VCO: 1:add another instance of VCO and connect to transimission line
     2:change the digital input from io_in<14:18> to io_in<15:19>
     all change are done in both schematic and layout
     !!! todo: please tie another reference current of 40uA to REF2 label in layout!!!
REF:1:move the digital input from gpio_analog<19> to gpio_analog<7>
    all change are done in both schematic and layout
Tx_line:1:insert 1 instance Tx_line on the wrapper
        2:connect the input of Tx_line to second instance of VCO
        !!! todo: Tx_line is only connected one side, please connect the second side(either to a analog output or to VGA)!!!!
4 files changed
tree: ad2c2370b85719f717c85421a5c0ca12c81d4b54
  1. .github/
  2. bypass_lvs_mag/
  3. docs/
  4. drc/
  5. gds/
  6. mag/
  7. netgen/
  8. openlane/
  9. sandbox/
  10. verilog/
  11. xml_results/
  12. xschem/
  13. .gitignore
  15. Makefile
  17. sourceme_precheck

Caravel Analog User

License CI Caravan Build

:exclamation: Important Note

Please fill in your project documentation in this file

This is a lab-on-a-chip research project targeted to bring instrumentation near the magnetic new materials. It contains a voltage controlled oscillator(VCO), a bandgap reference(BGR), and a variable gain amplifier (VGA).

VCO specs
    Frequency range: 1.71 ~ 9.73GHz
    Amplitude: 0.2 ~ 0.5V differential
    2nd harmonic < -60dB
    3rd harmonic < 60dB
    settling time < 6ns
    Startup time < 48 ns
BGA specs
    Output Vbg = 1.1974V+/-0.6mV (0.05% error) from -20 ~ 100C
        TC =  -5+/-45ppm V/C
    Output current reference = 39.95uA+/-0.11uA (0.27% error) from -20 ~ 100C
        TC = -0.001+/-0.007ppm A/C

Refer to README for this sample project documentation.