| #=========================================================================== |
| # File Name : Source: /net/splinter/fed/cvs/infrastructure/applets/compatibility.tcl,v |
| # Date Created : 07/20/2010 |
| # Date Modified : Date: 2012/03/07 02:42:47 |
| # Version : Revision: 1.35 |
| # Summary : Provide non-standard TCL commands to enable script reuse across Cadence |
| # Keywords : TCL compatibility script port EDI ae-ware ETS LEC conformal |
| # |
| # Description: |
| # RC has solid TCL support but also adds several useful commands that are |
| # not a standard part of TCL. Commands like add_command_help, parse_options, |
| # as well as others are frequently used in RC ae-ware scripts but not supported |
| # by most tools. In order to enable easy port of RC script to other tools |
| # within Cadence, this scripts are needed to emulate in other tools |
| # what is otherwise embedded in RC exectuable |
| # |
| # Assumptions: |
| # This script will be loaded in a Cadence tool that supports TCL |
| # |
| #=========================================================================== |
| ##nagelfar syntax get_metric |
| ##nagelfar syntax get_version |
| ##nagelfar syntax get_version_info |
| ##nagelfar syntax getVersion |
| ##nagelfar syntax dbGet |
| ##nagelfar syntax get_design |
| ##nagelfar syntax get_root_module |
| ##nagelfar syntax getLogFileName |
| ##nagelfar syntax timedesign |
| global currTool |
| |
| # Load Cadence Compatibility Layer when not in RTL Compiler |
| if {[expr {[llength [info commands attribute_exists]] && \ |
| [attribute_exists -type root program_short_name] && \ |
| [string equal [get_attribute program_short_name /] "rc"]}]} { |
| set currTool rc |
| } else { |
| switch -regexp [info nameofexecutable] { |
| {/(velocity|encounter)$} { set currTool encounter } |
| {/ctos(gui)?$} { set currTool ctos } |
| {/(lec|LEC|verify)$} { set currTool lec } |
| {/(tclsh|tkcon)} { set currTool tclsh } |
| default { set currTool "unknown" } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # exit if running in RTL Compiler; no emulation needed there |
| if {![string match "rc" ${currTool}]} { |
| # Put all ae-ware in a flat namespace to ease reference from one application to another |
| # As support for additional ae-ware is added through the compatibility layer, they will |
| # likely need to be added here if they have references to other ae-ware supported through |
| # the compatiblity layer |
| set ::ns(compat) "::aeware::compat" |
| set ::ns(parse_opt) $::ns(compat) |
| set ::ns(genrpt) $::ns(compat) |
| set ::ns(applet) $::ns(compat) |
| set ::ns(redirect) $::ns(compat) |
| set ::ns(regress) $::ns(compat) |
| |
| if {![llength [info procs alias]]} { proc alias {commandname command} { eval {interp alias {} $commandname {}} $command } } |
| |
| alias hidden_proc proc |
| alias tcl_source source |
| alias lcd cd |
| alias lls ls |
| alias lpwd pwd |
| alias ${::ns(compat)}::get_attr ${::ns(compat)}::get_attribute |
| alias ${::ns(compat)}::set_attr ${::ns(compat)}::set_attribute |
| alias ${::ns(compat)}::define_attr ${::ns(compat)}::define_attribute |
| |
| if {[string match "lec" ${currTool}]} { rename add_command_help _add_command_help } |
| |
| |
| namespace eval $::ns(compat) { |
| variable quietMode 0 |
| variable rootAttributes |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::add_command_help]]} { namespace export add_command_help } |
| if {![llength [info commands ::calling_proc]]} { namespace export calling_proc } |
| if {![llength [info commands ::dispatch_subcommand]]} { namespace export dispatch_subcommand } |
| if {![llength [info commands ::define_attribute]]} { namespace export define_attribute } |
| if {![llength [info commands ::get_attribute]]} { namespace export get_attribute } |
| if {![llength [info commands ::set_attribute]]} { namespace export set_attribute } |
| |
| proc basename {fullName} { return "[file tail $fullName]" } |
| |
| proc convert_unit {args} { |
| switch -- [parse_options "calling_proc" {} $args \ |
| "-to sos unit to convert input to(default is picoseconds)" toUnit \ |
| "srs string containing value to convert" inputStr] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error } |
| } |
| |
| set inVal [lindex $inputStr 0] |
| set inUnit [lindex $inputStr 1] |
| } |
| |
| proc EdiMetricsPresent {args} { |
| set metricsCookie ".edi_metrics" |
| file delete ${metricsCookie} |
| ##nagelfar ignore |
| ::se::save_metric_file ${metricsCookie} |
| set returnVal "false" |
| switch [llength $args] { |
| 0 { if {[file exists "${metricsCookie}"]} { set returnVal "true" } } |
| 1 { |
| if {[file exists "${metricsCookie}"]} { |
| set metricFile [open ${metricsCookie} r] |
| while {![eof $metricFile]} { |
| set metricLine [gets $metricFile] |
| if {![regexp {se::save_metric\s+(.*)\s+(\{.*\})} $metricLine match metricName metricVal]} { continue } |
| if {[string match $metricName $args]} { set returnVal true; break; } |
| } |
| close $metricFile |
| } |
| } |
| default { return "Error:EdiMetricsPresent allows 1 or 0 arguments!" } |
| } |
| return ${returnVal} |
| } |
| |
| |
| proc ::aeware::compat::find {args} { |
| global currTool |
| |
| if {[regexp {(program_version|memory_usage|runtime)} $args]} { |
| if {[regexp {\-(des|desi|desig|design)} $args]} { return } |
| if {[regexp {(root.*\-attr|-attr.*root)} $args]} { return 1 } |
| } |
| if {[regexp {\-cost_group\s+\*} $args]} { |
| switch ${currTool} { |
| "encounter" { |
| # For EDI, only safe way to do this is generating a report and extracting the path groups from there |
| set logFile [open [getLogFileName] r] |
| seek $logFile 0 end |
| timedesign -reportonly |
| timedesign -hold -reportonly |
| while {![eof $logFile]} { |
| set logLine [gets $logFile] |
| if {[regexp {\|\s+Setup mode\s+\|\s+all\s+\|\s+(.*)\s+\|} ${logLine} match rawCgInfo]} { break } |
| } |
| close $logFile |
| regsub -all {\s+} ${rawCgInfo} "" ediCgInfo |
| # regsub {\|clkgate} ${ediCgInfo} "" ediCgInfo |
| # regsub {\|in2reg} ${ediCgInfo} "|inclkSrc2reg" ediCgInfo |
| # regsub {\|in2out} ${ediCgInfo} "|inclkSrc2out" ediCgInfo |
| return [split ${ediCgInfo} "|"] |
| # unset -nocomplain ediCgInfo |
| # foreach_in_collection cgName [get_path_groups] { lappend ediCgInfo [get_property $cgName name] } |
| # puts "$ediCgInfo" |
| } |
| "ctos" { return } |
| } |
| } |
| if {[regexp {\-(des|desi|desig|design)\s+(\S+)} $args match findOpt findStr]} { |
| switch ${currTool} { |
| "encounter" { return [dbGet top.name] } |
| "ctos" { return [get_design] } |
| "lec" { return [get_root_module] } |
| } |
| } |
| return |
| } |
| |
| proc what_is {args} { return } |
| |
| proc calling_proc {args} { |
| switch -- [parse_options "calling_proc" {} $args \ |
| "nos number of levels to go back for calling procs name" levels] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error } |
| } |
| |
| # default is current level |
| if {[llength $levels]} { |
| if {$levels <= 0} { return -code error "Error: calling_proc argument must be > 0" } |
| } else { |
| set levels 0 |
| } |
| |
| # don't count this call to calling_proc |
| incr levels |
| |
| # puts "levels = $levels" |
| # puts "i_level = [info level]" |
| # puts "i_level_expr = [info level [expr {[info level] - $levels}]]" |
| # puts "index = [lindex [info level [expr {[info level] - $levels}]] 0]" |
| # puts "ns_tail = [namespace tail [lindex [info level [expr {[info level] - $levels}]] 0]]" |
| return [namespace tail [lindex [info level [expr {[info level] - $levels}]] 0]] |
| } |
| |
| proc get_attribute {args} { |
| global currTool |
| variable rootAttributes |
| variable $::ns(compat)::quietMode |
| |
| switch -- [parse_options [calling_proc] {} $args \ |
| "srs attribute name" attrName \ |
| "srm object of interest (must be unique)" objInfo] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error } |
| } |
| |
| foreach obj $objInfo { |
| if {[string match "encounter" ${currTool}] && |
| [regexp "metric_?(value|tcl)?" $obj match metricArg]} { |
| if {[llength ${metricArg}]} { |
| set metricArg "-${metricArg}" |
| } else { |
| set metricArg "-value" |
| } |
| set metricValue "N/A" |
| if {[eval EdiMetricsPresent $attrName]} { set metricValue [eval get_metric $attrName ${metricArg}] } |
| return $metricValue |
| } |
| if {[regexp {slack} $attrName]} { |
| if {[eval EdiMetricsPresent timing.setup.WNS.${obj}]} { |
| set metricValue [get_metric timing.setup.WNS.${obj} -value] |
| return ${metricValue} |
| } else { |
| puts "Warning: No \'slack\' metrics available for ${obj}" |
| return "N/A" |
| } |
| } |
| if {!${quietMode} && ![regexp {/} $obj]} { |
| puts "Warning: only root attributes are currently supported by Cadence Compatibility Layer(CCL)" |
| puts " EDI also supports metrics; specify \'metric\' as the object type" |
| puts "\tget_attribute $attrName $objInfo" |
| return -code error |
| } |
| } |
| |
| switch -regexp -- $attrName { |
| {^(runtime|super_thread_runtime|super_thread_total_runtime)$} { |
| switch -regexp ${currTool} { |
| {(encounter|ctos|lec)} { |
| set f [open "|ps -p [pid] -o cputime --noheaders"] |
| set size [string trim [read $f]] |
| close $f |
| if {[regexp {(0*(\d+)-)?0*(\d+):0*(\d+):0*(\d+)} $size -> xx days hours min sec]} { |
| set secTime 0 |
| if {[llength ${days}]} { incr secTime [expr {$days * 24 * 60 * 60}] } |
| incr secTime [expr {$hours * 60 * 60}] |
| incr secTime [expr {$min * 60}] |
| incr secTime $sec |
| } |
| return $secTime |
| } |
| {(tclsh)} { |
| set f [open "|ps -p [pid] -o cputime --noheaders"] |
| set size [string trim [read $f]] |
| close $f |
| if {[regexp {(0*(\d+)-)?0*(\d+):0*(\d+):0*(\d+)} $size -> xx days hours min sec]} { |
| set secTime 0 |
| if {[llength ${days}]} { incr secTime [expr {$days * 24 * 60 * 60}] } |
| incr secTime [expr {$hours * 60 * 60}] |
| incr secTime [expr {$min * 60}] |
| incr secTime $sec |
| } |
| return $secTime |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| {^memory_usage$} { |
| switch -regexp ${currTool} { |
| {(encounter|ctos|lec)} { |
| set f [open "|ps -p [pid] -o vsz --noheaders"] |
| set size [string trim [read $f]] |
| close $f |
| return [format "%.2f" [expr {$size / 1024.0}]] |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| {^program_version$} { |
| switch ${currTool} { |
| "encounter" { return "[getVersion]" } |
| "ctos" { return [format "%s(%s)" [join [lrange [get_version] 0 2] .] [join [lrange [get_version] 4 5] {}]] } |
| "lec" { return [format "%s(%s)" [lindex [get_version_info] 0] [lindex [get_version_info] 2]] } |
| } |
| } |
| {^lp_power_unit$} { return "nW" } |
| {^lp_insert_clock_gating$} { return "false" } |
| {^super_thread_servers$} { return } |
| {^auto_super_thread$} { return 0 } |
| default { |
| if {[info exists rootAttributes(value,$attrName)]} { |
| return "$rootAttributes(value,$attrName)" |
| } elseif {!${quietMode}} { |
| return -code error "Error: attribute \'$attrName\' is currently not supported by Cadence Compatibility Layer(CCL)" |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return |
| } |
| |
| |
| proc set_attribute {args} { |
| variable rootAttributes |
| variable $::ns(compat)::quietMode |
| |
| set quiet 0 |
| if {[info exists quietMode] && ${quietMode}} { set quiet 1 } |
| |
| switch -- [parse_options [calling_proc] {} $args \ |
| "-quiet bos keeps quiet unless there are problems" quiet \ |
| "-lock bos attribute becomes read only once locked" lockAttr \ |
| "srs attribute name" attrName \ |
| "srs new value. A compound string (containing spaces) should be represented as a list (using double-quotes or braces)" attrVal \ |
| "srm object(s) of interest" objInfo] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error } |
| } |
| |
| foreach obj $objInfo { |
| if {!${quiet} && ![regexp {/} $obj]} { |
| puts "Error: only root attributes are currently supported by Cadence Compatibility Layer(CCL)" |
| puts "\t\'$attrName\' will not be set to \'$attrVal\'" |
| return -code error |
| } |
| if {[info exists rootAttributes(value,$attrName)]} { |
| if {![eval IsValidArg $rootAttributes(dtype,$attrName) [list $attrVal]]} { |
| puts " set_attribute $attrName $attrVal $objInfo" |
| return -code error |
| } |
| if {!$quiet} { |
| puts " Setting attribute of \'$obj\': \'$attrName\' = ${attrVal}" |
| } |
| # Support for -check_function in define_attribute |
| if {[info exists rootAttributes(checkFunc,${attrName})]} { eval $rootAttributes(checkFunc,${attrName}) ${obj} ${attrVal} } |
| set rootAttributes(value,$attrName) $attrVal |
| } else { |
| return -code error "Error: attribute \'$attrName\' not found" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| proc define_attribute {args} { |
| variable rootAttributes |
| variable $::ns(compat)::quietMode |
| |
| set checkFunc {} |
| set setFunc {} |
| set computeFunc {} |
| |
| set checkFuncHelp "name of Tcl proc used to check value. The Tcl proc returns '1' if value is OK, '0' otherwise and requires two arguments: <object> <value>" |
| set setFuncHelp "name of Tcl proc used to set value. The Tcl proc returns the new value and requires three arguments: <object> <new_value> <current_value>" |
| set computeFuncHelp "name of Tcl proc used to compute value. If this option is used the attribute becomes read-only, since its value is always computed. The Tcl proc" |
| |
| switch -- [parse_options [calling_proc] {} $args \ |
| "-category srs category name" catName \ |
| "-data_type srs data type (boolean, \'fixed point\', \'floating point number\', integer, string)" dataType \ |
| "-obj_type srs object type" objType \ |
| "-default_value sos default value" defaultVal \ |
| "-help_string sos help string" helpString \ |
| "-more_help_string sos extended help string" extraHelp \ |
| "-hidden bos hide attribute" isHidden \ |
| "-obsolete bos obsolete attribute" isObsolete \ |
| "-check_function sos $checkFuncHelp" checkFunc \ |
| "-compute_function sos $computeFuncHelp" computeFunc \ |
| "-set_function sos $setFuncHelp" setFunc \ |
| "-skip_in_db bos if set, command write_db will not store attribute settings in the database" skipDB \ |
| "srs attribute name" attrName] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error } |
| } |
| |
| if {!${quietMode} && [llength $setFunc]} { |
| puts "Warning: user-attributes with -set_function are not supported by Cadence Compatibility Layer(CCL)" |
| puts "\tattribute \'$attrName\' will not be supported" |
| return |
| } |
| |
| if {!${quietMode} && [llength $computeFunc]} { |
| puts "Warning: user-attributes with -compute_function are not supported by Cadence Compatibility Layer(CCL)" |
| puts "\tattribute \'$attrName\' will not be supported" |
| return |
| } |
| |
| if {!${quietMode} && ![regexp {root} $objType]} { |
| puts "Warning: only root level user-attributes are supported by Cadence Compatibility Layer(CCL)" |
| puts "\tattribute \'$attrName\' will not be supported" |
| return |
| } |
| |
| set rootAttributes(value,$attrName) $defaultVal |
| set rootAttributes(dtype,$attrName) $dataType |
| set rootAttributes(value,$attrName) $defaultVal |
| if {[llength ${checkFunc}]} { set rootAttributes(checkFunc,$attrName) $checkFunc } |
| } |
| |
| # Currently, add_command_help is not emulated but implemented without doing anyhting to avoid errors |
| if {![llength [info commands ::add_command_help]]} { proc add_command_help {args} {} } |
| |
| # Provide help for command containing subcommands, edit_netlist is |
| # an example |
| proc subcommand_help {command help subcommands} { |
| puts " $command: $help" |
| puts "Usage: $command subcommand \[-h\]" |
| puts "" |
| puts " The 'subcommand' can be one of the following:" |
| |
| # get length of longest command name - used to pretty print help |
| set mlen 0 |
| foreach subcommand $subcommands { |
| set clen [string length [lindex $subcommand 0]] |
| set flag [lindex $subcommand 1] |
| if {$flag eq "hidden"} { |
| continue |
| } |
| if {$clen > $mlen} { |
| set mlen $clen |
| } |
| } |
| |
| foreach subcommand $subcommands { |
| set flag [lindex $subcommand 1] |
| if {$flag eq "hidden"} { |
| continue |
| } |
| set cmd_name [lindex $subcommand 0] |
| set cmd_help [lindex $subcommand 3] |
| set scount [expr {$mlen -[string length $cmd_name]}] |
| set spaces [string range [string repeat " " 50] 0 $scount] |
| puts "[format "%s%s- %s" $cmd_name $spaces $cmd_help]" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Fire off the appropriate subcommand. edit_netlist uses this. |
| # subcommands are formatted as: <name> <hidden | visible> <cmd> <help> |
| proc dispatch_subcommand {command c_args subcommands help} { |
| if {[llength $c_args] < 1} { |
| subcommand_help $command $help $subcommands |
| return -code error "Failed on '$command $c_args'" |
| } else { |
| set subcommand [lindex $c_args 0] |
| |
| if {[string match "-h*" $subcommand]} { |
| subcommand_help $command $help $subcommands |
| return |
| } else { |
| set matches {} |
| set mlist {} |
| set cmdhelp "" |
| |
| foreach type $subcommands { |
| set this_subcommand [lindex $type 0] |
| |
| if {[string match "$subcommand*" $this_subcommand]} { |
| if {([lindex $type 1] eq "hidden") && \ |
| ($subcommand ne $this_subcommand)} { |
| continue |
| } |
| set function [lindex $type 2] |
| set cmdhelp [lindex $type 3] |
| lappend matches $this_subcommand |
| lappend mlist $type |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # get exact match for subcommand for cases with same beginning |
| # e.g. 'report power' and 'report power_domain' |
| set exact 0 |
| foreach type $matches { |
| if {$type eq $subcommand} { |
| set exact 1 |
| } |
| } |
| if {$exact} { |
| set matches $subcommand |
| foreach type $mlist { |
| if {$subcommand eq [lindex $type 0]} { |
| set function [lindex $type 2] |
| set cmdhelp [lindex $type 3] |
| break |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if {[llength $matches] > 1} { |
| #Get the matching subcommand with least string length |
| if { [string length $subcommand] > 2 } { |
| set type [lindex [lsort -index 0 $mlist] 0] |
| set function [lindex $type 2] |
| set cmdhelp [lindex $type 3] |
| |
| puts stdout "Ambiguous subcommand: $matches" |
| puts stdout "Choosing subcommand: '[lindex $type 0]'" |
| } else { |
| puts stdout "Ambiguous subcommand: $matches" |
| subcommand_help $command $help $subcommands |
| return -code error "Failed on '$command $c_args'" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if {[llength $matches] == 0} { |
| puts stdout "Cannot find subcommand: $subcommand" |
| subcommand_help $command $help $subcommands |
| return -code error "Failed on '$command $c_args'" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Don't use concat because concat is slow. |
| set cmd [list $function] |
| set found_help 0 |
| foreach arg [lrange $c_args 1 end] { |
| lappend cmd $arg |
| if {($arg eq "-h") || ($arg eq "-he") || |
| ($arg eq "-hel") || ($arg eq "-help")} { |
| set found_help 1 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # print help for hidden subcommands |
| # ARGH- the regexp is converting vdir objects into strings! |
| # Please be certain that you watch out for vdir objects. |
| #if {[regexp {\-h} $cmd] && ($cmdhelp ne "")} |
| if {$found_help && ($cmdhelp ne "")} { |
| puts " $command $matches: $cmdhelp" |
| } |
| eval $cmd |
| } |
| } |
| |
| namespace eval $::ns(parse_opt) { |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::parse_options]]} { namespace export parse_options } |
| |
| proc UsageInfo {cmd cmdOptions} { |
| upvar $cmdOptions optInfo |
| set cmdVersion {} |
| if { [expr {[llength $cmd] > 1}] && [string is double [lindex $cmd end]] } { |
| set cmdVersion [lindex $cmd end] |
| set cmd [lreplace ${cmd} end end] |
| } |
| set usageString {} |
| set usageHeader "\nUsage: $cmd" |
| if {[llength ${cmdVersion}]} { set usageHeader "\nCommand Version: ${cmdVersion}\nUsage: $cmd" } |
| foreach opt [lsort [array names optInfo var,*]] { |
| regsub "var," $opt "" optUsage |
| regsub "var," $opt "rqmt," optRqmt |
| regsub "var," $opt "help," optHelp |
| for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $optInfo($opt)]} {incr i} { |
| if {![regexp {b\w\w} [lindex $optInfo($optRqmt) $i]]} { append optUsage " " } |
| if {![regexp {\-.*} $optUsage]} { set optUsage "" } |
| switch -regexp [lindex $optInfo($optRqmt) $i] { |
| {n\w\w} { set optUsage "${optUsage}<integer>" } |
| {f\w\w} { set optUsage "${optUsage}<float>" } |
| {s\w\w} { set optUsage "${optUsage}<string>" } |
| } |
| if {[regexp {\wO\w} [lindex $optInfo($optRqmt) $i]]} { continue } |
| if {[regexp {\wo\w} [lindex $optInfo($optRqmt) $i]]} { set optUsage "\[${optUsage}\]" } |
| if {[regexp {\w\wm} [lindex $optInfo($optRqmt) $i]]} { set optUsage "${optUsage}+" } |
| append usageHeader " ${optUsage}" |
| lappend usageString " ${optUsage}:" |
| lappend usageString " [lindex $optInfo($optHelp) $i]" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Output usage help messsage |
| puts "$usageHeader\n" |
| foreach usageLine ${usageString} { puts "$usageLine" } |
| } |
| |
| proc ParseHelp {} { |
| puts " |
| Usage: parse_options cmd file_var args \[code var\]* |
| |
| cmd <string>: |
| name of the command whose options are being parsed |
| file_var <string>: |
| name of variable to hold file id |
| args <string>: |
| options being passed to the command |
| code <string>: |
| option parsing directive |
| var <string>: |
| name of variable to hold option result |
| |
| The option parsing directive should be in the form: |
| (<-name> )?<x><y><z>(<dirtypes>)? <help> |
| where <-name> is a flag, for example \"-max\" |
| multiple string objects('srm' and 'som') are not supported for flagged options. |
| <x> is a character indicating the option type |
| d: directory object |
| n: integer |
| f: float |
| b: boolean |
| s: string |
| <y> is a character indicating optional, required or obsolete |
| o: optional |
| r: required |
| x: obsolete |
| <z> is a character indicating single or multiple |
| s: single value only |
| m: multiple values accepted |
| <dirtypes> is a string indicating directory types |
| The types must be separated by | characters |
| and must be bounded by parentheses. |
| For example, (port|pin) indicates that both |
| port and pin directories are accepted. |
| <help> is a string returned to the user if the |
| \'-h\' flag is given. |
| " |
| } |
| |
| proc parse_options {args} { |
| set cmd [lindex $args 0] |
| set file_var [lindex $args 1] |
| set parseArgs [lindex $args 2] |
| set parseOptions [lrange $args 3 end] |
| set switchName {} |
| set helpString {} |
| set parseRqmt {} |
| |
| if {[info exists optInfo]} { unset optInfo } |
| if {[regexp {\-(h|he|hel|help)($|\s)} $cmd]} { |
| eval ParseHelp |
| return |
| } |
| foreach opt $parseOptions { |
| if {[llength $opt] == 1} { |
| set indexName "unflagged" |
| if {[llength $switchName] == 1} { regsub -all {\s} $switchName "" indexName } |
| switch -regexp $parseRqmt { |
| {b\wm} { |
| puts "Error: Boolean options cannot be multi-valued" |
| return -code error |
| } |
| {br\w} { |
| puts "Error: Boolean options cannot be required - useless" |
| return -code error |
| } |
| {bos} { |
| if {[string match "unflagged" $indexName]} { |
| puts "Error: Boolean options must be unflagged" |
| return -code error |
| } |
| } |
| {s\wm} { |
| if {[llength $switchName] == 1} { |
| puts "Error: \'som\' and \'srm\' do not support flagged options" |
| return -code error |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| lappend optInfo(var,$indexName) $opt |
| lappend optInfo(rqmt,$indexName) $parseRqmt |
| lappend optInfo(used,$indexName) 0 |
| lappend optInfo(help,$indexName) $helpString |
| continue |
| } |
| if {![regexp {^\s*(\-\w+)?\s*([dbsnf][orO][sm])(\(\S+\))?\s+(.*)} $opt match switchName parseRqmt objRqmt helpString]} { |
| puts "Error: Invalid parse requirement string" |
| eval ParseHelp |
| return -code error |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # probably needs to be removed and integrated into next parsing section |
| if {[regexp {(^|\s)\-(h|he|hel|help)($|\s)} $parseArgs]} { |
| eval UsageInfo [list $cmd] optInfo |
| return -2 |
| } |
| |
| set unflagCount 0 |
| if {[info exists optInfo(var,unflagged)]} { set unflagCount [llength $optInfo(var,unflagged)] } |
| set unflagIndex 0 |
| set argCount [llength $parseArgs] |
| # foreach foo [array names optInfo *] { puts "optInfo($foo) -> $optInfo($foo)" ; set ::optInfo($foo) $optInfo($foo); } |
| # Process flags and flag arguments |
| for {set i 0} {$i < $argCount} {incr i} { |
| set currentArg [lindex $parseArgs $i] |
| if {[regexp {\-} $currentArg]} { |
| set matchIndex [lsearch -regexp -all [array names optInfo var,*] $currentArg] |
| if { [llength $matchIndex] > 1 } { return -code error "Error: ambiguous flag \'$currentArg\' specified" } |
| if { [llength $matchIndex] == 1 } { regsub "var," [lindex [array names optInfo var,*] $matchIndex] "" currentArg } |
| } |
| # Identify and process flagged options |
| # llength [lsearch -regexp -all [array names optInfo var,*] $currentArg] |
| # info exists optInfo(var,$currentArg) |
| if { [info exists optInfo(var,$currentArg)] || [expr {$unflagCount != 0}] } { |
| set argVal {} |
| if {[info exists optInfo(var,$currentArg)]} { |
| upvar $optInfo(var,$currentArg) argVar |
| set argRqmt $optInfo(rqmt,$currentArg) |
| if {[regexp {b(o|O)s} $argRqmt]} { |
| set argVar 1 |
| set optInfo(used,$currentArg) 1 |
| continue |
| } |
| # If not flagged boolean, make sure there are additional arguments |
| # if not enough arguments, signal error |
| incr i |
| if { $i == $argCount } { |
| puts "Error: \'$currentArg\' requires a valid argument" |
| eval UsageInfo [list $cmd] optInfo |
| return -code error |
| } |
| set optInfo(used,$currentArg) 1 |
| set currentArg [lindex $parseArgs $i] |
| } else { |
| upvar [lindex $optInfo(var,unflagged) $unflagIndex] argVar |
| set argRqmt [lindex $optInfo(rqmt,unflagged) $unflagIndex] |
| lset optInfo(used,unflagged) $unflagIndex 1 |
| incr unflagCount -1 |
| incr unflagIndex |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if { ![info exists optInfo(var,$currentArg)] && |
| [expr {$unflagCount == 0}] && |
| [expr {[llength $argVal] != 0}] && |
| ![regexp {\w\wm} $argRqmt] } { |
| puts "Error: \'$currentArg\' is not a valid option" |
| eval UsageInfo [list $cmd] optInfo |
| return -code error |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength $argVal]} { |
| if {![eval IsValidArg $argRqmt [list $currentArg]]} { |
| eval UsageInfo [list $cmd] optInfo |
| return -code error |
| } |
| } |
| |
| lappend argVal $currentArg |
| |
| if {[regexp {\w\ws} $argRqmt]} { |
| set argVar [lindex $argVal 0] |
| } else { |
| set argVar $argVal |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Check for missing 'required' arguments |
| foreach optUsed [array names optInfo used,*] { |
| regsub "used," $optUsed "rqmt," optRqmt |
| regsub "used," $optUsed "" unusedArg |
| for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $optInfo($optUsed)]} {incr i} { |
| if {![lindex $optInfo($optUsed) $i]} { |
| switch -regexp [lindex $optInfo($optRqmt) $i] { |
| {\wr\w} { |
| if {[regexp {unflagged} $unusedArg]} { set unusedArg "<string>" } |
| eval UsageInfo [list $cmd] optInfo |
| return -code error |
| } |
| {b(o|O)s} { |
| upvar $optInfo(var,$unusedArg) argVar |
| set argVar 0 |
| } |
| {(d|s|n|f)(o|O)\w} { |
| upvar $optInfo(var,$unusedArg) argVar |
| if {![info exists argVar]} { set argVar {} } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| proc IsValidArg {rqmt str} { |
| switch -regexp $rqmt { |
| {boolean$} { |
| if {![string is boolean $str]} { |
| puts "Error: \'$str\' is not of type booelan when boolean required" |
| return 0 |
| } |
| } |
| {(n\w\w|integer)$} { |
| if {![string is integer $str]} { |
| puts "Error: \'$str\' is not of type integer when integer required" |
| return 0 |
| } |
| } |
| {(f\w\w|floating point)$} { |
| if {![string is double $str]} { |
| puts "Error: \'$str\' is not of type float when float required" |
| return 0 |
| } |
| } |
| default { return 1 } |
| } |
| return 1 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| namespace eval $::ns(regress) { |
| variable buffer {} |
| variable delta 0.0 |
| variable delta_hi_margin 1.25 |
| variable delta_lo_margin 0.60 |
| variable delta_hi_margin_by_os |
| array set delta_hi_margin_by_os {AIX 5.0 SunOS 3.0} |
| variable ignore_no_echo 0 |
| variable count_levels 0 |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::assert]]} { namespace export assert } |
| if {![llength [info commands ::regress]]} { namespace export regress } |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # assert -- asserts that an expression evaluates to non-zero. |
| # Used in regression tests |
| proc assert {args} { |
| switch -- [parse_options [calling_proc] {} $args \ |
| "srs expression to test the assertion against - return zero will produce error" test_expr] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error "Failed on assert" } |
| } |
| |
| if {[catch {uplevel expr [list $test_expr]} rsl] == 1} { return -code error "Failed on badly formed assert: $rsl" } |
| if {!$rsl} { return -code error "Failed on assert(\{$test_expr\})" } |
| return |
| } |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # regress |
| # Used in regression tests |
| proc regress {args} { |
| variable $::ns(regress)::buffer |
| variable $::ns(regress)::count_levels |
| variable $::ns(regress)::delta |
| variable $::ns(regress)::ignore_no_echo |
| |
| set help_str { |
| e.g. regress { |
| puts foo |
| } { |
| see "f" |
| see_no "x" |
| } |
| Supported regress commands are: |
| see - find a string in the output buffer and advance to the end of what matched |
| peek - find a string in the output buffer but don't advance |
| see_no - don't find a string in the output buffer |
| rsee - regular expression version of see |
| rpeek - regular expression version of peek |
| rsee_no - regular expression version of see_no |
| } |
| |
| switch -- [parse_options [calling_proc] {} $args \ |
| "-no_echo bos don't print anything in the log" no_echo \ |
| "srs code to check" script \ |
| "srs checking script \n$help_str" see_commands] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error "Failed on regress" } |
| } |
| |
| set last_buffer "buffer" |
| set last_delta "delta" |
| |
| # lint |
| set rsl {} |
| |
| incr count_levels |
| if {$no_echo && !$ignore_no_echo} { |
| set script_ok 1 |
| ##nagelfar ignore E Bad option -mesg to redirect |
| redirect -mesg -variable buffer { |
| if {[catch {uplevel $script} rsl]} { |
| set script_ok 0 |
| } |
| } |
| if { $script_ok == 0 } { |
| puts $buffer |
| set buffer $last_buffer |
| return -code error "$rsl\nFailed on regress" |
| } |
| } else { |
| ##nagelfar ignore E Bad option -mesg to redirect |
| redirect -mesg -variable -tee "buffer" { |
| if {[catch {uplevel $script} rsl]} { |
| set buffer $last_buffer |
| return -code error "$rsl\nFailed on regress" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| incr count_levels -1 |
| |
| ##nagelfar ignore Only braced |
| if {[catch {namespace eval $::ns(regress) $see_commands} eval_rsl]} { |
| if { $no_echo && !$ignore_no_echo } { |
| puts $buffer |
| } |
| if {! [regexp "Failed on" $eval_rsl]} { |
| set buffer $last_buffer |
| set delta $last_delta |
| return -code error "$eval_rsl\nFailed on regress" |
| } |
| return -code error $eval_rsl |
| } |
| |
| set buffer $last_buffer |
| set delta $last_delta |
| |
| return $rsl |
| } |
| |
| # Check for the given string in the current buffer, but leave |
| # the buffer alone |
| proc peek {string} { |
| variable $::ns(regress)::buffer |
| |
| set index [string first $string $buffer] |
| if {$index < 0} { |
| return -code error "Failed on \'regress peek\' [list $string]" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Check for the given string in the current buffer, and chop |
| # off everything in the buffer up through what matched |
| proc see {string} { |
| variable $::ns(regress)::buffer |
| |
| set index [string first $string $buffer] |
| if {$index < 0} { |
| return -code error "Failed on \'regress see\' [list $string]" |
| } |
| # move the current position after what we just matched |
| set index [expr {$index + [string length $string]}] |
| set buffer [string range $buffer $index end] |
| } |
| |
| # Check that the given string doesn't exist in the current |
| # buffer. |
| proc see_no {string} { |
| variable $::ns(regress)::buffer |
| |
| set index [string first $string $buffer] |
| if {$index >= 0} { |
| return -code error "Failed on \'regress see_no\' [list $string]" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Check that the given regular expression matches in the current |
| # buffer. |
| proc rpeek {regexp} { |
| variable $::ns(regress)::buffer |
| |
| if {! [regexp -- $regexp $buffer]} { |
| return -code error "Failed on \'regress rpeek\' [list $regexp]" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Check that the given regular expression matches in the current |
| # buffer and chop off everything in the buffer up through what |
| # matched. |
| proc rsee {regexp} { |
| variable $::ns(regress)::buffer |
| |
| if {! [regexp -- $regexp $buffer match]} { |
| return -code error "Failed on \'regress rsee\' [list $regexp]" |
| } |
| |
| # move the current position after what we just matched |
| set index [string first $match $buffer] |
| assert {$index >= 0} |
| set index [expr {$index + [string length $match]}] |
| set buffer [string range $buffer $index end] |
| } |
| |
| # Check that the given regular expression doesn't match in the current |
| # buffer. |
| proc rsee_no {regexp} { |
| variable $::ns(regress)::buffer |
| |
| if {[regexp -- $regexp $buffer]} { |
| return -code error "Failed on \'regress rsee_no\' [list $regexp]" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| |
| namespace eval $::ns(redirect) { |
| if {![llength [info commands ::redirect]]} { namespace export redirect } |
| |
| proc write_gzip_file {filename} { |
| set gzip_com [exec which gzip] |
| if {[llength $gzip_com] == 0} { |
| return -code error \ |
| "Failed on 'write_gzip_file': unable to find gzip command" |
| } |
| if {[catch {open "|$gzip_com -c > $filename" w} file_id]} { |
| return -code error \ |
| "Failed on 'write_gzip_file': unable to open $filename" |
| } |
| return $file_id |
| } |
| |
| proc append_gzip_file {filename} { |
| set gzip_com [exec which gzip] |
| if {[llength $gzip_com] == 0} { |
| return -code error \ |
| "Failed on 'append_gzip_file': unable to find gzip command" |
| } |
| if {[catch {open "|$gzip_com -c >> $filename" a} file_id]} { |
| return -code error \ |
| "Failed on 'append_gzip_file': unable to open $filename" |
| } |
| return $file_id |
| } |
| |
| |
| if {! [llength [info commands ::tcl_puts]]} { |
| rename ::puts ::tcl_puts |
| } elseif {![llength [info commands $::ns(redirect)::file_puts]]} { |
| puts "Warning: \'puts\' could not be aliased to \'tcl_puts\'" |
| puts "\t\'tcl_puts\' already exists" |
| } |
| |
| # make puts refer to the new tcl_puts |
| interp alias {} ::puts {} ::tcl_puts |
| |
| # A replacement version of puts. All this layer does is to send puts |
| # commands that would have gone to stdout to the filehandle |
| # given in the file argument |
| proc file_puts {tee file args} { |
| switch [llength $args] { |
| 1 { |
| ::tcl_puts $file [lindex $args 0] |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| 2 { |
| if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-nonewline"} { |
| ::tcl_puts -nonewline $file [lindex $args 1] |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts -nonewline [lindex $args 1] |
| } |
| } elseif {[lindex $args 0] eq "stdout"} { |
| ::tcl_puts $file [lindex $args 1] |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 1] |
| } |
| } else { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| 3 { |
| if {[lindex $args 1] eq "stdout"} { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] $file [lindex $args 2] |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 2] |
| } |
| } else { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| default { |
| eval {::tcl_puts $args} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # A replacement version of puts. All this layer does is to send puts |
| # commands that would have gone to stdout to the variable given |
| # in the given level's stack frame |
| proc var_puts {tee args} { |
| variable result |
| |
| switch [llength $args] { |
| 1 { |
| append result [lindex $args 0] "\n" |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| 2 { |
| if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-nonewline"} { |
| append result [lindex $args 1] |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts -nonewline [lindex $args 1] |
| } |
| } elseif {[lindex $args 0] eq "stdout"} { |
| append result [lindex $args 1] "\n" |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 1] |
| } |
| } else { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| 3 { |
| if {[lindex $args 1] eq "stdout"} { |
| append result [lindex $args 2] |
| if {$tee} { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 2] |
| } |
| } else { |
| ::tcl_puts [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| default { |
| eval "::tcl_puts $args" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| proc redirect {args} { |
| switch -- [parse_options [calling_proc] {} $args \ |
| "-append bos appends to the file or variable" append \ |
| "-tee bos writes to stdout also" tee \ |
| "-mesg bos ignored for all other tools (for now)" mesg \ |
| "-variable bos writes to Tcl variable instead of a file" variable \ |
| "srs the file or variable name to write into" file_var_name \ |
| "srs the Tcl code to execute" script] { |
| -2 { return } |
| 0 { return -code error } |
| } |
| |
| if {([llength $file_var_name] != 1) && \ |
| ([string index $file_var_name 0] ne "|")} { |
| return -code error "$file_var_name doesn't look like a filename" |
| } |
| |
| if {$variable} { |
| # remember what the alias for puts is currently so we can restore it |
| set prev_alias [interp alias {} ::puts] |
| # override the current puts alias |
| interp alias {} ::puts {} $::ns(redirect)::var_puts $tee |
| |
| # remember the value of the redirect buffer so we can restore it |
| namespace eval $::ns(redirect) { |
| if {[info exists result]} { set prev_result $result } |
| set result {} |
| } |
| } else { |
| # open the file requested |
| if {[file extension $file_var_name] eq ".gz"} { |
| if {$append} { |
| set file [append_gzip_file $file_var_name] |
| } else { |
| set file [write_gzip_file $file_var_name] |
| } |
| } else { |
| if {$append} { |
| set file [open $file_var_name a] |
| } else { |
| set file [open $file_var_name w] |
| } |
| } |
| # remember what the alias for puts is currently so we can restore it |
| set prev_alias [interp alias {} ::puts] |
| |
| # override the current puts alias |
| interp alias {} ::puts {} [set ::ns(redirect)]::file_puts $tee $file |
| } |
| |
| # evaluate the given script |
| set error [catch {uplevel $script} rsl] |
| |
| # put the puts alias back where it was before |
| eval {interp alias {} ::puts {}} $prev_alias |
| |
| if {$variable} { |
| upvar $file_var_name my_variable |
| if {$append} { |
| append my_variable [namespace eval $::ns(redirect) { set result }] |
| } else { |
| set my_variable [namespace eval $::ns(redirect) { set result }] |
| } |
| if {[namespace eval $::ns(redirect) { info exists prev_result }]} { |
| if {$tee} { namespace eval $::ns(redirect) { append prev_result $result } } |
| namespace eval $::ns(redirect) { set result $prev_result } |
| } |
| } else { |
| # put the stdout handle back where it was before |
| close $file |
| } |
| |
| # return the results of the executed script |
| if {$error} { |
| return -code "error" $rsl |
| } |
| return $rsl |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # This section added to implement compatible attributes or dummies for compatibility purposes |
| namespace eval $::ns(compat) { |
| # This attribute is defined such that setting it in all tools does not cause any errors |
| # however, the attribute may not perform the intended tasks in all tools |
| catch { |
| define_attribute \ |
| -category compatibility \ |
| -data_type string \ |
| -obj_type root \ |
| -default_value "<compatiblity-only>" \ |
| -help_string "Require all commands executed in the session to be echo'ed to the log." \ |
| source_verbose |
| } |
| |
| catch { |
| define_attribute \ |
| -category compatibility \ |
| -data_type boolean \ |
| -obj_type root \ |
| -default_value true \ |
| -help_string "do not echo CCL warning messages" \ |
| ccl_display_warnings |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::define_attribute]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(compat)::define_attribute |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::set_attribute]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(compat)::set_attribute |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::get_attribute]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(compat)::get_attribute |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::dispatch_subcommand]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(compat)::dispatch_subcommand |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::redirect]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(redirect)::redirect |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::assert]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(regress)::assert |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::regress]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(regress)::regress |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::add_command_help]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(compat)::add_command_help |
| } |
| |
| if {![llength [info commands ::calling_proc]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(compat)::calling_proc |
| add_command_help calling_proc "Enable porting of RC ae-ware scripts" |
| } |
| |
| if {[llength [info commands $::ns(compat)::parse_options]]} { |
| if {![llength [info commands ::parse_options]]} { |
| namespace import $::ns(parse_opt)::parse_options |
| add_command_help parse_options "Enable porting of RC ae-ware scripts" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| add_command_help $::ns(compat)::define_attribute "Enable porting of RC ae-ware scripts" |
| add_command_help $::ns(compat)::get_attribute "Enable porting of RC ae-ware scripts" |
| add_command_help $::ns(redirect)::redirect "redirects stdout to a file or variable temporarily" |
| |
| regexp {\d+(\.\d+)+} {Revision: 1.35} pkgRev |
| package provide compatibility $pkgRev |
| } |
| |
| # parse_options bla {} "-a dd -b -c ff st1 st2" "-a srs a opt" aopt "-b bos b bool" bopt "-c srs c option" copt "srs unflagged 1" u1 "srs unflagged 2" u2 |
| # parse_options bla {} "-a dd" "-a srs a opt" aopt |
| # parse_options bla {} "-b" "-b bos b bool" bopt |
| # parse_options bla {} "st1" "srs unflagged 1" u1 |
| # parse_options bla {} "4 -fii" "nos unflagged 1" u1 |
| # parse_options test {} "-help" "-c srs cat" copt "-set_function sos sfunc" sopt |
| # parse_options test {} "-he" "-helper bos dummy" hbool |
| # parse_options bla {} {-c dskj -d jdskla -help_string "dsd djskal"} "-c srs cat" copt "-d srs dtype" dopt "-help_string sos hstring" hopt |
| # parse_options bla {} {-c dskj -d jdskla -help_string "dsd djskal"} "-c_1 srs cat" copt "-d_1 srs dtype" dopt "-help_string sos hstring" hopt |
| # parse_options bla {} {-c dskj } "-c_1 srs cat" copt |
| # parse_options bla {} "fieldInfo emac" "srm opt" aopt |
| # define_attribute -obj obj -data data -cat cat -def def -comp comp -help_s help bla |
| |
| #=========================================================================== |
| # |
| # Copyright 1997-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. |
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| # The Tcl computer program and related information (collectively "Licensed Material") |
| # contained herein are protected by copyright law and international treaties. |
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| # Cadence grants Recipient of the Licensed Material a nonexclusive right |
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| # desire to distribute any portion of the Licensed Material, Recipient |
| # must obtain Cadence's permission. In no event shall Recipient use the |
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| # The Licensed Material is provided to Recipient to use at Recipient's |
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| # future versions of Cadence products, and Cadence will not provide any |
| # technical support for the Licensed Material, whether modified or not |
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| # Cadence Design Systems, Inc. |
| # 2655 Seely Avenue |
| # San Jose, CA 95134 |
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