tree: 6c0bc365c2cf860021387c39211020addd542536 [path history] [tgz]
  1. lint.cfg
  2. Makefile
  4. test_scan_controller.gtkw
  6. test_scan_controller_tb.v

Scan Controller Testbench

This testbench can simulate the entire TinyTapeout chip, with all 498 designs connected on a long scan chain. It can either operate in a fast mode using simple stand-ins for the standard cells, or use the gate models provided by Skywater with unit delays for a more detailed simulation.

Two simulators are supported:

  • SIM=icarus - use Icarus Verilog to simulate the design. This is the slower option, but supports delay annotations and can use the real Skywater PDK cells;

  • SIM=verilator - uses Verilator to simulate the design. This is a much faster option (~10x faster), but has to use simple fast models of the PDK cells rather than the primitive versions provided by Skywater. It does not support delay annotations;

GNU Make is used to kick-off simulations, and the testbench is written in CocoTB. There are three common Make targets to run:

  • make test_scan_controller - run the simulation with the fast, simple models. This supports both Icarus Verilog and Verilator.

  • make test_scan_controller_gl - run a gate-level simulation with the real PDK cells and unit delays. This only supports Icarus Verilog as a simulator.

  • make clean - deletes all build and test artefacts.

There are a few switches which can be used with either make test_scan_controller or make test_scan_controller_gl:

  • WAVES=yes/no - whether to trace VCD waves from the design (enabling this can have a significant impact on run speed);

  • SIM=icarus/verilator - select the simulator to use;