blob: 91ca3bee2fa8b8f9fcda784fada2086c77507247 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
module chrisruk_matrix #( parameter MAX_COUNT = 1000 ) (
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
wire clk = io_in[0]; // Input clock line
wire reset = io_in[1]; // Input reset line
reg [0:0] resetflag = 1; // Reset flag, only used by FPGA
reg [0:0] clock_1;
reg [0:0] strip_1;
assign io_out[0] = clock_1; // Clock output for LED matrix
assign io_out[1] = strip_1; // Data output for LED matrix
reg [0:48-1] fonts [0:2-1]; // Font array
reg [11:0] counter1; // Count where we are in bit pattern
reg [2:0] shift; // Amount to left shift letter
reg [4:0] letteridx; // Index of letter
reg [3:0] rowno; // Row number in 8x8 matrix
reg [5:0] idx; // Bit index within colour register
reg [5:0] pidx; // Bit index within letter, we apply processing on top of this
// value to create the bitidx value
reg [5:0] bitidx; // Index of bit we are within of letter
reg [0:32-1] ledreg1; // Colour 1
reg [0:32-1] ledreg2; // Colour 2
reg [0:64-1] display; // Display buffer
`ifdef FPGA
// Generate 6kHz clock from input 12MHz clock
reg [0:0] clk2 = 0;
integer counter = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (counter == 2000) begin
clk2 = ~clk2;
counter = 0;
end else begin
counter <= counter + 1;
always @(posedge clk2) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset || resetflag) begin
// Setup variables
shift = 0;
letteridx = 0;
counter1 = 0;
rowno = 0;
idx = 0;
pidx = 0;
strip_1 = 0;
clock_1 = 0;
resetflag = 0;
bitidx = 0;
ledreg1 = 32'hf00f0000;
ledreg2 = 32'hf0000000;
// Array of 8x8 font letters
/*fonts[0] = 48'h60_6c_76_66_66_e6; // h
fonts[1] = 48'h00_78_cc_fc_c0_78; // e
fonts[2] = 48'h30_30_30_30_30_78; // l
fonts[3] = 48'h00_78_cc_cc_cc_78; // o*/
fonts[0] = 48'h30_30_30_30_30_78; // l
fonts[1] = 48'h00_78_cc_cc_cc_78; // o
end else begin
clock_1 = ~clock_1 ;
if (clock_1 == 1) begin
if (counter1 < 32) begin
// Need zeros at start of pattern
strip_1 = 0;
display = {8'b0, fonts[letteridx][40:47] << shift, fonts[letteridx][32:39] << shift,
fonts[letteridx][24:31] << shift, fonts[letteridx][16:23] << shift, fonts[letteridx][8:15] << shift, fonts[letteridx][0:7] << shift, 8'b0};
display = display | {8'b0, fonts[letteridx+1][40:47] >> 8 - shift, fonts[letteridx+1][32:39] >> 8 - shift,
fonts[letteridx+1][24:31] >> 8 - shift, fonts[letteridx+1][16:23] >> 8 - shift, fonts[letteridx+1][8:15] >> 8 - shift, fonts[letteridx+1][0:7] >> 8 - shift, 8'b0};
end else if (counter1 < 32 + (32 * (8*8))) begin
rowno = pidx / 8;
// flip bit order if even row, as matrix of LEDs
// is in a 'snake' like pattern
if(rowno % 2 == 0) begin
bitidx = ((rowno * 16) + 8) - 1 - pidx;
end else begin
bitidx = pidx;
// Extract bit from display buffer
if (display[bitidx] == 1) begin
strip_1 = ledreg1[idx];
end else begin
strip_1 = ledreg2[idx];
idx = idx + 1;
if (idx == 32) begin
idx = 0;
pidx = pidx + 1;
if (pidx == 64) begin
pidx = 0;
end else if (counter1 < 32 + (32 * (8*8)) + 32 + 32) begin
// Need zeros at end of pattern
strip_1 = 0;
end else begin
counter1 = 0;
strip_1 = 0;
pidx = 0;
idx = 0;
if (shift == 7) begin
letteridx = letteridx + 1;
if (letteridx == 4) begin
letteridx = 0;
shift = 0;
end else begin
// Need to wrap back to first letter
shift = shift + 1;
counter1 = counter1 + 1;