blob: bd5e2a3b9fc23682508e6f9d9e1a81c203c2c10b [file] [log] [blame]
// and 25 June 2013
// Single-cycle implementation of a subset of ARMv4
// run 210
// Expect simulator to print "Simulation succeeded"
// when the value 7 is written to address 100 (0x64)
// 16 32-bit registers
// Data-processing instructions
// INSTR<cond><S> rd, rn, #immediate
// INSTR<cond><S> rd, rn, rm
// rd <- rn INSTR rm if (S) Update Status Flags
// rd <- rn INSTR immediate if (S) Update Status Flags
// Instr[31:28] = cond
// Instr[27:26] = op = 00
// Instr[25:20] = funct
// [25]: 1 for immediate, 0 for register
// [24:21]: 0100 (ADD) / 0010 (SUB) /
// 0000 (AND) / 1100 (ORR)
// [20]: S (1 = update CPSR status Flags)
// Instr[19:16] = rn
// Instr[15:12] = rd
// Instr[11:8] = 0000
// Instr[7:0] = imm8 (for #immediate type) /
// {0000,rm} (for register type)
// Load/Store instructions
// INSTR rd, [rn, #offset]
// LDR: rd <- Mem[rn+offset]
// STR: Mem[rn+offset] <- rd
// Instr[31:28] = cond
// Instr[27:26] = op = 01
// Instr[25:20] = funct
// [25]: 0 (A)
// [24:21]: 1100 (P/U/B/W)
// [20]: L (1 for LDR, 0 for STR)
// Instr[19:16] = rn
// Instr[15:12] = rd
// Instr[11:0] = imm12 (zero extended)
// Branch instruction (PC <= PC + offset, PC holds 8 bytes past Branch Instr)
// B
// B target
// PC <- PC + 8 + imm24 << 2
// Instr[31:28] = cond
// Instr[27:25] = op = 10
// Instr[25:24] = funct
// [25]: 1 (Branch)
// [24]: 0 (link)
// Instr[23:0] = imm24 (sign extend, shift left 2)
// Note: no Branch delay slot on ARM
// Other:
// R15 reads as PC+8
// Conditional Encoding
// cond Meaning Flag
// 0000 Equal Z = 1
// 0001 Not Equal Z = 0
// 0010 Carry Set C = 1
// 0011 Carry Clear C = 0
// 0100 Minus N = 1
// 0101 Plus N = 0
// 0110 Overflow V = 1
// 0111 No Overflow V = 0
// 1000 Unsigned Higher C = 1 & Z = 0
// 1001 Unsigned Lower/Same C = 0 | Z = 1
// 1010 Signed greater/equal N = V
// 1011 Signed less N != V
// 1100 Signed greater N = V & Z = 0
// 1101 Signed less/equal N != V | Z = 1
// 1110 Always any
module testbench();
logic clk;
logic reset;
logic [31:0] WriteData, DataAdr;
logic MemWrite;
// instantiate device to be tested
top dut (clk, reset, WriteData, DataAdr, MemWrite);
// initialize test
reset <= 1; # 22; reset <= 0;
// generate clock to sequence tests
clk <= 1; # 5; clk <= 0; # 5;
endmodule // testbench
module top (input logic clk, reset,
output logic [31:0] WriteData, DataAdr,
output logic MemWrite);
logic [31:0] PC, Instr, ReadData;
// instantiate processor and memories
arm arm (clk, reset, PC, Instr, MemWrite, DataAdr,
WriteData, ReadData);
imem imem (PC, Instr);
dmem dmem (ReadData, MemWrite, clk, DataAdr, WriteData);
endmodule // top
module arm (input logic clk, reset,
output logic [31:0] PC,
input logic [31:0] Instr,
output logic MemWrite,
output logic [31:0] ALUResult, WriteData,
input logic [31:0] ReadData);
logic [3:0] ALUFlags;
logic RegWrite,
ALUSrc, MemtoReg, PCSrc;
logic [2:0] RegSrc;
logic [1:0] ImmSrc, ALUControl;
controller c (clk, reset, Instr[31:12], ALUFlags,
RegSrc, RegWrite, ImmSrc,
ALUSrc, ALUControl,
MemWrite, MemtoReg, PCSrc);
datapath dp (clk, reset,
RegSrc, RegWrite, ImmSrc,
ALUSrc, ALUControl,
MemtoReg, PCSrc,
ALUFlags, PC, Instr,
ALUResult, WriteData, ReadData);
endmodule // arm
module controller (input logic clk, reset,
input logic [31:12] Instr,
input logic [3:0] ALUFlags,
output logic [2:0] RegSrc,
output logic RegWrite,
output logic [1:0] ImmSrc,
output logic ALUSrc,
output logic [1:0] ALUControl,
output logic MemWrite, MemtoReg,
output logic PCSrc);
logic [1:0] FlagW;
logic PCS, RegW, MemW;
decoder dec (Instr[27:26], Instr[25:20], Instr[15:12],
FlagW, PCS, RegW, MemW,
MemtoReg, ALUSrc, ImmSrc, ALUControl, RegSrc);
condlogic cl (clk, reset, Instr[31:28], ALUFlags,
FlagW, PCS, RegW, MemW,
PCSrc, RegWrite, MemWrite);
module decoder (input logic [1:0] Op,
input logic [5:0] Funct,
input logic [3:0] Rd,
output logic [1:0] FlagW,
output logic PCS, RegW, MemW,
output logic MemtoReg, ALUSrc,
output logic [1:0] ImmSrc, ALUControl,
output logic [2:0] RegSrc);
logic [10:0] controls;
logic Branch, ALUOp;
// Main Decoder
// Data processing immediate
2'b00: if (Funct[5]) controls = 11'b000_0010_1001;
// Data processing register
else controls = 11'b000_0000_1001;
// LDR
2'b01: if (Funct[0]) controls = 11'b000_0111_1000;
// STR
else controls = 11'b010_0111_0100;
// BL
2'b10: if (Funct[4]) controls = 11'b101_1010_1010;
// B
else controls = 11'b001_1010_0010;
// Unimplemented
default: controls = 11'bx;
endcase // case (Op)
assign {RegSrc, ImmSrc, ALUSrc, MemtoReg,
RegW, MemW, Branch, ALUOp} = controls;
// ALU Decoder
if (ALUOp) begin // which DP Instr?
4'b0100: ALUControl = 2'b00; // ADD
4'b0010: ALUControl = 2'b01; // SUB
4'b0000: ALUControl = 2'b10; // AND
4'b1100: ALUControl = 2'b11; // ORR
default: ALUControl = 2'bx; // unimplemented
// update flags if S bit is set
// (C & V only updated for arith instructions)
FlagW[1] = Funct[0]; // FlagW[1] = S-bit
// FlagW[0] = S-bit & (ADD | SUB)
FlagW[0] = Funct[0] &
(ALUControl == 2'b00 | ALUControl == 2'b01);
end else begin
ALUControl = 2'b00; // add for non-DP instructions
FlagW = 2'b00; // don't update Flags
// PC Logic
assign PCS = ((Rd == 4'b1111) & RegW) | Branch;
endmodule // decoder
module condlogic (input logic clk, reset,
input logic [3:0] Cond,
input logic [3:0] ALUFlags,
input logic [1:0] FlagW,
input logic PCS, RegW, MemW,
output logic PCSrc, RegWrite, MemWrite);
logic [1:0] FlagWrite;
logic [3:0] Flags;
logic CondEx;
// Notice hard-coding of FFs to structurally model
flopenr #(2) flagreg1 (clk, reset, FlagWrite[1],
ALUFlags[3:2], Flags[3:2]);
flopenr #(2) flagreg0 (clk, reset, FlagWrite[0],
ALUFlags[1:0], Flags[1:0]);
// write controls are conditional
condcheck cc (Cond, Flags, CondEx);
assign FlagWrite = FlagW & {2{CondEx}};
assign RegWrite = RegW & CondEx;
assign MemWrite = MemW & CondEx;
assign PCSrc = PCS & CondEx;
endmodule // condlogic
module condcheck (input logic [3:0] Cond,
input logic [3:0] Flags,
output logic CondEx);
logic neg, zero, carry, overflow, ge;
assign {neg, zero, carry, overflow} = Flags;
assign ge = (neg == overflow);
4'b0000: CondEx = zero; // EQ
4'b0001: CondEx = ~zero; // NE
4'b0010: CondEx = carry; // CS
4'b0011: CondEx = ~carry; // CC
4'b0100: CondEx = neg; // MI
4'b0101: CondEx = ~neg; // PL
4'b0110: CondEx = overflow; // VS
4'b0111: CondEx = ~overflow; // VC
4'b1000: CondEx = carry & ~zero; // HI
4'b1001: CondEx = ~(carry & ~zero); // LS
4'b1010: CondEx = ge; // GE
4'b1011: CondEx = ~ge; // LT
4'b1100: CondEx = ~zero & ge; // GT
4'b1101: CondEx = ~(~zero & ge); // LE
4'b1110: CondEx = 1'b1; // Always
default: CondEx = 1'bx; // undefined
endcase // case (Cond)
endmodule // condcheck
module datapath (input logic clk, reset,
input logic [2:0] RegSrc,
input logic RegWrite,
input logic [1:0] ImmSrc,
input logic ALUSrc,
input logic [1:0] ALUControl,
input logic MemtoReg,
input logic PCSrc,
output logic [3:0] ALUFlags,
output logic [31:0] PC,
input logic [31:0] Instr,
output logic [31:0] ALUResult, WriteData,
input logic [31:0] ReadData);
logic [31:0] PCNext, PCPlus4, PCPlus8;
logic [31:0] ExtImm, SrcA, SrcB, Result;
logic [3:0] RA1, RA2, RA3;
logic [31:0] RA4;
// next PC logic
mux2 #(32) pcmux (PCPlus4, Result, PCSrc, PCNext);
flopr #(32) pcreg (clk, reset, PCNext, PC);
adder #(32) pcadd1 (PC, 32'b100, PCPlus4);
adder #(32) pcadd2 (PCPlus4, 32'b100, PCPlus8);
// register file logic
mux2 #(4) ra1mux (Instr[19:16], 4'b1111, RegSrc[0], RA1);
mux2 #(4) ra2mux (Instr[3:0], Instr[15:12], RegSrc[1], RA2);
mux2 #(4) ra3mux (Instr[15:12], 4'hE, RegSrc[2], RA3);
mux2 #(32) ra4mux (Result, PCPlus4, RegSrc[2], RA4);
regfile rf (clk, RegWrite, RA1, RA2,
RA3, RA4, PCPlus8,
SrcA, WriteData);
mux2 #(32) resmux (ALUResult, ReadData, MemtoReg, Result);
extend ext (Instr[23:0], ImmSrc, ExtImm);
// ALU logic
mux2 #(32) srcbmux (WriteData, ExtImm, ALUSrc, SrcB);
alu alu (SrcA, SrcB, ALUControl,
ALUResult, ALUFlags);
endmodule // datapath
module regfile (input logic clk,
input logic we3,
input logic [3:0] ra1, ra2, wa3,
input logic [31:0] wd3, r15,
output logic [31:0] rd1, rd2);
logic [31:0] rf[14:0];
// three ported register file
// read two ports combinationally
// write third port on rising edge of clock
// register 15 reads PC+8 instead
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if (we3) rf[wa3] <= wd3;
assign rd1 = (ra1 == 4'b1111) ? r15 : rf[ra1];
assign rd2 = (ra2 == 4'b1111) ? r15 : rf[ra2];
endmodule // regfile
module extend (input logic [23:0] Instr,
input logic [1:0] ImmSrc,
output logic [31:0] ExtImm);
// 8-bit unsigned immediate
2'b00: ExtImm = {24'b0, Instr[7:0]};
// 12-bit unsigned immediate
2'b01: ExtImm = {20'b0, Instr[11:0]};
// 24-bit two's complement shifted branch
2'b10: ExtImm = {{6{Instr[23]}}, Instr[23:0], 2'b00};
default: ExtImm = 32'bx; // undefined
endcase // case (ImmSrc)
endmodule // extend
module adder #(parameter WIDTH=8)
(input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
assign y = a + b;
endmodule // adder
module flopenr #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
(input logic clk, reset, en,
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q);
always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset) q <= 0;
else if (en) q <= d;
endmodule // flopenr
module flopr #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
(input logic clk, reset,
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q);
// Reset has start of .text
always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset) q <= 0;
else q <= d;
endmodule // flopr
module mux2 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
(input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1,
input logic s,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
assign y = s ? d1 : d0;
endmodule // mux2
module alu (input logic [31:0] a, b,
input logic [1:0] ALUControl,
output logic [31:0] Result,
output logic [3:0] ALUFlags);
logic neg, zero, carry, overflow;
logic [31:0] condinvb;
logic [32:0] sum;
assign condinvb = ALUControl[0] ? ~b : b;
assign sum = a + condinvb + ALUControl[0];
casex (ALUControl[1:0])
2'b0?: Result = sum;
2'b10: Result = a & b;
2'b11: Result = a | b;
assign neg = Result[31];
assign zero = (Result == 32'b0);
assign carry = (ALUControl[1] == 1'b0) & sum[32];
assign overflow = (ALUControl[1] == 1'b0) &
~(a[31] ^ b[31] ^ ALUControl[0]) &
(a[31] ^ sum[31]);
assign ALUFlags = {neg, zero, carry, overflow};
endmodule // alu