SHA1 hardening trials and can not harden
diff --git a/openlane/sha1_top/config.tcl b/openlane/sha1_top/config.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68f34d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/sha1_top/config.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+set ::env(PDK) $::env(PDK)
+set ::env(STD_CELL_LIBRARY) "sky130_fd_sc_hd"
+set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
+set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) sha1_top
+set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) "\
+	$::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/verilog/rtl/defines.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sha1_top.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sha1.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sha1_core.v \
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sha1_w_mem.v"
+set ::env(DESIGN_IS_CORE) 0
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "wb_clk_i"
+set ::env(CLOCK_NET) "sha1_ctrl.clk"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
+# always got: "There are hold violations in the design at the typical corner" when FP_SIZING was absolute... 
+# no matter what PL or GLB parameters I set. tried increasing both HOLD_MAX_BUFFER_PERCENT and HOLD_SLACK_MARGIN to 80% and 0.3ns
+set ::env(FP_SIZING) absolute
+# max area in wrapper: 0 0 2920 3520
+set ::env(DIE_AREA) "0 0 2900 3500"
+set ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) $script_dir/pin_order.cfg
+set ::env(PL_BASIC_PLACEMENT) 0
+# set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.6
+set ::env(FP_CORE_UTIL) 90
+# with 10%: detailed placement faild and had setup violations
+# with 50%: detailed placement faild and had setup violations
+# with 100% and 0.7: "Utilization exceeds 100%." Ran out of space?
+# with 90% and 0.7: "Use a higher -density or re-floorplan with a larger core area. Suggested target density: 0.92" 
+# with 95% and 0.9: "Use a higher -density or re-floorplan with a larger core area. Suggested target density: 0.98"
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2920 3520" and FP_SIZING: relative
+# with 98% and 0.98: "Utilization exceeds 100%." (Chip area: 158121.651200) (PlaceInstsArea: 158121651200) (NonPlaceInstsArea: 3992579200) (CoreArea: 160567747200)
+# with 95% and 1: "Detailed placement failed." "Error: resizer.tcl, 78 DPL-0036" 
+# with 95% and 0.98: "Use a higher -density or re-floorplan with a larger core area." (PlaceInstsArea: 158121651200) (NonPlaceInstsArea: 4046380800) (Util(%): 98.13) (CoreArea: 165175916800)
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2920 3520" and FP_SIZING: absolute
+# with 95% and 0.98: "Detailed placement failed." "Error: resizer.tcl, 78 DPL-0036"
+# * Simplified design:
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2920 3520" (absolute)
+# with 80% and 0.7: Routing congestion too high.
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 1400 1000" (absolute)
+# with 40% and 0.55: Routing congestion too high.
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 1000 800" (absolute)
+# with 8% and 0.55: Routing congestion too high.
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 900 600" (absolute)
+# with 5% and 0.15: There are hold violations in the design at the typical corner. Antenna pins violated: 120, nets violated: 118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 900 600" (absolute)
+# with 5% and 0.2: There are hold violations in the design at the typical corner. Antenna pins violated: 109, nets violated: 109
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 900 600" (absolute)
+# with 10% and 0.3: There are hold violations in the design at the typical corner. Antenna pins violated: 86, nets violated: 86 (about -2ns violated)
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 900 600" (absolute)
+# with 20% and 0.4: There are hold violations in the design at the typical corner. Antenna pins violated: 73, nets violated: 72 (about -2.9ns violated)
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 900 600" (absolute)
+# with 5% and 0.1: "Use a higher -density or re-floorplan with a larger core area."
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 600 400" (absolute)
+# with 10% and 0.4: Detailed placement failed
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 600 400" (absolute)
+# with 20% and 0.55: Detailed placement failed
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 900 600" (relative and commented out all other settings)
+# with 10% and 0.4: "There are max slew violations in the design at the typical corner." "There are hold violations in the design at the typical corner."
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 900 600" (relative and other settings included)
+# with 8% and 0.3: There are hold violations in the design at the typical corner. Antenna pins violated: 12, nets violated: 12 (about -1.65ns violated)
+# * SHA1 design:
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2920 3520" (relative and other settings included)
+# with 94% and 0.9: Does not fit but dimensions of chip are small and not take up full max area
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2920 3520" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 94% and 0.9: [ERROR STA-0414] -setup_margin '0.2ns' is not a positive float. Error: resizer_timing.tcl, 52 STA-0414
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# set_timing_derate -early 0.9500
+# set_timing_derate -late 1.0500
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2900 3500" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 60% and 0.6:
+# [STEP 15]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing Resizer Timing Optimizations...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/resizer_routing_timing.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_00_25/logs/routing/15-resizer.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [WARNING GRT-0227] Reached 20 congestion iterations with less than 15% of reduction between iterations.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 73931
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 4327
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 122644
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 685557
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: resizer_routing_timing.tcl, 53 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2900 3500" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 40% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 15]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing Resizer Timing Optimizations...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/resizer_routing_timing.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_00_43/logs/routing/15-resizer.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [WARNING GRT-0227] Reached 20 congestion iterations with less than 15% of reduction between iterations.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 72754
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 3490
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 113486
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 610405
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: resizer_routing_timing.tcl, 53 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2700 3300" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 10% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 15]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing Resizer Timing Optimizations...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/resizer_routing_timing.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_01_02/logs/routing/15-resizer.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [WARNING GRT-0227] Reached 20 congestion iterations with less than 15% of reduction between iterations.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 73302
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 3153
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 112526
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 602109
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: resizer_routing_timing.tcl, 53 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 1000 1500" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 8% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 21]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/groute.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_01_15/logs/routing/21-global.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [INFO GRT-0103] Extra Run for hard benchmark.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 91123
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 7024
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 148074
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 715064
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: groute.tcl, 55 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 800 1000" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 5% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 15]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing Resizer Timing Optimizations...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/resizer_routing_timing.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_01_32/logs/routing/15-resizer.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [INFO GRT-0103] Extra Run for hard benchmark.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 70951
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 2639
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 106400
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 491648
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: resizer_routing_timing.tcl, 53 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 800 1000" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 2% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 15]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing Resizer Timing Optimizations...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/resizer_routing_timing.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_13_08/logs/routing/15-resizer.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [INFO GRT-0103] Extra Run for hard benchmark.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 70951
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 2639
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 106400
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 491648
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: resizer_routing_timing.tcl, 53 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2800 3400" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 2% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 15]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing Resizer Timing Optimizations...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/resizer_routing_timing.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_13_51/logs/routing/15-resizer.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [WARNING GRT-0227] Reached 20 congestion iterations with less than 15% of reduction between iterations.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 72763
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 3306
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 111562
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 591028
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: resizer_routing_timing.tcl, 53 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 600 900" (absolute and other settings included)
+# with 1% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 15]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing Resizer Timing Optimizations...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/resizer_routing_timing.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_14_13/logs/routing/15-resizer.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 70245
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 1910
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 94700
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 449660
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: resizer_routing_timing.tcl, 53 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2900 3500" (absolute and commented out eerything except PL_RANDOM_GLB_PLACEMENT == 0 and all buffer % = 80)
+# with 90% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# [STEP 21]
+# [INFO]: Running Global Routing...
+# [ERROR]: during executing openroad script /openlane/scripts/openroad/groute.tcl
+# [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
+# [ERROR]: full log: ../Users/somasz/Documents/GitHub/mpw_6c/caravel_design/caravel_bitcoin_asic/openlane/sha1_top/runs/22_08_27_14_26/logs/routing/21-global.log
+# [ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
+# [INFO GRT-0101] Running extra iterations to remove overflow.
+# [INFO GRT-0103] Extra Run for hard benchmark.
+# [INFO GRT-0197] Via related to pin nodes: 83886
+# [INFO GRT-0198] Via related Steiner nodes: 8027
+# [INFO GRT-0199] Via filling finished.
+# [INFO GRT-0111] Final number of vias: 163913
+# [INFO GRT-0112] Final usage 3D: 936594
+# [ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
+# Error: groute.tcl, 55 GRT-0118
+# DIE_AREA: "0 0 2920 3520" (absolute and commented out eerything except PL_RANDOM_GLB_PLACEMENT == 0 and all buffer % = 80)
+# with 94% and default PL_TARGET_DENSITY:
+# TODO 
+# Not sure how FP_SIZING absolute and relative works excatly and how DIE_AREA affects the overall size and constraints
+# set ::env(ROUTING_CORES) 4
+# set ::anv(CTS_TARGET_SKEW) 200
+# Maximum layer used for routing is metal 4.
+# This is because this macro will be inserted in a top level (user_project_wrapper) 
+# where the PDN is planned on metal 5. So, to avoid having shorts between routes
+# in this macro and the top level metal 5 stripes, we have to restrict routes to metal4.  
+# set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
+set ::env(RT_MAX_LAYER) {met4}
+# You can draw more power domains if you need to 
+set ::env(VDD_NETS) [list {vccd1}]
+set ::env(GND_NETS) [list {vssd1}]
+# If you're going to use multiple power domains, then disable cvc run.
+set ::env(RUN_CVC) 1
diff --git a/openlane/sha1_top/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/sha1_top/pin_order.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fda806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/sha1_top/pin_order.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
index b7d3480..fd14c5c 100755
--- a/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
+++ b/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@
 ### Black-box verilog and views
 	$::env(CARAVEL_ROOT)/verilog/rtl/defines.v \
-	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v"	;# TODO change
+	$script_dir/../../verilog/rtl/sha1_top.v" ;# TODO change
 set ::env(EXTRA_LEFS) "\
-	$script_dir/../../lef/user_proj_example.lef"				;# TODO change
+	$script_dir/../../lef/sha1_top.lef"       ;# TODO change
 set ::env(EXTRA_GDS_FILES) "\
-	$script_dir/../../gds/user_proj_example.gds"				;# TODO change
+	$script_dir/../../gds/sha1_top.gds"       ;# TODO change
 # set ::env(GLB_RT_MAXLAYER) 5
 set ::env(RT_MAX_LAYER) {met4}
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sha1_top.v b/verilog/rtl/sha1_top.v
index 31601b4..7c306cf 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/sha1_top.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sha1_top.v
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-// TODO edit btc_miner_top to suit sha1 spec.
 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -196,6 +194,7 @@
   localparam STATUS_VALID_BIT = 1;
   localparam ADDR_BLOCK0    = 8'h10;
+  localparam ADDR_BLOCK14   = 8'h1e;
   localparam ADDR_BLOCK15   = 8'h1f;
   localparam ADDR_DIGEST0   = 8'h20;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
index e04d5ad..be12566 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v
@@ -82,38 +82,38 @@
 /* User project is instantiated  here   */
-user_proj_example mprj (
-	.vccd1(vccd1),	// User area 1 1.8V power
-	.vssd1(vssd1),	// User area 1 digital ground
+// user_proj_example mprj (
+// `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+// 	.vccd1(vccd1),	// User area 1 1.8V power
+// 	.vssd1(vssd1),	// User area 1 digital ground
+// `endif
-    .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
-    .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+//     .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+//     .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
-    // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
-    .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
-    .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
-    .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
-    .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
-    .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
-    .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
-    .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
-    .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+//     // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
+//     .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
+//     .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
+//     .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
+//     .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
+//     .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
+//     .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
+//     .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
+//     .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
-    // Logic Analyzer
-    .la_data_in(la_data_in),
-    .la_data_out(la_data_out),
-    .la_oenb (la_oenb),
+//     // Logic Analyzer
+//     .la_data_in(la_data_in),
+//     .la_data_out(la_data_out),
+//     .la_oenb (la_oenb),
-    // IO Pads
-    .io_in (io_in),
-    .io_out(io_out),
-    .io_oeb(io_oeb),
+//     // IO Pads
+//     .io_in (io_in),
+//     .io_out(io_out),
+//     .io_oeb(io_oeb),
-    // IRQ
-    .irq(user_irq)
+//     // IRQ
+//     .irq(user_irq)
+// );
 // user_adder uaddr (
 // `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
@@ -182,38 +182,38 @@
 // );
-// top level SHA module
-// sha1_top sha1_top_inst (
-//     `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-//     .vccd1(vccd1),	// User area 1 1.8V power
-//     .vssd1(vssd1),	// User area 1 digital ground
-// `endif
-//     .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
-//     .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+// top level SHA1 module
+sha1_top sha1_top_inst (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+    .vccd1(vccd1),	// User area 1 1.8V power
+    .vssd1(vssd1),	// User area 1 digital ground
+    .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+    .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
-//     // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
-//     .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
-//     .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
-//     .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
-//     .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
-//     .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
-//     .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
-//     .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
-//     .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+    // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
+    .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
+    .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
+    .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
+    .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
+    .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
+    .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
+    .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
+    .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
-//     // Logic Analyzer
-//     .la_data_in(la_data_in),
-//     .la_data_out(la_data_out),
-//     .la_oenb (la_oenb),
+    // Logic Analyzer
+    .la_data_in(la_data_in),
+    .la_data_out(la_data_out),
+    .la_oenb (la_oenb),
-//     // IO Pads
-//     .io_in (io_in),
-//     .io_out(io_out),
-//     .io_oeb(io_oeb),
+    // IO Pads
+    .io_in (io_in),
+    .io_out(io_out),
+    .io_oeb(io_oeb),
-//     // IRQ
-//     .irq(user_irq)
-// );
+    // IRQ
+    .irq(user_irq)
 endmodule	// user_project_wrapper