| # Tiny User Project |
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| Template for submitting [TinyTapeout](https://tinytapeout.com) based projects to the [Open MPW shuttle](https://developers.google.com/silicon) program. |
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| ## Usage |
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| 1. [Generate](https://github.com/proppy/tiny_user_project/generate) a new project based on this template. |
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| 1. [Set GitHub Pages](https://tinytapeout.com/faq/#my-github-action-is-failing-on-the-pages-part) `Sources` as `GitHub Actions`. |
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| 1. If using [Wokwi](https://wokwi.com/): |
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| - Reuse or create a new [Wokwi](https://wokwi.com/projects/339800239192932947) project. |
| - Edit [`info.yaml`](info.yaml): |
| - In `project`: |
| - Update `wokwi_id` with the last component of the Wokwi URL. |
| - In `documentation`: |
| - Update `inputs` to document the input wire of your project. |
| - Update `outputs` to document the output wire of your project. |
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| 1. If using Verilog: |
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| - Add your HDL code in [`verilog/rtl/`](verilog/rtl/). |
| - Edit [`info.yaml`](info.yaml): |
| - In `project`: |
| - Set `wokwi_id` to `0`. |
| - Uncomment and update `top_module` to match your top-level module. |
| - Uncomment and list your Verilog sources in `src_files` (paths relative to the root of the repository). |
| - In `documentation`: |
| - Update `inputs` to document the input wire of your top-level module. |
| - Update `outputs` to document the output wire of your top-level module. |
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| 1. Commit, push and check the [![user_project_ci](https://github.com/proppy/tiny_caravel_user_project/actions/workflows/user_project_ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/proppy/tiny_caravel_user_project/actions/workflows/user_project_ci.yml) workflow summary (if successful a new commit including the hardened files will be automatically created). |
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| 1. [Submit](https://platform.efabless.com/projects/create?project_definition=Open+MPW&shuttle=MPW-8) your project github repository to the next [Open MPW shuttle](https://platform.efabless.com/shuttles/MPW-8). |