Import VerilogBoy RTL
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/alu.v b/verilog/rtl/alu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..944e11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/alu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    17:30:26 02/08/2018 
+// Module Name:    alu
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   The Game Boy ALU.
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+module alu(
+    input [7:0] alu_b,
+    input [7:0] alu_a,
+    input [2:0] alu_bit_index,
+    output reg [7:0] alu_result,
+    input [3:0] alu_flags_in,
+    output reg [3:0] alu_flags_out,
+    input [4:0] alu_op
+    );
+    localparam OP_ADD = 5'b00000;
+    localparam OP_ADC = 5'b00001;
+    localparam OP_SUB = 5'b00010;
+    localparam OP_SBC = 5'b00011;
+    localparam OP_AND = 5'b00100;
+    localparam OP_XOR = 5'b00101;
+    localparam OP_OR  = 5'b00110;
+    localparam OP_CP  = 5'b00111;
+    localparam OP_RLC = 5'b01000;
+    localparam OP_RRC = 5'b01001;
+    localparam OP_RL  = 5'b01010;
+    localparam OP_RR  = 5'b01011;
+    localparam OP_SLA = 5'b01100;
+    localparam OP_SRA = 5'b01101;
+    localparam OP_SWAP= 5'b01110;
+    localparam OP_SRL = 5'b01111;
+    localparam OP_LF  = 5'b10000; // Load Flags
+    //           unused 5'b10001
+    localparam OP_SF  = 5'b10010; // Save Flags
+    //           unused 5'b10011
+    localparam OP_DAA = 5'b10100;
+    localparam OP_CPL = 5'b10101;
+    localparam OP_SCF = 5'b10110;
+    localparam OP_CCF = 5'b10111;
+    //           unused 5'b11000
+    //           unused 5'b11001
+    //           unused 5'b11010
+    //           unused 5'b11011
+    //           unused 5'b11100
+    localparam OP_BIT = 5'b11101;
+    localparam OP_RES = 5'b11110;
+    localparam OP_SET = 5'b11111;
+    localparam F_Z = 2'd3;
+    localparam F_N = 2'd2;
+    localparam F_H = 2'd1;
+    localparam F_C = 2'd0;
+    reg [8:0]        intermediate_result1, intermediate_result2;
+    reg [4:0]        result_low;
+    reg [4:0]        result_high;
+    wire [2:0]       bit_index;
+    reg carry;
+    assign bit_index = alu_bit_index;
+    always@(*) begin
+        alu_flags_out = 4'b0;
+        carry = 1'b0;
+        result_low = 5'd0;
+        result_high = 5'd0;
+        intermediate_result1 = 9'd0;
+        intermediate_result2 = 9'd0;
+        case (alu_op)
+            OP_ADD, OP_ADC: begin
+                carry = (alu_op == OP_ADC) ? alu_flags_in[F_C] : 1'b0;
+                result_low = {1'b0, alu_a[3:0]} + {1'b0, alu_b[3:0]} + 
+                    {4'b0, carry};
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = result_low[4];
+                result_high = {1'b0, alu_a[7:4]} + 
+                    {1'b0, alu_b[7:4]} + 
+                    {4'b0, result_low[4]};
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = result_high[4];
+                alu_result = {result_high[3:0], result_low[3:0]};
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_SUB, OP_SBC, OP_CP: begin
+                alu_flags_out[F_N] = 1'b1;
+                carry = (alu_op == OP_SBC) ? alu_flags_in[F_C] : 1'b0;
+                result_low = {1'b0, alu_a[3:0]} + 
+                    ~({1'b0, alu_b[3:0]} + 
+                    {4'b0, carry}) + 5'b1;
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = result_low[4];
+                result_high = {1'b0, alu_a[7:4]} + 
+                    ~({1'b0, alu_b[7:4]}) +
+                    {4'b0, ~result_low[4]};
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = result_high[4];
+                alu_result = (alu_op == OP_CP) ? (alu_a[7:0]) : {result_high[3:0], result_low[3:0]};
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = ({result_high[3:0], result_low[3:0]} == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_AND: begin
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = 1'b1;
+                alu_result = alu_a & alu_b;
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_OR: begin
+                alu_result = alu_a | alu_b;
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_XOR: begin
+                alu_result = alu_a ^ alu_b;
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_DAA: begin
+                if (~alu_flags_in[F_N]) begin
+                    if (alu_flags_in[F_H] | 
+                        ((alu_a & 8'h0f) > 8'h9)) begin
+                        intermediate_result1 = {1'b0, alu_a} + 9'h6;
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        intermediate_result1 = {1'b0, alu_a};
+                    end
+                    if (alu_flags_in[F_C] | (intermediate_result1 > 9'h9f)) begin
+                        intermediate_result2 = intermediate_result1 + 9'h60;
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        intermediate_result2 = intermediate_result1;
+                    end
+                end
+                else begin
+                    if (alu_flags_in[F_H]) begin
+                        intermediate_result1 = {1'b0, (alu_a - 8'h6)};
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        intermediate_result1 = {1'b0, alu_a};
+                    end
+                    if (alu_flags_in[F_C]) begin
+                        intermediate_result2 = intermediate_result1 - 9'h60;
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        intermediate_result2 = intermediate_result1;
+                    end
+                end // else: !if(alu_flags_in[F_N])
+                alu_result = intermediate_result2[7:0];
+                alu_flags_out[F_N] = alu_flags_in[F_N];
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = intermediate_result2[8] ? 1'b1 : 
+                                        alu_flags_in[F_C];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (intermediate_result2[7:0] == 8'd0) ? 
+                                        1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_CPL: begin
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = alu_flags_in[F_Z];
+                alu_flags_out[F_N] = 1'b1;
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = 1'b1;
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_flags_in[F_C];
+                alu_result = ~alu_a;
+            end
+            OP_CCF: begin
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = alu_flags_in[F_Z];
+                alu_flags_out[F_N] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = ~alu_flags_in[F_C];
+                alu_result = alu_b;
+            end
+            OP_SCF: begin
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = alu_flags_in[F_Z];
+                alu_flags_out[F_N] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = 1'b1;
+                alu_result = alu_b;
+            end
+            OP_RLC: begin
+                alu_result[0] = alu_a[7];
+                alu_result[7:1] = alu_a[6:0];
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_a[7];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_RL: begin
+                alu_result[0] = alu_flags_in[F_C];
+                alu_result[7:1] = alu_a[6:0];
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_a[7];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_RRC: begin
+                alu_result[7] = alu_a[0];
+                alu_result[6:0] = alu_a[7:1];
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_a[0];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_RR: begin
+                alu_result[7] = alu_flags_in[F_C];
+                alu_result[6:0] = alu_a[7:1];
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_a[0];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_SLA: begin
+                alu_result[7:1] = alu_a[6:0];
+                alu_result[0] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_a[7];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_SRA: begin
+                alu_result[7] = alu_a[7];
+                alu_result[6:0] = alu_a[7:1];
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_a[0];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_SRL: begin
+                alu_result[7] = 1'b0;
+                alu_result[6:0] = alu_a[7:1];
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_a[0];
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_result == 8'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_BIT: begin
+            // Bit index must be in data0[5:3]
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = alu_flags_in[F_C];
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = 1'b1;
+                alu_flags_out[F_N] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = ~alu_a[bit_index];
+                alu_result = alu_b;
+            end
+            OP_SET: begin
+                alu_flags_out = alu_flags_in;
+                alu_result = alu_a;
+                alu_result[bit_index] = 1'b1;
+            end
+            OP_RES: begin
+                alu_flags_out = alu_flags_in;
+                alu_result = alu_a;
+                alu_result[bit_index] = 1'b0;
+            end
+            OP_SWAP: begin
+                alu_flags_out[F_Z] = (alu_a == 8'd0) ? 1'd1: 1'd0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_H] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_C] = 1'b0;
+                alu_flags_out[F_N] = 1'b0;
+                alu_result = {alu_a[3:0], alu_a[7:4]};
+            end
+            OP_SF: begin
+                alu_flags_out = alu_b[7:4];
+                alu_result = alu_a;
+            end
+            OP_LF: begin
+                alu_result = {alu_flags_in, 4'b0};
+            end
+            default: begin
+                alu_result = alu_b;
+                alu_flags_out = alu_flags_in;
+            end
+        endcase
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/bootrom.mif b/verilog/rtl/bootrom.mif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77d25b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/bootrom.mif
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/boy.v b/verilog/rtl/boy.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69c2d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/boy.v
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    17:30:26 02/08/2018 
+// Module Name:    boy 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   VerilogBoy portable top level file. This is the file connect the CPU and 
+//   all the peripherals in the LR35902 together.
+// Dependencies: 
+//   cpu
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   Hardware specific code should be implemented outside of this file
+//   So normally in an implementation, this will not be the top level.
+module boy(
+    input wire rst, // Async Reset Input
+    input wire clk, // 4.19MHz Clock Input
+    output wire phi, // 1.05MHz Reference Clock Output
+    // Cartridge interface
+    output wire [15:0] a, // Address Bus
+    output wire [7:0] dout,  // Data Bus
+    input wire [7:0] din,
+    output wire wr, // Write Enable
+    output wire rd, // Read Enable
+    // Keyboard input
+    input wire [7:0] key,
+    // LCD output
+    output wire hs, // Horizontal Sync Output
+    output wire vs, // Vertical Sync Output
+    output wire cpl, // Pixel Data Latch
+    output wire [1:0] pixel, // Pixel Data
+    output wire valid,
+    // Sound output
+    output reg [15:0] left,
+    output reg [15:0] right,
+    // Debug interface
+    output wire done,
+    output wire fault
+    );
+    // CPU
+    wire        cpu_rd;            // CPU Read Enable
+    wire        cpu_wr;            // CPU Write Enable
+    reg  [7:0]  cpu_din;           // CPU Data Bus, to CPU
+    wire [7:0]  cpu_dout;          // CPU Data Bus, from CPU
+    wire [15:0] cpu_a;             // CPU Address Bus
+    wire [4:0]  cpu_int_en;        // CPU Interrupt Enable input
+    wire [4:0]  cpu_int_flags_in;  // CPU Interrupt Flags input
+    wire [4:0]  cpu_int_flags_out; // CPU Interrupt Flags output
+    wire [1:0]  cpu_ct;            // 0-3 T cycle number inside one M cycle
+    cpu cpu(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .phi(phi),
+        .ct(cpu_ct),
+        .a(cpu_a),
+        .dout(cpu_dout),
+        .din(cpu_din),
+        .rd(cpu_rd),
+        .wr(cpu_wr),
+        .int_en(cpu_int_en),
+        .int_flags_in(cpu_int_flags_in),
+        .int_flags_out(cpu_int_flags_out),
+        .key_in(key),
+        .done(done),
+        .fault(fault));
+    // High RAM
+    reg [7:0] high_ram [0:127];
+    wire high_ram_rd = cpu_rd;
+    reg high_ram_wr;
+    wire [6:0] high_ram_a = cpu_a[6:0];
+    wire [7:0] high_ram_din = cpu_dout;
+    reg [7:0] high_ram_dout;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (high_ram_wr)
+            high_ram[high_ram_a] <= high_ram_din;
+        else
+            high_ram_dout <= (high_ram_rd) ? high_ram[high_ram_a] : 8'bx;
+    end
+    //DMA
+    wire dma_rd; // DMA Memory Write Enable
+    wire dma_wr; // DMA Memory Read Enable
+    wire [15:0] dma_a; // Main Address Bus
+    reg  [7:0]  dma_din; // Main Data Bus
+    wire [7:0]  dma_dout;
+    wire [7:0]  dma_mmio_dout;
+    reg dma_mmio_wr; // actually wire
+    wire dma_occupy_extbus; // 0x0000 - 0x7FFF, 0xA000 - 0xFFFF
+    wire dma_occupy_vidbus; // 0x8000 - 0x9FFF
+    wire dma_occupy_oambus; // 0xFE00 - 0xFE9F
+    dma dma(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .dma_rd(dma_rd),
+        .dma_wr(dma_wr),
+        .dma_a(dma_a),
+        .dma_din(dma_din),
+        .dma_dout(dma_dout),
+        .mmio_wr(dma_mmio_wr),
+        .mmio_din(cpu_dout),
+        .mmio_dout(dma_mmio_dout),
+        .dma_occupy_extbus(dma_occupy_extbus),
+        .dma_occupy_vidbus(dma_occupy_vidbus),
+        .dma_occupy_oambus(dma_occupy_oambus)
+    );
+    // Interrupt
+    // int_req is the request signal from peripherals.
+    // When an interrupt is generated, the peripheral should send a pulse on
+    // the int_req for exactly one clock (using 4MHz clock).
+    wire [4:0] int_req;
+    wire int_key_req;  
+    wire int_serial_req;
+    wire int_serial_ack;
+    wire int_tim_req;
+    wire int_tim_ack;
+    wire int_lcdc_req;
+    wire int_lcdc_ack;
+    wire int_vblank_req;
+    wire int_vblank_ack;
+    assign int_req[4] = int_key_req;
+    assign int_req[3] = int_serial_req;
+    assign int_req[2] = int_tim_req;
+    assign int_req[1] = int_lcdc_req;
+    assign int_req[0] = int_vblank_req;
+    //reg reg_ie_rd;
+    reg reg_ie_wr;
+    reg [4:0] reg_ie;
+    wire [4:0] reg_ie_din = cpu_dout[4:0];
+    wire [4:0] reg_ie_dout;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (reg_ie_wr)
+            reg_ie <= reg_ie_din;
+    end
+    assign reg_ie_dout = reg_ie;
+    assign cpu_int_en = reg_ie_dout;
+    // Interrupt may be manually triggered
+    // int_req should only stay high for only 1 cycle for each interrupt
+    //reg reg_if_rd;
+    reg reg_if_wr;
+    reg [4:0] reg_if;
+    wire [4:0] reg_if_din = cpu_dout[4:0];
+    wire [4:0] reg_if_dout;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (reg_if_wr)
+            reg_if <= reg_if_din | int_req;
+        else
+            reg_if <= cpu_int_flags_out | int_req;
+    end
+    assign reg_if_dout = reg_if | int_req;
+    assign cpu_int_flags_in = reg_if_dout;
+    assign int_serial_ack = reg_if[3];
+    assign int_tim_ack = reg_if[2];
+    assign int_lcdc_ack = reg_if[1];
+    assign int_vblank_ack = reg_if[0];
+    // PPU
+    wire [7:0] ppu_mmio_dout;
+    reg ppu_mmio_wr; // actually wire
+    wire [15:0] vram_a;
+    wire [7:0] vram_dout;
+    //wire [7:0] vram_din;
+    wire vram_rd;
+    wire vram_wr;
+    reg vram_cpu_wr;
+    wire [15:0] oam_a;
+    wire [7:0] oam_dout;
+    wire [7:0] oam_din;
+    wire oam_rd;
+    wire oam_wr;
+    reg oam_cpu_wr;
+    assign vram_a = (dma_occupy_vidbus) ? (dma_a) : (cpu_a);
+    //assign vram_din = (dma_occupy_vidbus) ? (dma_dout) : (cpu_dout);
+    assign vram_rd = (dma_occupy_vidbus) ? (dma_rd) : (cpu_rd);
+    assign vram_wr = (dma_occupy_vidbus) ? (1'b0) : (vram_cpu_wr);
+    assign oam_a = (dma_occupy_oambus) ? (dma_a) : (cpu_a);
+    assign oam_din = (dma_occupy_oambus) ? (dma_dout) : (cpu_dout);
+    assign oam_rd = (dma_occupy_oambus) ? (1'b0) : (cpu_rd);
+    assign oam_wr = (dma_occupy_oambus) ? (dma_wr) : (oam_cpu_wr);
+    ppu ppu(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .mmio_a(cpu_a), // mmio bus is always accessable to CPU
+        .mmio_dout(ppu_mmio_dout),
+        .mmio_din(cpu_dout),
+        .mmio_rd(cpu_rd),
+        .mmio_wr(ppu_mmio_wr),
+        .vram_a(vram_a),
+        .vram_dout(vram_dout),
+        .vram_din(cpu_dout), // DMA never writes to VRAM
+        .vram_rd(vram_rd),
+        .vram_wr(vram_wr),
+        .oam_a(oam_a),
+        .oam_dout(oam_dout),
+        .oam_din(oam_din),
+        .oam_rd(oam_rd),
+        .oam_wr(oam_wr),
+        .int_vblank_req(int_vblank_req),
+        .int_lcdc_req(int_lcdc_req),
+        .int_vblank_ack(int_vblank_ack),
+        .int_lcdc_ack(int_lcdc_ack),
+        .cpl(cpl), // Pixel clock
+        .pixel(pixel), // Pixel Data (2bpp)
+        .valid(valid),
+        .hs(hs), // Horizontal Sync, Low Active
+        .vs(vs),  // Vertical Sync, Low Active
+        // Ignore the debugging interface
+        /* verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY */
+        .scx(),
+        .scy(),
+        .state()
+        /* verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY */
+    );
+    // Timer
+    wire [7:0] timer_dout;
+    reg timer_wr; // actually wire
+    timer timer(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .ct(cpu_ct),
+        .a(cpu_a),
+        .dout(timer_dout),
+        .din(cpu_dout),
+        .rd(cpu_rd),
+        .wr(timer_wr),
+        .int_tim_req(int_tim_req),
+        .int_tim_ack(int_tim_ack)
+    );
+    // Dummy Serial
+    wire [7:0] serial_dout;
+    reg serial_wr; // actually wire
+    serial serial(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .a(cpu_a),
+        .dout(serial_dout),
+        .din(cpu_dout),
+        .rd(cpu_rd),
+        .wr(serial_wr),
+        .int_serial_req(int_serial_req),
+        .int_serial_ack(int_serial_ack)
+    );
+    // Sound
+    wire [7:0] sound_dout;
+    reg sound_wr; // wire
+    wire [15:0] left_pre;
+    wire [15:0] right_pre;
+    sound sound(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .a(cpu_a),
+        .dout(sound_dout),
+        .din(cpu_dout),
+        .rd(cpu_rd),
+        .wr(sound_wr),
+        .left(left_pre),
+        .right(right_pre),
+        // Ignore the debugging signals
+        /* verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY */
+        .ch1_level(),
+        .ch2_level(),
+        .ch3_level(),
+        .ch4_level()
+        /* verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY */
+    );
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        left <= left_pre;
+        right <= right_pre;
+    end
+    // Boot ROM Enable Register
+    reg brom_disable;
+    reg brom_disable_wr; // actually wire
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            brom_disable <= 1'b0;
+        else
+            if (brom_disable_wr && (!brom_disable))
+                brom_disable <= cpu_dout[0];
+    end
+    wire [7:0] brom_dout;
+    brom brom(
+        .a(cpu_a[7:0]),
+        .d(brom_dout)
+    );
+    // Work RAM
+    wire [7:0] wram_dout;
+    wire [12:0] wram_a;
+    wire wram_wr;
+    reg wram_cpu_wr; // actually wire
+    assign wram_a = (dma_occupy_extbus) ? (dma_a[12:0]) : (cpu_a[12:0]);
+    assign wram_wr = (dma_occupy_extbus) ? (1'b0) : (wram_cpu_wr);
+    singleport_ram #(
+        .WORDS(8192)
+    ) br_wram (
+        .clka(clk),
+        .wea(wram_wr),
+        .addra(wram_a), 
+        .dina(cpu_dout), // DMA never writes to Work RAM
+        .douta(wram_dout)
+    );
+    // Keypad
+    wire [7:0] keypad_reg;
+    reg keypad_reg_wr; // actually wire
+    reg [1:0] keypad_high;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            keypad_high <= 2'b11;
+        else
+            if (keypad_reg_wr)
+                keypad_high <= cpu_dout[5:4];
+    end
+    assign keypad_reg[7:6] = 2'b11;
+    assign keypad_reg[5:4] = keypad_high[1:0];
+    assign keypad_reg[3:0] = 
+        ~(((keypad_high[1] == 1'b1) ? (key[7:4]) : 4'h0) | 
+          ((keypad_high[0] == 1'b1) ? (key[3:0]) : 4'h0)); 
+    assign int_key_req = (keypad_reg[3:0] != 4'hf) ? (1'b1) : (1'b0);
+    // External Bus
+    reg ext_cpu_wr;  // wire
+    assign a = (dma_occupy_extbus) ? (dma_a) : (cpu_a);
+    assign dout = cpu_dout; // DMA never writes to external bus
+    assign wr = (dma_occupy_extbus) ? (1'b0) : (ext_cpu_wr);
+    assign rd = (dma_occupy_extbus) ? (dma_rd) : (cpu_rd);
+    // Bus Multiplexing, CPU
+    always @(*) begin
+        reg_ie_wr = 1'b0;
+        reg_if_wr = 1'b0;
+        keypad_reg_wr = 1'b0;
+        timer_wr = 1'b0;
+        serial_wr = 1'b0;
+        dma_mmio_wr = 1'b0;
+        brom_disable_wr = 1'b0;
+        high_ram_wr = 1'b0;
+        sound_wr = 1'b0;
+        ppu_mmio_wr = 1'b0;
+        vram_cpu_wr = 1'b0;
+        oam_cpu_wr = 1'b0;
+        wram_cpu_wr = 1'b0;
+        ext_cpu_wr = 1'b0;
+        // -- These are exclusive to CPU --
+        if (cpu_a == 16'hffff) begin  // 0xFFFF - IE
+            //reg_ie_rd = bus_rd;
+            reg_ie_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = {3'b0, reg_ie_dout};
+        end
+        else if (cpu_a == 16'hff0f) begin // 0xFF0F - IF
+            //reg_if_rd = bus_rd;
+            reg_if_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = {3'b111, reg_if_dout};
+        end
+        else if (cpu_a == 16'hff00) begin // 0xFF00 - Keypad
+            keypad_reg_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = keypad_reg;
+        end
+        else if ((cpu_a == 16'hff04) || (cpu_a == 16'hff05) ||  // Timer
+                (cpu_a == 16'hff06) || (cpu_a == 16'hff07)) begin
+            timer_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = timer_dout;
+        end
+        else if ((cpu_a == 16'hff01) || (cpu_a == 16'hff02)) begin // Serial
+            serial_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = serial_dout;
+        end
+        else if (cpu_a == 16'hff46) begin // 0xFF46 - DMA
+            dma_mmio_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = dma_mmio_dout;
+        end
+        else if (cpu_a == 16'hff50) begin // 0xFF50 - BROM DISABLE
+            brom_disable_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = {7'b0, brom_disable};
+        end
+        else if (cpu_a >= 16'hff80) begin // 0xFF80 - High RAM
+            high_ram_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = high_ram_dout;
+        end
+        else if ((cpu_a >= 16'hff10 && cpu_a <= 16'hff1e) ||
+            (cpu_a >= 16'hff20 && cpu_a <= 16'hff26) ||
+            (cpu_a >= 16'hff30 && cpu_a <= 16'hff3f)) begin // Sound
+            sound_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = sound_dout;
+        end
+        else if (cpu_a >= 16'hff40 && cpu_a <= 16'hff4b) begin // PPU MMIO
+            ppu_mmio_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = ppu_mmio_dout;
+        end
+        else if ((cpu_a <= 16'h00ff) && (!brom_disable)) begin // Boot ROM
+            cpu_din = brom_dout;
+        end 
+        // -- These are shared between CPU and DMA --
+        else if (cpu_a >= 16'h8000 && cpu_a <= 16'h9fff) begin // VRAM
+            vram_cpu_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = (dma_occupy_vidbus) ? (8'hff) : (vram_dout);
+        end
+        else if (cpu_a >= 16'hfe00 && cpu_a <= 16'hfe9f) begin // OAM
+            oam_cpu_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = (dma_occupy_oambus) ? (8'hff) : (oam_dout);
+        end
+        else if ((cpu_a >= 16'hc000 && cpu_a <= 16'hdfff) ||
+                 (cpu_a >= 16'he000 && cpu_a <= 16'hfdff)) begin // WRAM
+            wram_cpu_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = (dma_occupy_extbus) ? (8'hff) : (wram_dout);
+        end
+        else if ((cpu_a <= 16'h7fff) ||
+                 (cpu_a >= 16'ha000 && cpu_a <= 16'hbfff)) begin // External
+            ext_cpu_wr = cpu_wr;
+            cpu_din = (dma_occupy_extbus) ? (8'hff) : (din);
+        end
+        else begin
+            // Unmapped area
+            cpu_din = 8'hff;
+        end
+    end
+    // Bus Multiplexing, DMA
+    always @(*) begin
+        if (dma_a >= 16'h8000 && dma_a <= 16'h9fff) begin // VRAM
+            dma_din = vram_dout;
+        end
+        else if ((dma_a >= 16'hc000 && dma_a <= 16'hdfff) ||
+                 (dma_a >= 16'he000 && dma_a <= 16'hfdff)) begin // WRAM
+            dma_din = wram_dout;
+        end
+        else begin
+            dma_din = din;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/brom.v b/verilog/rtl/brom.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b6896b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/brom.v
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: 
+// Create Date:    21:10:17 02/09/2018 
+// Design Name: 
+// Module Name:    brom 
+// Project Name: 
+// Target Devices: 
+// Tool versions: 
+// Description: 
+// Dependencies: 
+// Revision: 
+// Revision 0.01 - File Created
+// Additional Comments: 
+module brom(
+    input [7:0] a,
+    output [7:0] d
+    );
+    reg [7:0] brom_array [0:255]; // 256 Bytes BROM array
+    initial begin
+        $readmemh("bootrom.mif", brom_array, 0, 255);
+    end
+    assign d = brom_array[a];
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/clk_div.v b/verilog/rtl/clk_div.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..715bfed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/clk_div.v
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    09:50:37 04/07/2018 
+// Module Name:    clk_div 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+module clk_div(
+    input i,
+    output reg o = 0
+    );
+    parameter WIDTH = 15, DIV = 1000;
+    reg [WIDTH - 1:0] counter = 0;
+    always @(posedge i)
+    begin
+        if (counter == (DIV / 2 - 1)) begin
+            o <= ~o;
+            counter <= 0;
+        end
+        else
+            counter <= counter + 1'b1;
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/common.v b/verilog/rtl/common.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f71c77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/common.v
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    17:30:26 02/08/2018 
+// Module Name:    None
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   Common definitions for VerilogBoy. Use as a header inclusion.
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   It is also used in Verilated simulation
+`define ALU_ADD 3'b000
+`define ALU_ADC 3'b001
+`define ALU_SUB 3'b010
+`define ALU_SBC 3'b011
+`define ALU_AND 3'b100
+`define ALU_XOR 3'b101
+`define ALU_OR  3'b110
+`define ALU_CP  3'b111
+`define INT_LCDC   0
+`define INT_STAT   1
+`define INT_TIMER  2
+`define INT_SERIAL 3
+`define INT_JOYPAD 4
+`define ALU_SRC_A_ACC               2'b00
+`define ALU_SRC_A_PC                2'b01
+`define ALU_SRC_A_REG               2'b10
+`define ALU_SRC_A_DB                2'b11
+`define ALU_SRC_B_ACC               3'b000
+`define ALU_SRC_B_CARRY             3'b001
+`define ALU_SRC_B_ZERO              3'b010
+`define ALU_SRC_B_ONE               3'b011
+`define ALU_SRC_B_H                 3'b100
+`define ALU_SRC_B_L                 3'b101
+`define ALU_SRC_B_ABSIMM            3'b110
+`define ALU_SRC_B_IMM               3'b111
+`define ALU_OP_PREFIX_NORMAL        2'b00
+`define ALU_OP_PREFIX_SPECIAL       2'b10
+`define ALU_OP_PREFIX_CB            2'b11
+`define ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_5TO3       2'b00
+`define ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_7TO6       2'b01
+`define ALU_OP_SRC_ADD_FTOR         2'b10
+`define ALU_OP_SRC_SUB_ATOF         2'b11
+`define ALU_OP_SIGNED_FORCE         1'b1
+`define ALU_OP_SIGNED_AUTO          1'b0
+`define ALU_DST_ACC                 2'b00
+`define ALU_DST_PC                  2'b01
+`define ALU_DST_REG                 2'b10
+`define ALU_DST_DB                  2'b11
+`define PC_SRC_REG                  2'b00
+`define PC_SRC_RST                  2'b01
+`define PC_SRC_TEMP                 2'b10
+`define PC_WRITE_ENABLE             1'b1
+`define RF_SEL_B                    3'b000
+`define RF_SEL_C                    3'b001
+`define RF_SEL_D                    3'b010
+`define RF_SEL_E                    3'b011
+`define RF_SEL_H                    3'b100
+`define RF_SEL_L                    3'b101
+`define RF_SEL_SP_H                 3'b110
+`define RF_SEL_SP_L                 3'b111
+`define RF_SEL_BC                   3'b001
+`define RF_SEL_DE                   3'b011
+`define RF_SEL_HL                   3'b101
+`define RF_SEL_SP                   3'b111
+`define BUS_OP_IDLE                 2'b00
+`define BUS_OP_IF                   2'b01
+`define BUS_OP_WRITE                2'b10
+`define BUS_OP_READ                 2'b11
+`define DB_SRC_ACC                  2'b00
+`define DB_SRC_ALU                  2'b01
+`define DB_SRC_REG                  2'b10
+`define DB_SRC_DB                   2'b11
+`define AB_SRC_PC                   2'b00
+`define AB_SRC_TEMP                 2'b01
+`define AB_SRC_REG                  2'b10
+`define AB_SRC_SP                   2'b11
+`define CT_OP_IDLE                  2'b00
+`define CT_OP_PC_INC                2'b01
+`define CT_OP_SP_DEC                2'b10
+`define CT_OP_SP_INC                2'b11
+`define FLAGS_ZNHC                  2'b00
+`define FLAGS_x0HC                  2'b01
+`define FLAGS_00HC                  2'b10
+`define FLAGS_ZNHx                  2'b11
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/control.v b/verilog/rtl/control.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e272690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/control.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+`include "common.v"
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Module Name:    control
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   The control unit of Game Boy CPU.
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+module control(
+    input        clk,
+    input        rst,
+    input  [7:0] opcode_early,
+    /* verilator lint_off UNUSED */
+    input  [7:0] imm,
+    /* verilator lint_on UNUSED */
+    input  [7:0] cb,
+    input  [2:0] m_cycle_early,
+    input  [1:0] ct_state,
+    input        f_z,
+    input        f_c,
+    output reg [1:0] alu_src_a,
+    output reg [2:0] alu_src_b,
+    output reg       alu_src_xchg,
+    output reg [1:0] alu_op_prefix,
+    output reg [1:0] alu_op_src,
+    output reg       alu_op_signed,
+    output reg [1:0] alu_dst,
+    output reg [1:0] pc_src,
+    output reg       pc_we,
+    output reg       pc_b_sel,
+    output reg       pc_jr,
+    output reg       pc_revert,
+    output reg [2:0] rf_wr_sel,
+    output reg [2:0] rf_rd_sel,
+    output reg [1:0] rf_rdw_sel,
+    output reg       temp_redir,
+    output reg       opcode_redir,
+    output reg [1:0] bus_op,
+    output reg [1:0] db_src,
+    output reg [1:0] ab_src,
+    output reg [1:0] ct_op,
+    output reg       flags_we,
+    output reg [1:0] flags_pattern,
+    output reg       high_mask,
+    output           int_master_en,
+    input            int_dispatch,
+    output reg       int_ack,
+    output reg       next,
+    output reg       stop,
+    output reg       halt,
+    input            wake,
+    output reg       fault
+    );
+    // Comb signal generated by control logic
+    reg ime_clear;
+    reg ime_set;
+    reg ime_delay_set;
+    // FF
+    reg ime_delay_set_ff;
+    reg ime;
+    assign int_master_en = ime;
+    wire [7:0] opcode = opcode_early;
+    wire [2:0] m_cycle = m_cycle_early;
+    always @(posedge clk)
+        if (ct_state == 2'd2)
+            ime_delay_set_ff <= ime_delay_set;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            ime <= 1'b0;
+        else if (ime_clear)
+            ime <= 1'b0;
+        else if (ime_set)
+            ime <= 1'b1;
+        else if (ime_delay_set_ff)
+            ime <= 1'b1;
+    end
+    reg halt_last;
+    reg stop_last;
+    reg fault_last;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            halt_last <= 1'b0;
+            stop_last <= 1'b0;
+            fault_last <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            halt_last <= halt;
+            stop_last <= stop;
+            fault_last <= fault;
+        end
+    end
+    reg wake_by_int;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            wake_by_int <= 1'b0;
+        else begin
+            if (int_dispatch && (m_cycle == 0)) begin
+                wake_by_int <= wake;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    // Combinational control signal
+    reg [1:0] comb_alu_src_a;
+    reg [2:0] comb_alu_src_b;
+    reg       comb_alu_src_xchg;
+    reg [1:0] comb_alu_op_prefix;
+    reg [1:0] comb_alu_op_src;
+    reg       comb_alu_op_signed;
+    reg [1:0] comb_alu_dst;
+    reg [1:0] comb_pc_src;
+    reg       comb_pc_we;
+    reg       comb_pc_b_sel;
+    reg       comb_pc_jr;
+    reg       comb_pc_revert;
+    reg [2:0] comb_rf_wr_sel;
+    reg [2:0] comb_rf_rd_sel;
+    reg [1:0] comb_rf_rdw_sel;
+    reg       comb_temp_redir;
+    reg       comb_opcode_redir;
+    reg [1:0] comb_bus_op;
+    reg [1:0] comb_db_src;
+    reg [1:0] comb_ab_src;
+    reg [1:0] comb_ct_op;
+    reg       comb_flags_we;
+    reg [1:0] comb_flags_pattern;
+    reg       comb_high_mask;
+    reg       comb_int_ack;
+    reg       comb_next;
+    reg       comb_stop;
+    reg       comb_halt;
+    reg       comb_fault;
+    // All these nonsense will be replaced by a vector decoding ROM... 
+    // in the future
+    always @(*) begin
+        // Set default output
+        // ACC = ACC + 0
+        comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC;
+        comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ZERO;
+        comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_NORMAL;
+        comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_ADD_FTOR;
+        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC;
+        comb_pc_we = 0;
+        comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_B; // Doesn't matter
+        comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_B; // Doesn't matter
+        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IF; // Fetch comb_next instruction
+        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB; // Should != ACC
+        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_PC; // Output PC
+        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_PC_INC; // PC = PC + 1
+        comb_flags_we = 0;
+        comb_next = 0;
+        comb_alu_src_xchg = 0;
+        comb_rf_rdw_sel = 2'b10; // Select HL
+        comb_pc_src = 2'b00;
+        comb_pc_b_sel = m_cycle[0];
+        comb_pc_jr = 1'b0;
+        comb_pc_revert = 1'b0;
+        comb_stop = 1'b0;
+        comb_halt = 1'b0;
+        comb_fault = 1'b0;
+        comb_high_mask = 1'b0;
+        comb_alu_op_signed = 1'b0;
+        comb_temp_redir = 1'b0;
+        comb_opcode_redir = 1'b0;
+        ime_set = 1'b0;
+        ime_delay_set = 1'b0;
+        ime_clear = 1'b0;
+        comb_int_ack = 1'b0;
+        comb_flags_pattern = 2'b00;
+        // Though the idea behind the original GB is that when in comb_halt or comb_stop
+        // mode, the clock can be comb_stopped, thus lower the power consumption and
+        // save the battery. On FPGA, this is hard to achieve since clocking in
+        // FPGA works very differently than on ASIC. So here, when comb_halted, CPU
+        // would executing NOP in place as if it was comb_halted.
+        if (halt_last || stop_last || fault_last) begin
+            if (wake) begin
+                comb_halt = 1'b0;
+                comb_stop = 1'b0;
+                // Fault could not be waked up 
+            end
+            else begin
+                // Keep sleeping
+                comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                comb_halt = halt_last;
+                comb_stop = stop_last;
+            end
+            // Fault cannot be waken up
+            comb_fault = fault_last;
+        end
+        if (int_dispatch) begin
+            // Interrupt dispatch process
+            case (m_cycle)
+            0: begin
+                // Revert PC
+                comb_pc_revert = 1'b1;
+                comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                comb_next = 1'b1;
+            end
+            1: begin
+                // Save PCh
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_PC;
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                comb_next = 1'b1;
+            end
+            2: begin
+                // Save PCl
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_PC;
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                comb_pc_we = 1;
+                comb_next = 1'b1;
+            end
+            3: begin
+                // Delay
+                if (wake_by_int) begin
+                    ime_clear = 1'b1;
+                    comb_int_ack = 1'b1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1'b1;
+                end
+            end
+            4: begin
+                // Normal instruction fetch process
+                ime_clear = 1'b1;
+                comb_int_ack = 1'b1;
+            end
+            endcase
+        end
+        //else begin
+        // If waken up
+        if (!comb_halt && !comb_stop && !comb_fault && !int_dispatch) begin
+            if (opcode == 8'h00) begin // NOP
+                // Default behavior is enough
+            end
+            else if (opcode == 8'h10) begin // STOP
+                comb_stop = 1;
+            end
+            else if (opcode == 8'h76) begin // HALT
+                comb_halt = 1;
+            end
+            else if (opcode == 8'hF3) begin // DI
+                ime_clear = 1'b1;
+            end
+            else if (opcode == 8'hFB) begin // EI
+                // EI here need to be delayed for 1 clock?
+                ime_delay_set = 1'b1;
+            end
+            // 16-bit IMM to register LD instructions
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b00) && (opcode[3:0] == 4'b0001)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB; // Load from databus
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG; // Load to register
+                comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB; // DB destination to databus buffer
+                if ((m_cycle == 0) || (m_cycle == 1)) begin
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b1}; // Register no based on opcode
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ; // Read from databus
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b0};
+                    comb_next = 0;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD (nn), SP
+            else if (opcode == 8'h08) begin 
+                if ((m_cycle == 0) || (m_cycle == 1)) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_PC;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_PC_INC;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_TEMP;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_L;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_INC;
+                    comb_temp_redir = 1'b1;
+                    comb_next = 1'b1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 3) begin
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_TEMP;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_H;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1'b1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    // Default behaviour is enough.
+                end
+            end
+            // 8 bit reg-to-reg, mem-to-reg, or reg-to-mem LD instructions
+            else if (opcode[7:6] == 2'b01) begin
+                if (opcode[2:0] == 3'b110)
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB; // Src A from data bus
+                else if (opcode[2:0] == 3'b111)
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC; // Src A from accumulator
+                else
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG; // Src A from register file
+                if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b110)
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB; // Destination is (HL)
+                else if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b111) 
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC; // Destination is A
+                else
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG; // Destination is register
+                comb_rf_wr_sel = opcode[5:3];
+                comb_rf_rd_sel = opcode[2:0];
+                if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b110) begin // Register to Memory
+                    if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ALU;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+                else if (opcode[2:0] == 3'b110) begin // Memory to Register
+                    if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            // 8 bit imm-to-reg, imm-to-mem LD instructions
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b00) && (opcode[2:0] == 3'b110)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b110) begin // imm to mem
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_HL;
+                end
+                else if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b111) begin
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = opcode[5:3];
+                end
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b110) begin
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            // LD (BC)/(DE), A
+            else if ((opcode == 8'h02) || (opcode == 8'h12)) begin
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                if (opcode == 8'h02)
+                    comb_rf_rdw_sel = 2'b00; // Select BC
+                else
+                    comb_rf_rdw_sel = 2'b01; // Select DE
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD (HL+)/(HL-), A
+            else if ((opcode == 8'h22) || (opcode == 8'h32)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                if (opcode == 8'h22)
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_ADD_FTOR;
+                else
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_SUB_ATOF;
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    // A being written to the memory, calculate L +/- 1
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ONE;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_L;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_L;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ACC;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    // calculate H +/- carry
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_CARRY;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD A, (BC)/(DE)
+            else if ((opcode == 8'h0A) || (opcode == 8'h1A)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                if (opcode == 8'h0A) begin
+                    comb_rf_rdw_sel = 2'b00; // Select BC
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_rf_rdw_sel = 2'b01; // Select DE
+                end
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD A, (HL+)/(HL-)
+            else if ((opcode == 8'h2A) || (opcode == 8'h3A)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ONE;
+                if (opcode == 8'h2A)
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_ADD_FTOR;
+                else
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_SUB_ATOF;
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ONE;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_L;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_L;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ACC;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_CARRY;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                end
+            end
+            // 16-bit INC/DEC
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b00) && (opcode[2:0] == 3'b011)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                if (opcode[3] == 1) begin
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_SUB_ATOF;
+                end
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ONE;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b1};
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b1};
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_CARRY;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b0};
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b0};
+                end
+            end
+            // 8-bit INC/DEC
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b00) && (opcode[2:1] == 2'b10)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ONE;
+                comb_flags_pattern = `FLAGS_ZNHx;
+                comb_flags_we = 1'b1;
+                // INC or DEC
+                if (opcode[0])
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_SUB_ATOF;
+                else
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_ADD_FTOR;
+                if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b110) begin
+                    // INC/DEC (HL)
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                    else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        // End cycle
+                        comb_flags_we = 0;
+                    end
+                end
+                else if (opcode[5:3] == 3'b111) begin
+                    // INC/DEC A
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = opcode[5:3];
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = opcode[5:3];
+                end
+            end
+            // ADD HL, r16
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b00) && (opcode[3:0] == 4'b1001)) begin
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                comb_flags_we = 1'b1;
+                comb_flags_pattern = `FLAGS_x0HC;
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_L;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_L;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b1};
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_H;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b0};
+                    comb_alu_op_signed = 1'b1;
+                end
+            end
+            // 8 bit reg-to-reg, mem-to-reg ALU operation
+            else if (opcode[7:6] == 2'b10) begin
+                comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ACC;
+                comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_5TO3;
+                comb_rf_rd_sel = opcode[2:0];
+                comb_flags_we = 1'b1;
+                if ((opcode[5:4] == 2'b01) || (opcode[5:3] == 3'b111)) begin
+                    // Sub or CP
+                    comb_alu_src_xchg = 1'b1;
+                end
+                if (opcode[2:0] == 3'b110) begin // Source from HL
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    if (m_cycle == 0) begin 
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        // Do not writeback in the first cycle
+                        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                        comb_flags_we = 1'b0;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+                else if (opcode[2:0] == 3'b111) begin // Source from A
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                end
+            end
+            // 8 bit imm-to-reg ALU operation
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b11) && (opcode[2:0] == 3'b110)) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin 
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    if ((opcode[5:4] == 2'b01) || (opcode[5:3] == 3'b111)) begin
+                        // Sub or CP
+                        comb_alu_src_xchg = 1'b1;
+                    end
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ACC;
+                    comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_5TO3;
+                    comb_flags_we = 1'b1;
+                end
+            end
+            // 16-bit PUSH
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b11) && (opcode[3:0] == 4'b0101)) begin
+                if (opcode[5:4] == 2'b11) begin
+                    // AF
+                    comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_SPECIAL;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ACC;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                end
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b0};
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b1};
+                    if (opcode[5:4] == 2'b11) begin
+                        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ALU;
+                    end
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // 16-bit POP
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b11) && (opcode[3:0] == 4'b0001)) begin
+                if ((m_cycle == 1) || (m_cycle == 2)) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    if (opcode[5:4] == 2'b11) begin
+                        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC;
+                    end
+                    else begin 
+                        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                    end
+                end
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_INC;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_INC;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b1};
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = {opcode[5:4], 1'b0};
+                    if (opcode[5:4] == 2'b11) begin
+                        // Copy from memory to flags
+                        comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_SPECIAL;
+                        comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_SUB_ATOF;
+                        comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ACC;
+                        comb_flags_we = 1'b1;
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            // LD (C), A
+            else if (opcode == 8'he2) begin
+                comb_rf_rdw_sel = 2'b00; // Select BC
+                comb_high_mask = 1'b1; // Select C only
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC;
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ACC;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD A, (C)
+            else if (opcode == 8'hf2) begin
+                comb_rf_rdw_sel = 2'b00; // Select BC
+                comb_high_mask = 1'b1; // Select C only
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1'b1;
+                end
+            end
+            // ADD SP, r8
+            else if (opcode == 8'he8) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_IMM;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_L;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_L;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_flags_pattern = `FLAGS_00HC;
+                    comb_flags_we = 1'b1;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_IMM;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                    comb_alu_op_signed = 1'b1;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_H;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_H;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD HL, SP+r8
+            else if (opcode == 8'hf8) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_IMM;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_L;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_L;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_flags_pattern = `FLAGS_00HC;
+                    comb_flags_we = 1'b1;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_op_signed = 1'b1;
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                    comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_IMM;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_H;
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD SP, HL
+            else if (opcode == 8'hf9) begin
+                comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_H;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_rf_wr_sel = `RF_SEL_SP_L;
+                    comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_L;
+                end
+            end
+            // LDH (a8), A
+            else if (opcode == 8'hE0) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ACC;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_TEMP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_high_mask = 1;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // LDH A, (a8)
+            else if (opcode == 8'hF0) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_TEMP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_high_mask = 1;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC;
+                end
+            end
+            // LD (a16), A
+            else if (opcode == 8'hEA) begin
+                if ((m_cycle == 0) || (m_cycle == 1)) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ACC;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_TEMP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // LDH A, (a16)
+            else if (opcode == 8'hFA) begin
+                if ((m_cycle == 0) || (m_cycle == 1)) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_TEMP;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC;
+                end
+            end
+            // JP HL
+            else if (opcode == 8'hE9) begin
+                comb_rf_rd_sel = `RF_SEL_H;
+                comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                comb_pc_we = 1;
+            end
+            // JP CC, a16
+            else if ((opcode == 8'hC3) || (opcode == 8'hC2) || (opcode == 8'hD2)
+                    || (opcode == 8'hCA) || (opcode == 8'hDA)) begin
+                if ((m_cycle == 0) || (m_cycle == 1)) begin
+                    // Read 16 bit imm
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    if (((opcode == 8'hC2) && (!f_z)) ||     // JP NZ
+                        ((opcode == 8'hD2) && (!f_c)) ||     // JP NC
+                        ((opcode == 8'hC3)) ||               // JP
+                        ((opcode == 8'hCA) && (f_z)) ||      // JP Z
+                        ((opcode == 8'hDA) && (f_c))) begin  // JP C
+                        // Branch taken
+                        comb_pc_src = `PC_SRC_TEMP;
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_pc_we = 1;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                    // Branch not taken
+                end
+            end
+            // CALL CC, a16
+            else if ((opcode == 8'hCD) || (opcode == 8'hCC) || (opcode == 8'hDC)
+                    || (opcode == 8'hC4) || (opcode == 8'hD4)) begin
+                if ((m_cycle == 0) || (m_cycle == 1)) begin
+                    // Read 16 bit imm
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    if (((opcode == 8'hC4) && (!f_z)) ||     // CALL NZ
+                        ((opcode == 8'hD4) && (!f_c)) ||     // CALL NC
+                        ((opcode == 8'hCD)) ||               // CALL
+                        ((opcode == 8'hCC) && (f_z)) ||      // CALL Z
+                        ((opcode == 8'hDC) && (f_c))) begin  // CALL C
+                        // Call taken
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 3) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_PC;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 4) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_PC;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    comb_pc_src = `PC_SRC_TEMP;
+                    comb_pc_we = 1;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // JR CC, imm8
+            else if ((opcode == 8'h20) || (opcode == 8'h30) || (opcode == 8'h18)
+                    || (opcode == 8'h28) || (opcode == 8'h38)) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    if (((opcode == 8'h20) && (!f_z)) ||     // JR NZ
+                        ((opcode == 8'h30) && (!f_c)) ||     // JR NC
+                        ((opcode == 8'h18)) ||               // JR
+                        ((opcode == 8'h28) && (f_z)) ||      // JR Z
+                        ((opcode == 8'h38) && (f_c))) begin  // JR C
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_pc_jr = 1;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            // RET, RETI
+            else if ((opcode == 8'hC9) || (opcode == 8'hD9)) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    if (opcode == 8'hD9) begin
+                        ime_set = 1;
+                    end
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_INC;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_INC;
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_PC;
+                    comb_pc_b_sel = 0;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_PC;
+                    comb_pc_b_sel = 1;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // RET CC
+            else if ((opcode[7:5] == 3'b110) && (opcode[2:0] == 3'b000)) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    if (((opcode == 8'hC0) && (!f_z)) ||     // RET NZ
+                        ((opcode == 8'hD0) && (!f_c)) ||     // RET NC
+                        ((opcode == 8'hC8) && (f_z)) ||      // RET Z
+                        ((opcode == 8'hD8) && (f_c))) begin  // RET C
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_INC;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_INC;
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_PC;
+                    comb_pc_b_sel = 0;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 3) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_PC;
+                    comb_pc_b_sel = 1;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // RST
+            else if ((opcode[7:6] == 2'b11) && (opcode[2:0] == 3'b111)) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_PC;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_SP_DEC;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_PC;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_SP;
+                    comb_pc_src = `PC_SRC_RST;
+                    comb_pc_we = 1;
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                    comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+            end
+            // RLCA, RRCA, RLA, RRA
+            else if ((opcode[7:5] == 3'b000) && (opcode[2:0] == 3'b111)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ACC;
+                comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_SHIFT_ROTATE;
+                comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_5TO3;
+                comb_flags_pattern = `FLAGS_00HC;
+                comb_flags_we = 1;
+            end
+            // DAA, CPL, SCF, CCF
+            else if ((opcode[7:5] == 3'b001) && (opcode[2:0] == 3'b111)) begin
+                comb_alu_src_b = `ALU_SRC_B_ACC;
+                comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_SPECIAL;
+                comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_5TO3;
+                comb_flags_we = 1;
+            end
+            // CB prefix
+            else if (opcode == 8'hCB) begin
+                if (m_cycle == 0) begin
+                    comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                    comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_DB;
+                    comb_next = 1;
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 1) begin
+                    comb_opcode_redir = 1'b1;
+                    if (cb[2:0] == 3'b110) begin
+                        comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_READ;
+                        comb_flags_we = 0;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                    else if (cb[2:0] == 3'b111) begin
+                        comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_ACC;
+                        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_ACC;
+                        comb_flags_we = !cb[7];
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_REG;
+                        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_REG;
+                        comb_rf_rd_sel = cb[2:0];
+                        comb_rf_wr_sel = cb[2:0];
+                        comb_flags_we = !cb[7];
+                    end
+                    if (cb[7:6] == 2'b00) begin
+                        comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_SHIFT_ROTATE;
+                        comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_5TO3;
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_CB;
+                        comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_7TO6;
+                    end
+                    if (cb[7:6] == 2'b01) begin
+                        // Only affects flags
+                        comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    end
+                end
+                else if (m_cycle == 2) begin
+                    comb_opcode_redir = 1'b1;
+                    comb_alu_src_a = `ALU_SRC_A_DB;
+                    comb_alu_dst = `ALU_DST_DB;
+                    if (cb[7:6] == 2'b00) begin
+                        comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_SHIFT_ROTATE;
+                        comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_5TO3;
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        comb_alu_op_prefix = `ALU_OP_PREFIX_CB;
+                        comb_alu_op_src = `ALU_OP_SRC_INSTR_7TO6;
+                    end
+                    if (cb[7:6] != 2'b01) begin
+                        // Write-back cycle required.
+                        comb_bus_op = `BUS_OP_WRITE;
+                        comb_db_src = `DB_SRC_ALU;
+                        comb_ab_src = `AB_SRC_REG;
+                        comb_ct_op = `CT_OP_IDLE;
+                        comb_next = 1;
+                    end
+                    comb_flags_we = !cb[7];
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if ((ct_state == 2'd3) || (rst == 1'b1)) begin
+            alu_src_a <= comb_alu_src_a;
+            alu_src_b <= comb_alu_src_b;
+            alu_src_xchg <= comb_alu_src_xchg;
+            alu_op_prefix <= comb_alu_op_prefix;
+            alu_op_src <= comb_alu_op_src;
+            alu_op_signed <= comb_alu_op_signed;
+            alu_dst <= comb_alu_dst;
+            pc_src <= comb_pc_src;
+            pc_we <= comb_pc_we;
+            pc_b_sel <= comb_pc_b_sel;
+            pc_jr <= comb_pc_jr;
+            pc_revert <= comb_pc_revert;
+            rf_wr_sel <= comb_rf_wr_sel;
+            rf_rd_sel <= comb_rf_rd_sel;
+            rf_rdw_sel <= comb_rf_rdw_sel;
+            temp_redir <= comb_temp_redir;
+            opcode_redir <= comb_opcode_redir;
+            bus_op <= comb_bus_op;
+            db_src <= comb_db_src;
+            ab_src <= comb_ab_src;
+            ct_op <= comb_ct_op;
+            flags_we <= comb_flags_we;
+            flags_pattern <= comb_flags_pattern;
+            high_mask <= comb_high_mask;
+            int_ack <= comb_int_ack;
+            next <= comb_next;
+            stop <= comb_stop;
+            halt <= comb_halt;
+            fault <= comb_fault;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/cpu.v b/verilog/rtl/cpu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b59982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/cpu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    17:30:26 02/08/2018 
+// Module Name:    cpu
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   The Game Boy CPU.
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   See doc/ for signal definitions
+module cpu(
+    input clk,
+    input rst,
+    output reg phi,
+    output wire [1:0] ct,
+    output reg [15:0] a,
+    output reg [7:0] dout,
+    input [7:0] din,
+    output reg rd,
+    output reg wr,
+    input [4:0] int_en,
+    input [4:0] int_flags_in,
+    output wire [4:0] int_flags_out,
+    input [7:0] key_in,
+    output reg done,
+    output wire fault
+    );
+    reg  [7:0]  opcode;
+    reg  [7:0]  cb;
+    wire [2:0]  m_cycle;
+    reg  [2:0]  m_cycle_early;
+    wire [1:0]  alu_src_a;
+    wire [2:0]  alu_src_b;
+    wire        alu_src_xchg;
+    wire [1:0]  alu_op_prefix;
+    wire [1:0]  alu_op_src;
+    wire [1:0]  alu_dst;
+    wire [1:0]  pc_src;
+    wire        pc_we;
+    wire [2:0]  rf_wr_sel;
+    wire [2:0]  rf_rd_sel;
+    wire [1:0]  rf_rdw_sel;
+    wire [1:0]  bus_op;
+    wire [1:0]  db_src;
+    wire [1:0]  ab_src;
+    wire [1:0]  ct_op;
+    wire        flags_we;
+    wire [1:0]  flags_pattern;
+    wire        high_mask;
+    wire        next;
+    wire        stop;
+    wire        halt;
+    reg         wake;
+    //wire        fault;
+    reg         int_dispatch;
+    wire        int_master_en;
+    wire        int_ack;
+    wire [2:0]  rf_rdn;
+    wire [7:0]  rf_rd;
+    reg  [7:0]  rf_rd_ex; // Buffer Rd selected during EX stage
+    wire [1:0]  rf_rdwn;
+    wire [15:0] rf_rdw;
+    wire [7:0]  rf_h;
+    wire [7:0]  rf_l;
+    wire [15:0] rf_sp;
+    wire [2:0]  rf_wrn;
+    wire [7:0]  rf_wr;
+    wire        rf_we;
+    wire [7:0]  alu_a;
+    wire [7:0]  alu_b;
+    wire [7:0]  alu_result;
+    reg  [7:0]  alu_result_buffer;
+    wire [3:0]  alu_flags_in;
+    wire [3:0]  alu_flags_out;
+    wire [4:0]  alu_op;
+    wire        alu_op_signed;
+    wire        alu_carry_out;
+    reg         alu_carry_out_ex;
+    reg         alu_carry_out_ct;
+    wire [7:0]  acc_wr;
+    wire        acc_we;
+    wire [7:0]  acc_rd;
+    wire [15:0] pc_rd;
+    wire [7:0]  pc_rd_b;
+    wire        pc_b_sel; // byte select
+    wire [15:0] pc_wr;
+    wire [7:0]  pc_wr_b;
+    wire        pc_we_h;
+    wire        pc_we_l;
+    wire [15:0] temp_rd; // temp value for 16bit imm
+    wire [3:0]  flags_rd;
+    wire [3:0]  flags_wr;
+    wire [7:0]  db_wr; // Data into buffer
+    wire [7:0]  db_rd; // Data out from buffer
+    wire        db_we;
+    wire [7:0]  imm_abs;
+    wire [7:0]  imm_low;
+    wire [7:0]  imm_ext;
+    reg  [1:0]  ct_state;
+    // Control Logic
+    // Control Logic is only used in EX stage
+    // Signals are gated.
+    wire [1:0] alu_src_a_ex;
+    wire [2:0] alu_src_b_ex;
+    wire [1:0] alu_op_prefix_ex;
+    wire [1:0] alu_op_src_ex;
+    wire       alu_op_signed_ex;
+    wire [1:0] alu_dst_ex;
+    wire [2:0] rf_wr_sel_ex;
+    wire [2:0] rf_rd_sel_ex;
+    wire       flags_we_ex;
+    wire       pc_b_sel_ex;
+    wire       pc_jr;
+    wire       pc_we_ex;
+    wire       pc_revert;
+    wire       temp_redir; // redirect regfile operation to temp register
+    wire       opcode_redir;
+    control control(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .opcode_early(opcode),
+        .cb(cb),
+        .imm(imm_low),
+        .m_cycle_early(m_cycle_early),
+        .ct_state(ct_state),
+        .f_z(flags_rd[3]),
+        .f_c(flags_rd[0]),
+        .alu_src_a(alu_src_a_ex),
+        .alu_src_b(alu_src_b_ex),
+        .alu_src_xchg(alu_src_xchg),
+        .alu_op_prefix(alu_op_prefix_ex),
+        .alu_op_src(alu_op_src_ex),
+        .alu_op_signed(alu_op_signed_ex),
+        .alu_dst(alu_dst_ex),
+        .pc_src(pc_src),
+        .pc_we(pc_we_ex),
+        .pc_b_sel(pc_b_sel_ex),
+        .pc_jr(pc_jr),
+        .pc_revert(pc_revert),
+        .rf_wr_sel(rf_wr_sel_ex),
+        .rf_rd_sel(rf_rd_sel_ex),
+        .rf_rdw_sel(rf_rdw_sel),
+        .temp_redir(temp_redir),
+        .opcode_redir(opcode_redir),
+        .bus_op(bus_op),
+        .db_src(db_src),
+        .ab_src(ab_src),
+        .ct_op(ct_op),
+        .flags_we(flags_we_ex),
+        .flags_pattern(flags_pattern),
+        .high_mask(high_mask),
+        .int_master_en(int_master_en),
+        .int_dispatch(int_dispatch),
+        .int_ack(int_ack),
+        .next(next),
+        .stop(stop),
+        .halt(halt),
+        .wake(wake),
+        .fault(fault)
+    );
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        done <= stop | halt | fault; 
+        // only used to stop simulation if needed
+        // and delay 1 clk
+    end
+    wire wake_comb = 
+        // Any enabled interrupt can wake up halted CPU, IME doesn't matter
+        (halt) ? ((int_flags_in & int_en) != 0) : (
+        // Any enabled interrupt and any keypress can wake up stopped CPU
+        // IME doesn't matter. Though the typical usage is clear the IE before
+        // entering STOP mode, so only keypad can wake up the CPU.
+        (stop) ? (((int_flags_in & int_en) != 0) || (key_in != 0)) : 
+        (1'b0));
+    reg wake_delay; // Wake should be delayed for 1 Mcycle
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (ct_state == 2'b10) begin
+            wake_delay <= wake_comb;
+            wake <= wake_delay;
+        end
+    end
+    wire [7:3] current_opcode;
+    // Data Bus Buffer
+    reg [7:0] db_wr_buffer;
+    reg [7:0] db_rd_buffer;
+    // Logic: if buffer is selected, use the data in the buffer,
+    // otherwise the buffer is overrided.
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (db_we)
+            db_wr_buffer <= alu_result;
+    end
+    assign db_rd = db_rd_buffer;
+    assign db_wr = (
+        (db_src == 2'b00) ? (acc_rd) : (
+        (db_src == 2'b01) ? (alu_result_buffer) : (
+        (db_src == 2'b10) ? (rf_rd_ex) : (
+        (db_src == 2'b11) ? (db_wr_buffer) : (8'b0)))));
+    assign db_we = (alu_dst == 2'b11);
+    // Address Bus Buffer
+    wire [15:0] ab_wr;
+    assign ab_wr = (
+        (ab_src == 2'b00) ? (pc_rd) : (
+        (ab_src == 2'b01) ? ((high_mask) ? ({8'hFF, temp_rd[7:0]}) : (temp_rd)) : (
+        (ab_src == 2'b10) ? ((high_mask) ? ({8'hFF, rf_rdw[7:0]}) : (rf_rdw)) : (
+        (ab_src == 2'b11) ? (rf_sp) : (16'b0)))));
+    // Interrupt
+    wire [4:0] int_flags_masked = int_flags_in & int_en & {5{int_master_en}};
+    wire [4:0] int_flags_out_cleared = 
+        (int_flags_masked[0]) ? (int_flags_in & 5'b11110) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[1]) ? (int_flags_in & 5'b11101) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[2]) ? (int_flags_in & 5'b11011) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[3]) ? (int_flags_in & 5'b10111) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[4]) ? (int_flags_in & 5'b01111) : (
+            int_flags_in
+        )))));
+    assign int_flags_out = 
+        ((int_dispatch)&&(pc_we)) ? (int_flags_out_cleared) : (int_flags_in);
+    // Regisiter file
+    wire [7:0] rf_rd_raw;
+    regfile regfile(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .rdn(rf_rdn),
+        .rd(rf_rd_raw),
+        .rdwn(rf_rdwn),
+        .rdw(rf_rdw),
+        .h(rf_h),
+        .l(rf_l),
+        .sp(rf_sp),
+        .wrn(rf_wrn),
+        .wr(rf_wr),
+        .we(rf_we)
+    );
+    assign rf_wr = alu_result;
+    assign rf_we = (alu_dst == 2'b10) && (!temp_redir);
+    assign rf_wrn = rf_wr_sel;
+    assign rf_rdn = rf_rd_sel;
+    assign rf_rdwn = rf_rdw_sel;
+    assign rf_rd = (!temp_redir) ? (rf_rd_raw) : ((rf_rd_sel[0]) ? (temp_rd[7:0]) : (temp_rd[15:8]));
+    always@(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            rf_rd_ex <= 8'b0;
+        else
+            if (ct_state == 2'b00)
+                rf_rd_ex <= rf_rd_raw;
+    end
+    // Register A
+    reg [15:0] imm_reg;
+    singlereg #(8) acc(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .wr(acc_wr),
+        .we(acc_we),
+        .rd(acc_rd)
+    );
+    assign acc_wr = ((db_src == 2'b00) && (bus_op == 2'b11)) ? (imm_reg[7:0]) : (alu_result); 
+    assign acc_we = ((alu_dst == 2'b00) || ((db_src == 2'b00) && (bus_op == 2'b11)));
+    // Register PC
+    reg [15:0] pc;
+    reg [15:0] last_pc;
+    assign pc_rd = pc;
+    assign pc_rd_b = (pc_b_sel == 1'b0) ? (pc[7:0]) : (pc[15:8]);
+    assign pc_wr_b = alu_result;
+    assign pc_wr = (
+        (pc_src == 2'b00) ? (rf_rdw) : (
+        (pc_src == 2'b01) ? ({10'b00, opcode[5:3], 3'b000}) : (
+        (pc_src == 2'b10) ? (temp_rd) : (
+        (pc_src == 2'b11) ? (16'b0) : (16'b0)))));
+    wire [15:0] pc_int = 
+        (int_flags_masked[0]) ? (16'h0040) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[1]) ? (16'h0048) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[2]) ? (16'h0050) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[3]) ? (16'h0058) : (
+        (int_flags_masked[4]) ? (16'h0060) : (
+            // no interrupts anymore, dispatching is cancelled.
+            // jump to 0000 instead
+            // this behavior is tested by acceptence/interrupts/ie_push
+            16'h0000
+        )))));
+    assign pc_we_l = ((alu_dst == 2'b01) && (pc_b_sel == 1'b0)) ? (1'b1) : (1'b0);
+    assign pc_we_h = ((alu_dst == 2'b01) && (pc_b_sel == 1'b1)) ? (1'b1) : (1'b0);
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            pc <= 16'b0;
+        else begin
+            if (pc_we_l) begin
+                pc[7:0] <= pc_wr_b;
+                last_pc[7:0] <= pc[7:0];
+            end
+            else if (pc_we_h) begin
+                pc[15:8] <= pc_wr_b;
+                last_pc[15:8] <= pc[15:8];
+            end
+            else if (pc_revert)
+                pc <= last_pc;
+            else if (pc_we)
+                if (int_dispatch)
+                    // this might need to be deffered
+                    pc <= pc_int;
+                else begin
+                    pc <= pc_wr;
+                    last_pc <= pc;
+                end
+        end
+    end
+    // Register F
+    /*singlereg #(4) flags(
+        .clk(clk),
+        .rst(rst),
+        .wr(flags_wr),
+        .we((flags_we != 2'b00) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0),
+        .rd(flags_rd)
+    );*/
+    reg [3:0] flags;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            flags <= 4'b0;
+        else if (flags_we)
+            if (flags_pattern == 2'b00)
+                flags[3:0] <= flags_wr[3:0];
+            else if (flags_pattern == 2'b01)
+                flags[2:0] <= {1'b0, flags_wr[1:0]};
+            else if (flags_pattern == 2'b10)
+                flags[3:0] <= {2'b0, flags_wr[1:0]};
+            else if (flags_pattern == 2'b11)
+                flags[3:1] <= flags_wr[3:1];
+    end
+    assign flags_rd = flags;
+    assign flags_wr = alu_flags_out;
+    // ALU
+    wire [2:0] alu_op_mux;
+    wire [7:0] alu_a_pre;
+    wire [7:0] alu_b_pre;
+    alu alu(
+        .alu_a(alu_a),
+        .alu_b(alu_b),
+        .alu_bit_index(imm_reg[5:3]),
+        .alu_result(alu_result),
+        .alu_flags_in(alu_flags_in),
+        .alu_flags_out(alu_flags_out),
+        .alu_op(alu_op)
+    );
+    assign alu_a_pre = (
+        (alu_src_a == 2'b00) ? (acc_rd) : (
+        (alu_src_a == 2'b01) ? (pc_rd_b) : (
+        (alu_src_a == 2'b10) ? (rf_rd) : (
+        (alu_src_a == 2'b11) ? (db_rd) : (8'b0)))));
+    assign alu_b_pre = (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b000) ? (acc_rd) : (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b001) ? ({7'b0, alu_carry_out}) : (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b010) ? (8'd0) : (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b011) ? (8'd1) : (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b100) ? (rf_h) : (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b101) ? (rf_l) : (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b110) ? (imm_abs) : (
+        (alu_src_b == 3'b111) ? ((pc_b_sel) ? (imm_low) : (imm_ext)) : (8'b0))))))))); // cursed
+    assign alu_a = (alu_src_xchg) ? (alu_b_pre) : (alu_a_pre);
+    assign alu_b = (alu_src_xchg) ? (alu_a_pre) : (alu_b_pre);
+    assign alu_op_mux = (
+        (alu_op_src == 2'b00) ? (current_opcode[5:3]) : (
+        (alu_op_src == 2'b01) ? ({1'b1, current_opcode[7:6]}) : (
+        (alu_op_src == 2'b10) ? ((alu_op_signed) ? (3'b001) : (3'b000)) : (
+        (alu_op_src == 2'b11) ? ((alu_op_signed) ? (3'b011) : (3'b010)) : (3'b0)))));
+    assign alu_flags_in = flags_rd;
+    assign alu_op = {alu_op_prefix, alu_op_mux};
+    assign current_opcode[7:3] = (opcode_redir) ? (imm_reg[7:3]) : (opcode[7:3]);
+    // CT FSM
+    wire [1:0] ct_next_state;
+    assign ct_next_state = ct_state + 2'b01;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            ct_state <= 2'b00;
+        else
+            ct_state <= ct_next_state;
+    end
+    assign ct = ct_state;
+    //reg [15:0] imm_reg; decleared before
+    assign temp_rd = imm_reg;
+    assign imm_low = imm_reg[7:0];
+    assign imm_ext = {8{imm_reg[7]}};
+    assign imm_abs = (imm_reg[7]) ? (~imm_reg[7:0] + 1'b1) : (imm_reg[7:0]);
+    // CT - FSM / Bus Operation 
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            a <= 16'b0;
+            rd <= 1'b0;
+            wr <= 1'b0;
+            phi <= 1;
+            opcode <= 8'b0;
+            imm_reg <= 16'b0;
+            db_rd_buffer <= 8'b0;
+            dout <= 8'b0;
+            int_dispatch <= 1'b0;
+            alu_result_buffer <= 8'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if ((alu_dst == 2'b10) && temp_redir && !(ct_state == 2'b10 && bus_op == 2'b11))
+                if (rf_wr_sel[0]) imm_reg[7:0] <= rf_wr;
+                else imm_reg[15:8] <= rf_wr;
+            case (ct_state)
+            2'b00: begin
+                // Setup Address
+                a <= ab_wr;
+                rd <= ((bus_op == 2'b01)||(bus_op == 2'b11)) ? (1'b1) : (1'b0);
+                wr <= 0;
+                phi <= 1;
+                // Backup ALU results
+                alu_result_buffer <= alu_result;
+            end
+            2'b01: begin
+                // Read in progress
+            end
+            2'b10: begin
+                if (bus_op == 2'b10) begin
+                    // Write cycle
+                    wr <= 1;
+                    dout <= db_wr;
+                end
+                else if (bus_op == 2'b01) begin
+                    // Instruction Fetch Cycle
+                    wr <= 0;
+                    opcode <= din;
+                end
+                else if (bus_op == 2'b11) begin
+                    // Data Read cycle
+                    wr <= 0;
+                    db_rd_buffer <= din;
+                    if ((opcode == 8'hCB) && (m_cycle == 0)) cb <= din[7:0];
+                    // mcycle is slower
+                    if (m_cycle == 3'd0) imm_reg[7:0] <= din;
+                    else if (m_cycle == 3'd1) imm_reg[15:8] <= din; 
+                end
+                else begin
+                    wr <= 0;
+                end
+                rd <= 0;
+                phi <= 0;
+                // Interrupt dispatch happens here
+                // Guarenteed if it is at instruction fetch cycle,
+                // It is at instruction boundaries,
+                // and m_cycle will start from 0.
+                if ((!int_dispatch) && (int_flags_masked != 0) && (int_master_en) && ((bus_op == 2'b01) || (halt == 1'b1)))
+                    int_dispatch <= 1'b1;
+                else if ((int_dispatch) && (int_ack)) begin
+                    int_dispatch <= 1'b0;
+                end
+            end
+            2'b11: begin
+                // Bus Idle
+                rd <= 0;
+                wr <= 0;
+                dout <= 8'b0;
+            end
+            endcase
+        end
+    end
+    // CT - FSM / Instruction Execution
+    reg  [1:0] alu_src_a_ct;
+    reg  [2:0] alu_src_b_ct;
+    wire [1:0] alu_op_prefix_ct = 2'b00;
+    reg  [1:0] alu_op_src_ct;
+    reg  [1:0] alu_dst_ct;
+    reg  [2:0] rf_wr_sel_ct;
+    reg  [2:0] rf_rd_sel_ct;
+    reg        pc_b_sel_ct; 
+    always @(*) begin
+        // Do nothing by default
+        alu_src_a_ct = 2'b00;  // From A
+        alu_src_b_ct = 3'b010; // Constant 0
+        alu_op_src_ct = 2'b10; // Add
+        alu_dst_ct = 2'b00;    // To A
+        rf_wr_sel_ct = 3'b000;
+        rf_rd_sel_ct = 3'b000;
+        pc_b_sel_ct = 1'b0;
+        case (ct_state)
+        2'b00: begin
+            // Decoding and Execution
+            // Actually cannot control anything
+        end
+        2'b01: begin
+            // CT_OP first clock
+            case (ct_op)
+            2'b00: begin
+                // Do nothing
+            end
+            2'b01: begin
+                // Calculate PC low + 1
+                pc_b_sel_ct = 1'b0;
+                alu_src_a_ct = 2'b01;  // From PC byte
+                alu_src_b_ct = (pc_jr) ? (3'b110) : (3'b011); // Imm Abs or Constant 1
+                alu_op_src_ct = (pc_jr) ? (imm_low[7] ? 2'b11 : 2'b10) : 2'b10; // Add
+                alu_dst_ct = 2'b01;    // To PC byte
+            end
+            2'b10: begin
+                // Calculate SP low - 1
+                rf_rd_sel_ct = 3'b111; // Read from SP low
+                rf_wr_sel_ct = 3'b111; // Write to SP low
+                alu_src_a_ct = 2'b10;  // From register file
+                alu_src_b_ct = 3'b011; // Constant 1
+                alu_op_src_ct = 2'b11; // Sub
+                alu_dst_ct = 2'b10;    // To register file
+            end
+            2'b11: begin
+                // Calculate SP low + 1
+                rf_rd_sel_ct = 3'b111; // Read from SP low
+                rf_wr_sel_ct = 3'b111; // Write to SP low
+                alu_src_a_ct = 2'b10;  // From register file
+                alu_src_b_ct = 3'b011; // Constant 1
+                alu_op_src_ct = 2'b10; // Add
+                alu_dst_ct = 2'b10;    // To register file
+            end
+            endcase
+        end
+        2'b10: begin
+            // CT_OP second clock
+            case (ct_op)
+            2'b00: begin
+                // Do nothing
+            end
+            2'b01: begin
+                // Calculate PC high + carry
+                pc_b_sel_ct = 1'b1;
+                alu_src_a_ct = 2'b01;  // From PC byte
+                alu_src_b_ct = 3'b001; // Carry
+                alu_op_src_ct = (pc_jr) ? (imm_low[7] ? 2'b11 : 2'b10) : 2'b10; // Add
+                alu_dst_ct = 2'b01;    // To PC byte
+            end
+            2'b10: begin
+                // Calculate SP high - carry
+                rf_rd_sel_ct = 3'b110; // Read from SP high
+                rf_wr_sel_ct = 3'b110; // Write to SP high
+                alu_src_a_ct = 2'b10;  // From register file
+                alu_src_b_ct = 3'b001; // Carry
+                alu_op_src_ct = 2'b11; // Sub
+                alu_dst_ct = 2'b10;    // To register file
+            end
+            2'b11: begin
+                // Calculate SP high + carry
+                rf_rd_sel_ct = 3'b110; // Read from SP high
+                rf_wr_sel_ct = 3'b110; // Write to SP high
+                alu_src_a_ct = 2'b10;  // From register file
+                alu_src_b_ct = 3'b001; // Carry
+                alu_op_src_ct = 2'b10; // Add
+                alu_dst_ct = 2'b10;    // To register file
+            end
+            endcase
+        end
+        2'b11: begin
+            // End, it is safe to overwrite DB as doing nothing
+            alu_dst_ct = 2'b11;
+        end
+        endcase
+    end
+    assign alu_src_a = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (alu_src_a_ex) : (alu_src_a_ct);
+    assign alu_src_b = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (alu_src_b_ex) : (alu_src_b_ct);
+    assign alu_op_prefix = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (alu_op_prefix_ex) : (alu_op_prefix_ct);
+    assign alu_op_src = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (alu_op_src_ex) : (alu_op_src_ct);
+    assign alu_op_signed = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (alu_op_signed_ex) : (1'b0);
+    assign alu_dst = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (alu_dst_ex) : (alu_dst_ct);
+    assign rf_wr_sel = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (rf_wr_sel_ex) : (rf_wr_sel_ct);
+    assign rf_rd_sel = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (rf_rd_sel_ex) : (rf_rd_sel_ct);
+    assign flags_we = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (flags_we_ex) : (1'b0);
+    assign pc_b_sel = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (pc_b_sel_ex) : (pc_b_sel_ct);
+    assign pc_we = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (pc_we_ex) : (1'b0);
+    assign alu_carry_out = (ct_state == 2'b00) ? (alu_carry_out_ex) : (alu_carry_out_ct);
+    // EX - FSM / Mutli-M-cycle Instruction Handling
+    reg  [2:0] ex_state;
+    wire [2:0] ex_next_state;
+    assign ex_next_state = (next) ? (ex_state + 3'd1) : (3'd0);
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            ex_state <= 3'd0;
+            m_cycle_early <= 3'd0;
+            alu_carry_out_ex <= 1'b0;
+            alu_carry_out_ct <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            alu_carry_out_ct <= alu_flags_out[0];
+            if (ct_state == 2'b11) begin
+                ex_state <= ex_next_state;
+            end
+            else if (ct_state == 2'b10) begin
+                m_cycle_early <= ex_next_state;
+            end
+            else if (ct_state == 2'b00) begin
+                // Backup flag output
+                alu_carry_out_ex <= alu_flags_out[0];
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    assign m_cycle = ex_state;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/dma.v b/verilog/rtl/dma.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aaadaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/dma.v
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+ * Block transfer unit for the GB80 CPU.
+ * 
+ * Original Author: Joseph Carlos (
+ * Modified: Wenting Zhang (
+ */
+ * The DMA unit.
+ * 
+ * Contains the DMA register and performs DMA transfers when the register is
+ * written to. Each transfer takes 320 cycles rather than the canon 640, this
+ * is because there's no reason to take 640.
+ * 
+ * @inout addr_ext The address bus.
+ * @inout data_ext The data bus.
+ * @output dma_transfer 1 if a transfer is occurring, 0 otherwise.
+ * @input mem_re 1 if the processor is reading from memory.
+ * @input mem_we 1 if the processor is writing to memory.
+ * @input clock The CPU clock.
+ * @input reset The CPU reset.
+ */
+module dma(
+    input  wire        clk,
+    //input  wire        phi,
+    input  wire        rst,
+    output reg         dma_rd,
+    output reg         dma_wr,
+    //output wire        dma_rd_comb,
+    //output wire        dma_wr_comb,
+    output reg  [15:0] dma_a,
+    input  wire [7:0]  dma_din,
+    output reg  [7:0]  dma_dout,
+    input  wire        mmio_wr,
+    input  wire [7:0]  mmio_din,
+    output wire [7:0]  mmio_dout,
+    output wire        dma_occupy_extbus,
+    output wire        dma_occupy_vidbus,
+    output wire        dma_occupy_oambus
+    );
+    // DMA data blocks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    reg [7:0]    dma_start_addr;
+    reg [7:0]    count;
+    assign mmio_dout = dma_start_addr;
+    reg cpu_mem_disable;
+    assign dma_occupy_extbus = cpu_mem_disable & 
+            ((dma_start_addr <= 8'h7f) || (dma_start_addr >= 8'ha0));
+    assign dma_occupy_vidbus = cpu_mem_disable &
+            ((dma_start_addr >= 8'h80) && (dma_start_addr <= 8'h9f));
+    assign dma_occupy_oambus = cpu_mem_disable;
+   // DMA transfer logic //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    localparam DMA_IDLE = 'd0;
+    localparam DMA_TRANSFER_READ_ADDR  = 'd1;
+    localparam DMA_TRANSFER_READ_DATA  = 'd2;
+    localparam DMA_TRANSFER_WRITE_DATA = 'd3;
+    localparam DMA_TRANSFER_WRITE_WAIT = 'd4;
+    localparam DMA_DELAY = 'd5;
+    reg [2:0] state;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            dma_start_addr <= 8'h00;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (mmio_wr) begin
+                // Writing is always valid regardless of the state
+                dma_start_addr <= mmio_din;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            state <= DMA_IDLE;
+            count <= 8'd0;
+            dma_wr <= 1'b0;
+            dma_rd <= 1'b0;
+            cpu_mem_disable <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            case (state)
+            DMA_IDLE: begin
+                dma_wr <= 1'b0;
+                dma_rd <= 1'b0;
+                cpu_mem_disable <= 1'b0;
+                if (mmio_wr) begin
+                    // Transfer starts on next cycle
+                    state <= DMA_DELAY;
+                    count <= 8'd3; // Delay before start
+                end
+                else
+                    count <= 8'd0;
+            end
+            DMA_DELAY: begin
+                if (count != 8'd0) begin
+                    count <= count - 1;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    state <= DMA_TRANSFER_READ_ADDR;
+                end
+            end
+            DMA_TRANSFER_READ_ADDR: begin
+                dma_wr <= 1'b0;
+                cpu_mem_disable <= 1'b1;
+                // Load the temp register with data from memory
+                dma_a <= {dma_start_addr, count}; // Output read address
+                dma_rd <= 1'b1;
+                if (mmio_wr) begin // Allow re-triggering
+                    state <= DMA_DELAY;
+                    count <= 8'd3; // Delay before start
+                end
+                else
+                    state <= DMA_TRANSFER_READ_DATA;
+            end
+            DMA_TRANSFER_READ_DATA: begin
+                state <= DMA_TRANSFER_WRITE_DATA;
+                // Basically wait
+            end
+            DMA_TRANSFER_WRITE_DATA: begin
+                // Read data
+                dma_dout <= dma_din;
+                dma_rd <= 1'b0;
+                // Write the temp register to memory
+                dma_a <= {8'hfe, count}; // Output write address
+                dma_wr <= 1'b1;
+                if (mmio_wr) begin // Allow re-triggering
+                    state <= DMA_DELAY;
+                    count <= 8'd3; // Delay before start
+                end
+                else
+                    state <= DMA_TRANSFER_WRITE_WAIT;
+            end
+            DMA_TRANSFER_WRITE_WAIT: begin
+                // Wait
+                if (mmio_wr) begin // Allow re-triggering
+                    state <= DMA_DELAY;
+                    count <= 8'd3; // Delay before start
+                end
+                else
+                if (count == 8'h9f) begin
+                    state <= DMA_IDLE;
+                    count <= 8'd0;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    state <= DMA_TRANSFER_READ_ADDR;
+                    count <= count + 8'd1;
+                end
+            end
+            default: begin
+            end
+            endcase
+        end
+    end
+endmodule // dma
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/mbc5.v b/verilog/rtl/mbc5.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97ffd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/mbc5.v
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    23:34:43 03/15/2018 
+// Design Name: 
+// Module Name:    mbc5 
+// Project Name: 
+// Target Devices: 
+// Tool versions: 
+// Description: 
+// Dependencies: 
+// Revision: 
+// Revision 0.01 - File Created
+// Additional Comments: 
+module mbc5(
+    input vb_clk,
+    input [15:12] vb_a,
+    input [7:0] vb_d,
+    input vb_wr,
+    input vb_rd,
+    input vb_rst,
+    output [22:14] rom_a,
+    output [16:13] ram_a,
+    output rom_cs_n,
+    output ram_cs_n
+    );
+    reg [8:0] rom_bank;
+    reg [3:0] ram_bank;
+    reg ram_en = 1'b0; // RAM Access Enable
+    wire rom_addr_en; // RW Address in ROM range
+    wire ram_addr_en; // RW Address in RAM range
+    wire rom_addr_lo; // RW Address in LoROM range
+    wire [15:0] vb_addr;
+    assign vb_addr[15:12] = vb_a[15:12];
+    assign vb_addr[11:0] = 12'b0;
+    assign rom_addr_en =  (vb_addr >= 16'h0000)&(vb_addr <= 16'h7FFF); //Request Addr in ROM range
+    assign ram_addr_en =  (vb_addr >= 16'hA000)&(vb_addr <= 16'hBFFF); //Request Addr in RAM range
+    assign rom_addr_lo =  (vb_addr >= 16'h0000)&(vb_addr <= 16'h3FFF); //Request Addr in LoROM range
+    assign rom_cs_n = ((rom_addr_en) & (vb_rst == 0)) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; //ROM output enable
+    assign ram_cs_n = ((ram_addr_en) & (ram_en) & (vb_rst == 0)) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; //RAM output enable
+    assign rom_a[22:14] = rom_addr_lo ? 9'b0 : rom_bank[8:0];
+    assign ram_a[16:13] = ram_bank[3:0];
+    reg vb_wr_last;
+    always@(posedge vb_clk, posedge vb_rst)
+    begin
+        if (vb_rst) begin
+            vb_wr_last <= 1'b0;
+            rom_bank[8:0] <= 9'b000000001;
+            ram_bank[3:0] <= 4'b0000;
+            ram_en <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            vb_wr_last <= vb_wr;
+            if ((vb_wr_last == 0)&&(vb_wr == 1)) begin
+                case (vb_addr)
+                    16'h0000: ram_en <= (vb_d[3:0] == 4'hA) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+                    16'h1000: ram_en <= (vb_d[3:0] == 4'hA) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+                    16'h2000: rom_bank[7:0] <= vb_d[7:0];
+                    16'h3000: rom_bank[8] <= vb_d[0];
+                    16'h4000: ram_bank[3:0] <= vb_d[3:0];
+                    16'h5000: ram_bank[3:0] <= vb_d[3:0];
+                endcase
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/ppu.v b/verilog/rtl/ppu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf4e1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/ppu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    18:48:36 02/14/2018 
+// Design Name: 
+// Module Name:    ppu 
+// Project Name: 
+// Target Devices: 
+// Tool versions: 
+// Description: 
+//   GameBoy PPU
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   There are three hardware layers in the GameBoy PPU: Background, Window, and 
+//   Object (or sprites).
+//   Window will render above the background and the object can render above the
+//   background or under the background. Each object have a priority bit to
+//   indicate where it should be rendered.
+//   Background, Window, and Object can be individually turned on or off. When 
+//   nothing is turned on, it displays white.
+//   The whole render logic does NOT require a scanline buffer to work, and it
+//   runs at 4MHz (VRAM runs at 2MHz)
+//   There are two main parts of the logic, implemented in a big FSM. The first
+//   one is the fetch unit, and the other is the pixel FIFO.
+//   The pixel FIFO shifts out one pixel when it contains more than 8 pixels, the 
+//   fetch unit would generally render 8 pixels in 6 cycles (so 2 wait cycles are
+//   inserted so they are in sync generally). When there is no enough pixels,
+//   the FIFO would stop and wait for the fetch unit.
+//   Windows Trigger is handled in the next state logic, there is a distinct state
+//   for the PPU to switch from background rendering to window rendering (flush 
+//   the fifo and add wait cycles.)
+//   Object Trigger is handled in the state change block, in order to backup the 
+//   previous state. Current RAM address is also backed up during the handling of
+//   object rendering. Once all the objects at this position has been rendered,
+//   the render state machine could be restored to its previous state.
+//   The output pixel clock is the inverted main clock, which is the same as the
+//   real Game Boy Pixel data would be put on the pixel bus on the negedge of 
+//   clock, so the LCD would latch the data on the posedge. The original Game Boy
+//   used a gated clock to control if output is valid. Since gated clock is not
+//   recommend, I used a valid signal to indicate is output should be considered
+//   valid.
+`default_nettype wire
+module ppu(
+    input clk,
+    input rst,
+    // MMIO Bus, 0xFF40 - 0xFF4B, always visible to CPU
+    input wire [15:0] mmio_a,
+    output reg [7:0]  mmio_dout,
+    input wire [7:0]  mmio_din,
+    input wire        mmio_rd,
+    input wire        mmio_wr,
+    // VRAM Bus, 0x8000 - 0x9FFF
+    input wire [15:0] vram_a,
+    output wire [7:0] vram_dout,
+    input wire [7:0]  vram_din,
+    input wire        vram_rd,
+    input wire        vram_wr,
+    // OAM Bus,  0xFE00 - 0xFE9F
+    input wire [15:0] oam_a,
+    output wire [7:0] oam_dout,
+    input wire [7:0]  oam_din,
+    input wire        oam_rd,
+    input wire        oam_wr,
+    // Interrupt interface
+    output reg int_vblank_req,
+    output reg int_lcdc_req,
+    input int_vblank_ack,
+    input int_lcdc_ack,
+    // Pixel output
+    output cpl, // Pixel Clock, = ~clk
+    output reg [1:0] pixel, // Pixel Output
+    output reg valid, // Pixel Valid
+    output reg hs, // Horizontal Sync, High Valid
+    output reg vs, // Vertical Sync, High Valid
+    //Debug output
+    output [7:0] scx,
+    output [7:0] scy,
+    output [4:0] state
+    );
+    // Global Wires ?
+    integer i;
+    // PPU registers
+    reg [7:0] reg_lcdc; //$FF40 LCD Control (R/W)
+    reg [7:0] reg_stat; //$FF41 LCDC Status (R/W)
+    reg [7:0] reg_scy;  //$FF42 Scroll Y (R/W)
+    reg [7:0] reg_scx;  //$FF43 Scroll X (R/W)
+    reg [7:0] reg_ly;   //$FF44 LCDC Y-Coordinate (R) Write will reset the counter
+    reg [7:0] reg_dma;  //$FF46 DMA, actually handled outside of PPU for now
+    reg [7:0] reg_lyc;  //$FF45 LY Compare (R/W)
+    reg [7:0] reg_bgp;  //$FF47 BG Palette Data (R/W) Non-CGB mode only
+    reg [7:0] reg_obp0; //$FF48 Object Palette 0 Data (R/W) Non-CGB mode only
+    reg [7:0] reg_obp1; //$FF49 Object Palette 1 Data (R/W) Non-CGB mode only
+    reg [7:0] reg_wy;   //$FF4A Window Y Position (R/W)
+    reg [7:0] reg_wx;   //$FF4B Window X Position (R/W)
+    // Some interrupt related register
+    reg [7:0] reg_ly_last;
+    reg [1:0] reg_mode_last; // Next mode based on next state
+    wire reg_lcd_en = reg_lcdc[7];          //0=Off, 1=On
+    wire reg_win_disp_sel = reg_lcdc[6];    //0=9800-9BFF, 1=9C00-9FFF
+    wire reg_win_en = reg_lcdc[5];          //0=Off, 1=On
+    wire reg_bg_win_data_sel = reg_lcdc[4]; //0=8800-97FF, 1=8000-8FFF
+    wire reg_bg_disp_sel = reg_lcdc[3];     //0=9800-9BFF, 1=9C00-9FFF
+    wire reg_obj_size = reg_lcdc[2];        //0=8x8, 1=8x16
+    wire reg_obj_en = reg_lcdc[1];          //0=Off, 1=On
+    wire reg_bg_disp = reg_lcdc[0];         //0=Off, 1=On
+    wire reg_lyc_int = reg_stat[6];
+    wire reg_oam_int = reg_stat[5];
+    wire reg_vblank_int = reg_stat[4];
+    wire reg_hblank_int = reg_stat[3];
+    wire reg_coin_flag = reg_stat[2];
+    wire [1:0] reg_mode = reg_stat[1:0];
+    localparam PPU_MODE_H_BLANK    = 2'b00;
+    localparam PPU_MODE_V_BLANK    = 2'b01;
+    localparam PPU_MODE_OAM_SEARCH = 2'b10;
+    localparam PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS  = 2'b11;
+    localparam PPU_PAL_BG  = 2'b00;
+    localparam PPU_PAL_OB0 = 2'b01;
+    localparam PPU_PAL_OB1 = 2'b10;
+    reg [12:0] vram_addr_bg;
+    reg [12:0] vram_addr_obj;
+    wire [12:0] vram_addr_int;
+    wire [12:0] vram_addr_ext;
+    wire vram_addr_int_sel; // 0 - BG, 1 - OBJ
+    assign vram_addr_int = (vram_addr_int_sel == 1'b1) ? (vram_addr_obj) : (vram_addr_bg);
+    wire vram_access_ext = ((reg_mode == PPU_MODE_H_BLANK)||
+                            (reg_mode == PPU_MODE_V_BLANK)||
+                            (reg_mode == PPU_MODE_OAM_SEARCH));
+    wire vram_access_int = ~vram_access_ext;
+    wire oam_access_ext = ((reg_mode == PPU_MODE_H_BLANK)||
+                           (reg_mode == PPU_MODE_V_BLANK));
+    wire [12:0] window_map_addr = (reg_win_disp_sel) ? (13'h1C00) : (13'h1800);
+    wire [12:0] bg_map_addr = (reg_bg_disp_sel) ? (13'h1C00) : (13'h1800);
+    wire [12:0] bg_window_tile_addr = (reg_bg_win_data_sel) ? (13'h0000) : (13'h0800);
+    // PPU Memories
+    // 8 bit WR, 16 bit RD, 160Bytes OAM
+    reg [7:0] oam_u [0: 79];
+    reg [7:0] oam_l [0: 79];
+    reg [7:0] oam_rd_addr_int;
+    wire [7:0] oam_rd_addr;
+    wire [7:0] oam_wr_addr;
+    reg [15:0] oam_data_out;
+    wire [7:0] oam_data_out_byte;
+    wire [7:0] oam_data_in;
+    wire oam_we;
+    always @ (negedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (oam_we) begin
+            if (oam_wr_addr[0])
+                oam_u[oam_wr_addr[7:1]] <= oam_data_in;
+            else
+                oam_l[oam_wr_addr[7:1]] <= oam_data_in;
+        end
+        else begin
+            oam_data_out <= {oam_u[oam_rd_addr[7:1]], oam_l[oam_rd_addr[7:1]]};
+        end
+    end
+    assign oam_wr_addr = oam_a[7:0];
+    assign oam_rd_addr = (oam_access_ext) ? (oam_a[7:0]) : (oam_rd_addr_int); 
+    assign oam_data_in = oam_din;
+    assign oam_data_out_byte = (oam_rd_addr[0]) ? oam_data_out[15:8] : oam_data_out[7:0];
+    //assign oam_we = (wr)&(oam_access_ext);
+    assign oam_we = oam_wr; // What if always allow OAM access?
+    assign oam_dout = (oam_access_ext) ? (oam_data_out_byte) : (8'hFF);
+    // 8 bit WR, 8 bit RD, 8KB VRAM
+    wire        vram_we;
+    wire [12:0] vram_addr;
+    wire [7:0]  vram_data_in;
+    wire [7:0]  vram_data_out;
+    singleport_ram #(
+        .WORDS(8192)
+    ) br_vram (
+        .clka(~clk),
+        .wea(vram_we),
+        .addra(vram_addr[12:0]),
+        .dina(vram_data_in),
+        .douta(vram_data_out));
+    assign vram_addr_ext = vram_a[12:0];
+    assign vram_addr = (vram_access_ext) ? (vram_addr_ext) : (vram_addr_int);
+    assign vram_data_in = vram_din;
+    assign vram_we = (vram_wr)&(vram_access_ext);
+    assign vram_dout = (vram_access_ext) ? (vram_data_out) : (8'hFF);
+    // Pixel Pipeline
+    // The pixel FIFO: 16 pixels, 4 bits each (2 bits color index, 2 bits palette index)
+    // Since in and out are 8 pixels aligned, it can be modeled as a ping-pong buffer
+    // of two 32 bits (8 pixels * 4 bits) group
+    reg [63:0] pf_data; // Pixel FIFO Data
+    wire [1:0] pf_output_pixel;
+    wire [7:0] pf_output_palette;
+    wire [1:0] pf_output_pixel_id;
+    wire [1:0] pf_output_palette_id;
+    assign {pf_output_pixel_id, pf_output_palette_id} = pf_data[63:60];
+    assign pf_output_palette = (pf_output_palette_id == PPU_PAL_BG)  ? (reg_bgp)  :
+                               (pf_output_palette_id == PPU_PAL_OB0) ? (reg_obp0) :
+                               (pf_output_palette_id == PPU_PAL_OB1) ? (reg_obp1) : (8'hFF);
+    assign pf_output_pixel = (pf_output_pixel_id == 2'b11) ? (pf_output_palette[7:6]) :
+                             (pf_output_pixel_id == 2'b10) ? (pf_output_palette[5:4]) :
+                             (pf_output_pixel_id == 2'b01) ? (pf_output_palette[3:2]) :
+                             (pf_output_pixel_id == 2'b00) ? (pf_output_palette[1:0]) : (2'b00);
+    reg [2:0] pf_empty; // Indicate if the Pixel FIFO is empty. 
+    localparam PF_INITA = 3'd5; // When a line start...
+    localparam PF_INITB = 3'd4; // Line start, 2 pixels out, 8 rendered
+    localparam PF_EMPTY = 3'd3; // When the pipeline get flushed
+    localparam PF_HALF  = 3'd2; // After flushed, 8 pixels in
+    localparam PF_FIN   = 3'd1; // 16 pixels in, but still no wait cycles
+    localparam PF_FULL  = 3'd0; // Normal
+    assign cpl = ~clk;
+    //assign pixel = pf_output_pixel;
+    // HV Timing
+    localparam PPU_H_FRONT  = 9'd76;
+    localparam PPU_H_SYNC   = 9'd4;    // So front porch + sync = OAM search
+    localparam PPU_H_TOTAL  = 9'd456;
+    localparam PPU_H_PIXEL  = 9'd160;
+    // 8 null pixels in the front for objects which have x < 8, 8 bit counter
+    localparam PPU_H_OUTPUT = 8'd168;
+    localparam PPU_V_ACTIVE = 8'd144;
+    localparam PPU_V_BACK   = 8'd9;
+    localparam PPU_V_SYNC   = 8'd1;  
+    localparam PPU_V_BLANK  = 8'd10;
+    localparam PPU_V_TOTAL  = 8'd154;
+    // Raw timing counter
+    reg [8:0] h_count;
+    reg [7:0] v_count;
+    // HV counter
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            h_count <= 0;
+            hs <= 0;
+            v_count <= 0;
+            vs <= 0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if(h_count < PPU_H_TOTAL - 1)
+                h_count <= h_count + 1'b1;
+            else begin
+                h_count <= 0;
+                if(v_count < PPU_V_TOTAL - 1)
+                    v_count <= v_count + 1'b1;
+                else
+                    v_count <= 0;
+                if(v_count == PPU_V_ACTIVE + PPU_V_BACK - 1)
+                    vs <= 1;
+                if(v_count == PPU_V_ACTIVE + PPU_V_BACK + PPU_V_SYNC - 1)
+                    vs <= 0;
+            end
+            if(h_count == PPU_H_FRONT - 1)
+                hs <= 1;
+            if(h_count == PPU_H_FRONT + PPU_H_SYNC - 1)
+                hs <= 0;
+        end 
+    end
+    // Render FSM
+    localparam S_IDLE     = 5'd0; 
+    localparam S_BLANK    = 5'd1;  // H Blank and V Blank
+    localparam S_OAMX     = 5'd2;  // OAM Search X check
+    localparam S_OAMY     = 5'd3;  // OAM Search Y check
+    localparam S_FTIDA    = 5'd4;  // Fetch Read Tile ID Stage A (Address Setup)
+    localparam S_FTIDB    = 5'd5;  // Fetch Read Tile ID Stage B (Data Read)
+    localparam S_FRD0A    = 5'd6;  // Fetch Read Data 0 Stage A
+    localparam S_FRD0B    = 5'd7;  // Fetch Read Data 0 Stage B
+    localparam S_FRD1A    = 5'd8;  // Fetch Read Data 1 Stage A
+    localparam S_FRD1B    = 5'd9;  // Fetch Read Data 1 Stage B
+    localparam S_FWAITA   = 5'd10; // Fetch Wait Stage A (Idle)
+    localparam S_FWAITB   = 5'd11; // Fetch Wait Stage B (Load to FIFO?)
+    localparam S_SWW      = 5'd12; // Fetch Switch to Window
+    localparam S_OAMRDA   = 5'd13; // OAM Read Stage A
+    localparam S_OAMRDB   = 5'd14; // OAM Read Stage B
+    localparam S_OFRD0A   = 5'd15; // Object Fetch Read Data 0 Stage A
+    localparam S_OFRD0B   = 5'd16; // Object Fetch Read Data 0 Stage B
+    localparam S_OFRD1A   = 5'd17; // Object Fetch Read Data 1 Stage A
+    localparam S_OFRD1B   = 5'd18; // Object Fetch Read Data 1 Stage B
+    localparam S_OWB      = 5'd19; // Object Write Back
+    localparam PPU_OAM_SEARCH_LENGTH = 6'd40;
+    reg [2:0] h_drop; //Drop pixels when SCX % 8 != 0
+    wire [2:0] h_extra = reg_scx[2:0]; //Extra line length when SCX % 8 != 0
+    reg [7:0] h_pix_render; // Horizontal Render Pixel pointer
+    reg [7:0] h_pix_output; // Horizontal Output Pixel counter
+    wire [7:0] h_pix_obj = h_pix_output + 1'b1; // Coordinate used to trigger the object rendering
+    wire [7:0] v_pix = v_count;
+    wire [7:0] v_pix_in_map = v_pix + reg_scy;
+    wire [7:0] v_pix_in_win = v_pix - reg_wy;
+    reg [4:0] r_state = 0;
+    reg [4:0] r_next_backup;
+    reg [4:0] r_next_state;
+    wire is_in_v_blank = ((v_count >= PPU_V_ACTIVE) && (v_count < PPU_V_ACTIVE + PPU_V_BLANK));
+    reg window_triggered; // Indicate whether window has been triggered, should be replaced by a edge detector
+    wire render_window_or_bg = window_triggered;
+    wire window_trigger = (((h_pix_output) == (reg_wx))&&(v_pix >= reg_wy)&&(reg_win_en)&&(~window_triggered)) ? 1 : 0;
+    wire [2:0] line_to_tile_v_offset_bg = v_pix_in_map[2:0]; // Current line in a tile being rendered
+    wire [4:0] line_in_tile_v_bg = v_pix_in_map[7:3]; // Current tile Y coordinate being rendered
+    wire [2:0] line_to_tile_v_offset_win = v_pix_in_win[2:0];
+    wire [4:0] line_in_tile_v_win = v_pix_in_win[7:3];
+    wire [2:0] line_to_tile_v_offset = (render_window_or_bg) ? (line_to_tile_v_offset_win) : (line_to_tile_v_offset_bg);
+    wire [4:0] line_in_tile_v = (render_window_or_bg) ? (line_in_tile_v_win) : (line_in_tile_v_bg);
+    wire [4:0] h_tile_bg = h_pix_render[7:3] + reg_scx[7:3]; // Current tile X coordinate being rendered
+    wire [4:0] h_tile_win = h_pix_render[7:3];
+    wire [4:0] h_tile = (render_window_or_bg) ? (h_tile_win) : (h_tile_bg);  
+    wire [12:0] current_map_address = (((render_window_or_bg) ? (window_map_addr) : (bg_map_addr)) + (line_in_tile_v) * 32 + {8'd0, h_tile}); //Background address
+    reg [7:0] current_tile_id;
+    wire [7:0] current_tile_id_adj = {~((reg_bg_win_data_sel)^(current_tile_id[7])), current_tile_id[6:0]}; // Adjust for 8800 Adressing mode
+    wire [12:0] current_tile_address_0 = (bg_window_tile_addr) + current_tile_id_adj * 16 + (line_to_tile_v_offset * 2);
+    wire [12:0] current_tile_address_1 = (current_tile_address_0) | 13'h0001;
+    reg [7:0] current_tile_data_0;
+    reg [7:0] current_tile_data_1;
+    // Data that will be pushed into pixel FIFO
+    // Organized in pixels
+    reg [31:0] current_fetch_result;
+    always@(current_tile_data_1, current_tile_data_0) begin
+        for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
+            current_fetch_result[i*4+3] = current_tile_data_1[i];
+            current_fetch_result[i*4+2] = current_tile_data_0[i];
+            current_fetch_result[i*4+1] = PPU_PAL_BG[1]; // Fetch could only fetch BG
+            current_fetch_result[i*4+0] = PPU_PAL_BG[0];
+        end
+    end
+    reg [5:0] oam_search_count; // Counter during OAM search stage
+    reg [5:0] obj_visible_list [0:9]; // Total visible list
+    reg [7:0] obj_trigger_list [0:9]; // Where the obj should be triggered
+    reg [7:0] obj_y_list [0:9]; // Where the obj is
+    reg obj_valid_list [0:9]; // Is obj visible entry valid
+    reg [3:0] oam_visible_count; // ???
+    wire [7:0] oam_search_x;
+    wire [7:0] oam_search_y;
+    wire [7:0] obj_size_h = (reg_obj_size == 1'b1) ? (8'd16) : (8'd8);
+    wire [7:0] obj_h_upper_boundary = (v_pix + 8'd16);
+    wire [7:0] obj_h_lower_boundary = obj_h_upper_boundary - obj_size_h;
+    reg [3:0] obj_trigger_id; // The object currently being/ or have been rendered, in the visible list
+    localparam OBJ_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND = 4'd15; 
+    // Cascade mux used to implement the searching of next id would be triggered
+    reg [3:0] obj_trigger_id_from[0:10];
+    reg [3:0] obj_trigger_id_next;
+    always@(h_pix_obj, obj_trigger_id) begin
+        obj_trigger_id_from[10] = OBJ_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND; // There is no more after the 10th
+        for (i = 9; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin
+            /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
+            obj_trigger_id_from[i] = 
+                ((h_pix_obj == obj_trigger_list[i])&&(obj_valid_list[i])) ? (i) : (obj_trigger_id_from[i+1]);
+                // See if this one match, if not, cascade down.
+            /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
+        end
+        if (obj_trigger_id == OBJ_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND) // currently not triggered yet
+            obj_trigger_id_next = obj_trigger_id_from[0]; // Search from start
+        else
+            obj_trigger_id_next = obj_trigger_id_from[obj_trigger_id + 1]; // Search start from next one
+    end
+    //!-- DEBUG --
+    //wire [3:0] obj_trigger_id_next = ((h_pix_obj == obj_trigger_list[4'd0])&&(obj_valid_list[4'd0])) ? (4'd0) : (4'd15);
+    wire obj_trigger = ((reg_obj_en)&&(obj_trigger_id_next != OBJ_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND)) ? 1 : 0;
+    //wire obj_trigger = 0;
+    wire [5:0] obj_triggered = obj_visible_list[obj_trigger_id]; // The global id of object being rendered
+    wire [7:0] current_obj_y = obj_y_list[obj_trigger_id];
+    wire [7:0] current_obj_x = obj_trigger_list[obj_trigger_id]; //h_pix gets incremented before render
+    reg [7:0] current_obj_tile_id_raw; // Tile ID without considering the object size
+    reg [7:0] current_obj_flags; // Flags
+    wire current_obj_to_bg_priority = current_obj_flags[7];
+    wire current_obj_y_flip = current_obj_flags[6];
+    wire current_obj_x_flip = current_obj_flags[5];
+    wire current_obj_pal_id = current_obj_flags[4];
+    wire [1:0] current_obj_pal= (current_obj_pal_id) ? (PPU_PAL_OB1) : (PPU_PAL_OB0);
+    /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
+    wire [3:0] line_to_obj_v_offset_raw = (v_pix + 8'd16 - current_obj_y); // Compensate 16 pixel offset and truncate to 4 bits
+    /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
+    wire [7:0] current_obj_tile_id = (reg_obj_size == 1'b1) ? 
+        ({current_obj_tile_id_raw[7:1], (((line_to_obj_v_offset_raw[3])^(current_obj_y_flip)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0)}) : // Select Hi or Lo tile
+        (current_obj_tile_id_raw); // Use tile ID directly
+    wire [2:0] line_to_obj_v_offset = (current_obj_y_flip) ? (~line_to_obj_v_offset_raw[2:0]) : (line_to_obj_v_offset_raw[2:0]);
+    wire [12:0] current_obj_address_0 = current_obj_tile_id * 16 + line_to_obj_v_offset * 2;
+    wire [12:0] current_obj_address_1 = current_obj_address_0 | 13'h0001;
+    reg [7:0] current_obj_tile_data_0;
+    reg [7:0] current_obj_tile_data_1;
+    // Data that will be merged into pixel FIFO
+    // Organized in pixels 
+    reg [31:0] merge_result;
+    always@(*) begin
+        for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
+            if (
+                    ((current_obj_tile_data_1[i] != 1'b0)||(current_obj_tile_data_0[i] != 1'b0))&&
+                    ((pf_data[32+i*4+1] == PPU_PAL_BG[1])&&(pf_data[32+i*4+0] == PPU_PAL_BG[0]))&&
+                    (
+                        ((current_obj_to_bg_priority)&&(pf_data[32+i*4+3] == 1'b0)&&(pf_data[32+i*4+2] == 1'b0))|| 
+                        (~current_obj_to_bg_priority)
+                    )
+                ) //(OBJ is not transparent) and ((BG priority and BG is transparent) or (OBJ priority))
+            begin 
+                merge_result[i*4+3] = current_obj_tile_data_1[i];
+                merge_result[i*4+2] = current_obj_tile_data_0[i];
+                merge_result[i*4+1] = current_obj_pal[1];
+                merge_result[i*4+0] = current_obj_pal[0];
+            end
+            else begin
+                merge_result[i*4+3] = pf_data[32+i*4+3];
+                merge_result[i*4+2] = pf_data[32+i*4+2];
+                merge_result[i*4+1] = pf_data[32+i*4+1];
+                merge_result[i*4+0] = pf_data[32+i*4+0];
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    assign vram_addr_int_sel = 
+        ((r_state == S_OAMRDB) || (r_state == S_OFRD0A) || (r_state == S_OFRD0B)
+            || (r_state == S_OFRD1A) || (r_state == S_OFRD1B)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+    // Current mode logic, based on current state
+    always @ (posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_V_BLANK;
+        end
+        else begin
+            case (r_state)
+            S_IDLE: reg_stat[1:0] <= (reg_lcd_en) ? (PPU_MODE_V_BLANK) : (PPU_MODE_H_BLANK);
+            S_BLANK: reg_stat[1:0] <= (is_in_v_blank) ? (PPU_MODE_V_BLANK) : (PPU_MODE_H_BLANK);
+            S_OAMX: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_OAM_SEARCH;
+            S_OAMY: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_OAM_SEARCH;
+            S_FTIDA: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_FTIDB: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_FRD0A: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_FRD0B: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_FRD1A: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_FRD1B: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_FWAITA: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_FWAITB: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_SWW: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_OAMRDA: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_OAMRDB: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_OFRD0A: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_OFRD0B: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_OFRD1A: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_OFRD1B: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            S_OWB: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS;
+            default: reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_V_BLANK;
+            endcase
+        end
+    end
+    assign oam_search_y = oam_data_out[7:0];
+    assign oam_search_x = oam_data_out[15:8];
+    // Render logic
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        reg_ly <= v_pix[7:0];
+        case (r_state)
+            // nothing to do for S_IDLE
+            S_IDLE: begin end
+            S_BLANK: begin
+                h_pix_render <= 8'd0; // Render pointer
+                oam_search_count <= 6'd0;
+                oam_visible_count <= 4'd0;
+                for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) begin
+                    obj_valid_list[i] <= 1'b0;
+                end
+                oam_rd_addr_int <= 8'b0;
+                window_triggered <= 1'b0;
+                // Line start, need to render 16 pixels in 12 clocks
+                // and output 8 null pixels starting from the 4th clock
+            end
+            S_OAMX: begin
+                oam_rd_addr_int <= oam_search_count * 4;
+            end
+            S_OAMY: begin
+                if ((oam_search_y <= obj_h_upper_boundary)&&
+                    (oam_search_y >  obj_h_lower_boundary)&&
+                    (oam_search_x != 8'd0)&&
+                    (oam_visible_count < 4'd10)) begin
+                    obj_visible_list[oam_visible_count] <= oam_search_count;
+                    obj_trigger_list[oam_visible_count] <= oam_search_x;
+                    obj_y_list[oam_visible_count] <= oam_search_y;
+                    obj_valid_list[oam_visible_count] <= 1'b1;
+                    oam_visible_count <= oam_visible_count + 1'b1;
+                end
+                oam_search_count <= oam_search_count + 1'b1;
+            end
+            S_FTIDA: vram_addr_bg <= current_map_address;
+            S_FTIDB: current_tile_id <= vram_data_out;
+            S_FRD0A: vram_addr_bg <= current_tile_address_0;
+            S_FRD0B: current_tile_data_0 <= vram_data_out;
+            S_FRD1A: vram_addr_bg <= current_tile_address_1;
+            S_FRD1B: begin
+                current_tile_data_1 <= vram_data_out;
+                h_pix_render <= h_pix_render + 8'd8;
+            end
+            // nothing to do for S_FWAITA, S_FWAITB
+            S_FWAITA: begin end
+            S_FWAITB: begin end
+            S_SWW: begin
+                h_pix_render <= 8'd0;
+                window_triggered <= 1'b1;
+            end
+            S_OAMRDA: oam_rd_addr_int <= obj_triggered * 4 + 8'd2;
+            S_OAMRDB: begin
+                current_obj_tile_id_raw <= oam_data_out[7:0];
+                current_obj_flags <= oam_data_out[15:8];
+            end
+            S_OFRD0A: vram_addr_obj <= current_obj_address_0;
+            S_OFRD0B:
+                if (current_obj_x_flip == 1'b1)
+                    current_obj_tile_data_0[7:0] <= {
+                        vram_data_out[0], vram_data_out[1], vram_data_out[2], vram_data_out[3], 
+                        vram_data_out[4], vram_data_out[5], vram_data_out[6], vram_data_out[7]
+                    };
+                else
+                    current_obj_tile_data_0 <= vram_data_out;
+            S_OFRD1A: vram_addr_obj <= current_obj_address_1;
+            S_OFRD1B:
+                if (current_obj_x_flip == 1'b1)
+                    current_obj_tile_data_1[7:0] <= {
+                        vram_data_out[0], vram_data_out[1], vram_data_out[2], vram_data_out[3], 
+                        vram_data_out[4], vram_data_out[5], vram_data_out[6], vram_data_out[7]
+                    };
+                else
+                    current_obj_tile_data_1 <= vram_data_out;
+            // nothing to do for S_OWB
+            S_OWB: begin end
+            default: begin
+                $display("Invalid state!");
+            end
+        endcase
+    end
+    reg [31:0] half_merge_result;
+    always @(current_fetch_result, pf_data) begin
+        for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
+            if ((pf_data[32+i*4+1] == PPU_PAL_BG[1])&&(pf_data[32+i*4+0] == PPU_PAL_BG[0])) begin
+                half_merge_result[i*4+3] = current_fetch_result[i*4+3];
+                half_merge_result[i*4+2] = current_fetch_result[i*4+2];
+                half_merge_result[i*4+1] = current_fetch_result[i*4+1];
+                half_merge_result[i*4+0] = current_fetch_result[i*4+0];
+            end
+            else begin
+                half_merge_result[i*4+3] = pf_data[32+i*4+3];
+                half_merge_result[i*4+2] = pf_data[32+i*4+2];
+                half_merge_result[i*4+1] = pf_data[32+i*4+1];
+                half_merge_result[i*4+0] = pf_data[32+i*4+0];
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    // Output logic
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (r_state == S_BLANK) begin
+            valid <= 1'b0;
+            h_pix_output <= 8'd0; // Output pointer
+            h_drop <= reg_scx[2:0];
+            pf_empty <= PF_INITA; 
+        end
+        else if ((r_state == S_FTIDA) || (r_state == S_FTIDB) || (r_state == S_FRD0A) || (r_state == S_FRD0B) ||
+            (r_state == S_FRD1A) || (r_state == S_FRD1B) || (r_state == S_FWAITA) || (r_state == S_FWAITB))
+        begin
+            if (r_state == S_FRD1B) begin
+                if (pf_empty == PF_INITA) pf_empty <= PF_INITB;
+                if (pf_empty == PF_INITB) pf_empty <= PF_FIN;
+                if (pf_empty == PF_EMPTY) pf_empty <= PF_HALF;
+                if (pf_empty == PF_HALF) pf_empty <= PF_FIN;
+            end else
+                if (pf_empty == PF_FIN) pf_empty <= PF_FULL; // should NOT wait through end
+            // If it is in one of the output stages
+            if (pf_empty == PF_EMPTY) begin
+                // Just started, no data available
+                valid <= 1'b0;
+            end
+            else if (pf_empty == PF_HALF) begin
+                valid <= 1'b0;
+                if (r_state == S_FTIDA) begin
+                // One batch done, and they can be push into pipeline, but could not be output yet
+                // We need to be careful not to overwrite the sprites...
+                    pf_data[63:32] <= half_merge_result[31:0];
+                end
+            end
+            else if (((pf_empty == PF_INITA)&&((r_state == S_FRD1A)||(r_state == S_FRD1B)))
+                    ||(pf_empty == PF_INITB)||(pf_empty == PF_FULL)||(pf_empty == PF_FIN)) begin 
+                if (r_state == S_FTIDA) begin // reload and shift
+                    if (pf_empty == PF_INITB) begin
+                        pf_data[63:0] <= {20'b0, current_fetch_result[31:0], 12'b0};
+                    end
+                    else begin // PF_FULL or PF_FIN
+                        pf_data[63:0] <= {pf_data[59:32], current_fetch_result[31:0], 4'b0};
+                    end
+                end
+                else begin // just shift
+                    pf_data <= {pf_data[59:0], 4'b0};
+                end
+                if (h_drop != 3'd0) begin
+                    h_drop <= h_drop - 1'd1;
+                    valid <= 0;
+                end
+                else begin
+                    if (h_pix_output >= 8)
+                        valid <= 1;
+                    else
+                        valid <= 0;
+                    pixel <= pf_output_pixel;
+                    h_pix_output <= h_pix_output + 1'b1;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        else if (r_state == S_OAMRDA) begin
+            h_pix_output <= h_pix_output - 1'b1; //revert adding
+            valid <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else if (r_state == S_OWB) begin
+            h_pix_output <= h_pix_output + 1'b1; //restore adding
+            pf_data <= {merge_result[31:0], pf_data[31:0]};
+            valid <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else if (r_state == S_SWW) begin
+            pf_empty <= PF_EMPTY;  // Flush the pipeline 
+            valid <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            // Not even in output stages
+            valid <= 1'b0;
+        end
+    end
+    // Enter Next State
+    // and handle object interrupt
+    // (sorry but I need to backup next state so I could not handle these in the next state logic)
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            //h_pix_obj <= 8'b0;
+            r_state <= 0;
+            r_next_backup <= 0;
+            obj_trigger_id <= OBJ_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND;//not triggered
+        end
+        else
+        begin
+            if (obj_trigger && (reg_mode == PPU_MODE_PIX_TRANS)) begin
+                // If already in object rendering stages
+                if ((r_state == S_OFRD0A)||(r_state == S_OFRD0B)||
+                    (r_state == S_OFRD1A)||(r_state == S_OFRD1B)||
+                    (r_state == S_OAMRDA)||(r_state == S_OAMRDB)) begin
+                    r_state <= r_next_state;
+                end 
+                // Finished one object, but there is more
+                else if (r_state == S_OWB) begin
+                    r_state <= S_OAMRDA;
+                    obj_trigger_id <= obj_trigger_id_next;
+                end
+                // Not rendering object before, start now
+                else begin
+                    r_next_backup <= r_next_state;
+                    r_state <= S_OAMRDA;
+                    obj_trigger_id <= obj_trigger_id_next;
+                end
+            end
+            else begin
+                //h_pix_obj <= h_pix_output + 8'd2;
+                r_state <= r_next_state;
+                // Finished one object, and there is no more currently
+                if (r_state == S_OWB) begin
+                    obj_trigger_id <= OBJ_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    // Next State Logic
+    // Since new state get updated during posedge
+    always @(*)
+    begin
+        case (r_state)
+            S_IDLE: r_next_state = ((reg_lcd_en)&(is_in_v_blank)) ? (S_BLANK) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_BLANK: r_next_state = 
+                (reg_lcd_en) ? (
+                    (is_in_v_blank) ? 
+                        (((v_count == (PPU_V_TOTAL - 1))&&(h_count == (PPU_H_TOTAL - 1))) ?
+                            (S_OAMX) : (S_BLANK)
+                        ) :
+                        ((h_count == (PPU_H_TOTAL - 1)) ? 
+                            ((v_count == (PPU_V_ACTIVE - 1)) ? 
+                                (S_BLANK) : (S_OAMX)):
+                            (S_BLANK)
+                        )
+                ) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OAMX: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (S_OAMY) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OAMY: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((oam_search_count == (PPU_OAM_SEARCH_LENGTH - 1'b1)) ? (S_FTIDA) : (S_OAMX)) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_FTIDA: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : (S_FTIDB))) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_FTIDB: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : (S_FRD0A))) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_FRD0A: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : (S_FRD0B))) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_FRD0B: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : (S_FRD1A))) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_FRD1A: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : (S_FRD1B))) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_FRD1B: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : ((pf_empty != PF_FULL) ? (S_FTIDA) : (S_FWAITA)))) : (S_IDLE); // If fifo not full, no wait state is needed
+            S_FWAITA: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : (S_FWAITB))) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_FWAITB: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : ((window_trigger) ? (S_SWW) : (S_FTIDA))) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_SWW: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? ((h_pix_output == (PPU_H_OUTPUT - 1'b1)) ? (S_BLANK) : (S_FTIDA)) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OAMRDA: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (S_OAMRDB) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OAMRDB: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (S_OFRD0A) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OFRD0A: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (S_OFRD0B) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OFRD0B: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (S_OFRD1A) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OFRD1A: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (S_OFRD1B) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OFRD1B: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (S_OWB) : (S_IDLE);
+            S_OWB: r_next_state = (reg_lcd_en) ? (r_next_backup) : (S_IDLE);
+            default: r_next_state = S_IDLE;
+        endcase
+    end
+    // Interrupt
+    always @(posedge clk)
+        if (rst)
+            reg_stat[2] <= 0;
+        else
+            // TODO: what's the timing for this?
+            reg_stat[2] <= (reg_ly == reg_lyc) ? 1 : 0;
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            int_vblank_req <= 0;
+            int_lcdc_req <= 0;
+            reg_ly_last[7:0] <= 0;
+            //reg_stat[1:0] <= PPU_MODE_V_BLANK;
+        end
+        else
+        begin
+            if ((reg_mode == PPU_MODE_V_BLANK)&&(reg_mode_last != PPU_MODE_V_BLANK))
+                int_vblank_req <= 1;
+            else if (int_vblank_ack)
+                int_vblank_req <= 0;
+            if (((reg_lyc_int == 1'b1)&&(reg_ly == reg_lyc)&&(reg_ly_last != reg_lyc))||
+                ((reg_oam_int == 1'b1)&&(reg_mode == PPU_MODE_OAM_SEARCH)&&(reg_mode_last != PPU_MODE_OAM_SEARCH))||
+                ((reg_vblank_int == 1'b1)&&(reg_mode == PPU_MODE_V_BLANK)&&(reg_mode_last != PPU_MODE_V_BLANK))||
+                ((reg_hblank_int == 1'b1)&&(reg_mode == PPU_MODE_H_BLANK)&&(reg_mode_last != PPU_MODE_H_BLANK)))
+                int_lcdc_req <= 1;
+            else if (int_lcdc_ack)
+                int_lcdc_req <= 0;
+            reg_ly_last <= reg_ly;
+            reg_mode_last <= reg_mode;
+        end
+    end
+    // Bus RW
+    // Bus RW - Combinational Read
+    always @(*)
+    begin
+        // MMIO Bus
+        mmio_dout = 8'hFF;
+        case (mmio_a)
+            16'hFF40: mmio_dout = reg_lcdc;
+            16'hFF41: mmio_dout = reg_stat;
+            16'hFF42: mmio_dout = reg_scy;
+            16'hFF43: mmio_dout = reg_scx;
+            16'hFF44: mmio_dout = reg_ly;
+            16'hFF45: mmio_dout = reg_lyc;
+            16'hFF46: mmio_dout = reg_dma;
+            16'hFF47: mmio_dout = reg_bgp;
+            16'hFF48: mmio_dout = reg_obp0;
+            16'hFF49: mmio_dout = reg_obp1;
+            16'hFF4A: mmio_dout = reg_wy;
+            16'hFF4B: mmio_dout = reg_wx;
+        endcase
+    end
+    // Bus RW - Sequential Write
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            reg_lcdc <= 8'h00;
+            reg_stat[7:3] <= 5'h00;
+            reg_scy  <= 8'h00;
+            reg_scx  <= 8'h00;
+            reg_lyc  <= 8'h00;
+            reg_dma  <= 8'h00;
+            reg_bgp  <= 8'hFC;
+            reg_obp0 <= 8'h00;
+            reg_obp1 <= 8'h00;
+            reg_wy   <= 8'h00;
+            reg_wx   <= 8'h00;
+        end
+        else
+        begin
+            if (mmio_wr) begin
+                case (mmio_a)
+                    16'hFF40: reg_lcdc <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF41: reg_stat[7:3] <= mmio_din[7:3];
+                    16'hFF42: reg_scy <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF43: reg_scx <= mmio_din;
+                    //16'hFF44: reg_ly <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF45: reg_lyc <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF46: reg_dma <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF47: reg_bgp <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF48: reg_obp0 <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF49: reg_obp1 <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF4A: reg_wy <= mmio_din;
+                    16'hFF4B: reg_wx <= mmio_din;
+                endcase
+                // VRAM and OAM access are not handled here
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    // Debug Outputs
+    assign scx = reg_scx;
+    assign scy = reg_scy;
+    assign state = r_state;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/regfile.v b/verilog/rtl/regfile.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/regfile.v
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Module Name:    regfile
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   The register file of Game Boy CPU.
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   Only BCDEHLSP are in the register file
+module regfile(
+    input clk,
+    input rst,
+    input [2:0] rdn,
+    output [7:0] rd,
+    input [1:0] rdwn,
+    output [15:0] rdw,
+    output [7:0] h, // H, L output for 16bit addition
+    output [7:0] l, 
+    output [15:0] sp, // SP output for addressing
+    input [2:0] wrn,
+    input [7:0] wr,
+    input we
+    );
+    reg [7:0] regs [0:7];
+    wire [7:0] rdhigh = regs[{rdwn, 1'b0}];
+    wire [7:0] rdlow  = regs[{rdwn, 1'b1}];
+    assign rdw = {rdhigh, rdlow};
+    assign rd = regs[rdn];
+    assign h = regs[3'd4];
+    assign l = regs[3'd5];
+    assign sp = {regs[3'd6], regs[3'd7]};
+    integer i;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1)
+                regs[i] <= 8'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (we)
+                regs[wrn] <= wr;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/serial.v b/verilog/rtl/serial.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b03fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/serial.v
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    13:13:04 04/13/2018 
+// Module Name:    serial
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   Dummy serial interface
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+module serial(
+    input clk,
+    input rst,
+    input wire [15:0] a,
+    output reg [7:0] dout,
+    input wire [7:0] din,
+    input wire rd,
+    input wire wr,
+    output reg int_serial_req,
+    input wire int_serial_ack
+    );
+    reg clk_spi; //8kHz SPI Clock
+    /*clk_div #(.WIDTH(10), .DIV(512)) spi_div(
+        .i(clk),
+        .o(clk_spi)
+    );*/
+    reg [8:0] counter;
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            counter <= 9'h72;
+            clk_spi <= 1'b0;
+        end 
+        else begin
+            if (counter == (512 / 2 - 1)) begin
+                clk_spi <= ~clk_spi;
+                counter <= 0;
+            end
+            else
+                counter <= counter + 1'b1;
+        end
+    end
+    //reg [7:0] reg_sb;
+    reg reg_sc_start;
+    reg reg_sc_int;
+    always @(*) begin
+        dout = 8'hff;
+        if (a == 16'hff01) dout = 8'hff; else
+        if (a == 16'hff02) dout = {reg_sc_start, 6'b111111, reg_sc_int};
+    end
+    reg [3:0] count;
+    reg last_clk;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            //reg_sb <= 8'h00;
+            reg_sc_start <= 1'b0;
+            reg_sc_int <= 1'b0;
+            int_serial_req <= 1'b0;
+            count <= 4'd0;
+            last_clk <= 1'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            last_clk <= clk_spi;
+            //if      (wr && (a == 16'hff01)) reg_sb <= din;
+            if (wr && (a == 16'hff02)) begin
+                reg_sc_start <= din[7];
+                reg_sc_int <= din[0];
+                if (din[7] && din[0]) count <= 4'd8;
+                else count <= 4'd0;
+            end
+            else begin
+                // Dummy serial interface
+                if (count != 4'd0) begin
+                    if (!last_clk && clk_spi) begin
+                        count <= count - 4'd1;
+                        if ((count - 4'd1) == 0) begin
+                            int_serial_req <= 1'b1;
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+                else begin
+                    if ((int_serial_req)&&(int_serial_ack)) begin
+                        int_serial_req <= 1'b0;
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/singleport_ram.v b/verilog/rtl/singleport_ram.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c8d630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/singleport_ram.v
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module singleport_ram #(
+    parameter integer WORDS = 8192,
+    parameter ABITS = 13
+    input clka,
+    input wea,
+    input [ABITS - 1:0] addra,
+    input [7:0] dina,
+    output reg [7:0] douta
+    reg [7:0] ram [0:WORDS-1];
+    always@(posedge clka) begin
+        if (wea)
+            ram[addra] <= dina;
+    end
+    always@(posedge clka) begin
+        douta <= ram[addra];
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/singlereg.v b/verilog/rtl/singlereg.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..783e04c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/singlereg.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype wire
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Module Name:    reg
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   The register file of Game Boy CPU.
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+//  Single 8-bit register
+module singlereg(clk, rst, wr, rd, we);
+    parameter WIDTH = 8;
+    input clk;
+    input rst;
+    input [WIDTH-1:0] wr;
+    output [WIDTH-1:0] rd;
+    input we;
+    reg [WIDTH-1:0] data;
+    assign rd = data;
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst)
+            data <= 0;
+        else
+            if (we)
+                data <= wr;
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sound.v b/verilog/rtl/sound.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cabe88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sound.v
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    12:29:37 04/07/2018 
+// Module Name:    sound
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   GameBoy sound unit main file
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   On a real gameboy, audio mixing is done with an OpAmp (I am not sure, but
+//   this makes most sense according to the documents we have). I am using adder
+//   here to make that happen. Also, audio volume control is probably done with a
+//   PGA on a real gameboy, and I am using multiplication to implement that here.
+//   So this would synthesis some additional adders and multipliers which should
+//   not be part of a Game Boy.
+module sound(
+    input wire clk,
+    input wire rst,
+    input wire [15:0] a,
+    output reg [7:0] dout,
+    input wire [7:0] din,
+    input wire rd,
+    input wire wr,
+    output wire [15:0] left,
+    output wire [15:0] right,
+    // debug
+    output wire [3:0] ch1_level,
+    output wire [3:0] ch2_level,
+    output wire [3:0] ch3_level,
+    output wire [3:0] ch4_level
+    );
+    // Sound registers
+    reg [7:0] regs [0:31]; 
+    /* verilator lint_off UNUSED */
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr10 = regs[00]; // $FF10 Channel 1 Sweep register (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr11 = regs[01]; // $FF11 Channel 1 Sound length/wave patternduty (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr12 = regs[02]; // $FF12 Channel 1 Volume envelope (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr13 = regs[03]; // $FF13 Channel 1 Freqency lo (W)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr14 = regs[04]; // $FF14 Channel 1 Freqency hi (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr21 = regs[06]; // $FF16 Channel 2 Sound length/wave patternduty (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr22 = regs[07]; // $FF17 Channel 2 Volume envelope (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr23 = regs[08]; // $FF18 Channel 2 Freqency lo (W)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr24 = regs[09]; // $FF19 Channel 2 Freqency hi (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr30 = regs[10]; // $FF1A Channel 3 Sound on/off (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr31 = regs[11]; // $FF1B Channel 3 Sound length (?)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr32 = regs[12]; // $FF1C Channel 3 Select output level (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr33 = regs[13]; // $FF1D Channel 3 Frequency lo (W)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr34 = regs[14]; // $FF1E Channel 3 Frequency hi (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr41 = regs[16]; // $FF20 Channel 4 Sound length (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr42 = regs[17]; // $FF21 Channel 4 Volume envelope (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr43 = regs[18]; // $FF22 Channel 4 Polynomial counter (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr44 = regs[19]; // $FF23 Channel 4 Counter/consecutive; Initial(RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr50 = regs[20]; // $FF24 Channel contorl / ON-OFF / Volume (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr51 = regs[21]; // $FF25 Selection of Sound output terminal (RW)
+    wire [7:0] reg_nr52 = regs[22]; // $FF26 Sound on/off
+    /* verilator lint_on UNUSED */
+    wire [4:0] reg_addr = {~a[4], a[3:0]}; // Convert 10-20 to 00-10
+    wire [2:0]  ch1_sweep_time = reg_nr10[6:4];
+    wire        ch1_sweep_decreasing = reg_nr10[3];
+    wire [2:0]  ch1_num_sweep_shifts = reg_nr10[2:0];
+    wire [1:0]  ch1_wave_duty = reg_nr11[7:6];
+    wire [5:0]  ch1_length = reg_nr11[5:0];
+    wire [3:0]  ch1_initial_volume = reg_nr12[7:4];
+    wire        ch1_envelope_increasing = reg_nr12[3];
+    wire [2:0]  ch1_num_envelope_sweeps = reg_nr12[2:0];
+    reg         ch1_start;
+    wire        ch1_single = reg_nr14[6];
+    wire [10:0] ch1_frequency = {reg_nr14[2:0], reg_nr13[7:0]};
+    wire [1:0]  ch2_wave_duty = reg_nr21[7:6];
+    wire [5:0]  ch2_length = reg_nr21[5:0];
+    wire [3:0]  ch2_initial_volume = reg_nr22[7:4];
+    wire        ch2_envelope_increasing = reg_nr22[3];
+    wire [2:0]  ch2_num_envelope_sweeps = reg_nr22[2:0];
+    reg         ch2_start;
+    wire        ch2_single = reg_nr24[6];
+    wire [10:0] ch2_frequency = {reg_nr24[2:0], reg_nr23[7:0]};
+    wire [7:0]  ch3_length = reg_nr31[7:0];
+    wire        ch3_on = reg_nr30[7];
+    wire [1:0]  ch3_volume = reg_nr32[6:5];
+    reg         ch3_start;
+    wire        ch3_single = reg_nr34[6];
+    wire [10:0] ch3_frequency = {reg_nr34[2:0], reg_nr33[7:0]};
+    wire [5:0]  ch4_length = reg_nr41[5:0];
+    wire [3:0]  ch4_initial_volume = reg_nr42[7:4];
+    wire        ch4_envelope_increasing = reg_nr42[3];
+    wire [2:0]  ch4_num_envelope_sweeps = reg_nr42[2:0];
+    wire [3:0]  ch4_shift_clock_freq = reg_nr43[7:4];
+    wire        ch4_counter_width = reg_nr43[3]; // 0 = 15 bits, 1 = 7 bits
+    wire [2:0]  ch4_freq_dividing_ratio = reg_nr43[2:0];
+    reg         ch4_start;
+    wire        ch4_single = reg_nr44[6];
+    wire        s02_vin = reg_nr50[7];
+    wire [2:0]  s02_output_level = reg_nr50[6:4];
+    wire        s01_vin = reg_nr50[3];
+    wire [2:0]  s01_output_level = reg_nr50[2:0];
+    wire        s02_ch4_enable = reg_nr51[7];
+    wire        s02_ch3_enable = reg_nr51[6];
+    wire        s02_ch2_enable = reg_nr51[5];
+    wire        s02_ch1_enable = reg_nr51[4];
+    wire        s01_ch4_enable = reg_nr51[3];
+    wire        s01_ch3_enable = reg_nr51[2];
+    wire        s01_ch2_enable = reg_nr51[1];
+    wire        s01_ch1_enable = reg_nr51[0];
+    wire        sound_enable = reg_nr52[7];
+    wire        ch4_on_flag; 
+    wire        ch3_on_flag;
+    wire        ch2_on_flag;
+    wire        ch1_on_flag;
+    reg [7:0] wave [0:15];
+    wire [3:0] wave_addr_ext = a[3:0];
+    wire [3:0] wave_addr_int;
+    wire [3:0] wave_addr = (ch3_on) ? (wave_addr_int) : (wave_addr_ext);
+    wire [7:0] wave_data = wave[wave_addr];
+    wire addr_in_regs = (a >= 16'hFF10 && a <= 16'hFF2F);
+    wire addr_in_wave = (a >= 16'hFF30 && a <= 16'hFF3F);
+    // Bus RW
+    // Bus RW - Combinational Read
+    // This is a drawback of ISE XST, one can not use always@(*) and reg array together,
+    // so one have to write something (does not need to make sense, just as a place holder)
+    // and let the synthesizer to determine the correct sensitvity list. (Or one would have
+    // to enumerate EACH item in an array, otherwise it will give an error.
+    always @(a)
+    begin
+        dout = 8'hFF;
+        if (addr_in_regs) begin
+            if (a == 16'hFF26)
+                dout = {sound_enable, 3'b0, ch4_on_flag, ch3_on_flag, ch2_on_flag, ch1_on_flag};
+            else
+                dout = regs[reg_addr];
+        end
+        else
+        if (addr_in_wave) begin
+            dout = wave[wave_addr];
+        end
+    end
+    // Bus RW - Sequential Write
+    integer i;
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i+1) begin
+                regs[i] <= 8'b0;
+            end
+            // wave pattern should not be initialized
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (wr) begin
+                if (addr_in_regs) begin
+                    if (a == 16'hFF26) begin
+                        if (din[7] == 0) begin
+                            for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i+1) begin
+                                regs[i] <= 8'b0;
+                            end
+                        end
+                        else
+                            regs[reg_addr] <= din;
+                    end
+                    else if (sound_enable) begin
+                        regs[reg_addr] <= din;
+                    end
+                end
+                else if (addr_in_wave)
+                    //wave[wave_addr_ext] <= din; //what if we allow Write any way?
+                    wave[wave_addr] <= din; // This is what happens trying to write to wave sample while it is on
+            end
+            // Initialize signal, should be triggered whenever a 1 is written
+            if ((wr)&&(a == 16'hFF14)) ch1_start <= din[7];
+                else ch1_start <= 0;
+            if ((wr)&&(a == 16'hFF19)) ch2_start <= din[7];
+                else ch2_start <= 0;
+            if ((wr)&&(a == 16'hFF1E)) ch3_start <= din[7];
+                else ch3_start <= 0;
+            if ((wr)&&(a == 16'hFF23)) ch4_start <= din[7];
+                else ch4_start <= 0;
+        end
+    end
+    // Clocks
+    wire clk_frame; // 512Hz Base Clock
+    wire clk_length_ctr; // 256Hz Length Control Clock
+    wire clk_vol_env; // 64Hz Volume Enevelope Clock
+    wire clk_sweep; // 128Hz Sweep Clock
+    wire clk_freq_div; // 1048576Hz Frequency Division Clock
+    clk_div #(.WIDTH(15), .DIV(8192)) frame_div(
+        .i(clk),
+        .o(clk_frame)
+    );
+    reg [2:0] sequencer_state = 3'b0;
+    always@(posedge clk_frame)
+    begin
+        sequencer_state <= sequencer_state + 1'b1;
+    end
+    assign clk_length_ctr = (sequencer_state[0]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
+    assign clk_vol_env = (sequencer_state == 3'd7) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+    assign clk_sweep = ((sequencer_state == 3'd2) || (sequencer_state == 3'd6)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+    clk_div #(.WIDTH(2), .DIV(2)) freq_div(
+        .i(clk),
+        .o(clk_freq_div)
+    );
+    // Channels
+    wire [3:0] ch1;
+    wire [3:0] ch2;
+    wire [3:0] ch3;
+    wire [3:0] ch4;
+    sound_square sound_ch1(
+        .rst(~sound_enable),
+        .clk(clk),
+        .clk_length_ctr(clk_length_ctr),
+        .clk_vol_env(clk_vol_env),
+        .clk_sweep(clk_sweep),
+        .clk_freq_div(clk_freq_div),
+        .sweep_time(ch1_sweep_time),
+        .sweep_decreasing(ch1_sweep_decreasing),
+        .num_sweep_shifts(ch1_num_sweep_shifts),
+        .wave_duty(ch1_wave_duty),
+        .length(ch1_length),
+        .initial_volume(ch1_initial_volume),
+        .envelope_increasing(ch1_envelope_increasing),
+        .num_envelope_sweeps(ch1_num_envelope_sweeps),
+        .start(ch1_start),
+        .single(ch1_single),
+        .frequency(ch1_frequency),
+        .level(ch1),
+        .enable(ch1_on_flag)
+    );
+    sound_square sound_ch2(
+        .rst(~sound_enable),
+        .clk(clk),
+        .clk_length_ctr(clk_length_ctr),
+        .clk_vol_env(clk_vol_env),
+        .clk_sweep(clk_sweep),
+        .clk_freq_div(clk_freq_div),
+        .sweep_time(3'b0),
+        .sweep_decreasing(1'b0),
+        .num_sweep_shifts(3'b0),
+        .wave_duty(ch2_wave_duty),
+        .length(ch2_length),
+        .initial_volume(ch2_initial_volume),
+        .envelope_increasing(ch2_envelope_increasing),
+        .num_envelope_sweeps(ch2_num_envelope_sweeps),
+        .start(ch2_start),
+        .single(ch2_single),
+        .frequency(ch2_frequency),
+        .level(ch2),
+        .enable(ch2_on_flag)
+    );
+    sound_wave sound_ch3(
+        .rst(~sound_enable),
+        .clk(clk),
+        .clk_length_ctr(clk_length_ctr),
+        .length(ch3_length),
+        .volume(ch3_volume),
+        .on(ch3_on),
+        .single(ch3_single),
+        .start(ch3_start),
+        .frequency(ch3_frequency),
+        .wave_a(wave_addr_int),
+        .wave_d(wave_data),
+        .level(ch3),
+        .enable(ch3_on_flag)
+    );
+    sound_noise sound_ch4(
+        .rst(~sound_enable),
+        .clk(clk),
+        .clk_length_ctr(clk_length_ctr),
+        .clk_vol_env(clk_vol_env),
+        .length(ch4_length),
+        .initial_volume(ch4_initial_volume), 
+        .envelope_increasing(ch4_envelope_increasing),
+        .num_envelope_sweeps(ch4_num_envelope_sweeps),
+        .shift_clock_freq(ch4_shift_clock_freq), 
+        .counter_width(ch4_counter_width), 
+        .freq_dividing_ratio(ch4_freq_dividing_ratio), 
+        .start(ch4_start), 
+        .single(ch4_single), 
+        .level(ch4),
+        .enable(ch4_on_flag)
+    );
+    // Mixer
+    /*
+    // Signed mixer
+    wire [5:0] sign_extend_ch1 = {{3{ch1[3]}}, ch1[2:0]};
+    wire [5:0] sign_extend_ch2 = {{3{ch2[3]}}, ch2[2:0]};
+    wire [5:0] sign_extend_ch3 = {{3{ch3[3]}}, ch3[2:0]};
+    wire [5:0] sign_extend_ch4 = {{3{ch4[3]}}, ch4[2:0]};
+    reg [5:0] mixed_s01;
+    reg [5:0] mixed_s02;
+    always @(*)
+    begin
+        mixed_s01 = 6'd0;
+        mixed_s02 = 6'd0;
+        if (s01_ch1_enable) mixed_s01 = mixed_s01 + sign_extend_ch1;
+        if (s01_ch2_enable) mixed_s01 = mixed_s01 + sign_extend_ch2;
+        if (s01_ch3_enable) mixed_s01 = mixed_s01 + sign_extend_ch3;
+        if (s01_ch4_enable) mixed_s01 = mixed_s01 + sign_extend_ch4;
+        if (s02_ch1_enable) mixed_s02 = mixed_s02 + sign_extend_ch1;
+        if (s02_ch2_enable) mixed_s02 = mixed_s02 + sign_extend_ch2;
+        if (s02_ch3_enable) mixed_s02 = mixed_s02 + sign_extend_ch3;
+        if (s02_ch4_enable) mixed_s02 = mixed_s02 + sign_extend_ch4;
+    end
+    assign left  = (sound_enable) ? {mixed_s01[5:0], 14'b0} : 20'b0;
+    assign right = (sound_enable) ? {mixed_s02[5:0], 14'b0} : 20'b0; 
+    */
+    // Unsigned mixer
+    reg [5:0] added_s01;
+    reg [5:0] added_s02;
+    always @(*)
+    begin
+        added_s01 = 6'd0;
+        added_s02 = 6'd0;
+        if (s01_ch1_enable) added_s01 = added_s01 + {2'b0, ch1};
+        if (s01_ch2_enable) added_s01 = added_s01 + {2'b0, ch2};
+        if (s01_ch3_enable) added_s01 = added_s01 + {2'b0, ch3};
+        if (s01_ch4_enable) added_s01 = added_s01 + {2'b0, ch4};
+        if (s02_ch1_enable) added_s02 = added_s02 + {2'b0, ch1};
+        if (s02_ch2_enable) added_s02 = added_s02 + {2'b0, ch2};
+        if (s02_ch3_enable) added_s02 = added_s02 + {2'b0, ch3};
+        if (s02_ch4_enable) added_s02 = added_s02 + {2'b0, ch4};
+    end
+    wire [8:0] mixed_s01 = added_s01 * s01_output_level;
+    wire [8:0] mixed_s02 = added_s02 * s02_output_level;
+    assign left  = (sound_enable) ? {1'b0, mixed_s01[8:0], 6'b0} : 16'b0;
+    assign right = (sound_enable) ? {1'b0, mixed_s02[8:0], 6'b0} : 16'b0; 
+    // Debug Output
+    assign ch1_level = ch1;
+    assign ch2_level = ch2;
+    assign ch3_level = ch3;
+    assign ch4_level = ch4;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sound_channel_mix.v b/verilog/rtl/sound_channel_mix.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b03ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sound_channel_mix.v
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: 
+// Create Date:    22:29:14 04/08/2018 
+// Design Name: 
+// Module Name:    sound_channel_mix 
+// Project Name: 
+// Target Devices: 
+// Tool versions: 
+// Description: 
+// Dependencies: 
+// Revision: 
+// Revision 0.01 - File Created
+// Additional Comments: 
+module sound_channel_mix(
+    input enable,
+    input modulate,
+    input [3:0] target_vol,
+    output [3:0] level
+    );
+    /*// Converting Volume envelope to 2s compliment number
+    reg [3:0] target_vol_low;
+    wire [3:0] target_vol_high;
+    always@(target_vol)
+    begin
+        case (target_vol)
+            4'b0000: target_vol_low = 4'b0000;
+            4'b0001: target_vol_low = 4'b1111;
+            4'b0010: target_vol_low = 4'b1111;
+            4'b0011: target_vol_low = 4'b1110;
+            4'b0100: target_vol_low = 4'b1110;
+            4'b0101: target_vol_low = 4'b1101;
+            4'b0110: target_vol_low = 4'b1101;
+            4'b0111: target_vol_low = 4'b1100;
+            4'b1000: target_vol_low = 4'b1100;
+            4'b1001: target_vol_low = 4'b1011;
+            4'b1010: target_vol_low = 4'b1011;
+            4'b1011: target_vol_low = 4'b1010;
+            4'b1100: target_vol_low = 4'b1010;
+            4'b1101: target_vol_low = 4'b1001;
+            4'b1110: target_vol_low = 4'b1001;
+            4'b1111: target_vol_low = 4'b1000;
+        endcase
+    end
+    assign target_vol_high = {1'b0, target_vol[3:1]};
+    assign level = (enable) ? ((modulate) ? (target_vol_high) : (target_vol_low)) : (4'b0000);*/
+    assign level = (enable) ? ((modulate) ? (target_vol) : (4'b0000)) : (4'b0000);
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sound_length_ctr.v b/verilog/rtl/sound_length_ctr.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a1452a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sound_length_ctr.v
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    22:24:55 04/08/2018 
+// Module Name:    sound_length_ctr 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   Sound length control for all channels 
+// Dependencies: 
+//   none
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   Channel 3 has a different length
+module sound_length_ctr(rst, clk_length_ctr, start, single, length, enable);
+    parameter WIDTH = 6; // 6bit for Ch124, 8bit for Ch3
+    input rst;
+    input clk_length_ctr;
+    input start;
+    input single;
+    input [WIDTH-1:0] length;
+    output reg enable = 0;
+    reg [WIDTH-1:0] length_left = {WIDTH{1'b1}}; // Upcounter from length to 255
+    // Length Control
+    always @(posedge clk_length_ctr, posedge start, posedge rst)
+    begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            enable <= 1'b0;
+            length_left <= 0;
+        end
+        else if (start) begin
+            enable <= 1'b1;
+            length_left <= (length == 0) ? ({WIDTH{1'b1}}) : (length);
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (single) begin
+                if (length_left != {WIDTH{1'b1}})
+                    length_left <= length_left + 1'b1;
+                else
+                    enable <= 1'b0;
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sound_noise.v b/verilog/rtl/sound_noise.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a836bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sound_noise.v
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    21:19:04 04/08/2018 
+// Module Name:    sound_noise 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+module sound_noise(
+    input rst, // Async reset
+    input clk, // CPU Clock
+    input clk_length_ctr, // Length control clock
+    input clk_vol_env, // Volume Envelope clock
+    input [5:0] length, // Length = (64-t1)*(1/256) second, used iff single is set
+    input [3:0] initial_volume, // Initial volume of envelope 0 = no sound
+    input envelope_increasing, // 0 = decrease, 1 = increase
+    input [2:0] num_envelope_sweeps, // number of envelope sweep 0 = stop
+    input [3:0] shift_clock_freq, // shift clock prescaler (s)
+    input counter_width, // 0 = 15 bits, 1 = 7 bits
+    input [2:0] freq_dividing_ratio, // shift clock divider 0 -> 1MHz, 1 -> 512kHz (r)
+    input start, // Restart sound
+    input single, // If set, output would stop upon reaching the length specified
+    output [3:0] level,
+    output enable
+    );
+    // Dividing ratio from 4MHz is (r * 8), for the divier to work, the comparator shoud
+    // compare with (dividing_factor / 2 - 1), so it becomes (r * 4 - 1)
+    reg [4:0] adjusted_freq_dividing_ratio;
+    reg [3:0] latched_shift_clock_freq;
+    wire [3:0] target_vol;
+    reg clk_div = 0;
+    wire clk_shift;
+    reg [4:0] clk_divider = 5'b0; // First stage
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (clk_divider == adjusted_freq_dividing_ratio) begin
+            clk_div <= ~clk_div;
+            clk_divider <= 0;
+        end
+        else
+            clk_divider <= clk_divider + 1'b1;
+    end
+    reg [13:0] clk_shifter = 14'b0; // Second stage
+    always @(posedge clk_div)
+    begin
+        clk_shifter <= clk_shifter + 1'b1;
+    end
+    assign clk_shift = clk_shifter[latched_shift_clock_freq];
+    reg [14:0] lfsr = {15{1'b1}};
+    wire target_freq_out = ~lfsr[0];
+    wire [14:0] lfsr_next =
+        (counter_width == 0) ? ({(lfsr[0] ^ lfsr[1]), lfsr[14:1]}) :
+                               ({8'b0, (lfsr[0] ^ lfsr[1]), lfsr[6:1]});
+    always@(posedge start)
+    begin
+        adjusted_freq_dividing_ratio <=
+                (freq_dividing_ratio == 3'b0) ? (5'd1) : ((freq_dividing_ratio * 4) - 1);
+        latched_shift_clock_freq <= shift_clock_freq;
+    end
+    always@(posedge clk_shift, posedge start)
+    begin
+        if (start) begin
+            lfsr <= {15{1'b1}};
+        end
+        else begin
+            lfsr <= lfsr_next;
+        end    
+    end
+    sound_vol_env sound_vol_env(
+        .clk_vol_env(clk_vol_env),
+        .start(start),
+        .initial_volume(initial_volume),
+        .envelope_increasing(envelope_increasing),
+        .num_envelope_sweeps(num_envelope_sweeps),
+        .target_vol(target_vol)
+    );
+    sound_length_ctr #(6) sound_length_ctr(
+        .rst(rst),
+        .clk_length_ctr(clk_length_ctr),
+        .start(start),
+        .single(single),
+        .length(length),
+        .enable(enable)
+    );
+    sound_channel_mix sound_channel_mix(
+        .enable(enable),
+        .modulate(target_freq_out),
+        .target_vol(target_vol),
+        .level(level)
+    );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sound_square.v b/verilog/rtl/sound_square.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f85838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sound_square.v
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    16:51:12 04/07/2018 
+// Module Name:    sound_square 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   Square wave generator for channel 1 and 2
+// Dependencies: 
+//   sound_vol_env, sound_length_ctr, sound_channel_mix
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   First, synthesize a frequency with 8X of specified frequency with any percent
+//   of duty cycle, then use a small FSM to synthesis it into desired duty cycle.
+//   Note: the original GameBoy process all the sound internally as unsigned
+//   number, and use a bypass capacitor to remove all the DC component. One drawback
+//   is that it do not have a constant "zero" reference: when a channel is off, the
+//   voltage is, naturually 0V. But when it is working, it will alter between 0 and
+//   Vmax(volume), means the zero becomes the half of current volume. This is also
+//   the design I am using here.
+module sound_square(
+    input rst, // Async reset
+    input clk, // CPU Clock
+    input clk_length_ctr, // Length control clock
+    input clk_vol_env, // Volume Envelope clock
+    input clk_sweep, // Sweep clock
+    input clk_freq_div, // Base frequency for divider (should be 16x131072=2097152Hz)
+    input [2:0] sweep_time, // From 0 to 7/128Hz
+    input sweep_decreasing, // 0: Addition (Freq+) 1: Subtraction (Freq-)
+    input [2:0] num_sweep_shifts, // Number of sweep shift (n=0-7)
+    input [1:0] wave_duty, // 00: 87.5% HIGH 01: 75% HIGH 10: 50% HIGH 11: 25% HIGH
+    input [5:0] length, // Length = (64-t1)*(1/256) second, used iff single is set
+    input [3:0] initial_volume, // Initial volume of envelope 0 = no sound
+    input envelope_increasing, // 0 = decrease, 1 = increase
+    input [2:0] num_envelope_sweeps, // number of envelope sweep 0 = stop
+    input start, // Restart sound
+    input single, // If set, output would stop upon reaching the length specified
+    input [10:0] frequency, // Output frequency = 131072/(2048-x) Hz
+    output [3:0] level, // Sound output
+    output enable // Internal enable flag
+    );
+    //Sweep: X(t) = X(t-1) +/- X(t-1)/2^n
+    reg [10:0] divider = 11'b0;
+    reg [10:0] target_freq;
+    reg octo_freq_out = 0; // 8 x target frequency with arbitrary duty cycle
+    wire target_freq_out; // Traget frequency with specified duty cycle
+    wire [3:0] target_vol;
+    reg [2:0] sweep_left; // Number of sweeps need to be done
+    always @(posedge clk_freq_div, posedge start)
+    begin
+        if (start) begin
+            divider <= target_freq;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (divider == 11'd2047) begin
+                octo_freq_out <= ~octo_freq_out;
+                divider <= target_freq;
+            end
+            else begin
+                divider <= divider + 1'b1;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    reg [2:0] duty_counter = 3'b0;
+    always @(posedge octo_freq_out)
+    begin
+        duty_counter <= duty_counter + 1'b1;
+    end
+    assign target_freq_out =
+        (wave_duty == 2'b00) ? ((duty_counter != 3'b111) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0) : ( // 87.5% HIGH
+        (wave_duty == 2'b01) ? ((duty_counter[2:1] != 2'b11) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0) : ( // 75% HIGH
+        (wave_duty == 2'b10) ? ((duty_counter[2]) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0) : ( // 50% HIGH
+                               ((duty_counter[2:1] == 2'b00) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0)))); // 25% HIGH
+    // Frequency Sweep
+    reg overflow;
+    always @(posedge clk_sweep, posedge start)
+    begin
+        if (start) begin
+            target_freq <= frequency;
+            sweep_left <= sweep_time;
+            overflow <= 0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (sweep_left != 3'b0) begin
+                sweep_left <= sweep_left - 1'b1;
+                if (sweep_decreasing) 
+                    target_freq <= target_freq - (target_freq << num_sweep_shifts);
+                else
+                    {overflow, target_freq} <= {1'b0, target_freq} + ({1'b0, target_freq} << num_sweep_shifts);
+            end
+            else begin
+                target_freq <= frequency;
+            end
+        end
+    end 
+    /*always@(posedge start)
+    begin
+        target_freq <= frequency;
+    end*/
+    sound_vol_env sound_vol_env(
+        .clk_vol_env(clk_vol_env),
+        .start(start),
+        .initial_volume(initial_volume),
+        .envelope_increasing(envelope_increasing),
+        .num_envelope_sweeps(num_envelope_sweeps),
+        .target_vol(target_vol)
+    );
+    wire enable_length;
+    sound_length_ctr #(6) sound_length_ctr(
+        .rst(rst),
+        .clk_length_ctr(clk_length_ctr),
+        .start(start),
+        .single(single),
+        .length(length),
+        .enable(enable_length)
+    );
+    assign enable = enable_length & ~overflow;
+    sound_channel_mix sound_channel_mix(
+        .enable(enable),
+        .modulate(target_freq_out),
+        .target_vol(target_vol),
+        .level(level)
+    );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sound_vol_env.v b/verilog/rtl/sound_vol_env.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81cc07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sound_vol_env.v
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    22:21:41 04/08/2018 
+// Module Name:    sound_vol_env 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   Sound volume envelope control for channel 1 2 4
+// Dependencies: 
+//   none
+// Additional Comments: 
+module sound_vol_env(
+    input clk_vol_env,
+    input start,
+    input [3:0] initial_volume,
+    input envelope_increasing,
+    input [2:0] num_envelope_sweeps,
+    output reg [3:0] target_vol
+    );
+    reg [2:0] enve_left; // Number of cycles before next sweep
+    wire enve_enabled = (num_envelope_sweeps == 3'd0) ? 0 : 1;
+    // Volume Envelope
+    always @(posedge clk_vol_env, posedge start)
+    begin
+        if (start) begin
+            target_vol <= initial_volume;
+            enve_left <= num_envelope_sweeps;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (enve_left != 3'b0) begin
+                enve_left <= enve_left - 1'b1;
+            end
+            else begin
+                if (enve_enabled) begin
+                    if (envelope_increasing) begin
+                        if (target_vol != 4'b1111)
+                            target_vol <= target_vol + 1;
+                    end
+                    else begin
+                        if (target_vol != 4'b0000)
+                            target_vol <= target_vol - 1;
+                    end
+                    enve_left <= num_envelope_sweeps;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sound_wave.v b/verilog/rtl/sound_wave.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22bd632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sound_wave.v
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    15:06:53 04/09/2018 
+// Module Name:    sound_wave 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   Sound wave player for channel 3
+// Dependencies: 
+//   clk_div, sound_length_ctr
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   If Ch3 bugs are to be implemented, they should be probably implemented
+//   outside of this file. This file does not handle of RW to wave RAM
+module sound_wave(
+    input rst, // Async reset 
+    input clk, // Main CPU clock
+    input clk_length_ctr, // Length control clock
+    input [7:0] length, // Length = (256-t1)*(1/256) second, used iff single is set
+    input [1:0] volume,
+    input on,
+    input single,
+    input start,
+    input [10:0] frequency,
+    output [3:0] wave_a,
+    input [7:0] wave_d,
+    output [3:0] level,
+    output enable
+    );
+    // Freq = 64kHz / (2048 - frequency)
+    // Why????????
+    wire [3:0] current_sample;
+    reg [4:0] current_pointer = 5'b0;
+    assign wave_a[3:0] = current_pointer[4:1];
+    assign current_sample[3:0] = (current_pointer[0]) ?
+        (wave_d[3:0]) : (wave_d[7:4]);
+    wire clk_wave_base = clk; // base clock
+    /*clk_div #(.WIDTH(6), .DIV(32)) freq_div(
+        .i(clk),
+        .o(clk_wave_base)
+    );*/
+    reg clk_pointer_inc = 1'b0; // Clock for pointer to increment
+    reg [10:0] divider = 11'b0;
+    always @(posedge clk_wave_base, posedge start)
+    begin
+        if (start) begin
+            divider <= frequency;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (divider == 11'd2047) begin
+                clk_pointer_inc <= ~clk_pointer_inc;
+                divider <= frequency;
+            end
+            else begin
+                divider <= divider + 1'b1;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    always @(posedge clk_pointer_inc, posedge start)
+    begin
+        if (start) begin
+            current_pointer <= 5'b0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (on)
+                current_pointer <= current_pointer + 1'b1;
+        end
+    end
+    sound_length_ctr #(8) sound_length_ctr(
+        .rst(rst),
+        .clk_length_ctr(clk_length_ctr),
+        .start(start),
+        .single(single),
+        .length(length),
+        .enable(enable)
+    );
+    assign level = (on) ? (
+        (volume == 2'b00) ? (4'b0000) : (
+        (volume == 2'b01) ? (current_sample[3:0]) : (
+        (volume == 2'b10) ? ({1'b0, current_sample[3:1]}) : (
+                            ({2'b0, current_sample[3:2]}))))) : 4'b0000;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/timer.v b/verilog/rtl/timer.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d72628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/timer.v
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
+// Create Date:    17:12:01 04/13/2018 
+// Module Name:    timer 
+// Project Name:   VerilogBoy
+// Description: 
+//   GameBoy internal timer
+// Dependencies: 
+// Additional Comments: 
+//   This should probably run at 1MHz domain, but currently at 4MHz.
+module timer(
+    input wire clk,
+    input wire [1:0] ct, // certain things can only happen at 1MHz rate
+    input wire rst,
+    input wire [15:0] a,
+    output reg [7:0] dout,
+    input wire [7:0] din,
+    input wire rd,
+    input wire wr,
+    output reg int_tim_req,
+    input wire int_tim_ack
+    );
+    wire [7:0] reg_div; // Divider Register
+    reg [7:0] reg_tima; // Timer counter
+    reg [7:0] reg_tma; // Timer modulo
+    reg [7:0] reg_tac; // Timer control
+    wire addr_in_timer = ((a == 16'hFF04) ||
+                          (a == 16'hFF05) ||
+                          (a == 16'hFF06) ||
+                          (a == 16'hFF07)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+    reg [15:0] div;
+    wire reg_timer_enable = reg_tac[2];
+    wire [1:0] reg_clock_sel = reg_tac[1:0];
+    assign reg_div[7:0] = div[15:8];
+    wire clk_4khz = div[9];
+    wire clk_256khz = div[3];
+    wire clk_64khz = div[5];
+    wire clk_16khz = div[7];
+    wire clk_tim;
+    assign clk_tim = (reg_timer_enable) ? (
+        (reg_clock_sel == 2'b00) ? (clk_4khz) : (
+        (reg_clock_sel == 2'b01) ? (clk_256khz) : (
+        (reg_clock_sel == 2'b10) ? (clk_64khz) : 
+                                   (clk_16khz)))) : (1'b0);
+    reg last_clk_tim;
+    reg write_block;
+    // Bus RW
+    // Bus RW - Combinational Read
+    always @(*)
+    begin
+        dout = 8'hFF;
+        if (a == 16'hFF04) dout = reg_div; else
+        if (a == 16'hFF05) dout = reg_tima; else
+        if (a == 16'hFF06) dout = reg_tma; else
+        if (a == 16'hFF07) dout = reg_tac;
+    end
+    // Bus RW - Sequential Write
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        last_clk_tim <= clk_tim;
+    end
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        if (rst) begin
+            //reg_div <= 0;
+            reg_tima <= 0;
+            reg_tma <= 0;
+            reg_tac <= 0;
+            div <= 0;
+            int_tim_req <= 0;
+            write_block <= 0;
+        end
+        else begin
+            div <= div + 1'b1;
+            if ((wr) && (a == 16'hFF04)) div <= 4; // compensate 1 cycle delay
+            else if ((wr) && (a == 16'hFF06)) begin
+                // test acceptance/timer/tma_write_reloading seems to imply
+                // that the reloading is done using a latch rather a FF
+                // writing to tma in the same cycle will fall through to tima
+                // as well.
+                reg_tma <= din;
+                if (write_block)
+                    reg_tima <= din;
+            end
+            else if ((wr) && (a == 16'hFF07)) reg_tac <= din;
+            else if ((wr) && (a == 16'hFF05) && (!write_block)) reg_tima <= din;
+            else begin
+                if ((last_clk_tim == 1'b1)&&(clk_tim == 1'b0)) begin
+                    reg_tima <= reg_tima + 1'b1;
+                    if (reg_tima == 8'hFF) begin
+                        int_tim_req <= 1'b1; // interrupt doesn't get delayed.
+                    end
+                end
+                else begin
+                    if ((int_tim_req)&&(int_tim_ack)) begin
+                        int_tim_req <= 1'b0;
+                    end 
+                    if ((ct == 2'b00)&&(reg_timer_enable)) begin
+                        if (reg_tima == 8'd0) begin
+                            reg_tima <= reg_tma;
+                            //int_tim_req <= 1'b1;
+                            write_block <= 1'b1;
+                        end
+                        else begin
+                            write_block <= 1'b0;
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/sim/Makefile b/verilog/sim/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415ae0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+TARGET := simulator
+OBJODIR := obj
+RTLDIR := .
+ifeq ($(VERILATOR_ROOT),)
+VERILATOR_ROOT ?= $(shell bash -c 'verilator -V|grep VERILATOR_ROOT | head -1 | sed -e " s/^.*=\s*//"')
+VINCD := $(VROOT)/include
+RTLOBJDIR := $(RTLDIR)/obj_dir
+CC = g++
+CXX = g++
+LD = g++
+LIBS := $(shell pkg-config sdl2 --cflags --libs) -lm
+	-Wall -Og -g $(shell pkg-config sdl2 --cflags)
+	-faligned-new \
+	-std=c++17
+	-I. \
+	-I$(RTLDIR) \
+	-I$(VINCD) \
+	-I$(VINCD)/vltstd
+	./main.cpp \
+	./dispsim.cpp \
+	./mbcsim.cpp \
+	./memsim.cpp \
+	./mmrprobe.cpp \
+	verilated.cpp \
+	verilated_vcd_c.cpp
+OBJS :=	$(CSRCS:%.c=$(OBJODIR)/%.o) \
+		$(CPPSRCS:%.cpp=$(OBJODIR)/%.o)
+	@echo Building RTL
+	make -f
+$(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.c $(RTLOBJ)
+	@echo [CC] $<
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	@$(CC) $(COMMONFLAGS) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $<
+$(OBJODIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(RTLOBJ)
+	@echo [CXX] $<
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	@$(CXX) $(COMMONFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $<
+$(OBJODIR)/%.o: $(VINCD)/%.cpp
+	@echo [CXX] $<
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	@$(CXX) $(COMMONFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c -o $@ $<
+PHONY += all
+all: $(OBJS)
+	@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o $(TARGET)
+	@echo 'all finish'
+PHONY += clean
+	rm -rf $(OBJODIR)
+	rm -f $(TARGET)
+	make -f clean
+	@echo 'clean finish'
+# Declare the contents of the .PHONY variable as phony.  We keep that
+# information in a variable so we can use it in if_changed and friends.
+# Set default target
diff --git a/verilog/sim/dispsim.cpp b/verilog/sim/dispsim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c796b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/dispsim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// dispsim.cpp: Display simulation unit
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include <SDL.h>
+#include "dispsim.h"
+    window = SDL_CreateWindow("VerilogBoy Simulation", 
+            dispWidth, dispHeight, SDL_SWSURFACE);
+    if (window == NULL) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create window\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 
+    if (renderer == NULL)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create renderer\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, contentWidth, contentHeight, 32,
+            0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0xFF000000);
+    textureRect.x = textureRect.y = 0;
+    textureRect.w = contentWidth; 
+    textureRect.h = contentHeight;
+    texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, 
+            SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, contentWidth, contentHeight);
+    if (screen == NULL || texture == NULL)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate framebuffer or texture\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    xCounter = 0;
+    yCounter = 0;
+    SDL_FillRect(screen, &textureRect, 0xFF0000FF);
+    renderCopy();
+    tick = SDL_GetTicks();
+    if (screen != NULL)
+    {
+        SDL_FreeSurface(screen);
+    }
+    if (texture)
+    {
+	    SDL_DestroyTexture(texture);
+    }
+    if (renderer)
+    {
+        SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
+    }
+    if (window)
+    {
+        SDL_DestroyWindow(window);
+    }
+void DISPSIM::apply(const unsigned char lcd_data, const unsigned char lcd_hs, 
+            const unsigned char lcd_vs, const unsigned char lcd_enable) {
+    if (!last_hs && lcd_hs) {
+        xCounter = 0;
+        yCounter ++;
+    }
+    if (!last_vs && lcd_vs) {
+        // Verical sync can happen at the same time.
+        yCounter = 0;
+    }
+    if (lcd_enable) {
+        xCounter ++;
+        setPixel(xCounter - HBP, yCounter - VBP, colorMap(lcd_data));
+    }
+    last_vs = lcd_vs;
+    last_hs = lcd_hs;
+    if ((SDL_GetTicks() - tick) > REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
+        renderCopy();
+        tick = SDL_GetTicks();
+    }
+void DISPSIM::set_title(char *title) {
+    SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, title);
+void DISPSIM::renderCopy(void) {
+	void *texturePixels;
+	int texturePitch;
+	SDL_LockTexture(texture, NULL, &texturePixels, &texturePitch);
+	memset(texturePixels, 0, textureRect.y * texturePitch);
+	uint8_t *pixels = (uint8_t *)texturePixels + textureRect.y * texturePitch;
+	uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)screen->pixels;
+	int leftPitch = textureRect.x << 2;
+	int rightPitch = texturePitch - ((textureRect.x + textureRect.w) << 2);
+	for (int y = 0; y < textureRect.h; y++, src += screen->pitch)
+	{
+		memset(pixels, 0, leftPitch); pixels += leftPitch;
+		memcpy(pixels, src, contentWidth << 2); pixels += contentWidth << 2;
+		memset(pixels, 0, rightPitch); pixels += rightPitch;
+	}
+	memset(pixels, 0, textureRect.y * texturePitch);
+	SDL_UnlockTexture(texture);
+	SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
+	SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL);
+	SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);
+void DISPSIM::setPixel(int x, int y, unsigned long pixel) {
+    uint32_t *pixels = (uint32_t *)screen->pixels;
+    if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= contentWidth) || (y >= contentHeight))
+        return;
+    pixels[y * contentWidth + x] = pixel;
+unsigned long DISPSIM::colorMap(unsigned char pixel) {
+    if (pixel == 3) 
+        return 0xff212f25;
+    else if (pixel == 2)
+        return 0xff32513a;
+    else if (pixel == 1)
+        return 0xff658635;
+    else if (pixel == 0)
+        return 0xff8b9a26;
+    else
+        // how???
+        return 0xffffffff;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/sim/dispsim.h b/verilog/sim/dispsim.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6ae898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/dispsim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// dispsim.h: Display simulation unit
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#pragma once
+class DISPSIM {
+    const int contentWidth = 160;
+    const int contentHeight = 144;
+    const int dispWidth = 320;
+    const int dispHeight = 288;
+    DISPSIM(void);
+    ~DISPSIM(void);
+    void apply(const unsigned char lcd_data, const unsigned char lcd_hs, 
+            const unsigned char lcd_vs, const unsigned char lcd_enable); 
+    void set_title(char *title);
+    static constexpr int HBP = 1;
+    static constexpr int VBP = 2;
+    static constexpr int REFRESH_INTERVAL = 20;
+    SDL_Surface       *screen           = NULL;
+    SDL_Window        *window           = NULL;
+    SDL_Renderer      *renderer         = NULL;
+    SDL_Texture       *texture          = NULL;
+    SDL_Rect           textureRect;
+    unsigned char last_vs;
+    unsigned char last_hs;
+    int xCounter;
+    int yCounter;
+    int tick;
+    void renderCopy(void);
+    void setPixel(int x, int y, unsigned long pixel);
+    unsigned long colorMap(unsigned char pixel);
diff --git a/verilog/sim/main.cpp b/verilog/sim/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c181510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// main.cpp: VerilogBoy main simulation unit
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <SDL.h>
+#include "verilated.h"
+#include "verilated_vcd_c.h"
+#include "Vboy.h"
+#include "memsim.h"
+#include "mbcsim.h"
+#include "dispsim.h"
+#include "mmrprobe.h"
+#define CLK_PERIOD_PS 250000
+#define RAM_BASE 0x80000000
+#define RAM_SIZE 1*1024*1024
+#define CON_BASE 0x20000000
+// Verilator related
+Vboy *core;
+VerilatedVcdC *trace;
+#define CONCAT(a,b) a##b
+#define SIGNAL(x) CONCAT(core->boy__DOT__,x)
+// this only applies to quiet mode.
+const uint64_t CYCLE_LIMIT = 32768;
+static bool quiet = false;
+static bool verbose = false;
+static bool enable_trace = false;
+static bool noboot = false;
+static bool nostop = false;
+static bool itrace = false;
+static bool usembc = false;
+static unsigned short breakpoint = 0xff7f;
+static char result_file[127];
+// Software simulated peripherals
+MEMSIM *cartrom;
+MEMSIM *cartram;
+MBCSIM *mbc;
+DISPSIM *dispsim;
+MMRPROBE *mmrprobe;
+FILE *it;
+// State
+uint64_t tickcount;
+double sc_time_stamp() {
+    // This is in pS. Currently we use a 10ns (100MHz) clock signal.
+    return (double)tickcount * (double)CLK_PERIOD_PS;
+void tick() {
+    if (usembc) {
+        mbc->apply(
+            core->dout,
+            core->a,
+            core->wr,
+            core->rd,
+            core->din);
+    }
+    else {
+        cartrom->apply(
+            core->dout,
+            core->a,
+            0,
+            //core->wr,
+            core->rd,
+            core->din);
+        cartram->apply(
+            core->dout,
+            core->a,
+            core->wr,
+            core->rd,
+            core->din);
+    }
+    if (!quiet) {
+        dispsim->apply(
+            core->pixel,
+            core->hs,
+            core->vs,
+            core->valid);
+    }
+    if (verbose) {
+        mmrprobe->apply(
+            SIGNAL(cpu_dout),
+            SIGNAL(cpu_a),
+            SIGNAL(cpu_wr),
+            SIGNAL(cpu_rd),
+            SIGNAL(cpu_din),
+            SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__last_pc));
+    }
+    tickcount++;
+    core->eval();
+    if (enable_trace) trace->dump(tickcount * CLK_PERIOD_PS - CLK_PERIOD_PS / 4);
+    core->clk = 1;
+    core->eval();
+    if (enable_trace) trace->dump(tickcount * CLK_PERIOD_PS);
+    core->clk = 0;
+    core->eval();
+    if (enable_trace) trace->dump(tickcount * CLK_PERIOD_PS + CLK_PERIOD_PS / 2);
+    if (itrace) {
+        if ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__ct_state == 3)) && 
+            (SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__next == 0))) {
+            // Instruction just finished executing
+            fprintf(it, "Time %ld\nPC = %04x, F = %c%c%c%c, A = %02x, SP = %02x%02x\nB = %02x, C = %02x, D = %02x, E = %02x, H = %02x, L = %02x\n",
+                10 * tickcount,
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__pc),
+                ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x8) ? 'Z' : '-',
+                ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x4) ? 'N' : '-',
+                ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x2) ? 'H' : '-',
+                ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x1) ? 'C' : '-',
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__acc__DOT__data),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[6]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[7]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[0]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[1]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[2]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[3]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[4]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[5]));
+        }
+    }
+void reset() {
+    core->rst = 0;
+    tick();
+    core->rst = 1;
+    tick();
+    core->rst = 0;
+    if (noboot) {
+        SIGNAL(brom_disable) = 1;
+    }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    // Initialize testbench
+    Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
+    core = new Vboy;
+    Verilated::traceEverOn(true);
+    if (argc < 2) {
+        puts("USAGE: vb_sim <> [--testmode] [--verbose] [--trace] [--noboot]"
+            "[--nostop] [--itrace] [--mbc] (verilator paramters...)\n");
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], "--testmode") == 0) {
+            quiet = true;
+            strcpy(result_file, argv[1]);
+            char *location = strstr(result_file, ".");
+            if (location == NULL)
+                location = result_file + strlen(result_file);
+            strcpy(location, ".actual");
+            noboot = true;
+        }
+        // Skip boot ROM
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], "--noboot") == 0) {
+            noboot = true;
+        }
+        // Enable MMR probe
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) {
+            verbose = true;
+        }
+        // Enable waveform trace
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], "--trace") == 0) {
+            enable_trace = true;
+        }
+        // Does not stop on STOP/HALT
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nostop") == 0) {
+            nostop = true;
+        }
+        // Enable instruction level trace
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], "--itrace") == 0) {
+            itrace = true;
+        }
+        // Enable MBC emulation
+        if (strcmp(argv[i], "--mbc") == 0) {
+            usembc = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (enable_trace) {
+        trace = new VerilatedVcdC;
+        core->trace(trace, 99);
+        trace->open("trace.vcd");
+    }
+    if (usembc) {
+        mbc = new MBCSIM();
+    }
+    else {
+        cartrom = new MEMSIM(0x0000, 32768, 0);
+        cartram = new MEMSIM(0xa000, 8192, 0);
+    }
+    if (!quiet) {
+        dispsim = new DISPSIM();
+    }
+    if (verbose) {
+        mmrprobe = new MMRPROBE();
+    }
+    if (itrace) {
+        it = fopen("itrace.txt", "w");
+        if (!it) {
+            itrace = false;
+            fprintf(stderr, "Fail to open output file for itrace.\n");
+        }
+    }
+    if (usembc)
+        mbc->load(argv[1]);
+    else
+        cartrom->load(argv[1]);
+    // Start simulation
+    if (verbose)
+        printf("Simulation start.\n");
+    reset();
+    uint32_t sim_tick = 0;
+    uint32_t ms_tick = SDL_GetTicks();
+    char window_title[63];
+    bool running = true;
+    while (running) {
+        tick();
+        sim_tick++;
+        // Check end condition
+        if (SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__last_pc) == breakpoint) {
+            printf("Hit breakpoint\n");
+            running = false;
+        }
+        if ((tickcount > CYCLE_LIMIT) && (quiet) && (!nostop)) {
+            printf("Time Limit Exceeded\n");
+            running = false;
+        }
+        if (core->fault) {
+            printf("Core fault condition\n");
+            running = false;
+        }
+        if (core->done && !nostop)
+            running = false;
+        // Get the next event
+        if (!quiet & (sim_tick % 4096 == 0)) {
+            SDL_Event event;
+            if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
+                if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) {
+                    // Break out of the loop on quit
+                    running = false;
+                }
+            }
+            uint32_t ms_delta = SDL_GetTicks() - ms_tick;
+            int sim_freq = sim_tick / ms_delta;
+            sim_tick = 0;
+            sprintf(window_title, "VerilogBoy Sim (%d kHz)", sim_freq);
+            dispsim->set_title(window_title);
+            ms_tick = SDL_GetTicks();
+        }
+    }
+    if (quiet) {
+        // output result to file
+        FILE *result;
+        result = fopen(result_file, "w+");
+        assert(result);
+        fprintf(result, "AF %02x%02x\r\n",
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__acc__DOT__data),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags) << 4);
+        fprintf(result, "BC %02x%02x\r\n",
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[0]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[1]));
+        fprintf(result, "DE %02x%02x\r\n",
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[2]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[3]));
+        fprintf(result, "HL %02x%02x\r\n",
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[4]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[5]));
+        fprintf(result, "SP %02x%02x\r\n",
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[6]),
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[7]));
+        fprintf(result, "PC %04x\r\n",
+                SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__pc));
+        fclose(result);
+    }
+    // print on screen
+    printf("PC = %04x, F = %c%c%c%c, A = %02x, SP = %02x%02x\nB = %02x, C = %02x, D = %02x, E = %02x, H = %02x, L = %02x\n",
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__pc),
+        ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x8) ? 'Z' : '-',
+        ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x4) ? 'N' : '-',
+        ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x2) ? 'H' : '-',
+        ((SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__flags)) & 0x1) ? 'C' : '-',
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__acc__DOT__data),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[6]),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[7]),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[0]),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[1]),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[2]),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[3]),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[4]),
+        SIGNAL(cpu__DOT__regfile__DOT__regs[5])
+    );
+    if (enable_trace) {
+        trace->close();
+    }
+    delete core;
+    if (!quiet) {
+        delete dispsim;
+    }
+    if (verbose) {
+        delete mmrprobe;
+    }
+    if (it) {
+        fclose(it);
+    }
+    if (usembc) {
+        delete mbc;
+    }
+    else {
+        delete cartrom;
+        delete cartram;
+    }
+    return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/sim/mbcsim.cpp b/verilog/sim/mbcsim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69a836f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/mbcsim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// memsim.cpp: Cartridge with memory bank controller (MBC) simulation
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "mbcsim.h"
+    ram = new uint8_t[MBC_RAM_SIZE];
+    rom = new uint8_t[MBC_ROM_SIZE];
+    ram_enable = 0; // Disable by default
+    mbc_mode = 0; // Banking mode for MBC1
+    rom_bank = 1;
+    ram_bank = 0;
+    last_wr = 0;
+    last_rd = 0;
+    last_data = 0;
+MBCSIM::~MBCSIM(void) {
+    delete[] ram;
+    delete[] rom;
+void MBCSIM::load(const char *fname) {
+    FILE *fp;
+    fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
+    assert(fp);
+    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
+    size_t fsize = ftell(fp);
+    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+    size_t result = fread((void *)rom, fsize, 1, fp);
+    assert(result == 1);
+    fclose(fp);
+    char title[17];
+    title[16] = 0;
+    memcpy(title, rom + 0x134, 16);
+    printf("ROM Title: %s\n", title);
+    char ctype = rom[0x147];
+    if ((ctype == 0x00) || (ctype == 0x08) || (ctype == 0x09)) {
+        mbc_type = MBCNONE;
+        printf("MBC Type: None\n");
+    }
+    else if ((ctype >= 0x01)&&(ctype <= 0x03)) {
+        mbc_type = MBC1;
+        printf("MBC Type: MBC1\n");
+    }
+    else if ((ctype >= 0x05)&&(ctype <= 0x06)) {
+        mbc_type = MBC2;
+        printf("MBC Type: MBC2\n");
+    }
+    else if ((ctype >= 0x0f)&&(ctype <= 0x13)) {
+        mbc_type = MBC3;
+        printf("MBC Type: MBC3\n");
+    }
+    else if ((ctype >= 0x19)&&(ctype <= 0x1e)) {
+        mbc_type = MBC5;
+        printf("MBC Type: MBC5\n");
+    }
+    else {
+        mbc_type = MBCUNKNOWN;
+        printf("Unsupported Cartridge Type: %d\n", ctype);
+    }
+    int rom_size = rom[0x148];
+    if (rom_size <= 0x08)
+        rom_size = (1 << rom_size) * 32;
+    else if (rom_size == 0x52)
+        rom_size = 72*16; // 72 banks
+    else if (rom_size == 0x53)
+        rom_size = 80*16;
+    else if (rom_size == 0x54)
+        rom_size = 96*16;
+    else
+        rom_size = 32; // Fallback to 32KB
+    printf("ROM Size: %d KB\n", rom_size);
+    int ram_size = rom[0x149];
+    if (ram_size == 0x00)
+        ram_size = 0;
+    else if (ram_size == 0x01)
+        ram_size = 2;
+    else if (ram_size == 0x02)
+        ram_size = 8;
+    else if (ram_size == 0x03)
+        ram_size = 32;
+    else if (ram_size == 0x04)
+        ram_size = 128;
+    else if (ram_size == 0x05)
+        ram_size = 64;
+    else
+        ram_size = 0;
+    printf("RAM Size: %d KB\n", ram_size);
+    memset(ram, 0xff, MBC_RAM_SIZE);
+void MBCSIM::apply(const uint8_t wr_data, const uint16_t address, 
+    const uint8_t wr_enable, const uint8_t rd_enable, uint8_t &rd_data) {
+    // Address within ROM window or RAM window
+    if ((address <= 0x8000) || ((address >= 0xa000) && (address < 0xc000))) {
+        if (last_wr && !wr_enable) {
+            if (address >= 0xa000) {
+                // Write to RAM
+                if (ram_enable == 0x0a) {
+                    if ((mbc_type == MBC1) && (mbc_mode == 0)) {
+                        ram[address - 0xa000] = last_data;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        ram[address - 0xa000 + ram_bank * 0x2000] = last_data;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else if (address < 0x2000) {
+                // RAM Enable (MBC1/3/5)
+                ram_enable = last_data;
+            }
+            else if (address < 0x4000) {
+                // ROM Bank (MBC1/3/5)
+                if (mbc_type == MBC1) {
+                    rom_bank &= ~0x1f;
+                    rom_bank = (unsigned int)last_data & 0x1f;
+                    if (last_data == 0)
+                        rom_bank |= 0x01;
+                }
+                else if (mbc_type == MBC3) {
+                    rom_bank &= ~0x7f;
+                    rom_bank = (unsigned int)last_data & 0x7f;
+                    if (last_data == 0)
+                        rom_bank |= 0x01;
+                }
+                else if (mbc_type == MBC5) {
+                    if (address < 0x3000) {
+                        rom_bank &= ~0xff;
+                        rom_bank |= (unsigned int)last_data & 0xff;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        rom_bank &= ~0x100;
+                        rom_bank |= ((unsigned int)last_data & 0x01) << 8;
+                    }
+                }
+                //printf("[MBC] Rom bank %d (%04x=%02x)\n", rom_bank, address, last_data);
+            }
+            else if (address < 0x6000) {
+                if ((mbc_type == MBC1) && (mbc_mode == 0)) {
+                    // High ROM Bank
+                    rom_bank &= ~0xe0;
+                    rom_bank |= ((unsigned int)last_data & 0x03) << 5;
+                    //printf("[MBC] Rom bank %d (%04x=%02x)\n", rom_bank, address, last_data);
+                }
+                else {
+                    // RAM Bank
+                    ram_bank = last_data;
+                    //printf("[MBC] Ram bank %d (%04x=%02x)\n", ram_bank, address, last_data);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (address < 0x8000) {
+                mbc_mode = last_data;
+            }
+        } 
+        else if (!last_rd && rd_enable) {
+            if (address < 0x4000) {
+                // LoROM
+                rd_data = rom[address];
+            }
+            else if (address < 0x8000) {
+                // HiROM
+                rd_data = rom[address - 0x4000 + rom_bank * 0x4000];
+                //printf("[MBC] Read from bank %d, %04x (%06x) = %02x\n", rom_bank, address, address - 0x4000 + rom_bank * 0x4000, rd_data);
+            }
+            else {
+                if ((mbc_type == MBC1) && (mbc_mode == 0)) {
+                    rd_data = ram[address - 0xa000];
+                }
+                else {
+                    rd_data = ram[address - 0xa000 + ram_bank * 0x2000];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    last_rd = rd_enable;
+    last_wr = wr_enable;
+    last_data = wr_data;
diff --git a/verilog/sim/mbcsim.h b/verilog/sim/mbcsim.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c4f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/mbcsim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// memsim.h: Cartridge with memory bank controller (MBC) simulation
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#pragma once
+#define MBC_RAM_SIZE (128*1024)
+#define MBC_ROM_SIZE (8*1024*1024)
+class MBCSIM {
+    MBCSIM(void);
+    ~MBCSIM(void);
+    void load(const char *fname);
+    void apply(const uint8_t wr_data, const uint16_t address, const uint8_t wr_enable,
+        const uint8_t rd_enable, uint8_t &rd_data);
+    typedef enum {
+        MBCNONE,
+        MBC1,
+        MBC2,
+        MBC3,
+        MBC5,
+    } MBCTYPE;
+    uint8_t *rom;
+    uint8_t *ram;
+    uint8_t last_wr;
+    uint8_t last_rd;
+    uint8_t last_data;
+    MBCTYPE mbc_type;
+    char ram_enable;
+    char mbc_mode;
+    unsigned int rom_bank;
+    unsigned int ram_bank;
diff --git a/verilog/sim/memsim.cpp b/verilog/sim/memsim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cbf3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/memsim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// memsim.cpp: A memory simulation model with simple delay control
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "memsim.h"
+MEMSIM::MEMSIM(uint16_t base, size_t len, size_t delay) {
+    this->base = base;
+    this->len = len;
+    this->delay = delay;
+    mem = (uint8_t *)malloc(len);
+    delay_count = 0;
+    last_wr = 0;
+    last_rd = 0;
+    last_data = 0;
+MEMSIM::~MEMSIM(void) {
+    free(mem);
+void MEMSIM::load(char *fname) {
+    FILE *fp;
+    fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
+    assert(fp);
+    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
+    size_t fsize = ftell(fp);
+    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+    size_t result = fread((void *)mem, fsize, 1, fp);
+    assert(result == 1);
+    fclose(fp);
+void MEMSIM::apply(uint8_t wr_data, uint16_t address, 
+    uint8_t wr_enable, uint8_t rd_enable, uint8_t &rd_data) {
+    if (delay_count == 0) {
+        if ((address >= base) && (address < (base + len))) {
+            if (last_wr && !wr_enable) {
+                mem[address - base] = last_data;
+                delay_count = delay;
+#ifdef __DEBUG
+            printf("MEMBUS W[%04x] = %02x\n",
+                address,
+                last_data);
+            } 
+            else if (!last_rd && rd_enable) {
+                rd_data = mem[address - base];
+                delay_count = delay;
+#ifdef __DEBUG
+            printf("MEMBUS R[%04x] = %02x\n",
+                address,
+                rd_data);
+            }
+        } 
+        last_rd = rd_enable;
+        last_wr = wr_enable;
+        last_data = wr_data;
+    } 
+    else {
+        delay_count --;
+    }
diff --git a/verilog/sim/memsim.h b/verilog/sim/memsim.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce05d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/memsim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// memsim.h: A memory simulation model with simple delay control
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#pragma once
+class MEMSIM {
+    MEMSIM(uint16_t base, size_t len, size_t delay);
+    ~MEMSIM(void);
+    void load(char *fname);
+    void apply(uint8_t wr_data, uint16_t address, uint8_t wr_enable,
+            uint8_t rd_enable, uint8_t &rd_data);
+    uint16_t base;
+    uint8_t *mem;
+    uint16_t len;
+    int delay;
+    int delay_count;
+    uint8_t last_wr;
+    uint8_t last_rd;
+    uint8_t last_data;
diff --git a/verilog/sim/mmrprobe.cpp b/verilog/sim/mmrprobe.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ff5fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/mmrprobe.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// mmrprobe.cpp: A probe that prints out MMR access logs
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "mmrprobe.h"
+    last_wr = 0;
+    last_rd = 0;
+    last_data = 0;
+void MMRPROBE::apply(uint8_t wr_data, uint16_t address,
+    uint8_t wr_enable, uint8_t rd_enable, uint8_t &rd_data, uint16_t pc) {
+    // Ignore ROM and HRAM RW
+    if (last_wr && !wr_enable) {
+        if ((address >= 0x8000)&&(address <= 0xff7f)) {
+            printf("PC %04x: BUS W[%04x] = %02x\n", pc, address, last_data);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (last_rd && !rd_enable) {
+        if ((address >= 0x8000)&&(address <= 0xff7f)&&(address != 0xff44)) {
+            printf("PC %04x: BUS R[%04x] = %02x\n", pc, address, rd_data);
+        }
+        /*if ((address == 0xff44) && (rd_data == 0x99)) {
+            printf("VSYNC\n");
+        }*/
+    }
+    last_rd = rd_enable;
+    last_wr = wr_enable;
+    last_data = wr_data;
diff --git a/verilog/sim/mmrprobe.h b/verilog/sim/mmrprobe.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceff7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/mmrprobe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// VerilogBoy simulator
+// Copyright 2022 Wenting Zhang
+// mmrprobe.h: A probe that prints out MMR access logs
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#pragma once
+class MMRPROBE {
+    MMRPROBE(void);
+    ~MMRPROBE(void);
+    void apply(uint8_t wr_data, uint16_t address, uint8_t wr_enable, 
+        uint8_t rd_enable, uint8_t &rd_data, uint16_t pc);
+    uint8_t last_wr;
+    uint8_t last_rd;
+    uint8_t last_data;
diff --git a/verilog/sim/ b/verilog/sim/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc9c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/sim/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+TARGET ?= boy
+all: $(TARGET)
+VOBJ := obj_dir
+CXX   := g++
+FBDIR := ../rtl
+CPUS ?= $(shell bash -c 'nproc --all')
+.PHONY: all
+SUBMAKE := $(MAKE) --no-print-directory --directory=$(VOBJ) -f
+ifeq ($(VERILATOR_ROOT),)
+VERILATOR := verilator
+VERILATOR := $(VERILATOR_ROOT)/bin/verilator
+VFLAGS := -Wall -Wno-fatal -MMD --trace -cc -I../rtl
+ifeq ($(VERBOSE), 1)
+VFLAGS += +define+VERBOSE=1
+$(VOBJ)/V%.cpp $(VOBJ)/V%.h $(VOBJ)/ $(FBDIR)/%.v
+$(VOBJ)/V%.cpp: $(VOBJ)/V%.h
+$(VOBJ)/  $(VOBJ)/V%.h
+$(VOBJ)/V%.h: $(FBDIR)/%.v
+$(VOBJ)/V%__ALL.a: $(VOBJ)/
+	$(SUBMAKE) V$*.mk -j$(CPUS)
+.PHONY: clean
+	rm -rf $(VOBJ)/*.mk
+	rm -rf $(VOBJ)/*.cpp
+	rm -rf $(VOBJ)/*.h
+	rm -rf $(VOBJ)/