blob: 2f1660b65486246a9dfec2420841eb42419a57e7 [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
// Create Date: 16:51:12 04/07/2018
// Module Name: sound_square
// Project Name: VerilogBoy
// Description:
// Square wave generator for channel 1 and 2
// Dependencies:
// sound_vol_env, sound_length_ctr, sound_channel_mix
// Additional Comments:
// First, synthesize a frequency with 8X of specified frequency with any percent
// of duty cycle, then use a small FSM to synthesis it into desired duty cycle.
// Note: the original GameBoy process all the sound internally as unsigned
// number, and use a bypass capacitor to remove all the DC component. One drawback
// is that it do not have a constant "zero" reference: when a channel is off, the
// voltage is, naturually 0V. But when it is working, it will alter between 0 and
// Vmax(volume), means the zero becomes the half of current volume. This is also
// the design I am using here.
module sound_square(
input rst, // Sync reset
input clk, // CPU Clock
input clk_length_ctr, // Length control clock
input clk_vol_env, // Volume Envelope clock
input clk_sweep, // Sweep clock
input clk_freq_div, // Base frequency for divider (should be 16x131072=2097152Hz)
input [2:0] sweep_time, // From 0 to 7/128Hz
input sweep_decreasing, // 0: Addition (Freq+) 1: Subtraction (Freq-)
input [2:0] num_sweep_shifts, // Number of sweep shift (n=0-7)
input [1:0] wave_duty, // 00: 87.5% HIGH 01: 75% HIGH 10: 50% HIGH 11: 25% HIGH
input [5:0] length, // Length = (64-t1)*(1/256) second, used iff single is set
input [3:0] initial_volume, // Initial volume of envelope 0 = no sound
input envelope_increasing, // 0 = decrease, 1 = increase
input [2:0] num_envelope_sweeps, // number of envelope sweep 0 = stop
input start, // Restart sound
input single, // If set, output would stop upon reaching the length specified
input [10:0] frequency, // Output frequency = 131072/(2048-x) Hz
output [3:0] level, // Sound output
output enable // Internal enable flag
wire start_posedge;
edgedet start_edgedet (
//Sweep: X(t) = X(t-1) +/- X(t-1)/2^n
reg [10:0] divider = 11'b0;
reg [10:0] target_freq;
reg octo_freq_out = 0; // 8 x target frequency with arbitrary duty cycle
wire target_freq_out; // Traget frequency with specified duty cycle
wire [3:0] target_vol;
reg [2:0] sweep_left; // Number of sweeps need to be done
always @(posedge clk)
if (start_posedge) begin
divider <= target_freq;
else if (clk_freq_div) begin
if (divider == 11'd2047) begin
octo_freq_out <= ~octo_freq_out;
divider <= target_freq;
else begin
divider <= divider + 1'b1;
reg [2:0] duty_counter = 3'b0;
always @(posedge octo_freq_out)
duty_counter <= duty_counter + 1'b1;
assign target_freq_out =
(wave_duty == 2'b00) ? ((duty_counter != 3'b111) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0) : ( // 87.5% HIGH
(wave_duty == 2'b01) ? ((duty_counter[2:1] != 2'b11) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0) : ( // 75% HIGH
(wave_duty == 2'b10) ? ((duty_counter[2]) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0) : ( // 50% HIGH
((duty_counter[2:1] == 2'b00) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0)))); // 25% HIGH
// Frequency Sweep
reg overflow;
always @(posedge clk)
if (start_posedge) begin
target_freq <= frequency;
sweep_left <= sweep_time;
overflow <= 0;
else if (clk_sweep) begin
if (sweep_left != 3'b0) begin
sweep_left <= sweep_left - 1'b1;
if (sweep_decreasing)
target_freq <= target_freq - (target_freq << num_sweep_shifts);
{overflow, target_freq} <= {1'b0, target_freq} + ({1'b0, target_freq} << num_sweep_shifts);
else begin
target_freq <= frequency;
sound_vol_env sound_vol_env(
wire enable_length;
sound_length_ctr #(6) sound_length_ctr(
assign enable = enable_length & ~overflow;
sound_channel_mix sound_channel_mix(