| How to extract cells: |
| |
| 1. Edit ~/projects/efabless/tech/SkyWater/EFS8A/libs.tech/magic/EFS8A.tech |
| - on line 3297 to look as such: |
| device mosfet pshort scpfet,pfet pdiff,pdiffres,pdc nwell vdd! |
| - on line 3300 to look as such: |
| device mosfet nshort scnfet,nfet ndiff,ndiffres,ndc pwell,space/w gnd! |
| |
| that is to say, add the vnd! and gnd! at the end of the line |
| |
| - delete line 3088: "variant(sim)" and move it to line 3247 |
| |
| - add line 594: "units angstroms" |
| |
| - starting from line 857 it should look like |
| |
| layer LI allli |
| calma 67 20 |
| layer LI1TXT |
| labels allli noport |
| calma 67 16 |
| layer LI1PIN |
| labels allli port |
| calma 67 5 |
| layer LIRES rli |
| labels rli |
| calma 67 13 |
| |
| 2. bash extract_all |
| |
| 3. csh clean_all |
| if you want to delete all the extracted junk |