blob: 5388301ff0beee44ef67632f737f23fa2f840a6e [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
// Top level io for this module should stay the same to fit into the scan_wrapper.
// The pin connections within the user_module are up to you,
// although (if one is present) it is recommended to place a clock on io_in[0].
// This allows use of the internal clock divider if you wish.
module user_module_340067262721426004(
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
wire out;
assign io_out[0] = out;
div3_340067262721426004 div3_core(
.in(io_in[0]), // this is clk
// This is my answer to the classic interview question which asks to
// divide a clock by 3 but with a 50% duty cycle, which adds a fun element.
// It's basically exercise 26.7 in Digital Design, A System's Approach by Dally
// but I used a slightly different state assignment for some reason.
module div3_340067262721426004 (input in, rst, output out);
wire in, rst, nrst, out, s0, s1, s2;
assign #1 out = ~s0;
assign #1 nrst = ~rst;
wire a,b,c;
// each one of these represents a buble in the kmap which I made from the
// state transistion table. It made it a bit easier to find typos.
assign a = s0&s1;
assign b = ~s2&in&s0;
assign c = s2&in&s1;
assign #1 s0 = nrst & ( a|b|c );
wire d,e,f,g;
assign d=~s0&s1;
assign e=~s2&~in&s1;
assign f=s2&~in&~s0;
assign g=s1&s2;
assign #1 s1 = nrst & ( d|e|f|g );
wire h,i,j;
assign h = ~s0&s2;
assign i = ~s0&~s1∈
assign j = s2∈
assign #1 s2 = nrst & ( h|i|j );