stb_o(wbs_stb_o),
+ .wbs_we_o(wbs_we_o),
+ .wbs_sel_o(wbs_sel_o),
+ .wbs_adr_o(wbs_adr_o),
+ .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_i)
+ );
+ // Instantiate four dummy slaves for testing
+ dummy_slave dummy_slaves [`NS-1:0](
+ .wb_clk_i({`NS{wb_clk_i}}),
+ .wb_rst_i({`NS{wb_rst_i}}),
+ .wb_stb_i(wbs_stb_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_o),
+ .wb_we_i(wbs_we_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(wbs_sel_o),
+ .wb_adr_i(wbs_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
+ .wb_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wb_ack_o(wbs_ack_o)
+ );
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ wbm_we_i = 0;
+ wbm_sel_i = 0;
+ wbm_adr_i = 0;
+ wbm_dat_i = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("crossbar_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, crossbar_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Crossbar Switch Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ reg [`AW*`NS-1:0] addresses = {
+ {8'hB0, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hA0, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'h90, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'h80, {24{1'b0}}}
+ };
+ reg [`DW-1:0] m0_slave_data;
+ reg [`DW-1:0] m1_slave_data;
+ reg [`AW-1:0] slave_adr;
+ initial begin
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // Case 1: Master0 addresses slave 0 and Master 2 Addresses slave 1
+ slave_adr = addresses[`AW-1:0];
+ m0_slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ write(slave_adr, m0_slave_data, 0);
+ #2;
+ read(slave_adr, 0);
+ if (wbm_dat_o[0*`DW+: `DW] !== m0_slave_data) begin
+ $display("Error reading from slave");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #10;
+ slave_adr = addresses[`AW*2-1:`AW*1];
+ m1_slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ write(slave_adr, m1_slave_data, 1);
+ #2;
+ read(slave_adr, 1);
+ #10;
+ if (wbm_dat_o[1*`DW+: `DW] !== m1_slave_data) begin
+ $display("Error reading from slave");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #10;
+ // Case 2: Master0 addresses slave 0 and Master 2 Addresses slave 1 simultaenously
+ slave_adr = addresses[`AW-1:0];
+ m0_slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ wbm_stb_i[0] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[0] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i [0] = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i[0*SEL+: SEL] = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_adr_i[0*`AW+: `AW] = slave_adr;
+ wbm_dat_i[0*`DW+: `DW] = m0_slave_data;
+ slave_adr = addresses[`AW*2-1:`AW*1];
+ m1_slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ wbm_stb_i[1] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[1] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i[1] = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i[1*SEL+: SEL] = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_adr_i[1*`AW+: `AW] = slave_adr;
+ wbm_dat_i[1*`DW+: `DW] = m1_slave_data;
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[0] && wbm_ack_o[1]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[0] && !wbm_ack_o[1]);
+ // Read
+ wbm_we_i = 2'b00;
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[0] && wbm_ack_o[1]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[0] && !wbm_ack_o[1]);
+ if (wbm_dat_o[0*`DW+: `DW] !== m0_slave_data) begin
+ $display("Error reading from slave");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Case 3: Master0 addresses slave 0 and Master 2 Addresses slave 1 simultaenously
+ slave_adr = addresses[`AW-1:0];
+ m0_slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ wbm_stb_i[0] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[0] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i [0] = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i[0*SEL+: SEL] = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_adr_i[0*`AW+: `AW] = slave_adr;
+ wbm_dat_i[0*`DW+: `DW] = m0_slave_data;
+ slave_adr = addresses[`AW-1:0];
+ m1_slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ wbm_stb_i[1] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[1] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i [1] = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i[1*SEL+: SEL] = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_adr_i[1*`AW+: `AW] = slave_adr;
+ wbm_dat_i[1*`DW+: `DW] = m1_slave_data;
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[0] && !wbm_ack_o[1]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[0] && !wbm_ack_o[1]);
+ // Read
+ wbm_we_i = 2'b00;
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[0]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[0]);
+ if (wbm_dat_o[0*`DW+: `DW] !== m0_slave_data) begin
+ $display("Error reading from slave");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task read;
+ input addr;
+ input mindex;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i[mindex] = 0;
+ $display("Read cycle from master %0b started", mindex);
+ end
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 0;
+ $display("Read cycle from master %0b ended.", mindex);
+ end
+ endtask
+ task write;
+ input [`AW-1:0] adr;
+ input [`DW-1:0] data;
+ input integer mindex;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_we_i[mindex] = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i[mindex*SEL+: SEL] = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_adr_i[mindex*`AW+: `AW] = adr;
+ wbm_dat_i[mindex*`DW+: `DW] = data;
+ $display("Write cycle from master %0b started", mindex);
+ end
+ wait(wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o[mindex]);
+ wbm_stb_i[mindex] = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i[mindex] = 0;
+ $display("Write cycle from master %0b ended.", mindex);
+ end
+ endtask
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a1273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = distributor
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I .. -I ../../ -I ../../../ip -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/distributor_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/distributor_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8f929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/distributor_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "distributor.v"
+`include "dummy_slave.v"
+`ifndef AW
+ `define AW 32
+`ifndef DW
+ `define DW 32
+`ifndef NS
+ `define NS 4
+`ifndef SLAVE_ADR
+ `define SLAVE_ADR { \
+ {8'hB0, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'hA0, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'h90, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'h80, {24{1'b0}}}\
+ }\
+`ifndef ADR_MASK
+ `define ADR_MASK { \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}} \
+ }\
+module distributor_tb;
+ localparam SEL = `DW / 8;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ // Masters interface
+ reg wbm_cyc_i;
+ reg wbm_stb_i;
+ reg wbm_we_i;
+ reg [(`DW/8)-1:0] wbm_sel_i;
+ reg [`AW-1:0] wbm_adr_i;
+ reg [`DW-1:0] wbm_dat_i;
+ wire wbm_ack_o;
+ wire [`DW-1:0] wbm_dat_o;
+ // Slaves interfaces
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_ack_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_i;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_cyc_o;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_stb_o;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_we_o;
+ wire [(`NS*(`DW/8))-1:0] wbs_sel_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`AW)-1:0] wbs_adr_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
+ distributor #(
+ .NS(`NS),
+ .AW(`AW),
+ .DW(`DW),
+ )
+ uut (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ // Masters interface
+ .wbm_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_i),
+ .wbm_stb_i(wbm_stb_i),
+ .wbm_we_i (wbm_we_i),
+ .wbm_sel_i(wbm_sel_i),
+ .wbm_adr_i(wbm_adr_i),
+ .wbm_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),
+ .wbm_ack_o(wbm_ack_o),
+ .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),
+ // Slaves interfaces
+ .wbs_ack_i(wbs_ack_o),
+ .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wbs_cyc_o(wbs_cyc_o),
+ .wbs_stb_o(wbs_stb_o),
+ .wbs_we_o(wbs_we_o),
+ .wbs_sel_o(wbs_sel_o),
+ .wbs_adr_o(wbs_adr_o),
+ .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_i)
+ );
+ // Instantiate four dummy slaves for testing
+ dummy_slave dummy_slaves [`NS-1:0](
+ .wb_clk_i({`NS{wb_clk_i}}),
+ .wb_rst_i({`NS{wb_rst_i}}),
+ .wb_stb_i(wbs_stb_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_o),
+ .wb_we_i(wbs_we_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(wbs_sel_o),
+ .wb_adr_i(wbs_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
+ .wb_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wb_ack_o(wbs_ack_o)
+ );
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ wbm_we_i = 0;
+ wbm_sel_i = 0;
+ wbm_adr_i = 0;
+ wbm_dat_i = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("distributor_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, distributor_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Distributor Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ reg [`DW-1:0] slave_data;
+ reg [`AW-1:0] slave_adr;
+ initial begin
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ slave_adr = 32'h 8000_0000;
+ slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ write(slave_adr, slave_data);
+ #2;
+ read(slave_adr);
+ if (wbm_dat_i !== slave_data) begin
+ $display("Failed R/W from slave");
+ end
+ #2;
+ slave_adr = 32'h 9000_0000;
+ slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ write(slave_adr, slave_data);
+ #2;
+ read(slave_adr);
+ if (wbm_dat_i !== slave_data) begin
+ $display("Failed R/W from slave");
+ end
+ #2;
+ slave_adr = 32'h A000_0000;
+ slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ write(slave_adr, slave_data);
+ #2;
+ read(slave_adr);
+ if (wbm_dat_i !== slave_data) begin
+ $display("Failed R/W from slave");
+ end
+ #2;
+ slave_adr = 32'h B000_0000;
+ slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**(`DW-2));
+ write(slave_adr, slave_data);
+ #2;
+ read(slave_adr);
+ if (wbm_dat_i !== slave_data) begin
+ $display("Failed R/W from slave");
+ end
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task read;
+ input [`AW-1:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 1;
+ wbm_we_i = 0;
+ wbm_adr_i = addr;
+ $display("Read Cycle Started");
+ end
+ wait(wbm_ack_o);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o);
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ $display("Read cycle Ended");
+ end
+ endtask
+ task write;
+ input [`AW-1:0] adr;
+ input [`DW-1:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 1;
+ wbm_we_i = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_adr_i = adr;
+ wbm_dat_i = data;
+ $display("Write cycle started");
+ end
+ wait(wbm_ack_o);
+ wait(!wbm_ack_o);
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ $display("Write cycle ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/distributor_tb.vcd b/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/distributor_tb.vcd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12f7ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/distributor/distributor_tb.vcd
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+ Fri Aug 21 14:18:15 2020
+ Icarus Verilog
+ 1ps
+$scope module distributor_tb $end
+$var wire 4 ! wbs_we_o [3:0] $end
+$var wire 4 " wbs_stb_o [3:0] $end
+$var wire 16 # wbs_sel_o [15:0] $end
+$var wire 128 $ wbs_dat_o [127:0] $end
+$var wire 128 % wbs_dat_i [127:0] $end
+$var wire 4 & wbs_cyc_o [3:0] $end
+$var wire 128 ' wbs_adr_o [127:0] $end
+$var wire 4 ( wbs_ack_o [3:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ) wbm_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 * wbm_ack_o $end
+$var reg 32 + slave_adr [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 , slave_data [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 - wb_clk_i $end
+$var reg 1 . wb_rst_i $end
+$var reg 32 / wbm_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 0 wbm_cyc_i $end
+$var reg 32 1 wbm_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 4 2 wbm_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var reg 1 3 wbm_stb_i $end
+$var reg 1 4 wbm_we_i $end
+$scope module dummy_slaves[0] $end
+$var wire 1 5 valid $end
+$var wire 32 6 wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 7 wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 8 wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 9 wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 : wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 ; wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 < wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 = wb_we_i $end
+$var reg 32 > store [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 ? wb_ack_o $end
+$var reg 32 @ wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope module dummy_slaves[1] $end
+$var wire 1 A valid $end
+$var wire 32 B wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 C wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 D wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 E wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 F wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 G wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 H wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 I wb_we_i $end
+$var reg 32 J store [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 K wb_ack_o $end
+$var reg 32 L wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope module dummy_slaves[2] $end
+$var wire 1 M valid $end
+$var wire 32 N wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 O wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 P wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 Q wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 R wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 S wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 T wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 U wb_we_i $end
+$var reg 32 V store [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 W wb_ack_o $end
+$var reg 32 X wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope module dummy_slaves[3] $end
+$var wire 1 Y valid $end
+$var wire 32 Z wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 [ wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 \ wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 ] wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 ^ wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 _ wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 ` wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 a wb_we_i $end
+$var reg 32 b store [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 c wb_ack_o $end
+$var reg 32 d wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope module uut $end
+$var wire 1 - wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 . wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 32 e wbm_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 0 wbm_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 f wbm_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 4 g wbm_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 3 wbm_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 4 wbm_we_i $end
+$var wire 4 h wbs_ack_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 4 i wbs_cyc_o [3:0] $end
+$var wire 128 j wbs_dat_i [127:0] $end
+$var wire 4 k wbs_stb_o [3:0] $end
+$var wire 4 l wbs_we_o [3:0] $end
+$var wire 16 m wbs_sel_o [15:0] $end
+$var wire 128 n wbs_dat_o [127:0] $end
+$var wire 128 o wbs_adr_o [127:0] $end
+$var wire 1 * wbm_ack_o $end
+$var wire 4 p slave_sel [3:0] $end
+$var reg 32 q wbm_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var integer 32 r i [31:0] $end
+$scope begin genblk1[0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope begin genblk1[1] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope begin genblk1[2] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope begin genblk1[3] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task read $end
+$var reg 32 s addr [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task write $end
+$var reg 32 t adr [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 u data [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end
+bx u
+bx t
+bx s
+b10000000 r
+b0 q
+b0 p
+b0 o
+b0 n
+b0 m
+b0 l
+b0 k
+bx j
+b0 i
+bx h
+b0 g
+b0 f
+b0 e
+bx d
+bx b
+b0 _
+b0 ]
+b0 Z
+bx X
+bx V
+b0 S
+b0 Q
+b0 N
+bx L
+bx J
+b0 G
+b0 E
+b0 B
+bx @
+bx >
+b0 ;
+b0 9
+b0 6
+b0 2
+b0 1
+b0 /
+bx ,
+bx +
+b0 )
+bx (
+b0 '
+b0 &
+b0 %
+bx $
+b0 #
+b0 "
+b0 !
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b100100100001010100110101001001 u
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 t
+b100100100001010100110101001001 ,
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 +
+b100100100001010100110101001001 >
+b100100100001010100110101001001 J
+b100100100001010100110101001001 V
+b100100100001010100110101001001 b
+b1 "
+b1 k
+b1 &
+b1 i
+bx )
+bx q
+b10000000 r
+b100100100001010100110101001001 9
+b100100100001010100110101001001 E
+b100100100001010100110101001001 Q
+b100100100001010100110101001001 ]
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 6
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 B
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 N
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 Z
+b1 p
+b1111 ;
+b1111 G
+b1111 S
+b1111 _
+b100100100001010100110101001001001001001000010101001101010010010010010010000101010011010100100100100100100001010100110101001001 %
+b100100100001010100110101001001001001001000010101001101010010010010010010000101010011010100100100100100100001010100110101001001 n
+b100100100001010100110101001001 1
+b100100100001010100110101001001 f
+b10000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000 '
+b10000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000 o
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 /
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 e
+b1111111111111111 #
+b1111111111111111 m
+b1111 2
+b1111 g
+b1111 !
+b1111 l
+b10000000 r
+b100100100001010100110101001001 )
+b100100100001010100110101001001 q
+b1 (
+b1 h
+b100100100001010100110101001001 @
+b100100100001010100110101001001 L
+b100100100001010100110101001001 X
+b100100100001010100110101001001001001001000010101001101010010010010010010000101010011010100100100100100100001010100110101001001 $
+b100100100001010100110101001001001001001000010101001101010010010010010010000101010011010100100100100100100001010100110101001001 j
+b100100100001010100110101001001 d
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b1 &
+b1 i
+b1 "
+b1 k
+b0 !
+b0 l
+b10000000000000000000000000000000 s
+b1 (
+b1 h
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b10000001000100101011110100000 >
+b10000001000100101011110100000 J
+b10000001000100101011110100000 V
+b10000001000100101011110100000 b
+b10000000 r
+b100100100001010100110101001001 )
+b100100100001010100110101001001 q
+b10000001000100101011110100000 9
+b10000001000100101011110100000 E
+b10000001000100101011110100000 Q
+b10000001000100101011110100000 ]
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 6
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 B
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 N
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 Z
+b10 p
+b10 &
+b10 i
+b10 "
+b10 k
+b10000001000100101011110100000000100000010001001010111101000000001000000100010010101111010000000010000001000100101011110100000 %
+b10000001000100101011110100000000100000010001001010111101000000001000000100010010101111010000000010000001000100101011110100000 n
+b10000001000100101011110100000 1
+b10000001000100101011110100000 f
+b10010000000000000000000000000000100100000000000000000000000000001001000000000000000000000000000010010000000000000000000000000000 '
+b10010000000000000000000000000000100100000000000000000000000000001001000000000000000000000000000010010000000000000000000000000000 o
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 /
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 e
+b1111 !
+b1111 l
+b10000001000100101011110100000 u
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 t
+b10000001000100101011110100000 ,
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 +
+b10000000 r
+b10000001000100101011110100000 )
+b10000001000100101011110100000 q
+b10000001000100101011110100000 @
+b10 (
+b10 h
+b10000001000100101011110100000 L
+b10000001000100101011110100000 X
+b10000001000100101011110100000000100000010001001010111101000000001000000100010010101111010000000010000001000100101011110100000 $
+b10000001000100101011110100000000100000010001001010111101000000001000000100010010101111010000000010000001000100101011110100000 j
+b10000001000100101011110100000 d
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b10 &
+b10 i
+b10 "
+b10 k
+b0 !
+b0 l
+b10010000000000000000000000000000 s
+b10 (
+b10 h
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b1001000010011010110000010 >
+b1001000010011010110000010 J
+b1001000010011010110000010 V
+b1001000010011010110000010 b
+b10000000 r
+b10000001000100101011110100000 )
+b10000001000100101011110100000 q
+b1001000010011010110000010 9
+b1001000010011010110000010 E
+b1001000010011010110000010 Q
+b1001000010011010110000010 ]
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 6
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 B
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 N
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 Z
+b100 p
+b100 &
+b100 i
+b100 "
+b100 k
+b1001000010011010110000010000000010010000100110101100000100000000100100001001101011000001000000001001000010011010110000010 %
+b1001000010011010110000010000000010010000100110101100000100000000100100001001101011000001000000001001000010011010110000010 n
+b1001000010011010110000010 1
+b1001000010011010110000010 f
+b10100000000000000000000000000000101000000000000000000000000000001010000000000000000000000000000010100000000000000000000000000000 '
+b10100000000000000000000000000000101000000000000000000000000000001010000000000000000000000000000010100000000000000000000000000000 o
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 /
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 e
+b1111 !
+b1111 l
+b1001000010011010110000010 u
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 t
+b1001000010011010110000010 ,
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 +
+b10000000 r
+b1001000010011010110000010 )
+b1001000010011010110000010 q
+b1001000010011010110000010 @
+b1001000010011010110000010 L
+b100 (
+b100 h
+b1001000010011010110000010 X
+b1001000010011010110000010000000010010000100110101100000100000000100100001001101011000001000000001001000010011010110000010 $
+b1001000010011010110000010000000010010000100110101100000100000000100100001001101011000001000000001001000010011010110000010 j
+b1001000010011010110000010 d
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b100 &
+b100 i
+b100 "
+b100 k
+b0 !
+b0 l
+b10100000000000000000000000000000 s
+b100 (
+b100 h
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b1100011111000001010110011001 >
+b1100011111000001010110011001 J
+b1100011111000001010110011001 V
+b1100011111000001010110011001 b
+b10000000 r
+b1001000010011010110000010 )
+b1001000010011010110000010 q
+b1100011111000001010110011001 9
+b1100011111000001010110011001 E
+b1100011111000001010110011001 Q
+b1100011111000001010110011001 ]
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 6
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 B
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 N
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 Z
+b1000 p
+b1000 &
+b1000 i
+b1000 "
+b1000 k
+b1100011111000001010110011001000011000111110000010101100110010000110001111100000101011001100100001100011111000001010110011001 %
+b1100011111000001010110011001000011000111110000010101100110010000110001111100000101011001100100001100011111000001010110011001 n
+b1100011111000001010110011001 1
+b1100011111000001010110011001 f
+b10110000000000000000000000000000101100000000000000000000000000001011000000000000000000000000000010110000000000000000000000000000 '
+b10110000000000000000000000000000101100000000000000000000000000001011000000000000000000000000000010110000000000000000000000000000 o
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 /
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 e
+b1111 !
+b1111 l
+b1100011111000001010110011001 u
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 t
+b1100011111000001010110011001 ,
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 +
+b10000000 r
+b1100011111000001010110011001 )
+b1100011111000001010110011001 q
+b1100011111000001010110011001 @
+b1100011111000001010110011001 L
+b1100011111000001010110011001 X
+b1000 (
+b1000 h
+b1100011111000001010110011001000011000111110000010101100110010000110001111100000101011001100100001100011111000001010110011001 $
+b1100011111000001010110011001000011000111110000010101100110010000110001111100000101011001100100001100011111000001010110011001 j
+b1100011111000001010110011001 d
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
+b1000 &
+b1000 i
+b1000 "
+b1000 k
+b0 !
+b0 l
+b10110000000000000000000000000000 s
+b1000 (
+b1000 h
+b0 &
+b0 i
+b0 "
+b0 k
+b0 (
+b0 h
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/gpio_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/gpio_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d54e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/gpio_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = gpio_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I .. -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/gpio_wb/gpio_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/gpio_wb/gpio_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db196c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/gpio_wb/gpio_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "gpio_wb.v"
+module gpio_wb_tb;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ reg wb_stb_i;
+ reg wb_cyc_i;
+ reg wb_we_i;
+ reg [3:0] wb_sel_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_adr_i;
+ reg [15:0] gpio_in_pad;
+ wire wb_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_sel_i = 0;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_dat_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = 0;
+ gpio_in_pad = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("gpio_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, gpio_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test GPIO Wishbone Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ // GPIO Internal Register Addresses
+ wire [31:0] gpio_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.GPIO_DATA;
+ wire [31:0] gpio_oeb_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.GPIO_ENA;
+ wire [31:0] gpio_pu_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.GPIO_PU;
+ wire [31:0] gpio_pd_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.GPIO_PD;
+ reg [15:0] gpio_data;
+ reg [15:0] gpio_pu;
+ reg [15:0] gpio_pd;
+ reg [15:0] gpio_oeb;
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // Write to gpio_data reg
+ gpio_in_pad = 16'h FFFF;
+ gpio_data = 16'h A000;
+ write(gpio_adr, gpio_data);
+ #2;
+ // Read from gpio_data reg
+ read(gpio_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {gpio_data, gpio_in_pad}) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from gpio reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #2;
+ // Write to pull-up reg
+ gpio_pu = 16'h 000f;
+ write(gpio_pu_adr, gpio_pu);
+ #2;
+ // Read from pull-up reg
+ read(gpio_pu_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {16'd0, gpio_pu}) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from gpio pull-up reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #2;
+ // Write to pull-down reg
+ gpio_pd = 16'h 00f0;
+ write(gpio_pd_adr, gpio_pd);
+ #2;
+ // Read from pull-down reg
+ read(gpio_pd_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {16'd0, gpio_pd}) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from gpio pull-down reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #2;
+ // Write to gpio enable reg
+ gpio_oeb = 16'h 00ff;
+ write(gpio_oeb_adr, gpio_oeb);
+ #2;
+ // Read from gpio enable reg
+ read(gpio_oeb_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {16'd0, gpio_oeb}) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from gpio output enable reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #6;
+ $display("Monitor: GPIO WB Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task write;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ input [32:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'hF;
+ wb_we_i = 1;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ wb_dat_i = data;
+ $display("Write Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Write Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ $display("Read Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ gpio_wb uut(
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_stb_i(wb_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wb_cyc_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wb_sel_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(wb_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o),
+ .gpio_in_pad(gpio_in_pad)
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/intercon_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/intercon_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e061e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/intercon_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = intercon_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I .. -I ../../ -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/intercon_wb/intercon_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/intercon_wb/intercon_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14702f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/intercon_wb/intercon_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "wb_intercon.v"
+`include "dummy_slave.v"
+`define AW 32
+`define DW 32
+`define NS 6
+`define SLAVE_ADR { \
+ {8'h28, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'h23, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'h21, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'h20, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'h10, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'h00, {24{1'b0}} } \
+`define ADR_MASK { \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} }, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} } \
+module intercon_wb_tb;
+ localparam SEL = `DW / 8;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ // Master Interface
+ reg wbm_stb_i;
+ reg wbm_cyc_i;
+ reg wbm_we_i;
+ reg [SEL-1:0] wbm_sel_i;
+ reg [`AW-1:0] wbm_adr_i;
+ reg [`DW-1:0] wbm_dat_i;
+ wire [`DW-1:0] wbm_dat_o;
+ wire wbm_ack_o;
+ // Wishbone Slave Interface
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_stb_i;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_ack_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_adr_i;
+ wire [(`NS*`AW)-1:0] wbs_dat_i;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wbm_adr_i = 0;
+ wbm_dat_i = 0;
+ wbm_sel_i = 0;
+ wbm_we_i = 0;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("intercon_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, intercon_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Wishbone Interconnect Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ reg [`AW*`NS-1: 0] addr = `SLAVE_ADR;
+ reg [`DW:0] slave_data;
+ reg [`AW:0] slave_addr;
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // W/R from all slaves
+ for (i=0; i<`NS; i=i+1) begin
+ slave_addr = addr[i*`AW +: `AW];
+ slave_data = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ write(slave_addr, slave_data);
+ #2;
+ read(slave_addr);
+ if (wbm_dat_o !== slave_data) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Reading from slave %0d failed", i);
+ $display("Monitor: Test Wishbone Interconnect failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ end
+ $display("Monitor: Test Wishbone Interconnect Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task write;
+ input [`AW-1:0] addr;
+ input [`AW-1:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 1;
+ wbm_sel_i = {SEL{1'b1}};
+ wbm_we_i = 1;
+ wbm_adr_i = addr;
+ wbm_dat_i = data;
+ $display("Write Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wbm_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wbm_ack_o == 0);
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Write Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read;
+ input [`AW-1:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wbm_stb_i = 1;
+ wbm_cyc_i = 1;
+ wbm_adr_i = addr;
+ wbm_we_i = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wbm_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wbm_ack_o == 0);
+ wbm_cyc_i = 0;
+ wbm_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ wb_intercon #(
+ .AW(`AW),
+ .DW(`DW),
+ .NS(`NS),
+ ) uut(
+ // Master Interface
+ .wbm_adr_i(wbm_adr_i),
+ .wbm_stb_i(wbm_stb_i),
+ .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),
+ .wbm_ack_o(wbm_ack_o),
+ // Slave Interface
+ .wbs_stb_o(wbs_stb_i),
+ .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wbs_ack_i(wbs_ack_o)
+ );
+ // Instantiate five dummy slaves for testing
+ dummy_slave dummy_slaves [`NS-1:0](
+ .wb_clk_i({`NS{wb_clk_i}}),
+ .wb_rst_i({`NS{wb_rst_i}}),
+ .wb_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wbm_we_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wbm_sel_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wbm_adr_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),
+ .wb_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wb_ack_o(wbs_ack_o)
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..216614f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = la_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I .. -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/la_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/la_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c50186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/la_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "la_wb.v"
+module la_wb_tb;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ reg wb_stb_i;
+ reg wb_cyc_i;
+ reg wb_we_i;
+ reg [3:0] wb_sel_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_adr_i;
+ wire wb_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_sel_i = 0;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_dat_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("la_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, la_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Wishbone LA Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ // LA Wishbone Internal Register Addresses
+ wire [31:0] la_data_adr_0 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_DATA_0;
+ wire [31:0] la_data_adr_1 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_DATA_1;
+ wire [31:0] la_data_adr_2 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_DATA_2;
+ wire [31:0] la_data_adr_3 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_DATA_3;
+ wire [31:0] la_ena_adr_0 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_ENA_0;
+ wire [31:0] la_ena_adr_1 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_ENA_1;
+ wire [31:0] la_ena_adr_2 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_ENA_2;
+ wire [31:0] la_ena_adr_3 = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.LA_ENA_3;
+ reg [31:0] la_data_0;
+ reg [31:0] la_data_1;
+ reg [31:0] la_data_2;
+ reg [31:0] la_data_3;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_0;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_1;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_2;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_3;
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // Write to la data registers
+ la_data_0 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ la_data_1 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ la_data_2 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ la_data_3 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ write(la_data_adr_0, la_data_0);
+ write(la_data_adr_1, la_data_1);
+ write(la_data_adr_2, la_data_2);
+ write(la_data_adr_3, la_data_3);
+ #2;
+ // Read from la data registers
+ read(la_data_adr_0);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_data_0) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(la_data_adr_1);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_data_1) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(la_data_adr_2);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_data_1) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(la_data_adr_3);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_data_3) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Write to la emable registers
+ la_ena_0 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ la_ena_1 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ la_ena_2 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ la_ena_3 = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ write(la_ena_adr_0, la_ena_0);
+ write(la_ena_adr_1, la_ena_1);
+ write(la_ena_adr_2, la_ena_2);
+ write(la_ena_adr_3, la_ena_3);
+ #2;
+ // Read from la data registers
+ read(la_ena_adr_0);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_ena_0) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(la_ena_adr_1);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_ena_1) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(la_ena_adr_2);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_ena_1) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(la_ena_adr_3);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== la_ena_3) begin
+ $display("Monitor: Error reading from la data_0 reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #6;
+ $display("Monitor: Test LA Wishbone Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task write;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ input [32:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'hF;
+ wb_we_i = 1;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ wb_dat_i = data;
+ $display("Write Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Write Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ $display("Read Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ la_wb uut(
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_stb_i(wb_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wb_cyc_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wb_sel_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(wb_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o)
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/la_wb_tb.vcd b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/la_wb_tb.vcd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a9969d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/la_wb_tb.vcd
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+ Fri Aug 21 14:19:50 2020
+ Icarus Verilog
+ 1ps
+$scope module la_wb_tb $end
+$var wire 32 ! la_data_adr_0 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 " la_data_adr_1 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 # la_data_adr_2 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 $ la_data_adr_3 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 % la_ena_adr_0 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 & la_ena_adr_1 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ' la_ena_adr_2 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ( la_ena_adr_3 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ) wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 * wb_ack_o $end
+$var reg 32 + la_data_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 , la_data_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 - la_data_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 . la_data_3 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 / la_ena_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 0 la_ena_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 1 la_ena_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 2 la_ena_3 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 3 wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 4 wb_clk_i $end
+$var reg 1 5 wb_cyc_i $end
+$var reg 32 6 wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 7 wb_rst_i $end
+$var reg 4 8 wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var reg 1 9 wb_stb_i $end
+$var reg 1 : wb_we_i $end
+$scope module uut $end
+$var wire 4 ; iomem_we [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 < resetn $end
+$var wire 1 = valid $end
+$var wire 1 * wb_ack_o $end
+$var wire 32 > wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 4 wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 5 wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 ? wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 7 wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 @ wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 9 wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 : wb_we_i $end
+$var wire 32 A wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 B ready $end
+$var wire 128 C la_ena [127:0] $end
+$var wire 128 D la_data [127:0] $end
+$scope module la_ctrl $end
+$var wire 1 4 clk $end
+$var wire 32 E iomem_addr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 = iomem_valid $end
+$var wire 32 F iomem_wdata [31:0] $end
+$var wire 4 G iomem_wstrb [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 < resetn $end
+$var wire 4 H la_ena_sel [3:0] $end
+$var wire 128 I la_ena [127:0] $end
+$var wire 4 J la_data_sel [3:0] $end
+$var wire 128 K la_data [127:0] $end
+$var reg 32 L iomem_rdata [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 B iomem_ready $end
+$var reg 32 M la_data_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 N la_data_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 O la_data_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 P la_data_3 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 Q la_ena_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 R la_ena_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 S la_ena_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 T la_ena_3 [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task read $end
+$var reg 33 U addr [32:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task write $end
+$var reg 33 V addr [32:0] $end
+$var reg 33 W data [32:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end
+bx W
+bx V
+bx U
+bx T
+bx S
+bx R
+bx Q
+bx P
+bx O
+bx N
+bx M
+bx L
+bx K
+b1 J
+bx I
+b0 H
+b0 G
+b0 F
+b0 E
+bx D
+bx C
+bx A
+b0 @
+b0 ?
+b0 >
+b0 ;
+b0 8
+b0 6
+b0 3
+bx 2
+bx 1
+bx 0
+bx /
+bx .
+bx -
+bx ,
+bx +
+bx )
+b100010000000000000000000011100 (
+b100010000000000000000000011000 '
+b100010000000000000000000010100 &
+b100010000000000000000000010000 %
+b100010000000000000000000001100 $
+b100010000000000000000000001000 #
+b100010000000000000000000000100 "
+b100010000000000000000000000000 !
+b0 T
+b0 S
+b0 R
+b0 C
+b0 I
+b0 Q
+b0 P
+b0 O
+b0 N
+b0 D
+b0 K
+b0 M
+b0 W
+b100010000000000000000000000000 V
+b0 .
+b0 -
+b0 ,
+b0 +
+b1111 ;
+b1111 G
+b100010000000000000000000000000 3
+b100010000000000000000000000000 >
+b100010000000000000000000000000 E
+b1111 8
+b1111 @
+b0 )
+b0 A
+b0 L
+b100010000000000000000000000100 V
+b10 J
+b100010000000000000000000000100 3
+b100010000000000000000000000100 >
+b100010000000000000000000000100 E
+b100010000000000000000000001000 V
+b100 J
+b100010000000000000000000001000 3
+b100010000000000000000000001000 >
+b100010000000000000000000001000 E
+b100010000000000000000000001100 V
+b1000 J
+b100010000000000000000000001100 3
+b100010000000000000000000001100 >
+b100010000000000000000000001100 E
+b1 J
+b0 ;
+b0 G
+b100010000000000000000000000000 3
+b100010000000000000000000000000 >
+b100010000000000000000000000000 E
+b100010000000000000000000000000 U
+b100010000000000000000000000100 U
+b10 J
+b100010000000000000000000000100 3
+b100010000000000000000000000100 >
+b100010000000000000000000000100 E
+b100010000000000000000000001000 U
+b100 J
+b100010000000000000000000001000 3
+b100010000000000000000000001000 >
+b100010000000000000000000001000 E
+b100010000000000000000000001100 U
+b1000 J
+b100010000000000000000000001100 3
+b100010000000000000000000001100 >
+b100010000000000000000000001100 E
+b100010000000000000000000010000 V
+b0 2
+b0 1
+b0 0
+b0 /
+b0 J
+b1 H
+b1111 ;
+b1111 G
+b100010000000000000000000010000 3
+b100010000000000000000000010000 >
+b100010000000000000000000010000 E
+b100010000000000000000000010100 V
+b10 H
+b100010000000000000000000010100 3
+b100010000000000000000000010100 >
+b100010000000000000000000010100 E
+b100010000000000000000000011000 V
+b100 H
+b100010000000000000000000011000 3
+b100010000000000000000000011000 >
+b100010000000000000000000011000 E
+b100010000000000000000000011100 V
+b1000 H
+b100010000000000000000000011100 3
+b100010000000000000000000011100 >
+b100010000000000000000000011100 E
+b1 H
+b0 ;
+b0 G
+b100010000000000000000000010000 3
+b100010000000000000000000010000 >
+b100010000000000000000000010000 E
+b100010000000000000000000010000 U
+b100010000000000000000000010100 U
+b10 H
+b100010000000000000000000010100 3
+b100010000000000000000000010100 >
+b100010000000000000000000010100 E
+b100010000000000000000000011000 U
+b100 H
+b100010000000000000000000011000 3
+b100010000000000000000000011000 >
+b100010000000000000000000011000 E
+b100010000000000000000000011100 U
+b1000 H
+b100010000000000000000000011100 3
+b100010000000000000000000011100 >
+b100010000000000000000000011100 E
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/ldo_wb_tb.vcd b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/ldo_wb_tb.vcd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e252e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/la_wb/ldo_wb_tb.vcd
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+ Thu Aug 20 00:22:06 2020
+ Icarus Verilog
+ 1ps
+$scope module ldo_wb_tb $end
+$var wire 32 ! ldo_data_adr_0 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 " ldo_data_adr_1 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 # ldo_data_adr_2 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 $ ldo_data_adr_3 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 % ldo_ena_adr_0 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 & ldo_ena_adr_1 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ' ldo_ena_adr_2 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ( ldo_ena_adr_3 [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ) wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 * wb_ack_o $end
+$var reg 32 + ldo_data_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 , ldo_data_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 - ldo_data_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 . ldo_data_3 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 / ldo_ena_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 0 ldo_ena_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 1 ldo_ena_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 2 ldo_ena_3 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 3 wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 4 wb_clk_i $end
+$var reg 1 5 wb_cyc_i $end
+$var reg 32 6 wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 7 wb_rst_i $end
+$var reg 4 8 wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var reg 1 9 wb_stb_i $end
+$var reg 1 : wb_we_i $end
+$scope module uut $end
+$var wire 4 ; iomem_we [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 < resetn $end
+$var wire 1 = valid $end
+$var wire 1 * wb_ack_o $end
+$var wire 32 > wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 4 wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 5 wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 ? wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 7 wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 @ wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 9 wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 : wb_we_i $end
+$var wire 32 A wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 B ready $end
+$var wire 128 C ldo_ena [127:0] $end
+$var wire 128 D ldo_data [127:0] $end
+$scope module ldo_ctrl $end
+$var wire 1 4 clk $end
+$var wire 32 E iomem_addr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 = iomem_valid $end
+$var wire 32 F iomem_wdata [31:0] $end
+$var wire 4 G iomem_wstrb [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 < resetn $end
+$var wire 4 H ldo_ena_sel [3:0] $end
+$var wire 128 I ldo_ena [127:0] $end
+$var wire 4 J ldo_data_sel [3:0] $end
+$var wire 128 K ldo_data [127:0] $end
+$var reg 32 L iomem_rdata [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 B iomem_ready $end
+$var reg 32 M ldo_data_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 N ldo_data_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 O ldo_data_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 P ldo_data_3 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 Q ldo_ena_0 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 R ldo_ena_1 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 S ldo_ena_2 [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 T ldo_ena_3 [31:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task read $end
+$var reg 33 U addr [32:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task write $end
+$var reg 33 V addr [32:0] $end
+$var reg 33 W data [32:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end
+bx W
+bx V
+bx U
+bx T
+bx S
+bx R
+bx Q
+bx P
+bx O
+bx N
+bx M
+bx L
+bx K
+b1 J
+bx I
+b0 H
+b0 G
+b0 F
+b0 E
+bx D
+bx C
+bx A
+b0 @
+b0 ?
+b0 >
+b0 ;
+b0 8
+b0 6
+b0 3
+bx 2
+bx 1
+bx 0
+bx /
+bx .
+bx -
+bx ,
+bx +
+bx )
+b100010000000000000000000011100 (
+b100010000000000000000000011000 '
+b100010000000000000000000010100 &
+b100010000000000000000000010000 %
+b100010000000000000000000001100 $
+b100010000000000000000000001000 #
+b100010000000000000000000000100 "
+b100010000000000000000000000000 !
+b0 T
+b0 S
+b0 R
+b0 C
+b0 I
+b0 Q
+b0 P
+b0 O
+b0 N
+b0 D
+b0 K
+b0 M
+b0 W
+b100010000000000000000000000000 V
+b0 .
+b0 -
+b0 ,
+b0 +
+b1111 ;
+b1111 G
+b100010000000000000000000000000 3
+b100010000000000000000000000000 >
+b100010000000000000000000000000 E
+b1111 8
+b1111 @
+b0 )
+b0 A
+b0 L
+b100010000000000000000000000100 V
+b10 J
+b100010000000000000000000000100 3
+b100010000000000000000000000100 >
+b100010000000000000000000000100 E
+b100010000000000000000000001000 V
+b100 J
+b100010000000000000000000001000 3
+b100010000000000000000000001000 >
+b100010000000000000000000001000 E
+b100010000000000000000000001100 V
+b1000 J
+b100010000000000000000000001100 3
+b100010000000000000000000001100 >
+b100010000000000000000000001100 E
+b1 J
+b0 ;
+b0 G
+b100010000000000000000000000000 3
+b100010000000000000000000000000 >
+b100010000000000000000000000000 E
+b100010000000000000000000000000 U
+b100010000000000000000000000100 U
+b10 J
+b100010000000000000000000000100 3
+b100010000000000000000000000100 >
+b100010000000000000000000000100 E
+b100010000000000000000000001000 U
+b100 J
+b100010000000000000000000001000 3
+b100010000000000000000000001000 >
+b100010000000000000000000001000 E
+b100010000000000000000000001100 U
+b1000 J
+b100010000000000000000000001100 3
+b100010000000000000000000001100 >
+b100010000000000000000000001100 E
+b100010000000000000000000010000 V
+b0 2
+b0 1
+b0 0
+b0 /
+b0 J
+b1 H
+b1111 ;
+b1111 G
+b100010000000000000000000010000 3
+b100010000000000000000000010000 >
+b100010000000000000000000010000 E
+b100010000000000000000000010100 V
+b10 H
+b100010000000000000000000010100 3
+b100010000000000000000000010100 >
+b100010000000000000000000010100 E
+b100010000000000000000000011000 V
+b100 H
+b100010000000000000000000011000 3
+b100010000000000000000000011000 >
+b100010000000000000000000011000 E
+b100010000000000000000000011100 V
+b1000 H
+b100010000000000000000000011100 3
+b100010000000000000000000011100 >
+b100010000000000000000000011100 E
+b1 H
+b0 ;
+b0 G
+b100010000000000000000000010000 3
+b100010000000000000000000010000 >
+b100010000000000000000000010000 E
+b100010000000000000000000010000 U
+b100010000000000000000000010100 U
+b10 H
+b100010000000000000000000010100 3
+b100010000000000000000000010100 >
+b100010000000000000000000010100 E
+b100010000000000000000000011000 U
+b100 H
+b100010000000000000000000011000 3
+b100010000000000000000000011000 >
+b100010000000000000000000011000 E
+b100010000000000000000000011100 U
+b1000 H
+b100010000000000000000000011100 3
+b100010000000000000000000011100 >
+b100010000000000000000000011100 E
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/mem_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/mem_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82b2235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/mem_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = mem_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I .. -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/mem_wb/mem_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/mem_wb/mem_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb45e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/mem_wb/mem_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`define USE_OPENRAM
+`include "sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130.v"
+`include "mem_wb.v"
+module mem_wb_tb;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_adr_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ reg [3:0] wb_sel_i;
+ reg wb_we_i;
+ reg wb_cyc_i;
+ reg wb_stb_i;
+ wire wb_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0; // master select-signal for the slave
+ wb_we_i = 0; // R = 0 , W = 1
+ wb_cyc_i = 0; // master is transferring
+ wb_adr_i = 0; // input addr 32-bits
+ wb_dat_i = 0; // input data 32-bits
+ wb_sel_i = 0; // where data is available on data_i 4-bits
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("mem_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, mem_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Wishbone Memory Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ reg [31:0] ref_data [255: 0];
+ reg [31: 0] read_data;
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // Randomly Write to memory array
+ for ( i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) begin
+ ref_data[i] = $urandom_range(0, 2**32);
+ write(i, ref_data[i]);
+ #2;
+ end
+ #6;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) begin
+ read(i);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== ref_data[i]) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Expected %0b, but Got %0b ", ref_data[i], wb_dat_o);
+ $display("Monitor: Wishbone Memory Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #2;
+ end
+ #6;
+ $display("Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task write;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ input [32:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'hF;
+ wb_we_i = 1;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ wb_dat_i = data;
+ $display("Write Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Write Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ $display("Read Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ mem_wb uut(
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wb_sel_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wb_cyc_i),
+ .wb_stb_i(wb_stb_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(wb_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o)
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55b9235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+PATTERN = spi_sysctrl_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0275a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "spi_sysctrl.v"
+`include "striVe_spi.v"
+module spi_sysctrl_wb_tb;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ reg wb_stb_i;
+ reg wb_cyc_i;
+ reg wb_we_i;
+ reg [3:0] wb_sel_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_adr_i;
+ wire wb_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+ wire [7:0] spi_ro_config; // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ?
+ wire [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div;
+ wire [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel;
+ wire spi_ro_xtal_ena;
+ wire spi_ro_reg_ena;
+ wire [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim;
+ wire spi_ro_pll_dco_ena;
+ wire [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id;
+ wire [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id;
+ wire [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev;
+ wire spi_ro_pll_bypass;
+ // HKSPI
+ reg RSTB;
+ reg SCK;
+ reg SDI;
+ reg CSB;
+ reg trap;
+ reg [3:0] mask_rev_in;
+ wire SDO;
+ wire sdo_enb;
+ wire xtal_ena;
+ wire reg_ena;
+ wire pll_dco_ena;
+ wire [25:0] pll_trim;
+ wire [2:0] pll_sel;
+ wire [4:0] pll_div;
+ wire pll_bypass;
+ wire irq;
+ wire reset;
+ wire RST;
+ wire [11:0] mfgr_id;
+ wire [7:0] prod_id;
+ wire [3:0] mask_rev;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_sel_i = 0;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_dat_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = 0;
+ CSB = 1;
+ SCK = 0;
+ SDI = 0;
+ RSTB = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ // System Control Default Register Addresses (Read-only reg)
+ wire [31:0] spi_cfg = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_CFG; // unused & reserved ?
+ wire [31:0] spi_ena = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_ENA;
+ wire [31:0] spi_pll_cfg = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_PLL_CFG;
+ wire [31:0] spi_mfgr_id = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_MFGR_ID;
+ wire [31:0] spi_prod_id = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_PROD_ID;
+ wire [31:0] spi_mask_rev = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_MASK_REV;
+ wire [31:0] spi_pll_bypass = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.SPI_PLL_BYPASS;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, spi_sysctrl_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test SPI System Control Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ RSTB = 0; // active low reset
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ RSTB = 1;
+ #2;
+ // Read mask_rev register
+ mask_rev_in = 4'hF;
+ read(spi_mask_rev);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {28'd0, mask_rev_in}) begin
+ $display("Error reading mask_rev reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Read manufacture id register
+ read(spi_mfgr_id);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {20'd0, 12'h456}) begin
+ $display("Error reading manufacture id reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Read product id register
+ read(spi_prod_id);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {24'd0, 8'h05}) begin
+ $display("Error reading product id reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Read PLL-Bypass register
+ read(spi_pll_bypass);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {31'd0, 1'b1}) begin
+ $display("Error reading pll bypass id reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Read PLL-Configuration register
+ read(spi_pll_cfg);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {5'd0, spi_ro_pll_trim, spi_ro_pll_dco_ena}) begin
+ $display("Error reading pll bypass id reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Read SPI Enables register
+ read(spi_ena);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== {22'd0, spi_ro_pll_div, spi_ro_pll_sel, spi_ro_xtal_ena, spi_ro_reg_ena}) begin
+ $display("Error reading pll bypass id reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ $display("Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task read;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ $display("Monitor: Read Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Monitor: Read Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ spi_sysctrl_wb uut(
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_stb_i(wb_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wb_cyc_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wb_sel_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(wb_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o),
+ .spi_ro_config(spi_ro_config), // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ?
+ .spi_ro_pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div),
+ .spi_ro_pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel),
+ .spi_ro_xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena),
+ .spi_ro_reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena),
+ .spi_ro_pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim),
+ .spi_ro_pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena),
+ .spi_ro_mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id),
+ .spi_ro_prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id),
+ .spi_ro_mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev),
+ .pll_bypass(spi_ro_pll_bypass)
+ );
+ striVe_spi hkspi (
+ .SCK(SCK),
+ .SDI(SDI),
+ .CSB(CSB),
+ .SDO(SDO),
+ .sdo_enb(SDO_enb),
+ .xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena),
+ .reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena),
+ .pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena),
+ .pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel),
+ .pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div),
+ .pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim),
+ .pll_bypass(spi_ro_pll_bypass),
+ .irq(irq_spi),
+ .RST(por),
+ .reset(ext_reset),
+ .trap(trap),
+ .mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id),
+ .prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id),
+ .mask_rev_in(mask_rev_in),
+ .mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev)
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd b/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3abe514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/spi_sysctrl_wb/spi_sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+ Fri Aug 21 14:21:00 2020
+ Icarus Verilog
+ 1ps
+$scope module spi_sysctrl_wb_tb $end
+$var wire 32 ! spi_cfg [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 " spi_ena [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 # spi_mask_rev [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 $ spi_mfgr_id [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 % spi_pll_bypass [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 & spi_pll_cfg [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ' spi_prod_id [31:0] $end
+$var wire 8 ( spi_ro_config [7:0] $end
+$var wire 12 ) spi_ro_mfgr_id [11:0] $end
+$var wire 8 * spi_ro_prod_id [7:0] $end
+$var wire 32 + wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 , wb_ack_o $end
+$var wire 1 - spi_ro_xtal_ena $end
+$var wire 1 . spi_ro_reg_ena $end
+$var wire 26 / spi_ro_pll_trim [25:0] $end
+$var wire 3 0 spi_ro_pll_sel [2:0] $end
+$var wire 5 1 spi_ro_pll_div [4:0] $end
+$var wire 1 2 spi_ro_pll_dco_ena $end
+$var wire 1 3 spi_ro_pll_bypass $end
+$var wire 4 4 spi_ro_mask_rev [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 5 por $end
+$var wire 1 6 irq_spi $end
+$var wire 1 7 ext_reset $end
+$var wire 1 8 SDO_enb $end
+$var wire 1 9 SDO $end
+$var reg 1 : CSB $end
+$var reg 1 ; RSTB $end
+$var reg 1 < SCK $end
+$var reg 1 = SDI $end
+$var reg 4 > mask_rev_in [3:0] $end
+$var reg 1 ? trap $end
+$var reg 32 @ wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 A wb_clk_i $end
+$var reg 1 B wb_cyc_i $end
+$var reg 32 C wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 D wb_rst_i $end
+$var reg 4 E wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var reg 1 F wb_stb_i $end
+$var reg 1 G wb_we_i $end
+$scope module hkspi $end
+$var wire 1 : CSB $end
+$var wire 1 5 RST $end
+$var wire 1 ; RSTB $end
+$var wire 1 < SCK $end
+$var wire 1 = SDI $end
+$var wire 4 H mask_rev [3:0] $end
+$var wire 4 I mask_rev_in [3:0] $end
+$var wire 12 J mfgr_id [11:0] $end
+$var wire 8 K prod_id [7:0] $end
+$var wire 1 ? trap $end
+$var wire 1 L wrstb $end
+$var wire 1 8 sdo_enb $end
+$var wire 1 M rdstb $end
+$var wire 8 N odata [7:0] $end
+$var wire 8 O idata [7:0] $end
+$var wire 8 P iaddr [7:0] $end
+$var wire 1 9 SDO $end
+$var reg 1 6 irq $end
+$var reg 1 3 pll_bypass $end
+$var reg 1 2 pll_dco_ena $end
+$var reg 5 Q pll_div [4:0] $end
+$var reg 3 R pll_sel [2:0] $end
+$var reg 26 S pll_trim [25:0] $end
+$var reg 1 . reg_ena $end
+$var reg 1 7 reset $end
+$var reg 1 - xtal_ena $end
+$scope module U1 $end
+$var wire 1 : CSB $end
+$var wire 1 < SCK $end
+$var wire 1 = SDI $end
+$var wire 8 T idata [7:0] $end
+$var wire 8 U odata [7:0] $end
+$var wire 8 V oaddr [7:0] $end
+$var wire 1 9 SDO $end
+$var reg 8 W addr [7:0] $end
+$var reg 3 X count [2:0] $end
+$var reg 3 Y fixed [2:0] $end
+$var reg 8 Z ldata [7:0] $end
+$var reg 7 [ predata [6:0] $end
+$var reg 1 M rdstb $end
+$var reg 1 \ readmode $end
+$var reg 1 8 sdoenb $end
+$var reg 2 ] state [1:0] $end
+$var reg 1 ^ writemode $end
+$var reg 1 L wrstb $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope module uut $end
+$var wire 4 _ iomem_we [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 3 pll_bypass $end
+$var wire 1 ` resetn $end
+$var wire 8 a spi_ro_config [7:0] $end
+$var wire 4 b spi_ro_mask_rev [3:0] $end
+$var wire 12 c spi_ro_mfgr_id [11:0] $end
+$var wire 1 2 spi_ro_pll_dco_ena $end
+$var wire 5 d spi_ro_pll_div [4:0] $end
+$var wire 3 e spi_ro_pll_sel [2:0] $end
+$var wire 26 f spi_ro_pll_trim [25:0] $end
+$var wire 8 g spi_ro_prod_id [7:0] $end
+$var wire 1 . spi_ro_reg_ena $end
+$var wire 1 - spi_ro_xtal_ena $end
+$var wire 1 h valid $end
+$var wire 1 , wb_ack_o $end
+$var wire 32 i wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 A wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 B wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 j wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 D wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 k wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 F wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 G wb_we_i $end
+$var wire 32 l wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 m ready $end
+$scope module spi_sysctrl $end
+$var wire 1 A clk $end
+$var wire 32 n iomem_addr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 h iomem_valid $end
+$var wire 32 o iomem_wdata [31:0] $end
+$var wire 4 p iomem_wstrb [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 3 pll_bypass $end
+$var wire 1 ` resetn $end
+$var wire 8 q spi_ro_config [7:0] $end
+$var wire 4 r spi_ro_mask_rev [3:0] $end
+$var wire 12 s spi_ro_mfgr_id [11:0] $end
+$var wire 1 2 spi_ro_pll_dco_ena $end
+$var wire 5 t spi_ro_pll_div [4:0] $end
+$var wire 3 u spi_ro_pll_sel [2:0] $end
+$var wire 26 v spi_ro_pll_trim [25:0] $end
+$var wire 8 w spi_ro_prod_id [7:0] $end
+$var wire 1 . spi_ro_reg_ena $end
+$var wire 1 - spi_ro_xtal_ena $end
+$var wire 1 x spi_prod_sel $end
+$var wire 1 y spi_mfgr_sel $end
+$var wire 1 z spi_maskrev_sel $end
+$var wire 1 { spi_ena_sel $end
+$var wire 1 | spi_cfg_sel $end
+$var wire 1 } pll_cfg_sel $end
+$var wire 1 ~ pll_bypass_sel $end
+$var reg 32 !" iomem_rdata [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 m iomem_ready $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task read $end
+$var reg 33 "" addr [32:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end
+bx ""
+bx !"
+b101 w
+b11111111111110111111111111 v
+b0 u
+b100 t
+b10001010110 s
+bx r
+bz q
+b0 p
+b0 o
+b0 n
+bx l
+b0 k
+b0 j
+b0 i
+b101 g
+b11111111111110111111111111 f
+b0 e
+b100 d
+b10001010110 c
+bx b
+bz a
+b0 _
+b0 ]
+b0 [
+b0 Z
+b0 Y
+b0 X
+b0 W
+b0 V
+b0 U
+b0 T
+b11111111111110111111111111 S
+b0 R
+b100 Q
+b0 P
+b0 O
+b0 N
+b101 K
+b10001010110 J
+bx I
+bx H
+b0 E
+b0 C
+b0 @
+bx >
+bx 4
+b100 1
+b0 0
+b11111111111110111111111111 /
+bx +
+b101 *
+b10001010110 )
+bz (
+b101110000000000000000000010000 '
+b101110000000000000000000001000 &
+b101110000000000000000000011000 %
+b101110000000000000000000001100 $
+b101110000000000000000000010100 #
+b101110000000000000000000000100 "
+b101110000000000000000000000000 !
+b101110000000000000000000010100 ""
+b1111 4
+b1111 H
+b1111 b
+b1111 r
+b1111 >
+b1111 I
+b101110000000000000000000010100 @
+b101110000000000000000000010100 i
+b101110000000000000000000010100 n
+b1111 +
+b1111 l
+b1111 !"
+b101110000000000000000000001100 ""
+b101110000000000000000000001100 @
+b101110000000000000000000001100 i
+b101110000000000000000000001100 n
+b10001010110 +
+b10001010110 l
+b10001010110 !"
+b101110000000000000000000010000 ""
+b101110000000000000000000010000 @
+b101110000000000000000000010000 i
+b101110000000000000000000010000 n
+b101 +
+b101 l
+b101 !"
+b101110000000000000000000011000 ""
+b101110000000000000000000011000 @
+b101110000000000000000000011000 i
+b101110000000000000000000011000 n
+b1 +
+b1 l
+b1 !"
+b101110000000000000000000001000 ""
+b101110000000000000000000001000 @
+b101110000000000000000000001000 i
+b101110000000000000000000001000 n
+b111111111111101111111111111 +
+b111111111111101111111111111 l
+b111111111111101111111111111 !"
+b101110000000000000000000000100 ""
+b101110000000000000000000000100 @
+b101110000000000000000000000100 i
+b101110000000000000000000000100 n
+b10000011 +
+b10000011 l
+b10000011 !"
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..075241d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+PATTERN = spimemio_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I ../ -I ../../ -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/flash.hex b/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/flash.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23bd76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/flash.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/spimemio_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/spimemio_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b75e6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/spimemio_wb/spimemio_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`define FLASH_BASE 32'h 1000_000
+`include "spimemio.v"
+// `include "spiflash.v"
+module spimemio_wb_tb;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ reg wb_flash_stb_i;
+ reg wb_cfg_stb_i;
+ reg wb_cyc_i;
+ reg wb_we_i;
+ reg [3:0] wb_sel_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_adr_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ wire wb_flash_ack_o;
+ wire wb_cfg_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_flash_dat_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_cfg_dat_o;
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0_oeb;
+ wire flash_io1_oeb;
+ wire flash_io2_oeb;
+ wire flash_io3_oeb;
+ wire flash_io0_di = 1'b 1;
+ wire flash_io1_di = 1'b 1;
+ wire flash_io2_di = 1'b 1;
+ wire flash_io3_di = 1'b 1;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wb_flash_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cfg_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_sel_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = 0;
+ wb_dat_i = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ spimemio_wb uut(
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_flash_stb_i(wb_flash_stb_i),
+ .wb_cfg_stb_i(wb_cfg_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wb_cyc_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wb_sel_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
+ .wb_flash_ack_o(wb_flash_ack_o),
+ .wb_cfg_ack_o(wb_cfg_ack_o),
+ .wb_flash_dat_o(wb_flash_dat_o),
+ .wb_cfg_dat_o(wb_cfg_dat_o),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_io0_oeb(flash_io0_oeb),
+ .flash_io1_oeb(flash_io1_oeb),
+ .flash_io2_oeb(flash_io2_oeb),
+ .flash_io3_oeb(flash_io3_oeb),
+ .flash_io0_di(flash_io0_di),
+ .flash_io1_di(flash_io1_di),
+ .flash_io2_di(flash_io2_di),
+ .flash_io3_di(flash_io3_di)
+ );
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("spimemio_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, spimemio_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test spimmemio Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ wire [31:0] cfgreg_data;
+ assign cfgreg_data = {
+ 1'b 1,
+ 8'b 0,
+ 3'b 111,
+ 4'b 1010,
+ 4'b 0, // make sure is it tied to zero in the module itself
+ {~flash_io3_oeb, ~flash_io2_oeb, ~flash_io1_oeb, ~flash_io0_oeb},
+ 2'b 0,
+ flash_csb,
+ flash_clk,
+ {flash_io3_di, flash_io2_di, flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di}
+ };
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // Read from flash
+ for (i = `FLASH_BASE; i < `FLASH_BASE + 100 ; i = i + 4) begin
+ read(i, 1, 0);
+ if (wb_flash_dat_o !== 32'hFFFF_FFFF) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Expected %0b, but Got %0b ", 32'hFFFF_FFFF, wb_flash_dat_o);
+ $display("Monitor: Wishbone spimemio Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #2;
+ end
+ #6;
+ // Write to Configuration register
+ write(cfgreg_data, 0);
+ #2;
+ read(0, 0, 1);
+ if (wb_cfg_dat_o !== cfgreg_data) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Expected %0b, but Got %0b ", cfgreg_data, wb_cfg_dat_o);
+ $display("Monitor: Wishbone spimemio Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ $display("Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task write;
+ input [32:0] data;
+ input [31:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_cfg_stb_i = 1'b 1;
+ wb_flash_stb_i = 1'b 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1'b 1;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'b 1111; // complete word
+ wb_we_i = 1'b 1; // write enable
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ wb_dat_i = data;
+ end
+ wait_ack();
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ input flash_stb;
+ input cfg_stb;
+ begin
+ wb_flash_stb_i = flash_stb;
+ wb_cfg_stb_i = cfg_stb;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1'b 1;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ wb_dat_i = 24;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'b 1111; // complete word
+ wb_we_i = 1'b 0; // read
+ $display("Initiated Read transaction...");
+ wait_ack();
+ end
+ endtask
+ task wait_ack;
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ if (wb_cfg_stb_i == 1) begin
+ @(posedge wb_cfg_ack_o) begin
+ #2; // To end the transaction on the falling edge of ack
+ wb_cyc_i = 1'b 0;
+ wb_cfg_stb_i = 1'b 0;
+ $display("Monitor: Received an ACK from slave");
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ @(posedge wb_flash_ack_o) begin
+ #2; // To end the transaction on the falling edge of ack
+ wb_cyc_i = 1'b 0;
+ wb_flash_stb_i = 1'b 0;
+ $display("Monitor: Received an ACK from slave");
+ end
+ end
+ endtask
+ // spiflash #(
+ // .FILENAME("flash.hex")
+ // ) spiflash (
+ // .csb(flash_csb),
+ // .clk(flash_clk),
+ // .io0(flash_io0),
+ // .io1(flash_io1),
+ // .io2(flash_io2),
+ // .io3(flash_io3)
+ // );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1b0978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+PATTERN = sysctrl_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/sysctrl_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/sysctrl_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0ec433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/sysctrl_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "sysctrl.v"
+module sysctrl_wb_tb;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ reg wb_stb_i;
+ reg wb_cyc_i;
+ reg wb_we_i;
+ reg [3:0] wb_sel_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_adr_i;
+ wire wb_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+ reg overtemp;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_sel_i = 0;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_dat_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, sysctrl_wb_tb);
+ repeat (50) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test System Control Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ // System Control Default Register Addresses
+ wire [31:0] osc_ena_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.OSC_ENA;
+ wire [31:0] osc_out_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.OSC_OUT;
+ wire [31:0] xtal_out_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.XTAL_OUT;
+ wire [31:0] pll_out_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.PLL_OUT;
+ wire [31:0] trap_out_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.TRAP_OUT;
+ wire [31:0] irq7_src_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.IRQ7_SRC;
+ wire [31:0] irq8_src_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.IRQ8_SRC;
+ wire [31:0] overtemp_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.OVERTEMP_DATA;
+ wire [31:0] overtemp_ena_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.OVERTEMP_ENA;
+ wire [31:0] ovetemp_out_adr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.OVERTEMP_OUT;
+ reg rcosc_ena;
+ reg [1:0] rcosc_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] xtal_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] pll_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] trap_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] irq_7_inputsrc;
+ reg [1:0] irq_8_inputsrc;
+ reg overtemp_ena;
+ reg [1:0] overtemp_dest;
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ overtemp = 1'b1;
+ rcosc_ena = 1'b1;
+ rcosc_output_dest = 2'b10;
+ xtal_output_dest = 2'b01;
+ pll_output_dest = 2'b11;
+ trap_output_dest = 2'b10;
+ irq_7_inputsrc = 2'b01;
+ irq_8_inputsrc = 2'b11;
+ overtemp_ena = 1'b1;
+ overtemp_dest = 1'b1;
+ // Write to System Control Registers (except overtemp; read-only)
+ write(osc_ena_adr, rcosc_ena);
+ write(osc_out_adr, rcosc_output_dest);
+ write(xtal_out_adr, xtal_output_dest);
+ write(pll_out_adr, pll_output_dest);
+ write(trap_out_adr, trap_output_dest);
+ write(irq7_src_adr, irq_7_inputsrc);
+ write(irq8_src_adr, irq_8_inputsrc);
+ write(overtemp_ena_adr, overtemp_ena);
+ write(ovetemp_out_adr, overtemp_dest);
+ #2;
+ // Read System Control Registers
+ read(overtemp_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== overtemp) begin
+ $display("Error reading from overtemp reg");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(osc_ena_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== rcosc_ena) begin
+ $display("Error reading oscillator enable register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(osc_out_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== rcosc_output_dest) begin
+ $display("Error reading oscillator output destination register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(xtal_out_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== xtal_output_dest) begin
+ $display("Error reading XTAL output destination register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(pll_out_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== pll_output_dest) begin
+ $display("Error reading PLL output destination register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(trap_out_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== trap_output_dest) begin
+ $display("Error reading trap output destination register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(irq7_src_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== irq_7_inputsrc) begin
+ $display("Error reading IRQ7 input source register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(irq8_src_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== irq_8_inputsrc) begin
+ $display("Error reading IRQ7 input source register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(overtemp_ena_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== overtemp_ena) begin
+ $display("Error reading over-temperature enable register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ read(ovetemp_out_adr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== overtemp_dest) begin
+ $display("Error reading over-temperature output destination register.");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ $display("Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task write;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ input [32:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'hF;
+ wb_we_i = 1;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ wb_dat_i = data;
+ $display("Monitor: Write Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Monitor: Write Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ $display("Monitor: Read Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Monitor: Read Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ sysctrl_wb uut(
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_stb_i(wb_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wb_cyc_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wb_sel_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(wb_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o),
+ .overtemp(overtemp)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd b/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31cad7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/sysctrl_wb/sysctrl_wb_tb.vcd
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+ Fri Aug 21 14:21:19 2020
+ Icarus Verilog
+ 1ps
+$scope module sysctrl_wb_tb $end
+$var wire 32 ! irq7_src_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 " irq8_src_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 # osc_ena_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 $ osc_out_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 % overtemp_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 & overtemp_ena_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ' ovetemp_out_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ( pll_out_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 ) trap_out_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 * xtal_out_adr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 32 + wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 , wb_ack_o $end
+$var reg 2 - irq_7_inputsrc [1:0] $end
+$var reg 2 . irq_8_inputsrc [1:0] $end
+$var reg 1 / overtemp $end
+$var reg 2 0 overtemp_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 1 1 overtemp_ena $end
+$var reg 2 2 pll_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 1 3 rcosc_ena $end
+$var reg 2 4 rcosc_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 2 5 trap_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 32 6 wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 7 wb_clk_i $end
+$var reg 1 8 wb_cyc_i $end
+$var reg 32 9 wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 : wb_rst_i $end
+$var reg 4 ; wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var reg 1 < wb_stb_i $end
+$var reg 1 = wb_we_i $end
+$var reg 2 > xtal_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$scope module uut $end
+$var wire 4 ? iomem_we [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 / overtemp $end
+$var wire 1 @ resetn $end
+$var wire 1 A valid $end
+$var wire 1 , wb_ack_o $end
+$var wire 32 B wb_adr_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 7 wb_clk_i $end
+$var wire 1 8 wb_cyc_i $end
+$var wire 32 C wb_dat_i [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 : wb_rst_i $end
+$var wire 4 D wb_sel_i [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 < wb_stb_i $end
+$var wire 1 = wb_we_i $end
+$var wire 2 E xtal_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var wire 32 F wb_dat_o [31:0] $end
+$var wire 2 G trap_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var wire 1 H ready $end
+$var wire 2 I rcosc_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var wire 1 J rcosc_ena $end
+$var wire 2 K pll_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var wire 1 L overtemp_ena $end
+$var wire 2 M overtemp_dest [1:0] $end
+$var wire 2 N irq_8_inputsrc [1:0] $end
+$var wire 2 O irq_7_inputsrc [1:0] $end
+$scope module sysctrl $end
+$var wire 1 7 clk $end
+$var wire 32 P iomem_addr [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 A iomem_valid $end
+$var wire 32 Q iomem_wdata [31:0] $end
+$var wire 4 R iomem_wstrb [3:0] $end
+$var wire 1 / overtemp $end
+$var wire 1 @ resetn $end
+$var wire 1 S xtal_out_sel $end
+$var wire 1 T trap_out_sel $end
+$var wire 1 U pll_out_sel $end
+$var wire 1 V overtemp_sel $end
+$var wire 1 W overtemp_ena_sel $end
+$var wire 1 X overtemp_dest_sel $end
+$var wire 1 Y osc_out_sel $end
+$var wire 1 Z osc_ena_sel $end
+$var wire 1 [ irq8_sel $end
+$var wire 1 \ irq7_sel $end
+$var reg 32 ] iomem_rdata [31:0] $end
+$var reg 1 H iomem_ready $end
+$var reg 2 ^ irq_7_inputsrc [1:0] $end
+$var reg 2 _ irq_8_inputsrc [1:0] $end
+$var reg 2 ` overtemp_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 1 L overtemp_ena $end
+$var reg 2 a pll_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 1 J rcosc_ena $end
+$var reg 2 b rcosc_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 2 c trap_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$var reg 2 d xtal_output_dest [1:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task read $end
+$var reg 33 e addr [32:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$scope task write $end
+$var reg 33 f addr [32:0] $end
+$var reg 33 g data [32:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end
+bx g
+bx f
+bx e
+bx d
+bx c
+bx b
+bx a
+bx `
+bx _
+bx ^
+bx ]
+b0 R
+b0 Q
+b0 P
+bx O
+bx N
+bx M
+bx K
+bx I
+bx G
+bx F
+bx E
+b0 D
+b0 C
+b0 B
+b0 ?
+bx >
+b0 ;
+b0 9
+b0 6
+bx 5
+bx 4
+bx 2
+bx 0
+bx .
+bx -
+bx +
+b101111000000000000000000001000 *
+b101111000000000000000000010000 )
+b101111000000000000000000001100 (
+b101111000000000000000000100100 '
+b101111000000000000000000011100 &
+b101111000000000000000000100000 %
+b101111000000000000000000000100 $
+b101111000000000000000000000000 #
+b101111000000000000000000011000 "
+b101111000000000000000000010100 !
+b0 M
+b0 `
+b0 N
+b0 _
+b0 O
+b0 ^
+b0 G
+b0 c
+b0 E
+b0 d
+b0 K
+b0 a
+b0 I
+b0 b
+b1 g
+b101111000000000000000000000000 f
+b1 0
+b11 .
+b1 -
+b10 5
+b11 2
+b1 >
+b10 4
+b1111 ?
+b1111 R
+b1 9
+b1 C
+b1 Q
+b101111000000000000000000000000 6
+b101111000000000000000000000000 B
+b101111000000000000000000000000 P
+b1111 ;
+b1111 D
+b0 +
+b0 F
+b0 ]
+b10 g
+b101111000000000000000000000100 f
+b10 9
+b10 C
+b10 Q
+b101111000000000000000000000100 6
+b101111000000000000000000000100 B
+b101111000000000000000000000100 P
+b10 I
+b10 b
+b1 g
+b101111000000000000000000001000 f
+b1 9
+b1 C
+b1 Q
+b101111000000000000000000001000 6
+b101111000000000000000000001000 B
+b101111000000000000000000001000 P
+b1 E
+b1 d
+b11 g
+b101111000000000000000000001100 f
+b11 9
+b11 C
+b11 Q
+b101111000000000000000000001100 6
+b101111000000000000000000001100 B
+b101111000000000000000000001100 P
+b11 K
+b11 a
+b10 g
+b101111000000000000000000010000 f
+b10 9
+b10 C
+b10 Q
+b101111000000000000000000010000 6
+b101111000000000000000000010000 B
+b101111000000000000000000010000 P
+b10 G
+b10 c
+b1 g
+b101111000000000000000000010100 f
+b1 9
+b1 C
+b1 Q
+b101111000000000000000000010100 6
+b101111000000000000000000010100 B
+b101111000000000000000000010100 P
+b1 O
+b1 ^
+b11 g
+b101111000000000000000000011000 f
+b11 9
+b11 C
+b11 Q
+b101111000000000000000000011000 6
+b101111000000000000000000011000 B
+b101111000000000000000000011000 P
+b11 N
+b11 _
+b1 g
+b101111000000000000000000011100 f
+b1 9
+b1 C
+b1 Q
+b101111000000000000000000011100 6
+b101111000000000000000000011100 B
+b101111000000000000000000011100 P
+b101111000000000000000000100100 f
+b101111000000000000000000100100 6
+b101111000000000000000000100100 B
+b101111000000000000000000100100 P
+b1 M
+b1 `
+b0 ?
+b0 R
+b101111000000000000000000100000 6
+b101111000000000000000000100000 B
+b101111000000000000000000100000 P
+b101111000000000000000000100000 e
+b1 +
+b1 F
+b1 ]
+b101111000000000000000000000000 e
+b101111000000000000000000000000 6
+b101111000000000000000000000000 B
+b101111000000000000000000000000 P
+b101111000000000000000000000100 e
+b101111000000000000000000000100 6
+b101111000000000000000000000100 B
+b101111000000000000000000000100 P
+b10 +
+b10 F
+b10 ]
+b101111000000000000000000001000 e
+b101111000000000000000000001000 6
+b101111000000000000000000001000 B
+b101111000000000000000000001000 P
+b1 +
+b1 F
+b1 ]
+b101111000000000000000000001100 e
+b101111000000000000000000001100 6
+b101111000000000000000000001100 B
+b101111000000000000000000001100 P
+b11 +
+b11 F
+b11 ]
+b101111000000000000000000010000 e
+b101111000000000000000000010000 6
+b101111000000000000000000010000 B
+b101111000000000000000000010000 P
+b10 +
+b10 F
+b10 ]
+b101111000000000000000000010100 e
+b101111000000000000000000010100 6
+b101111000000000000000000010100 B
+b101111000000000000000000010100 P
+b1 +
+b1 F
+b1 ]
+b101111000000000000000000011000 e
+b101111000000000000000000011000 6
+b101111000000000000000000011000 B
+b101111000000000000000000011000 P
+b11 +
+b11 F
+b11 ]
+b101111000000000000000000011100 e
+b101111000000000000000000011100 6
+b101111000000000000000000011100 B
+b101111000000000000000000011100 P
+b1 +
+b1 F
+b1 ]
+b101111000000000000000000100100 e
+b101111000000000000000000100100 6
+b101111000000000000000000100100 B
+b101111000000000000000000100100 P
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/uart_wb/Makefile b/verilog/dv/wb/uart_wb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a37bd82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/uart_wb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+PATTERN = uart_wb
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v
+ iverilog -I .. -I ../../ -I ../../../rtl \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+ rm -f *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/wb/uart_wb/uart_wb_tb.v b/verilog/dv/wb/uart_wb/uart_wb_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6063060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/wb/uart_wb/uart_wb_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "simpleuart.v"
+module uart_wb_tb;
+ reg wb_clk_i;
+ reg wb_rst_i;
+ reg wb_stb_i;
+ reg wb_cyc_i;
+ reg wb_we_i;
+ reg [3:0] wb_sel_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_adr_i;
+ reg [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+ wire wb_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+ initial begin
+ wb_clk_i = 0;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = 0;
+ wb_dat_i = 0;
+ wb_sel_i = 0;
+ end
+ always #1 wb_clk_i = ~wb_clk_i;
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("uart_wb_tb.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, uart_wb_tb);
+ repeat (500) begin
+ repeat (10000) @(posedge wb_clk_i);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Monitor: Timeout, Test UART Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ integer i;
+ wire [31:0] div_reg_addr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.CLK_DIV;
+ wire [31:0] div_reg_data = 32'h FFFF_FFFF;
+ wire [31:0] dat_reg_addr = uut.BASE_ADR | uut.DATA;
+ wire [31:0] dat_reg_data = 32'h FFFF_FFFF;
+ initial begin
+ // Reset Operation
+ wb_rst_i = 1;
+ #2;
+ wb_rst_i = 0;
+ #2;
+ // Write to div register
+ write(div_reg_addr, div_reg_data);
+ #2;
+ read(div_reg_addr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== div_reg_data) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Expected %0b, but Got %0b ", div_reg_data, wb_dat_o);
+ $display("Monitor: Wishbone UART Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ #6;
+ // Write Operation: writes to data register
+ write(dat_reg_addr, dat_reg_data);
+ #2;
+ read(dat_reg_addr);
+ if (wb_dat_o !== dat_reg_data) begin
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display("Expected %0b, but Got %0b ", dat_reg_data, wb_dat_o);
+ $display("Monitor: Wishbone UART Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ $display("Success!");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ task write;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ input [32:0] data;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'hF;
+ wb_we_i = 1;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ wb_dat_i = data;
+ $display("Write Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ #2;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ #2;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Write Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ task read;
+ input [32:0] addr;
+ begin
+ @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_adr_i = addr;
+ $display("Read Cycle Started.");
+ end
+ // Wait for an ACK
+ wait(wb_ack_o == 1);
+ #2;
+ // wait(wb_ack_o == 0);
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ $display("Read Cycle Ended.");
+ end
+ endtask
+ simpleuart_wb uut (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_stb_i(wb_stb_i),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wb_cyc_i),
+ .wb_sel_i(wb_sel_i),
+ .wb_we_i(wb_we_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(wb_adr_i),
+ .wb_dat_i(wb_dat_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(wb_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(wb_dat_o),
+ .ser_tx(tbuart_rx),
+ .ser_rx(ser_rx)
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/ip/arbiter.v b/verilog/ip/arbiter.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f599173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/ip/arbiter.v
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+module wb_arbiter #(
+ parameter AW = 32,
+ parameter DW = 32,
+ parameter NM = 2
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ // Masters Interface
+ input [NM-1:0] wbm_stb_i,
+ input [NM-1:0] wbm_cyc_i,
+ input [NM-1:0] wbm_we_i,
+ input [NM*(DW/8)-1:0] wbm_sel_i,
+ input [NM*DW-1:0] wbm_dat_i,
+ input [NM*AW-1:0] wbm_adr_i,
+ output [NM-1:0] wbm_ack_o,
+ output [NM-1:0] wbm_err_o,
+ output [NM*DW-1:0] wbm_dat_o,
+ // Slave Interface
+ input wbs_ack_i,
+ input wbs_err_i,
+ input [DW-1:0] wbs_dat_i,
+ output reg wbs_stb_o,
+ output reg wbs_cyc_o,
+ output wbs_we_o,
+ output reg [(DW/8)-1:0] wbs_sel_o,
+ output reg [AW-1:0] wbs_adr_o,
+ output reg [DW-1:0] wbs_dat_o
+localparam SEL = DW / 8;
+// Current elected master (one hot)
+reg [NM-1:0] cur_master;
+reg capture_req;
+wire [NM-1:0] master_sel;
+wire [NM-1:0] requests;
+wire any_req;
+wire any_acks;
+assign requests = wbm_cyc_i & wbm_stb_i;
+assign any_req = |requests;
+assign any_ack = |{wbs_ack_i, wbs_err_i};
+genvar iM;
+ assign master_sel[0] = requests[0];
+ for (iM=1; iM<NM; iM=iM+1) begin
+ assign master_sel[iM] = requests[iM] & (~master_sel[iM-1]);
+ end
+// Current-elected master
+always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
+ if(wb_rst_i) begin
+ cur_master <= {NM{1'b0}};
+ end else if (capture_req) begin
+ cur_master <= master_sel;
+ end
+// Finite State Machine
+localparam IDLE = 1'b0;
+localparam BUSY = 1'b1;
+reg state = IDLE;
+reg next_state;
+always @(*)
+begin: FSM_COMB
+case (state)
+ IDLE: if (any_req) begin
+ wbs_stb_o = 1'b1;
+ wbs_cyc_o = 1'b1;
+ capture_req = 1'b1;
+ next_state = BUSY;
+ end else begin
+ wbs_stb_o = 1'b0;
+ wbs_cyc_o = 1'b0;
+ capture_req = 1'b0;
+ next_state = IDLE;
+ end
+ BUSY: begin
+ if (any_ack & !any_req) begin
+ next_state = IDLE;
+ end if (any_ack & any_req) begin
+ capture_req = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ default: next_state = IDLE;
+always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
+ if (wb_rst_i)
+ state <= IDLE;
+ else
+ state <= next_state;
+// Masters Output Assignment
+assign wbm_dat_o = {NM{wbs_dat_i}};
+assign wbm_ack_o = {NM{wbs_ack_i}} & cur_master;
+assign wbm_err_o = {NM{wbs_err_i}} & cur_master;
+// Multiplexed signal to the slave
+assign wbs_we_o = |(cur_master & wbm_we_i);
+integer k;
+always @(*) begin
+ wbs_sel_o = {SEL{1'b0}};
+ for (k=0; k<(NM*SEL); k=k+1)
+ wbs_sel_o[k%SEL] = wbs_sel_o[k%SEL] | (cur_master[k/SEL] & wbm_sel_i[k]);
+integer l;
+always @(*) begin
+ wbs_adr_o = {AW{1'b0}};
+ for (l=0; l<(NM*AW); l=l+1)
+ wbs_adr_o[l%AW] = wbs_adr_o[l%AW] | (cur_master[l/AW] & wbm_adr_i[l]);
+integer o;
+always @(*) begin
+ wbs_dat_o = {DW{1'b0}};
+ for (o=0; o<(NM*DW); o=o+1)
+ wbs_dat_o[o%DW] = wbs_dat_o[o%DW] | (cur_master[o/DW] & wbm_dat_i[o]);
diff --git a/verilog/ip/crossbar.v b/verilog/ip/crossbar.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee07d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/ip/crossbar.v
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+`include "distributor.v"
+`include "arbiter.v"
+module wb_xbar #(
+ parameter NM = 2,
+ parameter NS = 4,
+ parameter AW = 32,
+ parameter DW = 32
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ // Masters interface
+ input [NM-1:0] wbm_cyc_i,
+ input [NM-1:0] wbm_stb_i,
+ input [NM-1:0] wbm_we_i,
+ input [(NM*(DW/8))-1:0] wbm_sel_i,
+ input [(NM*AW)-1:0] wbm_adr_i,
+ input [(NM*DW)-1:0] wbm_dat_i,
+ output [NM-1:0] wbm_ack_o,
+ output [NM-1:0] wbm_err_o,
+ output [(NM*DW)-1:0] wbm_dat_o,
+ // Slaves interfaces
+ input [NS-1:0] wbs_ack_i,
+ input [(NS*DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_i,
+ output [NS-1:0] wbs_cyc_o,
+ output [NS-1:0] wbs_stb_o,
+ output [NS-1:0] wbs_we_o,
+ output [(NS*(DW/8))-1:0] wbs_sel_o,
+ output [(NS*AW)-1:0] wbs_adr_o,
+ output [(NS*DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_o
+ parameter ADR_MASK = {
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}
+ };
+ parameter SLAVE_ADR = {
+ {8'hB0, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hA0, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'h90, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'h80, {24{1'b0}}}
+ };
+ localparam SEL = DW / 8;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] distributor_cyc_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] distributor_stb_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] distributor_we_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS*SEL)-1:0] distributor_sel_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS*AW)-1:0] distributor_adr_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS*DW)-1:0] distributor_dat_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] distributor_ack_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] distributor_err_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] distributor_rty_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS*DW)-1:0] distributor_dat_i;
+ //Arbiter busses:
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] arbiter_cyc_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] arbiter_stb_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] arbiter_we_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS*SEL)-1:0] arbiter_sel_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS*AW)-1:0] arbiter_adr_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS*DW)-1:0] arbiter_dat_i;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] arbiter_ack_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS)-1:0] arbiter_err_o;
+ wire [(NM*NS*DW)-1:0] arbiter_dat_o;
+ //Instantiate distributors
+ generate
+ genvar i;
+ for (i=0; i<NM; i=i+1)
+ begin
+ distributor #(
+ .NS(NS),
+ .AW(AW),
+ .DW(DW),
+ ) distributor (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wbm_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_i[i]),
+ .wbm_stb_i(wbm_stb_i[i]),
+ .wbm_we_i(wbm_we_i[i]),
+ .wbm_sel_i(wbm_sel_i[(SEL*(i+1))-1:(SEL*i)]),
+ .wbm_adr_i(wbm_adr_i[(AW*(i+1))-1:(AW*i)]),
+ .wbm_dat_i(wbm_dat_i[(DW*(i+1))-1:(DW*i)]),
+ .wbm_ack_o(wbm_ack_o[i]),
+ .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o[(DW*(i+1))-1:(DW*i)]),
+ // Slave interfaces
+ .wbs_cyc_o (distributor_cyc_o[(NS*(i+1))-1:NS*i]),
+ .wbs_stb_o (distributor_stb_o[(NS*(i+1))-1:NS*i]),
+ .wbs_we_o (distributor_we_o [(NS*(i+1))-1:NS*i]),
+ .wbs_sel_o (distributor_sel_o[(NS*SEL*(i+1))-1:NS*SEL*i]),
+ .wbs_adr_o (distributor_adr_o[(NS*AW*(i+1))-1:NS*AW*i]),
+ .wbs_dat_o (distributor_dat_o[(NS*DW*(i+1))-1:NS*DW*i]),
+ .wbs_ack_i (distributor_ack_i[(NS*(i+1))-1:NS*i]),
+ .wbs_dat_i (distributor_dat_i[(NS*DW*(i+1))-1:NS*DW*i])
+ );
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //Instantiate arbiters
+ generate
+ genvar j;
+ for (j=0; j<NS; j=j+1)
+ begin
+ wb_arbiter #(
+ .NM(NM),
+ .AW(AW),
+ .DW(DW)
+ ) arbiter (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ // Masters Interface
+ .wbm_cyc_i (arbiter_cyc_i[(NM*(j+1))-1:NM*j]),
+ .wbm_stb_i (arbiter_stb_i[(NM*(j+1))-1:NM*j]),
+ .wbm_we_i (arbiter_we_i [(NM*(j+1))-1:NM*j]),
+ .wbm_sel_i (arbiter_sel_i[(NM*SEL*(j+1))-1:NM*SEL*j]),
+ .wbm_adr_i (arbiter_adr_i[(NM*AW*(j+1))-1:NM*AW*j]),
+ .wbm_dat_i (arbiter_dat_i[(NM*DW*(j+1))-1:NM*DW*j]),
+ .wbm_ack_o (arbiter_ack_o[(NM*(j+1))-1:NM*j]),
+ .wbm_dat_o (arbiter_dat_o[(NM*DW*(j+1))-1:NM*DW*j]),
+ // Slave interfaces
+ .wbs_cyc_o (wbs_cyc_o[j]),
+ .wbs_stb_o (wbs_stb_o[j]),
+ .wbs_we_o (wbs_we_o[j]),
+ .wbs_sel_o (wbs_sel_o[(SEL*(j+1))-1:(SEL*j)]),
+ .wbs_adr_o (wbs_adr_o[(AW*(j+1))-1:(AW*j)]),
+ .wbs_dat_o (wbs_dat_o[(DW*(j+1))-1:(DW*j)]),
+ .wbs_ack_i (wbs_ack_i[j]),
+ .wbs_dat_i (wbs_dat_i[(DW*(j+1))-1:(DW*j)])
+ );
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //Crossbar connections
+ generate
+ genvar k, l, m, indx;
+ for (k=0; k<NM; k=k+1)
+ for (l=0; l<NS; l=l+1)
+ begin
+ assign arbiter_cyc_i[(NM*l)+k] = distributor_cyc_o[(NS*k)+l];
+ assign arbiter_stb_i[(NM*l)+k] = distributor_stb_o[(NS*k)+l];
+ assign arbiter_we_i [(NM*l)+k] = distributor_we_o [(NS*k)+l];
+ assign arbiter_sel_i[(((NM*l)+k)*SEL)+(SEL-1):((NM*l)+k)*SEL] =
+ distributor_sel_o[(((NS*k)+l)*SEL)+(SEL-1):((NS*k)+l)*SEL];
+ assign arbiter_adr_i[(((NM*l)+k)*AW)+(AW-1) : ((NM*l)+k)*AW] =
+ distributor_adr_o[(((NS*k)+l)*AW)+(AW-1) : ((NS*k)+l)*AW];
+ assign arbiter_dat_i[(((NM*l)+k)*AW)+(AW-1) : ((NM*l)+k)*AW] =
+ distributor_dat_o[(((NS*k)+l)*AW)+(AW-1) : ((NS*k)+l)*AW];
+ assign distributor_dat_i[(((NS*k)+l)*DW)+(DW-1) : ((NS*k)+l)*DW] =
+ arbiter_dat_o[(((NM*l)+k)*DW)+(DW-1) : ((NM*l)+k)*DW];
+ assign distributor_ack_i[(NS*k)+l] = arbiter_ack_o[(NM*l)+k];
+ end
+ endgenerate
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/ip/distributor.v b/verilog/ip/distributor.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78aa374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/ip/distributor.v
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+module distributor #(
+ parameter AW = 32,
+ parameter DW = 32,
+ parameter NS = 4
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ // Master Interface
+ input wbm_cyc_i,
+ input wbm_stb_i,
+ input wbm_we_i,
+ input [(DW/8)-1:0] wbm_sel_i,
+ input [AW-1:0] wbm_adr_i,
+ input [DW-1:0] wbm_dat_i,
+ output wbm_ack_o,
+ output reg [DW-1:0] wbm_dat_o,
+ // Slave interfaces
+ input [NS-1:0] wbs_ack_i,
+ input [(NS*DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_i,
+ output [NS-1:0] wbs_cyc_o,
+ output [NS-1:0] wbs_stb_o,
+ output [NS-1:0] wbs_we_o,
+ output [(NS*(DW/8))-1:0] wbs_sel_o,
+ output [(NS*AW)-1:0] wbs_adr_o,
+ output [(NS*DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_o
+parameter ADR_MASK = {
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}
+parameter SLAVE_ADR = {
+ {8'hB0, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hA0, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'h90, {24{1'b0}}},
+ {8'h80, {24{1'b0}}}
+wire [NS-1:0] slave_sel;
+// Decode Addresseses, then accordingly assign the slave signals
+genvar iS;
+ for (iS = 0; iS < NS; iS = iS + 1) begin
+ assign slave_sel[iS] = ((wbm_adr_i & ADR_MASK[(iS+1)*AW-1:iS*AW]) == SLAVE_ADR[(iS+1)*AW-1:iS*AW]);
+ end
+// Plain signal propagation to all target busses
+assign wbs_we_o = {NS{wbm_we_i}}; //write enables
+assign wbs_sel_o = {NS{wbm_sel_i}}; //write data selects
+assign wbs_adr_o = {NS{wbm_adr_i}}; //address busses
+assign wbs_dat_o = {NS{wbm_dat_i}}; //write data busses
+// Masked signal propagation to all target busses
+assign wbs_cyc_o = slave_sel & {NS{wbm_cyc_i}}; // bus cycle indicators
+assign wbs_stb_o = slave_sel & {NS{wbm_cyc_i}}; // access requests
+// Multiplexed signal propagation to the initiator bus
+assign wbm_ack_o = |{slave_sel & wbs_ack_i};
+integer i;
+always @*
+ begin
+ wbm_dat_o = {DW{1'b0}};
+ for (i=0; i<(DW*NS); i=i+1)
+ wbm_dat_o[i%DW] = wbm_dat_o[i%DW] | (slave_sel[i/DW] & wbs_dat_i[i]);
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/caravel.v b/verilog/rtl/caravel.v
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe24ce..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/caravel.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,919 +0,0 @@
-/* caravel, a standard container for user projects on */
-/* the Google/SkyWater/efabless shuttle runs for the */
-/* SkyWater sky130 130nm process. */
-/* */
-/* Copyright 2020 efabless, Inc. */
-/* Written by Tim Edwards, August 2020 */
-/* This file is open source hardware released under the */
-/* Apache 2.0 license. See file LICENSE. */
-/* */
-`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
-/* Always define USE_PG_PIN (used by SkyWater cells) */
-/* But do not define SC_USE_PG_PIN */
-`define USE_PG_PIN
-/* Must define functional for now because otherwise the timing delays */
-/* are assumed, but they have been stripped out because some are not */
-/* parsed by iverilog. */
-`define functional
-// Define GL to use the gate-level netlists
-//`define GL
-// PDK IP
-// I/O padframe cells
-// Local IP
-`include "striVe.v"
-//`define TOP_ROUTING
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- `define ABUTMENT_PINS \
- .amuxbus_a(analog_a),\
- .amuxbus_b(analog_b),\
- .vssa(vss),\
- .vdda(vdd3v3),\
- .vswitch(vdd3v3),\
- .vddio_q(vddio_q),\
- .vcchib(vdd1v8),\
- .vddio(vdd3v3),\
- .vccd(vdd1v8),\
- .vssio(vss),\
- .vssd(vss),\
- .vssio_q(vssio_q),
-module caravel (vdd3v3, vdd1v8, vss, gpio, cclk, ser_rx, ser_tx, irq,
- flash_csb, flash_clk, flash_io0, flash_io1, flash_io2, flash_io3);
- inout vdd3v3;
- inout vdd1v8;
- inout vss;
- inout [15:0] gpio;
- input cclk; // CMOS clock input
- input ser_rx;
- output ser_tx;
- input irq;
- input RSTB; // NOTE: Replaces analog_out pin from raven chip
- output SDO;
- input SDI;
- input CSB;
- input SCK;
- output flash_csb;
- output flash_clk;
- output flash_io0;
- output flash_io1;
- output flash_io2;
- output flash_io3;
- wire [15:0] gpio_out_core;
- wire [15:0] gpio_in_core;
- wire [15:0] gpio_mode0_core;
- wire [15:0] gpio_mode1_core;
- wire [15:0] gpio_outenb_core;
- wire [15:0] gpio_inenb_core;
- wire analog_a, analog_b; /* Placeholders for analog signals */
- wire porb_h;
- wire porb_l;
- wire por_h;
- wire por;
- wire SCK_core;
- wire SDI_core;
- wire CSB_core;
- wire SDO_core;
- wire SDO_enb;
- wire spi_ro_reg_ena_core;
- wire spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core;
- wire [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel_core;
- wire [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div_core;
- wire [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim_core;
- wire irq_spi_core;
- wire ext_reset_core;
- wire trap_core;
- wire [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id_core;
- wire [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id_core;
- wire [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev_core;
- // Instantiate power cells for VDD3V3 domain (8 total; 4 high clamps and
- // 4 low clamps)
- s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad vdd3v3hclamp [1:0] (
- .drn_hvc(),
- .src_bdy_hvc()
- );
- s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad vddiohclamp [1:0] (
- .drn_hvc(),
- .src_bdy_hvc()
- );
- s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad vdd3v3lclamp [3:0] (
- .bdy2_b2b(),
- .drn_lvc1(),
- .drn_lvc2(),
- .src_bdy_lvc1(),
- .src_bdy_lvc2()
- );
- // Instantiate the core voltage supply (since it is not generated on-chip)
- // (1.8V) (4 total, 2 high and 2 low clamps)
- s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad vdd1v8hclamp [1:0] (
- .drn_hvc(),
- .src_bdy_hvc()
- );
- s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad vdd1v8lclamp [1:0] (
- .bdy2_b2b(),
- .drn_lvc1(),
- .drn_lvc2(),
- .src_bdy_lvc1(),
- .src_bdy_lvc2()
- );
- // Instantiate ground cells (7 total, 4 high clamps and 3 low clamps)
- s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad vsshclamp [3:0] (
- .drn_hvc(),
- .src_bdy_hvc()
- );
- s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad vssalclamp (
- .bdy2_b2b(),
- .drn_lvc1(),
- .drn_lvc2(),
- .src_bdy_lvc1(),
- .src_bdy_lvc2()
- );
- s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad vssdlclamp (
- .bdy2_b2b(),
- .drn_lvc1(),
- .drn_lvc2(),
- .src_bdy_lvc1(),
- .src_bdy_lvc2()
- );
- s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad vssiolclamp (
- .bdy2_b2b(),
- .drn_lvc1(),
- .drn_lvc2(),
- .src_bdy_lvc1(),
- .src_bdy_lvc2()
- );
- // Instantiate GPIO v2 cell. These are used for both digital and analog
- // functions, configured appropriately.
- //
- // GPIO pin description:
- //
- // general: signals with _h suffix are in the vddio (3.3V) domain. All
- // other signals are in 1.8V domains (vccd or vcchib)
- // out = Signal from core to pad (digital, 1.8V domain)
- // oe_n = Output buffer enable (sense inverted)
- // hld_h_n = Hold signals during deep sleep (sense inverted)
- // enable_h = Power-on-reset (inverted)
- // enable_inp_h = Defines state of input buffer output when disabled.
- // Connect via loopback to tie_hi_esd or tie_lo_esd.
- // enable_vdda_h = Power-on-reset (inverted) to analog section
- // enable_vswitch_h = set to 0 if not using vswitch
- // enable_vddio = set to 1 if vddio is up during deep sleep
- // inp_dis = Disable input buffer
- // ib_mode_sel = Input buffer mode select, 0 for 3.3V external signals, 1 for
- // 1.8V external signals
- // vtrip_se = Input buffer trip select, 0 for CMOS level, 1 for TTL level
- // slow = 0 for fast slew, 1 for slow slew
- // hld_ovr = override for pads that need to be enabled during deep sleep
- // analog_en = enable analog functions
- // analog_sel = select analog channel a or b
- // analog_pol = analog select polarity
- // dm = digital mode (3 bits) 000 = analog 001 = input only, 110 = output only
- // vddio = Main 3.3V supply
- // vddio_q = Quiet 3.3V supply
- // vdda = Analog 3.3V supply
- // vccd = Digital 1.8V supply
- // vswitch = High-voltage supply for analog switches
- // vcchib = Digital 1.8V supply live during deep sleep mode
- // vssa = Analog ground
- // vssd = Digital ground
- // vssio_q = Quiet main ground
- // vssio = Main ground
- // pad = Signal on pad
- // pad_a_noesd_h = Direct core connection to pad
- // pad_a_esd_0_h = Core connection to pad through 150 ohms (primary)
- // pad_a_esd_1_h = Core connection to pad through 150 ohms (secondary)
- // amuxbus_a = Analog bus A
- // amuxbus_b = Analog bus B
- // in = Signal from pad to core (digital, 1.8V domain)
- // in_h = Signal from pad to core (3.3V domain)
- // tie_hi_esd = 3.3V output for loopback to enable_inp_h
- // tie_lo_esd = ground output for loopback to enable_inp_h
- // 37 instances: 16 general purpose digital, 2 for the crystal oscillator,
- // 4 for the ADC, 1 for the analog out, 2 for the comparator inputs,
- // one for the IRQ input, one for the xclk input, 6 for the SPI flash
- // signals, and 4 for the housekeeping SPI signals.
- // NOTE: To pass a vector to array dm in an array of instances gpio_pad,
- // the array needs to be rearranged. Reconstruct the needed 48-bit vector
- // (3 bit signal * 16 instances).
- //
- // Also note: Preferable to use a generate block, but that is incompatible
- // with the current version of padframe_generator. . .
- wire [47:0] dm_all;
- assign dm_all = {gpio_mode1_core[15], gpio_mode1_core[15], gpio_mode0_core[15],
- gpio_mode1_core[14], gpio_mode1_core[14], gpio_mode0_core[14],
- gpio_mode1_core[13], gpio_mode1_core[13], gpio_mode0_core[13],
- gpio_mode1_core[12], gpio_mode1_core[12], gpio_mode0_core[12],
- gpio_mode1_core[11], gpio_mode1_core[11], gpio_mode0_core[11],
- gpio_mode1_core[10], gpio_mode1_core[10], gpio_mode0_core[10],
- gpio_mode1_core[9], gpio_mode1_core[9], gpio_mode0_core[9],
- gpio_mode1_core[8], gpio_mode1_core[8], gpio_mode0_core[8],
- gpio_mode1_core[7], gpio_mode1_core[7], gpio_mode0_core[7],
- gpio_mode1_core[6], gpio_mode1_core[6], gpio_mode0_core[6],
- gpio_mode1_core[5], gpio_mode1_core[5], gpio_mode0_core[5],
- gpio_mode1_core[4], gpio_mode1_core[4], gpio_mode0_core[4],
- gpio_mode1_core[3], gpio_mode1_core[3], gpio_mode0_core[3],
- gpio_mode1_core[2], gpio_mode1_core[2], gpio_mode0_core[2],
- gpio_mode1_core[1], gpio_mode1_core[1], gpio_mode0_core[1],
- gpio_mode1_core[0], gpio_mode1_core[0], gpio_mode0_core[0]};
- // GPIO pads (user space)
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad gpio_pad [31:0] (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(gpio),
- .out(gpio_out_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(gpio_outenb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold signals during deep sleep (sense inverted)
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Post-reset enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb0), // Input buffer state when disabled
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(gpio_inenb_core), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm(dm_all), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(gpio_in_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(), // VDDA domain signal (unused)
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb0)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad cclk_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(cclk),
- .out(), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb1), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(cclk_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb1)
- );
- // NOTE: The analog_out pad from the raven chip has been replaced by
- // the digital reset input RSTB on striVe due to the lack of an on-board
- // power-on-reset circuit. The XRES pad is used for providing a glitch-
- // free reset.
- s8iom0s8_top_xres4v2 RSTB_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(RSTB),
- .tie_weak_hi_h(xresloop), // Loop-back connection to pad through pad_a_esd_h
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(),
- .pad_a_esd_h(xresloop),
- .xres_h_n(porb_h),
- .disable_pullup_h(vss), // 0 = enable pull-up on reset pad
- .enable_h(vdd), // Power-on-reset to the power-on-reset input??
- .en_vddio_sig_h(vss), // No idea.
- .inp_sel_h(vss), // 1 = use filt_in_h else filter the pad input
- .filt_in_h(vss), // Alternate input for glitch filter
- .pullup_h(vss), // Pullup connection for alternate filter input
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad irq_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(irq),
- .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb10), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(irq_pin_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb10)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad SDO_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(SDO),
- .out(SDO_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(SDO_enb), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb11), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb11)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad SDI_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(SDI),
- .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb12), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(SDI_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(SDI_core_h),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd()
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad CSB_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(CSB),
- .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb13), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(CSB_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(CSB_core_h),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb13)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad SCK_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(SCK),
- .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb14), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(SCK_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(SCK_core_h), // Signal in vdda domain (3.3V)
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb14)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_csb_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(flash_csb),
- .out(flash_csb_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(flash_csb_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb16), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(flash_csb_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd()
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_clk_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(flash_clk),
- .out(flash_clk_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(flash_clk_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb17), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(flash_clk_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd()
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io0_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(flash_io0),
- .out(flash_io0_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(flash_io0_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb18), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(flash_io0_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({flash_io0_ieb_core, flash_io0_ieb_core, flash_io0_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(flash_io0_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb18)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io1_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(flash_io1),
- .out(flash_io1_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(flash_io1_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb19), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(flash_io1_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({flash_io1_ieb_core, flash_io1_ieb_core, flash_io1_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(flash_io1_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb19)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io2_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(flash_io2),
- .out(flash_io2_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(flash_io2_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb20), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(flash_io2_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({flash_io2_ieb_core, flash_io2_ieb_core, flash_io2_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(flash_io2_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb20)
- );
- s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io3_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(flash_io3),
- .out(flash_io3_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
- .oe_n(flash_io3_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
- .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
- .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
- .enable_inp_h(loopb21), // Enable input buffer
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
- .inp_dis(flash_io3_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
- .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
- .vtrip_sel(vss), //
- .slow(vss), //
- .hld_ovr(vss), //
- .analog_en(vss), //
- .analog_sel(vss), //
- .analog_pol(vss), //
- .dm({flash_io3_ieb_core, flash_io3_ieb_core, flash_io3_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
- .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
- .in(flash_io3_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd(loopb21)
- );
- // Instantiate GPIO overvoltage (I2C) compliant cell
- // (Use this for ser_rx and ser_tx; no reason other than testing
- // the use of the cell.) (Might be worth adding in the I2C IP from
- // ravenna just to test on a proper I2C channel.)
- s8iom0s8_top_gpio_ovtv2 ser_rx_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(ser_rx),
- .out(vss),
- .oe_n(vdd1v8),
- .hld_h_n(vdd),
- .enable_h(porb_h),
- .enable_inp_h(loopb22),
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h),
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8),
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss),
- .inp_dis(por),
- .vtrip_sel(vss),
- .hys_trim(vdd1v8),
- .slow(vss),
- .slew_ctl({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
- .hld_ovr(vss),
- .analog_en(vss),
- .analog_sel(vss),
- .analog_pol(vss),
- .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // 3 bits
- .ib_mode_sel({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
- .vinref(vdd1v8),
- .pad_a_noesd_h(),
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(),
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(),
- .in(ser_rx_core),
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd()
- );
- s8iom0s8_top_gpio_ovtv2 ser_tx_pad (
-`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- .pad(ser_tx),
- .out(ser_tx_core),
- .oe_n(vss),
- .hld_h_n(vdd),
- .enable_h(porb_h),
- .enable_inp_h(loopb23),
- .enable_vdda_h(porb_h),
- .enable_vddio(vdd1v8),
- .enable_vswitch_h(vss),
- .inp_dis(vdd1v8),
- .vtrip_sel(vss),
- .hys_trim(vdd1v8),
- .slow(vss),
- .slew_ctl({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
- .hld_ovr(vss),
- .analog_en(vss),
- .analog_sel(vss),
- .analog_pol(vss),
- .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // 3 bits
- .ib_mode_sel({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
- .vinref(vdd1v8),
- .pad_a_noesd_h(),
- .pad_a_esd_0_h(),
- .pad_a_esd_1_h(),
- .in(),
- .in_h(),
- .tie_hi_esd(),
- .tie_lo_esd()
- );
- // Corner cells
- `ifndef TOP_ROUTING
- s8iom0_corner_pad corner [3:0] (
- .vssio(vss),
- .vddio(vdd),
- .vddio_q(vddio_q),
- .vssio_q(vssio_q),
- .amuxbus_a(analog_a),
- .amuxbus_b(analog_b),
- .vssd(vss),
- .vssa(vss),
- .vswitch(vdd),
- .vdda(vdd),
- .vccd(vdd1v8),
- .vcchib(vdd1v8)
- );
- // SoC core
- wire striVe_clk, striVe_rstn;
- striVe_clkrst clkrst(
-`ifdef LVS
- .vdd1v8(vdd1v8),
- .vss(vss),
- .ext_clk_sel(ext_clk_sel_core),
- .ext_clk(ext_clk_core),
- .pll_clk(pll_clk_core),
- .reset(por),
- .ext_reset(ext_reset_core),
- .clk(striVe_clk),
- .resetn(striVe_rstn)
- striVe_soc core (
-`ifdef LVS
- .vdd1v8(vdd1v8),
- .vss(vss),
- .pll_clk(pll_clk_core),
- .clk(striVe_clk),
- .resetn(striVe_rstn),
- .gpio_out_pad(gpio_out_core),
- .gpio_in_pad(gpio_in_core),
- .gpio_mode0_pad(gpio_mode0_core),
- .gpio_mode1_pad(gpio_mode1_core),
- .gpio_outenb_pad(gpio_outenb_core),
- .gpio_inenb_pad(gpio_inenb_core),
- .spi_sck(SCK_core),
- .spi_ro_config(spi_ro_config_core),
- .spi_ro_pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core),
- .spi_ro_pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div_core),
- .spi_ro_pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel_core),
- .spi_ro_pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim_core),
- .spi_ro_mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id_core),
- .spi_ro_prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id_core),
- .spi_ro_mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev_core),
- .ser_tx(ser_tx_core),
- .ser_rx(ser_rx_core),
- .irq_pin(irq_pin_core),
- .irq_spi(irq_spi_core),
- .trap(trap_core),
- .flash_csb(flash_csb_core),
- .flash_clk(flash_clk_core),
- .flash_csb_oeb(flash_csb_oeb_core),
- .flash_clk_oeb(flash_clk_oeb_core),
- .flash_io0_oeb(flash_io0_oeb_core),
- .flash_io1_oeb(flash_io1_oeb_core),
- .flash_io2_oeb(flash_io2_oeb_core),
- .flash_io3_oeb(flash_io3_oeb_core),
- .flash_csb_ieb(flash_csb_ieb_core),
- .flash_clk_ieb(flash_clk_ieb_core),
- .flash_io0_ieb(flash_io0_ieb_core),
- .flash_io1_ieb(flash_io1_ieb_core),
- .flash_io2_ieb(flash_io2_ieb_core),
- .flash_io3_ieb(flash_io3_ieb_core),
- .flash_io0_do(flash_io0_do_core),
- .flash_io1_do(flash_io1_do_core),
- .flash_io2_do(flash_io2_do_core),
- .flash_io3_do(flash_io3_do_core),
- .flash_io0_di(flash_io0_di_core),
- .flash_io1_di(flash_io1_di_core),
- .flash_io2_di(flash_io2_di_core),
- .flash_io3_di(flash_io3_di_core)
- );
- // For the mask revision input, use an array of digital constant logic cells
- wire [3:0] mask_rev_h;
- wire [3:0] no_connect;
- sky130_fd_sc_hvl__conb_1 mask_rev_value [3:0] (
-`ifdef LVS
- .vpwr(vdd3v3),
- .vpb(vdd3v3),
- .vnb(vss),
- .vgnd(vss),
- .HI({no_connect[3:1], mask_rev[0]}),
- .LO({mask_rev[3:1], no_connect[0]})
- );
- // Housekeeping SPI at 3.3V.
- striVe_spi housekeeping (
-`ifdef LVS
- .vdd(vdd3v3),
- .vss(vss),
- .RSTB(porb_h),
- .SCK(SCK_core_h),
- .SDI(SDI_core_h),
- .CSB(CSB_core_h),
- .SDO(SDO_core_h),
- .sdo_enb(SDO_enb_h),
- .reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena_core_h),
- .pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core_h),
- .pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel_core_h),
- .pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div_core_h),
- .pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim_core_h),
- .irq(irq_spi_core_h),
- .RST(por_h),
- .reset(ext_reset_core_h),
- .trap(trap_core_h),
- .mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id_core_h),
- .prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id_core_h),
- .mask_rev_in(mask_rev_h),
- .mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev_core_h)
- );
- // Level shifters from the HVL library
- // On-board digital PLL
- digital_pll pll (
-`ifdef LVS
- .vdd(vdd1v8),
- .vss(vss),
- .reset(por),
- .osc(cclk_core),
- .clockc(pll_clk_core),
- .clockp({pll_clk_core0, pll_clk_core90}),
- .clockd({pll_clk2, pll_clk4, pll_clk8, pll_clk16}),
- .div(spi_ro_pll_div_core),
- .sel(spi_ro_pll_sel_core),
- .dco(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core),
- .ext_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim_core)
- );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/digital_pll.v b/verilog/rtl/digital_pll.v
index fe564cb..d7dc839 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/digital_pll.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/digital_pll.v
@@ -4,7 +4,17 @@
`include "digital_pll_controller.v"
`include "ring_osc2x13.v"
-module digital_pll(reset, extclk_sel, osc, clockc, clockp, clockd, div, sel, dco, ext_trim);
+module digital_pll(
+`ifdef LVS
+ vdd,
+ vss,
+ reset, extclk_sel, osc, clockc, clockp, clockd, div, sel, dco, ext_trim);
+`ifdef LVS
+ input vdd;
+ input vss;
input reset; // Sense positive reset
input extclk_sel; // External clock select (acts as 2nd reset)
@@ -32,66 +42,66 @@
assign creset = (dco == 1'b0) ? ireset : 1'b1;
ring_osc2x13 ringosc (
- .reset(ireset),
- .trim(itrim),
- .clockp(clockp)
+ .reset(ireset),
+ .trim(itrim),
+ .clockp(clockp)
digital_pll_controller pll_control (
- .reset(creset),
- .clock(clockp[0]),
- .osc(osc),
- .div(div),
- .trim(otrim)
+ .reset(creset),
+ .clock(clockp[0]),
+ .osc(osc),
+ .div(div),
+ .trim(otrim)
// Select core clock output
assign clockc = (sel == 3'b000) ? clockp[0] :
- (sel == 3'b001) ? clockd[0] :
- (sel == 3'b010) ? clockd[1] :
- (sel == 3'b011) ? clockd[2] :
- clockd[3];
+ (sel == 3'b001) ? clockd[0] :
+ (sel == 3'b010) ? clockd[1] :
+ (sel == 3'b011) ? clockd[2] :
+ clockd[3];
// Derive negative-sense reset from the input positive-sense reset
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_4 irb (
- .A(reset),
- .Y(resetb)
+ scs8hd_inv_4 irb (
+ .A(reset),
+ .Y(resetb)
// Create divided down clocks. The inverted output only comes
// with digital standard cells with inverted resets, so the
// reset has to be inverted as well.
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrbp_1 idiv2 (
- .CLK(clockp[1]),
- .D(clockd[0]),
- .Q(nint[0]),
- .QN(clockd[0]),
- .RESETB(resetb)
+ scs8hd_dfrbp_1 idiv2 (
+ .CLK(clockp[1]),
+ .D(clockd[0]),
+ .Q(nint[0]),
+ .QN(clockd[0]),
+ .RESETB(resetb)
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrbp_1 idiv4 (
- .CLK(clockd[0]),
- .D(clockd[1]),
- .Q(nint[1]),
- .QN(clockd[1]),
- .RESETB(resetb)
+ scs8hd_dfrbp_1 idiv4 (
+ .CLK(clockd[0]),
+ .D(clockd[1]),
+ .Q(nint[1]),
+ .QN(clockd[1]),
+ .RESETB(resetb)
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrbp_1 idiv8 (
- .CLK(clockd[1]),
- .D(clockd[2]),
- .Q(nint[2]),
- .QN(clockd[2]),
- .RESETB(resetb)
+ scs8hd_dfrbp_1 idiv8 (
+ .CLK(clockd[1]),
+ .D(clockd[2]),
+ .Q(nint[2]),
+ .QN(clockd[2]),
+ .RESETB(resetb)
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrbp_1 idiv16 (
- .CLK(clockd[2]),
- .D(clockd[3]),
- .Q(nint[3]),
- .QN(clockd[3]),
- .RESETB(resetb)
+ scs8hd_dfrbp_1 idiv16 (
+ .CLK(clockd[2]),
+ .D(clockd[3]),
+ .Q(nint[3]),
+ .QN(clockd[3]),
+ .RESETB(resetb)
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/digital_pll_controller.v b/verilog/rtl/digital_pll_controller.v
index b88cc33..ddc553d 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/digital_pll_controller.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/digital_pll_controller.v
@@ -54,62 +54,62 @@
assign tint = tval[6:2];
// |<--second-->|<-- first-->|
assign trim = (tint == 5'd0) ? 26'b0000000000000_0000000000000 :
- (tint == 5'd1) ? 26'b0000000000000_0000000000001 :
- (tint == 5'd2) ? 26'b0000000000000_0000001000001 :
- (tint == 5'd3) ? 26'b0000000000000_0010001000001 :
- (tint == 5'd4) ? 26'b0000000000000_0010001001001 :
- (tint == 5'd5) ? 26'b0000000000000_0010101001001 :
- (tint == 5'd6) ? 26'b0000000000000_1010101001001 :
- (tint == 5'd7) ? 26'b0000000000000_1010101101001 :
- (tint == 5'd8) ? 26'b0000000000000_1010101101101 :
- (tint == 5'd9) ? 26'b0000000000000_1011101101101 :
- (tint == 5'd10) ? 26'b0000000000000_1011101111101 :
- (tint == 5'd11) ? 26'b0000000000000_1111101111101 :
- (tint == 5'd12) ? 26'b0000000000000_1111101111111 :
- (tint == 5'd13) ? 26'b0000000000000_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd14) ? 26'b0000000000001_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd15) ? 26'b0000001000001_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd16) ? 26'b0010001000001_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd17) ? 26'b0010001001001_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd18) ? 26'b0010101001001_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd19) ? 26'b1010101001001_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd20) ? 26'b1010101101001_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd21) ? 26'b1010101101101_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd22) ? 26'b1011101101101_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd23) ? 26'b1011101111101_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd24) ? 26'b1111101111101_1111111111111 :
- (tint == 5'd25) ? 26'b1111101111111_1111111111111 :
- 26'b1111111111111_1111111111111;
+ (tint == 5'd1) ? 26'b0000000000000_0000000000001 :
+ (tint == 5'd2) ? 26'b0000000000000_0000001000001 :
+ (tint == 5'd3) ? 26'b0000000000000_0010001000001 :
+ (tint == 5'd4) ? 26'b0000000000000_0010001001001 :
+ (tint == 5'd5) ? 26'b0000000000000_0010101001001 :
+ (tint == 5'd6) ? 26'b0000000000000_1010101001001 :
+ (tint == 5'd7) ? 26'b0000000000000_1010101101001 :
+ (tint == 5'd8) ? 26'b0000000000000_1010101101101 :
+ (tint == 5'd9) ? 26'b0000000000000_1011101101101 :
+ (tint == 5'd10) ? 26'b0000000000000_1011101111101 :
+ (tint == 5'd11) ? 26'b0000000000000_1111101111101 :
+ (tint == 5'd12) ? 26'b0000000000000_1111101111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd13) ? 26'b0000000000000_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd14) ? 26'b0000000000001_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd15) ? 26'b0000001000001_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd16) ? 26'b0010001000001_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd17) ? 26'b0010001001001_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd18) ? 26'b0010101001001_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd19) ? 26'b1010101001001_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd20) ? 26'b1010101101001_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd21) ? 26'b1010101101101_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd22) ? 26'b1011101101101_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd23) ? 26'b1011101111101_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd24) ? 26'b1111101111101_1111111111111 :
+ (tint == 5'd25) ? 26'b1111101111111_1111111111111 :
+ 26'b1111111111111_1111111111111;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
- if (reset == 1'b1) begin
- tval <= 7'd0; // Note: trim[0] must be zero for startup to work.
- oscbuf <= 3'd0;
- prep <= 3'd0;
- count0 <= 5'd0;
- count1 <= 5'd0;
+ if (reset == 1'b1) begin
+ tval <= 7'd0; // Note: trim[0] must be zero for startup to work.
+ oscbuf <= 3'd0;
+ prep <= 3'd0;
+ count0 <= 5'd0;
+ count1 <= 5'd0;
- end else begin
- oscbuf <= {oscbuf[1:0], osc};
+ end else begin
+ oscbuf <= {oscbuf[1:0], osc};
- if (oscbuf[2] != oscbuf[1]) begin
- count1 <= count0;
- count0 <= 5'b00001;
- prep <= {prep[1:0], 1'b1};
+ if (oscbuf[2] != oscbuf[1]) begin
+ count1 <= count0;
+ count0 <= 5'b00001;
+ prep <= {prep[1:0], 1'b1};
- if (prep == 3'b111) begin
- if (sum > div) begin
- tval <= tval + 1;
- end else if (sum < div) begin
- tval <= tval - 1;
- end
- end
- end else begin
- if (count0 != 5'b11111) begin
- count0 <= count0 + 1;
- end
- end
- end
+ if (prep == 3'b111) begin
+ if (sum > div) begin
+ tval <= tval + 1;
+ end else if (sum < div) begin
+ tval <= tval - 1;
+ end
+ end
+ end else begin
+ if (count0 != 5'b11111) begin
+ count0 <= count0 + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
endmodule // digital_pll_controller
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/gpio_wb.v b/verilog/rtl/gpio_wb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f014ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/gpio_wb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+module gpio_wb # (
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h 2100_0000,
+ parameter GPIO_DATA = 8'h 00,
+ parameter GPIO_ENA = 8'h 04,
+ parameter GPIO_PU = 8'h 08,
+ parameter GPIO_PD = 8'h 0c
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
+ input wb_stb_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
+ output wb_ack_o,
+ input [15:0] gpio_in_pad,
+ output [15:0] gpio,
+ output [15:0] gpio_oeb,
+ output [15:0] gpio_pu,
+ output [15:0] gpio_pd
+ wire resetn;
+ wire valid;
+ wire ready;
+ wire [3:0] iomem_we;
+ assign resetn = ~wb_rst_i;
+ assign valid = wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i;
+ assign iomem_we = wb_sel_i & {4{wb_we_i}};
+ assign wb_ack_o = ready;
+ gpio #(
+ ) gpio_ctrl (
+ .clk(wb_clk_i),
+ .resetn(resetn),
+ .gpio_in_pad(gpio_in_pad),
+ .iomem_addr(wb_adr_i),
+ .iomem_valid(valid),
+ .iomem_wstrb(iomem_we),
+ .iomem_wdata(wb_dat_i),
+ .iomem_rdata(wb_dat_o),
+ .iomem_ready(ready),
+ .gpio(gpio),
+ .gpio_oeb(gpio_oeb),
+ .gpio_pu(gpio_pu),
+ .gpio_pd(gpio_pd)
+ );
+module gpio #(
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h 2100_0000,
+ parameter GPIO_DATA = 8'h 00,
+ parameter GPIO_ENA = 8'h 04,
+ parameter GPIO_PU = 8'h 08,
+ parameter GPIO_PD = 8'h 0c
+) (
+ input clk,
+ input resetn,
+ input [15:0] gpio_in_pad,
+ input [31:0] iomem_addr,
+ input iomem_valid,
+ input [3:0] iomem_wstrb,
+ input [31:0] iomem_wdata,
+ output reg [31:0] iomem_rdata,
+ output reg iomem_ready,
+ output [15:0] gpio,
+ output [15:0] gpio_oeb,
+ output [15:0] gpio_pu,
+ output [15:0] gpio_pd
+ reg [15:0] gpio; // GPIO output data
+ reg [15:0] gpio_pu; // GPIO pull-up enable
+ reg [15:0] gpio_pd; // GPIO pull-down enable
+ reg [15:0] gpio_oeb; // GPIO output enable (sense negative)
+ wire gpio_sel;
+ wire gpio_oeb_sel;
+ wire gpio_pu_sel;
+ wire gpio_pd_sel;
+ assign gpio_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == GPIO_DATA);
+ assign gpio_oeb_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == GPIO_ENA);
+ assign gpio_pu_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == GPIO_PU);
+ assign gpio_pd_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == GPIO_PD);
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ gpio <= 0;
+ gpio_oeb <= 16'hffff;
+ gpio_pu <= 0;
+ gpio_pd <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ iomem_ready <= 0;
+ if (iomem_valid && !iomem_ready && iomem_addr[31:8] == BASE_ADR[31:8]) begin
+ iomem_ready <= 1'b 1;
+ if (gpio_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {gpio, gpio_in_pad};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ end else if (gpio_oeb_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {16'd0, gpio_oeb};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio_oeb[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio_oeb[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ end else if (gpio_pu_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {16'd0, gpio_pu};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio_pu[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio_pu[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ end else if (gpio_pd_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {16'd0, gpio_pd};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio_pd[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio_pd[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/harness.v b/verilog/rtl/harness.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8403e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/harness.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1303 @@
+/* striVe, a raven/ravenna-like architecture in SkyWater s8 */
+/* */
+/* 1st edition, test of SkyWater s8 process */
+/* This version is missing all analog functionality, */
+/* including crystal oscillator, voltage regulator, and PLL */
+/* For simplicity, the pad arrangement of Raven has been */
+/* retained, even though many pads have no internal */
+/* connection. */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2020 efabless, Inc. */
+/* Written by Tim Edwards, December 2019 */
+/* This file is open source hardware released under the */
+/* Apache 2.0 license. See file LICENSE. */
+/* */
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`define USE_OPENRAM
+`define USE_PG_PIN
+`define functional
+ `include "../stubs/scs8hd_conb_1.v"
+ `include "../stubs/s8iom0s8.v"
+ `include "../stubs/power_pads_lib.v"
+ `ifndef LVS
+ `include "/ef/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/verilog/s8iom0s8/s8iom0s8.v"
+ `include "/ef/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/verilog/s8iom0s8/power_pads_lib.v"
+ `include "/ef/tech/SW/EFS8A/libs.ref/verilog/scs8hd/scs8hd.v"
+ `include "lvlshiftdown.v"
+ `include "mgmt_soc.v"
+ `include "striVe_spi.v"
+ `include "digital_pll.v"
+ `include "striVe_clkrst.v"
+ `include "../ip/crossbar.v"
+ `include "../dv/dummy_slave.v"
+ `endif
+ `include "sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130.v"
+//`define TOP_ROUTING
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ `define ABUTMENT_PINS \
+ .amuxbus_a(analog_a),\
+ .amuxbus_b(analog_b),\
+ .vssa(vss),\
+ .vdda(vdd),\
+ .vswitch(vdd),\
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),\
+ .vcchib(vdd1v8),\
+ .vddio(vdd),\
+ .vccd(vdd1v8),\
+ .vssio(vss),\
+ .vssd(vss),\
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+// Crossbar Slaves
+`ifndef SLAVE_ADR
+ `define SLAVE_ADR { \
+ {8'hB0, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'hA0, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'h90, {24{1'b0}}},\
+ {8'h80, {24{1'b0}}}\
+ }\
+`ifndef ADR_MASK
+ `define ADR_MASK { \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}}, \
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}}} \
+ }\
+`define NM 2 // Crossbar switch number of masters
+`define NS 4 // Crossbar switch number of slaves
+`define DW 32
+`define AW 32
+module harness (vdd, vdd1v8, vss, gpio, xi, xo, adc0_in, adc1_in, adc_high, adc_low,
+ comp_inn, comp_inp, RSTB, ser_rx, ser_tx, irq, SDO, SDI, CSB, SCK,
+ xclk, flash_csb, flash_clk, flash_io0, flash_io1, flash_io2, flash_io3);
+ inout vdd;
+ inout vdd1v8;
+ inout vss;
+ inout [15:0] gpio;
+ input xi; // CMOS clock input, not a crystal
+ output xo; // divide-by-16 clock output
+ input adc0_in;
+ input adc1_in;
+ input adc_high;
+ input adc_low;
+ input comp_inn;
+ input comp_inp;
+ input RSTB; // NOTE: Replaces analog_out pin from raven chip
+ input ser_rx;
+ output ser_tx;
+ input irq;
+ output SDO;
+ input SDI;
+ input CSB;
+ input SCK;
+ input xclk;
+ output flash_csb;
+ output flash_clk;
+ output flash_io0;
+ output flash_io1;
+ output flash_io2;
+ output flash_io3;
+ wire [15:0] gpio_out_core;
+ wire [15:0] gpio_in_core;
+ wire [15:0] gpio_mode0_core;
+ wire [15:0] gpio_mode1_core;
+ wire [15:0] gpio_outenb_core;
+ wire [15:0] gpio_inenb_core;
+ wire analog_a, analog_b; /* Placeholders for analog signals */
+ wire porb_h;
+ wire porb_l;
+ wire por_h;
+ wire por;
+ wire SCK_core;
+ wire SDI_core;
+ wire CSB_core;
+ wire SDO_core;
+ wire SDO_enb;
+ wire spi_ro_xtal_ena_core;
+ wire spi_ro_reg_ena_core;
+ wire spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core;
+ wire [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel_core;
+ wire [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div_core;
+ wire [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim_core;
+ wire ext_clk_sel_core;
+ wire irq_spi_core;
+ wire ext_reset_core;
+ wire trap_core;
+ wire [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id_core;
+ wire [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id_core;
+ wire [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev_core;
+ // Instantiate power cells for VDD3V3 domain (8 total; 4 high clamps and
+ // 4 low clamps)
+ s8iom0_vdda_hvc_pad vdd3v3hclamp [1:0] (
+ .drn_hvc(),
+ .src_bdy_hvc()
+ );
+ s8iom0_vddio_hvc_pad vddiohclamp [1:0] (
+ .drn_hvc(),
+ .src_bdy_hvc()
+ );
+ s8iom0_vdda_lvc_pad vdd3v3lclamp [3:0] (
+ .bdy2_b2b(),
+ .drn_lvc1(),
+ .drn_lvc2(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2()
+ );
+ // Instantiate the core voltage supply (since it is not generated on-chip)
+ // (1.8V) (4 total, 2 high and 2 low clamps)
+ s8iom0_vccd_hvc_pad vdd1v8hclamp [1:0] (
+ .drn_hvc(),
+ .src_bdy_hvc()
+ );
+ s8iom0_vccd_lvc_pad vdd1v8lclamp [1:0] (
+ .bdy2_b2b(),
+ .drn_lvc1(),
+ .drn_lvc2(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2()
+ );
+ // Instantiate ground cells (7 total, 4 high clamps and 3 low clamps)
+ s8iom0_vssa_hvc_pad vsshclamp [3:0] (
+ .drn_hvc(),
+ .src_bdy_hvc()
+ );
+ s8iom0_vssa_lvc_pad vssalclamp (
+ .bdy2_b2b(),
+ .drn_lvc1(),
+ .drn_lvc2(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2()
+ );
+ s8iom0_vssd_lvc_pad vssdlclamp (
+ .bdy2_b2b(),
+ .drn_lvc1(),
+ .drn_lvc2(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2()
+ );
+ s8iom0_vssio_lvc_pad vssiolclamp (
+ .bdy2_b2b(),
+ .drn_lvc1(),
+ .drn_lvc2(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc1(),
+ .src_bdy_lvc2()
+ );
+ wire [47:0] dm_all;
+ assign dm_all = {gpio_mode1_core[15], gpio_mode1_core[15], gpio_mode0_core[15],
+ gpio_mode1_core[14], gpio_mode1_core[14], gpio_mode0_core[14],
+ gpio_mode1_core[13], gpio_mode1_core[13], gpio_mode0_core[13],
+ gpio_mode1_core[12], gpio_mode1_core[12], gpio_mode0_core[12],
+ gpio_mode1_core[11], gpio_mode1_core[11], gpio_mode0_core[11],
+ gpio_mode1_core[10], gpio_mode1_core[10], gpio_mode0_core[10],
+ gpio_mode1_core[9], gpio_mode1_core[9], gpio_mode0_core[9],
+ gpio_mode1_core[8], gpio_mode1_core[8], gpio_mode0_core[8],
+ gpio_mode1_core[7], gpio_mode1_core[7], gpio_mode0_core[7],
+ gpio_mode1_core[6], gpio_mode1_core[6], gpio_mode0_core[6],
+ gpio_mode1_core[5], gpio_mode1_core[5], gpio_mode0_core[5],
+ gpio_mode1_core[4], gpio_mode1_core[4], gpio_mode0_core[4],
+ gpio_mode1_core[3], gpio_mode1_core[3], gpio_mode0_core[3],
+ gpio_mode1_core[2], gpio_mode1_core[2], gpio_mode0_core[2],
+ gpio_mode1_core[1], gpio_mode1_core[1], gpio_mode0_core[1],
+ gpio_mode1_core[0], gpio_mode1_core[0], gpio_mode0_core[0]};
+ // GPIO pads
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad gpio_pad [15:0] (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(gpio),
+ .out(gpio_out_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(gpio_outenb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold signals during deep sleep (sense inverted)
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Post-reset enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb0), // Input buffer state when disabled
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(gpio_inenb_core), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm(dm_all), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(gpio_in_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(), // VDDA domain signal (unused)
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb0)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad xi_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(xi),
+ .out(), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb1), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(xi_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb1)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad xo_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(xo),
+ .out(pll_clk16), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vss), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb2), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb2)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad adc0_in_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(adc0_in),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb3), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad adc1_in_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(adc1_in),
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb4), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad adc_high_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(adc_high),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb5), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_sel(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_pol(vdd1v8), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad adc_low_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(adc_low),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb6), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad comp_inn_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(comp_inn),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb7), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad comp_inp_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(comp_inp),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb8), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_sel(vdd1v8), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ // NOTE: The analog_out pad from the raven chip has been replaced by
+ // the digital reset input RSTB on striVe due to the lack of an on-board
+ // power-on-reset circuit. The XRES pad is used for providing a glitch-
+ // free reset.
+ s8iom0s8_top_xres4v2 RSTB_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(RSTB),
+ .tie_weak_hi_h(xresloop), // Loop-back connection to pad through pad_a_esd_h
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(),
+ .pad_a_esd_h(xresloop),
+ .xres_h_n(porb_h),
+ .disable_pullup_h(vss), // 0 = enable pull-up on reset pad
+ .enable_h(vdd), // Power-on-reset to the power-on-reset input??
+ .en_vddio_sig_h(vss), // No idea.
+ .inp_sel_h(vss), // 1 = use filt_in_h else filter the pad input
+ .filt_in_h(vss), // Alternate input for glitch filter
+ .pullup_h(vss), // Pullup connection for alternate filter input
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad irq_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(irq),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb10), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(irq_pin_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb10)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad SDO_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(SDO),
+ .out(SDO_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(SDO_enb), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb11), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb11)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad SDI_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(SDI),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb12), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(SDI_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(SDI_core_h),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad CSB_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(CSB),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb13), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(CSB_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(CSB_core_h),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb13)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad SCK_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(SCK),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb14), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(SCK_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(SCK_core_h), // Signal in vdda domain (3.3V)
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb14)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad xclk_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(xclk),
+ .out(vss), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb15), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(por), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(ext_clk_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb15)
+ );
+ // assign flash_csb = (input) ?
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_csb_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(flash_csb),
+ .out(flash_csb_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(flash_csb_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb16), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(flash_csb_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_clk_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(flash_clk),
+ .out(flash_clk_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(flash_clk_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb17), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(flash_clk_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io0_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(flash_io0),
+ .out(flash_io0_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(flash_io0_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb18), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(flash_io0_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({flash_io0_ieb_core, flash_io0_ieb_core, flash_io0_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(flash_io0_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb18)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io1_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(flash_io1),
+ .out(flash_io1_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(flash_io1_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb19), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(flash_io1_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({flash_io1_ieb_core, flash_io1_ieb_core, flash_io1_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(flash_io1_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb19)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io2_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(flash_io2),
+ .out(flash_io2_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(flash_io2_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb20), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(flash_io2_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({flash_io2_ieb_core, flash_io2_ieb_core, flash_io2_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(flash_io2_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb20)
+ );
+ s8iom0_gpiov2_pad flash_io3_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(flash_io3),
+ .out(flash_io3_do_core), // Signal from core to pad
+ .oe_n(flash_io3_oeb_core), // Output enable (sense inverted)
+ .hld_h_n(vdd), // Hold
+ .enable_h(porb_h), // Enable
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb21), // Enable input buffer
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h), //
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss), //
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8), //
+ .inp_dis(flash_io3_ieb_core), // Disable input buffer
+ .ib_mode_sel(vss), //
+ .vtrip_sel(vss), //
+ .slow(vss), //
+ .hld_ovr(vss), //
+ .analog_en(vss), //
+ .analog_sel(vss), //
+ .analog_pol(vss), //
+ .dm({flash_io3_ieb_core, flash_io3_ieb_core, flash_io3_oeb_core}), // (3 bits) Mode control
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(), // Direct pad connection
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(), // Pad connection through 150 ohms
+ .in(flash_io3_di_core), // Signal from pad to core
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd(loopb21)
+ );
+ // Instantiate GPIO overvoltage (I2C) compliant cell
+ // (Use this for ser_rx and ser_tx; no reason other than testing
+ // the use of the cell.) (Might be worth adding in the I2C IP from
+ // ravenna just to test on a proper I2C channel.)
+ s8iom0s8_top_gpio_ovtv2 ser_rx_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(ser_rx),
+ .out(vss),
+ .oe_n(vdd1v8),
+ .hld_h_n(vdd),
+ .enable_h(porb_h),
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb22),
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h),
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8),
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss),
+ .inp_dis(por),
+ .vtrip_sel(vss),
+ .hys_trim(vdd1v8),
+ .slow(vss),
+ .slew_ctl({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
+ .hld_ovr(vss),
+ .analog_en(vss),
+ .analog_sel(vss),
+ .analog_pol(vss),
+ .dm({vss, vss, vdd1v8}), // 3 bits
+ .ib_mode_sel({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
+ .vinref(vdd1v8),
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(),
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(),
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(),
+ .in(ser_rx_core),
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ s8iom0s8_top_gpio_ovtv2 ser_tx_pad (
+`ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ .pad(ser_tx),
+ .out(ser_tx_core),
+ .oe_n(vss),
+ .hld_h_n(vdd),
+ .enable_h(porb_h),
+ .enable_inp_h(loopb23),
+ .enable_vdda_h(porb_h),
+ .enable_vddio(vdd1v8),
+ .enable_vswitch_h(vss),
+ .inp_dis(vdd1v8),
+ .vtrip_sel(vss),
+ .hys_trim(vdd1v8),
+ .slow(vss),
+ .slew_ctl({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
+ .hld_ovr(vss),
+ .analog_en(vss),
+ .analog_sel(vss),
+ .analog_pol(vss),
+ .dm({vdd1v8, vdd1v8, vss}), // 3 bits
+ .ib_mode_sel({vss, vss}), // 2 bits
+ .vinref(vdd1v8),
+ .pad_a_noesd_h(),
+ .pad_a_esd_0_h(),
+ .pad_a_esd_1_h(),
+ .in(),
+ .in_h(),
+ .tie_hi_esd(),
+ .tie_lo_esd()
+ );
+ // Corner cells (These are overlay cells; it is not clear what is normally
+ // supposed to go under them.)
+ `ifndef TOP_ROUTING
+ s8iom0_corner_pad corner [3:0] (
+ .vssio(vss),
+ .vddio(vdd),
+ .vddio_q(vddio_q),
+ .vssio_q(vssio_q),
+ .amuxbus_a(analog_a),
+ .amuxbus_b(analog_b),
+ .vssd(vss),
+ .vssa(vss),
+ .vswitch(vdd),
+ .vdda(vdd),
+ .vccd(vdd1v8),
+ .vcchib(vdd1v8)
+ );
+ // SoC core
+ wire [9:0] adc0_data_core;
+ wire [1:0] adc0_inputsrc_core;
+ wire [9:0] adc1_data_core;
+ wire [1:0] adc1_inputsrc_core;
+ wire [9:0] dac_value_core;
+ wire [1:0] comp_ninputsrc_core;
+ wire [1:0] comp_pinputsrc_core;
+ wire [7:0] spi_ro_config_core;
+ wire xbar_cyc_o_core;
+ wire xbar_stb_o_core;
+ wire xbar_we_o_core;
+ wire [3:0] xbar_sel_o_core;
+ wire [31:0] xbar_adr_o_core;
+ wire [31:0] xbar_dat_o_core;
+ wire xbar_ack_i_core;
+ wire [31:0] xbar_dat_i_core;
+ wire striVe_clk, striVe_rstn;
+ striVe_clkrst clkrst(
+ `ifdef LVS
+ .vdd1v8(vdd1v8),
+ .vss(vss),
+ `endif
+ .ext_clk_sel(ext_clk_sel_core),
+ .ext_clk(ext_clk_core),
+ .pll_clk(pll_clk_core),
+ .reset(por),
+ .ext_reset(ext_reset_core),
+ .clk(striVe_clk),
+ .resetn(striVe_rstn)
+ );
+ mgmt_soc core (
+ `ifdef LVS
+ .vdd1v8(vdd1v8),
+ .vss(vss),
+ `endif
+ .pll_clk(pll_clk_core),
+ .ext_clk(ext_clk_core),
+ .ext_clk_sel(ext_clk_sel_core),
+ .clk(striVe_clk),
+ .resetn(striVe_rstn),
+ .gpio_out_pad(gpio_out_core),
+ .gpio_in_pad(gpio_in_core),
+ .gpio_mode0_pad(gpio_mode0_core),
+ .gpio_mode1_pad(gpio_mode1_core),
+ .gpio_outenb_pad(gpio_outenb_core),
+ .gpio_inenb_pad(gpio_inenb_core),
+ .adc0_ena(adc0_ena_core),
+ .adc0_convert(adc0_convert_core),
+ .adc0_data(adc0_data_core),
+ .adc0_done(adc0_done_core),
+ .adc0_clk(adc0_clk_core),
+ .adc0_inputsrc(adc0_inputsrc_core),
+ .adc1_ena(adc1_ena_core),
+ .adc1_convert(adc1_convert_core),
+ .adc1_clk(adc1_clk_core),
+ .adc1_inputsrc(adc1_inputsrc_core),
+ .adc1_data(adc1_data_core),
+ .adc1_done(adc1_done_core),
+ .xtal_in(xtal_in_core),
+ .comp_in(comp_in_core),
+ .spi_sck(SCK_core),
+ .spi_ro_config(spi_ro_config_core),
+ .spi_ro_xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena_core),
+ .spi_ro_reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena_core),
+ .spi_ro_pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core),
+ .spi_ro_pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div_core),
+ .spi_ro_pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel_core),
+ .spi_ro_pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim_core),
+ .spi_ro_mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id_core),
+ .spi_ro_prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id_core),
+ .spi_ro_mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev_core),
+ .ser_tx(ser_tx_core),
+ .ser_rx(ser_rx_core),
+ .irq_pin(irq_pin_core),
+ .irq_spi(irq_spi_core),
+ .trap(trap_core),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb_core),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk_core),
+ .flash_csb_oeb(flash_csb_oeb_core),
+ .flash_clk_oeb(flash_clk_oeb_core),
+ .flash_io0_oeb(flash_io0_oeb_core),
+ .flash_io1_oeb(flash_io1_oeb_core),
+ .flash_io2_oeb(flash_io2_oeb_core),
+ .flash_io3_oeb(flash_io3_oeb_core),
+ .flash_csb_ieb(flash_csb_ieb_core),
+ .flash_clk_ieb(flash_clk_ieb_core),
+ .flash_io0_ieb(flash_io0_ieb_core),
+ .flash_io1_ieb(flash_io1_ieb_core),
+ .flash_io2_ieb(flash_io2_ieb_core),
+ .flash_io3_ieb(flash_io3_ieb_core),
+ .flash_io0_do(flash_io0_do_core),
+ .flash_io1_do(flash_io1_do_core),
+ .flash_io2_do(flash_io2_do_core),
+ .flash_io3_do(flash_io3_do_core),
+ .flash_io0_di(flash_io0_di_core),
+ .flash_io1_di(flash_io1_di_core),
+ .flash_io2_di(flash_io2_di_core),
+ .flash_io3_di(flash_io3_di_core),
+ .xbar_cyc_o(xbar_cyc_o_core),
+ .xbar_stb_o(xbar_stb_o_core),
+ .xbar_we_o (xbar_we_o_core),
+ .xbar_sel_o(xbar_sel_o_core),
+ .xbar_adr_o(xbar_adr_o_core),
+ .xbar_dat_o(xbar_dat_o_core),
+ .xbar_ack_i(xbar_ack_i_core),
+ .xbar_dat_i(xbar_dat_i_core)
+ );
+ // Mega-Project
+ wire mega_cyc_o;
+ wire mega_stb_o;
+ wire mega_we_o;
+ wire [3:0] mega_sel_o;
+ wire [31:0] mega_adr_o;
+ wire [31:0] mega_dat_o;
+ wire mega_ack_i;
+ wire [31:0] mega_dat_i;
+ // Masters interface
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_cyc_i;
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_stb_i;
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_we_i;
+ wire [(`NM*(`DW/8))-1:0] wbm_sel_i;
+ wire [(`NM*`AW)-1:0] wbm_adr_i;
+ wire [(`NM*`DW)-1:0] wbm_dat_i;
+ wire [`NM-1:0] wbm_ack_o;
+ wire [(`NM*`DW)-1:0] wbm_dat_o;
+ // Slaves interfaces
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_ack_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_i;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_cyc_o;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_stb_o;
+ wire [`NS-1:0] wbs_we_o;
+ wire [(`NS*(`DW/8))-1:0] wbs_sel_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`AW)-1:0] wbs_adr_o;
+ wire [(`NS*`DW)-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
+ assign wbm_cyc_i = {mega_cyc_o, xbar_cyc_o_core};
+ assign wbm_stb_i = {mega_stb_o, xbar_stb_o_core};
+ assign wbm_we_i = {mega_we_o , xbar_we_o_core};
+ assign wbm_sel_i = {mega_sel_o, xbar_sel_o_core};
+ assign wbm_adr_i = {mega_adr_o, xbar_adr_o_core};
+ assign wbm_dat_i = {mega_dat_o, xbar_dat_o_core};
+ assign xbar_ack_i_core = wbm_ack_o[0];
+ assign mega_ack_i = wbm_ack_o[1];
+ assign xbar_dat_i_core = wbm_dat_o[`DW-1:0];
+ assign mega_dat_i = wbm_dat_o[`DW*2-1:`DW];
+ // Instantiate four dummy slaves for testing (TO-BE-REMOVED)
+ dummy_slave dummy_slaves [`NS-1:0](
+ .wb_clk_i({`NS{striVe_clk}}),
+ .wb_rst_i({`NS{~striVe_rstn}}),
+ .wb_stb_i(wbs_stb_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_o),
+ .wb_we_i(wbs_we_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(wbs_sel_o),
+ .wb_adr_i(wbs_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
+ .wb_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wb_ack_o(wbs_ack_o)
+ );
+ // Crossbar Switch
+ wb_xbar #(
+ .NM(`NM),
+ .NS(`NS),
+ .AW(`AW),
+ .DW(`DW),
+ )
+ wb_xbar(
+ .wb_clk_i(striVe_clk),
+ .wb_rst_i(~striVe_rstn),
+ // Masters interface
+ .wbm_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_i),
+ .wbm_stb_i(wbm_stb_i),
+ .wbm_we_i (wbm_we_i),
+ .wbm_sel_i(wbm_sel_i),
+ .wbm_adr_i(wbm_adr_i),
+ .wbm_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),
+ .wbm_ack_o(wbm_ack_o),
+ .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),
+ // Slaves interfaces
+ .wbs_ack_i(wbs_ack_o),
+ .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_o),
+ .wbs_cyc_o(wbs_cyc_o),
+ .wbs_stb_o(wbs_stb_o),
+ .wbs_we_o (wbs_we_o),
+ .wbs_sel_o(wbs_sel_o),
+ .wbs_adr_o(wbs_adr_o),
+ .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_i)
+ );
+ // For the mask revision input, use an array of digital constant logic cells
+ wire [3:0] mask_rev;
+ wire [3:0] no_connect;
+ scs8hd_conb_1 mask_rev_value [3:0] (
+ `ifdef LVS
+ .vpwr(vdd1v8),
+ .vpb(vdd1v8),
+ .vnb(vss),
+ .vgnd(vss),
+ `endif
+ .HI({no_connect[3:1], mask_rev[0]}),
+ .LO({mask_rev[3:1], no_connect[0]})
+ );
+ // Housekeeping SPI at 1.8V.
+ striVe_spi housekeeping (
+ `ifdef LVS
+ .vdd(vdd1v8),
+ .vss(vss),
+ `endif
+ .RSTB(porb_l),
+ .SCK(SCK_core),
+ .SDI(SDI_core),
+ .CSB(CSB_core),
+ .SDO(SDO_core),
+ .sdo_enb(SDO_enb),
+ .xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena_core),
+ .reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena_core),
+ .pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core),
+ .pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel_core),
+ .pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div_core),
+ .pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim_core),
+ .pll_bypass(ext_clk_sel_core),
+ .irq(irq_spi_core),
+ .RST(por),
+ .reset(ext_reset_core),
+ .trap(trap_core),
+ .mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id_core),
+ .prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id_core),
+ .mask_rev_in(mask_rev),
+ .mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev_core)
+ );
+ lvlshiftdown porb_level_shift (
+ `ifdef LVS
+ .vpwr(vdd1v8),
+ .vpb(vdd1v8),
+ .vnb(vss),
+ .vgnd(vss),
+ `endif
+ .A(porb_h),
+ .X(porb_l)
+ );
+ // On-board experimental digital PLL
+ // Use xi_core, assumed to be a CMOS digital clock signal. xo_core
+ // is used as an output and set from pll_clk16.
+ digital_pll pll (
+ `ifdef LVS
+ .vdd(vdd1v8),
+ .vss(vss),
+ `endif
+ .reset(por),
+ .extclk_sel(ext_clk_sel_core),
+ .osc(xi_core),
+ .clockc(pll_clk_core),
+ .clockp({pll_clk_core0, pll_clk_core90}),
+ .clockd({pll_clk2, pll_clk4, pll_clk8, pll_clk16}),
+ .div(spi_ro_pll_div_core),
+ .sel(spi_ro_pll_sel_core),
+ .dco(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena_core),
+ .ext_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim_core)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/la_wb.v b/verilog/rtl/la_wb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd713a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/la_wb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+module la_wb # (
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h 2200_0000,
+ parameter LA_DATA_0 = 8'h00,
+ parameter LA_DATA_1 = 8'h04,
+ parameter LA_DATA_2 = 8'h08,
+ parameter LA_DATA_3 = 8'h0c,
+ parameter LA_ENA_0 = 8'h10,
+ parameter LA_ENA_1 = 8'h14,
+ parameter LA_ENA_2 = 8'h18,
+ parameter LA_ENA_3 = 8'h1c
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
+ input wb_stb_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
+ output wb_ack_o,
+ output [127:0] la_data,
+ output [127:0] la_ena
+ wire resetn;
+ wire valid;
+ wire ready;
+ wire [3:0] iomem_we;
+ assign resetn = ~wb_rst_i;
+ assign valid = wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i;
+ assign iomem_we = wb_sel_i & {4{wb_we_i}};
+ assign wb_ack_o = ready;
+ la #(
+ .LA_DATA_0(LA_DATA_0),
+ .LA_DATA_1(LA_DATA_1),
+ .LA_DATA_2(LA_DATA_2),
+ .LA_DATA_3(LA_DATA_3),
+ .LA_ENA_0(LA_ENA_0),
+ .LA_ENA_1(LA_ENA_1),
+ .LA_ENA_2(LA_ENA_2),
+ .LA_ENA_3(LA_ENA_3)
+ ) la_ctrl (
+ .clk(wb_clk_i),
+ .resetn(resetn),
+ .iomem_addr(wb_adr_i),
+ .iomem_valid(valid),
+ .iomem_wstrb(iomem_we),
+ .iomem_wdata(wb_dat_i),
+ .iomem_rdata(wb_dat_o),
+ .iomem_ready(ready),
+ .la_data(la_data),
+ .la_ena(la_ena)
+ );
+module la #(
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h 2200_0000,
+ parameter LA_DATA_0 = 8'h00,
+ parameter LA_DATA_1 = 8'h04,
+ parameter LA_DATA_2 = 8'h08,
+ parameter LA_DATA_3 = 8'h0c,
+ parameter LA_ENA_0 = 8'h10,
+ parameter LA_ENA_1 = 8'h14,
+ parameter LA_ENA_2 = 8'h18,
+ parameter LA_ENA_3 = 8'h1c
+) (
+ input clk,
+ input resetn,
+ input [31:0] iomem_addr,
+ input iomem_valid,
+ input [3:0] iomem_wstrb,
+ input [31:0] iomem_wdata,
+ output reg [31:0] iomem_rdata,
+ output reg iomem_ready,
+ output [127:0] la_data,
+ output [127:0] la_ena
+ reg [31:0] la_data_0;
+ reg [31:0] la_data_1;
+ reg [31:0] la_data_2;
+ reg [31:0] la_data_3;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_0;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_1;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_2;
+ reg [31:0] la_ena_3;
+ wire [3:0] la_data_sel;
+ wire [3:0] la_ena_sel;
+ assign la_data = {la_data_3, la_data_2, la_data_1, la_data_0};
+ assign la_ena = {la_ena_3, la_ena_2, la_ena_1, la_ena_0};
+ assign la_data_sel = {
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_DATA_3),
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_DATA_2),
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_DATA_1),
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_DATA_0)
+ };
+ assign la_ena_sel = {
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_ENA_3),
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_ENA_2),
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_ENA_1),
+ (iomem_addr[7:0] == LA_ENA_0)
+ };
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ la_data_0 <= 0;
+ la_data_1 <= 0;
+ la_data_2 <= 0;
+ la_data_3 <= 0;
+ la_ena_0 <= 0;
+ la_ena_1 <= 0;
+ la_ena_2 <= 0;
+ la_ena_3 <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ iomem_ready <= 0;
+ if (iomem_valid && !iomem_ready && iomem_addr[31:8] == BASE_ADR[31:8]) begin
+ iomem_ready <= 1'b 1;
+ if (la_data_sel[0]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_data_0;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_data_0[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_data_0[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_data_0[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_data_0[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end else if (la_data_sel[1]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_data_1;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_data_1[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_data_1[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_data_1[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_data_1[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end else if (la_data_sel[2]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_data_2;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_data_2[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_data_2[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_data_2[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_data_2[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end else if (la_data_sel[3]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_data_3;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_data_3[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_data_3[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_data_3[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_data_3[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end else if (la_ena_sel[0]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_ena_0;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_ena_0[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_ena_0[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_ena_0[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_ena_0[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end else if (la_ena_sel[1]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_ena_1;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_ena_1[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_ena_1[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_ena_1[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_ena_1[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end else if (la_ena_sel[2]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_ena_2;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_ena_2[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_ena_2[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_ena_2[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_ena_2[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end else if (la_ena_sel[3]) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= la_ena_3;
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0]) la_ena_3[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[1]) la_ena_3[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[2]) la_ena_3[23:16] <= iomem_wdata[23:16];
+ if (iomem_wstrb[3]) la_ena_3[31:24] <= iomem_wdata[31:24];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lvlshiftdown.v b/verilog/rtl/lvlshiftdown.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a647cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lvlshiftdown.v
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* Level shifter (simplified model, as buffer only) */
+module lvlshiftdown (
+`ifdef LVS
+ vpwr, vpb, vnb, vgnd,
+ A,
+ X
+ );
+`ifdef LVS
+ input vpwr;
+ input vpb;
+ input vnb;
+ input vgnd;
+input A;
+output X;
+`ifdef LVS
+ wire vpwr, vpb, vnb, vgnd;
+wire A, X;
+assign X = A;
+endmodule // lvlshiftdown
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mem_wb.v b/verilog/rtl/mem_wb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0b6599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mem_wb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+module mem_wb # (
+ parameter integer MEM_WORDS = 256
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
+ input wb_stb_i,
+ output wb_ack_o,
+ output [31:0] wb_dat_o
+ wire valid;
+ wire ram_wen;
+ wire [3:0] wen; // write enable
+ assign valid = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i;
+ assign ram_wen = wb_we_i && valid;
+ assign wen = wb_sel_i & {4{ram_wen}} ;
+`ifndef USE_OPENRAM
+ assign wb_ack_o = valid;
+ /*
+ Ack Generation
+ - write transaction: asserted upon receiving adr_i & dat_i
+ - read transaction : asserted one clock cycle after receiving the adr_i & dat_i
+ */
+ reg [2:0] wb_ack_read;
+ assign wb_ack_o = wb_we_i ? valid : &wb_ack_read;
+ always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+ if (wb_rst_i == 1'b 1) begin
+ wb_ack_read <= 3'b 00;
+ end else begin
+ wb_ack_read <= {3{valid}} & {1'b1, wb_ack_read[2:1]};
+ end
+ end
+ soc_mem mem(
+ .clk(wb_clk_i),
+ .ena(valid),
+ .wen(wen),
+ .addr(wb_adr_i[23:2]),
+ .wdata(wb_dat_i),
+ .rdata(wb_dat_o)
+ );
+module soc_mem
+`ifndef USE_OPENRAM
+ parameter integer WORDS = 256
+ (
+ input clk,
+ input ena,
+ input [3:0] wen,
+ input [21:0] addr,
+ input [31:0] wdata,
+ output[31:0] rdata
+`ifndef USE_OPENRAM
+ reg [31:0] rdata;
+ reg [31:0] mem [0:WORDS-1];
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (ena == 1'b1) begin
+ rdata <= mem[addr];
+ if (wen[0]) mem[addr][ 7: 0] <= wdata[ 7: 0];
+ if (wen[1]) mem[addr][15: 8] <= wdata[15: 8];
+ if (wen[2]) mem[addr][23:16] <= wdata[23:16];
+ if (wen[3]) mem[addr][31:24] <= wdata[31:24];
+ end
+ end
+ /* Using Port 0 Only - Size: 1KB, 256x32 bits */
+ //sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_scn4m_subm
+ sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130 SRAM(
+ .clk0(clk),
+ .csb0(~ena),
+ .web0(~|wen),
+ .wmask0(wen),
+ .addr0(addr[7:0]),
+ .din0(wdata),
+ .dout0(rdata)
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mgmt_soc.v b/verilog/rtl/mgmt_soc.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..007ca0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mgmt_soc.v
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+ * PicoSoC - A simple example SoC using PicoRV32
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ * Revision 1, July 2019: Added signals to drive flash_clk and flash_csb
+ * output enable (inverted), tied to reset so that the flash is completely
+ * isolated from the processor when the processor is in reset.
+ *
+ * Also: Made ram_wenb a 4-bit bus so that the memory access can be made
+ * byte-wide for byte-wide instructions.
+ */
+`ifdef PICORV32_V
+`error "openstriVe_soc.v must be read before picorv32.v!"
+`define PICORV32_REGS openstriVe_soc_regs
+`include "picorv32.v"
+`include "spimemio.v"
+`include "simpleuart.v"
+`include "wb_intercon.v"
+`include "mem_wb.v"
+`include "gpio_wb.v"
+`include "spi_sysctrl.v"
+`include "sysctrl.v"
+`include "la_wb.v"
+module mgmt_soc (
+`ifdef LVS
+ inout vdd1v8, /* 1.8V domain */
+ inout vss,
+ input pll_clk,
+ input ext_clk,
+ input ext_clk_sel,
+ input clk,
+ input resetn,
+ // Memory mapped I/O signals
+ output [15:0] gpio_out_pad, // Connect to out on gpio pad
+ input [15:0] gpio_in_pad, // Connect to in on gpio pad
+ output [15:0] gpio_mode0_pad, // Connect to dm[0] on gpio pad
+ output [15:0] gpio_mode1_pad, // Connect to dm[2] on gpio pad
+ output [15:0] gpio_outenb_pad, // Connect to oe_n on gpio pad
+ output [15:0] gpio_inenb_pad, // Connect to inp_dis on gpio pad
+ // LA signals
+ input [127:0] la_input, // From Mega-Project to cpu
+ output [127:0] la_output, // From CPU to Mega-Project
+ output [127:0] la_oe, // LA output enable (sensitiviy according to tri-state ?)
+ output adc0_ena,
+ output adc0_convert,
+ input [9:0] adc0_data,
+ input adc0_done,
+ output adc0_clk,
+ output [1:0] adc0_inputsrc,
+ output adc1_ena,
+ output adc1_convert,
+ output adc1_clk,
+ output [1:0] adc1_inputsrc,
+ input [9:0] adc1_data,
+ input adc1_done,
+ output dac_ena,
+ output [9:0] dac_value,
+ output analog_out_sel, // Analog output select (DAC or bandgap)
+ output opamp_ena, // Op-amp enable for analog output
+ output opamp_bias_ena, // Op-amp bias enable for analog output
+ output bg_ena, // Bandgap enable
+ output comp_ena,
+ output [1:0] comp_ninputsrc,
+ output [1:0] comp_pinputsrc,
+ output rcosc_ena,
+ output overtemp_ena,
+ input overtemp,
+ input rcosc_in, // RC oscillator output
+ input xtal_in, // crystal oscillator output
+ input comp_in, // comparator output
+ input spi_sck,
+ input [7:0] spi_ro_config,
+ input spi_ro_xtal_ena,
+ input spi_ro_reg_ena,
+ input spi_ro_pll_dco_ena,
+ input [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div,
+ input [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel,
+ input [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim,
+ input [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id,
+ input [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id,
+ input [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev,
+ output ser_tx,
+ input ser_rx,
+ // IRQ
+ input irq_pin, // dedicated IRQ pin
+ input irq_spi, // IRQ from standalone SPI
+ // trap
+ output trap,
+ // Flash memory control (SPI master)
+ output flash_csb,
+ output flash_clk,
+ output flash_csb_oeb,
+ output flash_clk_oeb,
+ output flash_io0_oeb,
+ output flash_io1_oeb,
+ output flash_io2_oeb,
+ output flash_io3_oeb,
+ output flash_csb_ieb,
+ output flash_clk_ieb,
+ output flash_io0_ieb,
+ output flash_io1_ieb,
+ output flash_io2_ieb,
+ output flash_io3_ieb,
+ output flash_io0_do,
+ output flash_io1_do,
+ output flash_io2_do,
+ output flash_io3_do,
+ input flash_io0_di,
+ input flash_io1_di,
+ input flash_io2_di,
+ input flash_io3_di,
+ // Crossbar Switch Slaves
+ input [31:0] xbar_dat_i,
+ input xbar_ack_i,
+ output xbar_cyc_o,
+ output xbar_stb_o,
+ output xbar_we_o,
+ output [3:0] xbar_sel_o,
+ output [31:0] xbar_adr_o,
+ output [31:0] xbar_dat_o
+ /* Memory reverted back to 256 words while memory has to be synthesized */
+ parameter integer MEM_WORDS = 256;
+ parameter [31:0] STACKADDR = (4*MEM_WORDS); // end of memory
+ parameter [31:0] PROGADDR_RESET = 32'h 1000_0000;
+ parameter [31:0] PROGADDR_IRQ = 32'h 0000_0000;
+ // Slaves Base Addresses
+ parameter RAM_BASE_ADR = 32'h 0000_0000;
+ parameter FLASH_BASE_ADR = 32'h 1000_0000;
+ parameter UART_BASE_ADR = 32'h 2000_0000;
+ parameter GPIO_BASE_ADR = 32'h 2100_0000;
+ parameter LA_BASE_ADR = 32'h 2200_0000;
+ parameter SYS_BASE_ADR = 32'h 2F00_0000;
+ parameter SPI_BASE_ADR = 32'h 2E00_0000;
+ parameter FLASH_CTRL_CFG = 32'h 2D00_0000;
+ parameter XBAR_BASE_ADR = 32'h 8000_0000;
+ // UART
+ parameter UART_CLK_DIV = 8'h00;
+ parameter UART_DATA = 8'h04;
+ parameter GPIO_DATA = 8'h00;
+ parameter GPIO_ENA = 8'h04;
+ parameter GPIO_PU = 8'h08;
+ parameter GPIO_PD = 8'h0c;
+ // LDO
+ parameter LA_DATA_0 = 8'h00;
+ parameter LA_DATA_1 = 8'h04;
+ parameter LA_DATA_2 = 8'h08;
+ parameter LA_DATA_3 = 8'h0c;
+ parameter LA_ENA_0 = 8'h10;
+ parameter LA_ENA_1 = 8'h14;
+ parameter LA_ENA_2 = 8'h18;
+ parameter LA_ENA_3 = 8'h1c;
+ // SPI-Controlled Registers
+ parameter SPI_CFG = 8'h00;
+ parameter SPI_ENA = 8'h04;
+ parameter SPI_PLL_CFG = 8'h08;
+ parameter SPI_MFGR_ID = 8'h0c;
+ parameter SPI_PROD_ID = 8'h10;
+ parameter SPI_MASK_REV = 8'h14;
+ parameter SPI_PLL_BYPASS = 8'h18;
+ // System Control Registers
+ parameter OSC_ENA = 8'h00;
+ parameter OSC_OUT = 8'h04;
+ parameter XTAL_OUT = 8'h08;
+ parameter PLL_OUT = 8'h0c;
+ parameter TRAP_OUT = 8'h10;
+ parameter IRQ7_SRC = 8'h14;
+ parameter IRQ8_SRC = 8'h18;
+ parameter OVERTEMP_ENA = 8'h1c;
+ parameter OVERTEMP_DATA = 8'h20;
+ parameter OVERTEMP_OUT = 8'h24;
+ // Wishbone Interconnect
+ localparam ADR_WIDTH = 32;
+ localparam DAT_WIDTH = 32;
+ localparam NUM_SLAVES = 9;
+ parameter [NUM_SLAVES*ADR_WIDTH-1: 0] ADR_MASK = {
+ {8'h80, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}},
+ {8'hFF, {ADR_WIDTH-8{1'b0}}}
+ };
+ parameter [NUM_SLAVES*ADR_WIDTH-1: 0] SLAVE_ADR = {
+ };
+ // memory-mapped I/O control registers
+ wire [15:0] gpio_pullup; // Intermediate GPIO pullup
+ wire [15:0] gpio_pulldown; // Intermediate GPIO pulldown
+ wire [15:0] gpio_outenb; // Intermediate GPIO out enable (bar)
+ wire [15:0] gpio_out; // Intermediate GPIO output
+ wire [15:0] gpio; // GPIO output data
+ wire [15:0] gpio_pu; // GPIO pull-up enable
+ wire [15:0] gpio_pd; // GPIO pull-down enable
+ wire [15:0] gpio_oeb; // GPIO output enable (sense negative)
+ wire [1:0] rcosc_output_dest; // RC oscillator output destination
+ wire [1:0] overtemp_dest; // Over-temperature alarm destination
+ wire [1:0] pll_output_dest; // PLL clock output destination
+ wire [1:0] xtal_output_dest; // Crystal oscillator output destination
+ wire [1:0] trap_output_dest; // Trap signal output destination
+ wire [1:0] irq_7_inputsrc; // IRQ 5 source
+ wire [1:0] irq_8_inputsrc; // IRQ 6 source
+ // Analgo registers (not-used)
+ reg adc0_ena; // ADC0 enable
+ reg adc0_convert; // ADC0 convert
+ reg [1:0] adc0_clksrc; // ADC0 clock source
+ reg [1:0] adc0_inputsrc; // ADC0 input source
+ reg adc1_ena; // ADC1 enable
+ reg adc1_convert; // ADC1 convert
+ reg [1:0] adc1_clksrc; // ADC1 clock source
+ reg [1:0] adc1_inputsrc; // ADC1 input source
+ reg dac_ena; // DAC enable
+ reg [9:0] dac_value; // DAC output value
+ reg comp_ena; // Comparator enable
+ reg [1:0] comp_ninputsrc; // Comparator negative input source
+ reg [1:0] comp_pinputsrc; // Comparator positive input source
+ reg [1:0] comp_output_dest; // Comparator output destination
+ reg analog_out_sel; // Analog output select
+ reg opamp_ena; // Analog output op-amp enable
+ reg opamp_bias_ena; // Analog output op-amp bias enable
+ reg bg_ena; // Bandgap enable
+ wire adc0_clk; // ADC0 clock (multiplexed)
+ wire adc1_clk; // ADC1 clock (multiplexed)
+ // ADC clock assignments
+ assign adc0_clk = (adc0_clksrc == 2'b00) ? rcosc_in :
+ (adc0_clksrc == 2'b01) ? spi_sck :
+ (adc0_clksrc == 2'b10) ? xtal_in :
+ ext_clk;
+ assign adc1_clk = (adc1_clksrc == 2'b00) ? rcosc_in :
+ (adc1_clksrc == 2'b01) ? spi_sck :
+ (adc1_clksrc == 2'b10) ? xtal_in :
+ ext_clk;
+ // GPIO assignments
+ assign gpio_out[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b01) ? comp_in : gpio[0];
+ assign gpio_out[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b10) ? comp_in : gpio[1];
+ assign gpio_out[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b01) ? rcosc_in : gpio[2];
+ assign gpio_out[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b10) ? rcosc_in : gpio[3];
+ assign gpio_out[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b11) ? rcosc_in : gpio[4];
+ assign gpio_out[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b01) ? xtal_in : gpio[5];
+ assign gpio_out[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b10) ? xtal_in : gpio[6];
+ assign gpio_out[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b11) ? xtal_in : gpio[7];
+ assign gpio_out[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b01) ? pll_clk : gpio[8];
+ assign gpio_out[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b10) ? pll_clk : gpio[9];
+ assign gpio_out[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b11) ? clk : gpio[10];
+ assign gpio_out[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b01) ? trap : gpio[11];
+ assign gpio_out[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b10) ? trap : gpio[12];
+ assign gpio_out[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b11) ? trap : gpio[13];
+ assign gpio_out[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b01) ? overtemp : gpio[14];
+ assign gpio_out[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b10) ? overtemp : gpio[15];
+ assign gpio_outenb[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[0] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[1] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[2] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[3] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[4] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[5] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[6] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[7] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[8] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[9] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[10] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[11] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[12] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[13] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[14] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_outenb[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[15] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[0] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[1] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[2] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[3] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[4] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[5] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[6] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[7] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[8] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[9] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[10] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[11] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[12] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[13] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[14] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pullup[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[15] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[0] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[1] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[2] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[3] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[4] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[5] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[6] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[7] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[8] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[9] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[10] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[11] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[12] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[13] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[14] : 1'b0;
+ assign gpio_pulldown[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[15] : 1'b0;
+ // Convert GPIO signals to s8 pad signals
+ convert_gpio_sigs convert_gpio_bit [15:0] (
+ .gpio_out(gpio_out),
+ .gpio_outenb(gpio_outenb),
+ .gpio_pu(gpio_pullup),
+ .gpio_pd(gpio_pulldown),
+ .gpio_out_pad(gpio_out_pad),
+ .gpio_outenb_pad(gpio_outenb_pad),
+ .gpio_inenb_pad(gpio_inenb_pad),
+ .gpio_mode1_pad(gpio_mode1_pad),
+ .gpio_mode0_pad(gpio_mode0_pad)
+ );
+ reg [31:0] irq;
+ wire irq_7;
+ wire irq_8;
+ wire irq_stall;
+ wire irq_uart;
+ assign irq_7 = (irq_7_inputsrc == 2'b01) ? gpio_in_pad[0] :
+ (irq_7_inputsrc == 2'b10) ? gpio_in_pad[1] :
+ (irq_7_inputsrc == 2'b11) ? gpio_in_pad[2] : 1'b0;
+ assign irq_8 = (irq_8_inputsrc == 2'b01) ? gpio_in_pad[3] :
+ (irq_8_inputsrc == 2'b10) ? gpio_in_pad[4] :
+ (irq_8_inputsrc == 2'b11) ? gpio_in_pad[5] : 1'b0;
+ assign irq_uart = 0;
+ assign irq_stall = 0;
+ always @* begin
+ irq = 0;
+ irq[3] = irq_stall;
+ irq[4] = irq_uart;
+ irq[5] = irq_pin;
+ irq[6] = irq_spi;
+ irq[7] = irq_7;
+ irq[8] = irq_8;
+ irq[9] = comp_output_dest[0] & comp_output_dest[1] & comp_in;
+ irq[10] = overtemp_dest[0] & overtemp_dest[1] & overtemp;
+ end
+ // wire mem_valid;
+ // wire mem_instr;
+ // wire mem_ready;
+ // wire [31:0] mem_addr;
+ // wire [31:0] mem_wdata;
+ // wire [3:0] mem_wstrb;
+ // wire [31:0] mem_rdata;
+ // wire spimem_ready;
+ // wire [31:0] spimem_rdata;
+ // reg ram_ready;
+ // wire [31:0] ram_rdata;
+ // assign iomem_valid = mem_valid && (mem_addr[31:24] > 8'h 01);
+ // assign iomem_wstrb = mem_wstrb;
+ // assign iomem_addr = mem_addr;
+ // assign iomem_wdata = mem_wdata;
+ // wire spimemio_cfgreg_sel = mem_valid && (mem_addr == 32'h 0200_0000);
+ // wire [31:0] spimemio_cfgreg_do;
+ // wire simpleuart_reg_div_sel = mem_valid && (mem_addr == 32'h 0200_0004);
+ // wire [31:0] simpleuart_reg_div_do;
+ // wire simpleuart_reg_dat_sel = mem_valid && (mem_addr == 32'h 0200_0008);
+ // wire [31:0] simpleuart_reg_dat_do;
+ // wire simpleuart_reg_dat_wait;
+ // Akin to the slave ack ?
+ // assign mem_ready = (iomem_valid && iomem_ready) || spimem_ready || ram_ready || spimemio_cfgreg_sel ||
+ // simpleuart_reg_div_sel || (simpleuart_reg_dat_sel && !simpleuart_reg_dat_wait);
+ // Akin to wb_intercon -- mem_rdata like cpu_dat_i
+ // assign mem_rdata = (iomem_valid && iomem_ready) ? iomem_rdata : spimem_ready ? spimem_rdata : ram_ready ? ram_rdata :
+ // spimemio_cfgreg_sel ? spimemio_cfgreg_do : simpleuart_reg_div_sel ? simpleuart_reg_div_do :
+ // simpleuart_reg_dat_sel ? simpleuart_reg_dat_do : 32'h 0000_0000;
+ wire wb_clk_i;
+ wire wb_rst_i;
+ // Assumption : no syscon module and wb_clk is the clock coming from the chip pin ?
+ assign wb_clk_i = clk;
+ assign wb_rst_i = ~resetn; // Redundant
+ // Wishbone Master
+ wire [31:0] cpu_adr_o;
+ wire [31:0] cpu_dat_i;
+ wire [3:0] cpu_sel_o;
+ wire cpu_we_o;
+ wire cpu_cyc_o;
+ wire cpu_stb_o;
+ wire [31:0] cpu_dat_o;
+ wire cpu_ack_i;
+ assign xbar_cyc_o = cpu_cyc_o;
+ assign xbar_we_o = cpu_we_o;
+ assign xbar_sel_o = cpu_sel_o;
+ assign xbar_adr_o = cpu_adr_o;
+ assign xbar_dat_o = cpu_dat_o;
+ picorv32_wb #(
+ ) cpu (
+ .wb_clk_i (wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i (wb_rst_i),
+ .trap (trap),
+ .irq (irq),
+ .mem_instr(mem_instr),
+ .wbm_adr_o(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wbm_dat_i(cpu_dat_i),
+ .wbm_stb_o(cpu_stb_o),
+ .wbm_ack_i(cpu_ack_i),
+ .wbm_cyc_o(cpu_cyc_o),
+ .wbm_dat_o(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wbm_we_o(cpu_we_o),
+ .wbm_sel_o(cpu_sel_o)
+ );
+ // Wishbone Slave SPIMEMIO
+ wire spimemio_flash_stb_i;
+ wire spimemio_flash_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] spimemio_flash_dat_o;
+ wire spimemio_cfg_stb_i;
+ wire spimemio_cfg_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] spimemio_cfg_dat_o;
+ spimemio_wb spimemio (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(cpu_sel_o),
+ .wb_we_i(cpu_we_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(cpu_cyc_o),
+ // FLash Slave
+ .wb_flash_stb_i(spimemio_flash_stb_i),
+ .wb_flash_ack_o(spimemio_flash_ack_o),
+ .wb_flash_dat_o(spimemio_flash_dat_o),
+ // Config Register Slave
+ .wb_cfg_stb_i(spimemio_cfg_stb_i),
+ .wb_cfg_ack_o(spimemio_cfg_ack_o),
+ .wb_cfg_dat_o(spimemio_cfg_dat_o),
+ .flash_csb (flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk (flash_clk),
+ .flash_csb_oeb (flash_csb_oeb),
+ .flash_clk_oeb (flash_clk_oeb),
+ .flash_io0_oeb (flash_io0_oeb),
+ .flash_io1_oeb (flash_io1_oeb),
+ .flash_io2_oeb (flash_io2_oeb),
+ .flash_io3_oeb (flash_io3_oeb),
+ .flash_csb_ieb (flash_csb_ieb),
+ .flash_clk_ieb (flash_clk_ieb),
+ .flash_io0_ieb (flash_io0_ieb),
+ .flash_io1_ieb (flash_io1_ieb),
+ .flash_io2_ieb (flash_io2_ieb),
+ .flash_io3_ieb (flash_io3_ieb),
+ .flash_io0_do (flash_io0_do),
+ .flash_io1_do (flash_io1_do),
+ .flash_io2_do (flash_io2_do),
+ .flash_io3_do (flash_io3_do),
+ .flash_io0_di (flash_io0_di),
+ .flash_io1_di (flash_io1_di),
+ .flash_io2_di (flash_io2_di),
+ .flash_io3_di (flash_io3_di)
+ );
+ // Wishbone Slave uart
+ wire uart_stb_i;
+ wire uart_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] uart_dat_o;
+ simpleuart_wb #(
+ ) simpleuart (
+ // Wishbone Interface
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(cpu_sel_o),
+ .wb_we_i(cpu_we_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(cpu_cyc_o),
+ .wb_stb_i(uart_stb_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(uart_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(uart_dat_o),
+ .ser_tx(ser_tx),
+ .ser_rx(ser_rx)
+ );
+ // Wishbone Slave GPIO Registers
+ wire gpio_stb_i;
+ wire gpio_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] gpio_dat_o;
+ gpio_wb #(
+ ) gpio_wb (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(cpu_sel_o),
+ .wb_we_i(cpu_we_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(cpu_cyc_o),
+ .wb_stb_i(gpio_stb_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(gpio_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(gpio_dat_o),
+ .gpio_in_pad(gpio_in_pad),
+ .gpio(gpio),
+ .gpio_oeb(gpio_oeb),
+ .gpio_pu(gpio_pu),
+ .gpio_pd(gpio_pd)
+ );
+ // Wishbone SPI System Control Registers (RO)
+ wire spi_sys_stb_i;
+ wire spi_sys_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] spi_sys_dat_o;
+ spi_sysctrl_wb #(
+ ) spi_sysctrl (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(cpu_sel_o),
+ .wb_we_i(cpu_we_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(cpu_cyc_o),
+ .wb_stb_i(spi_sys_stb_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(spi_sys_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(spi_sys_dat_o),
+ .spi_ro_config(spi_ro_config), // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ?
+ .spi_ro_pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div),
+ .spi_ro_pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel),
+ .spi_ro_xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena),
+ .spi_ro_reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena),
+ .spi_ro_pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim),
+ .spi_ro_pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena),
+ .spi_ro_mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id),
+ .spi_ro_prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id),
+ .spi_ro_mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev),
+ .pll_bypass(ext_clk_sel)
+ );
+ // Wishbone Slave System Control Register
+ wire sys_stb_i;
+ wire sys_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] sys_dat_o;
+ sysctrl_wb #(
+ ) sysctrl (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(cpu_sel_o),
+ .wb_we_i(cpu_we_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(cpu_cyc_o),
+ .wb_stb_i(sys_stb_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(sys_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(sys_dat_o),
+ .overtemp(overtemp),
+ .rcosc_ena(rcosc_ena),
+ .rcosc_output_dest(rcosc_output_dest),
+ .xtal_output_dest(xtal_output_dest),
+ .pll_output_dest(pll_output_dest),
+ .trap_output_dest(trap_output_dest),
+ .irq_7_inputsrc(irq_7_inputsrc),
+ .irq_8_inputsrc(irq_8_inputsrc),
+ .overtemp_ena(overtemp_ena),
+ .overtemp_dest(overtemp_dest)
+ );
+ // Logic Analyzer
+ wire la_stb_i;
+ wire la_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] la_dat_o;
+ la_wb #(
+ .LA_DATA_0(LA_DATA_0),
+ .LA_DATA_1(LA_DATA_1),
+ .LA_DATA_3(LA_DATA_3),
+ .LA_ENA_0(LA_ENA_0),
+ .LA_ENA_1(LA_ENA_1),
+ .LA_ENA_2(LA_ENA_2),
+ .LA_ENA_3(LA_ENA_3)
+ ) la (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(cpu_sel_o),
+ .wb_we_i(cpu_we_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(cpu_cyc_o),
+ .wb_stb_i(la_stb_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(la_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(la_dat_o),
+ .la_data(la_output),
+ .la_ena(la_oe)
+ );
+ // Wishbone Slave RAM
+ wire mem_stb_i;
+ wire mem_ack_o;
+ wire [31:0] mem_dat_o;
+ mem_wb #(
+ ) soc_mem (
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ .wb_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wb_dat_i(cpu_dat_o),
+ .wb_sel_i(cpu_sel_o),
+ .wb_we_i(cpu_we_o),
+ .wb_cyc_i(cpu_cyc_o),
+ .wb_stb_i(mem_stb_i),
+ .wb_ack_o(mem_ack_o),
+ .wb_dat_o(mem_dat_o)
+ );
+ // Wishbone intercon logic
+ wb_intercon #(
+ ) intercon (
+ // Master Interface
+ .wbm_adr_i(cpu_adr_o),
+ .wbm_stb_i(cpu_stb_o),
+ .wbm_dat_o(cpu_dat_i),
+ .wbm_ack_o(cpu_ack_i),
+ // Slaves Interface
+ .wbs_stb_o({ xbar_stb_o, sys_stb_i, spi_sys_stb_i, spimemio_cfg_stb_i, la_stb_i, gpio_stb_i, uart_stb_i, spimemio_flash_stb_i, mem_stb_i }),
+ .wbs_dat_i({ xbar_dat_i, sys_dat_o, spi_sys_dat_o, spimemio_cfg_dat_o, la_dat_o, gpio_dat_o, uart_dat_o, spimemio_flash_dat_o, mem_dat_o }),
+ .wbs_ack_i({ xbar_ack_i, sys_ack_o, spi_sys_ack_o, spimemio_cfg_ack_o, la_ack_o, gpio_ack_o, uart_ack_o, spimemio_flash_ack_o, mem_ack_o })
+ );
+ // Akin to ram ack
+ // always @(posedge clk)
+ // ram_ready <= mem_valid && !mem_ready && mem_addr < 4*MEM_WORDS;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ adc0_ena <= 0;
+ adc0_convert <= 0;
+ adc0_clksrc <= 0;
+ adc0_inputsrc <= 0;
+ adc1_ena <= 0;
+ adc1_convert <= 0;
+ adc1_clksrc <= 0;
+ adc1_inputsrc <= 0;
+ dac_ena <= 0;
+ dac_value <= 0;
+ comp_ena <= 0;
+ comp_ninputsrc <= 0;
+ comp_pinputsrc <= 0;
+ comp_output_dest <= 0;
+ analog_out_sel <= 0;
+ opamp_ena <= 0;
+ opamp_bias_ena <= 0;
+ bg_ena <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ // iomem_ready <= 0;
+ // if (iomem_valid && !iomem_ready && iomem_addr[31:8] == 24'h030000) begin
+ // iomem_ready <= 1;
+ // end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hc0) begin
+ // iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, analog_out_sel};
+ // if (iomem_wstrb[0]) analog_out_sel <= iomem_wdata[0];
+ // end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hc4) begin
+ // iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, opamp_bias_ena};
+ // if (iomem_wstrb[0]) opamp_bias_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
+ // end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hc8) begin
+ // iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, opamp_ena};
+ // if (iomem_wstrb[0]) opamp_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
+ // end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hd0) begin
+ // iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, bg_ena};
+ // if (iomem_wstrb[0]) bg_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
+ // end
+ end
+ end
+/* Convert the standard set of GPIO signals: input, output, output_enb,
+ * pullup, and pulldown into the set needed by the s8 GPIO pads:
+ * input, output, output_enb, input_enb, mode. Note that dm[2] on
+ * thepads is always equal to dm[1] in this setup, so mode is shown as
+ * only a 2-bit signal.
+ *
+ * This module is bit-sliced. Instantiate once for each GPIO pad.
+ */
+module convert_gpio_sigs (
+ input gpio_out,
+ input gpio_outenb,
+ input gpio_pu,
+ input gpio_pd,
+ output gpio_out_pad,
+ output gpio_outenb_pad,
+ output gpio_inenb_pad,
+ output gpio_mode1_pad,
+ output gpio_mode0_pad
+ assign gpio_out_pad = (gpio_pu == 1'b0 && gpio_pd == 1'b0) ? gpio_out :
+ (gpio_pu == 1'b1) ? 1 : 0;
+ assign gpio_outenb_pad = (gpio_outenb == 1'b0) ? 0 :
+ (gpio_pu == 1'b1 || gpio_pd == 1'b1) ? 0 : 1;
+ assign gpio_inenb_pad = ~gpio_outenb;
+ assign gpio_mode1_pad = ~gpio_outenb_pad;
+ assign gpio_mode0_pad = gpio_outenb;
+// Implementation note:
+// Replace the following two modules with wrappers for your SRAM cells.
+module openstriVe_soc_regs (
+ input clk, wen,
+ input [5:0] waddr,
+ input [5:0] raddr1,
+ input [5:0] raddr2,
+ input [31:0] wdata,
+ output [31:0] rdata1,
+ output [31:0] rdata2
+ reg [31:0] regs [0:31];
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if (wen) regs[waddr[4:0]] <= wdata;
+ assign rdata1 = regs[raddr1[4:0]];
+ assign rdata2 = regs[raddr2[4:0]];
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/picorv32.v b/verilog/rtl/picorv32.v
index af634b4..cbbbb60 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/picorv32.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/picorv32.v
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
+/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
+/* verilator lint_off PINMISSING */
+/* verilator lint_off CASEOVERLAP */
+/* verilator lint_off CASEINCOMPLETE */
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
// `default_nettype none
// `define DEBUGNETS
@@ -122,6 +127,8 @@
output reg rvfi_trap,
output reg rvfi_halt,
output reg rvfi_intr,
+ output reg [ 1:0] rvfi_mode,
+ output reg [ 1:0] rvfi_ixl,
output reg [ 4:0] rvfi_rs1_addr,
output reg [ 4:0] rvfi_rs2_addr,
output reg [31:0] rvfi_rs1_rdata,
@@ -135,6 +142,16 @@
output reg [ 3:0] rvfi_mem_wmask,
output reg [31:0] rvfi_mem_rdata,
output reg [31:0] rvfi_mem_wdata,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_mcycle_rmask,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_mcycle_wmask,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_mcycle_rdata,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_mcycle_wdata,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_minstret_rmask,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_minstret_wmask,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_minstret_rdata,
+ output reg [63:0] rvfi_csr_minstret_wdata,
// Trace Interface
@@ -636,7 +653,7 @@
wire instr_trap;
reg [regindex_bits-1:0] decoded_rd, decoded_rs1, decoded_rs2;
- reg [31:0] decoded_imm, decoded_imm_uj;
+ reg [31:0] decoded_imm, decoded_imm_j;
reg decoder_trigger;
reg decoder_trigger_q;
reg decoder_pseudo_trigger;
@@ -858,7 +875,7 @@
is_alu_reg_imm <= mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0010011;
is_alu_reg_reg <= mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0110011;
- { decoded_imm_uj[31:20], decoded_imm_uj[10:1], decoded_imm_uj[11], decoded_imm_uj[19:12], decoded_imm_uj[0] } <= $signed({mem_rdata_latched[31:12], 1'b0});
+ { decoded_imm_j[31:20], decoded_imm_j[10:1], decoded_imm_j[11], decoded_imm_j[19:12], decoded_imm_j[0] } <= $signed({mem_rdata_latched[31:12], 1'b0});
decoded_rd <= mem_rdata_latched[11:7];
decoded_rs1 <= mem_rdata_latched[19:15];
@@ -877,8 +894,8 @@
decoded_rs1 <= 0;
decoded_rs2 <= 0;
- { decoded_imm_uj[31:11], decoded_imm_uj[4], decoded_imm_uj[9:8], decoded_imm_uj[10], decoded_imm_uj[6],
- decoded_imm_uj[7], decoded_imm_uj[3:1], decoded_imm_uj[5], decoded_imm_uj[0] } <= $signed({mem_rdata_latched[12:2], 1'b0});
+ { decoded_imm_j[31:11], decoded_imm_j[4], decoded_imm_j[9:8], decoded_imm_j[10], decoded_imm_j[6],
+ decoded_imm_j[7], decoded_imm_j[3:1], decoded_imm_j[5], decoded_imm_j[0] } <= $signed({mem_rdata_latched[12:2], 1'b0});
case (mem_rdata_latched[1:0])
2'b00: begin // Quadrant 0
@@ -1099,7 +1116,7 @@
(* parallel_case *)
case (1'b1)
- decoded_imm <= decoded_imm_uj;
+ decoded_imm <= decoded_imm_j;
|{instr_lui, instr_auipc}:
decoded_imm <= mem_rdata_q[31:12] << 12;
|{instr_jalr, is_lb_lh_lw_lbu_lhu, is_alu_reg_imm}:
@@ -1314,7 +1331,13 @@
`ifndef PICORV32_REGS
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (resetn && cpuregs_write && latched_rd)
+`ifdef PICORV32_TESTBUG_001
+ cpuregs[latched_rd ^ 1] <= cpuregs_wrdata;
+`elsif PICORV32_TESTBUG_002
+ cpuregs[latched_rd] <= cpuregs_wrdata ^ 1;
cpuregs[latched_rd] <= cpuregs_wrdata;
always @* begin
@@ -1412,15 +1435,9 @@
next_irq_pending = ENABLE_IRQ ? irq_pending & LATCHED_IRQ : 'bx;
if (ENABLE_IRQ && ENABLE_IRQ_TIMER && timer) begin
- if (timer - 1 == 0)
- next_irq_pending[irq_timer] = 1;
timer <= timer - 1;
- if (ENABLE_IRQ) begin
- next_irq_pending = next_irq_pending | irq;
- end
decoder_trigger <= mem_do_rinst && mem_done;
decoder_trigger_q <= decoder_trigger;
decoder_pseudo_trigger <= 0;
@@ -1544,7 +1561,7 @@
if (instr_jal) begin
mem_do_rinst <= 1;
- reg_next_pc <= current_pc + decoded_imm_uj;
+ reg_next_pc <= current_pc + decoded_imm_j;
latched_branch <= 1;
end else begin
mem_do_rinst <= 0;
@@ -1890,6 +1907,13 @@
+ if (ENABLE_IRQ) begin
+ next_irq_pending = next_irq_pending | irq;
+ if(ENABLE_IRQ_TIMER && timer)
+ if (timer - 1 == 0)
+ next_irq_pending[irq_timer] = 1;
+ end
if (CATCH_MISALIGN && resetn && (mem_do_rdata || mem_do_wdata)) begin
if (mem_wordsize == 0 && reg_op1[1:0] != 0) begin
`debug($display("MISALIGNED WORD: 0x%08x", reg_op1);)
@@ -1962,6 +1986,8 @@
rvfi_trap <= trap;
rvfi_halt <= trap;
rvfi_intr <= dbg_irq_enter;
+ rvfi_mode <= 3;
+ rvfi_ixl <= 1;
if (!resetn) begin
dbg_irq_call <= 0;
@@ -1981,8 +2007,16 @@
rvfi_rd_wdata <= 0;
end else
if (cpuregs_write && !irq_state) begin
+`ifdef PICORV32_TESTBUG_003
+ rvfi_rd_addr <= latched_rd ^ 1;
rvfi_rd_addr <= latched_rd;
+`ifdef PICORV32_TESTBUG_004
+ rvfi_rd_wdata <= latched_rd ? cpuregs_wrdata ^ 1 : 0;
rvfi_rd_wdata <= latched_rd ? cpuregs_wrdata : 0;
end else
if (rvfi_valid) begin
rvfi_rd_addr <= 0;
@@ -2023,7 +2057,40 @@
always @* begin
+`ifdef PICORV32_TESTBUG_005
+ rvfi_pc_wdata = (dbg_irq_call ? dbg_irq_ret : dbg_insn_addr) ^ 4;
rvfi_pc_wdata = dbg_irq_call ? dbg_irq_ret : dbg_insn_addr;
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_rmask = 0;
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_wmask = 0;
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_rdata = 0;
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_wdata = 0;
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_rmask = 0;
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_wmask = 0;
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_rdata = 0;
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_wdata = 0;
+ if (rvfi_valid && rvfi_insn[6:0] == 7'b 1110011 && rvfi_insn[13:12] == 3'b010) begin
+ if (rvfi_insn[31:20] == 12'h C00) begin
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_rmask = 64'h 0000_0000_FFFF_FFFF;
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_rdata = {32'h 0000_0000, rvfi_rd_wdata};
+ end
+ if (rvfi_insn[31:20] == 12'h C80) begin
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_rmask = 64'h FFFF_FFFF_0000_0000;
+ rvfi_csr_mcycle_rdata = {rvfi_rd_wdata, 32'h 0000_0000};
+ end
+ if (rvfi_insn[31:20] == 12'h C02) begin
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_rmask = 64'h 0000_0000_FFFF_FFFF;
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_rdata = {32'h 0000_0000, rvfi_rd_wdata};
+ end
+ if (rvfi_insn[31:20] == 12'h C82) begin
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_rmask = 64'h FFFF_FFFF_0000_0000;
+ rvfi_csr_minstret_rdata = {rvfi_rd_wdata, 32'h 0000_0000};
+ end
+ end
@@ -2913,7 +2980,7 @@
.trace_data (trace_data)
+ // Wishbone Controller
localparam IDLE = 2'b00;
localparam WBSTART = 2'b01;
localparam WBEND = 2'b10;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/ring_osc2x13.v b/verilog/rtl/ring_osc2x13.v
index 4363c00..58a01af 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/ring_osc2x13.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/ring_osc2x13.v
@@ -10,40 +10,40 @@
wire d0, d1, d2;
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 delaybuf0 (
+ scs8hd_clkbuf_2 delaybuf0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 delaybuf1 (
+ scs8hd_clkbuf_1 delaybuf1 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvp_2 delayen1 (
+ scs8hd_einvp_2 delayen1 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvn_4 delayenb1 (
+ scs8hd_einvn_4 delayenb1 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinv_1 delayint0 (
+ scs8hd_clkinv_1 delayint0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvp_2 delayen0 (
+ scs8hd_einvp_2 delayen0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvn_8 delayenb0 (
+ scs8hd_einvn_8 delayenb0 (
@@ -59,53 +59,53 @@
wire d0, d1, d2, ctrl0, one;
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 delaybuf0 (
+ scs8hd_clkbuf_1 delaybuf0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvp_2 delayen1 (
+ scs8hd_einvp_2 delayen1 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvn_4 delayenb1 (
+ scs8hd_einvn_4 delayenb1 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinv_1 delayint0 (
+ scs8hd_clkinv_1 delayint0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvp_2 delayen0 (
+ scs8hd_einvp_2 delayen0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvn_8 delayenb0 (
+ scs8hd_einvn_8 delayenb0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__einvp_1 reseten0 (
+ scs8hd_einvp_1 reseten0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__or2_2 ctrlen0 (
+ scs8hd_or2_2 ctrlen0 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 const1 (
+ scs8hd_conb_1 const1 (
@@ -159,19 +159,19 @@
// Buffered outputs a 0 and 90 degrees phase (approximately)
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinv_2 ibufp00 (
+ scs8hd_clkinv_2 ibufp00 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinv_8 ibufp01 (
+ scs8hd_clkinv_8 ibufp01 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinv_2 ibufp10 (
+ scs8hd_clkinv_2 ibufp10 (
- sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkinv_8 ibufp11 (
+ scs8hd_clkinv_8 ibufp11 (
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/simpleuart.v b/verilog/rtl/simpleuart.v
index 50808cb..51e95c7 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/simpleuart.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/simpleuart.v
@@ -17,121 +17,180 @@
-module simpleuart (
- input clk,
- input resetn,
+module simpleuart_wb # (
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h 2000_0000,
+ parameter CLK_DIV = 8'h00,
+ parameter DATA = 8'h04
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
- output ser_tx,
- input ser_rx,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i, // (verify): input address was originaly 22 bits , why ? (max number of words ?)
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
+ input wb_stb_i,
- input [3:0] reg_div_we,
- input [31:0] reg_div_di,
- output [31:0] reg_div_do,
+ output wb_ack_o,
+ output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
- input reg_dat_we,
- input reg_dat_re,
- input [31:0] reg_dat_di,
- output [31:0] reg_dat_do,
- output reg_dat_wait
+ output ser_tx,
+ input ser_rx
- reg [31:0] cfg_divider;
+ wire [31:0] simpleuart_reg_div_do;
+ wire [31:0] simpleuart_reg_dat_do;
- reg [3:0] recv_state;
- reg [31:0] recv_divcnt;
- reg [7:0] recv_pattern;
- reg [7:0] recv_buf_data;
- reg recv_buf_valid;
+ wire resetn = ~wb_rst_i;
+ wire valid = wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i;
+ wire simpleuart_reg_div_sel = valid && (wb_adr_i == (BASE_ADR | CLK_DIV));
+ wire simpleuart_reg_dat_sel = valid && (wb_adr_i == (BASE_ADR | DATA));
- reg [9:0] send_pattern;
- reg [3:0] send_bitcnt;
- reg [31:0] send_divcnt;
- reg send_dummy;
+ wire [3:0] reg_div_we = simpleuart_reg_div_sel ? (wb_sel_i & {4{wb_we_i}}): 4'b 0000; // simpleuart_reg_div_sel ? mem_wstrb : 4'b 0000), // sel: depends on address buss
+ wire reg_dat_we = simpleuart_reg_dat_sel ? (wb_sel_i[0] & wb_we_i): 1'b 0; // simpleuart_reg_dat_sel ? mem_wstrb[0] : 1'b 0
- assign reg_div_do = cfg_divider;
+ wire [31:0] mem_wdata = wb_dat_i;
+ wire reg_dat_re = simpleuart_reg_dat_sel && !wb_sel_i && ~wb_we_i; // read_enable
- assign reg_dat_wait = reg_dat_we && (send_bitcnt || send_dummy);
- assign reg_dat_do = recv_buf_valid ? recv_buf_data : ~0;
+ assign wb_dat_o = simpleuart_reg_div_sel ? simpleuart_reg_div_do: simpleuart_reg_dat_do;
+ assign wb_ack_o = (simpleuart_reg_div_sel || simpleuart_reg_dat_sel) && (!reg_dat_wait);
+ simpleuart simpleuart (
+ .clk (wb_clk_i),
+ .resetn (resetn),
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (!resetn) begin
- cfg_divider <= 1;
- end else begin
- if (reg_div_we[0]) cfg_divider[ 7: 0] <= reg_div_di[ 7: 0];
- if (reg_div_we[1]) cfg_divider[15: 8] <= reg_div_di[15: 8];
- if (reg_div_we[2]) cfg_divider[23:16] <= reg_div_di[23:16];
- if (reg_div_we[3]) cfg_divider[31:24] <= reg_div_di[31:24];
- end
- end
+ .ser_tx (ser_tx),
+ .ser_rx (ser_rx),
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (!resetn) begin
- recv_state <= 0;
- recv_divcnt <= 0;
- recv_pattern <= 0;
- recv_buf_data <= 0;
- recv_buf_valid <= 0;
- end else begin
- recv_divcnt <= recv_divcnt + 1;
- if (reg_dat_re)
- recv_buf_valid <= 0;
- case (recv_state)
- 0: begin
- if (!ser_rx)
- recv_state <= 1;
- recv_divcnt <= 0;
- end
- 1: begin
- if (2*recv_divcnt > cfg_divider) begin
- recv_state <= 2;
- recv_divcnt <= 0;
- end
- end
- 10: begin
- if (recv_divcnt > cfg_divider) begin
- recv_buf_data <= recv_pattern;
- recv_buf_valid <= 1;
- recv_state <= 0;
- end
- end
- default: begin
- if (recv_divcnt > cfg_divider) begin
- recv_pattern <= {ser_rx, recv_pattern[7:1]};
- recv_state <= recv_state + 1;
- recv_divcnt <= 0;
- end
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
+ .reg_div_we (reg_div_we),
+ .reg_div_di (mem_wdata),
+ .reg_div_do (simpleuart_reg_div_do),
- assign ser_tx = send_pattern[0];
+ .reg_dat_we (reg_dat_we),
+ .reg_dat_re (reg_dat_re),
+ .reg_dat_di (mem_wdata),
+ .reg_dat_do (simpleuart_reg_dat_do),
+ .reg_dat_wait(reg_dat_wait)
+ );
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reg_div_we)
- send_dummy <= 1;
- send_divcnt <= send_divcnt + 1;
- if (!resetn) begin
- send_pattern <= ~0;
- send_bitcnt <= 0;
- send_divcnt <= 0;
- send_dummy <= 1;
- end else begin
- if (send_dummy && !send_bitcnt) begin
- send_pattern <= ~0;
- send_bitcnt <= 15;
- send_divcnt <= 0;
- send_dummy <= 0;
- end else
- if (reg_dat_we && !send_bitcnt) begin
- send_pattern <= {1'b1, reg_dat_di[7:0], 1'b0};
- send_bitcnt <= 10;
- send_divcnt <= 0;
- end else
- if (send_divcnt > cfg_divider && send_bitcnt) begin
- send_pattern <= {1'b1, send_pattern[9:1]};
- send_bitcnt <= send_bitcnt - 1;
- send_divcnt <= 0;
- end
- end
- end
+module simpleuart (
+ input clk,
+ input resetn,
+ output ser_tx,
+ input ser_rx,
+ input [3:0] reg_div_we,
+ input [31:0] reg_div_di,
+ output [31:0] reg_div_do,
+ input reg_dat_we,
+ input reg_dat_re,
+ input [31:0] reg_dat_di,
+ output [31:0] reg_dat_do,
+ output reg_dat_wait
+ reg [31:0] cfg_divider;
+ reg [3:0] recv_state;
+ reg [31:0] recv_divcnt;
+ reg [7:0] recv_pattern;
+ reg [7:0] recv_buf_data;
+ reg recv_buf_valid;
+ reg [9:0] send_pattern;
+ reg [3:0] send_bitcnt;
+ reg [31:0] send_divcnt;
+ reg send_dummy;
+ assign reg_div_do = cfg_divider;
+ assign reg_dat_wait = reg_dat_we && (send_bitcnt || send_dummy);
+ assign reg_dat_do = recv_buf_valid ? recv_buf_data : ~0;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ cfg_divider <= 1;
+ end else begin
+ if (reg_div_we[0]) cfg_divider[ 7: 0] <= reg_div_di[ 7: 0];
+ if (reg_div_we[1]) cfg_divider[15: 8] <= reg_div_di[15: 8];
+ if (reg_div_we[2]) cfg_divider[23:16] <= reg_div_di[23:16];
+ if (reg_div_we[3]) cfg_divider[31:24] <= reg_div_di[31:24];
+ end
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ recv_state <= 0;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ recv_pattern <= 0;
+ recv_buf_data <= 0;
+ recv_buf_valid <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ recv_divcnt <= recv_divcnt + 1;
+ if (reg_dat_re)
+ recv_buf_valid <= 0;
+ case (recv_state)
+ 0: begin
+ if (!ser_rx)
+ recv_state <= 1;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ end
+ 1: begin
+ if (2*recv_divcnt > cfg_divider) begin
+ recv_state <= 2;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ 10: begin
+ if (recv_divcnt > cfg_divider) begin
+ recv_buf_data <= recv_pattern;
+ recv_buf_valid <= 1;
+ recv_state <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ default: begin
+ if (recv_divcnt > cfg_divider) begin
+ recv_pattern <= {ser_rx, recv_pattern[7:1]};
+ recv_state <= recv_state + 1;
+ recv_divcnt <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ assign ser_tx = send_pattern[0];
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reg_div_we)
+ send_dummy <= 1;
+ send_divcnt <= send_divcnt + 1;
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ send_pattern <= ~0;
+ send_bitcnt <= 0;
+ send_divcnt <= 0;
+ send_dummy <= 1;
+ end else begin
+ if (send_dummy && !send_bitcnt) begin
+ send_pattern <= ~0;
+ send_bitcnt <= 15;
+ send_divcnt <= 0;
+ send_dummy <= 0;
+ end else
+ if (reg_dat_we && !send_bitcnt) begin
+ send_pattern <= {1'b1, reg_dat_di[7:0], 1'b0};
+ send_bitcnt <= 10;
+ send_divcnt <= 0;
+ end else
+ if (send_divcnt > cfg_divider && send_bitcnt) begin
+ send_pattern <= {1'b1, send_pattern[9:1]};
+ send_bitcnt <= send_bitcnt - 1;
+ send_divcnt <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_slave.v b/verilog/rtl/spi_slave.v
index 50a6520..16a1923 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_slave.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/spi_slave.v
@@ -83,97 +83,97 @@
// Readback data is captured on the falling edge of SCK so that
// it is guaranteed valid at the next rising edge.
always @(negedge SCK or posedge CSB) begin
- if (CSB == 1'b1) begin
- wrstb <= 1'b0;
- ldata <= 8'b00000000;
- sdoenb <= 1'b1;
+ if (CSB == 1'b1) begin
+ wrstb <= 1'b0;
+ ldata <= 8'b00000000;
+ sdoenb <= 1'b1;
end else begin
- // After CSB low, 1st SCK starts command
+ // After CSB low, 1st SCK starts command
- if (state == `DATA) begin
- if (readmode == 1'b1) begin
- sdoenb <= 1'b0;
- if (count == 3'b000) begin
- ldata <= idata;
- end else begin
- ldata <= {ldata[6:0], 1'b0}; // Shift out
- end
- end else begin
- sdoenb <= 1'b1;
- end
+ if (state == `DATA) begin
+ if (readmode == 1'b1) begin
+ sdoenb <= 1'b0;
+ if (count == 3'b000) begin
+ ldata <= idata;
+ end else begin
+ ldata <= {ldata[6:0], 1'b0}; // Shift out
+ end
+ end else begin
+ sdoenb <= 1'b1;
+ end
- // Apply write strobe on SCK negative edge on the next-to-last
- // data bit so that it updates data on the rising edge of SCK
- // on the last data bit.
+ // Apply write strobe on SCK negative edge on the next-to-last
+ // data bit so that it updates data on the rising edge of SCK
+ // on the last data bit.
- if (count == 3'b111) begin
- if (writemode == 1'b1) begin
- wrstb <= 1'b1;
- end
- end else begin
- wrstb <= 1'b0;
- end
- end else begin
- wrstb <= 1'b0;
- sdoenb <= 1'b1;
- end // ! state `DATA
- end // ! CSB
+ if (count == 3'b111) begin
+ if (writemode == 1'b1) begin
+ wrstb <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ wrstb <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ wrstb <= 1'b0;
+ sdoenb <= 1'b1;
+ end // ! state `DATA
+ end // ! CSB
end // always @ ~SCK
always @(posedge SCK or posedge CSB) begin
- if (CSB == 1'b1) begin
- // Default state on reset
- addr <= 8'h00;
- rdstb <= 1'b0;
- predata <= 7'b0000000;
- state <= `COMMAND;
- count <= 3'b000;
- readmode <= 1'b0;
- writemode <= 1'b0;
- fixed <= 3'b000;
+ if (CSB == 1'b1) begin
+ // Default state on reset
+ addr <= 8'h00;
+ rdstb <= 1'b0;
+ predata <= 7'b0000000;
+ state <= `COMMAND;
+ count <= 3'b000;
+ readmode <= 1'b0;
+ writemode <= 1'b0;
+ fixed <= 3'b000;
end else begin
- // After CSB low, 1st SCK starts command
- if (state == `COMMAND) begin
- rdstb <= 1'b0;
- count <= count + 1;
- if (count == 3'b000) begin
- writemode <= SDI;
- end else if (count == 3'b001) begin
- readmode <= SDI;
- end else if (count < 3'b101) begin
- fixed <= {fixed[1:0], SDI};
- end else if (count == 3'b111) begin
- state <= `ADDRESS;
- end
- end else if (state == `ADDRESS) begin
- count <= count + 1;
- addr <= {addr[6:0], SDI};
- if (count == 3'b111) begin
- if (readmode == 1'b1) begin
- rdstb <= 1'b1;
- end
- state <= `DATA;
- end else begin
- rdstb <= 1'b0;
- end
- end else if (state == `DATA) begin
- predata <= {predata[6:0], SDI};
- count <= count + 1;
- if (count == 3'b111) begin
- if (fixed == 3'b001) begin
- state <= `COMMAND;
- end else if (fixed != 3'b000) begin
- fixed <= fixed - 1;
- addr <= addr + 1; // Auto increment address (fixed)
- end else begin
- addr <= addr + 1; // Auto increment address (streaming)
- end
- end else begin
- rdstb <= 1'b0;
- end
- end // ! state `DATA
- end // ! CSB
+ // After CSB low, 1st SCK starts command
+ if (state == `COMMAND) begin
+ rdstb <= 1'b0;
+ count <= count + 1;
+ if (count == 3'b000) begin
+ writemode <= SDI;
+ end else if (count == 3'b001) begin
+ readmode <= SDI;
+ end else if (count < 3'b101) begin
+ fixed <= {fixed[1:0], SDI};
+ end else if (count == 3'b111) begin
+ state <= `ADDRESS;
+ end
+ end else if (state == `ADDRESS) begin
+ count <= count + 1;
+ addr <= {addr[6:0], SDI};
+ if (count == 3'b111) begin
+ if (readmode == 1'b1) begin
+ rdstb <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ state <= `DATA;
+ end else begin
+ rdstb <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end else if (state == `DATA) begin
+ predata <= {predata[6:0], SDI};
+ count <= count + 1;
+ if (count == 3'b111) begin
+ if (fixed == 3'b001) begin
+ state <= `COMMAND;
+ end else if (fixed != 3'b000) begin
+ fixed <= fixed - 1;
+ addr <= addr + 1; // Auto increment address (fixed)
+ end else begin
+ addr <= addr + 1; // Auto increment address (streaming)
+ end
+ end else begin
+ rdstb <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end // ! state `DATA
+ end // ! CSB
end // always @ SCK
endmodule // spi_slave
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_sysctrl.v b/verilog/rtl/spi_sysctrl.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a34a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/spi_sysctrl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+module spi_sysctrl_wb #(
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h2E00_0000,
+ parameter SPI_CFG = 8'h00,
+ parameter SPI_ENA = 8'h04,
+ parameter SPI_PLL_CFG = 8'h08,
+ parameter SPI_MFGR_ID = 8'h0c,
+ parameter SPI_PROD_ID = 8'h10,
+ parameter SPI_MASK_REV = 8'h14,
+ parameter SPI_PLL_BYPASS = 8'h18
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
+ input wb_stb_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
+ output wb_ack_o,
+ // Read-Only HKSPI Registers
+ input [7:0] spi_ro_config, // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ?
+ input [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div,
+ input [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel,
+ input spi_ro_xtal_ena,
+ input spi_ro_reg_ena,
+ input [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim,
+ input spi_ro_pll_dco_ena,
+ input [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id,
+ input [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id,
+ input [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev,
+ input pll_bypass
+ wire resetn;
+ wire valid;
+ wire ready;
+ wire [3:0] iomem_we;
+ assign resetn = ~wb_rst_i;
+ assign valid = wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i;
+ assign iomem_we = wb_sel_i & {4{wb_we_i}};
+ assign wb_ack_o = ready;
+ spi_sysctrl #(
+ ) spi_sysctrl (
+ .clk(wb_clk_i),
+ .resetn(resetn),
+ .iomem_addr(wb_adr_i),
+ .iomem_valid(valid),
+ .iomem_wstrb(iomem_we),
+ .iomem_wdata(wb_dat_i),
+ .iomem_rdata(wb_dat_o),
+ .iomem_ready(ready),
+ .spi_ro_config(spi_ro_config), // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ?
+ .spi_ro_pll_div(spi_ro_pll_div),
+ .spi_ro_pll_sel(spi_ro_pll_sel),
+ .spi_ro_xtal_ena(spi_ro_xtal_ena),
+ .spi_ro_reg_ena(spi_ro_reg_ena),
+ .spi_ro_pll_trim(spi_ro_pll_trim),
+ .spi_ro_pll_dco_ena(spi_ro_pll_dco_ena),
+ .spi_ro_mfgr_id(spi_ro_mfgr_id),
+ .spi_ro_prod_id(spi_ro_prod_id),
+ .spi_ro_mask_rev(spi_ro_mask_rev),
+ .pll_bypass(pll_bypass)
+ );
+module spi_sysctrl #(
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h2300_0000,
+ parameter SPI_CFG = 8'h00,
+ parameter SPI_ENA = 8'h04,
+ parameter SPI_PLL_CFG = 8'h08,
+ parameter SPI_MFGR_ID = 8'h0c,
+ parameter SPI_PROD_ID = 8'h10,
+ parameter SPI_MASK_REV = 8'h14,
+ parameter SPI_PLL_BYPASS = 8'h18
+) (
+ input clk,
+ input resetn,
+ input [31:0] iomem_addr,
+ input iomem_valid,
+ input [3:0] iomem_wstrb,
+ input [31:0] iomem_wdata,
+ output reg [31:0] iomem_rdata,
+ output reg iomem_ready,
+ input [7:0] spi_ro_config, // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ?
+ input [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div,
+ input [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel,
+ input spi_ro_xtal_ena,
+ input spi_ro_reg_ena,
+ input [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim,
+ input spi_ro_pll_dco_ena,
+ input [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id,
+ input [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id,
+ input [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev,
+ input pll_bypass
+ // Read-only Registers
+ wire spi_cfg_sel;
+ wire spi_ena_sel;
+ wire pll_cfg_sel;
+ wire spi_mfgr_sel;
+ wire spi_prod_sel;
+ wire spi_maskrev_sel;
+ wire pll_bypass_sel;
+ assign spi_cfg_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == SPI_CFG);
+ assign spi_ena_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == SPI_ENA);
+ assign pll_cfg_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == SPI_PLL_CFG);
+ assign spi_mfgr_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == SPI_MFGR_ID);
+ assign spi_prod_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == SPI_PROD_ID);
+ assign spi_maskrev_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == SPI_MASK_REV);
+ assign pll_bypass_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == SPI_PLL_BYPASS);
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ iomem_ready <= 0;
+ if (iomem_valid && !iomem_ready && iomem_addr[31:8] == BASE_ADR[31:8]) begin
+ iomem_ready <= 1;
+ if (spi_cfg_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {24'd0, spi_ro_config};
+ end else if (spi_ena_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {
+ 22'd0,
+ spi_ro_pll_div,
+ spi_ro_pll_sel,
+ spi_ro_xtal_ena,
+ spi_ro_reg_ena
+ };
+ end else if (pll_cfg_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {
+ 5'd0,
+ spi_ro_pll_trim,
+ spi_ro_pll_dco_ena
+ };
+ end else if (spi_mfgr_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {20'd0, spi_ro_mfgr_id};
+ end else if (spi_prod_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {24'd0, spi_ro_prod_id};
+ end else if (spi_maskrev_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {28'd0, spi_ro_mask_rev};
+ end else if (pll_bypass_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, pll_bypass};
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spimemio.v b/verilog/rtl/spimemio.v
index f5cc5c0..053aa61 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/spimemio.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/spimemio.v
@@ -17,585 +17,700 @@
-module spimemio (
- input clk, resetn,
+module spimemio_wb (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
- input valid,
- output ready,
- input [23:0] addr,
- output reg [31:0] rdata,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
- output flash_csb,
- output flash_clk,
+ input wb_flash_stb_i,
+ input wb_cfg_stb_i,
- output flash_csb_oeb,
- output flash_clk_oeb,
+ output wb_flash_ack_o,
+ output wb_cfg_ack_o,
- output flash_io0_oeb,
- output flash_io1_oeb,
- output flash_io2_oeb,
- output flash_io3_oeb,
+ output [31:0] wb_flash_dat_o,
+ output [31:0] wb_cfg_dat_o,
- output flash_csb_ieb,
- output flash_clk_ieb,
+ output flash_csb,
+ output flash_clk,
- output flash_io0_ieb,
- output flash_io1_ieb,
- output flash_io2_ieb,
- output flash_io3_ieb,
+ output flash_csb_oeb,
+ output flash_clk_oeb,
- output flash_io0_do,
- output flash_io1_do,
- output flash_io2_do,
- output flash_io3_do,
+ output flash_io0_oeb,
+ output flash_io1_oeb,
+ output flash_io2_oeb,
+ output flash_io3_oeb,
- input flash_io0_di,
- input flash_io1_di,
- input flash_io2_di,
- input flash_io3_di,
+ output flash_csb_ieb,
+ output flash_clk_ieb,
- input [3:0] cfgreg_we,
- input [31:0] cfgreg_di,
- output [31:0] cfgreg_do
+ output flash_io0_ieb,
+ output flash_io1_ieb,
+ output flash_io2_ieb,
+ output flash_io3_ieb,
+ output flash_io0_do,
+ output flash_io1_do,
+ output flash_io2_do,
+ output flash_io3_do,
+ input flash_io0_di,
+ input flash_io1_di,
+ input flash_io2_di,
+ input flash_io3_di
- reg xfer_resetn;
- reg din_valid;
- wire din_ready;
- reg [7:0] din_data;
- reg [3:0] din_tag;
- reg din_cont;
- reg din_qspi;
- reg din_ddr;
- reg din_rd;
+ wire spimem_ready;
+ wire [23:0] mem_addr;
+ wire [31:0] spimem_rdata;
+ wire [31:0] spimemio_cfgreg_do;
+ wire [3:0] cfgreg_we;
+ wire spimemio_cfgreg_sel;
+ wire valid;
+ wire resetn;
- wire dout_valid;
- wire [7:0] dout_data;
- wire [3:0] dout_tag;
+ assign resetn = ~wb_rst_i;
+ assign valid = wb_cyc_i && wb_flash_stb_i;
+ assign wb_flash_ack_o = spimem_ready;
+ assign wb_cfg_ack_o = spimemio_cfgreg_sel;
- reg [23:0] buffer;
+ assign mem_addr = wb_adr_i[23:0];
+ assign spimemio_cfgreg_sel = wb_cyc_i && wb_cfg_stb_i;
- reg [23:0] rd_addr;
- reg rd_valid;
- reg rd_wait;
- reg rd_inc;
+ assign cfgreg_we = spimemio_cfgreg_sel ? wb_sel_i & {4{wb_we_i}} : 4'b 0000;
+ assign wb_flash_dat_o = spimem_rdata;
+ assign wb_cfg_dat_o = spimemio_cfgreg_do;
- assign ready = valid && (addr == rd_addr) && rd_valid;
- wire jump = valid && !ready && (addr != rd_addr+4) && rd_valid;
+ spimemio spimemio (
+ .clk (wb_clk_i),
+ .resetn (resetn),
+ .valid (valid),
+ .ready (spimem_ready),
+ .addr (mem_addr),
+ .rdata (spimem_rdata),
- reg softreset;
+ .flash_csb (flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk (flash_clk),
- reg config_en; // cfgreg[31]
- reg config_ddr; // cfgreg[22]
- reg config_qspi; // cfgreg[21]
- reg config_cont; // cfgreg[20]
- reg [3:0] config_dummy; // cfgreg[19:16]
- reg [3:0] config_oe; // cfgreg[11:8]
- reg config_csb; // cfgreg[5]
- reg config_clk; // cfgref[4]
- reg [3:0] config_do; // cfgreg[3:0]
+ .flash_csb_oeb (flash_csb_oeb),
+ .flash_clk_oeb (flash_clk_oeb),
- assign cfgreg_do[31] = config_en;
- assign cfgreg_do[30:23] = 0;
- assign cfgreg_do[22] = config_ddr;
- assign cfgreg_do[21] = config_qspi;
- assign cfgreg_do[20] = config_cont;
- assign cfgreg_do[19:16] = config_dummy;
- assign cfgreg_do[15:12] = 0;
- assign cfgreg_do[11:8] = {~flash_io3_oeb, ~flash_io2_oeb, ~flash_io1_oeb, ~flash_io0_oeb};
- assign cfgreg_do[7:6] = 0;
- assign cfgreg_do[5] = flash_csb;
- assign cfgreg_do[4] = flash_clk;
- assign cfgreg_do[3:0] = {flash_io3_di, flash_io2_di, flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
+ .flash_io0_oeb (flash_io0_oeb),
+ .flash_io1_oeb (flash_io1_oeb),
+ .flash_io2_oeb (flash_io2_oeb),
+ .flash_io3_oeb (flash_io3_oeb),
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- softreset <= !config_en || cfgreg_we;
- if (!resetn) begin
- softreset <= 1;
- config_en <= 1;
- config_csb <= 0;
- config_clk <= 0;
- config_oe <= 0;
- config_do <= 0;
- config_ddr <= 0;
- config_qspi <= 0;
- config_cont <= 0;
- config_dummy <= 8;
- end else begin
- if (cfgreg_we[0]) begin
- config_csb <= cfgreg_di[5];
- config_clk <= cfgreg_di[4];
- config_do <= cfgreg_di[3:0];
- end
- if (cfgreg_we[1]) begin
- config_oe <= cfgreg_di[11:8];
- end
- if (cfgreg_we[2]) begin
- config_ddr <= cfgreg_di[22];
- config_qspi <= cfgreg_di[21];
- config_cont <= cfgreg_di[20];
- config_dummy <= cfgreg_di[19:16];
- end
- if (cfgreg_we[3]) begin
- config_en <= cfgreg_di[31];
- end
- end
- end
+ .flash_csb_ieb (flash_csb_ieb),
+ .flash_clk_ieb (flash_clk_ieb),
- wire xfer_csb;
- wire xfer_clk;
+ .flash_io0_ieb (flash_io0_ieb),
+ .flash_io1_ieb (flash_io1_ieb),
+ .flash_io2_ieb (flash_io2_ieb),
+ .flash_io3_ieb (flash_io3_ieb),
- wire xfer_io0_oe;
- wire xfer_io1_oe;
- wire xfer_io2_oe;
- wire xfer_io3_oe;
+ .flash_io0_do (flash_io0_do),
+ .flash_io1_do (flash_io1_do),
+ .flash_io2_do (flash_io2_do),
+ .flash_io3_do (flash_io3_do),
- wire xfer_io0_do;
- wire xfer_io1_do;
- wire xfer_io2_do;
- wire xfer_io3_do;
+ .flash_io0_di (flash_io0_di),
+ .flash_io1_di (flash_io1_di),
+ .flash_io2_di (flash_io2_di),
+ .flash_io3_di (flash_io3_di),
- reg xfer_io0_90;
- reg xfer_io1_90;
- reg xfer_io2_90;
- reg xfer_io3_90;
+ .cfgreg_we(cfgreg_we),
+ .cfgreg_di(wb_dat_i),
+ .cfgreg_do(spimemio_cfgreg_do)
+ );
- always @(negedge clk) begin
- xfer_io0_90 <= xfer_io0_do;
- xfer_io1_90 <= xfer_io1_do;
- xfer_io2_90 <= xfer_io2_do;
- xfer_io3_90 <= xfer_io3_do;
- end
- assign flash_csb = config_en ? xfer_csb : config_csb;
- assign flash_clk = config_en ? xfer_clk : config_clk;
+module spimemio (
+ input clk, resetn,
- assign flash_csb_oeb = ~resetn;
- assign flash_clk_oeb = ~resetn;
+ input valid,
+ output ready,
+ input [23:0] addr,
+ output reg [31:0] rdata,
- assign flash_io0_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io0_oe : ~config_oe[0]);
- assign flash_io1_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io1_oe : ~config_oe[1]);
- assign flash_io2_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io2_oe : ~config_oe[2]);
- assign flash_io3_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io3_oe : ~config_oe[3]);
- assign flash_csb_ieb = 1'b1; /* Always disabled */
- assign flash_clk_ieb = 1'b1; /* Always disabled */
+ output flash_csb,
+ output flash_clk,
- assign flash_io0_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io0_oe : config_oe[0]);
- assign flash_io1_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io1_oe : config_oe[1]);
- assign flash_io2_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io2_oe : config_oe[2]);
- assign flash_io3_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io3_oe : config_oe[3]);
+ output flash_csb_oeb,
+ output flash_clk_oeb,
- assign flash_io0_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io0_90 : xfer_io0_do) : config_do[0];
- assign flash_io1_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io1_90 : xfer_io1_do) : config_do[1];
- assign flash_io2_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io2_90 : xfer_io2_do) : config_do[2];
- assign flash_io3_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io3_90 : xfer_io3_do) : config_do[3];
+ output flash_io0_oeb,
+ output flash_io1_oeb,
+ output flash_io2_oeb,
+ output flash_io3_oeb,
- wire xfer_dspi = din_ddr && !din_qspi;
- wire xfer_ddr = din_ddr && din_qspi;
+ output flash_csb_ieb,
+ output flash_clk_ieb,
- spimemio_xfer xfer (
- .clk (clk ),
- .resetn (resetn ),
- .xfer_resetn (xfer_resetn ),
- .din_valid (din_valid ),
- .din_ready (din_ready ),
- .din_data (din_data ),
- .din_tag (din_tag ),
- .din_cont (din_cont ),
- .din_dspi (xfer_dspi ),
- .din_qspi (din_qspi ),
- .din_ddr (xfer_ddr ),
- .din_rd (din_rd ),
- .dout_valid (dout_valid ),
- .dout_data (dout_data ),
- .dout_tag (dout_tag ),
- .flash_csb (xfer_csb ),
- .flash_clk (xfer_clk ),
- .flash_io0_oe (xfer_io0_oe ),
- .flash_io1_oe (xfer_io1_oe ),
- .flash_io2_oe (xfer_io2_oe ),
- .flash_io3_oe (xfer_io3_oe ),
- .flash_io0_do (xfer_io0_do ),
- .flash_io1_do (xfer_io1_do ),
- .flash_io2_do (xfer_io2_do ),
- .flash_io3_do (xfer_io3_do ),
- .flash_io0_di (flash_io0_di),
- .flash_io1_di (flash_io1_di),
- .flash_io2_di (flash_io2_di),
- .flash_io3_di (flash_io3_di)
- );
+ output flash_io0_ieb,
+ output flash_io1_ieb,
+ output flash_io2_ieb,
+ output flash_io3_ieb,
- reg [3:0] state;
+ output flash_io0_do,
+ output flash_io1_do,
+ output flash_io2_do,
+ output flash_io3_do,
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- xfer_resetn <= 1;
- din_valid <= 0;
+ input flash_io0_di,
+ input flash_io1_di,
+ input flash_io2_di,
+ input flash_io3_di,
- if (!resetn || softreset) begin
- state <= 0;
- xfer_resetn <= 0;
- rd_valid <= 0;
- din_tag <= 0;
- din_cont <= 0;
- din_qspi <= 0;
- din_ddr <= 0;
- din_rd <= 0;
- end else begin
- if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 1) buffer[ 7: 0] <= dout_data;
- if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 2) buffer[15: 8] <= dout_data;
- if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 3) buffer[23:16] <= dout_data;
- if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 4) begin
- rdata <= {dout_data, buffer};
- rd_addr <= rd_inc ? rd_addr + 4 : addr;
- rd_valid <= 1;
- rd_wait <= rd_inc;
- rd_inc <= 1;
- end
+ input [3:0] cfgreg_we,
+ input [31:0] cfgreg_di,
+ output [31:0] cfgreg_do
+ reg xfer_resetn;
+ reg din_valid;
+ wire din_ready;
+ reg [7:0] din_data;
+ reg [3:0] din_tag;
+ reg din_cont;
+ reg din_qspi;
+ reg din_ddr;
+ reg din_rd;
- if (valid)
- rd_wait <= 0;
+ wire dout_valid;
+ wire [7:0] dout_data;
+ wire [3:0] dout_tag;
- case (state)
- 0: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_data <= 8'h ff;
- din_tag <= 0;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 1;
- end
- end
- 1: begin
- if (dout_valid) begin
- xfer_resetn <= 0;
- state <= 2;
- end
- end
- 2: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_data <= 8'h ab;
- din_tag <= 0;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 3;
- end
- end
- 3: begin
- if (dout_valid) begin
- xfer_resetn <= 0;
- state <= 4;
- end
- end
- 4: begin
- rd_inc <= 0;
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 0;
- case ({config_ddr, config_qspi})
- 2'b11: din_data <= 8'h ED;
- 2'b01: din_data <= 8'h EB;
- 2'b10: din_data <= 8'h BB;
- 2'b00: din_data <= 8'h 03;
- endcase
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 5;
- end
- end
- 5: begin
- if (valid && !ready) begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 0;
- din_data <= addr[23:16];
- din_qspi <= config_qspi;
- din_ddr <= config_ddr;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 6;
- end
- end
- end
- 6: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 0;
- din_data <= addr[15:8];
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 7;
- end
- end
- 7: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 0;
- din_data <= addr[7:0];
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- din_data <= 0;
- state <= config_qspi || config_ddr ? 8 : 9;
- end
- end
- 8: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 0;
- din_data <= config_cont ? 8'h A5 : 8'h FF;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_rd <= 1;
- din_data <= config_dummy;
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 9;
- end
- end
- 9: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 1;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 10;
- end
- end
- 10: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_data <= 8'h 00;
- din_tag <= 2;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 11;
- end
- end
- 11: begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 3;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 12;
- end
- end
- 12: begin
- if (!rd_wait || valid) begin
- din_valid <= 1;
- din_tag <= 4;
- if (din_ready) begin
- din_valid <= 0;
- state <= 9;
- end
- end
- end
- endcase
+ reg [23:0] buffer;
- if (jump) begin
- rd_inc <= 0;
- rd_valid <= 0;
- xfer_resetn <= 0;
- if (config_cont) begin
- state <= 5;
- end else begin
- state <= 4;
- din_qspi <= 0;
- din_ddr <= 0;
- end
- din_rd <= 0;
- end
- end
- end
+ reg [23:0] rd_addr;
+ reg rd_valid;
+ reg rd_wait;
+ reg rd_inc;
+ assign ready = valid && (addr == rd_addr) && rd_valid;
+ wire jump = valid && !ready && (addr != rd_addr+4) && rd_valid;
+ reg softreset;
+ reg config_en; // cfgreg[31]
+ reg config_ddr; // cfgreg[22]
+ reg config_qspi; // cfgreg[21]
+ reg config_cont; // cfgreg[20]
+ reg [3:0] config_dummy; // cfgreg[19:16]
+ reg [3:0] config_oe; // cfgreg[11:8]
+ reg config_csb; // cfgreg[5]
+ reg config_clk; // cfgref[4]
+ reg [3:0] config_do; // cfgreg[3:0]
+ assign cfgreg_do[31] = config_en;
+ assign cfgreg_do[30:23] = 0;
+ assign cfgreg_do[22] = config_ddr;
+ assign cfgreg_do[21] = config_qspi;
+ assign cfgreg_do[20] = config_cont;
+ assign cfgreg_do[19:16] = config_dummy;
+ assign cfgreg_do[15:12] = 0;
+ assign cfgreg_do[11:8] = {~flash_io3_oeb, ~flash_io2_oeb, ~flash_io1_oeb, ~flash_io0_oeb};
+ assign cfgreg_do[7:6] = 0;
+ assign cfgreg_do[5] = flash_csb;
+ assign cfgreg_do[4] = flash_clk;
+ assign cfgreg_do[3:0] = {flash_io3_di, flash_io2_di, flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ softreset <= !config_en || cfgreg_we;
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ softreset <= 1;
+ config_en <= 1;
+ config_csb <= 0;
+ config_clk <= 0;
+ config_oe <= 0;
+ config_do <= 0;
+ config_ddr <= 0;
+ config_qspi <= 0;
+ config_cont <= 0;
+ config_dummy <= 8;
+ end else begin
+ if (cfgreg_we[0]) begin
+ config_csb <= cfgreg_di[5];
+ config_clk <= cfgreg_di[4];
+ config_do <= cfgreg_di[3:0];
+ end
+ if (cfgreg_we[1]) begin
+ config_oe <= cfgreg_di[11:8];
+ end
+ if (cfgreg_we[2]) begin
+ config_ddr <= cfgreg_di[22];
+ config_qspi <= cfgreg_di[21];
+ config_cont <= cfgreg_di[20];
+ config_dummy <= cfgreg_di[19:16];
+ end
+ if (cfgreg_we[3]) begin
+ config_en <= cfgreg_di[31];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ wire xfer_csb;
+ wire xfer_clk;
+ wire xfer_io0_oe;
+ wire xfer_io1_oe;
+ wire xfer_io2_oe;
+ wire xfer_io3_oe;
+ wire xfer_io0_do;
+ wire xfer_io1_do;
+ wire xfer_io2_do;
+ wire xfer_io3_do;
+ reg xfer_io0_90;
+ reg xfer_io1_90;
+ reg xfer_io2_90;
+ reg xfer_io3_90;
+ always @(negedge clk) begin
+ xfer_io0_90 <= xfer_io0_do;
+ xfer_io1_90 <= xfer_io1_do;
+ xfer_io2_90 <= xfer_io2_do;
+ xfer_io3_90 <= xfer_io3_do;
+ end
+ assign flash_csb = config_en ? xfer_csb : config_csb;
+ assign flash_clk = config_en ? xfer_clk : config_clk;
+ assign flash_csb_oeb = ~resetn;
+ assign flash_clk_oeb = ~resetn;
+ assign flash_io0_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io0_oe : ~config_oe[0]);
+ assign flash_io1_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io1_oe : ~config_oe[1]);
+ assign flash_io2_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io2_oe : ~config_oe[2]);
+ assign flash_io3_oeb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? ~xfer_io3_oe : ~config_oe[3]);
+ assign flash_csb_ieb = 1'b1; /* Always disabled */
+ assign flash_clk_ieb = 1'b1; /* Always disabled */
+ assign flash_io0_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io0_oe : config_oe[0]);
+ assign flash_io1_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io1_oe : config_oe[1]);
+ assign flash_io2_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io2_oe : config_oe[2]);
+ assign flash_io3_ieb = ~resetn ? 1'b1 : (config_en ? xfer_io3_oe : config_oe[3]);
+ assign flash_io0_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io0_90 : xfer_io0_do) : config_do[0];
+ assign flash_io1_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io1_90 : xfer_io1_do) : config_do[1];
+ assign flash_io2_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io2_90 : xfer_io2_do) : config_do[2];
+ assign flash_io3_do = config_en ? (config_ddr ? xfer_io3_90 : xfer_io3_do) : config_do[3];
+ wire xfer_dspi = din_ddr && !din_qspi;
+ wire xfer_ddr = din_ddr && din_qspi;
+ spimemio_xfer xfer (
+ .clk (clk ),
+ .resetn (resetn ),
+ .xfer_resetn (xfer_resetn ),
+ .din_valid (din_valid ),
+ .din_ready (din_ready ),
+ .din_data (din_data ),
+ .din_tag (din_tag ),
+ .din_cont (din_cont ),
+ .din_dspi (xfer_dspi ),
+ .din_qspi (din_qspi ),
+ .din_ddr (xfer_ddr ),
+ .din_rd (din_rd ),
+ .dout_valid (dout_valid ),
+ .dout_data (dout_data ),
+ .dout_tag (dout_tag ),
+ .flash_csb (xfer_csb ),
+ .flash_clk (xfer_clk ),
+ .flash_io0_oe (xfer_io0_oe ),
+ .flash_io1_oe (xfer_io1_oe ),
+ .flash_io2_oe (xfer_io2_oe ),
+ .flash_io3_oe (xfer_io3_oe ),
+ .flash_io0_do (xfer_io0_do ),
+ .flash_io1_do (xfer_io1_do ),
+ .flash_io2_do (xfer_io2_do ),
+ .flash_io3_do (xfer_io3_do ),
+ .flash_io0_di (flash_io0_di),
+ .flash_io1_di (flash_io1_di),
+ .flash_io2_di (flash_io2_di),
+ .flash_io3_di (flash_io3_di)
+ );
+ reg [3:0] state;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ xfer_resetn <= 1;
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ if (!resetn || softreset) begin
+ state <= 0;
+ xfer_resetn <= 0;
+ rd_valid <= 0;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ din_cont <= 0;
+ din_qspi <= 0;
+ din_ddr <= 0;
+ din_rd <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 1) buffer[ 7: 0] <= dout_data;
+ if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 2) buffer[15: 8] <= dout_data;
+ if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 3) buffer[23:16] <= dout_data;
+ if (dout_valid && dout_tag == 4) begin
+ rdata <= {dout_data, buffer};
+ rd_addr <= rd_inc ? rd_addr + 4 : addr;
+ rd_valid <= 1;
+ rd_wait <= rd_inc;
+ rd_inc <= 1;
+ end
+ if (valid)
+ rd_wait <= 0;
+ case (state)
+ 0: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_data <= 8'h ff;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 1;
+ end
+ end
+ 1: begin
+ if (dout_valid) begin
+ xfer_resetn <= 0;
+ state <= 2;
+ end
+ end
+ 2: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_data <= 8'h ab;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 3;
+ end
+ end
+ 3: begin
+ if (dout_valid) begin
+ xfer_resetn <= 0;
+ state <= 4;
+ end
+ end
+ 4: begin
+ rd_inc <= 0;
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ case ({config_ddr, config_qspi})
+ 2'b11: din_data <= 8'h ED;
+ 2'b01: din_data <= 8'h EB;
+ 2'b10: din_data <= 8'h BB;
+ 2'b00: din_data <= 8'h 03;
+ endcase
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 5;
+ end
+ end
+ 5: begin
+ if (valid && !ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ din_data <= addr[23:16];
+ din_qspi <= config_qspi;
+ din_ddr <= config_ddr;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 6;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ 6: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ din_data <= addr[15:8];
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 7;
+ end
+ end
+ 7: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ din_data <= addr[7:0];
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ din_data <= 0;
+ state <= config_qspi || config_ddr ? 8 : 9;
+ end
+ end
+ 8: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 0;
+ din_data <= config_cont ? 8'h A5 : 8'h FF;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_rd <= 1;
+ din_data <= config_dummy;
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 9;
+ end
+ end
+ 9: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 1;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 10;
+ end
+ end
+ 10: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_data <= 8'h 00;
+ din_tag <= 2;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 11;
+ end
+ end
+ 11: begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 3;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 12;
+ end
+ end
+ 12: begin
+ if (!rd_wait || valid) begin
+ din_valid <= 1;
+ din_tag <= 4;
+ if (din_ready) begin
+ din_valid <= 0;
+ state <= 9;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ endcase
+ if (jump) begin
+ rd_inc <= 0;
+ rd_valid <= 0;
+ xfer_resetn <= 0;
+ if (config_cont) begin
+ state <= 5;
+ end else begin
+ state <= 4;
+ din_qspi <= 0;
+ din_ddr <= 0;
+ end
+ din_rd <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
module spimemio_xfer (
- input clk, resetn, xfer_resetn,
+ input clk, resetn, xfer_resetn,
- input din_valid,
- output din_ready,
- input [7:0] din_data,
- input [3:0] din_tag,
- input din_cont,
- input din_dspi,
- input din_qspi,
- input din_ddr,
- input din_rd,
+ input din_valid,
+ output din_ready,
+ input [7:0] din_data,
+ input [3:0] din_tag,
+ input din_cont,
+ input din_dspi,
+ input din_qspi,
+ input din_ddr,
+ input din_rd,
- output dout_valid,
- output [7:0] dout_data,
- output [3:0] dout_tag,
+ output dout_valid,
+ output [7:0] dout_data,
+ output [3:0] dout_tag,
- output reg flash_csb,
- output reg flash_clk,
+ output reg flash_csb,
+ output reg flash_clk,
- output reg flash_io0_oe,
- output reg flash_io1_oe,
- output reg flash_io2_oe,
- output reg flash_io3_oe,
+ output reg flash_io0_oe,
+ output reg flash_io1_oe,
+ output reg flash_io2_oe,
+ output reg flash_io3_oe,
- output reg flash_io0_do,
- output reg flash_io1_do,
- output reg flash_io2_do,
- output reg flash_io3_do,
+ output reg flash_io0_do,
+ output reg flash_io1_do,
+ output reg flash_io2_do,
+ output reg flash_io3_do,
- input flash_io0_di,
- input flash_io1_di,
- input flash_io2_di,
- input flash_io3_di
+ input flash_io0_di,
+ input flash_io1_di,
+ input flash_io2_di,
+ input flash_io3_di
- reg [7:0] obuffer;
- reg [7:0] ibuffer;
+ reg [7:0] obuffer;
+ reg [7:0] ibuffer;
- reg [3:0] count;
- reg [3:0] dummy_count;
+ reg [3:0] count;
+ reg [3:0] dummy_count;
- reg xfer_cont;
- reg xfer_dspi;
- reg xfer_qspi;
- reg xfer_ddr;
- reg xfer_ddr_q;
- reg xfer_rd;
- reg [3:0] xfer_tag;
- reg [3:0] xfer_tag_q;
+ reg xfer_cont;
+ reg xfer_dspi;
+ reg xfer_qspi;
+ reg xfer_ddr;
+ reg xfer_ddr_q;
+ reg xfer_rd;
+ reg [3:0] xfer_tag;
+ reg [3:0] xfer_tag_q;
- reg [7:0] next_obuffer;
- reg [7:0] next_ibuffer;
- reg [3:0] next_count;
+ reg [7:0] next_obuffer;
+ reg [7:0] next_ibuffer;
+ reg [3:0] next_count;
- reg fetch;
- reg next_fetch;
- reg last_fetch;
+ reg fetch;
+ reg next_fetch;
+ reg last_fetch;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- xfer_ddr_q <= xfer_ddr;
- xfer_tag_q <= xfer_tag;
- end
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ xfer_ddr_q <= xfer_ddr;
+ xfer_tag_q <= xfer_tag;
+ end
- assign din_ready = din_valid && xfer_resetn && next_fetch;
+ assign din_ready = din_valid && xfer_resetn && next_fetch;
- assign dout_valid = (xfer_ddr_q ? fetch && !last_fetch : next_fetch && !fetch) && xfer_resetn;
- assign dout_data = ibuffer;
- assign dout_tag = xfer_tag_q;
+ assign dout_valid = (xfer_ddr_q ? fetch && !last_fetch : next_fetch && !fetch) && xfer_resetn;
+ assign dout_data = ibuffer;
+ assign dout_tag = xfer_tag_q;
- always @* begin
- flash_io0_oe = 0;
- flash_io1_oe = 0;
- flash_io2_oe = 0;
- flash_io3_oe = 0;
+ always @* begin
+ flash_io0_oe = 0;
+ flash_io1_oe = 0;
+ flash_io2_oe = 0;
+ flash_io3_oe = 0;
- flash_io0_do = 0;
- flash_io1_do = 0;
- flash_io2_do = 0;
- flash_io3_do = 0;
+ flash_io0_do = 0;
+ flash_io1_do = 0;
+ flash_io2_do = 0;
+ flash_io3_do = 0;
- next_obuffer = obuffer;
- next_ibuffer = ibuffer;
- next_count = count;
- next_fetch = 0;
+ next_obuffer = obuffer;
+ next_ibuffer = ibuffer;
+ next_count = count;
+ next_fetch = 0;
- if (dummy_count == 0) begin
- casez ({xfer_ddr, xfer_qspi, xfer_dspi})
- 3'b 000: begin
- flash_io0_oe = 1;
- flash_io0_do = obuffer[7];
+ if (dummy_count == 0) begin
+ casez ({xfer_ddr, xfer_qspi, xfer_dspi})
+ 3'b 000: begin
+ flash_io0_oe = 1;
+ flash_io0_do = obuffer[7];
- if (flash_clk) begin
- next_obuffer = {obuffer[6:0], 1'b 0};
- next_count = count - |count;
- end else begin
- next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[6:0], flash_io1_di};
- end
+ if (flash_clk) begin
+ next_obuffer = {obuffer[6:0], 1'b 0};
+ next_count = count - |count;
+ end else begin
+ next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[6:0], flash_io1_di};
+ end
- next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
- end
- 3'b 01?: begin
- flash_io0_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io1_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io2_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io3_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
+ end
+ 3'b 01?: begin
+ flash_io0_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ flash_io1_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ flash_io2_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ flash_io3_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io0_do = obuffer[4];
- flash_io1_do = obuffer[5];
- flash_io2_do = obuffer[6];
- flash_io3_do = obuffer[7];
+ flash_io0_do = obuffer[4];
+ flash_io1_do = obuffer[5];
+ flash_io2_do = obuffer[6];
+ flash_io3_do = obuffer[7];
- if (flash_clk) begin
- next_obuffer = {obuffer[3:0], 4'b 0000};
- next_count = count - {|count, 2'b00};
- end else begin
- next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[3:0], flash_io3_di, flash_io2_di, flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
- end
+ if (flash_clk) begin
+ next_obuffer = {obuffer[3:0], 4'b 0000};
+ next_count = count - {|count, 2'b00};
+ end else begin
+ next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[3:0], flash_io3_di, flash_io2_di, flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
+ end
- next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
- end
- 3'b 11?: begin
- flash_io0_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io1_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io2_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io3_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
+ end
+ 3'b 11?: begin
+ flash_io0_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ flash_io1_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ flash_io2_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ flash_io3_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io0_do = obuffer[4];
- flash_io1_do = obuffer[5];
- flash_io2_do = obuffer[6];
- flash_io3_do = obuffer[7];
+ flash_io0_do = obuffer[4];
+ flash_io1_do = obuffer[5];
+ flash_io2_do = obuffer[6];
+ flash_io3_do = obuffer[7];
- next_obuffer = {obuffer[3:0], 4'b 0000};
- next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[3:0], flash_io3_di, flash_io2_di, flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
- next_count = count - {|count, 2'b00};
+ next_obuffer = {obuffer[3:0], 4'b 0000};
+ next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[3:0], flash_io3_di, flash_io2_di, flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
+ next_count = count - {|count, 2'b00};
- next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
- end
- 3'b ??1: begin
- flash_io0_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io1_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
+ end
+ 3'b ??1: begin
+ flash_io0_oe = !xfer_rd;
+ flash_io1_oe = !xfer_rd;
- flash_io0_do = obuffer[6];
- flash_io1_do = obuffer[7];
+ flash_io0_do = obuffer[6];
+ flash_io1_do = obuffer[7];
- if (flash_clk) begin
- next_obuffer = {obuffer[5:0], 2'b 00};
- next_count = count - {|count, 1'b0};
- end else begin
- next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[5:0], flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
- end
+ if (flash_clk) begin
+ next_obuffer = {obuffer[5:0], 2'b 00};
+ next_count = count - {|count, 1'b0};
+ end else begin
+ next_ibuffer = {ibuffer[5:0], flash_io1_di, flash_io0_di};
+ end
- next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
+ next_fetch = (next_count == 0);
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (!resetn || !xfer_resetn) begin
- fetch <= 1;
- last_fetch <= 1;
- flash_csb <= 1;
- flash_clk <= 0;
- count <= 0;
- dummy_count <= 0;
- xfer_tag <= 0;
- xfer_cont <= 0;
- xfer_dspi <= 0;
- xfer_qspi <= 0;
- xfer_ddr <= 0;
- xfer_rd <= 0;
- end else begin
- fetch <= next_fetch;
- last_fetch <= xfer_ddr ? fetch : 1;
- if (dummy_count) begin
- flash_clk <= !flash_clk && !flash_csb;
- dummy_count <= dummy_count - flash_clk;
- end else
- if (count) begin
- flash_clk <= !flash_clk && !flash_csb;
- obuffer <= next_obuffer;
- ibuffer <= next_ibuffer;
- count <= next_count;
- end
- if (din_valid && din_ready) begin
- flash_csb <= 0;
- flash_clk <= 0;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (!resetn || !xfer_resetn) begin
+ fetch <= 1;
+ last_fetch <= 1;
+ flash_csb <= 1;
+ flash_clk <= 0;
+ count <= 0;
+ dummy_count <= 0;
+ xfer_tag <= 0;
+ xfer_cont <= 0;
+ xfer_dspi <= 0;
+ xfer_qspi <= 0;
+ xfer_ddr <= 0;
+ xfer_rd <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ fetch <= next_fetch;
+ last_fetch <= xfer_ddr ? fetch : 1;
+ if (dummy_count) begin
+ flash_clk <= !flash_clk && !flash_csb;
+ dummy_count <= dummy_count - flash_clk;
+ end else
+ if (count) begin
+ flash_clk <= !flash_clk && !flash_csb;
+ obuffer <= next_obuffer;
+ ibuffer <= next_ibuffer;
+ count <= next_count;
+ end
+ if (din_valid && din_ready) begin
+ flash_csb <= 0;
+ flash_clk <= 0;
- count <= 8;
- dummy_count <= din_rd ? din_data : 0;
- obuffer <= din_data;
+ count <= 8;
+ dummy_count <= din_rd ? din_data : 0;
+ obuffer <= din_data;
- xfer_tag <= din_tag;
- xfer_cont <= din_cont;
- xfer_dspi <= din_dspi;
- xfer_qspi <= din_qspi;
- xfer_ddr <= din_ddr;
- xfer_rd <= din_rd;
- end
- end
- end
+ xfer_tag <= din_tag;
+ xfer_cont <= din_cont;
+ xfer_dspi <= din_dspi;
+ xfer_qspi <= din_qspi;
+ xfer_ddr <= din_ddr;
+ xfer_rd <= din_rd;
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130.v b/verilog/rtl/sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd1c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130.v
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// OpenRAM SRAM model
+// Words: 256
+// Word size: 32
+// Write size: 8
+module sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130(
+// Port 0: RW
+ clk0,csb0,web0,wmask0,addr0,din0,dout0,
+// Port 1: R
+ clk1,csb1,addr1,dout1
+ );
+ parameter NUM_WMASKS = 4 ;
+ parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32 ;
+ parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 8 ;
+ parameter RAM_DEPTH = 1 << ADDR_WIDTH;
+ // FIXME: This delay is arbitrary.
+ parameter DELAY = 1 ;
+ input clk0; // clock
+ input csb0; // active low chip select
+ input web0; // active low write control
+ input [NUM_WMASKS-1:0] wmask0; // write mask
+ input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr0;
+ input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] din0;
+ output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout0;
+ input clk1; // clock
+ input csb1; // active low chip select
+ input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr1;
+ output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout1;
+ reg csb0_reg;
+ reg web0_reg;
+ reg [NUM_WMASKS-1:0] wmask0_reg;
+ reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr0_reg;
+ reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] din0_reg;
+ reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout0;
+ // All inputs are registers
+ always @(posedge clk0)
+ begin
+ csb0_reg = csb0;
+ web0_reg = web0;
+ wmask0_reg = wmask0;
+ addr0_reg = addr0;
+ din0_reg = din0;
+ dout0 = 32'bx;
+`ifdef DBG
+ if ( !csb0_reg && web0_reg )
+ $display($time," Reading %m addr0=%b dout0=%b",addr0_reg,mem[addr0_reg]);
+ if ( !csb0_reg && !web0_reg )
+ $display($time," Writing %m addr0=%b din0=%b wmask0=%b",addr0_reg,din0_reg,wmask0_reg);
+ end
+ reg csb1_reg;
+ reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr1_reg;
+ reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout1;
+ // All inputs are registers
+ always @(posedge clk1)
+ begin
+ csb1_reg = csb1;
+ addr1_reg = addr1;
+`ifdef DBG
+ if (!csb0 && !web0 && !csb1 && (addr0 == addr1))
+ $display($time," WARNING: Writing and reading addr0=%b and addr1=%b simultaneously!",addr0,addr1);
+ dout1 = 32'bx;
+ if ( !csb1_reg )
+ $display($time," Reading %m addr1=%b dout1=%b",addr1_reg,mem[addr1_reg]);
+ end
+reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem [0:RAM_DEPTH-1];
+ // Memory Write Block Port 0
+ // Write Operation : When web0 = 0, csb0 = 0
+ always @ (negedge clk0)
+ begin : MEM_WRITE0
+ if ( !csb0_reg && !web0_reg ) begin
+ if (wmask0_reg[0])
+ mem[addr0_reg][7:0] = din0_reg[7:0];
+ if (wmask0_reg[1])
+ mem[addr0_reg][15:8] = din0_reg[15:8];
+ if (wmask0_reg[2])
+ mem[addr0_reg][23:16] = din0_reg[23:16];
+ if (wmask0_reg[3])
+ mem[addr0_reg][31:24] = din0_reg[31:24];
+ end
+ end
+ // Memory Read Block Port 0
+ // Read Operation : When web0 = 1, csb0 = 0
+ always @ (negedge clk0)
+ begin : MEM_READ0
+ if (!csb0_reg && web0_reg)
+ dout0 <= #(DELAY) mem[addr0_reg];
+ end
+ // Memory Read Block Port 1
+ // Read Operation : When web1 = 1, csb1 = 0
+ always @ (negedge clk1)
+ begin : MEM_READ1
+ if (!csb1_reg)
+ dout1 <= #(DELAY) mem[addr1_reg];
+ end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/striVe_clkrst.v b/verilog/rtl/striVe_clkrst.v
index 6310274..ff42831 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/striVe_clkrst.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/striVe_clkrst.v
@@ -1,31 +1,35 @@
module striVe_clkrst(
- input ext_clk_sel,
- input ext_clk,
- input pll_clk,
- input reset,
- input ext_reset,
- output clk,
- output resetn
+`ifdef LVS
+ input vdd1v8,
+ input vss,
+ input ext_clk_sel,
+ input ext_clk,
+ input pll_clk,
+ input reset,
+ input ext_reset,
+ output clk,
+ output resetn
- // Clock assignment (to do: make this glitch-free)
- assign clk = (ext_clk_sel == 1'b1) ? ext_clk : pll_clk;
+ // Clock assignment (to do: make this glitch-free)
+ assign clk = (ext_clk_sel == 1'b1) ? ext_clk : pll_clk;
- // Reset assignment. "reset" comes from POR, while "ext_reset"
- // comes from standalone SPI (and is normally zero unless
- // activated from the SPI).
+ // Reset assignment. "reset" comes from POR, while "ext_reset"
+ // comes from standalone SPI (and is normally zero unless
+ // activated from the SPI).
- // Staged-delay reset
- reg [2:0] reset_delay;
+ // Staged-delay reset
+ reg [2:0] reset_delay;
- always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
- if (reset == 1'b1) begin
- reset_delay <= 3'b111;
- end else begin
- reset_delay <= {1'b0, reset_delay[2:1]};
- end
- end
+ always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+ if (reset == 1'b1) begin
+ reset_delay <= 3'b111;
+ end else begin
+ reset_delay <= {1'b0, reset_delay[2:1]};
+ end
+ end
- assign resetn = ~(reset_delay[0] | ext_reset);
+ assign resetn = ~(reset_delay[0] | ext_reset);
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/striVe_soc.v b/verilog/rtl/striVe_soc.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1899a99..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/striVe_soc.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,837 +0,0 @@
- * PicoSoC - A simple example SoC using PicoRV32
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Clifford Wolf <>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- *
- * Revision 1, July 2019: Added signals to drive flash_clk and flash_csb
- * output enable (inverted), tied to reset so that the flash is completely
- * isolated from the processor when the processor is in reset.
- *
- * Also: Made ram_wenb a 4-bit bus so that the memory access can be made
- * byte-wide for byte-wide instructions.
- */
-`ifdef PICORV32_V
-`error "openstriVe_soc.v must be read before picorv32.v!"
-/* Note: Synthesize register memory from flops */
-/* Inefficient, but not terribly so */
-/* Also note: To avoid having a hard macro in the place & route */
-/* (method not finished yet in qflow), SRAM pins are brought out to */
-/* the openstriVe_soc I/O so that openstriVe_soc.v itself is fully synthesizable */
-/* and routable with qflow as-is. */
-`define PICORV32_REGS openstriVe_soc_regs
-module striVe_soc (
-`ifdef LVS
- inout vdd1v8, /* 1.8V domain */
- inout vss,
- input pll_clk,
- input ext_clk,
- input ext_clk_sel,
- /*
- input ext_reset,
- input reset,
- */
- input clk,
- input resetn,
- // Main SRAM, including clk and resetn above
- // (Not used: RAM is synthesized in this version)
- /*
- output [3:0] ram_wenb,
- output [9:0] ram_addr,
- output [31:0] ram_wdata,
- input [31:0] ram_rdata,
- */
- // Memory mapped I/O signals
- output [15:0] gpio_out_pad, // Connect to out on gpio pad
- input [15:0] gpio_in_pad, // Connect to in on gpio pad
- output [15:0] gpio_mode0_pad, // Connect to dm[0] on gpio pad
- output [15:0] gpio_mode1_pad, // Connect to dm[2] on gpio pad
- output [15:0] gpio_outenb_pad, // Connect to oe_n on gpio pad
- output [15:0] gpio_inenb_pad, // Connect to inp_dis on gpio pad
- output adc0_ena,
- output adc0_convert,
- input [9:0] adc0_data,
- input adc0_done,
- output adc0_clk,
- output [1:0] adc0_inputsrc,
- output adc1_ena,
- output adc1_convert,
- output adc1_clk,
- output [1:0] adc1_inputsrc,
- input [9:0] adc1_data,
- input adc1_done,
- output dac_ena,
- output [9:0] dac_value,
- output analog_out_sel, // Analog output select (DAC or bandgap)
- output opamp_ena, // Op-amp enable for analog output
- output opamp_bias_ena, // Op-amp bias enable for analog output
- output bg_ena, // Bandgap enable
- output comp_ena,
- output [1:0] comp_ninputsrc,
- output [1:0] comp_pinputsrc,
- output rcosc_ena,
- output overtemp_ena,
- input overtemp,
- input rcosc_in, // RC oscillator output
- input xtal_in, // crystal oscillator output
- input comp_in, // comparator output
- input spi_sck,
- input [7:0] spi_ro_config,
- input spi_ro_xtal_ena,
- input spi_ro_reg_ena,
- input spi_ro_pll_dco_ena,
- input [4:0] spi_ro_pll_div,
- input [2:0] spi_ro_pll_sel,
- input [25:0] spi_ro_pll_trim,
- input [11:0] spi_ro_mfgr_id,
- input [7:0] spi_ro_prod_id,
- input [3:0] spi_ro_mask_rev,
- output ser_tx,
- input ser_rx,
- // IRQ
- input irq_pin, // dedicated IRQ pin
- input irq_spi, // IRQ from standalone SPI
- // trap
- output trap,
- // Flash memory control (SPI master)
- output flash_csb,
- output flash_clk,
- output flash_csb_oeb,
- output flash_clk_oeb,
- output flash_io0_oeb,
- output flash_io1_oeb,
- output flash_io2_oeb,
- output flash_io3_oeb,
- output flash_csb_ieb,
- output flash_clk_ieb,
- output flash_io0_ieb,
- output flash_io1_ieb,
- output flash_io2_ieb,
- output flash_io3_ieb,
- output flash_io0_do,
- output flash_io1_do,
- output flash_io2_do,
- output flash_io3_do,
- input flash_io0_di,
- input flash_io1_di,
- input flash_io2_di,
- input flash_io3_di
- /* Increase scratchpad memory to 1K words */
- /* parameter integer MEM_WORDS = 1024; */
- /* Memory reverted back to 256 words while memory has to be synthesized */
- parameter integer MEM_WORDS = 256;
- parameter [31:0] STACKADDR = (4*MEM_WORDS); // end of memory
- parameter [31:0] PROGADDR_RESET = 32'h 0010_0000; // 1 MB into flash
-// wire resetn;
-// wire clk;
- wire iomem_valid;
- reg iomem_ready;
- wire [ 3:0] iomem_wstrb;
- wire [31:0] iomem_addr;
- wire [31:0] iomem_wdata;
- reg [31:0] iomem_rdata;
- // memory-mapped I/O control registers
- wire [15:0] gpio_pullup; // Intermediate GPIO pullup
- wire [15:0] gpio_pulldown; // Intermediate GPIO pulldown
- wire [15:0] gpio_outenb; // Intermediate GPIO out enable (bar)
- wire [15:0] gpio_out; // Intermediate GPIO output
- reg [15:0] gpio; // GPIO output data
- reg [15:0] gpio_pu; // GPIO pull-up enable
- reg [15:0] gpio_pd; // GPIO pull-down enable
- reg [15:0] gpio_oeb; // GPIO output enable (sense negative)
- reg adc0_ena; // ADC0 enable
- reg adc0_convert; // ADC0 convert
- reg [1:0] adc0_clksrc; // ADC0 clock source
- reg [1:0] adc0_inputsrc; // ADC0 input source
- reg adc1_ena; // ADC1 enable
- reg adc1_convert; // ADC1 convert
- reg [1:0] adc1_clksrc; // ADC1 clock source
- reg [1:0] adc1_inputsrc; // ADC1 input source
- reg dac_ena; // DAC enable
- reg [9:0] dac_value; // DAC output value
- reg comp_ena; // Comparator enable
- reg [1:0] comp_ninputsrc; // Comparator negative input source
- reg [1:0] comp_pinputsrc; // Comparator positive input source
- reg rcosc_ena; // RC oscillator enable
- reg overtemp_ena; // Over-temperature alarm enable
- reg [1:0] comp_output_dest; // Comparator output destination
- reg [1:0] rcosc_output_dest; // RC oscillator output destination
- reg [1:0] overtemp_dest; // Over-temperature alarm destination
- reg [1:0] pll_output_dest; // PLL clock output destination
- reg [1:0] xtal_output_dest; // Crystal oscillator output destination
- reg [1:0] trap_output_dest; // Trap signal output destination
- reg [1:0] irq_7_inputsrc; // IRQ 5 source
- reg [1:0] irq_8_inputsrc; // IRQ 6 source
- reg analog_out_sel; // Analog output select
- reg opamp_ena; // Analog output op-amp enable
- reg opamp_bias_ena; // Analog output op-amp bias enable
- reg bg_ena; // Bandgap enable
- wire adc0_clk; // ADC0 clock (multiplexed)
- wire adc1_clk; // ADC1 clock (multiplexed)
- wire [3:0] ram_wenb;
- wire [9:0] ram_addr;
- wire [31:0] ram_wdata;
-// // Clock assignment (to do: make this glitch-free)
-// assign clk = (ext_clk_sel == 1'b1) ? ext_clk : pll_clk;
-// // Reset assignment. "reset" comes from POR, while "ext_reset"
-// // comes from standalone SPI (and is normally zero unless
-// // activated from the SPI).
-// // Staged-delay reset
-// reg [2:0] reset_delay;
-// always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
-// if (reset == 1'b1) begin
-// reset_delay <= 3'b111;
-// end else begin
-// reset_delay <= {1'b0, reset_delay[2:1]};
-// end
-// end
-// assign resetn = ~(reset_delay[0] | ext_reset);
- // ADC clock assignments
- assign adc0_clk = (adc0_clksrc == 2'b00) ? rcosc_in :
- (adc0_clksrc == 2'b01) ? spi_sck :
- (adc0_clksrc == 2'b10) ? xtal_in :
- ext_clk;
- assign adc1_clk = (adc1_clksrc == 2'b00) ? rcosc_in :
- (adc1_clksrc == 2'b01) ? spi_sck :
- (adc1_clksrc == 2'b10) ? xtal_in :
- ext_clk;
- // GPIO assignments
- assign gpio_out[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b01) ? comp_in : gpio[0];
- assign gpio_out[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b10) ? comp_in : gpio[1];
- assign gpio_out[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b01) ? rcosc_in : gpio[2];
- assign gpio_out[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b10) ? rcosc_in : gpio[3];
- assign gpio_out[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b11) ? rcosc_in : gpio[4];
- assign gpio_out[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b01) ? xtal_in : gpio[5];
- assign gpio_out[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b10) ? xtal_in : gpio[6];
- assign gpio_out[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b11) ? xtal_in : gpio[7];
- assign gpio_out[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b01) ? pll_clk : gpio[8];
- assign gpio_out[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b10) ? pll_clk : gpio[9];
- assign gpio_out[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b11) ? clk : gpio[10];
- assign gpio_out[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b01) ? trap : gpio[11];
- assign gpio_out[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b10) ? trap : gpio[12];
- assign gpio_out[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b11) ? trap : gpio[13];
- assign gpio_out[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b01) ? overtemp : gpio[14];
- assign gpio_out[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b10) ? overtemp : gpio[15];
- assign gpio_outenb[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[0] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[1] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[2] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[3] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[4] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[5] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[6] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[7] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[8] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[9] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[10] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[11] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[12] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[13] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[14] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_outenb[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_oeb[15] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[0] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[1] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[2] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[3] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[4] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[5] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[6] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[7] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[8] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[9] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[10] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[11] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[12] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[13] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[14] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pullup[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pu[15] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[0] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[0] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[1] = (comp_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[1] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[2] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[2] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[3] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[3] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[4] = (rcosc_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[4] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[5] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[5] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[6] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[6] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[7] = (xtal_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[7] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[8] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[8] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[9] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[9] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[10] = (pll_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[10] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[11] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[11] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[12] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[12] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[13] = (trap_output_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[13] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[14] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[14] : 1'b0;
- assign gpio_pulldown[15] = (overtemp_dest == 2'b00) ? gpio_pd[15] : 1'b0;
- // Convert GPIO signals to s8 pad signals
- convert_gpio_sigs convert_gpio_bit [15:0] (
- .gpio_out(gpio_out),
- .gpio_outenb(gpio_outenb),
- .gpio_pu(gpio_pullup),
- .gpio_pd(gpio_pulldown),
- .gpio_out_pad(gpio_out_pad),
- .gpio_outenb_pad(gpio_outenb_pad),
- .gpio_inenb_pad(gpio_inenb_pad),
- .gpio_mode1_pad(gpio_mode1_pad),
- .gpio_mode0_pad(gpio_mode0_pad)
- );
- wire irq_7, irq_8;
- assign irq_7 = (irq_7_inputsrc == 2'b01) ? gpio_in_pad[0] :
- (irq_7_inputsrc == 2'b10) ? gpio_in_pad[1] :
- (irq_7_inputsrc == 2'b11) ? gpio_in_pad[2] : 1'b0;
- assign irq_8 = (irq_8_inputsrc == 2'b01) ? gpio_in_pad[3] :
- (irq_8_inputsrc == 2'b10) ? gpio_in_pad[4] :
- (irq_8_inputsrc == 2'b11) ? gpio_in_pad[5] : 1'b0;
- assign ram_wenb = (mem_valid && !mem_ready && mem_addr < 4*MEM_WORDS) ?
- {~mem_wstrb[3], ~mem_wstrb[2], ~mem_wstrb[1], ~mem_wstrb[0]} : 4'b1111;
- assign ram_addr = mem_addr[11:2];
- assign ram_wdata = mem_wdata; // Just for naming conventions.
- reg [31:0] irq;
- wire irq_stall = 0;
- wire irq_uart = 0;
- always @* begin
- irq = 0;
- irq[3] = irq_stall;
- irq[4] = irq_uart;
- irq[5] = irq_pin;
- irq[6] = irq_spi;
- irq[7] = irq_7;
- irq[8] = irq_8;
- irq[9] = comp_output_dest[0] & comp_output_dest[1] & comp_in;
- irq[10] = overtemp_dest[0] & overtemp_dest[1] & overtemp;
- end
- wire mem_valid;
- wire mem_instr;
- wire mem_ready;
- wire [31:0] mem_addr;
- wire [31:0] mem_wdata;
- wire [3:0] mem_wstrb;
- wire [31:0] mem_rdata;
- wire spimem_ready;
- wire [31:0] spimem_rdata;
- reg ram_ready;
- wire [31:0] ram_rdata;
- assign iomem_valid = mem_valid && (mem_addr[31:24] > 8'h 01);
- assign iomem_wstrb = mem_wstrb;
- assign iomem_addr = mem_addr;
- assign iomem_wdata = mem_wdata;
- wire spimemio_cfgreg_sel = mem_valid && (mem_addr == 32'h 0200_0000);
- wire [31:0] spimemio_cfgreg_do;
- wire simpleuart_reg_div_sel = mem_valid && (mem_addr == 32'h 0200_0004);
- wire [31:0] simpleuart_reg_div_do;
- wire simpleuart_reg_dat_sel = mem_valid && (mem_addr == 32'h 0200_0008);
- wire [31:0] simpleuart_reg_dat_do;
- wire simpleuart_reg_dat_wait;
- assign mem_ready = (iomem_valid && iomem_ready) || spimem_ready || ram_ready || spimemio_cfgreg_sel ||
- simpleuart_reg_div_sel || (simpleuart_reg_dat_sel && !simpleuart_reg_dat_wait);
- assign mem_rdata = (iomem_valid && iomem_ready) ? iomem_rdata : spimem_ready ? spimem_rdata : ram_ready ? ram_rdata :
- spimemio_cfgreg_sel ? spimemio_cfgreg_do : simpleuart_reg_div_sel ? simpleuart_reg_div_do :
- simpleuart_reg_dat_sel ? simpleuart_reg_dat_do : 32'h 0000_0000;
- picorv32 #(
- .PROGADDR_IRQ(32'h 0000_0000),
- ) cpu (
- .clk (clk ),
- .resetn (resetn ),
- .mem_valid (mem_valid ),
- .mem_instr (mem_instr ),
- .mem_ready (mem_ready ),
- .mem_addr (mem_addr ),
- .mem_wdata (mem_wdata ),
- .mem_wstrb (mem_wstrb ),
- .mem_rdata (mem_rdata ),
- .irq (irq ),
- .trap (trap )
- );
- spimemio spimemio (
- .clk (clk),
- .resetn (resetn),
- .valid (mem_valid && mem_addr >= 4*MEM_WORDS && mem_addr < 32'h 0200_0000),
- .ready (spimem_ready),
- .addr (mem_addr[23:0]),
- .rdata (spimem_rdata),
- .flash_csb (flash_csb ),
- .flash_clk (flash_clk ),
- .flash_csb_oeb (flash_csb_oeb),
- .flash_clk_oeb (flash_clk_oeb),
- .flash_io0_oeb (flash_io0_oeb),
- .flash_io1_oeb (flash_io1_oeb),
- .flash_io2_oeb (flash_io2_oeb),
- .flash_io3_oeb (flash_io3_oeb),
- .flash_csb_ieb (flash_csb_ieb),
- .flash_clk_ieb (flash_clk_ieb),
- .flash_io0_ieb (flash_io0_ieb),
- .flash_io1_ieb (flash_io1_ieb),
- .flash_io2_ieb (flash_io2_ieb),
- .flash_io3_ieb (flash_io3_ieb),
- .flash_io0_do (flash_io0_do),
- .flash_io1_do (flash_io1_do),
- .flash_io2_do (flash_io2_do),
- .flash_io3_do (flash_io3_do),
- .flash_io0_di (flash_io0_di),
- .flash_io1_di (flash_io1_di),
- .flash_io2_di (flash_io2_di),
- .flash_io3_di (flash_io3_di),
- .cfgreg_we(spimemio_cfgreg_sel ? mem_wstrb : 4'b 0000),
- .cfgreg_di(mem_wdata),
- .cfgreg_do(spimemio_cfgreg_do)
- );
- simpleuart simpleuart (
- .clk (clk ),
- .resetn (resetn ),
- .ser_tx (ser_tx ),
- .ser_rx (ser_rx ),
- .reg_div_we (simpleuart_reg_div_sel ? mem_wstrb : 4'b 0000),
- .reg_div_di (mem_wdata),
- .reg_div_do (simpleuart_reg_div_do),
- .reg_dat_we (simpleuart_reg_dat_sel ? mem_wstrb[0] : 1'b 0),
- .reg_dat_re (simpleuart_reg_dat_sel && !mem_wstrb),
- .reg_dat_di (mem_wdata),
- .reg_dat_do (simpleuart_reg_dat_do),
- .reg_dat_wait(simpleuart_reg_dat_wait)
- );
- always @(posedge clk)
- ram_ready <= mem_valid && !mem_ready && mem_addr < 4*MEM_WORDS;
- // PicoSoC memory mapped IP
- // 2 ADCs (1 multiplexed from internal signals, including core 1.8V VDD,
- // DAC output, comparator input, external input)
- // 1 DAC
- // 1 comparator (1 end tied to DAC, other could be shared w/ADC input)
- // 1 RC oscillator (output can be tied to one or both ADC clocks)
- // 1 crystal oscillator (output to level-shift-down = 3V buffer powered at 1.8V)
- // 1 1.8V regulator (sets VDD on padframe)
- // 1 bandgap
- // 1 power-on-reset (POR)
- // 1 temperature alarm
- // NOTE: Signals affecting critical core functions are controlled through
- // an independent SPI having read-only access through the picorv32 core.
- // SPI pins are independent of picorv32 SPI master. Signals controlled by
- // the SPI are:
- // 1) crystal oscillator enable (default on)
- // 2) 1.8V regulator enable (default on)
- // 3) bandgap enable (default on)
- // 4) picorv32 internal debug signals (TBD)
- // 5) additional picorv32 IRQ (TBD)
- // 6) PLL enables (default on)
- // 7) PLL trim (default TBD)
- // NOTE: SPI should have a pass-through mode that configures SDO as a
- // copy of a chosen signal for as long as CSB is held low. This can be
- // an SPI command, allows other internal signals to be passed to the
- // output and viewed, including the RC oscillator output, comparator output,
- // and other edge-based signals.
- // Memory map:
- // NOTE:
- // SPI master: 0x02000000 (control)
- // UART: 0x02000004-8 (clock, data)
- // GPIO: 0x03000000 (in/out, pu/pd, data)
- // ADC0: 0x03000020
- // ADC1: 0x03000040
- // DAC: 0x03000060
- // comparator: 0x03000080
- // RC osc: 0x030000a0
- // SPI slave: 0x030000c0 (read-only)
- // Memory map details:
- // GPIO: 32 channels total.
- // addr 0x03000000 data (16 bits)
- // addr 0x03000001 out (=1) or in (=0) (default 0)
- // addr 0x03000002 pu (=1) or none (=0) (default 0)
- // addr 0x03000003 pd (=1) or none (=0) (default 0)
- // addr 0x03000004-f reserved (may be used for other pad I/O)
- //
- // ADC0: addr 0x03000020 enable
- // addr 0x03000021 data (read-only)
- // addr 0x03000022 done (read-only)
- // addr 0x03000023 start conversion
- // addr 0x03000024 clock source (RC osc, SPI clk, xtal, core)
- // addr 0x03000025 input source (core VDD, ext, DAC, comp in)
- //
- // ADC1: addr 0x03000040 enable
- // addr 0x03000041 data (read-only)
- // addr 0x03000042 done (read-only)
- // addr 0x03000043 start conversion
- // addr 0x03000044 clock source (RC osc, SPI clk, xtal, core)
- // addr 0x03000045 input source (bg, ext, I/O vdd, gnd)
- //
- // DAC: addr 0x03000060 enable
- // addr 0x03000061 value
- //
- // comparator: addr 0x03000080 enable
- // addr 0x03000081 value
- // addr 0x03000082 input source (DAC, bg, core VDD, ext)
- // addr 0x03000083 output dest (ext gpio pin 0-1, IRQ, none)
- //
- // bandgap: addr 0x03000090 enable
- //
- // RC osc: addr 0x030000a0 enable
- // addr 0x030000a1 output dest (ext gpio pin 2-4)
- //
- // SPI slave: addr 0x030000c0 SPI configuration
- // addr 0x030000c1 xtal osc, reg, bg enables
- // addr 0x030000c2 PLL enables, trim
- // addr 0x030000c3 manufacturer ID
- // addr 0x030000c4 product ID
- // addr 0x030000c5 product mask revision
- // Xtal mon: addr 0x030000c6 xtal osc output dest (ext gpio pin 5-7)
- // PLL mon: addr 0x030000c7 PLL output dest (ext gpio pin 8-10)
- // trap mon: addr 0x030000c8 trap output dest (ext gpio pin 11-13)
- // IRQ7 src: addr 0x030000c9 IRQ 7 source (ext gpio pin 0-3)
- // IRQ8 src: addr 0x030000ca IRQ 8 source (ext gpio pin 4-7)
- // Analog: addr 0x030000cb analog output select (DAC, bg)
- //
- // Overtemp: addr 0x030000e0 over-temperature alarm enable
- // addr 0x030000e1 over-temperature alarm data
- // addr 0x030000e2 output dest (ext gpio pin 14-15, IRQ)
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (!resetn) begin
- gpio <= 0;
- gpio_oeb <= 16'hffff;
- gpio_pu <= 0;
- gpio_pd <= 0;
- adc0_ena <= 0;
- adc0_convert <= 0;
- adc0_clksrc <= 0;
- adc0_inputsrc <= 0;
- adc1_ena <= 0;
- adc1_convert <= 0;
- adc1_clksrc <= 0;
- adc1_inputsrc <= 0;
- dac_ena <= 0;
- dac_value <= 0;
- comp_ena <= 0;
- comp_ninputsrc <= 0;
- comp_pinputsrc <= 0;
- rcosc_ena <= 0;
- comp_output_dest <= 0;
- rcosc_output_dest <= 0;
- overtemp_dest <= 0;
- overtemp_ena <= 0;
- pll_output_dest <= 0;
- xtal_output_dest <= 0;
- trap_output_dest <= 0;
- irq_7_inputsrc <= 0;
- irq_8_inputsrc <= 0;
- analog_out_sel <= 0;
- opamp_ena <= 0;
- opamp_bias_ena <= 0;
- bg_ena <= 0;
- end else begin
- iomem_ready <= 0;
- if (iomem_valid && !iomem_ready && iomem_addr[31:8] == 24'h030000) begin
- iomem_ready <= 1;
- if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h00) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {gpio_out, gpio_in_pad};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
- if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h04) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {16'd0, gpio_oeb};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio_oeb[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
- if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio_oeb[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h08) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {16'd0, gpio_pu};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio_pu[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
- if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio_pu[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h0c) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {16'd0, gpio_pu};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) gpio_pd[ 7: 0] <= iomem_wdata[ 7: 0];
- if (iomem_wstrb[1]) gpio_pd[15: 8] <= iomem_wdata[15: 8];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h10) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, adc0_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc0_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h14) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {22'd0, adc0_data};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h18) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, adc0_done};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h1c) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, adc0_convert};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc0_convert <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h20) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, adc0_clksrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc0_clksrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h24) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, adc0_inputsrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc0_inputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h30) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, adc1_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc1_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h34) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {22'd0, adc1_data};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h38) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, adc1_done};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h3c) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, adc1_convert};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc1_convert <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h40) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, adc1_clksrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc1_clksrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h44) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, adc1_inputsrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) adc1_inputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h50) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, dac_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) dac_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h54) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {22'd0, dac_value};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) dac_value[7:0] <= iomem_wdata[7:0];
- if (iomem_wstrb[1]) dac_value[9:8] <= iomem_wdata[9:8];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h60) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, comp_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) comp_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h64) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, comp_ninputsrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) comp_ninputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h68) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, comp_pinputsrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) comp_pinputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h6c) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, comp_output_dest};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) comp_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h70) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, rcosc_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) rcosc_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h74) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, rcosc_output_dest};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) rcosc_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h80) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {24'd0, spi_ro_config};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h84) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {22'd0, spi_ro_pll_div, spi_ro_pll_sel, spi_ro_xtal_ena, spi_ro_reg_ena};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h88) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {5'd0, spi_ro_pll_trim, spi_ro_pll_dco_ena};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h8c) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {20'd0, spi_ro_mfgr_id};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h90) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {24'd0, spi_ro_prod_id};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h94) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {28'd0, spi_ro_mask_rev};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'h98) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, ext_clk_sel};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'ha0) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, xtal_output_dest};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) xtal_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'ha4) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, pll_output_dest};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) pll_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'ha8) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, trap_output_dest};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) trap_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hb0) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, irq_7_inputsrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) irq_7_inputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hb4) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, irq_8_inputsrc};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) irq_8_inputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hc0) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, analog_out_sel};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) analog_out_sel <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hc4) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, opamp_bias_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) opamp_bias_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hc8) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, opamp_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) opamp_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'hd0) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, bg_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) bg_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'he0) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, overtemp_ena};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) overtemp_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'he4) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, overtemp};
- end else if (iomem_addr[7:0] == 8'he8) begin
- iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, overtemp_dest};
- if (iomem_wstrb[0]) overtemp_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
- end
- end
- end
- end
- openstriVe_soc_mem #(.WORDS(MEM_WORDS)) picomem (
- .clk(clk),
- .ena(resetn),
- .wen((mem_valid && !mem_ready && mem_addr < 4*MEM_WORDS) ? mem_wstrb : 4'b0),
- .addr(mem_addr[23:2]),
- .wdata(mem_wdata),
- .rdata(ram_rdata)
- );
-`include "picorv32.v"
-`include "spimemio.v"
-`include "simpleuart.v"
-// Implementation note:
-// Replace the following two modules with wrappers for your SRAM cells.
-module openstriVe_soc_regs (
- input clk, wen,
- input [5:0] waddr,
- input [5:0] raddr1,
- input [5:0] raddr2,
- input [31:0] wdata,
- output [31:0] rdata1,
- output [31:0] rdata2
- reg [31:0] regs [0:31];
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (wen) regs[waddr[4:0]] <= wdata;
- assign rdata1 = regs[raddr1[4:0]];
- assign rdata2 = regs[raddr2[4:0]];
-module openstriVe_soc_mem #(
- parameter integer WORDS = 256
-) (
- input clk,
- input ena,
- input [3:0] wen,
- input [21:0] addr,
- input [31:0] wdata,
- output reg [31:0] rdata
- reg [31:0] mem [0:WORDS-1];
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (ena == 1'b1) begin
- rdata <= mem[addr];
- if (wen[0]) mem[addr][ 7: 0] <= wdata[ 7: 0];
- if (wen[1]) mem[addr][15: 8] <= wdata[15: 8];
- if (wen[2]) mem[addr][23:16] <= wdata[23:16];
- if (wen[3]) mem[addr][31:24] <= wdata[31:24];
- end
- end
-/* Convert the standard set of GPIO signals: input, output, output_enb,
- * pullup, and pulldown into the set needed by the s8 GPIO pads:
- * input, output, output_enb, input_enb, mode. Note that dm[2] on
- * thepads is always equal to dm[1] in this setup, so mode is shown as
- * only a 2-bit signal.
- *
- * This module is bit-sliced. Instantiate once for each GPIO pad.
- */
-module convert_gpio_sigs (
- input gpio_out,
- input gpio_outenb,
- input gpio_pu,
- input gpio_pd,
- output gpio_out_pad,
- output gpio_outenb_pad,
- output gpio_inenb_pad,
- output gpio_mode1_pad,
- output gpio_mode0_pad
- assign gpio_out_pad = (gpio_pu == 1'b0 && gpio_pd == 1'b0) ? gpio_out :
- (gpio_pu == 1'b1) ? 1 : 0;
- assign gpio_outenb_pad = (gpio_outenb == 1'b0) ? 0 :
- (gpio_pu == 1'b1 || gpio_pd == 1'b1) ? 0 : 1;
- assign gpio_inenb_pad = ~gpio_outenb;
- assign gpio_mode1_pad = ~gpio_outenb_pad;
- assign gpio_mode0_pad = gpio_outenb;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/striVe_spi.v b/verilog/rtl/striVe_spi.v
index 323ecf6..54643c3 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/striVe_spi.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/striVe_spi.v
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@
module striVe_spi(
`ifdef LVS
- vdd, vss,
+ vdd, vss,
- RSTB, SCK, SDI, CSB, SDO, sdo_enb,
- xtal_ena, reg_ena, pll_dco_ena, pll_div, pll_sel,
- pll_trim, pll_bypass, irq, reset, RST, trap,
- mfgr_id, prod_id, mask_rev_in, mask_rev);
+ RSTB, SCK, SDI, CSB, SDO, sdo_enb,
+ xtal_ena, reg_ena, pll_dco_ena, pll_div, pll_sel,
+ pll_trim, pll_bypass, irq, reset, RST, trap,
+ mfgr_id, prod_id, mask_rev_in, mask_rev);
`ifdef LVS
inout vdd; // 3.3V supply
@@ -97,16 +97,16 @@
// Instantiate the SPI slave module
spi_slave U1 (
- .SCK(SCK),
- .SDI(SDI),
- .CSB(CSB),
- .SDO(SDO),
- .sdoenb(sdo_enb),
- .idata(odata),
- .odata(idata),
- .oaddr(iaddr),
- .rdstb(rdstb),
- .wrstb(wrstb)
+ .SCK(SCK),
+ .SDI(SDI),
+ .CSB(CSB),
+ .SDO(SDO),
+ .sdoenb(sdo_enb),
+ .idata(odata),
+ .odata(idata),
+ .oaddr(iaddr),
+ .rdstb(rdstb),
+ .wrstb(wrstb)
wire [11:0] mfgr_id;
@@ -121,74 +121,74 @@
// All values are 1-4 bits and no shadow registers are required.
assign odata =
- (iaddr == 8'h00) ? 8'h00 : // SPI status (fixed)
- (iaddr == 8'h01) ? {mask_rev, mfgr_id[11:8]} : // Mask rev (metal programmed)
- (iaddr == 8'h02) ? mfgr_id[7:0] : // Manufacturer ID (fixed)
- (iaddr == 8'h03) ? prod_id : // Product ID (fixed)
- (iaddr == 8'h04) ? {5'b00000, xtal_ena, reg_ena, pll_dco_ena} :
- (iaddr == 8'h05) ? {7'b0000000, pll_bypass} :
- (iaddr == 8'h06) ? {7'b0000000, irq} :
- (iaddr == 8'h07) ? {7'b0000000, reset} :
- (iaddr == 8'h08) ? {7'b0000000, trap} :
- (iaddr == 8'h09) ? pll_trim[7:0] :
- (iaddr == 8'h0a) ? pll_trim[15:8] :
- (iaddr == 8'h0b) ? pll_trim[23:16] :
- (iaddr == 8'h0c) ? {6'b000000, pll_trim[25:24]} :
- (iaddr == 8'h0d) ? {5'b00000, pll_sel} :
- (iaddr == 8'h0e) ? {3'b000, pll_div} :
- 8'h00; // Default
+ (iaddr == 8'h00) ? 8'h00 : // SPI status (fixed)
+ (iaddr == 8'h01) ? {mask_rev, mfgr_id[11:8]} : // Mask rev (metal programmed)
+ (iaddr == 8'h02) ? mfgr_id[7:0] : // Manufacturer ID (fixed)
+ (iaddr == 8'h03) ? prod_id : // Product ID (fixed)
+ (iaddr == 8'h04) ? {5'b00000, xtal_ena, reg_ena, pll_dco_ena} :
+ (iaddr == 8'h05) ? {7'b0000000, pll_bypass} :
+ (iaddr == 8'h06) ? {7'b0000000, irq} :
+ (iaddr == 8'h07) ? {7'b0000000, reset} :
+ (iaddr == 8'h08) ? {7'b0000000, trap} :
+ (iaddr == 8'h09) ? pll_trim[7:0] :
+ (iaddr == 8'h0a) ? pll_trim[15:8] :
+ (iaddr == 8'h0b) ? pll_trim[23:16] :
+ (iaddr == 8'h0c) ? {6'b000000, pll_trim[25:24]} :
+ (iaddr == 8'h0d) ? {5'b00000, pll_sel} :
+ (iaddr == 8'h0e) ? {3'b000, pll_div} :
+ 8'h00; // Default
// Register mapping and I/O to slave module
always @(posedge SCK or negedge RSTB) begin
- if (RSTB == 1'b0) begin
- // Set trim for PLL at (almost) slowest rate (~90MHz). However,
- // pll_trim[12] must be set to zero for proper startup.
- pll_trim <= 26'b11111111111110111111111111;
- pll_sel <= 3'b000;
- pll_div <= 5'b00100; // Default divide-by-8
- xtal_ena <= 1'b1;
- reg_ena <= 1'b1;
- pll_dco_ena <= 1'b1; // Default free-running PLL
- pll_bypass <= 1'b1; // NOTE: Default bypass mode (don't use PLL)
- irq <= 1'b0;
- reset <= 1'b0;
- end else if (wrstb == 1'b1) begin
- case (iaddr)
- 8'h04: begin
- pll_dco_ena <= idata[2];
- reg_ena <= idata[1];
- xtal_ena <= idata[0];
- end
- 8'h05: begin
- pll_bypass <= idata[0];
- end
- 8'h06: begin
- irq <= idata[0];
- end
- 8'h07: begin
- reset <= idata[0];
- end
- // Register 8 is read-only
- 8'h09: begin
- pll_trim[7:0] <= idata;
- end
- 8'h0a: begin
- pll_trim[15:8] <= idata;
- end
- 8'h0b: begin
- pll_trim[23:16] <= idata;
- end
- 8'h0c: begin
- pll_trim[25:24] <= idata[1:0];
- end
- 8'h0d: begin
- pll_sel <= idata[2:0];
- end
- 8'h0e: begin
- pll_div <= idata[4:0];
- end
- endcase // (iaddr)
- end
+ if (RSTB == 1'b0) begin
+ // Set trim for PLL at (almost) slowest rate (~90MHz). However,
+ // pll_trim[12] must be set to zero for proper startup.
+ pll_trim <= 26'b11111111111110111111111111;
+ pll_sel <= 3'b000;
+ pll_div <= 5'b00100; // Default divide-by-8
+ xtal_ena <= 1'b1;
+ reg_ena <= 1'b1;
+ pll_dco_ena <= 1'b1; // Default free-running PLL
+ pll_bypass <= 1'b1; // NOTE: Default bypass mode (don't use PLL)
+ irq <= 1'b0;
+ reset <= 1'b0;
+ end else if (wrstb == 1'b1) begin
+ case (iaddr)
+ 8'h04: begin
+ pll_dco_ena <= idata[2];
+ reg_ena <= idata[1];
+ xtal_ena <= idata[0];
+ end
+ 8'h05: begin
+ pll_bypass <= idata[0];
+ end
+ 8'h06: begin
+ irq <= idata[0];
+ end
+ 8'h07: begin
+ reset <= idata[0];
+ end
+ // Register 8 is read-only
+ 8'h09: begin
+ pll_trim[7:0] <= idata;
+ end
+ 8'h0a: begin
+ pll_trim[15:8] <= idata;
+ end
+ 8'h0b: begin
+ pll_trim[23:16] <= idata;
+ end
+ 8'h0c: begin
+ pll_trim[25:24] <= idata[1:0];
+ end
+ 8'h0d: begin
+ pll_sel <= idata[2:0];
+ end
+ 8'h0e: begin
+ pll_div <= idata[4:0];
+ end
+ endcase // (iaddr)
+ end
endmodule // striVe_spi_orig
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sysctrl.v b/verilog/rtl/sysctrl.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5daf5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sysctrl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+module sysctrl_wb #(
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h2F00_0000,
+ parameter OSC_ENA = 8'h00,
+ parameter OSC_OUT = 8'h04,
+ parameter XTAL_OUT = 8'h08,
+ parameter PLL_OUT = 8'h0c,
+ parameter TRAP_OUT = 8'h10,
+ parameter IRQ7_SRC = 8'h14,
+ parameter IRQ8_SRC = 8'h18,
+ parameter OVERTEMP_ENA = 8'h1c,
+ parameter OVERTEMP_DATA = 8'h20,
+ parameter OVERTEMP_OUT = 8'h24
+) (
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
+ input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
+ input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
+ input wb_cyc_i,
+ input wb_stb_i,
+ input wb_we_i,
+ output [31:0] wb_dat_o,
+ output wb_ack_o,
+ input overtemp,
+ output rcosc_ena,
+ output [1:0] rcosc_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] xtal_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] pll_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] trap_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] irq_7_inputsrc,
+ output [1:0] irq_8_inputsrc,
+ output overtemp_ena,
+ output [1:0] overtemp_dest
+ wire resetn;
+ wire valid;
+ wire ready;
+ wire [3:0] iomem_we;
+ assign resetn = ~wb_rst_i;
+ assign valid = wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i;
+ assign iomem_we = wb_sel_i & {4{wb_we_i}};
+ assign wb_ack_o = ready;
+ sysctrl #(
+ ) sysctrl (
+ .clk(wb_clk_i),
+ .resetn(resetn),
+ .overtemp(overtemp),
+ .iomem_addr(wb_adr_i),
+ .iomem_valid(valid),
+ .iomem_wstrb(iomem_we),
+ .iomem_wdata(wb_dat_i),
+ .iomem_rdata(wb_dat_o),
+ .iomem_ready(ready),
+ .rcosc_ena(rcosc_ena), // (verify) wire input to the core not connected to HKSPI, what should it be connected to ?
+ .rcosc_output_dest(rcosc_output_dest),
+ .xtal_output_dest(xtal_output_dest),
+ .pll_output_dest(pll_output_dest),
+ .trap_output_dest(trap_output_dest),
+ .irq_7_inputsrc(irq_7_inputsrc),
+ .irq_8_inputsrc(irq_8_inputsrc),
+ .overtemp_ena(overtemp_ena),
+ .overtemp_dest(overtemp_dest)
+ );
+module sysctrl #(
+ parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h2300_0000,
+ parameter OSC_ENA = 8'h00,
+ parameter OSC_OUT = 8'h04,
+ parameter XTAL_OUT = 8'h08,
+ parameter PLL_OUT = 8'h0c,
+ parameter TRAP_OUT = 8'h10,
+ parameter IRQ7_SRC = 8'h14,
+ parameter IRQ8_SRC = 8'h18,
+ parameter OVERTEMP_ENA = 8'h1c,
+ parameter OVERTEMP_DATA = 8'h20,
+ parameter OVERTEMP_OUT = 8'h24
+) (
+ input clk,
+ input resetn,
+ input overtemp,
+ input [31:0] iomem_addr,
+ input iomem_valid,
+ input [3:0] iomem_wstrb,
+ input [31:0] iomem_wdata,
+ output reg [31:0] iomem_rdata,
+ output reg iomem_ready,
+ output rcosc_ena,
+ output [1:0] rcosc_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] xtal_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] pll_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] trap_output_dest,
+ output [1:0] irq_7_inputsrc,
+ output [1:0] irq_8_inputsrc,
+ output overtemp_ena,
+ output [1:0] overtemp_dest
+ reg rcosc_ena;
+ reg [1:0] rcosc_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] xtal_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] pll_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] trap_output_dest;
+ reg [1:0] irq_7_inputsrc;
+ reg [1:0] irq_8_inputsrc;
+ reg overtemp_ena;
+ reg [1:0] overtemp_dest;
+ assign osc_ena_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == OSC_ENA);
+ assign osc_out_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == OSC_OUT);
+ assign pll_out_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == PLL_OUT);
+ assign trap_out_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == TRAP_OUT);
+ assign xtal_out_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == XTAL_OUT);
+ assign irq7_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == IRQ7_SRC);
+ assign irq8_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == IRQ8_SRC);
+ assign overtemp_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == OVERTEMP_DATA);
+ assign overtemp_ena_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == OVERTEMP_ENA);
+ assign overtemp_dest_sel = (iomem_addr[7:0] == OVERTEMP_OUT);
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (!resetn) begin
+ rcosc_ena <= 0;
+ rcosc_output_dest <= 0;
+ pll_output_dest <= 0;
+ xtal_output_dest <= 0;
+ trap_output_dest <= 0;
+ irq_7_inputsrc <= 0;
+ irq_8_inputsrc <= 0;
+ overtemp_dest <= 0;
+ overtemp_ena <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ iomem_ready <= 0;
+ if (iomem_valid && !iomem_ready && iomem_addr[31:8] == BASE_ADR[31:8]) begin
+ iomem_ready <= 1'b 1;
+ if (osc_ena_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, rcosc_ena};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ rcosc_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
+ end else if (osc_out_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, rcosc_output_dest};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ rcosc_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
+ end else if (xtal_out_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, xtal_output_dest};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ xtal_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
+ end else if (pll_out_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, pll_output_dest};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ pll_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
+ end else if (trap_out_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, trap_output_dest};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ trap_output_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
+ end else if (irq7_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, irq_7_inputsrc};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ irq_7_inputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
+ end else if (irq8_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, irq_8_inputsrc};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ irq_8_inputsrc <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
+ end else if (overtemp_ena_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, overtemp_ena};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ overtemp_ena <= iomem_wdata[0];
+ end else if (overtemp_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {31'd0, overtemp};
+ end else if (overtemp_dest_sel) begin
+ iomem_rdata <= {30'd0, overtemp_dest};
+ if (iomem_wstrb[0])
+ overtemp_dest <= iomem_wdata[1:0];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/wb_intercon.v b/verilog/rtl/wb_intercon.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2c58f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/wb_intercon.v
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module wb_intercon #(
+ parameter DW = 32, // Data Width
+ parameter AW = 32, // Address Width
+ parameter NS = 6 // Number of Slaves
+) (
+ // Master Interface
+ input [AW-1:0] wbm_adr_i,
+ input wbm_stb_i,
+ output reg [DW-1:0] wbm_dat_o,
+ output wbm_ack_o,
+ // Slave Interface
+ input [NS*DW-1:0] wbs_dat_i,
+ input [NS-1:0] wbs_ack_i,
+ output [NS-1:0] wbs_stb_o
+ parameter [NS*AW-1:0] ADR_MASK = { // Page & Sub-page bits
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} },
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} },
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} },
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} },
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} },
+ {8'hFF, {24{1'b0}} }
+ };
+ parameter [NS*AW-1:0] SLAVE_ADR = {
+ {8'h28, {24{1'b0}} }, // Flash Configuration Register
+ {8'h23, {24{1'b0}} }, // System Control
+ {8'h21, {24{1'b0}} }, // GPIOs
+ {8'h20, {24{1'b0}} }, // UART
+ {8'h10, {24{1'b0}} }, // Flash
+ {8'h00, {24{1'b0}} } // RAM
+ };
+ wire [NS-1: 0] slave_sel;
+ // Address decoder
+ genvar iS;
+ generate
+ for (iS = 0; iS < NS; iS = iS + 1) begin
+ assign slave_sel[iS] =
+ ((wbm_adr_i & ADR_MASK[(iS+1)*AW-1:iS*AW]) == SLAVE_ADR[(iS+1)*AW-1:iS*AW]);
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ // Data-out Assignment
+ assign wbm_ack_o = |(wbs_ack_i & slave_sel);
+ assign wbs_stb_o = {NS{wbm_stb_i}} & slave_sel;
+ integer i;
+ always @(*) begin
+ wbm_dat_o = {DW{1'b0}};
+ for (i=0; i<(NS*DW); i=i+1)
+ wbm_dat_o[i%DW] = wbm_dat_o[i%DW] | (slave_sel[i/DW] & wbs_dat_i[i]);
+ end
\ No newline at end of file