Merge branch 'caravel_user_project_analog' into main
diff --git a/.github/scripts/build/ b/.github/scripts/build/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec72c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+export UPRJ_ROOT=$(pwd)
+cd ..
+export PDK_ROOT=$(pwd)/pdks
+export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
+export IMAGE_NAME=efabless/openlane:$OPENLANE_TAG
+export USER_ID=00000001
+# Install full version of caravel
+git clone --depth 1 $CARAVEL_ROOT
+docker run -v $UPRJ_ROOT:$UPRJ_ROOT -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -v $CARAVEL_ROOT:$CARAVEL_ROOT -e UPRJ_ROOT=$UPRJ_ROOT -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -e CARAVEL_ROOT=$CARAVEL_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) $IMAGE_NAME bash -c "cd $CARAVEL_ROOT; make uncompress; cd $UPRJ_ROOT; export USER_ID=$USER_ID; make set_user_id | tee $LOG_FILE;"
+cnt=$(grep "Done" $LOG_FILE -s | wc -l)
+if [[ $cnt -ne 3 ]]; then
+ exit 2
+exit 0
diff --git a/.github/scripts/build/ b/.github/scripts/build/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2318fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+export UPRJ_ROOT=$(pwd)
+cd ..
+export PDK_ROOT=$(pwd)/pdks
+export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
+export IMAGE_NAME=efabless/openlane:$OPENLANE_TAG
+# Install full version of caravel
+git clone --depth 1 $CARAVEL_ROOT
+docker run -v $UPRJ_ROOT:$UPRJ_ROOT -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -v $CARAVEL_ROOT:$CARAVEL_ROOT -e UPRJ_ROOT=$UPRJ_ROOT -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -e CARAVEL_ROOT=$CARAVEL_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) $IMAGE_NAME bash -c "cd $CARAVEL_ROOT; make uncompress; cd $UPRJ_ROOT; make truck;"
+if test -f "$SHIP_FILE"; then
+ exit 0
+ exit 2
diff --git a/.github/scripts/ b/.github/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8317b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+git clone --depth=1
+export HOME=$(pwd)
+cd ..
+export PDK_ROOT=$(pwd)/pdks && mkdir "$PDK_ROOT"
+cd "$HOME"/caravel-lite/ || exit
+make skywater-pdk skywater-library open_pdks build-pdk gen-sources
+exit 0
diff --git a/.github/scripts/dv/ b/.github/scripts/dv/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a6902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/dv/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# comma seperated test ids
+# simulation mode : RTL/GL
+DV_TEST_IDS=(${IDS//,/ })
+export TARGET_PATH=$(pwd)
+export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
+if [ ! -d $TARGET_PATH ]; then
+ echo "Directory /path/to/dir DOES NOT exists."
+ exit 9999
+cd ..
+export PDK_ROOT=$(pwd)/pdks
+if [ ! -d $PDK_ROOT ]; then
+ echo "Directory /path/to/dir DOES NOT exists."
+ exit 9999
+if [ ! -d $DV_PATH ]; then
+ echo "Directory /path/to/dir DOES NOT exists."
+ exit 9999
+for id in "${DV_TEST_IDS[@]}"; do
+ -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) efabless/dv_setup:latest \
+ bash -c "bash $TARGET_PATH/.github/scripts/dv/ $PDK_ROOT $DV_PATH $id $SIM_MODE"
+ echo "DONE!"
+ VERDICT_FILE=$TARGET_PATH/verilog/dv/$id.out
+ if [ -f $VERDICT_FILE ]; then
+ cnt=$(grep "Pass" $VERDICT_FILE -s | wc -l)
+ if ! [[ $cnt ]]; then cnt = 0; fi
+ else
+ echo "DV check failed due to subscript failure. Please review the logs"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ echo "Verdict: $cnt"
+ if [[ $cnt -ne 1 ]]; then
+ exit 2
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/.github/scripts/dv/ b/.github/scripts/dv/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d08b5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/dv/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+cd $DV_PATH
+## get the name of all subdfolders under verilog/dv
+ALL_DV_TESTS="$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d)"
+## convert all ALL_DV_TESTS to an array
+## get length of the TESTS array
+## make sure that the test ID is less than the array length
+if [ $DV_TEST_ID -ge $len ]; then
+ echo "Error: Invalid Test ID"
+ exit 1
+## get the name corresponding to the test ID
+export SIM=$SIM_MODE
+echo "Running $PATTERN $SIM.."
+echo $(pwd)
+make 2>&1 | tee $logFile
+grep "Monitor" $logFile >>$OUT_FILE
+make clean
+echo "Execution Done on $PATTERN !"
+cat $OUT_FILE
+exit 0
diff --git a/.github/scripts/ b/.github/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca91137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+sudo apt-get install -y csh freeglut3-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libx11-dev mesa-common-dev tcl tcl-dev tk tk-dev
+git clone --depth=1 --branch 8.3.265
+cd magic || exit
+sudo ./configure --disable-locking --prefix=/usr CFLAGS='-g -O0 -m64 -fPIC'
+sudo make -j4
+sudo make install
+exit 0
diff --git a/.github/scripts/ b/.github/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dee2f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+export INPUT_DIRECTORY=$(pwd)
+export OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$INPUT_DIRECTORY/mpw_precheck_result
+export OUTPUT=$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/logs/precheck.log
+cd ..
+export PDK_ROOT=$(pwd)/pdks
+cd "$PRECHECK_ROOT" || exit
+docker run -v "$PRECHECK_ROOT":"$PRECHECK_ROOT" -v "$INPUT_DIRECTORY":"$INPUT_DIRECTORY" -v "$PDK_ROOT":"$PDK_ROOT" -e INPUT_DIRECTORY="$INPUT_DIRECTORY" -e PDK_ROOT="$PDK_ROOT" -u $(id -u "$USER"):$(id -g "$USER") efabless/mpw_precheck:latest bash -c "cd $PRECHECK_ROOT; python3 --input_directory $INPUT_DIRECTORY --pdk_root $PDK_ROOT --output_directory $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY license makefile consistency xor magic_drc klayout_beol klayout_feol klayout_met_min_ca_density klayout_offgrid klayout_pin_label_purposes_overlapping_drawing klayout_zeroarea"
+cnt=$(grep -c "All Checks Passed" "$OUTPUT")
+if ! [[ $cnt ]]; then cnt=0; fi
+if [[ $cnt -eq 1 ]]; then exit 0; fi
+exit 2
diff --git a/.github/workflows/caravan_build.yml b/.github/workflows/caravan_build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba9f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/caravan_build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# name: Caravan Build
+# on:
+# # Runs on Every Push
+# push:
+# # Runs on Pull Requests
+# pull_request:
+# workflow_dispatch:
+# jobs:
+# make_truck:
+# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+# steps:
+# - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+# - name: Set up QEMU
+# uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
+# - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
+# - name: Install Magic
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+# - name: Build PDK
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+# - name: Run make truck
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/build/
+# env:
+# OPENLANE_TAG: 2021.09.16_03.28.21
+# set_user_id:
+# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+# steps:
+# - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+# - name: Set up QEMU
+# uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
+# - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
+# - name: Install Magic
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+# - name: Build PDK
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+# - name: Run Set User ID
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/build/
+# env:
+# OPENLANE_TAG: 2021.09.16_03.28.21
+# xor_wrapper:
+# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+# steps:
+# - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+# - name: Set up QEMU
+# uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
+# - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
+# - name: Install Magic
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+# - name: Build PDK
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+# - name: Run XOR Check
+# run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/build/
+# env:
+# OPENLANE_TAG: 2021.09.16_03.28.21
diff --git a/.github/workflows/user_project_ci.yml b/.github/workflows/user_project_ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..330d845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/user_project_ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+name: CI
+ # Runs on Every Push
+ push:
+ # Runs on Pull Requests
+ pull_request:
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ precheck:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ timeout-minutes: 720
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Set up QEMU
+ uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
+ - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+ uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
+ - name: Install Magic
+ run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+ - name: Build PDK
+ run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+ - name: Install The Precheck
+ run: git clone --depth=1 ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/mpw_precheck
+ - name: Run The Precheck
+ run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+ # dv_rtl:
+ # runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ # steps:
+ # - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ # - name: Set up QEMU
+ # uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
+ # - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+ # uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
+ # - name: Install Magic
+ # run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+ # - name: Build PDK
+ # run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+ # - name: Install The Dockerized DV Setup
+ # run: docker pull efabless/dv_setup:latest
+ # - name: Run DV tests
+ # # Run test number 0,1,2,3,4 in one job <test-ids> <sim-mode>
+ # run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/dv/ 0 RTL
+ # dv_gl:
+ # runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ # steps:
+ # - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ # - name: Set up QEMU
+ # uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
+ # - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+ # uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
+ # - name: Install Magic
+ # run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+ # - name: Build PDK
+ # run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/
+ # - name: Install The Dockerized DV Setup
+ # run: docker pull efabless/dv_setup:latest
+ # - name: Run DV tests
+ # # Run test number 0,1,2,3,4 in one job <test-ids> <sim-mode>
+ # run: bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/scripts/dv/ 0 GL
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd35ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..261eeb9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+ 1. Definitions.
+ "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+ and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+ "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+ the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+ "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+ other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+ control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+ "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+ direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+ outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+ "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+ exercising permissions granted by this License.
+ "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+ including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+ source, and configuration files.
+ "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+ transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+ not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+ and conversions to other media types.
+ "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+ Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+ copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+ (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+ "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+ form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+ editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+ represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+ of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+ separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+ the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+ "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+ the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+ to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+ submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+ or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+ the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+ means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+ to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+ communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+ and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+ Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+ excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+ designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+ "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+ on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+ subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+ 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+ publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+ Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+ 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+ use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+ where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+ by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+ Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+ with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+ institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+ cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+ or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+ or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+ granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+ as of the date such litigation is filed.
+ 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+ Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+ modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+ meet the following conditions:
+ (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+ Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+ (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that You changed the files; and
+ (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+ that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+ attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+ excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+ the Derivative Works; and
+ (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+ distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+ include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+ within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+ pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+ of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+ as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+ documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+ within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+ wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+ of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+ do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+ notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+ or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+ that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+ as modifying the License.
+ You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+ may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+ for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+ for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+ reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+ the conditions stated in this License.
+ 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+ any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+ by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+ this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+ Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+ the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+ with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+ 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+ names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+ except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+ origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+ 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+ agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+ Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+ appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+ risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+ 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+ whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+ unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+ negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+ liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+ incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+ result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+ Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+ work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+ has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+ the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+ and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+ or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+ License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+ on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+ of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+ defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+ incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+ of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+ APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+ To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+ boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+ replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+ the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+ comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+ file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+ same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+ identification within third-party archives.
+ Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b341c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Install lite version of caravel, (1): caravel-lite, (0): caravel
+MPW_TAG ?= mpw-5c
+ifeq ($(CARAVEL_LITE),1)
+ CARAVEL_NAME := caravel-lite
+ CARAVEL_NAME := caravel
+# Include Caravel Makefile Targets
+.PHONY: % : check-caravel
+ export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(CARAVEL_ROOT) && $(MAKE) -f $(CARAVEL_ROOT)/Makefile $@
+# Verify Target for running simulations
+.PHONY: verify
+ cd ./verilog/dv/ && \
+ export SIM=${SIM} && \
+ $(MAKE) -j$(THREADS)
+# Install DV setup
+.PHONY: simenv
+ docker pull efabless/dv_setup:latest
+PATTERNS=$(shell cd verilog/dv && find * -maxdepth 0 -type d)
+DV_PATTERNS = $(foreach dv, $(PATTERNS), verify-$(dv))
+TARGET_PATH=$(shell pwd)
+VERIFY_COMMAND="cd ${TARGET_PATH}/verilog/dv/$* && export SIM=${SIM} && make"
+$(DV_PATTERNS): verify-% : ./verilog/dv/%
+ docker run -v ${TARGET_PATH}:${TARGET_PATH} -v ${PDK_ROOT}:${PDK_ROOT} \
+ -u $(id -u $$USER):$(id -g $$USER) efabless/dv_setup:latest \
+# Openlane Makefile Targets
+BLOCKS = $(shell cd openlane && find * -maxdepth 0 -type d)
+$(BLOCKS): %:
+ cd openlane && $(MAKE) $*
+# Install caravel
+.PHONY: install
+ @echo "Installing $(CARAVEL_NAME).."
+# Create symbolic links to caravel's main files
+.PHONY: simlink
+simlink: check-caravel
+### Symbolic links relative path to $CARAVEL_ROOT
+ $(eval MAKEFILE_PATH := $(shell realpath --relative-to=openlane $(CARAVEL_ROOT)/openlane/Makefile))
+ mkdir -p openlane
+ cd openlane &&\
+ ln -sf $(MAKEFILE_PATH) Makefile
+# Update Caravel
+.PHONY: update_caravel
+update_caravel: check-caravel
+ cd $(CARAVEL_ROOT)/ && git checkout $(CARAVEL_TAG) && git pull
+# Uninstall Caravel
+.PHONY: uninstall
+ rm -rf $(CARAVEL_ROOT)
+# Install Openlane
+.PHONY: openlane
+ cd openlane && $(MAKE) openlane
+# Install Pre-check
+# Default installs to the user home directory, override by "export PRECHECK_ROOT=<precheck-installation-path>"
+.PHONY: precheck
+ @git clone --depth=1 --branch $(MPW_TAG) $(PRECHECK_ROOT)
+ @docker pull efabless/mpw_precheck:latest
+.PHONY: run-precheck
+run-precheck: check-pdk check-precheck
+ $(eval INPUT_DIRECTORY := $(shell pwd))
+ cd $(PRECHECK_ROOT) && \
+ -u $(shell id -u $(USER)):$(shell id -g $(USER)) efabless/mpw_precheck:latest bash -c "cd $(PRECHECK_ROOT) ; python3 --input_directory $(INPUT_DIRECTORY) --pdk_root $(PDK_ROOT)"
+# Clean
+.PHONY: clean
+ cd ./verilog/dv/ && \
+ $(MAKE) -j$(THREADS) clean
+ @if [ ! -d "$(CARAVEL_ROOT)" ]; then \
+ echo "Caravel Root: "$(CARAVEL_ROOT)" doesn't exists, please export the correct path before running make. "; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ @if [ ! -d "$(PRECHECK_ROOT)" ]; then \
+ echo "Pre-check Root: "$(PRECHECK_ROOT)" doesn't exists, please export the correct path before running make. "; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ @if [ ! -d "$(PDK_ROOT)" ]; then \
+ echo "PDK Root: "$(PDK_ROOT)" doesn't exists, please export the correct path before running make. "; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+.PHONY: help
+ cd $(CARAVEL_ROOT) && $(MAKE) help
+ @$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$'
diff --git a/ b/
index 3fb9c8d..d7d53a3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,92 +1,18 @@
-# sky130mpw5-sramtest
+# Caravel Analog User
+[]( []( [](
+| :exclamation: Important Note |
+## Please fill in your project documentation in this file
+:warning: | Use this sample project for analog user projects.
+:---: | :---
-## Getting started
-To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps.
-Already a pro? Just edit this and make it your own. Want to make it easy? [Use the template at the bottom](#editing-this-readme)!
-## Add your files
-- [ ] [Create]( or [upload]( files
-- [ ] [Add files using the command line]( or push an existing Git repository with the following command:
-cd existing_repo
-git remote add origin
-git branch -M main
-git push -uf origin main
-## Integrate with your tools
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-## Collaborate with your team
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-- [ ] [Automatically merge when pipeline succeeds](
-## Test and Deploy
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-- [ ] [Use pull-based deployments for improved Kubernetes management](
-- [ ] [Set up protected environments](
-# Editing this README
-When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file and use the handy template below (or feel free to structure it however you want - this is just a starting point!). Thank you to []( for this template.
-## Suggestions for a good README
-Every project is different, so consider which of these sections apply to yours. The sections used in the template are suggestions for most open source projects. Also keep in mind that while a README can be too long and detailed, too long is better than too short. If you think your README is too long, consider utilizing another form of documentation rather than cutting out information.
-## Name
-Choose a self-explaining name for your project.
-## Description
-Let people know what your project can do specifically. Provide context and add a link to any reference visitors might be unfamiliar with. A list of Features or a Background subsection can also be added here. If there are alternatives to your project, this is a good place to list differentiating factors.
-## Badges
-On some READMEs, you may see small images that convey metadata, such as whether or not all the tests are passing for the project. You can use Shields to add some to your README. Many services also have instructions for adding a badge.
-## Visuals
-Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method.
-## Installation
-Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection.
-## Usage
-Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README.
-## Support
-Tell people where they can go to for help. It can be any combination of an issue tracker, a chat room, an email address, etc.
-## Roadmap
-If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README.
-## Contributing
-State if you are open to contributions and what your requirements are for accepting them.
-For people who want to make changes to your project, it's helpful to have some documentation on how to get started. Perhaps there is a script that they should run or some environment variables that they need to set. Make these steps explicit. These instructions could also be useful to your future self.
-You can also document commands to lint the code or run tests. These steps help to ensure high code quality and reduce the likelihood that the changes inadvertently break something. Having instructions for running tests is especially helpful if it requires external setup, such as starting a Selenium server for testing in a browser.
-## Authors and acknowledgment
-Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project.
-## License
-For open source projects, say how it is licensed.
-## Project status
-If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers.
+Refer to [README](docs/source/index.rst) for this sample project documentation.
diff --git a/caravel b/caravel
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..0f16ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caravel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 0f16ba8eaae841a6f122fc0d5837005d3312fd2b
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c715218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
+# from the environment for the first two.
+SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
+SOURCEDIR = source
+BUILDDIR = build
+# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
+.PHONY: help Makefile
+# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
+# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
+%: Makefile
diff --git a/docs/environment.yml b/docs/environment.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bddf94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/environment.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+name: caravel-docs
+- defaults
+- python>=3.8
+- pip:
+ - -r file:requirements.txt
diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5c5383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f960f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
+# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
+# list see the documentation:
+# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
+# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+# import os
+# import sys
+# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
+project = 'CIIC Harness'
+copyright = '2020, efabless'
+author = 'efabless'
+# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
+extensions = [
+ 'sphinxcontrib.wavedrom',
+ 'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
+ 'sphinx.ext.todo'
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
+exclude_patterns = [
+ 'build',
+ 'Thumbs.db',
+ # Files included in other rst files.
+ 'introduction.rst',
+# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
+html_theme_options = {
+ 'header_links' : [
+ ("Home", 'index', False, 'home'),
+ ("GitHub", "", True, 'code'),
+ ],
+ 'hide_symbiflow_links': True,
+ 'license_url' : '',
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+html_static_path = ['_static']
+todo_include_todos = False
+numfig = True
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a7c0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+.. raw:: html
+ <!---
+ # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ #
+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ -->
+Caravel Analog User Project
+|License| |User CI| |Caravan Build|
+Table of contents
+- `Overview <#overview>`__
+- `Install Caravel <#install-caravel>`__
+- `Caravel Integration <#caravel-integration>`__
+ - `User Project: Power on Reset <#user-project-power-on-reset>`_
+ - `Verilog Integration <#verilog-integration>`__
+- `Running Full Chip Simulation <#running-full-chip-simulation>`__
+- `Analog Design Flow <#analog-design-flow>`__
+- `Other Miscellaneous Targets <#other-miscellaneous-targets>`_
+- `Checklist for Open-MPW
+ Submission <#checklist-for-open-mpw-submission>`__
+This repo contains a sample user project that utilizes the caravan chip (analog version of `caravel <>`__) user space. The user project is a simple power-on-reset that showcases how to make use of caravan's user space utilities like IO pads, logic analyzer probes, and wishbone port. The repo also demonstrates the recommended structure for the open-mpw **analog** projects.
+Install Caravel
+To setup caravel, run the following:
+.. code:: bash
+ # By default, CARAVEL_ROOT is set to $(pwd)/caravel
+ # If you want to install caravel at a different location, run "export CARAVEL_ROOT=<caravel-path>"
+ # Disable submodule installation if needed by, run "export SUBMODULE=0"
+ git clone
+ cd caravel_user_project_analog
+ make install
+To update the installed caravel to the latest, run:
+.. code:: bash
+ make update_caravel
+To remove caravel, run
+.. code:: bash
+ make uninstall
+By default
+`caravel-lite <>`__ is
+installed. To install the full version of caravel, run this prior to
+calling make install.
+.. code:: bash
+ export CARAVEL_LITE=0
+Caravel Integration
+User Project: Power on Reset
+This is an example user analog project which breaks out the power-on-reset
+circuit used by the management SoC for power-up behavior so that the circuit
+input and output can be independently controlled and measured.
+The power-on-reset circuit itself is a simple, non-temperature-compensated
+analog delay calibrated to 15ms under nominal conditions, with a Schmitt
+trigger inverter to provide hysteresis around the trigger point to provide
+a clean output reset signal.
+The circuit provides a single high-voltage (3.3V domain) sense-inverted reset
+signal "porb_h" and complementary low-voltage (1.8V domain) reset signals
+"por_l" and "porb_l".
+The only input to the circuit is the 3.3V domain power supply itself.
+Verilog Integration
+You need to create a wrapper around your macro that adheres to the
+template at
+`user\_analog_project\_wrapper <>`__.
+The wrapper top module must be named ``user_analog_project_wrapper`` and must
+have the same input and output ports as the analog wrapper template. The wrapper gives access to the
+user space utilities provided by caravel like IO ports, logic analyzer
+probes, and wishbone bus connection to the management SoC.
+The verilog modules instantiated in the wrapper module should represent
+the analog project; they need not be more than empty blocks, but it is
+encouraged to write a simple behavioral description of the analog circuit
+in standard verilog, using real-valued wires when necessary. This allows
+the whole system to be run in a verilog testbench and verify the connectivity
+to the padframe and management SoC, even if the testbench C code does nothing
+more than set the mode of each GPIO pin. The example top-level verilog code
+emulates the behavior of the power-on-reset delay after applying a valid
+power supply to the circuit.
+Building the PDK
+Make sure you have `Magic VLSI Layout Tool <>`__ `version 8.3.265 <>`__ installed on your machine before building the pdk.
+.. code:: bash
+ # set PDK_ROOT to the path you wish to use for the pdk
+ export PDK_ROOT=<pdk-installation-path>
+ # you can optionally specify skywater-pdk and open-pdks commit used
+ # by setting and exporting SKYWATER_COMMIT and OPEN_PDKS_COMMIT
+ # if you do not set them, they default to the last verfied commits tested for this project
+ make pdk
+Running Full Chip Simulation
+First, you will need to install the simulation environment, by
+.. code:: bash
+ make simenv
+This will pull a docker image with the needed tools installed.
+To install the simulation environment locally, refer to `README <>`__
+Then, run the RTL and GL simulation by
+.. code:: bash
+ export PDK_ROOT=<pdk-installation-path>
+ export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
+ # specify simulation mode: RTL/GL
+ export SIM=RTL
+ # Run the mprj_por testbench, make verify-mprj_por
+ make verify-<testbench-name>
+The verilog test-benches are under this directory
+`verilog/dv <>`__.
+Analog Design Flow
+The example project uses a very simple analog design flow with schematics
+made with xschem, simulation done using ngspice, layout done with magic,
+and LVS verification done with netgen. Sources for the power-on-reset
+circuit are in the "xschem/" directory, which also includes a schematic
+representing the wrapper with all of its ports, for use in a testbench
+circuit. There are several testbenches in the example, starting from
+tests of the component devices to a full test of the completed project
+inside the wrapper.
+There is no automation in this project; the schematic and layout were
+done by hand, including both the power-on-reset block and the power and
+signal routing to the pins on the wrapper.
+The power-on-reset circuit itself is simple and is not compensated for
+temperature or voltage variation. When the power supply reaches a
+sufficient level, the voltage divider sets the gate voltage on an nFET
+device to draw a current of nominally 240nA. The testbench
+"threshold_test_tb.spice" does a DC sweep to find the gate voltage that
+produces this value. Next, a cascaded current mirror divides down the
+current by a factor of (roughly) 400. The testbench current_test.spice
+checks the current division value. Finally, the output ~600pA from the
+end of the current mirror is accumulated on a capacitor until the value
+trips the input of the 3.3V Schmitt trigger buffer from the
+sky130_fd_sd_hvl library. The capacitor is sized to peg the nominal
+time to trigger at 15ms. The schematic "example_por_tb.sch" sets up
+the testbench for this timing test.
+The output of the Schmitt trigger buffer becomes the high-voltage
+output, and is input to a standard buffer and inverter used as
+level shifters from the 3.3V domain to the 1.8V domain, producing
+complementary low-voltage outputs.
+The user project is formed from two power-on-reset circuits, one of
+which is connected to the user area VDDA1 power supply, and the other
+of which is connected to one of the analog I/O pads, used as a power
+supply input and connected to its voltage ESD clamp circuit. The
+3.3V domain outputs are connected directly to GPIO pads through the
+ESD (150 ohm series) connection. The 1.8V domain outputs are connected
+to GPIO pads through the usual I/O connections, with the corresponding
+user output enable (sense inverted) held low to keep the output always
+The C code testbench is in "verilog/dv/mprj_por/mprj_por.c" and only
+sets the GPIO pins used to the correct state (user output function).
+The POR circuit outputs are monitored by the testbench verilog file
+"mprj_por_tb.v" which will fail if the connections are wrong or if
+the behavioral POR verilog does not work as intended.
+Note that to properly test this circuit, the GPIO pins have to be
+configured for output to be seen and measured, implying that the
+management SoC power supply must be stable and the C program running
+off of the SPI flash before the user area power supplies are raised.
+ When running spice extraction on the user_analog_project_wrapper layout, it is recommended to use `ext2spice short resistor`.
+ This is to preserve all the different port names in the extracted netlist. In case you have two ports that are electrically shorted
+ in the layout, the `short resistor` option will tell magic not to merge the two shorted ports instead it adds zero-ohm ideal resistors
+ between the net names so that they can be kept as separate nets.
+Running Open-MPW Precheck Locally
+You can install the precheck by running
+.. code:: bash
+ # By default, this install the precheck in your home directory
+ # To change the installtion path, run "export PRECHECK_ROOT=<precheck installation path>"
+ make precheck
+This will clone the precheck repo and pull the latest precheck docker image.
+Then, you can run the precheck by running
+Specify CARAVEL_ROOT before running any of the following,
+.. code:: bash
+ # export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
+ export CARAVEL_ROOT=<path-to-caravel>
+ make run-precheck
+This will run all the precheck checks on your project and will retain the logs under the ``checks`` directory.
+Other Miscellaneous Targets
+The makefile provides a number of useful that targets that can run compress, uncompress, and run XOR checks on your design.
+Compress gds files and any file larger than 100MB (GH file size limit),
+.. code:: bash
+ make compress
+Uncompress files,
+.. code:: bash
+ make uncompress
+Specify ``CARAVEL_ROOT`` before running any of the following,
+.. code:: bash
+ # export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
+ export CARAVEL_ROOT=<path-to-caravel>
+Run XOR check,
+.. code:: bash
+ make xor-analog-wrapper
+Checklist for Open-MPW Submission
+|:heavy_check_mark:| The project repo adheres to the same directory structure in this repo.
+|:heavy_check_mark:| The project repo contain info.yaml at the project root.
+|:heavy_check_mark:| Top level macro is named ``user_analog_project_wrapper``.
+|:heavy_check_mark:| Full Chip Simulation passes for RTL and GL (gate-level)
+|:heavy_check_mark:| The project contains a spice netlist for the ``user_analog_project_wrapper`` at netgen/user_analog_project_wrapper.spice
+|:heavy_check_mark:| The hardened Macros are LVS and DRC clean
+|:heavy_check_mark:| The ``user_analog_project_wrapper`` adheres to empty wrapper template order specified at `user_analog_project_wrapper_empty <>`__
+|:heavy_check_mark:| XOR check passes with zero total difference.
+|:heavy_check_mark:| Open-MPW-Precheck tool runs successfully.
+.. |License| image::
+ :target:
+.. |User CI| image::
+ :target:
+.. |Caravan Build| image::
+ :target:
diff --git a/gds/user_analog_project_wrapper.gds b/gds/user_analog_project_wrapper.gds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..764b362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gds/user_analog_project_wrapper.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mag/example_por.mag b/mag/example_por.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76d1d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/example_por.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1620310959
+<< nwell >>
+rect 70 7344 6652 7795
+rect 7401 6799 10893 7301
+<< pwell >>
+rect 463 6569 519 6579
+rect 2635 5816 2853 6026
+<< mvpsubdiff >>
+rect 7438 7387 10856 7455
+<< mvnsubdiff >>
+rect 7467 7201 10827 7235
+<< locali >>
+rect 41 8275 183 8288
+rect 41 8190 57 8275
+rect 169 8190 183 8275
+rect 41 7451 183 8190
+rect 6891 8273 7134 8286
+rect 6891 8112 6936 8273
+rect 7117 8112 7134 8273
+rect 6891 7455 7134 8112
+rect 3043 7451 7134 7455
+rect 41 7435 7134 7451
+rect 41 7305 6927 7435
+rect 35 6388 121 7179
+rect 3043 7022 6927 7305
+rect 7110 7322 7134 7435
+rect 7110 7201 10829 7322
+rect 7110 7022 7134 7201
+rect 3043 7005 7134 7022
+rect 2907 6693 7134 6838
+rect 2907 6388 3220 6693
+rect 35 6320 3220 6388
+rect 35 6318 505 6320
+rect 35 6192 48 6318
+rect 286 6192 505 6318
+rect 35 6191 505 6192
+rect 2951 6253 3220 6320
+rect 6116 6388 7134 6693
+rect 6116 6253 10860 6388
+rect 2951 6191 10860 6253
+rect 35 6143 10860 6191
+rect 35 5813 689 6143
+rect 1006 5813 1393 6029
+rect 1778 5813 2165 6029
+rect 2550 6015 2937 6029
+rect 2550 5829 2648 6015
+rect 2840 5829 2937 6015
+rect 2550 5813 2937 5829
+rect 3322 5813 3709 6029
+rect 4094 5813 4481 6029
+rect 4866 5813 5253 6029
+rect 5638 5813 6025 6029
+rect 6410 5813 6797 6029
+rect 7182 5813 7569 6029
+rect 7954 5813 8341 6029
+rect 8726 5813 9113 6029
+rect 9498 5813 9885 6029
+rect 10656 5813 10837 6029
+rect 51 165 234 381
+rect 619 165 1006 381
+rect 1391 165 1778 381
+rect 2163 165 2550 381
+rect 2935 165 3322 381
+rect 3707 165 4094 381
+rect 4479 165 4866 381
+rect 5251 165 5638 381
+rect 6023 165 6410 381
+rect 6795 165 7182 381
+rect 7567 165 7954 381
+rect 8339 165 8726 381
+rect 9111 165 9498 381
+rect 9883 165 10270 381
+rect 10655 165 10835 381
+<< viali >>
+rect 57 8190 169 8275
+rect 6936 8112 7117 8273
+rect 9224 7854 9270 8060
+rect 7604 7754 7807 7801
+rect 9459 7754 9796 7801
+rect 10785 7683 10819 7879
+rect 6927 7022 7110 7435
+rect 7870 6775 8128 6834
+rect 48 6192 286 6318
+rect 505 6191 2951 6320
+rect 3220 6253 6116 6693
+rect 8439 6684 8506 6878
+rect 8650 6720 8853 6767
+rect 10270 6735 10316 6896
+rect 2648 5829 2840 6015
+rect 10202 5598 10340 6030
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 40 8275 7133 8286
+rect 40 8190 57 8275
+rect 169 8273 7133 8275
+rect 169 8269 6936 8273
+rect 624 8260 6936 8269
+rect 624 8201 1026 8260
+rect 169 8193 1026 8201
+rect 7117 8209 7133 8273
+rect 7284 8252 10841 8278
+rect 169 8190 6936 8193
+rect 40 8179 6936 8190
+rect 218 8110 376 8127
+rect 218 8038 436 8110
+rect 709 8082 719 8144
+rect 801 8129 818 8144
+rect 801 8085 2498 8129
+rect 2829 8085 2990 8129
+rect 801 8082 818 8085
+rect 218 8024 282 8038
+rect 218 7641 313 8024
+rect 375 7641 436 8038
+rect 521 7788 567 8040
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+rect 218 7568 436 7641
+rect 521 7597 567 7653
+rect 709 7597 719 7606
+rect 218 7554 375 7568
+rect 218 7501 282 7554
+rect 521 7553 719 7597
+rect 709 7544 719 7553
+rect 801 7597 818 7606
+rect 2866 7597 2944 8085
+rect 2993 7658 3300 7804
+rect 801 7556 2990 7597
+rect 801 7553 2922 7556
+rect 801 7544 818 7553
+rect 3360 7501 3433 8122
+rect 3699 8082 3959 8128
+rect 3486 7636 3556 8035
+rect 218 7453 3433 7501
+rect 218 7248 282 7453
+rect 3497 7344 3556 7636
+rect 185 7121 282 7248
+rect 2382 7274 3556 7344
+rect 3699 7642 3781 8082
+rect 4283 8081 5747 8125
+rect 6083 8081 6237 8125
+rect 6910 8112 6936 8179
+rect 7117 8112 7134 8209
+rect 7284 8153 7318 8252
+rect 10802 8153 10841 8252
+rect 7284 8125 10841 8153
+rect 3988 7805 4025 8041
+rect 4109 7872 6071 8033
+rect 3966 7645 5802 7805
+rect 3699 7600 3773 7642
+rect 3699 7554 3958 7600
+rect 3988 7597 4025 7645
+rect 6126 7597 6188 8081
+rect 6249 7884 6537 8029
+rect 6249 7690 6262 7884
+rect 3699 7501 3773 7554
+rect 3988 7553 6239 7597
+rect 6612 7501 6674 8112
+rect 3699 7453 6674 7501
+rect 185 6969 263 7121
+rect 2382 7074 2452 7274
+rect 3699 7165 3773 7453
+rect 2265 7047 2275 7074
+rect 185 6573 282 6969
+rect 25 6318 301 6326
+rect 25 6192 48 6318
+rect 286 6192 301 6318
+rect 25 6185 301 6192
+rect 25 5348 133 6185
+rect 345 5944 399 7033
+rect 781 7003 2275 7047
+rect 2351 7047 2452 7074
+rect 2767 7074 3773 7165
+rect 2351 7003 2738 7047
+rect 463 6745 634 6972
+rect 2382 6952 2452 7003
+rect 721 6815 2452 6952
+rect 463 6579 2560 6745
+rect 463 6569 634 6579
+rect 505 6326 634 6569
+rect 2629 6533 2693 7003
+rect 2767 6949 2842 7074
+rect 6752 7065 6823 8044
+rect 6910 7435 7134 8112
+rect 9218 8060 9276 8072
+rect 9218 7854 9224 8060
+rect 9270 8051 9276 8060
+rect 10128 8051 10138 8053
+rect 9270 8001 10138 8051
+rect 9270 7854 9276 8001
+rect 10128 7999 10138 8001
+rect 10290 7999 10300 8053
+rect 9218 7842 9276 7854
+rect 10779 7879 10825 7891
+rect 7592 7801 8339 7807
+rect 7592 7754 7604 7801
+rect 7807 7754 8339 7801
+rect 7592 7748 8339 7754
+rect 8519 7801 9808 7807
+rect 8519 7754 9459 7801
+rect 9796 7754 9808 7801
+rect 8519 7748 9808 7754
+rect 10779 7728 10785 7879
+rect 10819 7728 10825 7879
+rect 10743 7674 10753 7728
+rect 10905 7674 10915 7728
+rect 10779 7671 10825 7674
+rect 2756 6573 2842 6949
+rect 6407 7036 6825 7065
+rect 3167 6819 6174 6842
+rect 3167 6693 4331 6819
+rect 5278 6693 6174 6819
+rect 781 6489 2275 6533
+rect 2265 6460 2275 6489
+rect 2350 6460 2360 6533
+rect 2585 6489 2739 6533
+rect 3167 6326 3220 6693
+rect 493 6320 3220 6326
+rect 493 6191 505 6320
+rect 2951 6253 3220 6320
+rect 6116 6531 6174 6693
+rect 6407 6623 6432 7036
+rect 6803 6840 6825 7036
+rect 6910 7022 6927 7435
+rect 7110 7324 7134 7435
+rect 7279 7543 10836 7570
+rect 7279 7449 7306 7543
+rect 8343 7449 8618 7543
+rect 10649 7449 10836 7543
+rect 7279 7417 10836 7449
+rect 7110 7299 10832 7324
+rect 7110 7124 7171 7299
+rect 8320 7124 8602 7299
+rect 10750 7124 10832 7299
+rect 7110 7094 10832 7124
+rect 7110 7022 7134 7094
+rect 10516 7093 10832 7094
+rect 6910 6994 7134 7022
+rect 10264 6896 10322 6908
+rect 8433 6878 8512 6890
+rect 6803 6834 8140 6840
+rect 6803 6775 7870 6834
+rect 8128 6775 8140 6834
+rect 6803 6769 8140 6775
+rect 6803 6623 6825 6769
+rect 8429 6684 8439 6878
+rect 8506 6773 8516 6878
+rect 8506 6767 8865 6773
+rect 8506 6720 8650 6767
+rect 8853 6720 8865 6767
+rect 10264 6735 10270 6896
+rect 10316 6834 10322 6896
+rect 10316 6765 10507 6834
+rect 10672 6765 10682 6834
+rect 10316 6735 10322 6765
+rect 10264 6723 10322 6735
+rect 8506 6714 8865 6720
+rect 8506 6684 8516 6714
+rect 8433 6672 8512 6684
+rect 6407 6600 6825 6623
+rect 6116 6319 10827 6531
+rect 6116 6253 6174 6319
+rect 2951 6237 6174 6253
+rect 10221 6260 10716 6270
+rect 2951 6191 6175 6237
+rect 493 6185 6175 6191
+rect 10221 6187 10233 6260
+rect 10700 6187 10716 6260
+rect 10221 6176 10716 6187
+rect 10221 6045 10315 6176
+rect 10187 6030 10353 6045
+rect 2635 6015 2853 6026
+rect 2635 5944 2648 6015
+rect 345 5890 2648 5944
+rect 2635 5829 2648 5890
+rect 2840 5829 2853 6015
+rect 2635 5816 2853 5829
+rect 10187 5598 10202 6030
+rect 10340 5598 10353 6030
+rect 10187 5582 10353 5598
+rect 10805 5348 10867 6079
+rect 25 4748 10867 5348
+rect 25 4348 133 4748
+rect 10805 4348 10867 4748
+rect 25 3748 10867 4348
+rect 25 3348 133 3748
+rect 10805 3348 10867 3748
+rect 25 2748 10867 3348
+rect 25 2348 133 2748
+rect 10805 2348 10867 2748
+rect 25 1748 10867 2348
+rect 25 1348 133 1748
+rect 10805 1348 10867 1748
+rect 25 748 10867 1348
+rect 25 99 133 748
+rect 10805 99 10867 748
+rect 25 11 10867 99
+<< via1 >>
+rect 60 8201 169 8269
+rect 169 8201 624 8269
+rect 1026 8193 6936 8260
+rect 6936 8193 7093 8260
+rect 719 8082 801 8144
+rect 719 7544 801 7606
+rect 7318 8153 10802 8252
+rect 2275 7003 2351 7074
+rect 10138 7999 10290 8053
+rect 8339 7748 8519 7807
+rect 10753 7683 10785 7728
+rect 10785 7683 10819 7728
+rect 10819 7683 10905 7728
+rect 10753 7674 10905 7683
+rect 4331 6693 5278 6819
+rect 2275 6460 2350 6533
+rect 4331 6270 5278 6693
+rect 6432 6623 6803 7036
+rect 7306 7449 8343 7543
+rect 8618 7449 10649 7543
+rect 7171 7124 8320 7299
+rect 8602 7124 10750 7299
+rect 8439 6684 8506 6878
+rect 10507 6765 10672 6834
+rect 10233 6187 10700 6260
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 985 8286 7132 8287
+rect 38 8269 7132 8286
+rect 38 8201 60 8269
+rect 624 8261 7132 8269
+rect 38 8104 77 8201
+rect 634 8187 886 8261
+rect 7091 8260 7132 8261
+rect 7093 8193 7132 8260
+rect 634 8104 654 8187
+rect 38 8061 654 8104
+rect 719 8144 801 8154
+rect 719 8072 801 8082
+rect 866 8104 886 8187
+rect 7091 8104 7132 8193
+rect 7284 8252 10841 8278
+rect 7284 8153 7318 8252
+rect 10802 8153 10841 8252
+rect 7284 8125 10841 8153
+rect 729 7616 785 8072
+rect 866 8060 7132 8104
+rect 10138 8056 10290 8066
+rect 10138 7986 10290 7996
+rect 8339 7807 8519 7817
+rect 8339 7738 8519 7748
+rect 719 7606 801 7616
+rect 719 7534 801 7544
+rect 7279 7543 8374 7570
+rect 7279 7449 7306 7543
+rect 8343 7449 8374 7543
+rect 7279 7417 8374 7449
+rect 7141 7299 8355 7324
+rect 7141 7124 7171 7299
+rect 8320 7124 8355 7299
+rect 7141 7094 8355 7124
+rect 2275 7074 2351 7084
+rect 2275 6993 2351 7003
+rect 6407 7036 6825 7065
+rect 2288 6543 2340 6993
+rect 4308 6849 5298 6868
+rect 2275 6533 2350 6543
+rect 2275 6450 2350 6460
+rect 4308 6270 4331 6849
+rect 5278 6270 5298 6849
+rect 6407 6623 6432 7036
+rect 6803 6623 6825 7036
+rect 8443 6888 8500 7738
+rect 10753 7731 10905 7741
+rect 10753 7661 10905 7671
+rect 8588 7543 10667 7570
+rect 8587 7449 8618 7543
+rect 10649 7449 10667 7543
+rect 8588 7417 10667 7449
+rect 8567 7299 10798 7324
+rect 8567 7124 8602 7299
+rect 10750 7124 10798 7299
+rect 8567 7094 10798 7124
+rect 8439 6878 8506 6888
+rect 8439 6674 8506 6684
+rect 6407 6600 6825 6623
+rect 4308 6249 5298 6270
+rect 10221 6270 10431 7094
+rect 10498 6765 10507 6834
+rect 10672 6765 10757 6834
+rect 10909 6765 10918 6834
+rect 10221 6260 10716 6270
+rect 10221 6187 10233 6260
+rect 10700 6187 10716 6260
+rect 10221 6176 10716 6187
+<< via2 >>
+rect 77 8201 624 8261
+rect 624 8201 634 8261
+rect 77 8104 634 8201
+rect 886 8260 7091 8261
+rect 886 8193 1026 8260
+rect 1026 8193 7091 8260
+rect 886 8104 7091 8193
+rect 7318 8153 10802 8252
+rect 10138 8053 10290 8056
+rect 10138 7999 10290 8053
+rect 10138 7996 10290 7999
+rect 7306 7449 8343 7543
+rect 4331 6819 5278 6849
+rect 4331 6522 5278 6819
+rect 6432 6623 6803 7036
+rect 10753 7728 10905 7731
+rect 10753 7674 10905 7728
+rect 10753 7671 10905 7674
+rect 8618 7449 10649 7543
+rect 10757 6765 10909 6834
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 38 8261 7126 8283
+rect 38 8244 77 8261
+rect 634 8244 886 8261
+rect 38 8000 73 8244
+rect 7091 8104 7126 8261
+rect 7284 8252 10841 8278
+rect 7284 8153 7318 8252
+rect 10802 8153 10841 8252
+rect 7284 8125 10841 8153
+rect 7073 8000 7126 8104
+rect 38 7965 7126 8000
+rect 10128 8056 10295 8064
+rect 10128 7996 10138 8056
+rect 10290 7996 10431 8056
+rect 10128 7991 10295 7996
+rect 10371 7916 10431 7996
+rect 10371 7856 11343 7916
+rect 10743 7731 10910 7739
+rect 10743 7671 10753 7731
+rect 10905 7671 10910 7731
+rect 10743 7666 10910 7671
+rect 7279 7543 10667 7570
+rect 7279 7449 7306 7543
+rect 10649 7449 10667 7543
+rect 10792 7551 10852 7666
+rect 10792 7491 11344 7551
+rect 7279 7417 10667 7449
+rect 4111 7277 5299 7317
+rect 4111 6849 4350 7277
+rect 5268 6849 5299 7277
+rect 4111 6522 4331 6849
+rect 5278 6522 5299 6849
+rect 6408 7036 6825 7065
+rect 6408 6623 6432 7036
+rect 6803 6623 6825 7036
+rect 10747 6834 10918 6840
+rect 10747 6765 10757 6834
+rect 10909 6765 11342 6834
+rect 10747 6758 10918 6765
+rect 6408 6600 6825 6623
+rect 4111 6494 5299 6522
+rect 4111 6251 4307 6494
+<< via3 >>
+rect 73 8104 77 8244
+rect 77 8104 634 8244
+rect 634 8104 886 8244
+rect 886 8104 7073 8244
+rect 7318 8153 10802 8252
+rect 73 8000 7073 8104
+rect 7306 7449 8343 7543
+rect 8343 7449 8618 7543
+rect 8618 7449 10649 7543
+rect 4350 6849 5268 7277
+rect 4350 6558 5268 6849
+rect 6432 6623 6803 7036
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 38 8244 7126 8283
+rect 38 8000 73 8244
+rect 7073 8000 7126 8244
+rect 38 7965 7126 8000
+rect 7241 8252 11180 8291
+rect 7241 8153 7318 8252
+rect 10802 8153 11180 8252
+rect 7241 7962 11180 8153
+rect 10843 7755 11178 7774
+rect 38 7543 10667 7655
+rect 38 7449 7306 7543
+rect 10649 7449 10667 7543
+rect 38 7277 10667 7449
+rect 38 7255 4350 7277
+rect 3817 6558 4350 7255
+rect 5268 7255 10667 7277
+rect 5268 6558 5299 7255
+rect 10843 7074 10879 7755
+rect 6386 7036 10879 7074
+rect 6386 6623 6432 7036
+rect 6803 6623 10879 7036
+rect 6386 6615 10879 6623
+rect 11146 6615 11178 7755
+rect 6386 6591 11178 6615
+rect 3817 6522 5299 6558
+rect 3817 51 4011 6522
+rect 4101 51 4793 6251
+<< via4 >>
+rect 4350 6558 5268 7247
+rect 10879 6615 11146 7755
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 10851 7755 11171 7779
+rect 4313 7247 5299 7317
+rect 4313 6558 4350 7247
+rect 5268 6558 5299 7247
+rect 4313 6494 5299 6558
+rect 4507 6135 5299 6494
+rect 10851 6615 10879 7755
+rect 11146 6615 11171 7755
+rect 10851 6242 11171 6615
+use sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS_0
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 1515 0 1 6769
+box -962 -458 962 458
+use sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC_1
+timestamp 1605994897
+transform -1 0 371 0 1 6769
+box -308 -458 308 458
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ_0
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 1657 0 1 7841
+box -1101 -497 1101 497
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_3
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 408 0 1 7841
+box -338 -497 338 497
+use sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM_0
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 2660 0 1 6770
+box -308 -458 308 458
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG_0
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 2906 0 1 7841
+box -338 -497 338 497
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_0
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 3392 0 1 7841
+box -338 -497 338 497
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_1
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 3878 0 1 7841
+box -338 -497 338 497
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV_0
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 5018 0 1 7841
+box -992 -497 992 497
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE_0
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 6158 0 1 7841
+box -338 -497 338 497
+use sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_2
+timestamp 1606063140
+transform 1 0 6644 0 1 7841
+box -338 -497 338 497
+use sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/mag
+timestamp 1619722500
+transform 1 0 7467 0 1 6404
+box -66 -43 1122 897
+use sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8_1 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/mag
+timestamp 1619722500
+transform 1 0 7477 0 1 7438
+box -66 -43 1986 897
+use sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8_0
+timestamp 1619722500
+transform 1 0 8523 0 1 6404
+box -66 -43 1986 897
+use sky130_fd_sc_hvl__fill_4 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__fill_4_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/mag
+timestamp 1619722500
+transform 1 0 10443 0 1 6404
+box -66 -43 450 897
+use sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/mag
+timestamp 1619722500
+transform 1 0 9397 0 1 7438
+box -66 -43 1506 897
+use sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3_0
+timestamp 1606074388
+transform 1 0 5446 0 1 3098
+box -5446 -3098 5446 3098
+use sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW_0
+timestamp 1606502073
+transform 1 0 7970 0 1 3151
+box -3179 -3101 3201 3101
+use sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW_0
+timestamp 1606502073
+transform -1 0 7027 0 1 3151
+box -3136 -3100 3136 3100
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 38 7965 73 8283 0 FreeSans 320 0 0 0 vdd3v3
+port 0 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 38 7255 232 7655 0 FreeSans 320 0 0 0 vss
+port 2 nsew
+flabel metal4 s 10974 7962 11180 8291 0 FreeSans 320 0 0 0 vdd1v8
+port 1 nsew
+flabel metal3 11189 7491 11344 7551 0 FreeSans 320 0 0 0 por_l
+port 4 nsew
+flabel metal3 11188 7856 11343 7916 0 FreeSans 320 0 0 0 porb_l
+port 5 nsew
+flabel metal3 10969 6765 11342 6834 0 FreeSans 320 0 0 0 porb_h
+port 3 nsew
+<< properties >>
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 11344 8338
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW.mag b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4fedfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1606502073
+<< metal3 >>
+rect -3136 3072 3136 3100
+rect -3136 -3072 3052 3072
+rect 3116 -3072 3136 3072
+rect -3136 -3100 3136 -3072
+<< via3 >>
+rect 3052 -3072 3116 3072
+<< mimcap >>
+rect -3036 2960 2964 3000
+rect -3036 -2960 2332 2960
+rect 2924 -2960 2964 2960
+rect -3036 -3000 2964 -2960
+<< mimcapcontact >>
+rect 2332 -2960 2924 2960
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 3036 3072 3132 3088
+rect 2331 2960 2925 2961
+rect 2331 -2960 2332 2960
+rect 2924 -2960 2925 2960
+rect 2331 -2961 2925 -2960
+rect 3036 -3072 3052 3072
+rect 3116 -3072 3132 3072
+rect 3036 -3088 3132 -3072
+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1
+string FIXED_BBOX -3136 -3100 3064 3100
+string parameters w 30.00 l 30.00 val 920.4 carea 1.00 cperi 0.17 nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 square 0 lmin 2.00 wmin 2.00 lmax 30.0 wmax 30.0 dc 0 bconnect 1 tconnect 1 ccov -10
+string library sky130
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW.mag b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59928eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1606502073
+<< metal4 >>
+rect -3179 3059 3179 3100
+rect -3179 -3059 2923 3059
+rect 3159 -3059 3179 3059
+rect -3179 -3100 3179 -3059
+<< via4 >>
+rect 2923 -3059 3159 3059
+<< mimcap2 >>
+rect -3079 2960 2921 3000
+rect -3079 -2960 -3039 2960
+rect 2289 -2960 2921 2960
+rect -3079 -3000 2921 -2960
+<< mimcap2contact >>
+rect -3039 -2960 2289 2960
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 2881 3059 3201 3101
+rect -3063 2960 2313 2984
+rect -3063 -2960 -3039 2960
+rect 2289 -2960 2313 2960
+rect -3063 -2984 2313 -2960
+rect 2881 -3059 2923 3059
+rect 3159 -3059 3201 3059
+rect 2881 -3101 3201 -3059
+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2
+string FIXED_BBOX -3179 -3100 3021 3100
+string parameters w 30.00 l 30.00 val 920.4 carea 1.00 cperi 0.17 nx 1 ny 1 dummy 0 square 0 lmin 2.00 wmin 2.00 lmax 30.0 wmax 30.0 dc 0 bconnect 1 tconnect 1 ccov +90
+string library sky130
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM.mag b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be65d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+tech sky130A
+timestamp 1606063140
+<< pwell >>
+rect -154 -229 154 229
+<< mvnmos >>
+rect -40 -100 40 100
+<< mvndiff >>
+rect -69 94 -40 100
+rect -69 -94 -63 94
+rect -46 -94 -40 94
+rect -69 -100 -40 -94
+rect 40 94 69 100
+rect 40 -94 46 94
+rect 63 -94 69 94
+rect 40 -100 69 -94
+<< mvndiffc >>
+rect -63 -94 -46 94
+rect 46 -94 63 94
+<< mvpsubdiff >>
+rect -136 205 136 211
+rect -136 188 -82 205
+rect 82 188 136 205
+rect -136 182 136 188
+rect -136 -182 -107 182
+rect 107 157 136 182
+rect 107 -157 113 157
+rect 130 -157 136 157
+rect 107 -182 136 -157
+rect -136 -188 136 -182
+rect -136 -205 -82 -188
+rect 82 -205 136 -188
+rect -136 -211 136 -205
+<< mvpsubdiffcont >>
+rect -82 188 82 205
+rect 113 -157 130 157
+rect -82 -205 82 -188
+<< poly >>
+rect -40 136 40 144
+rect -40 119 -32 136
+rect 32 119 40 136
+rect -40 100 40 119
+rect -40 -119 40 -100
+rect -40 -136 -32 -119
+rect 32 -136 40 -119
+rect -40 -144 40 -136
+<< polycont >>
+rect -32 119 32 136
+rect -32 -136 32 -119
+<< locali >>
+rect -130 188 -82 205
+rect 82 188 130 205
+rect -130 -19 -113 188
+rect 113 157 130 188
+rect -40 119 -32 136
+rect 32 119 40 136
+rect -63 94 -46 102
+rect -63 -102 -46 -94
+rect 46 94 63 102
+rect 46 -102 63 -94
+rect -40 -136 -32 -119
+rect 32 -136 40 -119
+rect 113 -188 130 -157
+rect -130 -205 -82 -188
+rect 82 -205 130 -188
+<< viali >>
+rect -32 119 32 136
+rect -130 -188 -113 -19
+rect -63 -94 -46 94
+rect 46 -94 63 94
+rect -32 -136 32 -119
+<< metal1 >>
+rect -38 136 38 139
+rect -38 119 -32 136
+rect 32 119 38 136
+rect -38 116 38 119
+rect -66 94 -43 100
+rect -133 -19 -110 -13
+rect -133 -188 -130 -19
+rect -113 -188 -110 -19
+rect -66 -94 -63 94
+rect -46 -94 -43 94
+rect -66 -100 -43 -94
+rect 43 94 66 100
+rect 43 -94 46 94
+rect 63 -94 66 94
+rect 43 -100 66 -94
+rect -38 -119 38 -116
+rect -38 -136 -32 -119
+rect 32 -136 38 -119
+rect -38 -139 38 -136
+rect -133 -194 -110 -188
+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5
+string FIXED_BBOX -121 -196 121 196
+string parameters w 2.00 l 0.80 m 1 nf 1 diffcov 100 polycov 100 guard 1 glc 0 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 compatible {sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt sky130_fd_bs_flash__special_sonosfet_star sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_05v0_nvt} full_metal 1 viasrc 100 viadrn 100 viagate 100 viagb 0 viagr 0 viagl +45 viagt 0
+string library sky130
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS.mag b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc9bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1606063140
+<< pwell >>
+rect -962 -458 962 458
+<< mvnmos >>
+rect -734 -200 -574 200
+rect -516 -200 -356 200
+rect -298 -200 -138 200
+rect -80 -200 80 200
+rect 138 -200 298 200
+rect 356 -200 516 200
+rect 574 -200 734 200
+<< mvndiff >>
+rect -792 188 -734 200
+rect -792 -188 -780 188
+rect -746 -188 -734 188
+rect -792 -200 -734 -188
+rect -574 188 -516 200
+rect -574 -188 -562 188
+rect -528 -188 -516 188
+rect -574 -200 -516 -188
+rect -356 188 -298 200
+rect -356 -188 -344 188
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+rect -356 -200 -298 -188
+rect -138 188 -80 200
+rect -138 -188 -126 188
+rect -92 -188 -80 188
+rect -138 -200 -80 -188
+rect 80 188 138 200
+rect 80 -188 92 188
+rect 126 -188 138 188
+rect 80 -200 138 -188
+rect 298 188 356 200
+rect 298 -188 310 188
+rect 344 -188 356 188
+rect 298 -200 356 -188
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+rect 516 -188 528 188
+rect 562 -188 574 188
+rect 516 -200 574 -188
+rect 734 188 792 200
+rect 734 -188 746 188
+rect 780 -188 792 188
+rect 734 -200 792 -188
+<< mvndiffc >>
+rect -780 -188 -746 188
+rect -562 -188 -528 188
+rect -344 -188 -310 188
+rect -126 -188 -92 188
+rect 92 -188 126 188
+rect 310 -188 344 188
+rect 528 -188 562 188
+rect 746 -188 780 188
+<< mvpsubdiff >>
+rect -926 410 926 422
+rect -926 376 -818 410
+rect 818 376 926 410
+rect -926 364 926 376
+rect -926 314 -868 364
+rect -926 -314 -914 314
+rect -880 -314 -868 314
+rect 868 314 926 364
+rect -926 -364 -868 -314
+rect 868 -314 880 314
+rect 914 -314 926 314
+rect 868 -364 926 -314
+rect -926 -376 926 -364
+rect -926 -410 -818 -376
+rect 818 -410 926 -376
+rect -926 -422 926 -410
+<< mvpsubdiffcont >>
+rect -818 376 818 410
+rect -914 -314 -880 314
+rect 880 -314 914 314
+rect -818 -410 818 -376
+<< poly >>
+rect -734 272 -574 288
+rect -734 238 -718 272
+rect -590 238 -574 272
+rect -734 200 -574 238
+rect -516 272 -356 288
+rect -516 238 -500 272
+rect -372 238 -356 272
+rect -516 200 -356 238
+rect -298 272 -138 288
+rect -298 238 -282 272
+rect -154 238 -138 272
+rect -298 200 -138 238
+rect -80 272 80 288
+rect -80 238 -64 272
+rect 64 238 80 272
+rect -80 200 80 238
+rect 138 272 298 288
+rect 138 238 154 272
+rect 282 238 298 272
+rect 138 200 298 238
+rect 356 272 516 288
+rect 356 238 372 272
+rect 500 238 516 272
+rect 356 200 516 238
+rect 574 272 734 288
+rect 574 238 590 272
+rect 718 238 734 272
+rect 574 200 734 238
+rect -734 -238 -574 -200
+rect -734 -272 -718 -238
+rect -590 -272 -574 -238
+rect -734 -288 -574 -272
+rect -516 -238 -356 -200
+rect -516 -272 -500 -238
+rect -372 -272 -356 -238
+rect -516 -288 -356 -272
+rect -298 -238 -138 -200
+rect -298 -272 -282 -238
+rect -154 -272 -138 -238
+rect -298 -288 -138 -272
+rect -80 -238 80 -200
+rect -80 -272 -64 -238
+rect 64 -272 80 -238
+rect -80 -288 80 -272
+rect 138 -238 298 -200
+rect 138 -272 154 -238
+rect 282 -272 298 -238
+rect 138 -288 298 -272
+rect 356 -238 516 -200
+rect 356 -272 372 -238
+rect 500 -272 516 -238
+rect 356 -288 516 -272
+rect 574 -238 734 -200
+rect 574 -272 590 -238
+rect 718 -272 734 -238
+rect 574 -288 734 -272
+<< polycont >>
+rect -718 238 -590 272
+rect -500 238 -372 272
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+rect 154 238 282 272
+rect 372 238 500 272
+rect 590 238 718 272
+rect -718 -272 -590 -238
+rect -500 -272 -372 -238
+rect -282 -272 -154 -238
+rect -64 -272 64 -238
+rect 154 -272 282 -238
+rect 372 -272 500 -238
+rect 590 -272 718 -238
+<< locali >>
+rect -914 376 -818 410
+rect 818 376 914 410
+rect -914 314 -880 376
+rect 880 314 914 376
+rect -734 238 -718 272
+rect -590 238 -574 272
+rect -516 238 -500 272
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+rect -298 238 -282 272
+rect -154 238 -138 272
+rect -80 238 -64 272
+rect 64 238 80 272
+rect 138 238 154 272
+rect 282 238 298 272
+rect 356 238 372 272
+rect 500 238 516 272
+rect 574 238 590 272
+rect 718 238 734 272
+rect -780 188 -746 204
+rect -780 -204 -746 -188
+rect -562 188 -528 204
+rect -562 -204 -528 -188
+rect -344 188 -310 204
+rect -344 -204 -310 -188
+rect -126 188 -92 204
+rect -126 -204 -92 -188
+rect 92 188 126 204
+rect 92 -204 126 -188
+rect 310 188 344 204
+rect 310 -204 344 -188
+rect 528 188 562 204
+rect 528 -204 562 -188
+rect 746 188 780 204
+rect 746 -204 780 -188
+rect -734 -272 -718 -238
+rect -590 -272 -574 -238
+rect -516 -272 -500 -238
+rect -372 -272 -356 -238
+rect -298 -272 -282 -238
+rect -154 -272 -138 -238
+rect -80 -272 -64 -238
+rect 64 -272 80 -238
+rect 138 -272 154 -238
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+rect 356 -272 372 -238
+rect 500 -272 516 -238
+rect 574 -272 590 -238
+rect 718 -272 734 -238
+rect -914 -376 -880 -314
+rect 880 -376 914 -314
+rect -914 -410 -818 -376
+rect 818 -410 914 -376
+<< viali >>
+rect -914 -263 -880 263
+rect -718 238 -590 272
+rect -500 238 -372 272
+rect -282 238 -154 272
+rect -64 238 64 272
+rect 154 238 282 272
+rect 372 238 500 272
+rect 590 238 718 272
+rect -780 21 -746 171
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+rect -344 21 -310 171
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+rect -718 -272 -590 -238
+rect -500 -272 -372 -238
+rect -282 -272 -154 -238
+rect -64 -272 64 -238
+rect 154 -272 282 -238
+rect 372 -272 500 -238
+rect 590 -272 718 -238
+<< metal1 >>
+rect -920 263 -874 275
+rect -920 -263 -914 263
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+rect -590 238 -578 272
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+rect -512 232 -360 238
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+rect -294 238 -282 272
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+rect -294 232 -142 238
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+rect -76 238 -64 272
+rect 64 238 76 272
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+rect 578 272 730 278
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+rect -528 -171 -522 -21
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+rect -132 -171 -126 -21
+rect -92 -171 -86 -21
+rect -132 -183 -86 -171
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+rect 304 -171 310 -21
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+rect -920 -275 -874 -263
+rect -730 -238 -578 -232
+rect -730 -272 -718 -238
+rect -590 -272 -578 -238
+rect -730 -278 -578 -272
+rect -512 -238 -360 -232
+rect -512 -272 -500 -238
+rect -372 -272 -360 -238
+rect -512 -278 -360 -272
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+rect -294 -272 -282 -238
+rect -154 -272 -142 -238
+rect -294 -278 -142 -272
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+rect -76 -272 -64 -238
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+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5
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+string library sky130
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC.mag b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb312e6
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+tech sky130A
+timestamp 1605994897
+<< pwell >>
+rect -154 -229 154 229
+<< mvnmos >>
+rect -40 -100 40 100
+<< mvndiff >>
+rect -69 94 -40 100
+rect -69 -94 -63 94
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+rect 40 -94 46 94
+rect 63 -94 69 94
+rect 40 -100 69 -94
+<< mvndiffc >>
+rect -63 -94 -46 94
+rect 46 -94 63 94
+<< mvpsubdiff >>
+rect -136 205 136 211
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+rect -136 -211 136 -205
+<< mvpsubdiffcont >>
+rect -82 188 82 205
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+<< poly >>
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+rect -40 100 40 119
+rect -40 -119 40 -100
+rect -40 -136 -32 -119
+rect 32 -136 40 -119
+rect -40 -144 40 -136
+<< polycont >>
+rect -32 119 32 136
+rect -32 -136 32 -119
+<< locali >>
+rect -130 188 -82 205
+rect 82 188 130 205
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+rect -63 -102 -46 -94
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+rect -40 -136 -32 -119
+rect 32 -136 40 -119
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+rect -130 -205 -82 -188
+rect 82 -205 130 -188
+<< viali >>
+rect -32 119 32 136
+rect -63 -94 -46 94
+rect 46 -94 63 94
+rect -32 -136 32 -119
+<< metal1 >>
+rect -38 136 38 139
+rect -38 119 -32 136
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+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5
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+string library sky130
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1606063140
+<< nwell >>
+rect -338 -497 338 497
+<< mvpmos >>
+rect -80 -200 80 200
+<< mvpdiff >>
+rect -138 188 -80 200
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+rect -138 -200 -80 -188
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+rect 80 -188 92 188
+rect 126 -188 138 188
+rect 80 -200 138 -188
+<< mvpdiffc >>
+rect -126 -188 -92 188
+rect 92 -188 126 188
+<< mvnsubdiff >>
+rect -272 419 272 431
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+rect 164 -419 272 -385
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+<< mvnsubdiffcont >>
+rect -164 385 164 419
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+rect 226 -323 260 323
+rect -164 -419 164 -385
+<< poly >>
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+rect -80 -247 80 -200
+rect -80 -281 -64 -247
+rect 64 -281 80 -247
+rect -80 -297 80 -281
+<< polycont >>
+rect -64 247 64 281
+rect -64 -281 64 -247
+<< locali >>
+rect -260 385 -181 419
+rect 181 385 260 419
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+rect 226 323 260 385
+rect -80 247 -64 281
+rect 64 247 80 281
+rect -126 188 -92 204
+rect -126 -204 -92 -188
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+rect 64 -281 80 -247
+rect -260 -385 -226 -323
+rect 226 -385 260 -323
+rect -260 -419 -164 -385
+rect 164 -419 260 -385
+<< viali >>
+rect -181 385 -164 419
+rect -164 385 164 419
+rect 164 385 181 419
+rect -64 247 64 281
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+rect 92 -188 126 188
+rect -64 -281 64 -247
+<< metal1 >>
+rect -193 419 193 425
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+rect 181 385 193 419
+rect -193 379 193 385
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+rect 64 247 76 281
+rect -76 241 76 247
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+rect -132 -200 -86 -188
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+rect 86 -200 132 -188
+rect -76 -247 76 -241
+rect -76 -281 -64 -247
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+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5
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+string library sky130
+<< end >>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08a17b0
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+++ b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1606063140
+<< nwell >>
+rect -992 -497 992 497
+<< mvpmos >>
+rect -734 -200 -574 200
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+rect -80 -200 80 200
+rect 138 -200 298 200
+rect 356 -200 516 200
+rect 574 -200 734 200
+<< mvpdiff >>
+rect -792 188 -734 200
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+rect -574 -188 -562 188
+rect -528 -188 -516 188
+rect -574 -200 -516 -188
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+rect -356 -188 -344 188
+rect -310 -188 -298 188
+rect -356 -200 -298 -188
+rect -138 188 -80 200
+rect -138 -188 -126 188
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+rect -138 -200 -80 -188
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+rect 80 -188 92 188
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+rect 80 -200 138 -188
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+rect 298 -200 356 -188
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+rect 516 -188 528 188
+rect 562 -188 574 188
+rect 516 -200 574 -188
+rect 734 188 792 200
+rect 734 -188 746 188
+rect 780 -188 792 188
+rect 734 -200 792 -188
+<< mvpdiffc >>
+rect -780 -188 -746 188
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+rect -126 -188 -92 188
+rect 92 -188 126 188
+rect 310 -188 344 188
+rect 528 -188 562 188
+rect 746 -188 780 188
+<< mvnsubdiff >>
+rect -926 419 926 431
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+rect -926 -419 -818 -385
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+rect -926 -431 926 -419
+<< mvnsubdiffcont >>
+rect -818 385 818 419
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+rect -818 -419 818 -385
+<< poly >>
+rect -734 281 -574 297
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+rect -516 -281 -500 -247
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+rect -298 -247 -138 -200
+rect -298 -281 -282 -247
+rect -154 -281 -138 -247
+rect -298 -297 -138 -281
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+rect -80 -281 -64 -247
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+rect 138 -297 298 -281
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+rect 574 -247 734 -200
+rect 574 -281 590 -247
+rect 718 -281 734 -247
+rect 574 -297 734 -281
+<< polycont >>
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+rect -282 -281 -154 -247
+rect -64 -281 64 -247
+rect 154 -281 282 -247
+rect 372 -281 500 -247
+rect 590 -281 718 -247
+<< locali >>
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+rect -914 -419 -818 -385
+rect 818 -419 914 -385
+<< viali >>
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+rect -914 38 -880 323
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+<< metal1 >>
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+<< mvpmos >>
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+<< mvpdiffc >>
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+<< mvnsubdiff >>
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+<< metal1 >>
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+magscale 1 2
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+<< nwell >>
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+<< mvpmos >>
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+<< mvpdiffc >>
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+<< mvnsubdiff >>
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+<< polycont >>
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+<< locali >>
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+<< viali >>
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+<< mvpdiff >>
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+<< mvpdiffc >>
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+<< mvnsubdiff >>
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+<< mvnsubdiffcont >>
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+<< poly >>
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+<< polycont >>
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+rect 45 -281 173 -247
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+<< locali >>
+rect -1023 385 -927 419
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+<< viali >>
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+<< metal1 >>
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+rect 33 241 185 247
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+rect 391 247 403 281
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+rect 687 241 839 247
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+rect 413 9 459 21
+rect 849 171 895 183
+rect 849 21 855 171
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+rect 849 9 895 21
+rect -1029 -12 -983 0
+rect -677 -21 -631 -9
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+rect -241 -171 -235 -21
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+rect -241 -183 -195 -171
+rect 195 -21 241 -9
+rect 195 -171 201 -21
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+rect 195 -183 241 -171
+rect 631 -21 677 -9
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+rect -839 -281 -827 -247
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+rect -839 -287 -687 -281
+rect -621 -247 -469 -241
+rect -621 -281 -609 -247
+rect -481 -281 -469 -247
+rect -621 -287 -469 -281
+rect -403 -247 -251 -241
+rect -403 -281 -391 -247
+rect -263 -281 -251 -247
+rect -403 -287 -251 -281
+rect -185 -247 -33 -241
+rect -185 -281 -173 -247
+rect -45 -281 -33 -247
+rect -185 -287 -33 -281
+rect 33 -247 185 -241
+rect 33 -281 45 -247
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+rect 33 -287 185 -281
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+rect 251 -281 263 -247
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+rect 251 -287 403 -281
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+rect 469 -281 481 -247
+rect 609 -281 621 -247
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+rect 687 -247 839 -241
+rect 687 -281 699 -247
+rect 827 -281 839 -247
+rect 687 -287 839 -281
+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5
+string FIXED_BBOX -1006 -402 1006 402
+string parameters w 2.00 l 0.80 m 1 nf 8 diffcov 100 polycov 100 guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 tbcov 100 rlcov 100 topc 1 botc 1 poverlap 0 doverlap 1 lmin 0.50 wmin 0.42 compatible {sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5} full_metal 1 viagl -50 viagr 0 viagt 90 viagb 0 viagate 100 viadrn -40 viasrc +40
+string library sky130
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3.mag b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd3cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1606074388
+<< pwell >>
+rect -5446 -3098 5446 3098
+<< psubdiff >>
+rect -5410 3028 -5314 3062
+rect 5314 3028 5410 3062
+rect -5410 2966 -5376 3028
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+rect 5376 -3028 5410 -2966
+rect -5410 -3062 -5314 -3028
+rect 5314 -3062 5410 -3028
+<< psubdiffcont >>
+rect -5314 3028 5314 3062
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+rect 5376 -2966 5410 2966
+rect -5314 -3062 5314 -3028
+<< xpolycontact >>
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+rect -5280 -2932 -5142 -2500
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+rect -4508 -2932 -4370 -2500
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+rect -4122 -2932 -3984 -2500
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+rect -3350 -2932 -3212 -2500
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+rect -2964 -2932 -2826 -2500
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+rect -2578 -2932 -2440 -2500
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+rect -2192 -2932 -2054 -2500
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+rect -1034 -2932 -896 -2500
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+rect -648 -2932 -510 -2500
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+rect -262 -2932 -124 -2500
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+rect 124 -2932 262 -2500
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+rect 510 -2932 648 -2500
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+rect 896 -2932 1034 -2500
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+rect 1282 -2932 1420 -2500
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+rect 1668 -2932 1806 -2500
+rect 2054 2500 2192 2932
+rect 2054 -2932 2192 -2500
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+rect 2440 -2932 2578 -2500
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+rect 2826 -2932 2964 -2500
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+rect 3598 -2932 3736 -2500
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+rect 3984 -2932 4122 -2500
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+rect 4756 -2932 4894 -2500
+rect 5142 2500 5280 2932
+rect 5142 -2932 5280 -2500
+<< xpolyres >>
+rect -5280 -2500 -5142 2500
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+rect 124 -2500 262 2500
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+rect 3984 -2500 4122 2500
+rect 4370 -2500 4508 2500
+rect 4756 -2500 4894 2500
+rect 5142 -2500 5280 2500
+<< locali >>
+rect -5410 3028 -5314 3062
+rect 5314 3028 5410 3062
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+rect 5376 2966 5410 3028
+rect -5410 -3028 -5376 -2966
+rect 5376 -3028 5410 -2966
+rect -5410 -3062 -5314 -3028
+rect 5314 -3062 5410 -3028
+<< viali >>
+rect -5410 -2725 -5376 2725
+rect 5376 -2725 5410 2725
+rect -4838 -3062 4838 -3028
+<< metal1 >>
+rect -5416 2725 -5370 2737
+rect -5416 -2725 -5410 2725
+rect -5376 -2725 -5370 2725
+rect -5416 -2737 -5370 -2725
+rect 5370 2725 5416 2737
+rect 5370 -2725 5376 2725
+rect 5410 -2725 5416 2725
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+rect -4850 -3028 4850 -3022
+rect -4850 -3062 -4838 -3028
+rect 4838 -3062 4850 -3028
+rect -4850 -3068 4850 -3062
+<< res0p69 >>
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+rect 5140 -2502 5282 2502
+<< properties >>
+string gencell sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69
+string FIXED_BBOX -5393 -3045 5393 3045
+string parameters w 0.69 l 25.0 m 1 nx 28 wmin 0.690 lmin 0.50 rho 2000 val 72.811k dummy 0 dw 0.0 term 120 sterm 0.0 caplen 0 wmax 0.690 guard 1 glc 1 grc 1 gtc 1 gbc 1 compatible {sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_1p41 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_2p85 sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_5p73} full_metal 1 vias 0 viagb 90 viagt 0 viagl 90 viagr 90
+string library sky130
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/user_analog_proj_example.mag b/mag/user_analog_proj_example.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d27792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/user_analog_proj_example.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1639841760
+<< error_p >>
+rect 5036 7870 5051 7898
+rect 5008 7676 5023 7870
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+rect 20394 7668 20409 7862
+use example_por example_por_1
+timestamp 1639841760
+transform 1 0 14132 0 1 -22
+box 0 0 11344 8338
+use example_por example_por_0
+timestamp 1639841760
+transform -1 0 11285 0 1 -14
+box 0 0 11344 8338
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/user_analog_project_wrapper.mag b/mag/user_analog_project_wrapper.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4f3d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/user_analog_project_wrapper.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,2362 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1639841760
+<< mvpsubdiff >>
+rect 345740 628255 345764 629032
+rect 371078 628255 371102 629032
+<< mvpsubdiffcont >>
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+<< locali >>
+rect 345748 628255 345764 629032
+rect 371078 628255 371094 629032
+<< viali >>
+rect 357593 628300 359298 629000
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 357470 629399 359442 629457
+rect 357470 628057 357538 629399
+rect 359388 628057 359442 629399
+rect 357470 627990 359442 628057
+<< via1 >>
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+rect 357538 628300 357593 629000
+rect 357593 628300 359298 629000
+rect 359298 628300 359388 629000
+rect 357538 628057 359388 628300
+<< metal2 >>
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+rect 357470 628057 357538 629399
+rect 359388 628057 359442 629399
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+rect 524 -800 636 480
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+<< via2 >>
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+<< metal3 >>
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+<< rmetal3 >>
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+<< via3 >>
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+<< metal4 >>
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+<< via4 >>
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+<< metal5 >>
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+<< comment >>
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+box -59 -22 25476 8324
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal3 s 583520 269230 584800 269342 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[0]
+port 0 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 381864 480 381976 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[10]
+port 1 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 338642 480 338754 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[11]
+port 2 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 295420 480 295532 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[12]
+port 3 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 252398 480 252510 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[13]
+port 4 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 124776 480 124888 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[14]
+port 5 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 81554 480 81666 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[15]
+port 6 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 38332 480 38444 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[16]
+port 7 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 16910 480 17022 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[17]
+port 8 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 313652 584800 313764 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[1]
+port 9 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 358874 584800 358986 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[2]
+port 10 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 405296 584800 405408 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[3]
+port 11 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 449718 584800 449830 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[4]
+port 12 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 494140 584800 494252 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[5]
+port 13 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 583562 584800 583674 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[6]
+port 14 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 511530 480 511642 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[7]
+port 15 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 468308 480 468420 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[8]
+port 16 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 425086 480 425198 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_analog[9]
+port 17 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 270412 584800 270524 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[0]
+port 18 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 380682 480 380794 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[10]
+port 19 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 337460 480 337572 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[11]
+port 20 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 294238 480 294350 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[12]
+port 21 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 251216 480 251328 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[13]
+port 22 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 123594 480 123706 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[14]
+port 23 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 80372 480 80484 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[15]
+port 24 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 37150 480 37262 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[16]
+port 25 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 15728 480 15840 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[17]
+port 26 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 314834 584800 314946 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[1]
+port 27 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 360056 584800 360168 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[2]
+port 28 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 406478 584800 406590 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[3]
+port 29 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 450900 584800 451012 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[4]
+port 30 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 495322 584800 495434 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[5]
+port 31 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 584744 584800 584856 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[6]
+port 32 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 510348 480 510460 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[7]
+port 33 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 467126 480 467238 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[8]
+port 34 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -800 423904 480 424016 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[9]
+port 35 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582300 677984 584800 682984 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_analog[0]
+port 36 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 680242 1700 685242 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_analog[10]
+port 37 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 566594 702300 571594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[1]
+port 38 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 465394 702300 470394 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[2]
+port 39 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 413394 702300 418394 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[3]
+port 40 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 329294 702300 334294 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 41 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 329294 702300 334294 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 41 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 329294 702300 334294 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 41 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 227594 702300 232594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 42 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 227594 702300 232594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 42 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 227594 702300 232594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 42 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 175894 702300 180894 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 43 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 175894 702300 180894 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 43 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 175894 702300 180894 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 43 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 120194 702300 125194 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[7]
+port 44 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 68194 702300 73194 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[8]
+port 45 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 16194 702300 21194 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[9]
+port 46 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 318994 702300 323994 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 47 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 318994 702300 323994 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 47 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 318994 702300 323994 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 47 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 217294 702300 222294 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 48 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 217294 702300 222294 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 48 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 217294 702300 222294 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 48 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 165594 702300 170594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 49 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 165594 702300 170594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 49 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 165594 702300 170594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 49 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 326794 702300 328994 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_clamp_high[0]
+port 50 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 225094 702300 227294 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_clamp_high[1]
+port 51 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 173394 702300 175594 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_clamp_high[2]
+port 52 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 324294 702300 326494 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_clamp_low[0]
+port 53 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 222594 702300 224794 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_clamp_low[1]
+port 54 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 170894 702300 173094 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 io_clamp_low[2]
+port 55 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 583520 2726 584800 2838 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[0]
+port 56 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 408842 584800 408954 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[10]
+port 57 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 453264 584800 453376 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[11]
+port 58 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 497686 584800 497798 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[12]
+port 59 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 587108 584800 587220 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[13]
+port 60 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 507984 480 508096 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[14]
+port 61 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 464762 480 464874 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[15]
+port 62 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 421540 480 421652 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[16]
+port 63 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 378318 480 378430 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[17]
+port 64 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 335096 480 335208 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[18]
+port 65 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 291874 480 291986 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[19]
+port 66 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 7454 584800 7566 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[1]
+port 67 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 248852 480 248964 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[20]
+port 68 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 121230 480 121342 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[21]
+port 69 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 78008 480 78120 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[22]
+port 70 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 34786 480 34898 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[23]
+port 71 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 13364 480 13476 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[24]
+port 72 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 8636 480 8748 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[25]
+port 73 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 3908 480 4020 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[26]
+port 74 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 12182 584800 12294 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[2]
+port 75 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 16910 584800 17022 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[3]
+port 76 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 21638 584800 21750 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[4]
+port 77 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 48096 584800 48208 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[5]
+port 78 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 92754 584800 92866 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[6]
+port 79 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 272776 584800 272888 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[7]
+port 80 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 317198 584800 317310 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[8]
+port 81 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 362420 584800 362532 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in[9]
+port 82 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 1544 584800 1656 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[0]
+port 83 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 407660 584800 407772 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[10]
+port 84 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 452082 584800 452194 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[11]
+port 85 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 496504 584800 496616 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[12]
+port 86 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 585926 584800 586038 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[13]
+port 87 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 509166 480 509278 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[14]
+port 88 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 465944 480 466056 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[15]
+port 89 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 422722 480 422834 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[16]
+port 90 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 379500 480 379612 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[17]
+port 91 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 336278 480 336390 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[18]
+port 92 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 293056 480 293168 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[19]
+port 93 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 6272 584800 6384 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[1]
+port 94 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 250034 480 250146 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[20]
+port 95 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 122412 480 122524 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[21]
+port 96 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 79190 480 79302 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[22]
+port 97 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 35968 480 36080 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[23]
+port 98 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 14546 480 14658 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[24]
+port 99 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 9818 480 9930 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[25]
+port 100 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -800 5090 480 5202 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[26]
+port 101 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 11000 584800 11112 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[2]
+port 102 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 15728 584800 15840 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[3]
+port 103 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 20456 584800 20568 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[4]
+port 104 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 46914 584800 47026 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[5]
+port 105 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 91572 584800 91684 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[6]
+port 106 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 271594 584800 271706 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[7]
+port 107 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 316016 584800 316128 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[8]
+port 108 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 361238 584800 361350 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[9]
+port 109 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 583520 5090 584800 5202 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[0]
+port 110 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 411206 584800 411318 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[10]
+port 111 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 455628 584800 455740 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[11]
+port 112 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 500050 584800 500162 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[12]
+port 113 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 589472 584800 589584 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[13]
+port 114 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 505620 480 505732 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[14]
+port 115 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 462398 480 462510 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[15]
+port 116 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 419176 480 419288 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[16]
+port 117 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 375954 480 376066 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[17]
+port 118 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 332732 480 332844 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[18]
+port 119 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 289510 480 289622 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[19]
+port 120 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 9818 584800 9930 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[1]
+port 121 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 246488 480 246600 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[20]
+port 122 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 118866 480 118978 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[21]
+port 123 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 75644 480 75756 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[22]
+port 124 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 32422 480 32534 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[23]
+port 125 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 11000 480 11112 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[24]
+port 126 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 6272 480 6384 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[25]
+port 127 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 1544 480 1656 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[26]
+port 128 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 14546 584800 14658 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[2]
+port 129 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 19274 584800 19386 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[3]
+port 130 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 24002 584800 24114 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[4]
+port 131 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 50460 584800 50572 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[5]
+port 132 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 95118 584800 95230 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[6]
+port 133 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 275140 584800 275252 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[7]
+port 134 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 319562 584800 319674 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[8]
+port 135 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 364784 584800 364896 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_oeb[9]
+port 136 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 3908 584800 4020 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[0]
+port 137 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 410024 584800 410136 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[10]
+port 138 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 454446 584800 454558 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[11]
+port 139 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 498868 584800 498980 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[12]
+port 140 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 588290 584800 588402 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[13]
+port 141 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 506802 480 506914 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[14]
+port 142 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 463580 480 463692 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[15]
+port 143 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 420358 480 420470 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[16]
+port 144 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 377136 480 377248 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[17]
+port 145 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 333914 480 334026 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[18]
+port 146 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 290692 480 290804 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[19]
+port 147 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 8636 584800 8748 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[1]
+port 148 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 247670 480 247782 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[20]
+port 149 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 120048 480 120160 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[21]
+port 150 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 76826 480 76938 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[22]
+port 151 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 33604 480 33716 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[23]
+port 152 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 12182 480 12294 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[24]
+port 153 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 7454 480 7566 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[25]
+port 154 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -800 2726 480 2838 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[26]
+port 155 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 13364 584800 13476 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[2]
+port 156 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 18092 584800 18204 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[3]
+port 157 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 22820 584800 22932 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[4]
+port 158 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 49278 584800 49390 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[5]
+port 159 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 93936 584800 94048 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[6]
+port 160 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 273958 584800 274070 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[7]
+port 161 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 318380 584800 318492 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[8]
+port 162 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 583520 363602 584800 363714 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 io_out[9]
+port 163 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 125816 -800 125928 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[0]
+port 164 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 480416 -800 480528 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[100]
+port 165 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 483962 -800 484074 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[101]
+port 166 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 487508 -800 487620 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[102]
+port 167 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 491054 -800 491166 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[103]
+port 168 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 494600 -800 494712 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[104]
+port 169 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 498146 -800 498258 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[105]
+port 170 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 501692 -800 501804 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[106]
+port 171 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 505238 -800 505350 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[107]
+port 172 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 508784 -800 508896 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[108]
+port 173 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 512330 -800 512442 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[109]
+port 174 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 161276 -800 161388 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[10]
+port 175 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 515876 -800 515988 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[110]
+port 176 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 519422 -800 519534 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[111]
+port 177 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 522968 -800 523080 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[112]
+port 178 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 526514 -800 526626 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[113]
+port 179 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 530060 -800 530172 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[114]
+port 180 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 533606 -800 533718 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[115]
+port 181 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 537152 -800 537264 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[116]
+port 182 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 540698 -800 540810 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[117]
+port 183 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 544244 -800 544356 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[118]
+port 184 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 547790 -800 547902 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[119]
+port 185 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 164822 -800 164934 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[11]
+port 186 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 551336 -800 551448 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[120]
+port 187 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 554882 -800 554994 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[121]
+port 188 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 558428 -800 558540 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[122]
+port 189 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 561974 -800 562086 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[123]
+port 190 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 565520 -800 565632 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[124]
+port 191 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 569066 -800 569178 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[125]
+port 192 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 572612 -800 572724 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[126]
+port 193 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 576158 -800 576270 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[127]
+port 194 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 168368 -800 168480 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[12]
+port 195 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 171914 -800 172026 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[13]
+port 196 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 175460 -800 175572 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[14]
+port 197 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 179006 -800 179118 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[15]
+port 198 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 182552 -800 182664 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[16]
+port 199 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 186098 -800 186210 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[17]
+port 200 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 189644 -800 189756 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[18]
+port 201 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 193190 -800 193302 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[19]
+port 202 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 129362 -800 129474 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[1]
+port 203 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 196736 -800 196848 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[20]
+port 204 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 200282 -800 200394 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[21]
+port 205 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 203828 -800 203940 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[22]
+port 206 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 207374 -800 207486 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[23]
+port 207 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 210920 -800 211032 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[24]
+port 208 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 214466 -800 214578 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[25]
+port 209 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 218012 -800 218124 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[26]
+port 210 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 221558 -800 221670 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[27]
+port 211 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 225104 -800 225216 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[28]
+port 212 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 228650 -800 228762 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[29]
+port 213 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 132908 -800 133020 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[2]
+port 214 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 232196 -800 232308 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[30]
+port 215 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 235742 -800 235854 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[31]
+port 216 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 239288 -800 239400 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[32]
+port 217 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 242834 -800 242946 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[33]
+port 218 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 246380 -800 246492 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[34]
+port 219 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 249926 -800 250038 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[35]
+port 220 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 253472 -800 253584 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[36]
+port 221 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 257018 -800 257130 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[37]
+port 222 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 260564 -800 260676 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[38]
+port 223 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 264110 -800 264222 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[39]
+port 224 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 136454 -800 136566 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[3]
+port 225 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 267656 -800 267768 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[40]
+port 226 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 271202 -800 271314 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[41]
+port 227 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 274748 -800 274860 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[42]
+port 228 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 278294 -800 278406 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[43]
+port 229 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 281840 -800 281952 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[44]
+port 230 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 285386 -800 285498 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[45]
+port 231 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 288932 -800 289044 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[46]
+port 232 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 292478 -800 292590 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[47]
+port 233 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 296024 -800 296136 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[48]
+port 234 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 299570 -800 299682 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[49]
+port 235 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 140000 -800 140112 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[4]
+port 236 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 303116 -800 303228 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[50]
+port 237 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 306662 -800 306774 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[51]
+port 238 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 310208 -800 310320 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[52]
+port 239 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 313754 -800 313866 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[53]
+port 240 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 317300 -800 317412 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[54]
+port 241 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 320846 -800 320958 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[55]
+port 242 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 324392 -800 324504 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[56]
+port 243 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 327938 -800 328050 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[57]
+port 244 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 331484 -800 331596 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[58]
+port 245 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 335030 -800 335142 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[59]
+port 246 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 143546 -800 143658 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[5]
+port 247 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 338576 -800 338688 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[60]
+port 248 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 342122 -800 342234 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[61]
+port 249 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 345668 -800 345780 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[62]
+port 250 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 349214 -800 349326 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[63]
+port 251 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 352760 -800 352872 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[64]
+port 252 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 356306 -800 356418 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[65]
+port 253 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 359852 -800 359964 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[66]
+port 254 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 363398 -800 363510 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[67]
+port 255 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 366944 -800 367056 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[68]
+port 256 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 370490 -800 370602 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[69]
+port 257 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 147092 -800 147204 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[6]
+port 258 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 374036 -800 374148 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[70]
+port 259 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 377582 -800 377694 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[71]
+port 260 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 381128 -800 381240 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[72]
+port 261 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 384674 -800 384786 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[73]
+port 262 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 388220 -800 388332 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[74]
+port 263 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 391766 -800 391878 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[75]
+port 264 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 395312 -800 395424 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[76]
+port 265 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 398858 -800 398970 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[77]
+port 266 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 402404 -800 402516 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[78]
+port 267 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 405950 -800 406062 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[79]
+port 268 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 150638 -800 150750 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[7]
+port 269 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 409496 -800 409608 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[80]
+port 270 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 413042 -800 413154 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[81]
+port 271 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 416588 -800 416700 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[82]
+port 272 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 420134 -800 420246 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[83]
+port 273 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 423680 -800 423792 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[84]
+port 274 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 427226 -800 427338 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[85]
+port 275 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 430772 -800 430884 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[86]
+port 276 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 434318 -800 434430 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[87]
+port 277 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 437864 -800 437976 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[88]
+port 278 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 441410 -800 441522 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[89]
+port 279 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 154184 -800 154296 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[8]
+port 280 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 444956 -800 445068 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[90]
+port 281 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 448502 -800 448614 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[91]
+port 282 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 452048 -800 452160 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[92]
+port 283 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 455594 -800 455706 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[93]
+port 284 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 459140 -800 459252 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[94]
+port 285 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 462686 -800 462798 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[95]
+port 286 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 466232 -800 466344 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[96]
+port 287 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 469778 -800 469890 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[97]
+port 288 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 473324 -800 473436 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[98]
+port 289 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 476870 -800 476982 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[99]
+port 290 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 157730 -800 157842 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_in[9]
+port 291 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 126998 -800 127110 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[0]
+port 292 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 481598 -800 481710 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[100]
+port 293 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 485144 -800 485256 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[101]
+port 294 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 488690 -800 488802 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[102]
+port 295 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 492236 -800 492348 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[103]
+port 296 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 495782 -800 495894 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[104]
+port 297 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 499328 -800 499440 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[105]
+port 298 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 502874 -800 502986 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[106]
+port 299 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 506420 -800 506532 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[107]
+port 300 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 509966 -800 510078 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[108]
+port 301 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 513512 -800 513624 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[109]
+port 302 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 162458 -800 162570 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[10]
+port 303 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 517058 -800 517170 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[110]
+port 304 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 520604 -800 520716 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[111]
+port 305 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 524150 -800 524262 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[112]
+port 306 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 527696 -800 527808 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[113]
+port 307 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 531242 -800 531354 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[114]
+port 308 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 534788 -800 534900 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[115]
+port 309 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 538334 -800 538446 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[116]
+port 310 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 541880 -800 541992 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[117]
+port 311 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 545426 -800 545538 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[118]
+port 312 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 548972 -800 549084 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[119]
+port 313 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 166004 -800 166116 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[11]
+port 314 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 552518 -800 552630 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[120]
+port 315 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 556064 -800 556176 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[121]
+port 316 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 559610 -800 559722 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[122]
+port 317 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 563156 -800 563268 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[123]
+port 318 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 566702 -800 566814 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[124]
+port 319 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 570248 -800 570360 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[125]
+port 320 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 573794 -800 573906 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[126]
+port 321 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 577340 -800 577452 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[127]
+port 322 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 169550 -800 169662 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[12]
+port 323 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 173096 -800 173208 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[13]
+port 324 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 176642 -800 176754 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[14]
+port 325 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 180188 -800 180300 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[15]
+port 326 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 183734 -800 183846 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[16]
+port 327 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 187280 -800 187392 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[17]
+port 328 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 190826 -800 190938 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[18]
+port 329 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 194372 -800 194484 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[19]
+port 330 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 130544 -800 130656 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[1]
+port 331 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 197918 -800 198030 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[20]
+port 332 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 201464 -800 201576 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[21]
+port 333 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 205010 -800 205122 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[22]
+port 334 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 208556 -800 208668 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[23]
+port 335 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 212102 -800 212214 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[24]
+port 336 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 215648 -800 215760 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[25]
+port 337 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 219194 -800 219306 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[26]
+port 338 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 222740 -800 222852 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[27]
+port 339 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 226286 -800 226398 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[28]
+port 340 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 229832 -800 229944 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[29]
+port 341 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 134090 -800 134202 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[2]
+port 342 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 233378 -800 233490 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[30]
+port 343 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 236924 -800 237036 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[31]
+port 344 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 240470 -800 240582 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[32]
+port 345 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 244016 -800 244128 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[33]
+port 346 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 247562 -800 247674 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[34]
+port 347 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 251108 -800 251220 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[35]
+port 348 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 254654 -800 254766 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[36]
+port 349 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 258200 -800 258312 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[37]
+port 350 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 261746 -800 261858 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[38]
+port 351 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 265292 -800 265404 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[39]
+port 352 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 137636 -800 137748 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[3]
+port 353 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 268838 -800 268950 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[40]
+port 354 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 272384 -800 272496 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[41]
+port 355 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 275930 -800 276042 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[42]
+port 356 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 279476 -800 279588 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[43]
+port 357 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 283022 -800 283134 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[44]
+port 358 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 286568 -800 286680 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[45]
+port 359 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 290114 -800 290226 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[46]
+port 360 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 293660 -800 293772 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[47]
+port 361 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 297206 -800 297318 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[48]
+port 362 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 300752 -800 300864 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[49]
+port 363 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 141182 -800 141294 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[4]
+port 364 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 304298 -800 304410 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[50]
+port 365 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 307844 -800 307956 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[51]
+port 366 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 311390 -800 311502 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[52]
+port 367 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 314936 -800 315048 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[53]
+port 368 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 318482 -800 318594 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[54]
+port 369 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 322028 -800 322140 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[55]
+port 370 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 325574 -800 325686 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[56]
+port 371 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 329120 -800 329232 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[57]
+port 372 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 332666 -800 332778 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[58]
+port 373 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 336212 -800 336324 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[59]
+port 374 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 144728 -800 144840 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[5]
+port 375 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 339758 -800 339870 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[60]
+port 376 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 343304 -800 343416 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[61]
+port 377 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 346850 -800 346962 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[62]
+port 378 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 350396 -800 350508 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[63]
+port 379 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 353942 -800 354054 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[64]
+port 380 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 357488 -800 357600 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[65]
+port 381 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 361034 -800 361146 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[66]
+port 382 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 364580 -800 364692 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[67]
+port 383 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 368126 -800 368238 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[68]
+port 384 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 371672 -800 371784 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[69]
+port 385 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 148274 -800 148386 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[6]
+port 386 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 375218 -800 375330 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[70]
+port 387 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 378764 -800 378876 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[71]
+port 388 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 382310 -800 382422 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[72]
+port 389 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 385856 -800 385968 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[73]
+port 390 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 389402 -800 389514 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[74]
+port 391 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 392948 -800 393060 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[75]
+port 392 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 396494 -800 396606 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[76]
+port 393 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 400040 -800 400152 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[77]
+port 394 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 403586 -800 403698 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[78]
+port 395 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 407132 -800 407244 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[79]
+port 396 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 151820 -800 151932 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[7]
+port 397 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 410678 -800 410790 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[80]
+port 398 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 414224 -800 414336 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[81]
+port 399 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 417770 -800 417882 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[82]
+port 400 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 421316 -800 421428 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[83]
+port 401 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 424862 -800 424974 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[84]
+port 402 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 428408 -800 428520 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[85]
+port 403 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 431954 -800 432066 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[86]
+port 404 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 435500 -800 435612 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[87]
+port 405 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 439046 -800 439158 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[88]
+port 406 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 442592 -800 442704 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[89]
+port 407 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 155366 -800 155478 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[8]
+port 408 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 446138 -800 446250 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[90]
+port 409 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 449684 -800 449796 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[91]
+port 410 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 453230 -800 453342 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[92]
+port 411 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 456776 -800 456888 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[93]
+port 412 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 460322 -800 460434 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[94]
+port 413 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 463868 -800 463980 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[95]
+port 414 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 467414 -800 467526 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[96]
+port 415 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 470960 -800 471072 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[97]
+port 416 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 474506 -800 474618 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[98]
+port 417 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 478052 -800 478164 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[99]
+port 418 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 158912 -800 159024 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_data_out[9]
+port 419 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 128180 -800 128292 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[0]
+port 420 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 482780 -800 482892 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[100]
+port 421 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 486326 -800 486438 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[101]
+port 422 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 489872 -800 489984 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[102]
+port 423 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 493418 -800 493530 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[103]
+port 424 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 496964 -800 497076 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[104]
+port 425 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 500510 -800 500622 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[105]
+port 426 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 504056 -800 504168 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[106]
+port 427 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 507602 -800 507714 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[107]
+port 428 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 511148 -800 511260 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[108]
+port 429 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 514694 -800 514806 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[109]
+port 430 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 163640 -800 163752 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[10]
+port 431 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 518240 -800 518352 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[110]
+port 432 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 521786 -800 521898 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[111]
+port 433 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 525332 -800 525444 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[112]
+port 434 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 528878 -800 528990 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[113]
+port 435 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 532424 -800 532536 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[114]
+port 436 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 535970 -800 536082 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[115]
+port 437 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 539516 -800 539628 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[116]
+port 438 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 543062 -800 543174 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[117]
+port 439 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 546608 -800 546720 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[118]
+port 440 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 550154 -800 550266 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[119]
+port 441 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 167186 -800 167298 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[11]
+port 442 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 553700 -800 553812 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[120]
+port 443 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 557246 -800 557358 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[121]
+port 444 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 560792 -800 560904 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[122]
+port 445 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 564338 -800 564450 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[123]
+port 446 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 567884 -800 567996 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[124]
+port 447 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 571430 -800 571542 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[125]
+port 448 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 574976 -800 575088 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[126]
+port 449 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 578522 -800 578634 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[127]
+port 450 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 170732 -800 170844 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[12]
+port 451 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 174278 -800 174390 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[13]
+port 452 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 177824 -800 177936 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[14]
+port 453 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 181370 -800 181482 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[15]
+port 454 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 184916 -800 185028 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[16]
+port 455 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 188462 -800 188574 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[17]
+port 456 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 192008 -800 192120 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[18]
+port 457 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 195554 -800 195666 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[19]
+port 458 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 131726 -800 131838 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[1]
+port 459 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 199100 -800 199212 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[20]
+port 460 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 202646 -800 202758 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[21]
+port 461 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 206192 -800 206304 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[22]
+port 462 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 209738 -800 209850 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[23]
+port 463 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 213284 -800 213396 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[24]
+port 464 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 216830 -800 216942 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[25]
+port 465 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 220376 -800 220488 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[26]
+port 466 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 223922 -800 224034 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[27]
+port 467 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 227468 -800 227580 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[28]
+port 468 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 231014 -800 231126 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[29]
+port 469 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 135272 -800 135384 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[2]
+port 470 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 234560 -800 234672 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[30]
+port 471 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 238106 -800 238218 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[31]
+port 472 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 241652 -800 241764 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[32]
+port 473 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 245198 -800 245310 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[33]
+port 474 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 248744 -800 248856 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[34]
+port 475 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 252290 -800 252402 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[35]
+port 476 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 255836 -800 255948 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[36]
+port 477 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 259382 -800 259494 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[37]
+port 478 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 262928 -800 263040 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[38]
+port 479 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 266474 -800 266586 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[39]
+port 480 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 138818 -800 138930 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[3]
+port 481 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 270020 -800 270132 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[40]
+port 482 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 273566 -800 273678 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[41]
+port 483 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 277112 -800 277224 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[42]
+port 484 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 280658 -800 280770 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[43]
+port 485 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 284204 -800 284316 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[44]
+port 486 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 287750 -800 287862 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[45]
+port 487 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 291296 -800 291408 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[46]
+port 488 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 294842 -800 294954 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[47]
+port 489 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 298388 -800 298500 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[48]
+port 490 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 301934 -800 302046 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[49]
+port 491 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 142364 -800 142476 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[4]
+port 492 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 305480 -800 305592 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[50]
+port 493 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 309026 -800 309138 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[51]
+port 494 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 312572 -800 312684 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[52]
+port 495 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 316118 -800 316230 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[53]
+port 496 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 319664 -800 319776 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[54]
+port 497 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 323210 -800 323322 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[55]
+port 498 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 326756 -800 326868 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[56]
+port 499 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 330302 -800 330414 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[57]
+port 500 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 333848 -800 333960 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[58]
+port 501 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 337394 -800 337506 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[59]
+port 502 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 145910 -800 146022 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[5]
+port 503 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 340940 -800 341052 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[60]
+port 504 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 344486 -800 344598 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[61]
+port 505 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 348032 -800 348144 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[62]
+port 506 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 351578 -800 351690 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[63]
+port 507 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 355124 -800 355236 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[64]
+port 508 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 358670 -800 358782 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[65]
+port 509 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 362216 -800 362328 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[66]
+port 510 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 365762 -800 365874 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[67]
+port 511 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 369308 -800 369420 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[68]
+port 512 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 372854 -800 372966 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[69]
+port 513 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 149456 -800 149568 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[6]
+port 514 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 376400 -800 376512 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[70]
+port 515 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 379946 -800 380058 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[71]
+port 516 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 383492 -800 383604 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[72]
+port 517 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 387038 -800 387150 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[73]
+port 518 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 390584 -800 390696 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[74]
+port 519 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 394130 -800 394242 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[75]
+port 520 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 397676 -800 397788 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[76]
+port 521 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 401222 -800 401334 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[77]
+port 522 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 404768 -800 404880 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[78]
+port 523 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 408314 -800 408426 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[79]
+port 524 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 153002 -800 153114 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[7]
+port 525 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 411860 -800 411972 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[80]
+port 526 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 415406 -800 415518 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[81]
+port 527 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 418952 -800 419064 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[82]
+port 528 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 422498 -800 422610 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[83]
+port 529 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 426044 -800 426156 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[84]
+port 530 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 429590 -800 429702 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[85]
+port 531 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 433136 -800 433248 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[86]
+port 532 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 436682 -800 436794 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[87]
+port 533 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 440228 -800 440340 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[88]
+port 534 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 443774 -800 443886 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[89]
+port 535 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 156548 -800 156660 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[8]
+port 536 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 447320 -800 447432 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[90]
+port 537 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 450866 -800 450978 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[91]
+port 538 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 454412 -800 454524 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[92]
+port 539 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 457958 -800 458070 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[93]
+port 540 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 461504 -800 461616 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[94]
+port 541 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 465050 -800 465162 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[95]
+port 542 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 468596 -800 468708 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[96]
+port 543 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 472142 -800 472254 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[97]
+port 544 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 475688 -800 475800 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[98]
+port 545 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 479234 -800 479346 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[99]
+port 546 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 160094 -800 160206 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 la_oenb[9]
+port 547 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 579704 -800 579816 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 user_clock2
+port 548 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 580886 -800 580998 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 user_irq[0]
+port 549 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 582068 -800 582180 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 user_irq[1]
+port 550 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 583250 -800 583362 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 user_irq[2]
+port 551 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 582340 639784 584800 644584 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vccd1
+port 552 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 629784 584800 634584 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vccd1
+port 553 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 643842 1660 648642 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vccd2
+port 554 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 633842 1660 638642 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vccd2
+port 555 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 540562 584800 545362 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 556 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 550562 584800 555362 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 557 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 235230 584800 240030 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 558 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 225230 584800 230030 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 559 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 204888 1660 209688 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vdda2
+port 560 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 214888 1660 219688 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vdda2
+port 561 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 520594 702340 525394 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 vssa1
+port 562 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 510594 702340 515394 704800 0 FreeSans 1920 180 0 0 vssa1
+port 563 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 146830 584800 151630 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssa1
+port 564 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 136830 584800 141630 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssa1
+port 565 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 559442 1660 564242 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssa2
+port 566 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 549442 1660 554242 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssa2
+port 567 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 191430 584800 196230 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssd1
+port 568 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 582340 181430 584800 186230 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssd1
+port 569 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 172888 1660 177688 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssd2
+port 570 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 162888 1660 167688 0 FreeSans 1120 0 0 0 vssd2
+port 571 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal2 s 524 -800 636 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wb_clk_i
+port 572 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 1706 -800 1818 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wb_rst_i
+port 573 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 2888 -800 3000 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_ack_o
+port 574 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 7616 -800 7728 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[0]
+port 575 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 47804 -800 47916 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[10]
+port 576 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 51350 -800 51462 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[11]
+port 577 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 54896 -800 55008 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[12]
+port 578 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 58442 -800 58554 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[13]
+port 579 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 61988 -800 62100 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[14]
+port 580 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 65534 -800 65646 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[15]
+port 581 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 69080 -800 69192 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[16]
+port 582 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 72626 -800 72738 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[17]
+port 583 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 76172 -800 76284 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[18]
+port 584 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 79718 -800 79830 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[19]
+port 585 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 12344 -800 12456 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[1]
+port 586 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 83264 -800 83376 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[20]
+port 587 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 86810 -800 86922 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[21]
+port 588 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 90356 -800 90468 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[22]
+port 589 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 93902 -800 94014 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[23]
+port 590 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 97448 -800 97560 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[24]
+port 591 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 100994 -800 101106 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[25]
+port 592 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 104540 -800 104652 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[26]
+port 593 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 108086 -800 108198 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[27]
+port 594 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 111632 -800 111744 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[28]
+port 595 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 115178 -800 115290 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[29]
+port 596 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 17072 -800 17184 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[2]
+port 597 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 118724 -800 118836 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[30]
+port 598 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 122270 -800 122382 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[31]
+port 599 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 21800 -800 21912 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[3]
+port 600 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 26528 -800 26640 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[4]
+port 601 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 30074 -800 30186 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[5]
+port 602 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 33620 -800 33732 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[6]
+port 603 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 37166 -800 37278 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[7]
+port 604 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 40712 -800 40824 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[8]
+port 605 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 44258 -800 44370 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[9]
+port 606 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 4070 -800 4182 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_cyc_i
+port 607 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 8798 -800 8910 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[0]
+port 608 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 48986 -800 49098 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[10]
+port 609 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 52532 -800 52644 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[11]
+port 610 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 56078 -800 56190 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[12]
+port 611 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 59624 -800 59736 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[13]
+port 612 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 63170 -800 63282 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[14]
+port 613 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 66716 -800 66828 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[15]
+port 614 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 70262 -800 70374 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[16]
+port 615 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 73808 -800 73920 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[17]
+port 616 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 77354 -800 77466 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[18]
+port 617 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 80900 -800 81012 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[19]
+port 618 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 13526 -800 13638 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[1]
+port 619 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 84446 -800 84558 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[20]
+port 620 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 87992 -800 88104 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[21]
+port 621 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 91538 -800 91650 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[22]
+port 622 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 95084 -800 95196 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[23]
+port 623 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 98630 -800 98742 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[24]
+port 624 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 102176 -800 102288 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[25]
+port 625 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 105722 -800 105834 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[26]
+port 626 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 109268 -800 109380 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[27]
+port 627 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 112814 -800 112926 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[28]
+port 628 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 116360 -800 116472 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[29]
+port 629 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 18254 -800 18366 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[2]
+port 630 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 119906 -800 120018 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[30]
+port 631 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 123452 -800 123564 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[31]
+port 632 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 22982 -800 23094 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[3]
+port 633 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 27710 -800 27822 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[4]
+port 634 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 31256 -800 31368 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[5]
+port 635 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 34802 -800 34914 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[6]
+port 636 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 38348 -800 38460 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[7]
+port 637 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 41894 -800 42006 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[8]
+port 638 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 45440 -800 45552 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[9]
+port 639 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 9980 -800 10092 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[0]
+port 640 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 50168 -800 50280 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[10]
+port 641 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 53714 -800 53826 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[11]
+port 642 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 57260 -800 57372 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[12]
+port 643 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 60806 -800 60918 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[13]
+port 644 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 64352 -800 64464 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[14]
+port 645 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 67898 -800 68010 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[15]
+port 646 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 71444 -800 71556 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[16]
+port 647 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 74990 -800 75102 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[17]
+port 648 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 78536 -800 78648 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[18]
+port 649 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 82082 -800 82194 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[19]
+port 650 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 14708 -800 14820 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[1]
+port 651 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 85628 -800 85740 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[20]
+port 652 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 89174 -800 89286 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[21]
+port 653 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 92720 -800 92832 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[22]
+port 654 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 96266 -800 96378 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[23]
+port 655 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 99812 -800 99924 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[24]
+port 656 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 103358 -800 103470 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[25]
+port 657 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 106904 -800 107016 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[26]
+port 658 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 110450 -800 110562 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[27]
+port 659 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 113996 -800 114108 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[28]
+port 660 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 117542 -800 117654 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[29]
+port 661 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 19436 -800 19548 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[2]
+port 662 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 121088 -800 121200 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[30]
+port 663 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 124634 -800 124746 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[31]
+port 664 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 24164 -800 24276 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[3]
+port 665 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 28892 -800 29004 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[4]
+port 666 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 32438 -800 32550 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[5]
+port 667 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 35984 -800 36096 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[6]
+port 668 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 39530 -800 39642 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[7]
+port 669 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 43076 -800 43188 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[8]
+port 670 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 46622 -800 46734 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[9]
+port 671 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 11162 -800 11274 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[0]
+port 672 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 15890 -800 16002 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[1]
+port 673 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 20618 -800 20730 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[2]
+port 674 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 25346 -800 25458 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[3]
+port 675 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 5252 -800 5364 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_stb_i
+port 676 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 6434 -800 6546 480 0 FreeSans 1120 90 0 0 wbs_we_i
+port 677 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 572152 640142 580220 644150 0 FreeSans 16000 0 0 0 VCCD1
+flabel metal3 567038 550960 577302 554546 0 FreeSans 16000 0 0 0 VDDA1
+flabel metal3 511190 664896 514962 676272 0 FreeSans 16000 90 0 0 VSSA1
+flabel metal3 561703 191929 571721 195859 0 FreeSans 16000 0 0 0 VSSD1
+<< properties >>
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 584000 704000
+<< end >>
diff --git a/mag/user_analog_project_wrapper_empty.mag b/mag/user_analog_project_wrapper_empty.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02dbe79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mag/user_analog_project_wrapper_empty.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,2091 @@
+tech sky130A
+timestamp 1632839657
+<< checkpaint >>
+rect -680 351370 292680 352680
+rect -680 630 630 351370
+rect 291370 630 292680 351370
+rect -680 -680 292680 630
+<< metal2 >>
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+<< metal3 >>
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+<< metal4 >>
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+<< metal5 >>
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+<< comment >>
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+<< labels >>
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+port 7 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 8 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 9 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 11 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 12 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 13 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 17 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 18 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 19 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 21 nsew signal bidirectional
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+port 32 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -400 255174 240 255230 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[7]
+port 33 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -400 233563 240 233619 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[8]
+port 34 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s -400 211952 240 212008 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 gpio_noesd[9]
+port 35 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291150 338992 292400 341492 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_analog[0]
+port 36 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 340121 850 342621 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_analog[10]
+port 37 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 283297 351150 285797 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[1]
+port 38 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 232697 351150 235197 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[2]
+port 39 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 206697 351150 209197 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[3]
+port 40 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 164647 351150 167147 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 41 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 164647 351150 167147 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 41 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 164647 351150 167147 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 41 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 113797 351150 116297 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 42 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 113797 351150 116297 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 42 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 113797 351150 116297 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 42 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 87947 351150 90447 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 43 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 87947 351150 90447 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 43 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 87947 351150 90447 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 43 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 60097 351150 62597 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[7]
+port 44 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 34097 351150 36597 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[8]
+port 45 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 8097 351150 10597 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[9]
+port 46 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 159497 351150 161997 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 47 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 159497 351150 161997 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 47 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 159497 351150 161997 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[4]
+port 47 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 108647 351150 111147 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 48 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 108647 351150 111147 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 48 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 108647 351150 111147 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[5]
+port 48 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 82797 351150 85297 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 49 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 82797 351150 85297 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 49 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 82797 351150 85297 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_analog[6]
+port 49 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 163397 351150 164497 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_clamp_high[0]
+port 50 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 112547 351150 113647 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_clamp_high[1]
+port 51 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 86697 351150 87797 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_clamp_high[2]
+port 52 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 162147 351150 163247 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_clamp_low[0]
+port 53 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 111297 351150 112397 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_clamp_low[1]
+port 54 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 85447 351150 86547 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 io_clamp_low[2]
+port 55 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291760 1363 292400 1419 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[0]
+port 56 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 204421 292400 204477 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[10]
+port 57 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 226632 292400 226688 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[11]
+port 58 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 248843 292400 248899 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[12]
+port 59 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 293554 292400 293610 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[13]
+port 60 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 253992 240 254048 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[14]
+port 61 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 232381 240 232437 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[15]
+port 62 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 210770 240 210826 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[16]
+port 63 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 189159 240 189215 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[17]
+port 64 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 167548 240 167604 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[18]
+port 65 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 145937 240 145993 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[19]
+port 66 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 3727 292400 3783 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[1]
+port 67 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 124426 240 124482 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[20]
+port 68 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 60615 240 60671 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[21]
+port 69 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 39004 240 39060 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[22]
+port 70 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 17393 240 17449 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[23]
+port 71 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 6682 240 6738 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[24]
+port 72 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 4318 240 4374 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[25]
+port 73 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 1954 240 2010 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[26]
+port 74 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 6091 292400 6147 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[2]
+port 75 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 8455 292400 8511 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[3]
+port 76 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 10819 292400 10875 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[4]
+port 77 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 24048 292400 24104 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[5]
+port 78 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 46377 292400 46433 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[6]
+port 79 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 136388 292400 136444 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[7]
+port 80 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 158599 292400 158655 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[8]
+port 81 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 181210 292400 181266 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in[9]
+port 82 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 772 292400 828 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[0]
+port 83 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 203830 292400 203886 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[10]
+port 84 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 226041 292400 226097 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[11]
+port 85 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 248252 292400 248308 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[12]
+port 86 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 292963 292400 293019 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[13]
+port 87 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 254583 240 254639 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[14]
+port 88 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 232972 240 233028 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[15]
+port 89 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 211361 240 211417 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[16]
+port 90 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 189750 240 189806 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[17]
+port 91 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 168139 240 168195 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[18]
+port 92 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 146528 240 146584 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[19]
+port 93 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 3136 292400 3192 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[1]
+port 94 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 125017 240 125073 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[20]
+port 95 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 61206 240 61262 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[21]
+port 96 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 39595 240 39651 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[22]
+port 97 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 17984 240 18040 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[23]
+port 98 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 7273 240 7329 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[24]
+port 99 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 4909 240 4965 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[25]
+port 100 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s -400 2545 240 2601 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[26]
+port 101 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 5500 292400 5556 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[2]
+port 102 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 7864 292400 7920 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[3]
+port 103 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 10228 292400 10284 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[4]
+port 104 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 23457 292400 23513 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[5]
+port 105 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 45786 292400 45842 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[6]
+port 106 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 135797 292400 135853 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[7]
+port 107 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 158008 292400 158064 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[8]
+port 108 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 180619 292400 180675 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_in_3v3[9]
+port 109 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 291760 2545 292400 2601 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[0]
+port 110 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 205603 292400 205659 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[10]
+port 111 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 227814 292400 227870 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[11]
+port 112 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 250025 292400 250081 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[12]
+port 113 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 294736 292400 294792 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[13]
+port 114 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 252810 240 252866 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[14]
+port 115 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 231199 240 231255 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[15]
+port 116 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 209588 240 209644 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[16]
+port 117 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 187977 240 188033 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[17]
+port 118 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 166366 240 166422 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[18]
+port 119 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 144755 240 144811 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[19]
+port 120 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 4909 292400 4965 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[1]
+port 121 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 123244 240 123300 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[20]
+port 122 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 59433 240 59489 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[21]
+port 123 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 37822 240 37878 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[22]
+port 124 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 16211 240 16267 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[23]
+port 125 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 5500 240 5556 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[24]
+port 126 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 3136 240 3192 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[25]
+port 127 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 772 240 828 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[26]
+port 128 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 7273 292400 7329 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[2]
+port 129 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 9637 292400 9693 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[3]
+port 130 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 12001 292400 12057 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[4]
+port 131 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 25230 292400 25286 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[5]
+port 132 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 47559 292400 47615 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[6]
+port 133 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 137570 292400 137626 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[7]
+port 134 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 159781 292400 159837 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[8]
+port 135 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 182392 292400 182448 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_oeb[9]
+port 136 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 1954 292400 2010 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[0]
+port 137 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 205012 292400 205068 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[10]
+port 138 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 227223 292400 227279 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[11]
+port 139 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 249434 292400 249490 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[12]
+port 140 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 294145 292400 294201 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[13]
+port 141 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 253401 240 253457 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[14]
+port 142 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 231790 240 231846 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[15]
+port 143 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 210179 240 210235 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[16]
+port 144 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 188568 240 188624 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[17]
+port 145 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 166957 240 167013 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[18]
+port 146 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 145346 240 145402 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[19]
+port 147 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 4318 292400 4374 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[1]
+port 148 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 123835 240 123891 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[20]
+port 149 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 60024 240 60080 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[21]
+port 150 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 38413 240 38469 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[22]
+port 151 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 16802 240 16858 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[23]
+port 152 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 6091 240 6147 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[24]
+port 153 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 3727 240 3783 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[25]
+port 154 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s -400 1363 240 1419 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[26]
+port 155 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 6682 292400 6738 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[2]
+port 156 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 9046 292400 9102 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[3]
+port 157 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 11410 292400 11466 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[4]
+port 158 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 24639 292400 24695 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[5]
+port 159 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 46968 292400 47024 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[6]
+port 160 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 136979 292400 137035 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[7]
+port 161 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 159190 292400 159246 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[8]
+port 162 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291760 181801 292400 181857 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 io_out[9]
+port 163 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 62908 -400 62964 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[0]
+port 164 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 240208 -400 240264 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[100]
+port 165 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 241981 -400 242037 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[101]
+port 166 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 243754 -400 243810 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[102]
+port 167 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 245527 -400 245583 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[103]
+port 168 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 247300 -400 247356 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[104]
+port 169 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 249073 -400 249129 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[105]
+port 170 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 250846 -400 250902 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[106]
+port 171 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 252619 -400 252675 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[107]
+port 172 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 254392 -400 254448 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[108]
+port 173 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 256165 -400 256221 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[109]
+port 174 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 80638 -400 80694 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[10]
+port 175 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 257938 -400 257994 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[110]
+port 176 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 259711 -400 259767 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[111]
+port 177 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 261484 -400 261540 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[112]
+port 178 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 263257 -400 263313 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[113]
+port 179 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 265030 -400 265086 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[114]
+port 180 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 266803 -400 266859 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[115]
+port 181 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 268576 -400 268632 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[116]
+port 182 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 270349 -400 270405 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[117]
+port 183 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 272122 -400 272178 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[118]
+port 184 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 273895 -400 273951 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[119]
+port 185 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 82411 -400 82467 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[11]
+port 186 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 275668 -400 275724 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[120]
+port 187 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 277441 -400 277497 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[121]
+port 188 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 279214 -400 279270 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[122]
+port 189 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 280987 -400 281043 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[123]
+port 190 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 282760 -400 282816 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[124]
+port 191 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 284533 -400 284589 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[125]
+port 192 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 286306 -400 286362 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[126]
+port 193 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 288079 -400 288135 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[127]
+port 194 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 84184 -400 84240 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[12]
+port 195 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 85957 -400 86013 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[13]
+port 196 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 87730 -400 87786 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[14]
+port 197 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 89503 -400 89559 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[15]
+port 198 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 91276 -400 91332 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[16]
+port 199 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 93049 -400 93105 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[17]
+port 200 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 94822 -400 94878 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[18]
+port 201 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 96595 -400 96651 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[19]
+port 202 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 64681 -400 64737 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[1]
+port 203 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 98368 -400 98424 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[20]
+port 204 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 100141 -400 100197 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[21]
+port 205 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 101914 -400 101970 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[22]
+port 206 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 103687 -400 103743 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[23]
+port 207 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 105460 -400 105516 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[24]
+port 208 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 107233 -400 107289 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[25]
+port 209 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 109006 -400 109062 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[26]
+port 210 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 110779 -400 110835 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[27]
+port 211 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 112552 -400 112608 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[28]
+port 212 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 114325 -400 114381 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[29]
+port 213 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 66454 -400 66510 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[2]
+port 214 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 116098 -400 116154 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[30]
+port 215 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 117871 -400 117927 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[31]
+port 216 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 119644 -400 119700 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[32]
+port 217 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 121417 -400 121473 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[33]
+port 218 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 123190 -400 123246 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[34]
+port 219 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 124963 -400 125019 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[35]
+port 220 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 126736 -400 126792 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[36]
+port 221 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 128509 -400 128565 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[37]
+port 222 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 130282 -400 130338 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[38]
+port 223 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 132055 -400 132111 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[39]
+port 224 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 68227 -400 68283 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[3]
+port 225 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 133828 -400 133884 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[40]
+port 226 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 135601 -400 135657 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[41]
+port 227 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 137374 -400 137430 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[42]
+port 228 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 139147 -400 139203 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[43]
+port 229 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 140920 -400 140976 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[44]
+port 230 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 142693 -400 142749 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[45]
+port 231 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 144466 -400 144522 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[46]
+port 232 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 146239 -400 146295 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[47]
+port 233 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 148012 -400 148068 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[48]
+port 234 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 149785 -400 149841 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[49]
+port 235 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 70000 -400 70056 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[4]
+port 236 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 151558 -400 151614 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[50]
+port 237 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 153331 -400 153387 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[51]
+port 238 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 155104 -400 155160 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[52]
+port 239 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 156877 -400 156933 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[53]
+port 240 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 158650 -400 158706 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[54]
+port 241 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 160423 -400 160479 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[55]
+port 242 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 162196 -400 162252 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[56]
+port 243 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 163969 -400 164025 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[57]
+port 244 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 165742 -400 165798 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[58]
+port 245 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 167515 -400 167571 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[59]
+port 246 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 71773 -400 71829 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[5]
+port 247 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 169288 -400 169344 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[60]
+port 248 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 171061 -400 171117 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[61]
+port 249 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 172834 -400 172890 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[62]
+port 250 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 174607 -400 174663 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[63]
+port 251 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 176380 -400 176436 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[64]
+port 252 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 178153 -400 178209 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[65]
+port 253 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 179926 -400 179982 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[66]
+port 254 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 181699 -400 181755 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[67]
+port 255 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 183472 -400 183528 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[68]
+port 256 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 185245 -400 185301 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[69]
+port 257 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 73546 -400 73602 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[6]
+port 258 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 187018 -400 187074 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[70]
+port 259 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 188791 -400 188847 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[71]
+port 260 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 190564 -400 190620 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[72]
+port 261 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 192337 -400 192393 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[73]
+port 262 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 194110 -400 194166 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[74]
+port 263 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 195883 -400 195939 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[75]
+port 264 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 197656 -400 197712 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[76]
+port 265 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 199429 -400 199485 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[77]
+port 266 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 201202 -400 201258 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[78]
+port 267 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 202975 -400 203031 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[79]
+port 268 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 75319 -400 75375 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[7]
+port 269 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 204748 -400 204804 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[80]
+port 270 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 206521 -400 206577 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[81]
+port 271 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 208294 -400 208350 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[82]
+port 272 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 210067 -400 210123 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[83]
+port 273 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 211840 -400 211896 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[84]
+port 274 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 213613 -400 213669 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[85]
+port 275 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 215386 -400 215442 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[86]
+port 276 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 217159 -400 217215 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[87]
+port 277 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 218932 -400 218988 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[88]
+port 278 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 220705 -400 220761 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[89]
+port 279 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 77092 -400 77148 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[8]
+port 280 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 222478 -400 222534 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[90]
+port 281 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 224251 -400 224307 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[91]
+port 282 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 226024 -400 226080 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[92]
+port 283 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 227797 -400 227853 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[93]
+port 284 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 229570 -400 229626 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[94]
+port 285 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 231343 -400 231399 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[95]
+port 286 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 233116 -400 233172 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[96]
+port 287 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 234889 -400 234945 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[97]
+port 288 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 236662 -400 236718 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[98]
+port 289 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 238435 -400 238491 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[99]
+port 290 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 78865 -400 78921 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_in[9]
+port 291 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 63499 -400 63555 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[0]
+port 292 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 240799 -400 240855 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[100]
+port 293 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 242572 -400 242628 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[101]
+port 294 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 244345 -400 244401 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[102]
+port 295 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 246118 -400 246174 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[103]
+port 296 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 247891 -400 247947 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[104]
+port 297 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 249664 -400 249720 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[105]
+port 298 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 251437 -400 251493 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[106]
+port 299 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 253210 -400 253266 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[107]
+port 300 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 254983 -400 255039 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[108]
+port 301 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 256756 -400 256812 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[109]
+port 302 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 81229 -400 81285 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[10]
+port 303 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 258529 -400 258585 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[110]
+port 304 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 260302 -400 260358 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[111]
+port 305 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 262075 -400 262131 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[112]
+port 306 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 263848 -400 263904 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[113]
+port 307 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 265621 -400 265677 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[114]
+port 308 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 267394 -400 267450 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[115]
+port 309 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 269167 -400 269223 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[116]
+port 310 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 270940 -400 270996 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[117]
+port 311 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 272713 -400 272769 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[118]
+port 312 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 274486 -400 274542 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[119]
+port 313 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 83002 -400 83058 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[11]
+port 314 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 276259 -400 276315 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[120]
+port 315 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 278032 -400 278088 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[121]
+port 316 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 279805 -400 279861 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[122]
+port 317 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 281578 -400 281634 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[123]
+port 318 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 283351 -400 283407 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[124]
+port 319 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 285124 -400 285180 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[125]
+port 320 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 286897 -400 286953 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[126]
+port 321 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 288670 -400 288726 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[127]
+port 322 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 84775 -400 84831 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[12]
+port 323 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 86548 -400 86604 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[13]
+port 324 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 88321 -400 88377 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[14]
+port 325 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 90094 -400 90150 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[15]
+port 326 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 91867 -400 91923 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[16]
+port 327 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 93640 -400 93696 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[17]
+port 328 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 95413 -400 95469 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[18]
+port 329 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 97186 -400 97242 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[19]
+port 330 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 65272 -400 65328 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[1]
+port 331 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 98959 -400 99015 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[20]
+port 332 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 100732 -400 100788 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[21]
+port 333 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 102505 -400 102561 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[22]
+port 334 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 104278 -400 104334 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[23]
+port 335 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 106051 -400 106107 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[24]
+port 336 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 107824 -400 107880 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[25]
+port 337 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 109597 -400 109653 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[26]
+port 338 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 111370 -400 111426 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[27]
+port 339 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 113143 -400 113199 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[28]
+port 340 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 114916 -400 114972 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[29]
+port 341 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 67045 -400 67101 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[2]
+port 342 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 116689 -400 116745 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[30]
+port 343 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 118462 -400 118518 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[31]
+port 344 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 120235 -400 120291 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[32]
+port 345 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 122008 -400 122064 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[33]
+port 346 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 123781 -400 123837 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[34]
+port 347 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 125554 -400 125610 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[35]
+port 348 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 127327 -400 127383 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[36]
+port 349 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 129100 -400 129156 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[37]
+port 350 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 130873 -400 130929 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[38]
+port 351 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 132646 -400 132702 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[39]
+port 352 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 68818 -400 68874 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[3]
+port 353 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 134419 -400 134475 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[40]
+port 354 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 136192 -400 136248 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[41]
+port 355 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 137965 -400 138021 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[42]
+port 356 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 139738 -400 139794 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[43]
+port 357 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 141511 -400 141567 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[44]
+port 358 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 143284 -400 143340 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[45]
+port 359 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 145057 -400 145113 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[46]
+port 360 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 146830 -400 146886 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[47]
+port 361 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 148603 -400 148659 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[48]
+port 362 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 150376 -400 150432 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[49]
+port 363 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 70591 -400 70647 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[4]
+port 364 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 152149 -400 152205 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[50]
+port 365 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 153922 -400 153978 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[51]
+port 366 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 155695 -400 155751 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[52]
+port 367 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 157468 -400 157524 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[53]
+port 368 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 159241 -400 159297 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[54]
+port 369 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 161014 -400 161070 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[55]
+port 370 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 162787 -400 162843 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[56]
+port 371 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 164560 -400 164616 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[57]
+port 372 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 166333 -400 166389 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[58]
+port 373 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 168106 -400 168162 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[59]
+port 374 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 72364 -400 72420 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[5]
+port 375 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 169879 -400 169935 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[60]
+port 376 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 171652 -400 171708 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[61]
+port 377 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 173425 -400 173481 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[62]
+port 378 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 175198 -400 175254 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[63]
+port 379 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 176971 -400 177027 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[64]
+port 380 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 178744 -400 178800 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[65]
+port 381 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 180517 -400 180573 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[66]
+port 382 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 182290 -400 182346 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[67]
+port 383 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 184063 -400 184119 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[68]
+port 384 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 185836 -400 185892 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[69]
+port 385 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 74137 -400 74193 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[6]
+port 386 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 187609 -400 187665 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[70]
+port 387 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 189382 -400 189438 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[71]
+port 388 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 191155 -400 191211 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[72]
+port 389 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 192928 -400 192984 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[73]
+port 390 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 194701 -400 194757 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[74]
+port 391 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 196474 -400 196530 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[75]
+port 392 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 198247 -400 198303 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[76]
+port 393 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 200020 -400 200076 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[77]
+port 394 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 201793 -400 201849 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[78]
+port 395 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 203566 -400 203622 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[79]
+port 396 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 75910 -400 75966 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[7]
+port 397 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 205339 -400 205395 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[80]
+port 398 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 207112 -400 207168 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[81]
+port 399 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 208885 -400 208941 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[82]
+port 400 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 210658 -400 210714 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[83]
+port 401 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 212431 -400 212487 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[84]
+port 402 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 214204 -400 214260 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[85]
+port 403 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 215977 -400 216033 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[86]
+port 404 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 217750 -400 217806 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[87]
+port 405 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 219523 -400 219579 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[88]
+port 406 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 221296 -400 221352 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[89]
+port 407 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 77683 -400 77739 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[8]
+port 408 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 223069 -400 223125 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[90]
+port 409 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 224842 -400 224898 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[91]
+port 410 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 226615 -400 226671 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[92]
+port 411 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 228388 -400 228444 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[93]
+port 412 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 230161 -400 230217 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[94]
+port 413 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 231934 -400 231990 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[95]
+port 414 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 233707 -400 233763 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[96]
+port 415 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 235480 -400 235536 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[97]
+port 416 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 237253 -400 237309 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[98]
+port 417 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 239026 -400 239082 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[99]
+port 418 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 79456 -400 79512 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_data_out[9]
+port 419 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 64090 -400 64146 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[0]
+port 420 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 241390 -400 241446 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[100]
+port 421 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 243163 -400 243219 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[101]
+port 422 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 244936 -400 244992 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[102]
+port 423 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 246709 -400 246765 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[103]
+port 424 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 248482 -400 248538 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[104]
+port 425 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 250255 -400 250311 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[105]
+port 426 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 252028 -400 252084 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[106]
+port 427 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 253801 -400 253857 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[107]
+port 428 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 255574 -400 255630 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[108]
+port 429 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 257347 -400 257403 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[109]
+port 430 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 81820 -400 81876 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[10]
+port 431 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 259120 -400 259176 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[110]
+port 432 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 260893 -400 260949 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[111]
+port 433 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 262666 -400 262722 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[112]
+port 434 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 264439 -400 264495 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[113]
+port 435 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 266212 -400 266268 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[114]
+port 436 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 267985 -400 268041 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[115]
+port 437 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 269758 -400 269814 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[116]
+port 438 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 271531 -400 271587 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[117]
+port 439 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 273304 -400 273360 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[118]
+port 440 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 275077 -400 275133 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[119]
+port 441 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 83593 -400 83649 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[11]
+port 442 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 276850 -400 276906 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[120]
+port 443 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 278623 -400 278679 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[121]
+port 444 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 280396 -400 280452 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[122]
+port 445 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 282169 -400 282225 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[123]
+port 446 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 283942 -400 283998 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[124]
+port 447 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 285715 -400 285771 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[125]
+port 448 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 287488 -400 287544 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[126]
+port 449 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 289261 -400 289317 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[127]
+port 450 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 85366 -400 85422 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[12]
+port 451 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 87139 -400 87195 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[13]
+port 452 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 88912 -400 88968 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[14]
+port 453 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 90685 -400 90741 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[15]
+port 454 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 92458 -400 92514 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[16]
+port 455 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 94231 -400 94287 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[17]
+port 456 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 96004 -400 96060 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[18]
+port 457 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 97777 -400 97833 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[19]
+port 458 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 65863 -400 65919 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[1]
+port 459 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 99550 -400 99606 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[20]
+port 460 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 101323 -400 101379 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[21]
+port 461 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 103096 -400 103152 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[22]
+port 462 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 104869 -400 104925 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[23]
+port 463 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 106642 -400 106698 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[24]
+port 464 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 108415 -400 108471 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[25]
+port 465 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 110188 -400 110244 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[26]
+port 466 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 111961 -400 112017 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[27]
+port 467 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 113734 -400 113790 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[28]
+port 468 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 115507 -400 115563 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[29]
+port 469 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 67636 -400 67692 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[2]
+port 470 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 117280 -400 117336 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[30]
+port 471 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 119053 -400 119109 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[31]
+port 472 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 120826 -400 120882 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[32]
+port 473 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 122599 -400 122655 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[33]
+port 474 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 124372 -400 124428 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[34]
+port 475 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 126145 -400 126201 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[35]
+port 476 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 127918 -400 127974 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[36]
+port 477 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 129691 -400 129747 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[37]
+port 478 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 131464 -400 131520 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[38]
+port 479 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 133237 -400 133293 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[39]
+port 480 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 69409 -400 69465 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[3]
+port 481 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 135010 -400 135066 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[40]
+port 482 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 136783 -400 136839 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[41]
+port 483 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 138556 -400 138612 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[42]
+port 484 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 140329 -400 140385 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[43]
+port 485 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 142102 -400 142158 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[44]
+port 486 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 143875 -400 143931 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[45]
+port 487 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 145648 -400 145704 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[46]
+port 488 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 147421 -400 147477 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[47]
+port 489 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 149194 -400 149250 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[48]
+port 490 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 150967 -400 151023 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[49]
+port 491 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 71182 -400 71238 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[4]
+port 492 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 152740 -400 152796 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[50]
+port 493 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 154513 -400 154569 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[51]
+port 494 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 156286 -400 156342 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[52]
+port 495 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 158059 -400 158115 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[53]
+port 496 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 159832 -400 159888 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[54]
+port 497 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 161605 -400 161661 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[55]
+port 498 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 163378 -400 163434 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[56]
+port 499 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 165151 -400 165207 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[57]
+port 500 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 166924 -400 166980 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[58]
+port 501 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 168697 -400 168753 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[59]
+port 502 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 72955 -400 73011 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[5]
+port 503 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 170470 -400 170526 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[60]
+port 504 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 172243 -400 172299 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[61]
+port 505 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 174016 -400 174072 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[62]
+port 506 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 175789 -400 175845 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[63]
+port 507 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 177562 -400 177618 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[64]
+port 508 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 179335 -400 179391 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[65]
+port 509 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 181108 -400 181164 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[66]
+port 510 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 182881 -400 182937 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[67]
+port 511 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 184654 -400 184710 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[68]
+port 512 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 186427 -400 186483 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[69]
+port 513 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 74728 -400 74784 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[6]
+port 514 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 188200 -400 188256 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[70]
+port 515 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 189973 -400 190029 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[71]
+port 516 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 191746 -400 191802 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[72]
+port 517 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 193519 -400 193575 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[73]
+port 518 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 195292 -400 195348 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[74]
+port 519 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 197065 -400 197121 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[75]
+port 520 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 198838 -400 198894 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[76]
+port 521 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 200611 -400 200667 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[77]
+port 522 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 202384 -400 202440 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[78]
+port 523 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 204157 -400 204213 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[79]
+port 524 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 76501 -400 76557 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[7]
+port 525 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 205930 -400 205986 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[80]
+port 526 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 207703 -400 207759 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[81]
+port 527 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 209476 -400 209532 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[82]
+port 528 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 211249 -400 211305 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[83]
+port 529 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 213022 -400 213078 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[84]
+port 530 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 214795 -400 214851 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[85]
+port 531 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 216568 -400 216624 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[86]
+port 532 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 218341 -400 218397 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[87]
+port 533 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 220114 -400 220170 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[88]
+port 534 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 221887 -400 221943 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[89]
+port 535 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 78274 -400 78330 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[8]
+port 536 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 223660 -400 223716 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[90]
+port 537 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 225433 -400 225489 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[91]
+port 538 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 227206 -400 227262 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[92]
+port 539 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 228979 -400 229035 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[93]
+port 540 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 230752 -400 230808 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[94]
+port 541 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 232525 -400 232581 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[95]
+port 542 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 234298 -400 234354 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[96]
+port 543 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 236071 -400 236127 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[97]
+port 544 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 237844 -400 237900 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[98]
+port 545 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 239617 -400 239673 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[99]
+port 546 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 80047 -400 80103 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 la_oenb[9]
+port 547 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 289852 -400 289908 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 user_clock2
+port 548 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 290443 -400 290499 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 user_irq[0]
+port 549 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 291034 -400 291090 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 user_irq[1]
+port 550 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 291625 -400 291681 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 user_irq[2]
+port 551 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal3 s 291170 319892 292400 322292 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vccd1
+port 552 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 314892 292400 317292 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vccd1
+port 553 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 321921 830 324321 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vccd2
+port 554 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 316921 830 319321 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vccd2
+port 555 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 270281 292400 272681 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 556 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 275281 292400 277681 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 557 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 117615 292400 120015 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 558 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 112615 292400 115015 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vdda1
+port 559 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 102444 830 104844 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vdda2
+port 560 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 107444 830 109844 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vdda2
+port 561 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 260297 351170 262697 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 vssa1
+port 562 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 255297 351170 257697 352400 0 FreeSans 960 180 0 0 vssa1
+port 563 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 73415 292400 75815 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssa1
+port 564 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 68415 292400 70815 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssa1
+port 565 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 279721 830 282121 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssa2
+port 566 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 274721 830 277121 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssa2
+port 567 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 95715 292400 98115 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssd1
+port 568 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 291170 90715 292400 93115 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssd1
+port 569 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 86444 830 88844 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssd2
+port 570 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 0 81444 830 83844 0 FreeSans 560 0 0 0 vssd2
+port 571 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal2 s 262 -400 318 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wb_clk_i
+port 572 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 853 -400 909 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wb_rst_i
+port 573 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 1444 -400 1500 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_ack_o
+port 574 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 3808 -400 3864 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[0]
+port 575 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 23902 -400 23958 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[10]
+port 576 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 25675 -400 25731 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[11]
+port 577 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 27448 -400 27504 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[12]
+port 578 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 29221 -400 29277 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[13]
+port 579 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 30994 -400 31050 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[14]
+port 580 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 32767 -400 32823 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[15]
+port 581 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 34540 -400 34596 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[16]
+port 582 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 36313 -400 36369 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[17]
+port 583 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 38086 -400 38142 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[18]
+port 584 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 39859 -400 39915 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[19]
+port 585 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 6172 -400 6228 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[1]
+port 586 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 41632 -400 41688 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[20]
+port 587 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 43405 -400 43461 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[21]
+port 588 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 45178 -400 45234 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[22]
+port 589 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 46951 -400 47007 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[23]
+port 590 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 48724 -400 48780 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[24]
+port 591 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 50497 -400 50553 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[25]
+port 592 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 52270 -400 52326 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[26]
+port 593 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 54043 -400 54099 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[27]
+port 594 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 55816 -400 55872 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[28]
+port 595 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 57589 -400 57645 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[29]
+port 596 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 8536 -400 8592 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[2]
+port 597 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 59362 -400 59418 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[30]
+port 598 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 61135 -400 61191 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[31]
+port 599 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 10900 -400 10956 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[3]
+port 600 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 13264 -400 13320 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[4]
+port 601 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 15037 -400 15093 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[5]
+port 602 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 16810 -400 16866 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[6]
+port 603 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 18583 -400 18639 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[7]
+port 604 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 20356 -400 20412 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[8]
+port 605 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 22129 -400 22185 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_adr_i[9]
+port 606 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 2035 -400 2091 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_cyc_i
+port 607 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 4399 -400 4455 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[0]
+port 608 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 24493 -400 24549 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[10]
+port 609 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 26266 -400 26322 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[11]
+port 610 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 28039 -400 28095 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[12]
+port 611 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 29812 -400 29868 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[13]
+port 612 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 31585 -400 31641 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[14]
+port 613 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 33358 -400 33414 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[15]
+port 614 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 35131 -400 35187 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[16]
+port 615 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 36904 -400 36960 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[17]
+port 616 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 38677 -400 38733 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[18]
+port 617 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 40450 -400 40506 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[19]
+port 618 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 6763 -400 6819 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[1]
+port 619 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 42223 -400 42279 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[20]
+port 620 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 43996 -400 44052 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[21]
+port 621 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 45769 -400 45825 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[22]
+port 622 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 47542 -400 47598 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[23]
+port 623 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 49315 -400 49371 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[24]
+port 624 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 51088 -400 51144 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[25]
+port 625 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 52861 -400 52917 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[26]
+port 626 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 54634 -400 54690 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[27]
+port 627 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 56407 -400 56463 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[28]
+port 628 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 58180 -400 58236 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[29]
+port 629 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 9127 -400 9183 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[2]
+port 630 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 59953 -400 60009 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[30]
+port 631 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 61726 -400 61782 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[31]
+port 632 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 11491 -400 11547 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[3]
+port 633 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 13855 -400 13911 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[4]
+port 634 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 15628 -400 15684 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[5]
+port 635 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 17401 -400 17457 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[6]
+port 636 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 19174 -400 19230 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[7]
+port 637 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 20947 -400 21003 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[8]
+port 638 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 22720 -400 22776 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_i[9]
+port 639 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 4990 -400 5046 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[0]
+port 640 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 25084 -400 25140 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[10]
+port 641 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 26857 -400 26913 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[11]
+port 642 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 28630 -400 28686 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[12]
+port 643 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 30403 -400 30459 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[13]
+port 644 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 32176 -400 32232 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[14]
+port 645 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 33949 -400 34005 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[15]
+port 646 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 35722 -400 35778 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[16]
+port 647 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 37495 -400 37551 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[17]
+port 648 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 39268 -400 39324 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[18]
+port 649 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 41041 -400 41097 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[19]
+port 650 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 7354 -400 7410 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[1]
+port 651 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 42814 -400 42870 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[20]
+port 652 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 44587 -400 44643 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[21]
+port 653 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 46360 -400 46416 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[22]
+port 654 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 48133 -400 48189 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[23]
+port 655 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 49906 -400 49962 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[24]
+port 656 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 51679 -400 51735 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[25]
+port 657 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 53452 -400 53508 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[26]
+port 658 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 55225 -400 55281 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[27]
+port 659 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 56998 -400 57054 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[28]
+port 660 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 58771 -400 58827 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[29]
+port 661 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 9718 -400 9774 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[2]
+port 662 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 60544 -400 60600 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[30]
+port 663 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 62317 -400 62373 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[31]
+port 664 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 12082 -400 12138 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[3]
+port 665 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 14446 -400 14502 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[4]
+port 666 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 16219 -400 16275 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[5]
+port 667 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 17992 -400 18048 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[6]
+port 668 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 19765 -400 19821 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[7]
+port 669 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 21538 -400 21594 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[8]
+port 670 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 23311 -400 23367 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_dat_o[9]
+port 671 nsew signal tristate
+flabel metal2 s 5581 -400 5637 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[0]
+port 672 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 7945 -400 8001 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[1]
+port 673 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 10309 -400 10365 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[2]
+port 674 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 12673 -400 12729 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_sel_i[3]
+port 675 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 2626 -400 2682 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_stb_i
+port 676 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 3217 -400 3273 240 0 FreeSans 560 90 0 0 wbs_we_i
+port 677 nsew signal input
+<< properties >>
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 292000 352000
+<< end >>
diff --git a/netgen/comp.out b/netgen/comp.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42163df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netgen/comp.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2097 @@
+Equate elements: no current cell.
+Equate elements: no current cell.
+Equate elements: no current cell.
+Equate elements: no current cell.
+Equate elements: no current cell.
+Equate elements: no current cell.
+Equate elements: no current cell.
+Class sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8(0): Merged 18 parallel devices.
+Class sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8(1): Merged 18 parallel devices.
+Subcircuit summary:
+Circuit 1: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 |Circuit 2: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (2) |sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (2)
+sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (2) |sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (2)
+Number of devices: 4 |Number of devices: 4
+Number of nets: 7 |Number of nets: 7
+Circuits match uniquely.
+Netlists match uniquely.
+Subcircuit pins:
+Circuit 1: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 |Circuit 2: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+A |A
+X |X
+Cell pin lists are equivalent.
+Device classes sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 and sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 are equivalent.
+Subcircuit summary:
+Circuit 1: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 |Circuit 2: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (4) |sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (4)
+sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (4) |sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (4)
+sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv (1) |sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv (1)
+sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv (1) |sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv (1)
+Number of devices: 10 |Number of devices: 10
+Number of nets: 11 |Number of nets: 11
+Circuits match uniquely.
+Netlists match uniquely.
+Subcircuit pins:
+Circuit 1: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 |Circuit 2: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+A |A
+X |X
+Cell pin lists are equivalent.
+Device classes sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 and sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 are equivalent.
+Class sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8(0): Merged 14 parallel devices.
+Class sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8(1): Merged 14 parallel devices.
+Subcircuit summary:
+Circuit 1: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 |Circuit 2: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (1) |sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (1)
+sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (1) |sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (1)
+Number of devices: 2 |Number of devices: 2
+Number of nets: 6 |Number of nets: 6
+Circuits match uniquely.
+Netlists match uniquely.
+Subcircuit pins:
+Circuit 1: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 |Circuit 2: sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+A |A
+Y |Y
+Cell pin lists are equivalent.
+Device classes sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 and sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 are equivalent.
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3 in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB in circuit example_por (0)(4 instances)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Flattening unmatched subcell sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG in circuit example_por (0)(1 instance)
+Class example_por(0): Merged 20 parallel devices.
+Class example_por(0): Merged 24 series devices.
+Subcircuit summary:
+Circuit 1: example_por |Circuit 2: example_por
+sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 (1) |sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 (1)
+sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 (2) |sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 (2)
+sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (8) |sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 (8)
+sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (3) |sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 (3)
+sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 (3) |sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 (3)
+sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 (1) |sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 (1)
+sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 (1) |sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 (1)
+sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 (1) |sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 (1)
+Number of devices: 20 |Number of devices: 20
+Number of nets: 16 |Number of nets: 16
+Circuits match uniquely.
+Netlists match uniquely.
+Subcircuit pins:
+Circuit 1: example_por |Circuit 2: example_por
+vdd3v3 |vdd3v3
+porb_h |porb_h
+porb_l |porb_l
+por_l |por_l
+vdd1v8 |vdd1v8
+vss |vss
+Cell pin lists are equivalent.
+Device classes example_por and example_por are equivalent.
+Flattening unmatched subcell user_analog_proj_example in circuit user_analog_project_wrapper (0)(1 instance)
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_analog[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_analog[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_oeb[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: io_out[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[100]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[101]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[102]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[103]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[104]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[105]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[106]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[107]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[108]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[109]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[110]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[111]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[112]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[113]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[114]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[115]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[116]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[117]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[118]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[119]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[120]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[121]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[122]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[123]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[124]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[125]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[126]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[127]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[27]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[29]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[30]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[31]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[32]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[33]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[34]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[35]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[36]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[37]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[38]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[39]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[40]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[41]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[42]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[43]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[44]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[45]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[46]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[47]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[48]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[49]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[50]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[51]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[52]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[53]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[54]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[55]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[56]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[57]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[58]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[59]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[60]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[61]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[62]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[63]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[64]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[65]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[66]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[67]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[68]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[69]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[70]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[71]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[72]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[73]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[74]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[75]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[76]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[77]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[78]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[79]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[80]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[81]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[82]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[83]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[84]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[85]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[86]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[87]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[88]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[89]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[90]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[91]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[92]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[93]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[94]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[95]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[96]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[97]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[98]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[99]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_in[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[100]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[101]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[102]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[103]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[104]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[105]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[106]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[107]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[108]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[109]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[110]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[111]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[112]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[113]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[114]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[115]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[116]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[117]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[118]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[119]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[120]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[121]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[122]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[123]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[124]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[125]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[126]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[127]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[27]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[29]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[30]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[31]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[32]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[33]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[34]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[35]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[36]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[37]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[38]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[39]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[40]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[41]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[42]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[43]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[44]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[45]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[46]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[47]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[48]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[49]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[50]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[51]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[52]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[53]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[54]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[55]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[56]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[57]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[58]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[59]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[60]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[61]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[62]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[63]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[64]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[65]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[66]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[67]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[68]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[69]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[70]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[71]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[72]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[73]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[74]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[75]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[76]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[77]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[78]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[79]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[80]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[81]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[82]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[83]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[84]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[85]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[86]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[87]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[88]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[89]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[90]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[91]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[92]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[93]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[94]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[95]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[96]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[97]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[98]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[99]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_data_out[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[100]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[101]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[102]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[103]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[104]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[105]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[106]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[107]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[108]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[109]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[110]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[111]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[112]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[113]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[114]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[115]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[116]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[117]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[118]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[119]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[120]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[121]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[122]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[123]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[124]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[125]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[126]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[127]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[27]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[29]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[30]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[31]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[32]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[33]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[34]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[35]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[36]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[37]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[38]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[39]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[40]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[41]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[42]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[43]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[44]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[45]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[46]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[47]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[48]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[49]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[50]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[51]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[52]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[53]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[54]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[55]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[56]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[57]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[58]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[59]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[60]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[61]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[62]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[63]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[64]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[65]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[66]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[67]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[68]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[69]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[70]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[71]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[72]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[73]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[74]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[75]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[76]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[77]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[78]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[79]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[80]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[81]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[82]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[83]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[84]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[85]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[86]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[87]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[88]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[89]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[90]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[91]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[92]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[93]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[94]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[95]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: la_oenb[96]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: user_irq[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: user_irq[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: user_irq[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: vccd2
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: vdda2
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: vssa2
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: vssd2
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wb_clk_i
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wb_rst_i
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_ack_o
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[19]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[22]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[26]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[29]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_cyc_i
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(0) disconnected node: wbs_we_i
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: vdda2
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: vssd2
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wb_rst_i
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_stb_i
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_cyc_i
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_we_i
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_adr_i[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_ack_o
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[31]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[30]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[29]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[27]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: wbs_dat_o[0]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[126]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[125]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[124]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[123]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[122]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[121]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[120]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[119]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[118]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[117]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[116]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[115]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[114]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[113]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[112]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[111]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[110]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[109]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[108]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[107]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[106]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[105]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[104]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[103]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[102]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[101]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[100]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[98]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[97]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[96]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[95]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[94]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[93]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[92]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[91]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[88]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[87]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[86]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[85]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[84]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[83]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[82]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[81]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[80]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[79]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[78]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[77]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[76]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[75]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[74]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[73]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[72]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[71]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[70]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[69]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[68]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[67]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[66]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[65]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[64]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[63]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[62]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[55]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[54]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[53]
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+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[48]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[47]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[46]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[45]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[44]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[43]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[42]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[41]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[40]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[39]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[38]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[37]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[36]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[35]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[34]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[33]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[32]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[31]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[30]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[29]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[27]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_in[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[127]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[126]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[125]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[124]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[123]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[122]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[121]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[120]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[119]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[118]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[117]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[116]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[115]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[114]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[113]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[112]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[111]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[110]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[109]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[108]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[107]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[106]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[105]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[104]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[103]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[102]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[101]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[100]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[99]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[98]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[97]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[96]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[95]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[94]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[93]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[92]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[91]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[90]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[89]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[88]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[87]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[86]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[85]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[84]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[83]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[82]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[81]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[80]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[79]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[78]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[77]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[76]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[75]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[74]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[73]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[72]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[71]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[70]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[69]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[68]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[67]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[66]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[65]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[64]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[63]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[62]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[61]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[60]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[59]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[58]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[57]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[56]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[55]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[54]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[53]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[52]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[51]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[50]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[49]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[48]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[47]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[46]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[45]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[44]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[43]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[42]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[41]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[40]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[39]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[38]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[37]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[36]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[35]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[34]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[33]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[32]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[31]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[30]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[29]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[27]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_data_out[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[127]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[126]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[125]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[124]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[123]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[122]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[121]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[120]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[119]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[118]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[117]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[116]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[115]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[114]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[113]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[112]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[111]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[110]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[109]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[108]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[107]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[106]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[105]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[104]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[103]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[102]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[101]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[100]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[99]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[98]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[97]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[96]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[95]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[94]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[93]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[92]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[91]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[90]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[89]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[88]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[87]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[86]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[85]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[84]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[83]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[82]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[81]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[80]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[79]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[78]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[77]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[76]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[75]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[74]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[73]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[72]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[71]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[70]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[69]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[68]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[67]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[66]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[65]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[64]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[63]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[62]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[61]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[60]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[59]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[58]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[57]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[56]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[55]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[54]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[53]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[52]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[51]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[50]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[49]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[48]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[47]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[46]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[45]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[44]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[43]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[42]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[41]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[40]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[39]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[38]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[37]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[36]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[35]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[34]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[33]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[32]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[31]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[30]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[29]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[28]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[27]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: la_oenb[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_in_3v3[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_out[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[26]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[25]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[24]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[23]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[22]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[21]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[20]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[19]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[18]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_oeb[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_analog[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[17]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[16]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[15]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[14]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[13]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[12]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[11]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[4]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: gpio_noesd[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[10]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[9]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[8]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[7]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[6]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[5]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[3]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: io_analog[0]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: user_clock2
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: user_irq[2]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: user_irq[1]
+Cell user_analog_project_wrapper(1) disconnected node: user_irq[0]
+Subcircuit summary:
+Circuit 1: user_analog_project_wrapper |Circuit 2: user_analog_project_wrapper
+example_por (2) |example_por (2)
+sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 (10) |sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 (10)
+Number of devices: 12 |Number of devices: 12
+Number of nets: 21 |Number of nets: 21
+Resolving automorphisms by property value.
+Resolving automorphisms by pin name.
+Netlists match uniquely.
+Circuits match correctly.
+Subcircuit pins:
+Circuit 1: user_analog_project_wrapper |Circuit 2: user_analog_project_wrapper
+vssd1 |vssd1
+vssa1 |vssa1
+vccd1 |vccd1
+io_analog[4] |io_analog[4]
+vdda1 |vdda1
+gpio_analog[3] |gpio_analog[3]
+io_out[11] |io_out[11]
+io_out[12] |io_out[12]
+gpio_analog[7] |gpio_analog[7]
+io_out[15] |io_out[15]
+io_out[16] |io_out[16]
+io_clamp_low[2] |io_clamp_low[2]
+io_clamp_high[2] |io_clamp_high[2]
+io_clamp_low[1] |io_clamp_low[1]
+io_clamp_high[1] |io_clamp_high[1]
+io_clamp_low[0] |io_clamp_low[0]
+io_clamp_high[0] |io_clamp_high[0]
+io_oeb[12] |io_oeb[12]
+io_oeb[16] |io_oeb[16]
+io_oeb[11] |io_oeb[11]
+io_oeb[15] |io_oeb[15]
+gpio_analog[0] |gpio_analog[0]
+gpio_analog[10] |gpio_analog[10]
+gpio_analog[11] |gpio_analog[11]
+gpio_analog[12] |gpio_analog[12]
+gpio_analog[13] |gpio_analog[13]
+gpio_analog[14] |gpio_analog[14]
+gpio_analog[15] |gpio_analog[15]
+gpio_analog[16] |gpio_analog[16]
+gpio_analog[17] |gpio_analog[17]
+gpio_analog[1] |gpio_analog[1]
+gpio_analog[2] |gpio_analog[2]
+gpio_analog[4] |gpio_analog[4]
+gpio_analog[5] |gpio_analog[5]
+gpio_analog[6] |gpio_analog[6]
+gpio_analog[8] |gpio_analog[8]
+gpio_analog[9] |gpio_analog[9]
+gpio_noesd[0] |gpio_noesd[0]
+gpio_noesd[10] |gpio_noesd[10]
+gpio_noesd[11] |gpio_noesd[11]
+gpio_noesd[12] |gpio_noesd[12]
+gpio_noesd[13] |gpio_noesd[13]
+gpio_noesd[14] |gpio_noesd[14]
+gpio_noesd[15] |gpio_noesd[15]
+gpio_noesd[16] |gpio_noesd[16]
+gpio_noesd[17] |gpio_noesd[17]
+gpio_noesd[1] |gpio_noesd[1]
+gpio_noesd[2] |gpio_noesd[2]
+gpio_noesd[3] |gpio_noesd[3]
+gpio_noesd[4] |gpio_noesd[4]
+gpio_noesd[5] |gpio_noesd[5]
+gpio_noesd[6] |gpio_noesd[6]
+gpio_noesd[7] |gpio_noesd[7]
+gpio_noesd[8] |gpio_noesd[8]
+gpio_noesd[9] |gpio_noesd[9]
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+la_oenb[27] |la_oenb[27]
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+la_oenb[29] |la_oenb[29]
+la_oenb[2] |la_oenb[2]
+la_oenb[30] |la_oenb[30]
+la_oenb[31] |la_oenb[31]
+la_oenb[32] |la_oenb[32]
+la_oenb[33] |la_oenb[33]
+la_oenb[34] |la_oenb[34]
+la_oenb[35] |la_oenb[35]
+la_oenb[36] |la_oenb[36]
+la_oenb[37] |la_oenb[37]
+la_oenb[38] |la_oenb[38]
+la_oenb[39] |la_oenb[39]
+la_oenb[3] |la_oenb[3]
+la_oenb[40] |la_oenb[40]
+la_oenb[41] |la_oenb[41]
+la_oenb[42] |la_oenb[42]
+la_oenb[43] |la_oenb[43]
+la_oenb[44] |la_oenb[44]
+la_oenb[45] |la_oenb[45]
+la_oenb[46] |la_oenb[46]
+la_oenb[47] |la_oenb[47]
+la_oenb[48] |la_oenb[48]
+la_oenb[49] |la_oenb[49]
+la_oenb[4] |la_oenb[4]
+la_oenb[50] |la_oenb[50]
+la_oenb[51] |la_oenb[51]
+la_oenb[52] |la_oenb[52]
+la_oenb[53] |la_oenb[53]
+la_oenb[54] |la_oenb[54]
+la_oenb[55] |la_oenb[55]
+la_oenb[56] |la_oenb[56]
+la_oenb[57] |la_oenb[57]
+la_oenb[58] |la_oenb[58]
+la_oenb[59] |la_oenb[59]
+la_oenb[5] |la_oenb[5]
+la_oenb[60] |la_oenb[60]
+la_oenb[61] |la_oenb[61]
+la_oenb[62] |la_oenb[62]
+la_oenb[63] |la_oenb[63]
+la_oenb[64] |la_oenb[64]
+la_oenb[65] |la_oenb[65]
+la_oenb[66] |la_oenb[66]
+la_oenb[67] |la_oenb[67]
+la_oenb[68] |la_oenb[68]
+la_oenb[69] |la_oenb[69]
+la_oenb[6] |la_oenb[6]
+la_oenb[70] |la_oenb[70]
+la_oenb[71] |la_oenb[71]
+la_oenb[72] |la_oenb[72]
+la_oenb[73] |la_oenb[73]
+la_oenb[74] |la_oenb[74]
+la_oenb[75] |la_oenb[75]
+la_oenb[76] |la_oenb[76]
+la_oenb[77] |la_oenb[77]
+la_oenb[78] |la_oenb[78]
+la_oenb[79] |la_oenb[79]
+la_oenb[7] |la_oenb[7]
+la_oenb[80] |la_oenb[80]
+la_oenb[81] |la_oenb[81]
+la_oenb[82] |la_oenb[82]
+la_oenb[83] |la_oenb[83]
+la_oenb[84] |la_oenb[84]
+la_oenb[85] |la_oenb[85]
+la_oenb[86] |la_oenb[86]
+la_oenb[87] |la_oenb[87]
+la_oenb[88] |la_oenb[88]
+la_oenb[89] |la_oenb[89]
+la_oenb[8] |la_oenb[8]
+la_oenb[90] |la_oenb[90]
+la_oenb[91] |la_oenb[91]
+la_oenb[92] |la_oenb[92]
+la_oenb[93] |la_oenb[93]
+la_oenb[94] |la_oenb[94]
+la_oenb[95] |la_oenb[95]
+la_oenb[96] |la_oenb[96]
+la_oenb[97] |la_oenb[97]
+la_oenb[98] |la_oenb[98]
+la_oenb[99] |la_oenb[99]
+la_oenb[9] |la_oenb[9]
+user_clock2 |user_clock2
+user_irq[0] |user_irq[0]
+user_irq[1] |user_irq[1]
+user_irq[2] |user_irq[2]
+vccd2 |vccd2
+vdda2 |vdda2
+vssa2 |vssa2
+vssd2 |vssd2
+wb_clk_i |wb_clk_i
+wb_rst_i |wb_rst_i
+wbs_ack_o |wbs_ack_o
+wbs_adr_i[0] |wbs_adr_i[0]
+wbs_adr_i[10] |wbs_adr_i[10]
+wbs_adr_i[11] |wbs_adr_i[11]
+wbs_adr_i[12] |wbs_adr_i[12]
+wbs_adr_i[13] |wbs_adr_i[13]
+wbs_adr_i[14] |wbs_adr_i[14]
+wbs_adr_i[15] |wbs_adr_i[15]
+wbs_adr_i[16] |wbs_adr_i[16]
+wbs_adr_i[17] |wbs_adr_i[17]
+wbs_adr_i[18] |wbs_adr_i[18]
+wbs_adr_i[19] |wbs_adr_i[19]
+wbs_adr_i[1] |wbs_adr_i[1]
+wbs_adr_i[20] |wbs_adr_i[20]
+wbs_adr_i[21] |wbs_adr_i[21]
+wbs_adr_i[22] |wbs_adr_i[22]
+wbs_adr_i[23] |wbs_adr_i[23]
+wbs_adr_i[24] |wbs_adr_i[24]
+wbs_adr_i[25] |wbs_adr_i[25]
+wbs_adr_i[26] |wbs_adr_i[26]
+wbs_adr_i[27] |wbs_adr_i[27]
+wbs_adr_i[28] |wbs_adr_i[28]
+wbs_adr_i[29] |wbs_adr_i[29]
+wbs_adr_i[2] |wbs_adr_i[2]
+wbs_adr_i[30] |wbs_adr_i[30]
+wbs_adr_i[31] |wbs_adr_i[31]
+wbs_adr_i[3] |wbs_adr_i[3]
+wbs_adr_i[4] |wbs_adr_i[4]
+wbs_adr_i[5] |wbs_adr_i[5]
+wbs_adr_i[6] |wbs_adr_i[6]
+wbs_adr_i[7] |wbs_adr_i[7]
+wbs_adr_i[8] |wbs_adr_i[8]
+wbs_adr_i[9] |wbs_adr_i[9]
+wbs_cyc_i |wbs_cyc_i
+wbs_dat_i[0] |wbs_dat_i[0]
+wbs_dat_i[10] |wbs_dat_i[10]
+wbs_dat_i[11] |wbs_dat_i[11]
+wbs_dat_i[12] |wbs_dat_i[12]
+wbs_dat_i[13] |wbs_dat_i[13]
+wbs_dat_i[14] |wbs_dat_i[14]
+wbs_dat_i[15] |wbs_dat_i[15]
+wbs_dat_i[16] |wbs_dat_i[16]
+wbs_dat_i[17] |wbs_dat_i[17]
+wbs_dat_i[18] |wbs_dat_i[18]
+wbs_dat_i[19] |wbs_dat_i[19]
+wbs_dat_i[1] |wbs_dat_i[1]
+wbs_dat_i[20] |wbs_dat_i[20]
+wbs_dat_i[21] |wbs_dat_i[21]
+wbs_dat_i[22] |wbs_dat_i[22]
+wbs_dat_i[23] |wbs_dat_i[23]
+wbs_dat_i[24] |wbs_dat_i[24]
+wbs_dat_i[25] |wbs_dat_i[25]
+wbs_dat_i[26] |wbs_dat_i[26]
+wbs_dat_i[27] |wbs_dat_i[27]
+wbs_dat_i[28] |wbs_dat_i[28]
+wbs_dat_i[29] |wbs_dat_i[29]
+wbs_dat_i[2] |wbs_dat_i[2]
+wbs_dat_i[30] |wbs_dat_i[30]
+wbs_dat_i[31] |wbs_dat_i[31]
+wbs_dat_i[3] |wbs_dat_i[3]
+wbs_dat_i[4] |wbs_dat_i[4]
+wbs_dat_i[5] |wbs_dat_i[5]
+wbs_dat_i[6] |wbs_dat_i[6]
+wbs_dat_i[7] |wbs_dat_i[7]
+wbs_dat_i[8] |wbs_dat_i[8]
+wbs_dat_i[9] |wbs_dat_i[9]
+wbs_dat_o[0] |wbs_dat_o[0]
+wbs_dat_o[10] |wbs_dat_o[10]
+wbs_dat_o[11] |wbs_dat_o[11]
+wbs_dat_o[12] |wbs_dat_o[12]
+wbs_dat_o[13] |wbs_dat_o[13]
+wbs_dat_o[14] |wbs_dat_o[14]
+wbs_dat_o[15] |wbs_dat_o[15]
+wbs_dat_o[16] |wbs_dat_o[16]
+wbs_dat_o[17] |wbs_dat_o[17]
+wbs_dat_o[18] |wbs_dat_o[18]
+wbs_dat_o[19] |wbs_dat_o[19]
+wbs_dat_o[1] |wbs_dat_o[1]
+wbs_dat_o[20] |wbs_dat_o[20]
+wbs_dat_o[21] |wbs_dat_o[21]
+wbs_dat_o[22] |wbs_dat_o[22]
+wbs_dat_o[23] |wbs_dat_o[23]
+wbs_dat_o[24] |wbs_dat_o[24]
+wbs_dat_o[25] |wbs_dat_o[25]
+wbs_dat_o[26] |wbs_dat_o[26]
+wbs_dat_o[27] |wbs_dat_o[27]
+wbs_dat_o[28] |wbs_dat_o[28]
+wbs_dat_o[29] |wbs_dat_o[29]
+wbs_dat_o[2] |wbs_dat_o[2]
+wbs_dat_o[30] |wbs_dat_o[30]
+wbs_dat_o[31] |wbs_dat_o[31]
+wbs_dat_o[3] |wbs_dat_o[3]
+wbs_dat_o[4] |wbs_dat_o[4]
+wbs_dat_o[5] |wbs_dat_o[5]
+wbs_dat_o[6] |wbs_dat_o[6]
+wbs_dat_o[7] |wbs_dat_o[7]
+wbs_dat_o[8] |wbs_dat_o[8]
+wbs_dat_o[9] |wbs_dat_o[9]
+wbs_sel_i[0] |wbs_sel_i[0]
+wbs_sel_i[1] |wbs_sel_i[1]
+wbs_sel_i[2] |wbs_sel_i[2]
+wbs_sel_i[3] |wbs_sel_i[3]
+wbs_stb_i |wbs_stb_i
+wbs_we_i |wbs_we_i
+Cell pin lists are equivalent.
+Device classes user_analog_project_wrapper and user_analog_project_wrapper are equivalent.
+Circuits match uniquely.
diff --git a/netgen/example_por.spice b/netgen/example_por.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499f397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netgen/example_por.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+* NGSPICE file created from example_por.ext - technology: sky130A
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW VSUBS m4_n3179_n3100# c2_n3079_n3000#
+X0 c2_n3079_n3000# m4_n3179_n3100# sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 l=3e+07u w=3e+07u
+.subckt sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 A VGND VNB VPB VPWR X
+X0 VPWR A a_45_443# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=2.9175e+12p pd=2.189e+07u as=8.475e+11p ps=7.13e+06u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X1 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=1.45875e+12p pd=1.289e+07u as=8.4e+11p ps=8.24e+06u w=750000u l=500000u
+X2 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=1.68e+12p ps=1.424e+07u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X3 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X4 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X5 a_45_443# A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=4.2375e+11p pd=4.13e+06u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X6 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X7 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X8 VGND A a_45_443# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X9 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X10 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X11 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X12 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X13 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X14 VPWR A a_45_443# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X15 a_45_443# A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X16 VGND A a_45_443# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X17 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X18 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X19 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X20 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X21 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ VSUBS a_n465_n200# a_n247_n200# a_n29_n200#
++ a_843_n200# w_n1101_n497# a_n843_n297# a_625_n200# a_683_n297# a_n625_n297# a_407_n200#
++ a_465_n297# a_n407_n297# a_247_n297# a_n901_n200# a_189_n200# a_29_n297# a_n189_n297#
++ a_n683_n200#
+X0 a_407_n200# a_247_n297# a_189_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X1 a_843_n200# a_683_n297# a_625_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X2 a_n465_n200# a_n625_n297# a_n683_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X3 a_189_n200# a_29_n297# a_n29_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X4 a_625_n200# a_465_n297# a_407_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X5 a_n247_n200# a_n407_n297# a_n465_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X6 a_n683_n200# a_n843_n297# a_n901_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X7 a_n29_n200# a_n189_n297# a_n247_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS a_n80_n288# a_n574_n200# a_n356_n200#
++ a_n138_n200# a_n734_n288# a_574_n288# a_n516_n288# a_356_n288# a_80_n200# a_n298_n288#
++ a_138_n288# w_n962_n458# a_734_n200# a_516_n200# a_298_n200# a_n792_n200#
+X0 a_516_n200# a_356_n288# a_298_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X1 a_n574_n200# a_n734_n288# a_n792_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X2 a_298_n200# a_138_n288# a_80_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X3 a_80_n200# a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X4 a_734_n200# a_574_n288# a_516_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X5 a_n356_n200# a_n516_n288# a_n574_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X6 a_n138_n200# a_n298_n288# a_n356_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3 a_n2578_n2932# a_5142_2500# a_n1034_n2932#
++ a_n262_2500# a_1668_2500# a_n262_n2932# a_n3736_2500# a_3984_n2932# a_n2192_2500#
++ a_3984_2500# a_2440_n2932# a_2440_2500# a_4370_n2932# a_3598_2500# a_2054_2500#
++ a_n4508_n2932# a_510_2500# a_n4122_2500# a_n2964_n2932# a_124_2500# a_n4894_n2932#
++ a_1282_n2932# a_124_n2932# a_n1420_n2932# a_4370_2500# a_n3350_n2932# a_n648_n2932#
++ a_n648_2500# a_n5280_n2932# a_n1420_2500# a_n2964_2500# a_n2578_2500# a_n1034_2500#
++ a_2826_n2932# a_n2192_n2932# a_2826_2500# a_4756_n2932# w_n5446_n3098# a_1282_2500#
++ a_3212_n2932# a_n4894_2500# a_n3350_2500# a_n4508_2500# a_5142_n2932# a_896_2500#
++ a_510_n2932# a_1668_n2932# a_n1806_n2932# a_4756_2500# a_n3736_n2932# a_3598_n2932#
++ a_3212_2500# a_2054_n2932# a_896_n2932# a_n5280_2500# a_n4122_n2932# a_n1806_2500#
+X0 a_n3350_n2932# a_n3350_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X1 a_n4508_n2932# a_n4508_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X2 a_n2578_n2932# a_n2578_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X3 a_n1420_n2932# a_n1420_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X4 a_n4894_n2932# a_n4894_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X5 a_n3736_n2932# a_n3736_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X6 a_3598_n2932# a_3598_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X7 a_124_n2932# a_124_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X8 a_4756_n2932# a_4756_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X9 a_n2964_n2932# a_n2964_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X10 a_1668_n2932# a_1668_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X11 a_n1806_n2932# a_n1806_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X12 a_n648_n2932# a_n648_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X13 a_3984_n2932# a_3984_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X14 a_2826_n2932# a_2826_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X15 a_510_n2932# a_510_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X16 a_n4122_n2932# a_n4122_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X17 a_n2192_n2932# a_n2192_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X18 a_5142_n2932# a_5142_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X19 a_n1034_n2932# a_n1034_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X20 a_2054_n2932# a_2054_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X21 a_4370_n2932# a_4370_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X22 a_3212_n2932# a_3212_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X23 a_1282_n2932# a_1282_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X24 a_n262_n2932# a_n262_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X25 a_n5280_n2932# a_n5280_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X26 a_2440_n2932# a_2440_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X27 a_896_n2932# a_896_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB VSUBS a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# a_80_n200#
++ a_n80_n297#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 A VGND VNB VPB VPWR X
+X0 a_64_207# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv w=290000u l=3.11e+06u
+X1 a_231_463# A a_117_181# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=4.0875e+11p pd=4.09e+06u as=1.9875e+11p ps=2.03e+06u w=750000u l=500000u
+X2 a_217_207# A a_117_181# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=2.289e+11p pd=2.77e+06u as=1.113e+11p ps=1.37e+06u w=420000u l=500000u
+X3 VPWR A a_231_463# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=1.02225e+12p pd=5.2e+06u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X4 a_217_207# a_117_181# a_64_207# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=1.113e+11p ps=1.37e+06u w=420000u l=500000u
+X5 X a_117_181# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=1.9875e+11p pd=2.03e+06u as=9.478e+11p ps=4.36e+06u w=750000u l=500000u
+X6 a_78_463# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv w=290000u l=1.355e+06u
+X7 X a_117_181# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=3.975e+11p pd=3.53e+06u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X8 VGND A a_217_207# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=420000u l=500000u
+X9 a_231_463# a_117_181# a_78_463# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=1.9875e+11p ps=2.03e+06u w=750000u l=500000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE VSUBS a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# a_80_n200#
++ a_n80_n297#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# a_80_n200# w_n308_n458#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# w_n308_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# a_80_n200# w_n308_n458#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# w_n308_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW VSUBS m3_n3136_n3100# c1_n3036_n3000#
+X0 c1_n3036_n3000# m3_n3136_n3100# sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 l=3e+07u w=3e+07u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV VSUBS w_n992_n497# a_n574_n200# a_n356_n200#
++ a_n138_n200# a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_734_n200# a_n734_n297# a_516_n200# a_574_n297#
++ a_n516_n297# a_356_n297# a_298_n200# a_n298_n297# a_138_n297# a_n792_n200#
+X0 a_734_n200# a_574_n297# a_516_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X1 a_n356_n200# a_n516_n297# a_n574_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X2 a_n138_n200# a_n298_n297# a_n356_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X3 a_516_n200# a_356_n297# a_298_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X4 a_n574_n200# a_n734_n297# a_n792_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X5 a_298_n200# a_138_n297# a_80_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X6 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG VSUBS a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# a_80_n200#
++ a_n80_n297#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=5.8e+11p pd=4.58e+06u as=5.8e+11p ps=4.58e+06u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 A VGND VNB VPB VPWR Y
+X0 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=1.68e+12p pd=1.424e+07u as=2.055e+12p ps=1.774e+07u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X1 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=8.4e+11p pd=8.24e+06u as=1.14e+12p ps=1.054e+07u w=750000u l=500000u
+X2 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X3 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X4 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X5 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X6 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X7 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X8 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X9 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X10 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X11 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X12 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X13 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X14 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X15 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+.subckt example_por vdd3v3 vdd1v8 vss porb_h por_l porb_l
+Xsky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW_0 vss sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8_1 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 porb_l
++ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ_0 vss vdd3v3 m1_502_7653# vdd3v3 vdd3v3 vdd3v3
++ m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# vdd3v3 m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653#
++ m1_502_7653# vdd3v3 m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ
+Xsky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS_0 m1_721_6815# vss m1_721_6815# vss m1_721_6815#
++ m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# vss
++ vss m1_721_6815# vss m1_721_6815# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS
+Xsky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3_0 li_2935_165# vss li_4479_165# li_4866_5813#
++ li_7182_5813# li_5251_165# li_1778_5813# li_9111_165# li_3322_5813# li_9498_5813#
++ li_7567_165# li_7954_5813# li_9883_165# li_8726_5813# li_7182_5813# li_619_165#
++ li_5638_5813# li_1006_5813# li_2163_165# li_5638_5813# li_619_165# li_6795_165#
++ li_5251_165# li_3707_165# li_9498_5813# li_2163_165# li_4479_165# li_4866_5813#
++ vss li_4094_5813# li_2550_5813# li_2550_5813# li_4094_5813# li_8339_165# li_2935_165#
++ li_7954_5813# li_9883_165# vss li_6410_5813# li_8339_165# vss li_1778_5813# li_1006_5813#
++ vss li_6410_5813# li_6023_165# li_6795_165# li_3707_165# vdd3v3 li_1391_165# li_9111_165#
++ li_8726_5813# li_7567_165# li_6023_165# vss li_1391_165# li_3322_5813# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_0 vss m1_2993_7658# vdd3v3 m1_721_6815# m1_185_6573#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A vss vss vdd3v3
++ vdd3v3 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_1 vss m1_2756_6573# vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# m1_2756_6573#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_2 vss m1_6249_7690# vdd3v3 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A
++ m1_2756_6573# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_3 vss m1_185_6573# vdd3v3 m1_502_7653# m1_185_6573#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE_0 vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 m1_6249_7690# m1_4283_8081#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE
+Xsky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM_0 m1_721_6815# vss m1_2756_6573# vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM
+Xsky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC_1 li_2550_5813# vss m1_185_6573# vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC
+Xsky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW_0 vss vss sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV_0 vss vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081#
++ vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081#
++ m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG_0 vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 m1_2993_7658# m1_502_7653#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 por_l
++ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8_0 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 porb_h
++ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
diff --git a/netgen/ b/netgen/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d1ad9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Run LVS on the example_por layout
+# NOTE: By specifying the testbench for the schematic-side netlist, the proper
+# includes used by the testbench simulation are picked up. Otherwise, the LVS
+# itself compares just the simple_por subcircuit from the testbench.
+netgen -batch lvs "example_por.spice example_por" "../xschem/example_por_tb.spice example_por" /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ comp.out
diff --git a/netgen/ b/netgen/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e54f6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Run LVS on the user_analog_project_wrapper layout, comparing against the
+# top-level verilog module.
+netgen -batch lvs "user_analog_project_wrapper.spice user_analog_project_wrapper" "../verilog/rtl/user_analog_project_wrapper.v user_analog_project_wrapper" /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ comp.out
diff --git a/netgen/ b/netgen/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e5828c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Run LVS on the user_analog_project_wrapper layout, comparing against the
+# top-level xschem subcircuit from the wrapper testbench.
+netgen -batch lvs "user_analog_project_wrapper.spice user_analog_project_wrapper" "../xschem/analog_wrapper_tb.spice user_analog_project_wrapper" /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ comp.out
diff --git a/netgen/user_analog_project_wrapper.spice b/netgen/user_analog_project_wrapper.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3851a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netgen/user_analog_project_wrapper.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+* NGSPICE file created from user_analog_project_wrapper.ext - technology: sky130A
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW c2_n3079_n3000# m4_n3179_n3100#
+X0 c2_n3079_n3000# m4_n3179_n3100# sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 l=3e+07u w=3e+07u
+.subckt sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8 A VGND VPWR X VNB VPB
+X0 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X1 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X2 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X3 a_45_443# A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X4 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X5 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X6 VGND A a_45_443# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X7 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X8 VPWR A a_45_443# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X9 VPWR A a_45_443# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X10 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X11 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X12 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X13 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X14 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X15 VGND A a_45_443# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X16 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X17 X a_45_443# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X18 VGND a_45_443# X VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X19 X a_45_443# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X20 VPWR a_45_443# X VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X21 a_45_443# A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ a_n683_n200# a_n189_n297# a_29_n297# a_189_n200#
++ a_n901_n200# a_247_n297# a_n407_n297# a_465_n297# a_407_n200# a_n625_n297# a_683_n297#
++ a_625_n200# a_n843_n297# w_n1101_n497# a_843_n200# a_n29_n200# a_n247_n200# a_n465_n200#
+X0 a_n247_n200# a_n407_n297# a_n465_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X1 a_843_n200# a_683_n297# a_625_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X2 a_407_n200# a_247_n297# a_189_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X3 a_189_n200# a_29_n297# a_n29_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X4 a_n465_n200# a_n625_n297# a_n683_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X5 a_625_n200# a_465_n297# a_407_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X6 a_n29_n200# a_n189_n297# a_n247_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X7 a_n683_n200# a_n843_n297# a_n901_n200# w_n1101_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS a_n792_n200# a_298_n200# a_516_n200# a_734_n200#
++ w_n962_n458# a_138_n288# a_n298_n288# a_80_n200# a_356_n288# a_n516_n288# a_574_n288#
++ a_n734_n288# a_n138_n200# a_n356_n200# a_n574_n200# a_n80_n288#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X1 a_n574_n200# a_n734_n288# a_n792_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X2 a_734_n200# a_574_n288# a_516_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X3 a_298_n200# a_138_n288# a_80_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X4 a_n138_n200# a_n298_n288# a_n356_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X5 a_n356_n200# a_n516_n288# a_n574_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X6 a_516_n200# a_356_n288# a_298_n200# w_n962_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3 a_n1806_2500# a_n4122_n2932# a_n5280_2500#
++ a_2054_n2932# a_896_n2932# a_4756_2500# a_3598_n2932# a_3212_2500# a_n3736_n2932#
++ a_1668_n2932# a_n1806_n2932# a_5142_n2932# a_896_2500# a_510_n2932# a_n3350_2500#
++ a_n4508_2500# a_3212_n2932# a_n4894_2500# a_1282_2500# w_n5446_n3098# a_4756_n2932#
++ a_2826_2500# a_2826_n2932# a_n2192_n2932# a_n1034_2500# a_n2578_2500# a_n1420_2500#
++ a_n2964_2500# a_n648_n2932# a_n648_2500# a_n5280_n2932# a_n3350_n2932# a_4370_2500#
++ a_1282_n2932# a_124_n2932# a_n1420_n2932# a_n4894_n2932# a_124_2500# a_n2964_n2932#
++ a_n4122_2500# a_2054_2500# a_510_2500# a_n4508_n2932# a_4370_n2932# a_3598_2500#
++ a_3984_2500# a_2440_n2932# a_2440_2500# a_3984_n2932# a_n2192_2500# a_n3736_2500#
++ a_1668_2500# a_n262_n2932# a_n262_2500# a_n1034_n2932# a_5142_2500# a_n2578_n2932#
+X0 a_n2578_n2932# a_n2578_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X1 a_n1420_n2932# a_n1420_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X2 a_n1806_n2932# a_n1806_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X3 a_3212_n2932# a_3212_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X4 a_3598_n2932# a_3598_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X5 a_n2964_n2932# a_n2964_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X6 a_2826_n2932# a_2826_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X7 a_4370_n2932# a_4370_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X8 a_3984_n2932# a_3984_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X9 a_n262_n2932# a_n262_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X10 a_n3350_n2932# a_n3350_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X11 a_n4122_n2932# a_n4122_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X12 a_n3736_n2932# a_n3736_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X13 a_5142_n2932# a_5142_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X14 a_n4894_n2932# a_n4894_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X15 a_1282_n2932# a_1282_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X16 a_4756_n2932# a_4756_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X17 a_124_n2932# a_124_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X18 a_510_n2932# a_510_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X19 a_896_n2932# a_896_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X20 a_n648_n2932# a_n648_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X21 a_n5280_n2932# a_n5280_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X22 a_n4508_n2932# a_n4508_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X23 a_n1034_n2932# a_n1034_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X24 a_n2192_n2932# a_n2192_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X25 a_2054_n2932# a_2054_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X26 a_1668_n2932# a_1668_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+X27 a_2440_n2932# a_2440_2500# w_n5446_n3098# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=2.5e+07u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB a_n80_n297# a_80_n200# w_n338_n497# a_n138_n200#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 A VGND VPWR X VNB VPB
+X0 X a_117_181# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X1 a_217_207# a_117_181# a_64_207# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=420000u l=500000u
+X2 VPWR A a_231_463# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X3 VGND A a_217_207# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=420000u l=500000u
+X4 a_78_463# VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_nd__hv w=290000u l=1.355e+06u
+X5 a_64_207# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_pd__hv w=290000u l=3.11e+06u
+X6 X a_117_181# VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X7 a_231_463# A a_117_181# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X8 a_231_463# a_117_181# a_78_463# VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X9 a_217_207# A a_117_181# VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=420000u l=500000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE a_n80_n297# a_80_n200# w_n338_n497# a_n138_n200#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM w_n308_n458# a_80_n200# a_n138_n200# a_n80_n288#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# w_n308_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC w_n308_n458# a_80_n200# a_n138_n200# a_n80_n288#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n288# a_n138_n200# w_n308_n458# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW c1_n3036_n3000# m3_n3136_n3100#
+X0 c1_n3036_n3000# m3_n3136_n3100# sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 l=3e+07u w=3e+07u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV a_n792_n200# a_138_n297# a_n298_n297#
++ a_298_n200# a_356_n297# a_n516_n297# a_574_n297# a_516_n200# a_n734_n297# a_734_n200#
++ a_n80_n297# a_80_n200# a_n138_n200# a_n356_n200# a_n574_n200# w_n992_n497#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X1 a_n574_n200# a_n734_n297# a_n792_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X2 a_734_n200# a_574_n297# a_516_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X3 a_298_n200# a_138_n297# a_80_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X4 a_n138_n200# a_n298_n297# a_n356_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X5 a_n356_n200# a_n516_n297# a_n574_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+X6 a_516_n200# a_356_n297# a_298_n200# w_n992_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG a_n80_n297# a_80_n200# w_n338_n497# a_n138_n200#
+X0 a_80_n200# a_n80_n297# a_n138_n200# w_n338_n497# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=2e+06u l=800000u
+.subckt sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8 A VGND VPWR Y VNB VPB
+X0 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X1 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X2 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X3 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X4 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X5 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X6 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X7 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X8 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X9 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X10 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X11 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X12 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X13 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=1.5e+06u l=500000u
+X14 VGND A Y VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+X15 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 ad=0p pd=0u as=0p ps=0u w=750000u l=500000u
+.subckt example_por vdd3v3 vss porb_h por_l porb_l vdd1v8
+Xsky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW_0 vss sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_W5U4AW
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8_1 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A vss vdd1v8 porb_l vss vdd1v8
++ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ_0 m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653#
++ vdd3v3 m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# vdd3v3 m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653# m1_502_7653#
++ m1_502_7653# vdd3v3 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 m1_502_7653# vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_ZEUEFZ
+Xsky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS_0 m1_721_6815# vss m1_721_6815# vss vss m1_721_6815#
++ m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# m1_721_6815# vss
++ m1_721_6815# vss m1_721_6815# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_TGFUGS
+Xsky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3_0 li_3322_5813# li_1391_165# vss li_7567_165#
++ li_6023_165# vdd3v3 li_9111_165# li_8726_5813# li_1391_165# li_6795_165# li_3707_165#
++ vss li_6410_5813# li_6023_165# li_1778_5813# li_1006_5813# li_8339_165# vss li_6410_5813#
++ vss li_9883_165# li_7954_5813# li_8339_165# li_2935_165# li_4094_5813# li_2550_5813#
++ li_4094_5813# li_2550_5813# li_4479_165# li_4866_5813# vss li_2163_165# li_9498_5813#
++ li_6795_165# li_5251_165# li_3707_165# li_619_165# li_5638_5813# li_2163_165# li_1006_5813#
++ li_7182_5813# li_5638_5813# li_619_165# li_9883_165# li_8726_5813# li_9498_5813#
++ li_7567_165# li_7954_5813# li_9111_165# li_3322_5813# li_1778_5813# li_7182_5813#
++ li_5251_165# li_4866_5813# li_4479_165# vss li_2935_165# sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69_S5N9F3
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_0 m1_185_6573# m1_721_6815# vdd3v3 m1_2993_7658#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A vss vdd3v3 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A
++ vss vdd3v3 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_1 m1_2756_6573# m1_4283_8081# vdd3v3 m1_2756_6573#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_2 m1_2756_6573# sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A
++ vdd3v3 m1_6249_7690# sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB_3 m1_185_6573# m1_502_7653# vdd3v3 m1_185_6573#
++ sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_3YBPVB
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE_0 m1_4283_8081# m1_6249_7690# vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPXE
+Xsky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM_0 vss m1_2756_6573# vss m1_721_6815# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_PKVMTM
+Xsky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC_1 vss m1_185_6573# vss li_2550_5813# sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_ZK8HQC
+Xsky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW_0 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1_0/A vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_WRT4AW
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV_0 vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081#
++ m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081# m1_4283_8081#
++ vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# vdd3v3 m1_4283_8081# vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YEUEBV
+Xsky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG_0 m1_502_7653# m1_2993_7658# vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_YUHPBG
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A vss vdd1v8 por_l vss vdd1v8
++ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+Xsky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8_0 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8_0/A vss vdd3v3 porb_h vss vdd3v3
++ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+.subckt user_analog_proj_example example_por_0/por_l example_por_1/por_l example_por_1/vdd3v3
++ example_por_1/porb_l example_por_0/vdd3v3 example_por_1/porb_h example_por_0/porb_l
++ example_por_0/porb_h VSUBS example_por_0/vdd1v8 example_por_1/vdd1v8
+Xexample_por_0 example_por_0/vdd3v3 VSUBS example_por_0/porb_h example_por_0/por_l
++ example_por_0/porb_l example_por_0/vdd1v8 example_por
+Xexample_por_1 example_por_1/vdd3v3 VSUBS example_por_1/porb_h example_por_1/por_l
++ example_por_1/porb_l example_por_1/vdd1v8 example_por
+.subckt user_analog_project_wrapper gpio_analog[0] gpio_analog[10] gpio_analog[11]
++ gpio_analog[12] gpio_analog[13] gpio_analog[14] gpio_analog[15] gpio_analog[16]
++ gpio_analog[17] gpio_analog[1] gpio_analog[2] gpio_analog[3] gpio_analog[4] gpio_analog[5]
++ gpio_analog[6] gpio_analog[7] gpio_analog[8] gpio_analog[9] gpio_noesd[0] gpio_noesd[10]
++ gpio_noesd[11] gpio_noesd[12] gpio_noesd[13] gpio_noesd[14] gpio_noesd[15] gpio_noesd[16]
++ gpio_noesd[17] gpio_noesd[1] gpio_noesd[2] gpio_noesd[3] gpio_noesd[4] gpio_noesd[5]
++ gpio_noesd[6] gpio_noesd[7] gpio_noesd[8] gpio_noesd[9] io_analog[0] io_analog[10]
++ io_analog[1] io_analog[2] io_analog[3] io_analog[4] io_analog[7] io_analog[8] io_analog[9]
++ io_analog[5] io_analog[6] io_clamp_high[0] io_clamp_high[1] io_clamp_high[2] io_clamp_low[0]
++ io_clamp_low[1] io_clamp_low[2] io_in[0] io_in[10] io_in[11] io_in[12] io_in[13]
++ io_in[14] io_in[15] io_in[16] io_in[17] io_in[18] io_in[19] io_in[1] io_in[20] io_in[21]
++ io_in[22] io_in[23] io_in[24] io_in[25] io_in[26] io_in[2] io_in[3] io_in[4] io_in[5]
++ io_in[6] io_in[7] io_in[8] io_in[9] io_in_3v3[0] io_in_3v3[10] io_in_3v3[11] io_in_3v3[12]
++ io_in_3v3[13] io_in_3v3[14] io_in_3v3[15] io_in_3v3[16] io_in_3v3[17] io_in_3v3[18]
++ io_in_3v3[19] io_in_3v3[1] io_in_3v3[20] io_in_3v3[21] io_in_3v3[22] io_in_3v3[23]
++ io_in_3v3[24] io_in_3v3[25] io_in_3v3[26] io_in_3v3[2] io_in_3v3[3] io_in_3v3[4]
++ io_in_3v3[5] io_in_3v3[6] io_in_3v3[7] io_in_3v3[8] io_in_3v3[9] io_oeb[0] io_oeb[10]
++ io_oeb[11] io_oeb[12] io_oeb[13] io_oeb[14] io_oeb[15] io_oeb[16] io_oeb[17] io_oeb[18]
++ io_oeb[19] io_oeb[1] io_oeb[20] io_oeb[21] io_oeb[22] io_oeb[23] io_oeb[24] io_oeb[25]
++ io_oeb[26] io_oeb[2] io_oeb[3] io_oeb[4] io_oeb[5] io_oeb[6] io_oeb[7] io_oeb[8]
++ io_oeb[9] io_out[0] io_out[10] io_out[11] io_out[12] io_out[13] io_out[14] io_out[15]
++ io_out[16] io_out[17] io_out[18] io_out[19] io_out[1] io_out[20] io_out[21] io_out[22]
++ io_out[23] io_out[24] io_out[25] io_out[26] io_out[2] io_out[3] io_out[4] io_out[5]
++ io_out[6] io_out[7] io_out[8] io_out[9] la_data_in[0] la_data_in[100] la_data_in[101]
++ la_data_in[102] la_data_in[103] la_data_in[104] la_data_in[105] la_data_in[106]
++ la_data_in[107] la_data_in[108] la_data_in[109] la_data_in[10] la_data_in[110] la_data_in[111]
++ la_data_in[112] la_data_in[113] la_data_in[114] la_data_in[115] la_data_in[116]
++ la_data_in[117] la_data_in[118] la_data_in[119] la_data_in[11] la_data_in[120] la_data_in[121]
++ la_data_in[122] la_data_in[123] la_data_in[124] la_data_in[125] la_data_in[126]
++ la_data_in[127] la_data_in[12] la_data_in[13] la_data_in[14] la_data_in[15] la_data_in[16]
++ la_data_in[17] la_data_in[18] la_data_in[19] la_data_in[1] la_data_in[20] la_data_in[21]
++ la_data_in[22] la_data_in[23] la_data_in[24] la_data_in[25] la_data_in[26] la_data_in[27]
++ la_data_in[28] la_data_in[29] la_data_in[2] la_data_in[30] la_data_in[31] la_data_in[32]
++ la_data_in[33] la_data_in[34] la_data_in[35] la_data_in[36] la_data_in[37] la_data_in[38]
++ la_data_in[39] la_data_in[3] la_data_in[40] la_data_in[41] la_data_in[42] la_data_in[43]
++ la_data_in[44] la_data_in[45] la_data_in[46] la_data_in[47] la_data_in[48] la_data_in[49]
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++ la_data_in[66] la_data_in[67] la_data_in[68] la_data_in[69] la_data_in[6] la_data_in[70]
++ la_data_in[71] la_data_in[72] la_data_in[73] la_data_in[74] la_data_in[75] la_data_in[76]
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++ la_data_in[93] la_data_in[94] la_data_in[95] la_data_in[96] la_data_in[97] la_data_in[98]
++ la_data_in[99] la_data_in[9] la_data_out[0] la_data_out[100] la_data_out[101] la_data_out[102]
++ la_data_out[103] la_data_out[104] la_data_out[105] la_data_out[106] la_data_out[107]
++ la_data_out[108] la_data_out[109] la_data_out[10] la_data_out[110] la_data_out[111]
++ la_data_out[112] la_data_out[113] la_data_out[114] la_data_out[115] la_data_out[116]
++ la_data_out[117] la_data_out[118] la_data_out[119] la_data_out[11] la_data_out[120]
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++ la_data_out[126] la_data_out[127] la_data_out[12] la_data_out[13] la_data_out[14]
++ la_data_out[15] la_data_out[16] la_data_out[17] la_data_out[18] la_data_out[19]
++ la_data_out[1] la_data_out[20] la_data_out[21] la_data_out[22] la_data_out[23] la_data_out[24]
++ la_data_out[25] la_data_out[26] la_data_out[27] la_data_out[28] la_data_out[29]
++ la_data_out[2] la_data_out[30] la_data_out[31] la_data_out[32] la_data_out[33] la_data_out[34]
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++ la_data_out[3] la_data_out[40] la_data_out[41] la_data_out[42] la_data_out[43] la_data_out[44]
++ la_data_out[45] la_data_out[46] la_data_out[47] la_data_out[48] la_data_out[49]
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++ la_data_out[65] la_data_out[66] la_data_out[67] la_data_out[68] la_data_out[69]
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++ la_data_out[75] la_data_out[76] la_data_out[77] la_data_out[78] la_data_out[79]
++ la_data_out[7] la_data_out[80] la_data_out[81] la_data_out[82] la_data_out[83] la_data_out[84]
++ la_data_out[85] la_data_out[86] la_data_out[87] la_data_out[88] la_data_out[89]
++ la_data_out[8] la_data_out[90] la_data_out[91] la_data_out[92] la_data_out[93] la_data_out[94]
++ la_data_out[95] la_data_out[96] la_data_out[97] la_data_out[98] la_data_out[99]
++ la_data_out[9] la_oenb[0] la_oenb[100] la_oenb[101] la_oenb[102] la_oenb[103] la_oenb[104]
++ la_oenb[105] la_oenb[106] la_oenb[107] la_oenb[108] la_oenb[109] la_oenb[10] la_oenb[110]
++ la_oenb[111] la_oenb[112] la_oenb[113] la_oenb[114] la_oenb[115] la_oenb[116] la_oenb[117]
++ la_oenb[118] la_oenb[119] la_oenb[11] la_oenb[120] la_oenb[121] la_oenb[122] la_oenb[123]
++ la_oenb[124] la_oenb[125] la_oenb[126] la_oenb[127] la_oenb[12] la_oenb[13] la_oenb[14]
++ la_oenb[15] la_oenb[16] la_oenb[17] la_oenb[18] la_oenb[19] la_oenb[1] la_oenb[20]
++ la_oenb[21] la_oenb[22] la_oenb[23] la_oenb[24] la_oenb[25] la_oenb[26] la_oenb[27]
++ la_oenb[28] la_oenb[29] la_oenb[2] la_oenb[30] la_oenb[31] la_oenb[32] la_oenb[33]
++ la_oenb[34] la_oenb[35] la_oenb[36] la_oenb[37] la_oenb[38] la_oenb[39] la_oenb[3]
++ la_oenb[40] la_oenb[41] la_oenb[42] la_oenb[43] la_oenb[44] la_oenb[45] la_oenb[46]
++ la_oenb[47] la_oenb[48] la_oenb[49] la_oenb[4] la_oenb[50] la_oenb[51] la_oenb[52]
++ la_oenb[53] la_oenb[54] la_oenb[55] la_oenb[56] la_oenb[57] la_oenb[58] la_oenb[59]
++ la_oenb[5] la_oenb[60] la_oenb[61] la_oenb[62] la_oenb[63] la_oenb[64] la_oenb[65]
++ la_oenb[66] la_oenb[67] la_oenb[68] la_oenb[69] la_oenb[6] la_oenb[70] la_oenb[71]
++ la_oenb[72] la_oenb[73] la_oenb[74] la_oenb[75] la_oenb[76] la_oenb[77] la_oenb[78]
++ la_oenb[79] la_oenb[7] la_oenb[80] la_oenb[81] la_oenb[82] la_oenb[83] la_oenb[84]
++ la_oenb[85] la_oenb[86] la_oenb[87] la_oenb[88] la_oenb[89] la_oenb[8] la_oenb[90]
++ la_oenb[91] la_oenb[92] la_oenb[93] la_oenb[94] la_oenb[95] la_oenb[96] la_oenb[97]
++ la_oenb[98] la_oenb[99] la_oenb[9] user_clock2 user_irq[0] user_irq[1] user_irq[2]
++ vccd1 vccd2 vdda1 vdda2 vssa1 vssa2 vssd1 vssd2 wb_clk_i wb_rst_i wbs_ack_o wbs_adr_i[0]
++ wbs_adr_i[10] wbs_adr_i[11] wbs_adr_i[12] wbs_adr_i[13] wbs_adr_i[14] wbs_adr_i[15]
++ wbs_adr_i[16] wbs_adr_i[17] wbs_adr_i[18] wbs_adr_i[19] wbs_adr_i[1] wbs_adr_i[20]
++ wbs_adr_i[21] wbs_adr_i[22] wbs_adr_i[23] wbs_adr_i[24] wbs_adr_i[25] wbs_adr_i[26]
++ wbs_adr_i[27] wbs_adr_i[28] wbs_adr_i[29] wbs_adr_i[2] wbs_adr_i[30] wbs_adr_i[31]
++ wbs_adr_i[3] wbs_adr_i[4] wbs_adr_i[5] wbs_adr_i[6] wbs_adr_i[7] wbs_adr_i[8] wbs_adr_i[9]
++ wbs_cyc_i wbs_dat_i[0] wbs_dat_i[10] wbs_dat_i[11] wbs_dat_i[12] wbs_dat_i[13] wbs_dat_i[14]
++ wbs_dat_i[15] wbs_dat_i[16] wbs_dat_i[17] wbs_dat_i[18] wbs_dat_i[19] wbs_dat_i[1]
++ wbs_dat_i[20] wbs_dat_i[21] wbs_dat_i[22] wbs_dat_i[23] wbs_dat_i[24] wbs_dat_i[25]
++ wbs_dat_i[26] wbs_dat_i[27] wbs_dat_i[28] wbs_dat_i[29] wbs_dat_i[2] wbs_dat_i[30]
++ wbs_dat_i[31] wbs_dat_i[3] wbs_dat_i[4] wbs_dat_i[5] wbs_dat_i[6] wbs_dat_i[7] wbs_dat_i[8]
++ wbs_dat_i[9] wbs_dat_o[0] wbs_dat_o[10] wbs_dat_o[11] wbs_dat_o[12] wbs_dat_o[13]
++ wbs_dat_o[14] wbs_dat_o[15] wbs_dat_o[16] wbs_dat_o[17] wbs_dat_o[18] wbs_dat_o[19]
++ wbs_dat_o[1] wbs_dat_o[20] wbs_dat_o[21] wbs_dat_o[22] wbs_dat_o[23] wbs_dat_o[24]
++ wbs_dat_o[25] wbs_dat_o[26] wbs_dat_o[27] wbs_dat_o[28] wbs_dat_o[29] wbs_dat_o[2]
++ wbs_dat_o[30] wbs_dat_o[31] wbs_dat_o[3] wbs_dat_o[4] wbs_dat_o[5] wbs_dat_o[6]
++ wbs_dat_o[7] wbs_dat_o[8] wbs_dat_o[9] wbs_sel_i[0] wbs_sel_i[1] wbs_sel_i[2] wbs_sel_i[3]
++ wbs_stb_i wbs_we_i
+Xuser_analog_proj_example_0 io_out[16] io_out[12] vdda1 io_out[11] io_analog[4] gpio_analog[3]
++ io_out[15] gpio_analog[7] vssa1 vccd1 vccd1 user_analog_proj_example
+R0 vssa1 io_clamp_low[2] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=1.1e+07u l=250000u
+R1 io_oeb[15] vssd1 sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=560000u l=600000u
+R2 io_analog[4] io_clamp_high[0] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=1.1e+07u l=250000u
+R3 vssd1 io_oeb[11] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=560000u l=580000u
+R4 vssa1 io_clamp_low[1] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=1.1e+07u l=250000u
+R5 io_oeb[16] vssd1 sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=560000u l=310000u
+R6 vssa1 io_clamp_low[0] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=1.1e+07u l=250000u
+R7 vssd1 io_oeb[12] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=560000u l=490000u
+R8 vssa1 io_clamp_high[2] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=1.1e+07u l=250000u
+R9 vssa1 io_clamp_high[1] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 w=1.1e+07u l=250000u
diff --git a/openlane/.gitignore b/openlane/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4867d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/openlane/Makefile b/openlane/Makefile
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..48e5b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/Makefile b/verilog/dv/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9c2027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ---- Test patterns for project striVe ----
+.SILENT: clean all
+PATTERNS = mprj_por
+all: ${PATTERNS}
+ for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
+ ( cd $$i && make -f Makefile $${i}.vcd &> verify.log && grep Monitor verify.log) ; \
+ done
+DV_PATTERNS = $(foreach dv, $(PATTERNS), verify-$(dv))
+$(DV_PATTERNS): verify-% :
+ cd $* && make
+clean: ${PATTERNS}
+ for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
+ ( cd $$i && make clean ) ; \
+ done
+ rm -rf *.log
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/ b/verilog/dv/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6be9cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Simulation Environment Setup
+There are two options for setting up the simulation environment:
+* Pulling a pre-built docker image
+* Installing the dependecies locally
+## 1. Docker
+There is an available docker setup with the needed tools at [efabless/dockerized-verification-setup](
+Run the following to pull the image:
+docker pull efabless/dv_setup:latest
+## 2. Local Installion (Linux)
+You will need to fullfil these dependecies:
+* Icarus Verilog (10.2+)
+* RV32I Toolchain
+Using apt, you can install Icarus Verilog:
+sudo apt-get install iverilog
+Next, you will need to build the RV32I toolchain. Firstly, export the installation path for the RV32I toolchain,
+export GCC_PATH=<gcc-installation-path>
+Then, run the following:
+# packages needed:
+sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev \
+ libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo \
+ gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev git libexpat1-dev
+sudo mkdir $GCC_PATH
+sudo chown $USER $GCC_PATH
+git clone riscv-gnu-toolchain-rv32i
+cd riscv-gnu-toolchain-rv32i
+git checkout 411d134
+git submodule update --init --recursive
+mkdir build; cd build
+../configure --with-arch=rv32i --prefix=$GCC_PATH
+make -j$(nproc)
+# Running Simulation
+## Docker
+First, you will need to export a number of environment variables:
+export PDK_PATH=<pdk-location/sky130A>
+export CARAVEL_ROOT=<caravel_root>
+export UPRJ_ROOT=<user_project_root>
+Then, run the following command to start the docker container :
+docker run -it -v $CARAVEL_ROOT:$CARAVEL_ROOT -v $PDK_PATH:$PDK_PATH -v $UPRJ_ROOT:$UPRJ_ROOT -e CARAVEL_ROOT=$CARAVEL_ROOT -e PDK_PATH=$PDK_PATH -e UPRJ_ROOT=$UPRJ_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) efabless/dv_setup:latest
+Then, navigate to the directory where the DV tests reside :
+cd $UPRJ_ROOT/verilog/dv/
+Then, follow the instructions at [Both](#both) to run RTL/GL simulation.
+## Local
+You will need to export these environment variables:
+export GCC_PATH=<gcc-installation-path>
+export PDK_PATH=<pdk-location/sky130A>
+Then, follow the instruction at [Both](#both) to run RTL/GL simulation.
+## Both
+To run RTL simulation for one of the DV tests,
+cd <dv-test>
+To run gate level simulation for one of the DV tests,
+cd <dv-test>
+SIM=GL make
+# User Analog Project Example DV
+> :construction: Under construction :construction:
diff --git a/verilog/dv/mprj_por/Makefile b/verilog/dv/mprj_por/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d0825f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/mprj_por/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+## PDK
+PDK_PATH = $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A
+## Caravel Pointers
+CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
+## User Project Pointers
+UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
+## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
+PATTERN = mprj_por
+all: ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex: ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
+ iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+ $< -o $@
+ iverilog $(SIM_DEFINES) -DGL -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+ $< -o $@
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+ vvp $<
+%.elf: %.c $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s check-env
+ ${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+ ${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@
+ # to fix flash base address
+ sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ ${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+ifndef PDK_ROOT
+ $(error PDK_ROOT is undefined, please export it before running make)
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A))
+ $(error $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A not found, please install pdk before running make)
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc ))
+ $(error $(GCC_PATH)/$(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc is not found, please export GCC_PATH and GCC_PREFIX before running make)
+# check for efabless style installation
+ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/*/verilog))
+# ---- Clean ----
+ rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/mprj_por/mprj_por.c b/verilog/dv/mprj_por/mprj_por.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a51fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/mprj_por/mprj_por.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+void main()
+ reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002; // Enable, prescaler = 2
+ reg_mprj_datal = 0x00000000;
+ reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
+ // Configure mprj_io 10 and 25 as analog (digital in/out = off)
+ // Configure mprj_io 11, 12, 26, and 27 as digital output
+ // mprj_io 14 to 24 are analog pads and cannot be configured
+ reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+ reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+ reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_ANALOG;
+ reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+ reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+ reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_ANALOG;
+ /* Apply configuration */
+ reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
+ while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
+ /* Block until end of test */
+ while (1);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/mprj_por/mprj_por_tb.v b/verilog/dv/mprj_por/mprj_por_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39e4a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/mprj_por/mprj_por_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype wire
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "uprj_analog_netlists.v"
+`include "caravan_netlists.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+`include "tbuart.v"
+module mprj_por_tb;
+ // Signals declaration
+ reg clock;
+ reg RSTB;
+ reg CSB;
+ reg power1, power2;
+ reg power3;
+ wire HIGH;
+ wire LOW;
+ wire TRI;
+ assign HIGH = 1'b1;
+ assign LOW = 1'b0;
+ assign TRI = 1'bz;
+ wire gpio;
+ wire uart_tx;
+ wire [37:0] mprj_io;
+ wire [3:0] checkbits;
+ wire [1:0] status;
+ // Signals Assignment
+ assign uart_tx = mprj_io[6];
+ assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
+ // Power supply for POR
+ assign mprj_io[18] = power3;
+ // Readback from POR (digital HV through analog pad connection)
+ assign status = {mprj_io[25], mprj_io[10]};
+ // Readback from POR (digital LV)
+ assign checkbits = {mprj_io[27:26], mprj_io[12:11]};
+ always #12.5 clock <= (clock === 1'b0);
+ initial begin
+ clock = 0;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ $dumpfile("mprj_por.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, mprj_por_tb);
+ // Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
+ repeat (150) begin
+ repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
+ end
+ $display("%c[1;31m",27);
+ $display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Project IO Stimulus (RTL) Failed");
+ $display("%c[0m",27);
+ $finish;
+ end
+ initial begin
+ wait(status == 2'h1);
+ $display("Monitor: mprj_por test started");
+ #100;
+ if (checkbits != 4'h9) begin
+ $display("Monitor: mprj_por test failed");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ wait(status == 2'h3);
+ #100;
+ if (checkbits != 4'h5) begin
+ $display("Monitor: mprj_por test failed");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ $display("Monitor: mprj_por test Passed");
+ #10000;
+ $finish;
+ end
+ // Reset Operation
+ initial begin
+ RSTB <= 1'b0;
+ CSB <= 1'b1; // Force CSB high
+ #2000;
+ RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
+ end
+ initial begin // Power-up sequence
+ power1 <= 1'b0;
+ power2 <= 1'b0;
+ power3 <= 1'b0;
+ #200;
+ power1 <= 1'b1;
+ #200;
+ power2 <= 1'b1;
+ #150000; // Need time to run the managment SoC setup.
+ power3 <= 1'b1; // Power up the 2nd POR.
+ end
+ wire flash_csb;
+ wire flash_clk;
+ wire flash_io0;
+ wire flash_io1;
+ wire VDD3V3 = power1;
+ wire VDD1V8 = power2;
+ wire VSS = 1'b0;
+ caravan uut (
+ .vddio (VDD3V3),
+ .vssio (VSS),
+ .vdda (VDD3V3),
+ .vssa (VSS),
+ .vccd (VDD1V8),
+ .vssd (VSS),
+ .vdda1 (VDD3V3),
+ .vdda2 (VDD3V3),
+ .vssa1 (VSS),
+ .vssa2 (VSS),
+ .vccd1 (VDD1V8),
+ .vccd2 (VDD1V8),
+ .vssd1 (VSS),
+ .vssd2 (VSS),
+ .clock (clock),
+ .gpio (gpio),
+ .mprj_io (mprj_io),
+ .flash_csb(flash_csb),
+ .flash_clk(flash_clk),
+ .flash_io0(flash_io0),
+ .flash_io1(flash_io1),
+ .resetb (RSTB)
+ );
+ spiflash #(
+ .FILENAME("mprj_por.hex")
+ ) spiflash (
+ .csb(flash_csb),
+ .clk(flash_clk),
+ .io0(flash_io0),
+ .io1(flash_io1),
+ .io2(), // not used
+ .io3() // not used
+ );
+ // Testbench UART
+ tbuart tbuart (
+ .ser_rx(uart_tx)
+ );
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/example_por.v b/verilog/rtl/example_por.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d318fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/example_por.v
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype none
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+// This is just a copy of simple_por.v from the Caravel project, used
+// as an analog user project example.
+module example_por(
+ inout vdd3v3,
+ inout vdd1v8,
+ inout vss,
+ output porb_h,
+ output porb_l,
+ output por_l
+ wire mid, porb_h;
+ reg inode;
+ // This is a behavioral model! Actual circuit is a resitor dumping
+ // current (slowly) from vdd3v3 onto a capacitor, and this fed into
+ // two schmitt triggers for strong hysteresis/glitch tolerance.
+ initial begin
+ inode <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ // Emulate current source on capacitor as a 500ns delay either up or
+ // down. Note that this is sped way up for verilog simulation; the
+ // actual circuit is set to a 15ms delay.
+ always @(posedge vdd3v3) begin
+ #500 inode <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ always @(negedge vdd3v3) begin
+ #500 inode <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ // Instantiate two shmitt trigger buffers in series
+ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 hystbuf1 (
+ .VPWR(vdd3v3),
+ .VGND(vss),
+ .VPB(vdd3v3),
+ .VNB(vss),
+ .A(inode),
+ .X(mid)
+ );
+ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 hystbuf2 (
+ .VPWR(vdd3v3),
+ .VGND(vss),
+ .VPB(vdd3v3),
+ .VNB(vss),
+ .A(mid),
+ .X(porb_h)
+ );
+ sky130_fd_sc_hvl__lsbufhv2lv_1 porb_level (
+ .VPWR(vdd3v3),
+ .VPB(vdd3v3),
+ .LVPWR(vdd1v8),
+ .VNB(vss),
+ .VGND(vss),
+ .A(porb_h),
+ .X(porb_l)
+ );
+ // since this is behavioral anyway, but this should be
+ // replaced by a proper inverter
+ assign por_l = ~porb_l;
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uprj_analog_netlists.v b/verilog/rtl/uprj_analog_netlists.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..062a873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uprj_analog_netlists.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+/* caravel, a project harness for the Google/SkyWater sky130 */
+/* fabrication process and open source PDK */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 2020 efabless, Inc. */
+/* Written by Tim Edwards, December 2019 */
+/* and Mohamed Shalan, August 2020 */
+/* This file is open source hardware released under the */
+/* Apache 2.0 license. See file LICENSE. */
+/* */
+`include "defines.v"
+`ifdef GL
+ `default_nettype wire
+ // Use behavorial model with gate-level simulation
+ `include "rtl/user_analog_project_wrapper.v"
+ `include "rtl/user_analog_proj_example.v"
+ `include "user_analog_project_wrapper.v"
+ `include "user_analog_proj_example.v"
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_analog_proj_example.v b/verilog/rtl/user_analog_proj_example.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94412da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_analog_proj_example.v
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype none
+`include "example_por.v"
+ * I/O mapping for analog
+ *
+ * mprj_io[37] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[26] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[36] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[25] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[35] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[24] gpio_analog/noesd[17] ---
+ * mprj_io[34] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[23] gpio_analog/noesd[16] ---
+ * mprj_io[33] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[22] gpio_analog/noesd[15] ---
+ * mprj_io[32] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[21] gpio_analog/noesd[14] ---
+ * mprj_io[31] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[20] gpio_analog/noesd[13] ---
+ * mprj_io[30] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[19] gpio_analog/noesd[12] ---
+ * mprj_io[29] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[18] gpio_analog/noesd[11] ---
+ * mprj_io[28] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[17] gpio_analog/noesd[10] ---
+ * mprj_io[27] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[16] gpio_analog/noesd[9] ---
+ * mprj_io[26] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[15] gpio_analog/noesd[8] ---
+ * mprj_io[25] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[14] gpio_analog/noesd[7] ---
+ * mprj_io[24] --- --- user_analog[10]
+ * mprj_io[23] --- --- user_analog[9]
+ * mprj_io[22] --- --- user_analog[8]
+ * mprj_io[21] --- --- user_analog[7]
+ * mprj_io[20] --- --- user_analog[6] clamp[2]
+ * mprj_io[19] --- --- user_analog[5] clamp[1]
+ * mprj_io[18] --- --- user_analog[4] clamp[0]
+ * mprj_io[17] --- --- user_analog[3]
+ * mprj_io[16] --- --- user_analog[2]
+ * mprj_io[15] --- --- user_analog[1]
+ * mprj_io[14] --- --- user_analog[0]
+ * mprj_io[13] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[13] gpio_analog/noesd[6] ---
+ * mprj_io[12] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[12] gpio_analog/noesd[5] ---
+ * mprj_io[11] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[11] gpio_analog/noesd[4] ---
+ * mprj_io[10] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[10] gpio_analog/noesd[3] ---
+ * mprj_io[9] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[9] gpio_analog/noesd[2] ---
+ * mprj_io[8] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[8] gpio_analog/noesd[1] ---
+ * mprj_io[7] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[7] gpio_analog/noesd[0] ---
+ * mprj_io[6] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[6] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[5] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[5] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[4] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[4] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[3] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[3] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[2] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[2] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[1] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[1] --- ---
+ * mprj_io[0] io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3[0] --- ---
+ *
+ */
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * user_analog_proj_example
+ *
+ * This is an example of a (trivially simple) analog user project,
+ * showing how the user project can connect to the I/O pads, both
+ * the digital pads, the analog connection on the digital pads,
+ * and the dedicated analog pins used as an additional power supply
+ * input, with a connected ESD clamp.
+ *
+ * See the testbench in directory "mprj_por" for the example
+ * program that drives this user project.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+module user_analog_proj_example (
+ inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
+ inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
+ inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
+ inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
+ inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
+ inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
+ inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
+ inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
+ // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input wbs_stb_i,
+ input wbs_cyc_i,
+ input wbs_we_i,
+ input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
+ input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
+ input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
+ output wbs_ack_o,
+ output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
+ // Logic Analyzer Signals
+ input [127:0] la_data_in,
+ output [127:0] la_data_out,
+ input [127:0] la_oenb,
+ // IOs
+ input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_in,
+ input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_in_3v3,
+ output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_out,
+ output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
+ // GPIO-analog
+ inout [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-10:0] gpio_analog,
+ inout [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-10:0] gpio_noesd,
+ // Dedicated analog
+ inout [`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_analog,
+ inout [2:0] io_clamp_high,
+ inout [2:0] io_clamp_low,
+ // Clock
+ input user_clock2,
+ // IRQ
+ output [2:0] irq
+ wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_in;
+ wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_in_3v3;
+ wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_out;
+ wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
+ wire [`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_analog;
+ // wire [31:0] rdata;
+ // wire [31:0] wdata;
+ // wire valid;
+ // wire [3:0] wstrb;
+ wire isupply; // Independent 3.3V supply
+ wire io16, io15, io12, io11;
+ // WB MI A
+ // assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i;
+ // assign wstrb = wbs_sel_i & {4{wbs_we_i}};
+ // assign wbs_dat_o = rdata;
+ // assign wdata = wbs_dat_i;
+ // IO --- unused (no need to connect to anything)
+ // assign io_out[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:17] = 0;
+ // assign io_out[14:13] = 11'b0;
+ // assign io_out[10:0] = 11'b0;
+ // assign io_oeb[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:17] = -1;
+ // assign io_oeb[14:13] = 11'b1;
+ // assign io_oeb[10:0] = 11'b1;
+ // IO --- enable outputs on 11, 12, 15, and 16
+ assign io_out[12:11] = {io12, io11};
+ assign io_oeb[12:11] = {vssd1, vssd1};
+ assign io_out[16:15] = {io16, io15};
+ assign io_oeb[16:15] = {vssd1, vssd1};
+ // IRQ
+ assign irq = 3'b000; // Unused
+ // LA --- unused (no need to connect to anything)
+ // assign la_data_out = {128{1'b0}}; // Unused
+ // Instantiate the POR. Connect the digital power to user area 1
+ // VCCD, and connect the analog power to user area 1 VDDA.
+ // Monitor the 3.3V output with mprj_io[10] = gpio_analog[3]
+ // Monitor the 1.8V outputs with mprj_io[11,12] = io_out[11,12]
+ example_por por1 (
+ .vdd3v3(vdda1),
+ .vdd1v8(vccd1),
+ .vss(vssa1),
+ `endif
+ .porb_h(gpio_analog[3]), // 3.3V domain output
+ .porb_l(io11), // 1.8V domain output
+ .por_l(io12) // 1.8V domain output
+ );
+ // Instantiate 2nd POR with the analog power supply on one of the
+ // analog pins. NOTE: io_analog[4] = mproj_io[18] and is the same
+ // pad with io_clamp_high/low[0].
+ assign isupply = io_analog[4];
+ assign io_clamp_high[0] = isupply;
+ assign io_clamp_low[0] = vssa1;
+ // Tie off remaining clamps
+ assign io_clamp_high[2:1] = vssa1;
+ assign io_clamp_low[2:1] = vssa1;
+ `endif
+ // Monitor the 3.3V output with mprj_io[25] = gpio_analog[7]
+ // Monitor the 1.8V outputs with mprj_io[26,27] = io_out[15,16]
+ example_por por2 (
+ .vdd3v3(isupply),
+ .vdd1v8(vccd1),
+ .vss(vssa1),
+ `endif
+ .porb_h(gpio_analog[7]), // 3.3V domain output
+ .porb_l(io15), // 1.8V domain output
+ .por_l(io16) // 1.8V domain output
+ );
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_analog_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/user_analog_project_wrapper.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a73f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_analog_project_wrapper.v
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype none
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * user_analog_project_wrapper
+ *
+ * This wrapper enumerates all of the pins available to the
+ * user for the user analog project.
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+module user_analog_project_wrapper (
+ inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
+ inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
+ inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
+ inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
+ inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
+ inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
+ inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
+ inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
+ // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
+ input wb_clk_i,
+ input wb_rst_i,
+ input wbs_stb_i,
+ input wbs_cyc_i,
+ input wbs_we_i,
+ input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
+ input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
+ input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
+ output wbs_ack_o,
+ output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
+ // Logic Analyzer Signals
+ input [127:0] la_data_in,
+ output [127:0] la_data_out,
+ input [127:0] la_oenb,
+ /* GPIOs. There are 27 GPIOs, on either side of the analog.
+ * These have the following mapping to the GPIO padframe pins
+ * and memory-mapped registers, since the numbering remains the
+ * same as caravel but skips over the analog I/O:
+ *
+ * io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3 [26:14] <---> mprj_io[37:25]
+ * io_in/out/oeb/in_3v3 [13:0] <---> mprj_io[13:0]
+ *
+ * When the GPIOs are configured by the Management SoC for
+ * user use, they have three basic bidirectional controls:
+ * in, out, and oeb (output enable, sense inverted). For
+ * analog projects, a 3.3V copy of the signal input is
+ * available. out and oeb must be 1.8V signals.
+ */
+ input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_in,
+ input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_in_3v3,
+ output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_out,
+ output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
+ /* Analog (direct connection to GPIO pad---not for high voltage or
+ * high frequency use). The management SoC must turn off both
+ * input and output buffers on these GPIOs to allow analog access.
+ * These signals may drive a voltage up to the value of VDDIO
+ * (3.3V typical, 5.5V maximum).
+ *
+ * Note that analog I/O is not available on the 7 lowest-numbered
+ * GPIO pads, and so the analog_io indexing is offset from the
+ * GPIO indexing by 7, as follows:
+ *
+ * gpio_analog/noesd [17:7] <---> mprj_io[35:25]
+ * gpio_analog/noesd [6:0] <---> mprj_io[13:7]
+ *
+ */
+ inout [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-10:0] gpio_analog,
+ inout [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-`ANALOG_PADS-10:0] gpio_noesd,
+ /* Analog signals, direct through to pad. These have no ESD at all,
+ * so ESD protection is the responsibility of the designer.
+ *
+ * user_analog[10:0] <---> mprj_io[24:14]
+ *
+ */
+ inout [`ANALOG_PADS-1:0] io_analog,
+ /* Additional power supply ESD clamps, one per analog pad. The
+ * high side should be connected to a 3.3-5.5V power supply.
+ * The low side should be connected to ground.
+ *
+ * clamp_high[2:0] <---> mprj_io[20:18]
+ * clamp_low[2:0] <---> mprj_io[20:18]
+ *
+ */
+ inout [2:0] io_clamp_high,
+ inout [2:0] io_clamp_low,
+ // Independent clock (on independent integer divider)
+ input user_clock2,
+ // User maskable interrupt signals
+ output [2:0] user_irq
+/* User project is instantiated here */
+user_analog_proj_example mprj (
+ .vdda1(vdda1), // User area 1 3.3V power
+ .vdda2(vdda2), // User area 2 3.3V power
+ .vssa1(vssa1), // User area 1 analog ground
+ .vssa2(vssa2), // User area 2 analog ground
+ .vccd1(vccd1), // User area 1 1.8V power
+ .vccd2(vccd2), // User area 2 1.8V power
+ .vssd1(vssd1), // User area 1 digital ground
+ .vssd2(vssd2), // User area 2 digital ground
+ `endif
+ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
+ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
+ // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
+ .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
+ .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
+ .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
+ .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
+ .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
+ .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
+ .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
+ .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
+ // Logic Analyzer
+ .la_data_in(la_data_in),
+ .la_data_out(la_data_out),
+ .la_oenb (la_oenb),
+ // IO Pads
+ .io_in (io_in),
+ .io_in_3v3 (io_in_3v3),
+ .io_out(io_out),
+ .io_oeb(io_oeb),
+ // GPIO-analog
+ .gpio_analog(gpio_analog),
+ .gpio_noesd(gpio_noesd),
+ // Dedicated analog
+ .io_analog(io_analog),
+ .io_clamp_high(io_clamp_high),
+ .io_clamp_low(io_clamp_low),
+ // Clock
+ .user_clock2(user_clock2),
+ // IRQ
+ .irq(user_irq)
+endmodule // user_analog_project_wrapper
+`default_nettype wire
diff --git a/xschem/.spiceinit b/xschem/.spiceinit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a73aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/.spiceinit
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+* ngspice initialization for sky130
+* assert BSIM compatibility mode with "nf" vs. "W"
+set ngbehavior=hsa
+* "nomodcheck" speeds up loading time
+set ng_nomodcheck
diff --git a/xschem/analog_wrapper_tb.sch b/xschem/analog_wrapper_tb.sch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9b605c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/analog_wrapper_tb.sch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+v {xschem version=2.9.9 file_version=1.2 }
+G {}
+K {}
+V {}
+S {}
+E {}
+N 300 -290 510 -290 { lab=#net1}
+N 590 -290 590 -250 { lab=#net1}
+N 300 -250 430 -250 { lab=GND}
+N 510 -250 510 -150 { lab=GND}
+N 510 -150 780 -150 { lab=GND}
+N 780 -190 780 -150 { lab=GND}
+N 690 -190 690 -150 { lab=GND}
+N 590 -190 590 -150 { lab=GND}
+N 300 -210 400 -210 { lab=#net2}
+N 480 -270 480 -210 { lab=#net2}
+N 480 -270 690 -270 { lab=#net2}
+N 690 -270 690 -250 { lab=#net2}
+N 300 10 450 10 { lab=#net3}
+N 850 -270 850 0 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 780 -270 850 -270 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 780 -270 780 -250 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 300 30 470 30 { lab=#net4}
+N 300 50 410 50 { lab=#net5}
+N 530 10 660 10 { lab=io_analog[10:0]}
+N 510 -290 590 -290 { lab=#net1}
+N 430 -250 510 -250 { lab=GND}
+N 400 -210 480 -210 { lab=#net2}
+N 460 10 530 10 { lab=io_analog[10:0]}
+N 670 0 850 -0 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 300 -270 400 -270 { lab=#net8}
+N 300 -230 400 -230 { lab=#net9}
+N 300 -190 400 -190 { lab=#net10}
+N 300 -190 400 -190 { lab=#net10}
+N 300 -170 400 -170 { lab=#net11}
+N 290 -150 390 -150 { lab=#net12}
+N 290 -130 390 -130 { lab=#net13}
+N 290 -110 390 -110 { lab=#net14}
+N 300 -90 400 -90 { lab=#net15}
+N 300 -10 400 -10 { lab=#net16}
+N 300 70 400 70 { lab=#net17}
+N -60 -290 -0 -290 { lab=#net18}
+N -60 -270 0 -270 { lab=#net19}
+N -60 -250 0 -250 { lab=#net20}
+N -60 -230 0 -230 { lab=#net21}
+N -60 -210 0 -210 { lab=#net22}
+N -60 -210 0 -210 { lab=#net22}
+N -60 -190 0 -190 { lab=#net23}
+N -60 -190 0 -190 { lab=#net23}
+N -60 -170 0 -170 { lab=#net24}
+N -60 -150 0 -150 { lab=#net25}
+N -60 -130 0 -130 { lab=#net26}
+N -60 -110 0 -110 { lab=#net27}
+N -60 -90 0 -90 { lab=#net28}
+N -60 -70 0 -70 { lab=#net29}
+N -60 -50 0 -50 { lab=#net30}
+N 300 -70 400 -70 {}
+N 300 -50 400 -50 {}
+N 300 -30 400 -30 {}
+C {user_analog_project_wrapper.sym} 150 -110 0 0 {name=x1}
+C {devices/vsource.sym} 590 -220 0 0 {name=V1 value="PWL(0.0 0 400u 0 5.4m 3.3)"}
+C {devices/vsource.sym} 690 -220 0 0 {name=V2 value="PWL(0.0 0 300u 0 5.3 1.8)"}
+C {devices/vsource.sym} 780 -220 0 0 {name=V3 value="PWL(0.0 0 100u 0 5m 3.3)"}
+C {devices/bus_connect.sym} 660 10 1 1 {name=l1 lab=io_analog[4]}
+C {devices/gnd.sym} 730 -150 0 0 {name=l2 lab=GND}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 570 10 0 0 {name=l12 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_analog[10:0]}
+C {devices/code.sym} 920 -130 0 0 {name=TT_MODELS only_toplevel=false
+format="tcleval(@value )" value=".lib \\\\$::SKYWATER_MODELS\\\\/sky130.lib.spice tt
+.include \\\\$::PDKPATH\\\\/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.spice"}
+C {devices/code_shown.sym} 1100 -130 0 0 {name=s1
+tran 10u 20m
+plot V(\\"io_out[11]\\") V(\\"io_out[12]\\") V(\\"io_out[15]\\") V(\\"io_out[16]\\")
++ V(\\"gpio_analog[3]\\") V(\\"gpio_analog[7]\\")
diff --git a/xschem/analog_wrapper_tb.spice b/xschem/analog_wrapper_tb.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..523a509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/analog_wrapper_tb.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+**.subckt analog_wrapper_tb
+x1 net1 net6 GND net7 net2 net8 net9 net10 net16 net17 net18 net19 net20 net21[3] net21[2] net21[1]
++ net21[0] net22[31] net22[30] net22[29] net22[28] net22[27] net22[26] net22[25] net22[24] net22[23] net22[22]
++ net22[21] net22[20] net22[19] net22[18] net22[17] net22[16] net22[15] net22[14] net22[13] net22[12] net22[11]
++ net22[10] net22[9] net22[8] net22[7] net22[6] net22[5] net22[4] net22[3] net22[2] net22[1] net22[0] net23[31]
++ net23[30] net23[29] net23[28] net23[27] net23[26] net23[25] net23[24] net23[23] net23[22] net23[21] net23[20]
++ net23[19] net23[18] net23[17] net23[16] net23[15] net23[14] net23[13] net23[12] net23[11] net23[10] net23[9]
++ net23[8] net23[7] net23[6] net23[5] net23[4] net23[3] net23[2] net23[1] net23[0] net11 net12[31] net12[30]
++ net12[29] net12[28] net12[27] net12[26] net12[25] net12[24] net12[23] net12[22] net12[21] net12[20] net12[19]
++ net12[18] net12[17] net12[16] net12[15] net12[14] net12[13] net12[12] net12[11] net12[10] net12[9] net12[8]
++ net12[7] net12[6] net12[5] net12[4] net12[3] net12[2] net12[1] net12[0] net24[127] net24[126] net24[125]
++ net24[124] net24[123] net24[122] net24[121] net24[120] net24[119] net24[118] net24[117] net24[116] net24[115]
++ net24[114] net24[113] net24[112] net24[111] net24[110] net24[109] net24[108] net24[107] net24[106] net24[105]
++ net24[104] net24[103] net24[102] net24[101] net24[100] net24[99] net24[98] net24[97] net24[96] net24[95]
++ net24[94] net24[93] net24[92] net24[91] net24[90] net24[89] net24[88] net24[87] net24[86] net24[85] net24[84]
++ net24[83] net24[82] net24[81] net24[80] net24[79] net24[78] net24[77] net24[76] net24[75] net24[74] net24[73]
++ net24[72] net24[71] net24[70] net24[69] net24[68] net24[67] net24[66] net24[65] net24[64] net24[63] net24[62]
++ net24[61] net24[60] net24[59] net24[58] net24[57] net24[56] net24[55] net24[54] net24[53] net24[52] net24[51]
++ net24[50] net24[49] net24[48] net24[47] net24[46] net24[45] net24[44] net24[43] net24[42] net24[41] net24[40]
++ net24[39] net24[38] net24[37] net24[36] net24[35] net24[34] net24[33] net24[32] net24[31] net24[30] net24[29]
++ net24[28] net24[27] net24[26] net24[25] net24[24] net24[23] net24[22] net24[21] net24[20] net24[19] net24[18]
++ net24[17] net24[16] net24[15] net24[14] net24[13] net24[12] net24[11] net24[10] net24[9] net24[8] net24[7]
++ net24[6] net24[5] net24[4] net24[3] net24[2] net24[1] net24[0] net13[127] net13[126] net13[125] net13[124]
++ net13[123] net13[122] net13[121] net13[120] net13[119] net13[118] net13[117] net13[116] net13[115] net13[114]
++ net13[113] net13[112] net13[111] net13[110] net13[109] net13[108] net13[107] net13[106] net13[105] net13[104]
++ net13[103] net13[102] net13[101] net13[100] net13[99] net13[98] net13[97] net13[96] net13[95] net13[94]
++ net13[93] net13[92] net13[91] net13[90] net13[89] net13[88] net13[87] net13[86] net13[85] net13[84] net13[83]
++ net13[82] net13[81] net13[80] net13[79] net13[78] net13[77] net13[76] net13[75] net13[74] net13[73] net13[72]
++ net13[71] net13[70] net13[69] net13[68] net13[67] net13[66] net13[65] net13[64] net13[63] net13[62] net13[61]
++ net13[60] net13[59] net13[58] net13[57] net13[56] net13[55] net13[54] net13[53] net13[52] net13[51] net13[50]
++ net13[49] net13[48] net13[47] net13[46] net13[45] net13[44] net13[43] net13[42] net13[41] net13[40] net13[39]
++ net13[38] net13[37] net13[36] net13[35] net13[34] net13[33] net13[32] net13[31] net13[30] net13[29] net13[28]
++ net13[27] net13[26] net13[25] net13[24] net13[23] net13[22] net13[21] net13[20] net13[19] net13[18] net13[17]
++ net13[16] net13[15] net13[14] net13[13] net13[12] net13[11] net13[10] net13[9] net13[8] net13[7] net13[6]
++ net13[5] net13[4] net13[3] net13[2] net13[1] net13[0] net25[127] net25[126] net25[125] net25[124] net25[123]
++ net25[122] net25[121] net25[120] net25[119] net25[118] net25[117] net25[116] net25[115] net25[114] net25[113]
++ net25[112] net25[111] net25[110] net25[109] net25[108] net25[107] net25[106] net25[105] net25[104] net25[103]
++ net25[102] net25[101] net25[100] net25[99] net25[98] net25[97] net25[96] net25[95] net25[94] net25[93]
++ net25[92] net25[91] net25[90] net25[89] net25[88] net25[87] net25[86] net25[85] net25[84] net25[83] net25[82]
++ net25[81] net25[80] net25[79] net25[78] net25[77] net25[76] net25[75] net25[74] net25[73] net25[72] net25[71]
++ net25[70] net25[69] net25[68] net25[67] net25[66] net25[65] net25[64] net25[63] net25[62] net25[61] net25[60]
++ net25[59] net25[58] net25[57] net25[56] net25[55] net25[54] net25[53] net25[52] net25[51] net25[50] net25[49]
++ net25[48] net25[47] net25[46] net25[45] net25[44] net25[43] net25[42] net25[41] net25[40] net25[39] net25[38]
++ net25[37] net25[36] net25[35] net25[34] net25[33] net25[32] net25[31] net25[30] net25[29] net25[28] net25[27]
++ net25[26] net25[25] net25[24] net25[23] net25[22] net25[21] net25[20] net25[19] net25[18] net25[17] net25[16]
++ net25[15] net25[14] net25[13] net25[12] net25[11] net25[10] net25[9] net25[8] net25[7] net25[6] net25[5]
++ net25[4] net25[3] net25[2] net25[1] net25[0] net26[26] net26[25] net26[24] net26[23] net26[22] net26[21]
++ net26[20] net26[19] net26[18] net26[17] net26[16] net26[15] net26[14] net26[13] net26[12] net26[11] net26[10]
++ net26[9] net26[8] net26[7] net26[6] net26[5] net26[4] net26[3] net26[2] net26[1] net26[0] net27[26]
++ net27[25] net27[24] net27[23] net27[22] net27[21] net27[20] net27[19] net27[18] net27[17] net27[16] net27[15]
++ net27[14] net27[13] net27[12] net27[11] net27[10] net27[9] net27[8] net27[7] net27[6] net27[5] net27[4]
++ net27[3] net27[2] net27[1] net27[0] net29[26] net29[25] net29[24] net29[23] net29[22] net29[21] net29[20]
++ net29[19] net29[18] net29[17] net29[16] net29[15] net29[14] net29[13] net29[12] net29[11] net29[10] net29[9]
++ net29[8] net29[7] net29[6] net29[5] net29[4] net29[3] net29[2] net29[1] net29[0] net30[26] net30[25]
++ net30[24] net30[23] net30[22] net30[21] net30[20] net30[19] net30[18] net30[17] net30[16] net30[15] net30[14]
++ net30[13] net30[12] net30[11] net30[10] net30[9] net30[8] net30[7] net30[6] net30[5] net30[4] net30[3]
++ net30[2] net30[1] net30[0] net31[17] net31[16] net31[15] net31[14] net31[13] net31[12] net31[11] net31[10]
++ net31[9] net31[8] net31[7] net31[6] net31[5] net31[4] net31[3] net31[2] net31[1] net31[0] net14[17]
++ net14[16] net14[15] net14[14] net14[13] net14[12] net14[11] net14[10] net14[9] net14[8] net14[7] net14[6]
++ net14[5] net14[4] net14[3] net14[2] net14[1] net14[0] net3[10] net3[9] net3[8] net3[7] net3[6] net3[5]
++ net3[4] net3[3] net3[2] net3[1] net3[0] net4[2] net4[1] net4[0] net5[2] net5[1] net5[0] net28 net15[2]
++ net15[1] net15[0] user_analog_project_wrapper
+V1 net1 GND PWL(0.0 0 400u 0 5.4m 3.3)
+V2 net2 GND PWL(0.0 0 300u 0 5.3 1.8)
+V3 io_analog[4] GND PWL(0.0 0 100u 0 5m 3.3)
+**** begin user architecture code
+.lib /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ tt
+.include /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.spice
+tran 10u 20m
+plot V("io_out[11]") V("io_out[12]") V("io_out[15]") V("io_out[16]") V("gpio_analog[3]")
++ V("gpio_analog[7]")
+**** end user architecture code
+* expanding symbol: user_analog_project_wrapper.sym # of pins=32
+* sym_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sym
+* sch_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch
+.subckt user_analog_project_wrapper vdda1 vdda2 vssa1 vssa2 vccd1 vccd2 vssd1 vssd2 wb_clk_i
++ wb_rst_i wbs_stb_i wbs_cyc_i wbs_we_i wbs_sel_i[3] wbs_sel_i[2] wbs_sel_i[1] wbs_sel_i[0] wbs_dat_i[31]
++ wbs_dat_i[30] wbs_dat_i[29] wbs_dat_i[28] wbs_dat_i[27] wbs_dat_i[26] wbs_dat_i[25] wbs_dat_i[24] wbs_dat_i[23]
++ wbs_dat_i[22] wbs_dat_i[21] wbs_dat_i[20] wbs_dat_i[19] wbs_dat_i[18] wbs_dat_i[17] wbs_dat_i[16] wbs_dat_i[15]
++ wbs_dat_i[14] wbs_dat_i[13] wbs_dat_i[12] wbs_dat_i[11] wbs_dat_i[10] wbs_dat_i[9] wbs_dat_i[8] wbs_dat_i[7]
++ wbs_dat_i[6] wbs_dat_i[5] wbs_dat_i[4] wbs_dat_i[3] wbs_dat_i[2] wbs_dat_i[1] wbs_dat_i[0] wbs_adr_i[31]
++ wbs_adr_i[30] wbs_adr_i[29] wbs_adr_i[28] wbs_adr_i[27] wbs_adr_i[26] wbs_adr_i[25] wbs_adr_i[24] wbs_adr_i[23]
++ wbs_adr_i[22] wbs_adr_i[21] wbs_adr_i[20] wbs_adr_i[19] wbs_adr_i[18] wbs_adr_i[17] wbs_adr_i[16] wbs_adr_i[15]
++ wbs_adr_i[14] wbs_adr_i[13] wbs_adr_i[12] wbs_adr_i[11] wbs_adr_i[10] wbs_adr_i[9] wbs_adr_i[8] wbs_adr_i[7]
++ wbs_adr_i[6] wbs_adr_i[5] wbs_adr_i[4] wbs_adr_i[3] wbs_adr_i[2] wbs_adr_i[1] wbs_adr_i[0] wbs_ack_o
++ wbs_dat_o[31] wbs_dat_o[30] wbs_dat_o[29] wbs_dat_o[28] wbs_dat_o[27] wbs_dat_o[26] wbs_dat_o[25] wbs_dat_o[24]
++ wbs_dat_o[23] wbs_dat_o[22] wbs_dat_o[21] wbs_dat_o[20] wbs_dat_o[19] wbs_dat_o[18] wbs_dat_o[17] wbs_dat_o[16]
++ wbs_dat_o[15] wbs_dat_o[14] wbs_dat_o[13] wbs_dat_o[12] wbs_dat_o[11] wbs_dat_o[10] wbs_dat_o[9] wbs_dat_o[8]
++ wbs_dat_o[7] wbs_dat_o[6] wbs_dat_o[5] wbs_dat_o[4] wbs_dat_o[3] wbs_dat_o[2] wbs_dat_o[1] wbs_dat_o[0]
++ la_data_in[127] la_data_in[126] la_data_in[125] la_data_in[124] la_data_in[123] la_data_in[122] la_data_in[121]
++ la_data_in[120] la_data_in[119] la_data_in[118] la_data_in[117] la_data_in[116] la_data_in[115] la_data_in[114]
++ la_data_in[113] la_data_in[112] la_data_in[111] la_data_in[110] la_data_in[109] la_data_in[108] la_data_in[107]
++ la_data_in[106] la_data_in[105] la_data_in[104] la_data_in[103] la_data_in[102] la_data_in[101] la_data_in[100]
++ la_data_in[99] la_data_in[98] la_data_in[97] la_data_in[96] la_data_in[95] la_data_in[94] la_data_in[93]
++ la_data_in[92] la_data_in[91] la_data_in[90] la_data_in[89] la_data_in[88] la_data_in[87] la_data_in[86]
++ la_data_in[85] la_data_in[84] la_data_in[83] la_data_in[82] la_data_in[81] la_data_in[80] la_data_in[79]
++ la_data_in[78] la_data_in[77] la_data_in[76] la_data_in[75] la_data_in[74] la_data_in[73] la_data_in[72]
++ la_data_in[71] la_data_in[70] la_data_in[69] la_data_in[68] la_data_in[67] la_data_in[66] la_data_in[65]
++ la_data_in[64] la_data_in[63] la_data_in[62] la_data_in[61] la_data_in[60] la_data_in[59] la_data_in[58]
++ la_data_in[57] la_data_in[56] la_data_in[55] la_data_in[54] la_data_in[53] la_data_in[52] la_data_in[51]
++ la_data_in[50] la_data_in[49] la_data_in[48] la_data_in[47] la_data_in[46] la_data_in[45] la_data_in[44]
++ la_data_in[43] la_data_in[42] la_data_in[41] la_data_in[40] la_data_in[39] la_data_in[38] la_data_in[37]
++ la_data_in[36] la_data_in[35] la_data_in[34] la_data_in[33] la_data_in[32] la_data_in[31] la_data_in[30]
++ la_data_in[29] la_data_in[28] la_data_in[27] la_data_in[26] la_data_in[25] la_data_in[24] la_data_in[23]
++ la_data_in[22] la_data_in[21] la_data_in[20] la_data_in[19] la_data_in[18] la_data_in[17] la_data_in[16]
++ la_data_in[15] la_data_in[14] la_data_in[13] la_data_in[12] la_data_in[11] la_data_in[10] la_data_in[9]
++ la_data_in[8] la_data_in[7] la_data_in[6] la_data_in[5] la_data_in[4] la_data_in[3] la_data_in[2] la_data_in[1]
++ la_data_in[0] la_data_out[127] la_data_out[126] la_data_out[125] la_data_out[124] la_data_out[123]
++ la_data_out[122] la_data_out[121] la_data_out[120] la_data_out[119] la_data_out[118] la_data_out[117]
++ la_data_out[116] la_data_out[115] la_data_out[114] la_data_out[113] la_data_out[112] la_data_out[111]
++ la_data_out[110] la_data_out[109] la_data_out[108] la_data_out[107] la_data_out[106] la_data_out[105]
++ la_data_out[104] la_data_out[103] la_data_out[102] la_data_out[101] la_data_out[100] la_data_out[99] la_data_out[98]
++ la_data_out[97] la_data_out[96] la_data_out[95] la_data_out[94] la_data_out[93] la_data_out[92] la_data_out[91]
++ la_data_out[90] la_data_out[89] la_data_out[88] la_data_out[87] la_data_out[86] la_data_out[85] la_data_out[84]
++ la_data_out[83] la_data_out[82] la_data_out[81] la_data_out[80] la_data_out[79] la_data_out[78] la_data_out[77]
++ la_data_out[76] la_data_out[75] la_data_out[74] la_data_out[73] la_data_out[72] la_data_out[71] la_data_out[70]
++ la_data_out[69] la_data_out[68] la_data_out[67] la_data_out[66] la_data_out[65] la_data_out[64] la_data_out[63]
++ la_data_out[62] la_data_out[61] la_data_out[60] la_data_out[59] la_data_out[58] la_data_out[57] la_data_out[56]
++ la_data_out[55] la_data_out[54] la_data_out[53] la_data_out[52] la_data_out[51] la_data_out[50] la_data_out[49]
++ la_data_out[48] la_data_out[47] la_data_out[46] la_data_out[45] la_data_out[44] la_data_out[43] la_data_out[42]
++ la_data_out[41] la_data_out[40] la_data_out[39] la_data_out[38] la_data_out[37] la_data_out[36] la_data_out[35]
++ la_data_out[34] la_data_out[33] la_data_out[32] la_data_out[31] la_data_out[30] la_data_out[29] la_data_out[28]
++ la_data_out[27] la_data_out[26] la_data_out[25] la_data_out[24] la_data_out[23] la_data_out[22] la_data_out[21]
++ la_data_out[20] la_data_out[19] la_data_out[18] la_data_out[17] la_data_out[16] la_data_out[15] la_data_out[14]
++ la_data_out[13] la_data_out[12] la_data_out[11] la_data_out[10] la_data_out[9] la_data_out[8] la_data_out[7]
++ la_data_out[6] la_data_out[5] la_data_out[4] la_data_out[3] la_data_out[2] la_data_out[1] la_data_out[0]
++ la_oenb[127] la_oenb[126] la_oenb[125] la_oenb[124] la_oenb[123] la_oenb[122] la_oenb[121] la_oenb[120]
++ la_oenb[119] la_oenb[118] la_oenb[117] la_oenb[116] la_oenb[115] la_oenb[114] la_oenb[113] la_oenb[112]
++ la_oenb[111] la_oenb[110] la_oenb[109] la_oenb[108] la_oenb[107] la_oenb[106] la_oenb[105] la_oenb[104]
++ la_oenb[103] la_oenb[102] la_oenb[101] la_oenb[100] la_oenb[99] la_oenb[98] la_oenb[97] la_oenb[96] la_oenb[95]
++ la_oenb[94] la_oenb[93] la_oenb[92] la_oenb[91] la_oenb[90] la_oenb[89] la_oenb[88] la_oenb[87] la_oenb[86]
++ la_oenb[85] la_oenb[84] la_oenb[83] la_oenb[82] la_oenb[81] la_oenb[80] la_oenb[79] la_oenb[78] la_oenb[77]
++ la_oenb[76] la_oenb[75] la_oenb[74] la_oenb[73] la_oenb[72] la_oenb[71] la_oenb[70] la_oenb[69] la_oenb[68]
++ la_oenb[67] la_oenb[66] la_oenb[65] la_oenb[64] la_oenb[63] la_oenb[62] la_oenb[61] la_oenb[60] la_oenb[59]
++ la_oenb[58] la_oenb[57] la_oenb[56] la_oenb[55] la_oenb[54] la_oenb[53] la_oenb[52] la_oenb[51] la_oenb[50]
++ la_oenb[49] la_oenb[48] la_oenb[47] la_oenb[46] la_oenb[45] la_oenb[44] la_oenb[43] la_oenb[42] la_oenb[41]
++ la_oenb[40] la_oenb[39] la_oenb[38] la_oenb[37] la_oenb[36] la_oenb[35] la_oenb[34] la_oenb[33] la_oenb[32]
++ la_oenb[31] la_oenb[30] la_oenb[29] la_oenb[28] la_oenb[27] la_oenb[26] la_oenb[25] la_oenb[24] la_oenb[23]
++ la_oenb[22] la_oenb[21] la_oenb[20] la_oenb[19] la_oenb[18] la_oenb[17] la_oenb[16] la_oenb[15] la_oenb[14]
++ la_oenb[13] la_oenb[12] la_oenb[11] la_oenb[10] la_oenb[9] la_oenb[8] la_oenb[7] la_oenb[6] la_oenb[5]
++ la_oenb[4] la_oenb[3] la_oenb[2] la_oenb[1] la_oenb[0] io_in[26] io_in[25] io_in[24] io_in[23] io_in[22]
++ io_in[21] io_in[20] io_in[19] io_in[18] io_in[17] io_in[16] io_in[15] io_in[14] io_in[13] io_in[12] io_in[11]
++ io_in[10] io_in[9] io_in[8] io_in[7] io_in[6] io_in[5] io_in[4] io_in[3] io_in[2] io_in[1] io_in[0]
++ io_in_3v3[26] io_in_3v3[25] io_in_3v3[24] io_in_3v3[23] io_in_3v3[22] io_in_3v3[21] io_in_3v3[20] io_in_3v3[19]
++ io_in_3v3[18] io_in_3v3[17] io_in_3v3[16] io_in_3v3[15] io_in_3v3[14] io_in_3v3[13] io_in_3v3[12] io_in_3v3[11]
++ io_in_3v3[10] io_in_3v3[9] io_in_3v3[8] io_in_3v3[7] io_in_3v3[6] io_in_3v3[5] io_in_3v3[4] io_in_3v3[3]
++ io_in_3v3[2] io_in_3v3[1] io_in_3v3[0] io_out[26] io_out[25] io_out[24] io_out[23] io_out[22] io_out[21]
++ io_out[20] io_out[19] io_out[18] io_out[17] io_out[16] io_out[15] io_out[14] io_out[13] io_out[12] io_out[11]
++ io_out[10] io_out[9] io_out[8] io_out[7] io_out[6] io_out[5] io_out[4] io_out[3] io_out[2] io_out[1] io_out[0]
++ io_oeb[26] io_oeb[25] io_oeb[24] io_oeb[23] io_oeb[22] io_oeb[21] io_oeb[20] io_oeb[19] io_oeb[18] io_oeb[17]
++ io_oeb[16] io_oeb[15] io_oeb[14] io_oeb[13] io_oeb[12] io_oeb[11] io_oeb[10] io_oeb[9] io_oeb[8] io_oeb[7]
++ io_oeb[6] io_oeb[5] io_oeb[4] io_oeb[3] io_oeb[2] io_oeb[1] io_oeb[0] gpio_analog[17] gpio_analog[16]
++ gpio_analog[15] gpio_analog[14] gpio_analog[13] gpio_analog[12] gpio_analog[11] gpio_analog[10] gpio_analog[9]
++ gpio_analog[8] gpio_analog[7] gpio_analog[6] gpio_analog[5] gpio_analog[4] gpio_analog[3] gpio_analog[2]
++ gpio_analog[1] gpio_analog[0] gpio_noesd[17] gpio_noesd[16] gpio_noesd[15] gpio_noesd[14] gpio_noesd[13]
++ gpio_noesd[12] gpio_noesd[11] gpio_noesd[10] gpio_noesd[9] gpio_noesd[8] gpio_noesd[7] gpio_noesd[6] gpio_noesd[5]
++ gpio_noesd[4] gpio_noesd[3] gpio_noesd[2] gpio_noesd[1] gpio_noesd[0] io_analog[10] io_analog[9] io_analog[8]
++ io_analog[7] io_analog[6] io_analog[5] io_analog[4] io_analog[3] io_analog[2] io_analog[1] io_analog[0]
++ io_clamp_high[2] io_clamp_high[1] io_clamp_high[0] io_clamp_low[2] io_clamp_low[1] io_clamp_low[0] user_clock2
++ user_irq[2] user_irq[1] user_irq[0]
+*.iopin vdda1
+*.iopin vdda2
+*.iopin vssa1
+*.iopin vssa2
+*.iopin vccd1
+*.iopin vccd2
+*.iopin vssd1
+*.iopin vssd2
+*.ipin wb_clk_i
+*.ipin wb_rst_i
+*.ipin wbs_stb_i
+*.ipin wbs_cyc_i
+*.ipin wbs_we_i
+*.ipin wbs_sel_i[3],wbs_sel_i[2],wbs_sel_i[1],wbs_sel_i[0]
+*+ wbs_dat_i[31],wbs_dat_i[30],wbs_dat_i[29],wbs_dat_i[28],wbs_dat_i[27],wbs_dat_i[26],wbs_dat_i[25],wbs_dat_i[24],wbs_dat_i[23],wbs_dat_i[22],wbs_dat_i[21],wbs_dat_i[20],wbs_dat_i[19],wbs_dat_i[18],wbs_dat_i[17],wbs_dat_i[16],wbs_dat_i[15],wbs_dat_i[14],wbs_dat_i[13],wbs_dat_i[12],wbs_dat_i[11],wbs_dat_i[10],wbs_dat_i[9],wbs_dat_i[8],wbs_dat_i[7],wbs_dat_i[6],wbs_dat_i[5],wbs_dat_i[4],wbs_dat_i[3],wbs_dat_i[2],wbs_dat_i[1],wbs_dat_i[0]
+*+ wbs_adr_i[31],wbs_adr_i[30],wbs_adr_i[29],wbs_adr_i[28],wbs_adr_i[27],wbs_adr_i[26],wbs_adr_i[25],wbs_adr_i[24],wbs_adr_i[23],wbs_adr_i[22],wbs_adr_i[21],wbs_adr_i[20],wbs_adr_i[19],wbs_adr_i[18],wbs_adr_i[17],wbs_adr_i[16],wbs_adr_i[15],wbs_adr_i[14],wbs_adr_i[13],wbs_adr_i[12],wbs_adr_i[11],wbs_adr_i[10],wbs_adr_i[9],wbs_adr_i[8],wbs_adr_i[7],wbs_adr_i[6],wbs_adr_i[5],wbs_adr_i[4],wbs_adr_i[3],wbs_adr_i[2],wbs_adr_i[1],wbs_adr_i[0]
+*.opin wbs_ack_o
+*+ wbs_dat_o[31],wbs_dat_o[30],wbs_dat_o[29],wbs_dat_o[28],wbs_dat_o[27],wbs_dat_o[26],wbs_dat_o[25],wbs_dat_o[24],wbs_dat_o[23],wbs_dat_o[22],wbs_dat_o[21],wbs_dat_o[20],wbs_dat_o[19],wbs_dat_o[18],wbs_dat_o[17],wbs_dat_o[16],wbs_dat_o[15],wbs_dat_o[14],wbs_dat_o[13],wbs_dat_o[12],wbs_dat_o[11],wbs_dat_o[10],wbs_dat_o[9],wbs_dat_o[8],wbs_dat_o[7],wbs_dat_o[6],wbs_dat_o[5],wbs_dat_o[4],wbs_dat_o[3],wbs_dat_o[2],wbs_dat_o[1],wbs_dat_o[0]
+*+ la_data_in[127],la_data_in[126],la_data_in[125],la_data_in[124],la_data_in[123],la_data_in[122],la_data_in[121],la_data_in[120],la_data_in[119],la_data_in[118],la_data_in[117],la_data_in[116],la_data_in[115],la_data_in[114],la_data_in[113],la_data_in[112],la_data_in[111],la_data_in[110],la_data_in[109],la_data_in[108],la_data_in[107],la_data_in[106],la_data_in[105],la_data_in[104],la_data_in[103],la_data_in[102],la_data_in[101],la_data_in[100],la_data_in[99],la_data_in[98],la_data_in[97],la_data_in[96],la_data_in[95],la_data_in[94],la_data_in[93],la_data_in[92],la_data_in[91],la_data_in[90],la_data_in[89],la_data_in[88],la_data_in[87],la_data_in[86],la_data_in[85],la_data_in[84],la_data_in[83],la_data_in[82],la_data_in[81],la_data_in[80],la_data_in[79],la_data_in[78],la_data_in[77],la_data_in[76],la_data_in[75],la_data_in[74],la_data_in[73],la_data_in[72],la_data_in[71],la_data_in[70],la_data_in[69],la_data_in[68],la_data_in[67],la_data_in[66],la_data_in[65],la_data_in[64],la_data_in[63],la_data_in[62],la_data_in[61],la_data_in[60],la_data_in[59],la_data_in[58],la_data_in[57],la_data_in[56],la_data_in[55],la_data_in[54],la_data_in[53],la_data_in[52],la_data_in[51],la_data_in[50],la_data_in[49],la_data_in[48],la_data_in[47],la_data_in[46],la_data_in[45],la_data_in[44],la_data_in[43],la_data_in[42],la_data_in[41],la_data_in[40],la_data_in[39],la_data_in[38],la_data_in[37],la_data_in[36],la_data_in[35],la_data_in[34],la_data_in[33],la_data_in[32],la_data_in[31],la_data_in[30],la_data_in[29],la_data_in[28],la_data_in[27],la_data_in[26],la_data_in[25],la_data_in[24],la_data_in[23],la_data_in[22],la_data_in[21],la_data_in[20],la_data_in[19],la_data_in[18],la_data_in[17],la_data_in[16],la_data_in[15],la_data_in[14],la_data_in[13],la_data_in[12],la_data_in[11],la_data_in[10],la_data_in[9],la_data_in[8],la_data_in[7],la_data_in[6],la_data_in[5],la_data_in[4],la_data_in[3],la_data_in[2],la_data_in[1],la_data_in[0]
+*+ la_data_out[127],la_data_out[126],la_data_out[125],la_data_out[124],la_data_out[123],la_data_out[122],la_data_out[121],la_data_out[120],la_data_out[119],la_data_out[118],la_data_out[117],la_data_out[116],la_data_out[115],la_data_out[114],la_data_out[113],la_data_out[112],la_data_out[111],la_data_out[110],la_data_out[109],la_data_out[108],la_data_out[107],la_data_out[106],la_data_out[105],la_data_out[104],la_data_out[103],la_data_out[102],la_data_out[101],la_data_out[100],la_data_out[99],la_data_out[98],la_data_out[97],la_data_out[96],la_data_out[95],la_data_out[94],la_data_out[93],la_data_out[92],la_data_out[91],la_data_out[90],la_data_out[89],la_data_out[88],la_data_out[87],la_data_out[86],la_data_out[85],la_data_out[84],la_data_out[83],la_data_out[82],la_data_out[81],la_data_out[80],la_data_out[79],la_data_out[78],la_data_out[77],la_data_out[76],la_data_out[75],la_data_out[74],la_data_out[73],la_data_out[72],la_data_out[71],la_data_out[70],la_data_out[69],la_data_out[68],la_data_out[67],la_data_out[66],la_data_out[65],la_data_out[64],la_data_out[63],la_data_out[62],la_data_out[61],la_data_out[60],la_data_out[59],la_data_out[58],la_data_out[57],la_data_out[56],la_data_out[55],la_data_out[54],la_data_out[53],la_data_out[52],la_data_out[51],la_data_out[50],la_data_out[49],la_data_out[48],la_data_out[47],la_data_out[46],la_data_out[45],la_data_out[44],la_data_out[43],la_data_out[42],la_data_out[41],la_data_out[40],la_data_out[39],la_data_out[38],la_data_out[37],la_data_out[36],la_data_out[35],la_data_out[34],la_data_out[33],la_data_out[32],la_data_out[31],la_data_out[30],la_data_out[29],la_data_out[28],la_data_out[27],la_data_out[26],la_data_out[25],la_data_out[24],la_data_out[23],la_data_out[22],la_data_out[21],la_data_out[20],la_data_out[19],la_data_out[18],la_data_out[17],la_data_out[16],la_data_out[15],la_data_out[14],la_data_out[13],la_data_out[12],la_data_out[11],la_data_out[10],la_data_out[9],la_data_out[8],la_data_out[7],la_data_out[6],la_data_out[5],la_data_out[4],la_data_out[3],la_data_out[2],la_data_out[1],la_data_out[0]
+*+ io_in[26],io_in[25],io_in[24],io_in[23],io_in[22],io_in[21],io_in[20],io_in[19],io_in[18],io_in[17],io_in[16],io_in[15],io_in[14],io_in[13],io_in[12],io_in[11],io_in[10],io_in[9],io_in[8],io_in[7],io_in[6],io_in[5],io_in[4],io_in[3],io_in[2],io_in[1],io_in[0]
+*+ io_in_3v3[26],io_in_3v3[25],io_in_3v3[24],io_in_3v3[23],io_in_3v3[22],io_in_3v3[21],io_in_3v3[20],io_in_3v3[19],io_in_3v3[18],io_in_3v3[17],io_in_3v3[16],io_in_3v3[15],io_in_3v3[14],io_in_3v3[13],io_in_3v3[12],io_in_3v3[11],io_in_3v3[10],io_in_3v3[9],io_in_3v3[8],io_in_3v3[7],io_in_3v3[6],io_in_3v3[5],io_in_3v3[4],io_in_3v3[3],io_in_3v3[2],io_in_3v3[1],io_in_3v3[0]
+*.ipin user_clock2
+*+ io_out[26],io_out[25],io_out[24],io_out[23],io_out[22],io_out[21],io_out[20],io_out[19],io_out[18],io_out[17],io_out[16],io_out[15],io_out[14],io_out[13],io_out[12],io_out[11],io_out[10],io_out[9],io_out[8],io_out[7],io_out[6],io_out[5],io_out[4],io_out[3],io_out[2],io_out[1],io_out[0]
+*+ io_oeb[26],io_oeb[25],io_oeb[24],io_oeb[23],io_oeb[22],io_oeb[21],io_oeb[20],io_oeb[19],io_oeb[18],io_oeb[17],io_oeb[16],io_oeb[15],io_oeb[14],io_oeb[13],io_oeb[12],io_oeb[11],io_oeb[10],io_oeb[9],io_oeb[8],io_oeb[7],io_oeb[6],io_oeb[5],io_oeb[4],io_oeb[3],io_oeb[2],io_oeb[1],io_oeb[0]
+*+ gpio_analog[17],gpio_analog[16],gpio_analog[15],gpio_analog[14],gpio_analog[13],gpio_analog[12],gpio_analog[11],gpio_analog[10],gpio_analog[9],gpio_analog[8],gpio_analog[7],gpio_analog[6],gpio_analog[5],gpio_analog[4],gpio_analog[3],gpio_analog[2],gpio_analog[1],gpio_analog[0]
+*+ gpio_noesd[17],gpio_noesd[16],gpio_noesd[15],gpio_noesd[14],gpio_noesd[13],gpio_noesd[12],gpio_noesd[11],gpio_noesd[10],gpio_noesd[9],gpio_noesd[8],gpio_noesd[7],gpio_noesd[6],gpio_noesd[5],gpio_noesd[4],gpio_noesd[3],gpio_noesd[2],gpio_noesd[1],gpio_noesd[0]
+*+ io_analog[10],io_analog[9],io_analog[8],io_analog[7],io_analog[6],io_analog[5],io_analog[4],io_analog[3],io_analog[2],io_analog[1],io_analog[0]
+*.iopin io_clamp_high[2],io_clamp_high[1],io_clamp_high[0]
+*.iopin io_clamp_low[2],io_clamp_low[1],io_clamp_low[0]
+*.opin user_irq[2],user_irq[1],user_irq[0]
+*+ la_oenb[127],la_oenb[126],la_oenb[125],la_oenb[124],la_oenb[123],la_oenb[122],la_oenb[121],la_oenb[120],la_oenb[119],la_oenb[118],la_oenb[117],la_oenb[116],la_oenb[115],la_oenb[114],la_oenb[113],la_oenb[112],la_oenb[111],la_oenb[110],la_oenb[109],la_oenb[108],la_oenb[107],la_oenb[106],la_oenb[105],la_oenb[104],la_oenb[103],la_oenb[102],la_oenb[101],la_oenb[100],la_oenb[99],la_oenb[98],la_oenb[97],la_oenb[96],la_oenb[95],la_oenb[94],la_oenb[93],la_oenb[92],la_oenb[91],la_oenb[90],la_oenb[89],la_oenb[88],la_oenb[87],la_oenb[86],la_oenb[85],la_oenb[84],la_oenb[83],la_oenb[82],la_oenb[81],la_oenb[80],la_oenb[79],la_oenb[78],la_oenb[77],la_oenb[76],la_oenb[75],la_oenb[74],la_oenb[73],la_oenb[72],la_oenb[71],la_oenb[70],la_oenb[69],la_oenb[68],la_oenb[67],la_oenb[66],la_oenb[65],la_oenb[64],la_oenb[63],la_oenb[62],la_oenb[61],la_oenb[60],la_oenb[59],la_oenb[58],la_oenb[57],la_oenb[56],la_oenb[55],la_oenb[54],la_oenb[53],la_oenb[52],la_oenb[51],la_oenb[50],la_oenb[49],la_oenb[48],la_oenb[47],la_oenb[46],la_oenb[45],la_oenb[44],la_oenb[43],la_oenb[42],la_oenb[41],la_oenb[40],la_oenb[39],la_oenb[38],la_oenb[37],la_oenb[36],la_oenb[35],la_oenb[34],la_oenb[33],la_oenb[32],la_oenb[31],la_oenb[30],la_oenb[29],la_oenb[28],la_oenb[27],la_oenb[26],la_oenb[25],la_oenb[24],la_oenb[23],la_oenb[22],la_oenb[21],la_oenb[20],la_oenb[19],la_oenb[18],la_oenb[17],la_oenb[16],la_oenb[15],la_oenb[14],la_oenb[13],la_oenb[12],la_oenb[11],la_oenb[10],la_oenb[9],la_oenb[8],la_oenb[7],la_oenb[6],la_oenb[5],la_oenb[4],la_oenb[3],la_oenb[2],la_oenb[1],la_oenb[0]
+x1 vdda1 vccd1 gpio_analog[3] io_out[11] io_out[12] vssa1 example_por
+x2 io_analog[4] vccd1 gpio_analog[7] io_out[15] io_out[16] vssa1 example_por
+R1 vssa1 io_clamp_low[2] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=11 L=0.25 m=1
+R2 vssa1 io_clamp_high[2] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=11 L=0.25 m=1
+R4 vssa1 io_clamp_low[1] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=11 L=0.25 m=1
+R5 vssa1 io_clamp_high[1] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=11 L=0.25 m=1
+R6 vssa1 io_clamp_low[0] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=11 L=0.25 m=1
+R7 io_analog[4] io_clamp_high[0] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=11 L=0.25 m=1
+R8 vssd1 io_oeb[12] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=0.56 L=0.49 m=1
+R9 vssd1 io_oeb[16] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=0.56 L=0.31 m=1
+R11 vssd1 io_oeb[11] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=0.56 L=0.58 m=1
+R12 vssd1 io_oeb[15] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=0.56 L=0.6 m=1
+* expanding symbol: example_por.sym # of pins=6
+* sym_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sym
+* sch_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sch
+.subckt example_por vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l vss
+*.iopin vdd3v3
+*.iopin vss
+*.opin porb_h
+*.opin porb_l
+*.opin por_l
+*.iopin vdd1v8
+XC1 net9 vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XC2 vss net9 sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XM1 net3 net7 net5 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM2 net2 net3 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR1 net4 vdd3v3 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=500 mult=1 m=1
+XM4 net5 net6 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM5 net3 net3 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR2 vss net4 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=150 mult=1 m=1
+XM7 net2 net2 net1 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM8 net1 net1 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM10 net7 net4 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM9 net7 net7 net6 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM11 net6 net6 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=16 nf=8 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM12 net8 net1 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM13 net9 net2 net8 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR3 vss vss vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=25 mult=2 m=2
+x2 net10 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 porb_h sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x3 net10 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 porb_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x4 net10 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 por_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+x5 net9 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 net10 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+** flattened .save nodes
diff --git a/xschem/current_test.spice b/xschem/current_test.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4162d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/current_test.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+* Simple POR circuit for Caravel current mirror test
+.param mc_mm_switch=0
+.lib /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ tt
+* Note: 20 resistors of length 25um connected in series
+Xres1 vdda vin vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=500
+Xres2 vin vss vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 l=149
+* voltage sources at 0V for measuring current in each branch
+Vm1 vssm1 vss DC=0
+Vm2 vdda vddm2 DC=0
+Vm3 vdda vddm3 DC=0
+Vm4 vssm4 vss DC=0
+Vm5 vssm5 vss DC=0
+Vm6 vdda vddm6 DC=0
+Vm7 vdda vddm7 DC=0
+* D G S B
+Xm1 casc1 vin vssm1 vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+Xc1 mir1 casc1 casc1 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+Xm2 mir1 mir1 vddm2 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=8
+Xm3 mir2 mir1 vddm3 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+Xc2 casc2 casc1 mir2 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+Xm4 casc2 casc2 vssm4 vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=7
+Xm5 casc3 casc2 vssm5 vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+Xc3 mir3 casc3 casc3 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+Xm6 mir3 mir3 vddm6 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=7
+Xm7 mir4 mir3 vddm7 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+Xc4 vcap casc3 mir4 vdda sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8 m=1
+* Check branch currents in each mirror branch.
+* 1st branch should be 240nA
+* 2nd branch should be 30nA
+* 3rd branch should be 4.3nA
+* 4th branch should be 612pA
+* Result: vin sits at 0.7590 (close to 0.7575 target)
+* I(Vm1/2) = 202.80 nA
+* I(Vm3/4) = 26.10 nA (should be /8) actually /7.77
+* I(Vm5/6) = 4.58 nA (should be /7) actually /5.70
+* I(Vm7) = 0.67 nA (should be /7) actually /6.80
+* Testbench circuit
+Vpwr vdda vss DC=3.3
+Rgnd vss 0 0.01
+Rload vcap vss 1MEG
+* Testbench control
+print V(vin)
+print I(Vm1)
+print I(Vm2)
+print I(Vm3)
+print I(Vm4)
+print I(Vm5)
+print I(Vm6)
+print I(Vm7)
diff --git a/xschem/example_por.sch b/xschem/example_por.sch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6e0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/example_por.sch
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+v {xschem version=2.9.9 file_version=1.2 }
+G {}
+K {}
+V {}
+S {}
+E {}
+L 4 3370 -60 3390 -60 {}
+L 4 3390 -60 3390 80 {}
+L 4 3370 80 3390 80 {}
+T {Current step-down mirror} 2270 140 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {Charge accumulator} 2650 140 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {Voltage divider} 1860 140 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {Schmitt trigger} 2930 -200 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {150 / 650 * 3.3V = 0.76V} 1860 180 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {step down 8x} 2130 -430 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {step down 7x} 2330 80 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {step down 7x} 2520 -430 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {1.8V domain outputs} 3400 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {3.3V domain output} 3410 -140 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {392 : 1} 2270 180 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
+T {Simple power-on-reset circuit
+calibrated to 500us nominal delay
+no temperature compensation} 1950 -570 0 0 0.6 0.6 {}
+N 2500 -310 2500 -270 { lab=#net1}
+N 2500 -210 2500 -100 { lab=#net2}
+N 2300 -40 2300 20 { lab=#net3}
+N 2300 80 2300 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2360 110 2500 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2500 80 2500 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2400 50 2460 50 { lab=#net3}
+N 2360 -400 2500 -400 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2500 -400 2500 -370 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2500 -400 2790 -400 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2300 -10 2370 -10 { lab=#net3}
+N 2370 -10 2370 50 { lab=#net3}
+N 2500 -290 2570 -290 { lab=#net1}
+N 2570 -340 2570 -290 { lab=#net1}
+N 2540 -340 2570 -340 { lab=#net1}
+N 2500 -190 2570 -190 { lab=#net2}
+N 2570 -240 2570 -190 { lab=#net2}
+N 2540 -240 2570 -240 { lab=#net2}
+N 2240 110 2360 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2500 110 2630 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2500 50 2630 50 { lab=vss}
+N 2110 110 2240 110 { lab=vss}
+N 1930 60 1930 110 { lab=vss}
+N 1930 -160 1930 0 { lab=#net4}
+N 1930 -400 1930 -220 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2110 -400 2360 -400 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 1880 -190 1910 -190 { lab=vss}
+N 1880 -190 1880 110 { lab=vss}
+N 1880 110 1930 110 { lab=vss}
+N 1880 30 1910 30 { lab=vss}
+N 2300 -310 2300 -270 { lab=#net5}
+N 2300 -400 2300 -370 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2300 -140 2300 -100 { lab=#net3}
+N 2340 50 2400 50 { lab=#net3}
+N 2300 -210 2300 -140 { lab=#net3}
+N 2100 80 2100 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2100 110 2110 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2050 50 2060 50 { lab=#net4}
+N 2050 -70 2050 50 { lab=#net4}
+N 1930 -70 2050 -70 { lab=#net4}
+N 1930 -400 2110 -400 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2100 -400 2100 -370 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2100 -310 2100 -270 { lab=#net6}
+N 2100 -210 2100 20 { lab=#net7}
+N 2100 50 2300 50 { lab=vss}
+N 2200 50 2200 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2140 -240 2260 -240 { lab=#net7}
+N 2140 -340 2260 -340 { lab=#net6}
+N 2100 -290 2180 -290 { lab=#net6}
+N 2180 -340 2180 -290 { lab=#net6}
+N 2100 -180 2180 -180 { lab=#net7}
+N 2180 -240 2180 -180 { lab=#net7}
+N 1930 -240 2100 -240 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 1930 -340 2100 -340 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 1930 110 2100 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2300 -240 2500 -240 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2300 -340 2500 -340 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2400 -340 2400 -240 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2400 -400 2400 -340 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2570 -240 2650 -240 { lab=#net2}
+N 2570 -340 2650 -340 { lab=#net1}
+N 2690 -400 2690 -370 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2790 -400 2790 -340 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2690 -340 2790 -340 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2690 -240 2790 -240 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2790 -340 2790 -240 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2690 -310 2690 -270 { lab=#net8}
+N 2690 -210 2690 -150 { lab=#net9}
+N 1830 30 1880 30 { lab=vss}
+N 1810 60 1810 110 { lab=vss}
+N 1810 110 1880 110 { lab=vss}
+N 1810 -70 1810 0 { lab=vss}
+N 1810 -70 1880 -70 { lab=vss}
+N 2690 -150 2690 -70 { lab=#net9}
+N 2820 -130 2820 -70 { lab=#net9}
+N 2690 -130 2820 -130 { lab=#net9}
+N 2630 110 2820 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2820 -10 2820 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2690 -10 2690 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2820 -130 2980 -130 { lab=#net9}
+N 3060 -130 3130 -130 { lab=#net10}
+N 3090 -130 3090 60 { lab=#net10}
+N 3090 60 3130 60 { lab=#net10}
+N 3090 -40 3130 -40 { lab=#net10}
+N 3210 -130 3300 -130 { lab=porb_h}
+N 3210 -40 3300 -40 { lab=porb_l}
+N 3210 60 3300 60 { lab=por_l}
+N 2790 -400 2840 -400 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N 2820 110 2870 110 { lab=vss}
+N 2630 50 2690 50 { lab=vss}
+N 2300 -100 2300 -40 { lab=#net3}
+N 2500 -100 2500 -30 { lab=#net2}
+N 2500 -30 2500 20 { lab=#net2}
+C {sky130_fd_pr/cap_mim_m3_1.sym} 2690 -40 0 0 {name=C1 model=cap_mim_m3_1 W=30 L=30 MF=1 spiceprefix=X}
+C {sky130_fd_pr/cap_mim_m3_2.sym} 2820 -40 2 1 {name=C2 model=cap_mim_m3_2 W=30 L=30 MF=1 spiceprefix=X}
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2280 -240 0 0 {name=M1
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/nfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2480 50 0 0 {name=M2
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_xhigh_po_0p69.sym} 1930 -190 0 0 {name=R1
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2280 -340 0 0 {name=M4
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/nfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2320 50 0 1 {name=M5
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_xhigh_po_0p69.sym} 1930 30 0 0 {name=R2
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2520 -240 0 1 {name=M7
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2520 -340 0 1 {name=M8
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/nfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2080 50 0 0 {name=M10
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2120 -240 0 1 {name=M9
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2120 -340 0 1 {name=M11
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2670 -340 0 0 {name=M12
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/pfet_g5v0d10v5.sym} 2670 -240 0 0 {name=M13
+ad="'int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+pd="'2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+as="'int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'"
+ps="'2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'"
+nrd="'0.29 / W'" nrs="'0.29 / W'"
+sa=0 sb=0 sd=0
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_xhigh_po_0p69.sym} 1810 30 0 1 {name=R3
+C {sky130_stdcells/buf_8.sym} 3170 -130 0 0 {name=x2 VGND=vss VNB=vss VPB=vdd3v3 VPWR=vdd3v3 prefix=sky130_fd_sc_hvl__ }
+C {sky130_stdcells/buf_8.sym} 3170 -40 0 0 {name=x3 VGND=vss VNB=vss VPB=vdd1v8 VPWR=vdd1v8 prefix=sky130_fd_sc_hvl__ }
+C {sky130_stdcells/inv_8.sym} 3170 60 0 0 {name=x4 VGND=vss VNB=vss VPB=vdd1v8 VPWR=vdd1v8 prefix=sky130_fd_sc_hvl__ }
+C {sky130_stdcells/buf_1.sym} 3020 -130 0 0 {name=x5 VGND=vss VNB=vss VPB=vdd3v3 VPWR=vdd3v3 prefix=sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmitt }
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 2840 -400 0 0 {name=p1 lab=vdd3v3}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 2870 110 0 0 {name=p2 lab=vss}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3300 -130 0 0 {name=p3 lab=porb_h}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3300 -40 0 0 {name=p4 lab=porb_l}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3300 60 0 0 {name=p5 lab=por_l}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 2840 -330 0 0 {name=p6 lab=vdd1v8}
diff --git a/xschem/example_por.sym b/xschem/example_por.sym
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3875f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/example_por.sym
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+v {xschem version=2.9.9 file_version=1.2 }
+G {}
+K {type=subcircuit
+format="@name @pinlist @symname"
+V {}
+S {}
+E {}
+L 4 -130 -60 130 -60 {}
+L 4 -130 60 130 60 {}
+L 4 -130 -60 -130 60 {}
+L 4 130 -60 130 60 {}
+L 4 130 -30 150 -30 {}
+L 4 130 0 150 0 {}
+L 4 130 30 150 30 {}
+L 7 -30 -80 -30 -60 {}
+L 7 30 -80 30 -60 {}
+L 7 0 60 0 80 {}
+B 5 -32.5 -82.5 -27.5 -77.5 {name=vdd3v3 dir=inout }
+B 5 27.5 -82.5 32.5 -77.5 {name=vdd1v8 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -32.5 152.5 -27.5 {name=porb_h dir=out }
+B 5 147.5 -2.5 152.5 2.5 {name=porb_l dir=out }
+B 5 147.5 27.5 152.5 32.5 {name=por_l dir=out }
+B 5 -2.5 77.5 2.5 82.5 {name=vss dir=inout }
+T {@symname} -47.5 -6 0 0 0.3 0.3 {}
+T {@name} -25 18 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vdd3v3} -15 -54 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vdd1v8} 55 -54 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {porb_h} 125 -34 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {porb_l} 125 -4 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {por_l} 125 26 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vss} 5 46 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
diff --git a/xschem/example_por_tb.sch b/xschem/example_por_tb.sch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24d814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/example_por_tb.sch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+v {xschem version=2.9.9 file_version=1.2 }
+G {}
+K {}
+V {}
+S {}
+E {}
+T {Testbench for simple POR} -350 -240 0 0 0.6 0.6 {}
+N -280 60 -10 60 { lab=GND}
+N -540 0 -540 60 { lab=GND}
+N -330 0 -330 60 { lab=GND}
+N -330 -100 -330 -60 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N -330 -110 -330 -100 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N -210 -110 -40 -110 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N -40 -110 -40 -100 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N -540 -130 -540 -60 { lab=vdd1v8}
+N -280 -130 20 -130 { lab=vdd1v8}
+N 20 -130 20 -100 { lab=vdd1v8}
+N 140 -50 180 -50 { lab=porb_h}
+N 140 -20 180 -20 { lab=porb_l}
+N 140 10 180 10 { lab=por_l}
+N -340 -110 -330 -110 { lab=vdd3v3}
+N -500 -130 -490 -130 { lab=vdd1v8}
+N -540 -130 -500 -130 { lab=vdd1v8}
+N -560 -130 -540 -130 { lab=vdd1v8}
+N -540 60 -490 60 { lab=GND}
+N -490 -130 -280 -130 { lab=vdd1v8}
+N -490 60 -330 60 { lab=GND}
+N -330 60 -280 60 { lab=GND}
+N -330 -110 -210 -110 { lab=vdd3v3}
+C {example_por.sym} -10 -20 0 0 {name=x1}
+C {devices/gnd.sym} -100 60 0 0 {name=l1 lab=GND}
+C {devices/vsource.sym} -330 -30 0 0 {name=V1 value="PWL(0.0 0 100u 0 5m 3.3)"}
+C {devices/vsource.sym} -540 -30 0 0 {name=V2 value="PWL(0.0 0 300u 0 5.3m 1.8)"}
+C {devices/opin.sym} -340 -110 0 1 {name=p1 lab=vdd3v3}
+C {devices/opin.sym} -560 -130 0 1 {name=p2 lab=vdd1v8}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 180 -50 0 0 {name=p3 lab=porb_h}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 180 -20 0 0 {name=p4 lab=porb_l}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 180 10 0 0 {name=p5 lab=por_l}
+C {devices/code.sym} -470 140 0 0 {name=TT_MODELS only_toplevel=false
+format="tcleval(@value )" value=".lib \\\\$::SKYWATER_MODELS\\\\/sky130.lib.spice tt
+.include \\\\$::PDKPATH\\\\/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.spice"}
+C {devices/code_shown.sym} -320 160 0 0 {name=s2 only_toplevel=false value=".control
+tran 1u 20m
+plot V(vdd3v3) V(vdd1v8) V(porb_h) V(porb_l) V(por_l)
diff --git a/xschem/example_por_tb.spice b/xschem/example_por_tb.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa82f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/example_por_tb.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+**.subckt example_por_tb vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l
+*.opin vdd3v3
+*.opin vdd1v8
+*.opin porb_h
+*.opin porb_l
+*.opin por_l
+x1 vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l GND example_por
+V1 vdd3v3 GND PWL(0.0 0 100u 0 5m 3.3)
+V2 vdd1v8 GND PWL(0.0 0 300u 0 5.3m 1.8)
+**** begin user architecture code
+.lib /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ tt
+.include /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.spice
+tran 1u 20m
+plot V(vdd3v3) V(vdd1v8) V(porb_h) V(porb_l) V(por_l)
+**** end user architecture code
+* expanding symbol: example_por.sym # of pins=6
+* sym_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sym
+* sch_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sch
+.subckt example_por vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l vss
+*.iopin vdd3v3
+*.iopin vss
+*.opin porb_h
+*.opin porb_l
+*.opin por_l
+*.iopin vdd1v8
+XC1 net9 vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XC2 vss net9 sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XM1 net3 net7 net5 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM2 net2 net3 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR1 net4 vdd3v3 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=500 mult=1 m=1
+XM4 net5 net6 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM5 net3 net3 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR2 vss net4 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=150 mult=1 m=1
+XM7 net2 net2 net1 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM8 net1 net1 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM10 net7 net4 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM9 net7 net7 net6 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM11 net6 net6 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=16 nf=8 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM12 net8 net1 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM13 net9 net2 net8 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR3 vss vss vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=25 mult=2 m=2
+x2 net10 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 porb_h sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x3 net10 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 porb_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x4 net10 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 por_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+x5 net9 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 net10 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+** flattened .save nodes
diff --git a/xschem/example_por_tb.spice.orig b/xschem/example_por_tb.spice.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069c74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/example_por_tb.spice.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+**.subckt example_por_tb vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l
+.param mc_switch=0
+*.opin vdd3v3
+*.opin vdd1v8
+*.opin porb_h
+*.opin porb_l
+*.opin por_l
+x1 vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l GND example_por
+V1 vdd3v3 GND PWL(0.0 0 100u 0 5m 3.3)
+V2 vdd1v8 GND PWL(0.0 0 300u 0 5.3m 1.8)
+**** begin user architecture code
+.lib /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ tt
+.include /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.spice
+tran 1u 20m
+plot V(vdd3v3) V(vdd1v8) V(porb_h) V(porb_l) V(por_l)
+**** end user architecture code
+* expanding symbol: example_por.sym # of pins=6
+* sym_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sym
+* sch_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sch
+.subckt example_por vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l vss
+*.iopin vdd3v3
+*.iopin vss
+*.opin porb_h
+*.opin porb_l
+*.opin por_l
+*.iopin vdd1v8
+XC1 net11 vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XC2 net11 vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XM1 net5 net9 net7 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM2 net1 net4 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR1 net6 vdd3v3 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 W=0.69 L=500 mult=1 m=1
+XM3 net3 net5 net1 vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM4 net7 net8 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM5 net4 net4 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM6 net5 net5 net4 vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR2 vss net6 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 W=0.69 L=150 mult=1 m=1
+XM7 net3 net3 net2 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM8 net2 net2 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM10 net9 net6 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM9 net9 net9 net8 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM11 net8 net8 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=16 nf=8 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM12 net10 net2 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM13 net11 net3 net10 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR3 vss vss vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 W=0.69 L=25 mult=2 m=2
+x2 net12 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 porb_h sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x3 net12 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 porb_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x4 net12 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 por_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+x5 net11 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 net12 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+** flattened .save nodes
diff --git a/xschem/ b/xschem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9cde37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ 7.00000000e-01 -8.93059159e-08 7.00000000e-01 7.00000000e-01
+ 7.01000000e-01 -9.08452852e-08 7.01000000e-01 7.01000000e-01
+ 7.02000000e-01 -9.24385447e-08 7.02000000e-01 7.02000000e-01
+ 7.03000000e-01 -9.40459956e-08 7.03000000e-01 7.03000000e-01
+ 7.04000000e-01 -9.56814959e-08 7.04000000e-01 7.04000000e-01
+ 7.05000000e-01 -9.73455368e-08 7.05000000e-01 7.05000000e-01
+ 7.06000000e-01 -9.90386085e-08 7.06000000e-01 7.06000000e-01
+ 7.07000000e-01 -1.00761227e-07 7.07000000e-01 7.07000000e-01
+ 7.08000000e-01 -1.02513882e-07 7.08000000e-01 7.08000000e-01
+ 7.09000000e-01 -1.04297110e-07 7.09000000e-01 7.09000000e-01
+ 7.10000000e-01 -1.06111443e-07 7.10000000e-01 7.10000000e-01
+ 7.11000000e-01 -1.07957415e-07 7.11000000e-01 7.11000000e-01
+ 7.12000000e-01 -1.09835552e-07 7.12000000e-01 7.12000000e-01
+ 7.13000000e-01 -1.11746436e-07 7.13000000e-01 7.13000000e-01
+ 7.14000000e-01 -1.13690603e-07 7.14000000e-01 7.14000000e-01
+ 7.15000000e-01 -1.15668634e-07 7.15000000e-01 7.15000000e-01
+ 7.16000000e-01 -1.17681129e-07 7.16000000e-01 7.16000000e-01
+ 7.17000000e-01 -1.19728657e-07 7.17000000e-01 7.17000000e-01
+ 7.18000000e-01 -1.21811839e-07 7.18000000e-01 7.18000000e-01
+ 7.19000000e-01 -1.23931259e-07 7.19000000e-01 7.19000000e-01
+ 7.20000000e-01 -1.26087554e-07 7.20000000e-01 7.20000000e-01
+ 7.21000000e-01 -1.28281358e-07 7.21000000e-01 7.21000000e-01
+ 7.22000000e-01 -1.30513286e-07 7.22000000e-01 7.22000000e-01
+ 7.23000000e-01 -1.32784003e-07 7.23000000e-01 7.23000000e-01
+ 7.24000000e-01 -1.35094165e-07 7.24000000e-01 7.24000000e-01
+ 7.25000000e-01 -1.37444453e-07 7.25000000e-01 7.25000000e-01
+ 7.26000000e-01 -1.39835535e-07 7.26000000e-01 7.26000000e-01
+ 7.27000000e-01 -1.42268085e-07 7.27000000e-01 7.27000000e-01
+ 7.28000000e-01 -1.44742842e-07 7.28000000e-01 7.28000000e-01
+ 7.29000000e-01 -1.47260486e-07 7.29000000e-01 7.29000000e-01
+ 7.30000000e-01 -1.49821761e-07 7.30000000e-01 7.30000000e-01
+ 7.31000000e-01 -1.52427364e-07 7.31000000e-01 7.31000000e-01
+ 7.32000000e-01 -1.55078077e-07 7.32000000e-01 7.32000000e-01
+ 7.33000000e-01 -1.57774611e-07 7.33000000e-01 7.33000000e-01
+ 7.34000000e-01 -1.60517775e-07 7.34000000e-01 7.34000000e-01
+ 7.35000000e-01 -1.63308337e-07 7.35000000e-01 7.35000000e-01
+ 7.36000000e-01 -1.66147061e-07 7.36000000e-01 7.36000000e-01
+ 7.37000000e-01 -1.69034765e-07 7.37000000e-01 7.37000000e-01
+ 7.38000000e-01 -1.71972266e-07 7.38000000e-01 7.38000000e-01
+ 7.39000000e-01 -1.74960357e-07 7.39000000e-01 7.39000000e-01
+ 7.40000000e-01 -1.77999888e-07 7.40000000e-01 7.40000000e-01
+ 7.41000000e-01 -1.81091703e-07 7.41000000e-01 7.41000000e-01
+ 7.42000000e-01 -1.84236664e-07 7.42000000e-01 7.42000000e-01
+ 7.43000000e-01 -1.87435634e-07 7.43000000e-01 7.43000000e-01
+ 7.44000000e-01 -1.90689493e-07 7.44000000e-01 7.44000000e-01
+ 7.45000000e-01 -1.93999127e-07 7.45000000e-01 7.45000000e-01
+ 7.46000000e-01 -1.97365464e-07 7.46000000e-01 7.46000000e-01
+ 7.47000000e-01 -2.00789378e-07 7.47000000e-01 7.47000000e-01
+ 7.48000000e-01 -2.04271837e-07 7.48000000e-01 7.48000000e-01
+ 7.49000000e-01 -2.07813739e-07 7.49000000e-01 7.49000000e-01
+ 7.50000000e-01 -2.11416073e-07 7.50000000e-01 7.50000000e-01
+ 7.51000000e-01 -2.15079797e-07 7.51000000e-01 7.51000000e-01
+ 7.52000000e-01 -2.18805863e-07 7.52000000e-01 7.52000000e-01
+ 7.53000000e-01 -2.22595278e-07 7.53000000e-01 7.53000000e-01
+ 7.54000000e-01 -2.26449036e-07 7.54000000e-01 7.54000000e-01
+ 7.55000000e-01 -2.30368144e-07 7.55000000e-01 7.55000000e-01
+ 7.56000000e-01 -2.34353630e-07 7.56000000e-01 7.56000000e-01
+ 7.57000000e-01 -2.38406548e-07 7.57000000e-01 7.57000000e-01
+ 7.58000000e-01 -2.42527913e-07 7.58000000e-01 7.58000000e-01
+ 7.59000000e-01 -2.46718795e-07 7.59000000e-01 7.59000000e-01
+ 7.60000000e-01 -2.50980278e-07 7.60000000e-01 7.60000000e-01
+ 7.61000000e-01 -2.55313430e-07 7.61000000e-01 7.61000000e-01
+ 7.62000000e-01 -2.59719344e-07 7.62000000e-01 7.62000000e-01
+ 7.63000000e-01 -2.64199148e-07 7.63000000e-01 7.63000000e-01
+ 7.64000000e-01 -2.68753946e-07 7.64000000e-01 7.64000000e-01
+ 7.65000000e-01 -2.73384860e-07 7.65000000e-01 7.65000000e-01
+ 7.66000000e-01 -2.78093044e-07 7.66000000e-01 7.66000000e-01
+ 7.67000000e-01 -2.82879650e-07 7.67000000e-01 7.67000000e-01
+ 7.68000000e-01 -2.87745826e-07 7.68000000e-01 7.68000000e-01
+ 7.69000000e-01 -2.92692776e-07 7.69000000e-01 7.69000000e-01
+ 7.70000000e-01 -2.97721660e-07 7.70000000e-01 7.70000000e-01
+ 7.71000000e-01 -3.02833688e-07 7.71000000e-01 7.71000000e-01
+ 7.72000000e-01 -3.08030053e-07 7.72000000e-01 7.72000000e-01
+ 7.73000000e-01 -3.13311974e-07 7.73000000e-01 7.73000000e-01
+ 7.74000000e-01 -3.18680710e-07 7.74000000e-01 7.74000000e-01
+ 7.75000000e-01 -3.24137468e-07 7.75000000e-01 7.75000000e-01
+ 7.76000000e-01 -3.29683509e-07 7.76000000e-01 7.76000000e-01
+ 7.77000000e-01 -3.35320078e-07 7.77000000e-01 7.77000000e-01
+ 7.78000000e-01 -3.41048451e-07 7.78000000e-01 7.78000000e-01
+ 7.79000000e-01 -3.46869908e-07 7.79000000e-01 7.79000000e-01
+ 7.80000000e-01 -3.52785731e-07 7.80000000e-01 7.80000000e-01
+ 7.81000000e-01 -3.58797218e-07 7.81000000e-01 7.81000000e-01
+ 7.82000000e-01 -3.64905663e-07 7.82000000e-01 7.82000000e-01
+ 7.83000000e-01 -3.71112381e-07 7.83000000e-01 7.83000000e-01
+ 7.84000000e-01 -3.77418703e-07 7.84000000e-01 7.84000000e-01
+ 7.85000000e-01 -3.83825919e-07 7.85000000e-01 7.85000000e-01
+ 7.86000000e-01 -3.90335390e-07 7.86000000e-01 7.86000000e-01
+ 7.87000000e-01 -3.96948455e-07 7.87000000e-01 7.87000000e-01
+ 7.88000000e-01 -4.03666461e-07 7.88000000e-01 7.88000000e-01
+ 7.89000000e-01 -4.10490750e-07 7.89000000e-01 7.89000000e-01
+ 7.90000000e-01 -4.17422681e-07 7.90000000e-01 7.90000000e-01
+ 7.91000000e-01 -4.24463629e-07 7.91000000e-01 7.91000000e-01
+ 7.92000000e-01 -4.31614946e-07 7.92000000e-01 7.92000000e-01
+ 7.93000000e-01 -4.38878017e-07 7.93000000e-01 7.93000000e-01
+ 7.94000000e-01 -4.46254218e-07 7.94000000e-01 7.94000000e-01
+ 7.95000000e-01 -4.53744916e-07 7.95000000e-01 7.95000000e-01
+ 7.96000000e-01 -4.61351506e-07 7.96000000e-01 7.96000000e-01
+ 7.97000000e-01 -4.69075369e-07 7.97000000e-01 7.97000000e-01
+ 7.98000000e-01 -4.76917893e-07 7.98000000e-01 7.98000000e-01
+ 7.99000000e-01 -4.84880471e-07 7.99000000e-01 7.99000000e-01
+ 8.00000000e-01 -4.92964482e-07 8.00000000e-01 8.00000000e-01
diff --git a/xschem/threshold_test_tb.spice b/xschem/threshold_test_tb.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9804c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/threshold_test_tb.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+* Threshold test for POR circuit
+* Determine gate voltage at which the HV NFET draws 240nA nominal
+* Result: 0.7575V
+.lib /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/ tt
+* Testbench circuit
+Rtest vdda mir1 1MEG
+Xm1 mir1 vin vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 w=2 l=0.8
+Vgate vin vss DC=0
+Vpwr vdda vss DC=3.3
+Rgnd vss 0 0.1
+* Testbench control
+* DC sweep from 0.7 to 0.8V
+dc Vgate 0.7 0.8 0.001
+wrdata Vpwr#branch vin
diff --git a/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3cbcec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sch
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+v {xschem version=2.9.9 file_version=1.2 }
+G {}
+K {}
+V {}
+S {}
+E {}
+N 3830 -460 3830 -390 { lab=vdda1}
+N 3730 -460 3830 -460 { lab=vdda1}
+N 3860 -230 3860 -180 { lab=vssa1}
+N 3770 -180 3860 -180 { lab=vssa1}
+N 3890 -460 3890 -390 { lab=vccd1}
+N 3890 -460 3960 -460 { lab=vccd1}
+N 3890 -130 3890 -60 { lab=vccd1}
+N 3890 -130 3950 -130 { lab=vccd1}
+N 3830 -130 3830 -60 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 3790 -130 3830 -130 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 3860 100 3860 150 { lab=vssa1}
+N 3800 150 3860 150 { lab=vssa1}
+N 4010 -10 4110 -10 { lab=gpio_analog[7]}
+N 4010 20 4110 20 { lab=io_out[15]}
+N 4010 50 4110 50 { lab=io_out[16]}
+N 4010 -340 4130 -340 { lab=gpio_analog[3]}
+N 4010 -310 4130 -310 { lab=io_out[11]}
+N 4010 -280 4130 -280 { lab=io_out[12]}
+N 3670 300 3670 340 { lab=io_clamp_low[2]}
+N 3670 400 3670 420 { lab=vssa1}
+N 3670 440 3670 460 { lab=io_clamp_high[2]}
+N 3670 520 3670 530 { lab=vssa1}
+N 3670 570 3670 590 { lab=io_clamp_low[1]}
+N 3670 650 3670 670 { lab=vssa1}
+N 4160 300 4160 330 { lab=io_clamp_high[1]}
+N 4160 390 4160 410 { lab=vssa1}
+N 4160 440 4160 460 { lab=io_clamp_low[0]}
+N 4160 520 4160 530 { lab=vssa1}
+N 4160 550 4160 560 { lab=io_clamp_high[0]}
+N 4160 620 4160 640 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 3630 300 3670 300 { lab=io_clamp_low[2]}
+N 3630 420 3670 420 { lab=vssa1}
+N 3630 440 3670 440 { lab=io_clamp_high[2]}
+N 3630 530 3670 530 { lab=vssa1}
+N 3630 570 3670 570 { lab=io_clamp_low[1]}
+N 3630 670 3670 670 { lab=vssa1}
+N 4130 300 4160 300 { lab=io_clamp_high[1]}
+N 4130 410 4160 410 { lab=vssa1}
+N 4130 440 4160 440 { lab=io_clamp_low[0]}
+N 4130 530 4160 530 { lab=vssa1}
+N 4130 550 4160 550 { lab=io_clamp_high[0]}
+N 4130 640 4160 640 { lab=io_analog[4]}
+N 3670 710 3670 750 { lab=io_oeb[12]}
+N 3670 810 3670 830 { lab=vssd1}
+N 3670 850 3670 870 { lab=io_oeb[16]}
+N 3670 930 3670 940 { lab=vssd1}
+N 4160 710 4160 740 { lab=io_oeb[11]}
+N 4160 800 4160 820 { lab=vssd1}
+N 4160 850 4160 870 { lab=#net1}
+N 4160 930 4160 940 { lab=vssd1}
+N 3630 710 3670 710 { lab=io_oeb[12]}
+N 3630 830 3670 830 { lab=vssd1}
+N 3630 850 3670 850 { lab=io_oeb[16]}
+N 3630 940 3670 940 { lab=vssd1}
+N 4130 710 4160 710 { lab=io_oeb[11]}
+N 4130 820 4160 820 { lab=vssd1}
+N 4130 850 4160 850 { lab=#net1}
+N 4130 940 4160 940 { lab=vssd1}
+C {example_por.sym} 3860 -310 0 0 {name=x1}
+C {example_por.sym} 3860 20 0 0 {name=x2}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -470 0 0 {name=p1 lab=vdda1}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -440 0 0 {name=p2 lab=vdda2}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -410 0 0 {name=p3 lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -380 0 0 {name=p4 lab=vssa2}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -350 0 0 {name=p5 lab=vccd1}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -320 0 0 {name=p6 lab=vccd2}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -290 0 0 {name=p7 lab=vssd1}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3240 -260 0 0 {name=p8 lab=vssd2}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 -190 0 0 {name=p9 lab=wb_clk_i}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 -160 0 0 {name=p10 lab=wb_rst_i}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 -130 0 0 {name=p11 lab=wbs_stb_i}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 -100 0 0 {name=p12 lab=wbs_cyc_i}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 -70 0 0 {name=p13 lab=wbs_we_i}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 -40 0 0 {name=p14 lab=wbs_sel_i[3:0]}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 -10 0 0 {name=p15 lab=wbs_dat_i[31:0]}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 20 0 0 {name=p16 lab=wbs_adr_i[31:0]}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3280 80 0 0 {name=p17 lab=wbs_ack_o}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3280 110 0 0 {name=p18 lab=wbs_dat_o[31:0]}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 150 0 0 {name=p19 lab=la_data_in[127:0]}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3280 180 0 0 {name=p20 lab=la_data_out[127:0]}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 260 0 0 {name=p21 lab=io_in[26:0]}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 290 0 0 {name=p22 lab=io_in_3v3[26:0]}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3280 570 0 0 {name=p23 lab=user_clock2}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3280 320 0 0 {name=p24 lab=io_out[26:0]}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3280 350 0 0 {name=p25 lab=io_oeb[26:0]}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3250 410 0 0 {name=p26 lab=gpio_analog[17:0]}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3250 440 0 0 {name=p27 lab=gpio_noesd[17:0]}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3250 470 0 0 {name=p29 lab=io_analog[10:0]}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3250 500 0 0 {name=p30 lab=io_clamp_high[2:0]}
+C {devices/iopin.sym} 3250 530 0 0 {name=p31 lab=io_clamp_low[2:0]}
+C {devices/opin.sym} 3270 600 0 0 {name=p32 lab=user_irq[2:0]}
+C {devices/ipin.sym} 3290 210 0 0 {name=p28 lab=la_oenb[127:0]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3730 -460 0 0 {name=l1 sig_type=std_logic lab=vdda1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3770 -180 0 0 {name=l2 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3960 -460 0 1 {name=l3 sig_type=std_logic lab=vccd1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3950 -130 0 1 {name=l4 sig_type=std_logic lab=vccd1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3790 -130 0 0 {name=l5 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_analog[4]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3800 150 0 0 {name=l6 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 -340 0 1 {name=l7 sig_type=std_logic lab=gpio_analog[3]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 -310 0 1 {name=l8 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_out[11]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 -280 0 1 {name=l9 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_out[12]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4110 -10 0 1 {name=l10 sig_type=std_logic lab=gpio_analog[7]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4110 20 0 1 {name=l11 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_out[15]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4110 50 0 1 {name=l12 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_out[16]}
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 3670 370 0 0 {name=R1
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 3670 490 0 0 {name=R2
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 3670 620 0 0 {name=R4
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 4160 360 0 0 {name=R5
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 4160 490 0 0 {name=R6
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 4160 590 0 0 {name=R7
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 300 0 0 {name=l13 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_clamp_low[2]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 440 0 0 {name=l14 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_clamp_high[2]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 570 0 0 {name=l15 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_clamp_low[1]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 300 0 0 {name=l16 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_clamp_high[1]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 440 0 0 {name=l17 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_clamp_low[0]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 420 0 0 {name=l18 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 530 0 0 {name=l19 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 410 0 0 {name=l20 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 530 0 0 {name=l21 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 670 0 0 {name=l22 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssa1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 550 0 0 {name=l23 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_clamp_high[0]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 640 0 0 {name=l24 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_analog[4]}
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 3670 780 0 0 {name=R8
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 3670 900 0 0 {name=R9
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 4160 770 0 0 {name=R11
+C {sky130_fd_pr/res_generic_m1.sym} 4160 900 0 0 {name=R12
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 850 0 0 {name=l25 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_oeb[15]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 850 0 0 {name=l26 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_oeb[16]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 710 0 0 {name=l27 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_oeb[11]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 710 0 0 {name=l28 sig_type=std_logic lab=io_oeb[12]}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 830 0 0 {name=l29 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssd1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 3630 940 0 0 {name=l30 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssd1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 820 0 0 {name=l31 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssd1}
+C {devices/lab_pin.sym} 4130 940 0 0 {name=l32 sig_type=std_logic lab=vssd1}
diff --git a/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.spice b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dc2d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+.subckt user_analog_project_wrapper vdda1 vdda2 vssa1 vssa2 vccd1 vccd2 vssd1 vssd2 wb_clk_i
++ wb_rst_i wbs_stb_i wbs_cyc_i wbs_we_i wbs_sel_i[3] wbs_sel_i[2] wbs_sel_i[1] wbs_sel_i[0] wbs_dat_i[31]
++ wbs_dat_i[30] wbs_dat_i[29] wbs_dat_i[28] wbs_dat_i[27] wbs_dat_i[26] wbs_dat_i[25] wbs_dat_i[24] wbs_dat_i[23]
++ wbs_dat_i[22] wbs_dat_i[21] wbs_dat_i[20] wbs_dat_i[19] wbs_dat_i[18] wbs_dat_i[17] wbs_dat_i[16] wbs_dat_i[15]
++ wbs_dat_i[14] wbs_dat_i[13] wbs_dat_i[12] wbs_dat_i[11] wbs_dat_i[10] wbs_dat_i[9] wbs_dat_i[8] wbs_dat_i[7]
++ wbs_dat_i[6] wbs_dat_i[5] wbs_dat_i[4] wbs_dat_i[3] wbs_dat_i[2] wbs_dat_i[1] wbs_dat_i[0] wbs_adr_i[31]
++ wbs_adr_i[30] wbs_adr_i[29] wbs_adr_i[28] wbs_adr_i[27] wbs_adr_i[26] wbs_adr_i[25] wbs_adr_i[24] wbs_adr_i[23]
++ wbs_adr_i[22] wbs_adr_i[21] wbs_adr_i[20] wbs_adr_i[19] wbs_adr_i[18] wbs_adr_i[17] wbs_adr_i[16] wbs_adr_i[15]
++ wbs_adr_i[14] wbs_adr_i[13] wbs_adr_i[12] wbs_adr_i[11] wbs_adr_i[10] wbs_adr_i[9] wbs_adr_i[8] wbs_adr_i[7]
++ wbs_adr_i[6] wbs_adr_i[5] wbs_adr_i[4] wbs_adr_i[3] wbs_adr_i[2] wbs_adr_i[1] wbs_adr_i[0] wbs_ack_o
++ wbs_dat_o[31] wbs_dat_o[30] wbs_dat_o[29] wbs_dat_o[28] wbs_dat_o[27] wbs_dat_o[26] wbs_dat_o[25] wbs_dat_o[24]
++ wbs_dat_o[23] wbs_dat_o[22] wbs_dat_o[21] wbs_dat_o[20] wbs_dat_o[19] wbs_dat_o[18] wbs_dat_o[17] wbs_dat_o[16]
++ wbs_dat_o[15] wbs_dat_o[14] wbs_dat_o[13] wbs_dat_o[12] wbs_dat_o[11] wbs_dat_o[10] wbs_dat_o[9] wbs_dat_o[8]
++ wbs_dat_o[7] wbs_dat_o[6] wbs_dat_o[5] wbs_dat_o[4] wbs_dat_o[3] wbs_dat_o[2] wbs_dat_o[1] wbs_dat_o[0]
++ la_data_in[127] la_data_in[126] la_data_in[125] la_data_in[124] la_data_in[123] la_data_in[122] la_data_in[121]
++ la_data_in[120] la_data_in[119] la_data_in[118] la_data_in[117] la_data_in[116] la_data_in[115] la_data_in[114]
++ la_data_in[113] la_data_in[112] la_data_in[111] la_data_in[110] la_data_in[109] la_data_in[108] la_data_in[107]
++ la_data_in[106] la_data_in[105] la_data_in[104] la_data_in[103] la_data_in[102] la_data_in[101] la_data_in[100]
++ la_data_in[99] la_data_in[98] la_data_in[97] la_data_in[96] la_data_in[95] la_data_in[94] la_data_in[93]
++ la_data_in[92] la_data_in[91] la_data_in[90] la_data_in[89] la_data_in[88] la_data_in[87] la_data_in[86]
++ la_data_in[85] la_data_in[84] la_data_in[83] la_data_in[82] la_data_in[81] la_data_in[80] la_data_in[79]
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++ la_data_in[71] la_data_in[70] la_data_in[69] la_data_in[68] la_data_in[67] la_data_in[66] la_data_in[65]
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++ la_data_in[57] la_data_in[56] la_data_in[55] la_data_in[54] la_data_in[53] la_data_in[52] la_data_in[51]
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++ la_data_in[22] la_data_in[21] la_data_in[20] la_data_in[19] la_data_in[18] la_data_in[17] la_data_in[16]
++ la_data_in[15] la_data_in[14] la_data_in[13] la_data_in[12] la_data_in[11] la_data_in[10] la_data_in[9]
++ la_data_in[8] la_data_in[7] la_data_in[6] la_data_in[5] la_data_in[4] la_data_in[3] la_data_in[2] la_data_in[1]
++ la_data_in[0] la_data_out[127] la_data_out[126] la_data_out[125] la_data_out[124] la_data_out[123]
++ la_data_out[122] la_data_out[121] la_data_out[120] la_data_out[119] la_data_out[118] la_data_out[117]
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++ la_data_out[97] la_data_out[96] la_data_out[95] la_data_out[94] la_data_out[93] la_data_out[92] la_data_out[91]
++ la_data_out[90] la_data_out[89] la_data_out[88] la_data_out[87] la_data_out[86] la_data_out[85] la_data_out[84]
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++ la_data_out[76] la_data_out[75] la_data_out[74] la_data_out[73] la_data_out[72] la_data_out[71] la_data_out[70]
++ la_data_out[69] la_data_out[68] la_data_out[67] la_data_out[66] la_data_out[65] la_data_out[64] la_data_out[63]
++ la_data_out[62] la_data_out[61] la_data_out[60] la_data_out[59] la_data_out[58] la_data_out[57] la_data_out[56]
++ la_data_out[55] la_data_out[54] la_data_out[53] la_data_out[52] la_data_out[51] la_data_out[50] la_data_out[49]
++ la_data_out[48] la_data_out[47] la_data_out[46] la_data_out[45] la_data_out[44] la_data_out[43] la_data_out[42]
++ la_data_out[41] la_data_out[40] la_data_out[39] la_data_out[38] la_data_out[37] la_data_out[36] la_data_out[35]
++ la_data_out[34] la_data_out[33] la_data_out[32] la_data_out[31] la_data_out[30] la_data_out[29] la_data_out[28]
++ la_data_out[27] la_data_out[26] la_data_out[25] la_data_out[24] la_data_out[23] la_data_out[22] la_data_out[21]
++ la_data_out[20] la_data_out[19] la_data_out[18] la_data_out[17] la_data_out[16] la_data_out[15] la_data_out[14]
++ la_data_out[13] la_data_out[12] la_data_out[11] la_data_out[10] la_data_out[9] la_data_out[8] la_data_out[7]
++ la_data_out[6] la_data_out[5] la_data_out[4] la_data_out[3] la_data_out[2] la_data_out[1] la_data_out[0] io_in[26]
++ io_in[25] io_in[24] io_in[23] io_in[22] io_in[21] io_in[20] io_in[19] io_in[18] io_in[17] io_in[16] io_in[15]
++ io_in[14] io_in[13] io_in[12] io_in[11] io_in[10] io_in[9] io_in[8] io_in[7] io_in[6] io_in[5] io_in[4]
++ io_in[3] io_in[2] io_in[1] io_in[0] io_in_3v3[26] io_in_3v3[25] io_in_3v3[24] io_in_3v3[23] io_in_3v3[22]
++ io_in_3v3[21] io_in_3v3[20] io_in_3v3[19] io_in_3v3[18] io_in_3v3[17] io_in_3v3[16] io_in_3v3[15] io_in_3v3[14]
++ io_in_3v3[13] io_in_3v3[12] io_in_3v3[11] io_in_3v3[10] io_in_3v3[9] io_in_3v3[8] io_in_3v3[7] io_in_3v3[6]
++ io_in_3v3[5] io_in_3v3[4] io_in_3v3[3] io_in_3v3[2] io_in_3v3[1] io_in_3v3[0] user_clock2 io_out[26] io_out[25]
++ io_out[24] io_out[23] io_out[22] io_out[21] io_out[20] io_out[19] io_out[18] io_out[17] io_out[16] io_out[15]
++ io_out[14] io_out[13] io_out[12] io_out[11] io_out[10] io_out[9] io_out[8] io_out[7] io_out[6] io_out[5]
++ io_out[4] io_out[3] io_out[2] io_out[1] io_out[0] io_oeb[26] io_oeb[25] io_oeb[24] io_oeb[23] io_oeb[22]
++ io_oeb[21] io_oeb[20] io_oeb[19] io_oeb[18] io_oeb[17] io_oeb[16] io_oeb[15] io_oeb[14] io_oeb[13] io_oeb[12]
++ io_oeb[11] io_oeb[10] io_oeb[9] io_oeb[8] io_oeb[7] io_oeb[6] io_oeb[5] io_oeb[4] io_oeb[3] io_oeb[2]
++ io_oeb[1] io_oeb[0] gpio_analog[17] gpio_analog[16] gpio_analog[15] gpio_analog[14] gpio_analog[13]
++ gpio_analog[12] gpio_analog[11] gpio_analog[10] gpio_analog[9] gpio_analog[8] gpio_analog[7] gpio_analog[6]
++ gpio_analog[5] gpio_analog[4] gpio_analog[3] gpio_analog[2] gpio_analog[1] gpio_analog[0] gpio_noesd[17]
++ gpio_noesd[16] gpio_noesd[15] gpio_noesd[14] gpio_noesd[13] gpio_noesd[12] gpio_noesd[11] gpio_noesd[10]
++ gpio_noesd[9] gpio_noesd[8] gpio_noesd[7] gpio_noesd[6] gpio_noesd[5] gpio_noesd[4] gpio_noesd[3] gpio_noesd[2]
++ gpio_noesd[1] gpio_noesd[0] io_analog[10] io_analog[9] io_analog[8] io_analog[7] io_analog[6] io_analog[5]
++ io_analog[4] io_analog[3] io_analog[2] io_analog[1] io_analog[0] io_clamp_high[2] io_clamp_high[1]
++ io_clamp_high[0] io_clamp_low[2] io_clamp_low[1] io_clamp_low[0] user_irq[2] user_irq[1] user_irq[0] la_oenb[127]
++ la_oenb[126] la_oenb[125] la_oenb[124] la_oenb[123] la_oenb[122] la_oenb[121] la_oenb[120] la_oenb[119]
++ la_oenb[118] la_oenb[117] la_oenb[116] la_oenb[115] la_oenb[114] la_oenb[113] la_oenb[112] la_oenb[111]
++ la_oenb[110] la_oenb[109] la_oenb[108] la_oenb[107] la_oenb[106] la_oenb[105] la_oenb[104] la_oenb[103]
++ la_oenb[102] la_oenb[101] la_oenb[100] la_oenb[99] la_oenb[98] la_oenb[97] la_oenb[96] la_oenb[95] la_oenb[94]
++ la_oenb[93] la_oenb[92] la_oenb[91] la_oenb[90] la_oenb[89] la_oenb[88] la_oenb[87] la_oenb[86] la_oenb[85]
++ la_oenb[84] la_oenb[83] la_oenb[82] la_oenb[81] la_oenb[80] la_oenb[79] la_oenb[78] la_oenb[77] la_oenb[76]
++ la_oenb[75] la_oenb[74] la_oenb[73] la_oenb[72] la_oenb[71] la_oenb[70] la_oenb[69] la_oenb[68] la_oenb[67]
++ la_oenb[66] la_oenb[65] la_oenb[64] la_oenb[63] la_oenb[62] la_oenb[61] la_oenb[60] la_oenb[59] la_oenb[58]
++ la_oenb[57] la_oenb[56] la_oenb[55] la_oenb[54] la_oenb[53] la_oenb[52] la_oenb[51] la_oenb[50] la_oenb[49]
++ la_oenb[48] la_oenb[47] la_oenb[46] la_oenb[45] la_oenb[44] la_oenb[43] la_oenb[42] la_oenb[41] la_oenb[40]
++ la_oenb[39] la_oenb[38] la_oenb[37] la_oenb[36] la_oenb[35] la_oenb[34] la_oenb[33] la_oenb[32] la_oenb[31]
++ la_oenb[30] la_oenb[29] la_oenb[28] la_oenb[27] la_oenb[26] la_oenb[25] la_oenb[24] la_oenb[23] la_oenb[22]
++ la_oenb[21] la_oenb[20] la_oenb[19] la_oenb[18] la_oenb[17] la_oenb[16] la_oenb[15] la_oenb[14] la_oenb[13]
++ la_oenb[12] la_oenb[11] la_oenb[10] la_oenb[9] la_oenb[8] la_oenb[7] la_oenb[6] la_oenb[5] la_oenb[4]
++ la_oenb[3] la_oenb[2] la_oenb[1] la_oenb[0]
+*.iopin vdda1
+*.iopin vdda2
+*.iopin vssa1
+*.iopin vssa2
+*.iopin vccd1
+*.iopin vccd2
+*.iopin vssd1
+*.iopin vssd2
+*.ipin wb_clk_i
+*.ipin wb_rst_i
+*.ipin wbs_stb_i
+*.ipin wbs_cyc_i
+*.ipin wbs_we_i
+*.ipin wbs_sel_i[3],wbs_sel_i[2],wbs_sel_i[1],wbs_sel_i[0]
+*+ wbs_dat_i[31],wbs_dat_i[30],wbs_dat_i[29],wbs_dat_i[28],wbs_dat_i[27],wbs_dat_i[26],wbs_dat_i[25],wbs_dat_i[24],wbs_dat_i[23],wbs_dat_i[22],wbs_dat_i[21],wbs_dat_i[20],wbs_dat_i[19],wbs_dat_i[18],wbs_dat_i[17],wbs_dat_i[16],wbs_dat_i[15],wbs_dat_i[14],wbs_dat_i[13],wbs_dat_i[12],wbs_dat_i[11],wbs_dat_i[10],wbs_dat_i[9],wbs_dat_i[8],wbs_dat_i[7],wbs_dat_i[6],wbs_dat_i[5],wbs_dat_i[4],wbs_dat_i[3],wbs_dat_i[2],wbs_dat_i[1],wbs_dat_i[0]
+*+ wbs_adr_i[31],wbs_adr_i[30],wbs_adr_i[29],wbs_adr_i[28],wbs_adr_i[27],wbs_adr_i[26],wbs_adr_i[25],wbs_adr_i[24],wbs_adr_i[23],wbs_adr_i[22],wbs_adr_i[21],wbs_adr_i[20],wbs_adr_i[19],wbs_adr_i[18],wbs_adr_i[17],wbs_adr_i[16],wbs_adr_i[15],wbs_adr_i[14],wbs_adr_i[13],wbs_adr_i[12],wbs_adr_i[11],wbs_adr_i[10],wbs_adr_i[9],wbs_adr_i[8],wbs_adr_i[7],wbs_adr_i[6],wbs_adr_i[5],wbs_adr_i[4],wbs_adr_i[3],wbs_adr_i[2],wbs_adr_i[1],wbs_adr_i[0]
+*.opin wbs_ack_o
+*+ wbs_dat_o[31],wbs_dat_o[30],wbs_dat_o[29],wbs_dat_o[28],wbs_dat_o[27],wbs_dat_o[26],wbs_dat_o[25],wbs_dat_o[24],wbs_dat_o[23],wbs_dat_o[22],wbs_dat_o[21],wbs_dat_o[20],wbs_dat_o[19],wbs_dat_o[18],wbs_dat_o[17],wbs_dat_o[16],wbs_dat_o[15],wbs_dat_o[14],wbs_dat_o[13],wbs_dat_o[12],wbs_dat_o[11],wbs_dat_o[10],wbs_dat_o[9],wbs_dat_o[8],wbs_dat_o[7],wbs_dat_o[6],wbs_dat_o[5],wbs_dat_o[4],wbs_dat_o[3],wbs_dat_o[2],wbs_dat_o[1],wbs_dat_o[0]
+*+ la_data_in[127],la_data_in[126],la_data_in[125],la_data_in[124],la_data_in[123],la_data_in[122],la_data_in[121],la_data_in[120],la_data_in[119],la_data_in[118],la_data_in[117],la_data_in[116],la_data_in[115],la_data_in[114],la_data_in[113],la_data_in[112],la_data_in[111],la_data_in[110],la_data_in[109],la_data_in[108],la_data_in[107],la_data_in[106],la_data_in[105],la_data_in[104],la_data_in[103],la_data_in[102],la_data_in[101],la_data_in[100],la_data_in[99],la_data_in[98],la_data_in[97],la_data_in[96],la_data_in[95],la_data_in[94],la_data_in[93],la_data_in[92],la_data_in[91],la_data_in[90],la_data_in[89],la_data_in[88],la_data_in[87],la_data_in[86],la_data_in[85],la_data_in[84],la_data_in[83],la_data_in[82],la_data_in[81],la_data_in[80],la_data_in[79],la_data_in[78],la_data_in[77],la_data_in[76],la_data_in[75],la_data_in[74],la_data_in[73],la_data_in[72],la_data_in[71],la_data_in[70],la_data_in[69],la_data_in[68],la_data_in[67],la_data_in[66],la_data_in[65],la_data_in[64],la_data_in[63],la_data_in[62],la_data_in[61],la_data_in[60],la_data_in[59],la_data_in[58],la_data_in[57],la_data_in[56],la_data_in[55],la_data_in[54],la_data_in[53],la_data_in[52],la_data_in[51],la_data_in[50],la_data_in[49],la_data_in[48],la_data_in[47],la_data_in[46],la_data_in[45],la_data_in[44],la_data_in[43],la_data_in[42],la_data_in[41],la_data_in[40],la_data_in[39],la_data_in[38],la_data_in[37],la_data_in[36],la_data_in[35],la_data_in[34],la_data_in[33],la_data_in[32],la_data_in[31],la_data_in[30],la_data_in[29],la_data_in[28],la_data_in[27],la_data_in[26],la_data_in[25],la_data_in[24],la_data_in[23],la_data_in[22],la_data_in[21],la_data_in[20],la_data_in[19],la_data_in[18],la_data_in[17],la_data_in[16],la_data_in[15],la_data_in[14],la_data_in[13],la_data_in[12],la_data_in[11],la_data_in[10],la_data_in[9],la_data_in[8],la_data_in[7],la_data_in[6],la_data_in[5],la_data_in[4],la_data_in[3],la_data_in[2],la_data_in[1],la_data_in[0]
+*+ la_data_out[127],la_data_out[126],la_data_out[125],la_data_out[124],la_data_out[123],la_data_out[122],la_data_out[121],la_data_out[120],la_data_out[119],la_data_out[118],la_data_out[117],la_data_out[116],la_data_out[115],la_data_out[114],la_data_out[113],la_data_out[112],la_data_out[111],la_data_out[110],la_data_out[109],la_data_out[108],la_data_out[107],la_data_out[106],la_data_out[105],la_data_out[104],la_data_out[103],la_data_out[102],la_data_out[101],la_data_out[100],la_data_out[99],la_data_out[98],la_data_out[97],la_data_out[96],la_data_out[95],la_data_out[94],la_data_out[93],la_data_out[92],la_data_out[91],la_data_out[90],la_data_out[89],la_data_out[88],la_data_out[87],la_data_out[86],la_data_out[85],la_data_out[84],la_data_out[83],la_data_out[82],la_data_out[81],la_data_out[80],la_data_out[79],la_data_out[78],la_data_out[77],la_data_out[76],la_data_out[75],la_data_out[74],la_data_out[73],la_data_out[72],la_data_out[71],la_data_out[70],la_data_out[69],la_data_out[68],la_data_out[67],la_data_out[66],la_data_out[65],la_data_out[64],la_data_out[63],la_data_out[62],la_data_out[61],la_data_out[60],la_data_out[59],la_data_out[58],la_data_out[57],la_data_out[56],la_data_out[55],la_data_out[54],la_data_out[53],la_data_out[52],la_data_out[51],la_data_out[50],la_data_out[49],la_data_out[48],la_data_out[47],la_data_out[46],la_data_out[45],la_data_out[44],la_data_out[43],la_data_out[42],la_data_out[41],la_data_out[40],la_data_out[39],la_data_out[38],la_data_out[37],la_data_out[36],la_data_out[35],la_data_out[34],la_data_out[33],la_data_out[32],la_data_out[31],la_data_out[30],la_data_out[29],la_data_out[28],la_data_out[27],la_data_out[26],la_data_out[25],la_data_out[24],la_data_out[23],la_data_out[22],la_data_out[21],la_data_out[20],la_data_out[19],la_data_out[18],la_data_out[17],la_data_out[16],la_data_out[15],la_data_out[14],la_data_out[13],la_data_out[12],la_data_out[11],la_data_out[10],la_data_out[9],la_data_out[8],la_data_out[7],la_data_out[6],la_data_out[5],la_data_out[4],la_data_out[3],la_data_out[2],la_data_out[1],la_data_out[0]
+*+ io_in[26],io_in[25],io_in[24],io_in[23],io_in[22],io_in[21],io_in[20],io_in[19],io_in[18],io_in[17],io_in[16],io_in[15],io_in[14],io_in[13],io_in[12],io_in[11],io_in[10],io_in[9],io_in[8],io_in[7],io_in[6],io_in[5],io_in[4],io_in[3],io_in[2],io_in[1],io_in[0]
+*+ io_in_3v3[26],io_in_3v3[25],io_in_3v3[24],io_in_3v3[23],io_in_3v3[22],io_in_3v3[21],io_in_3v3[20],io_in_3v3[19],io_in_3v3[18],io_in_3v3[17],io_in_3v3[16],io_in_3v3[15],io_in_3v3[14],io_in_3v3[13],io_in_3v3[12],io_in_3v3[11],io_in_3v3[10],io_in_3v3[9],io_in_3v3[8],io_in_3v3[7],io_in_3v3[6],io_in_3v3[5],io_in_3v3[4],io_in_3v3[3],io_in_3v3[2],io_in_3v3[1],io_in_3v3[0]
+*.ipin user_clock2
+*+ io_out[26],io_out[25],io_out[24],io_out[23],io_out[22],io_out[21],io_out[20],io_out[19],io_out[18],io_out[17],io_out[16],io_out[15],io_out[14],io_out[13],io_out[12],io_out[11],io_out[10],io_out[9],io_out[8],io_out[7],io_out[6],io_out[5],io_out[4],io_out[3],io_out[2],io_out[1],io_out[0]
+*+ io_oeb[26],io_oeb[25],io_oeb[24],io_oeb[23],io_oeb[22],io_oeb[21],io_oeb[20],io_oeb[19],io_oeb[18],io_oeb[17],io_oeb[16],io_oeb[15],io_oeb[14],io_oeb[13],io_oeb[12],io_oeb[11],io_oeb[10],io_oeb[9],io_oeb[8],io_oeb[7],io_oeb[6],io_oeb[5],io_oeb[4],io_oeb[3],io_oeb[2],io_oeb[1],io_oeb[0]
+*+ gpio_analog[17],gpio_analog[16],gpio_analog[15],gpio_analog[14],gpio_analog[13],gpio_analog[12],gpio_analog[11],gpio_analog[10],gpio_analog[9],gpio_analog[8],gpio_analog[7],gpio_analog[6],gpio_analog[5],gpio_analog[4],gpio_analog[3],gpio_analog[2],gpio_analog[1],gpio_analog[0]
+*+ gpio_noesd[17],gpio_noesd[16],gpio_noesd[15],gpio_noesd[14],gpio_noesd[13],gpio_noesd[12],gpio_noesd[11],gpio_noesd[10],gpio_noesd[9],gpio_noesd[8],gpio_noesd[7],gpio_noesd[6],gpio_noesd[5],gpio_noesd[4],gpio_noesd[3],gpio_noesd[2],gpio_noesd[1],gpio_noesd[0]
+*+ io_analog[10],io_analog[9],io_analog[8],io_analog[7],io_analog[6],io_analog[5],io_analog[4],io_analog[3],io_analog[2],io_analog[1],io_analog[0]
+*.iopin io_clamp_high[2],io_clamp_high[1],io_clamp_high[0]
+*.iopin io_clamp_low[2],io_clamp_low[1],io_clamp_low[0]
+*.opin user_irq[2],user_irq[1],user_irq[0]
+*+ la_oenb[127],la_oenb[126],la_oenb[125],la_oenb[124],la_oenb[123],la_oenb[122],la_oenb[121],la_oenb[120],la_oenb[119],la_oenb[118],la_oenb[117],la_oenb[116],la_oenb[115],la_oenb[114],la_oenb[113],la_oenb[112],la_oenb[111],la_oenb[110],la_oenb[109],la_oenb[108],la_oenb[107],la_oenb[106],la_oenb[105],la_oenb[104],la_oenb[103],la_oenb[102],la_oenb[101],la_oenb[100],la_oenb[99],la_oenb[98],la_oenb[97],la_oenb[96],la_oenb[95],la_oenb[94],la_oenb[93],la_oenb[92],la_oenb[91],la_oenb[90],la_oenb[89],la_oenb[88],la_oenb[87],la_oenb[86],la_oenb[85],la_oenb[84],la_oenb[83],la_oenb[82],la_oenb[81],la_oenb[80],la_oenb[79],la_oenb[78],la_oenb[77],la_oenb[76],la_oenb[75],la_oenb[74],la_oenb[73],la_oenb[72],la_oenb[71],la_oenb[70],la_oenb[69],la_oenb[68],la_oenb[67],la_oenb[66],la_oenb[65],la_oenb[64],la_oenb[63],la_oenb[62],la_oenb[61],la_oenb[60],la_oenb[59],la_oenb[58],la_oenb[57],la_oenb[56],la_oenb[55],la_oenb[54],la_oenb[53],la_oenb[52],la_oenb[51],la_oenb[50],la_oenb[49],la_oenb[48],la_oenb[47],la_oenb[46],la_oenb[45],la_oenb[44],la_oenb[43],la_oenb[42],la_oenb[41],la_oenb[40],la_oenb[39],la_oenb[38],la_oenb[37],la_oenb[36],la_oenb[35],la_oenb[34],la_oenb[33],la_oenb[32],la_oenb[31],la_oenb[30],la_oenb[29],la_oenb[28],la_oenb[27],la_oenb[26],la_oenb[25],la_oenb[24],la_oenb[23],la_oenb[22],la_oenb[21],la_oenb[20],la_oenb[19],la_oenb[18],la_oenb[17],la_oenb[16],la_oenb[15],la_oenb[14],la_oenb[13],la_oenb[12],la_oenb[11],la_oenb[10],la_oenb[9],la_oenb[8],la_oenb[7],la_oenb[6],la_oenb[5],la_oenb[4],la_oenb[3],la_oenb[2],la_oenb[1],la_oenb[0]
+x1 vdda1 vccd1 gpio_analog[3] io_out[11] io_out[12] vssa1 example_por
+x2 io_analog[4] vccd1 gpio_analog[7] io_out[15] io_out[16] vssa1 example_por
+R1 vssa1 io_clamp_low[2] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R2 vssa1 io_clamp_high[2] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R3 vssa1 io_clamp_high[2] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R4 vssa1 io_clamp_low[1] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R5 vssa1 io_clamp_high[1] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R6 vssa1 io_clamp_low[0] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R7 io_analog[4] io_clamp_high[0] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R8 vssd1 io_oeb[15] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R9 vssd1 io_oeb[16] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R10 vssd1 io_oeb[16] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m1 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R11 vssd1 io_oeb[11] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+R12 vssd1 io_oeb[12] sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m3 W=1 L=1 m=1
+* expanding symbol: example_por.sym # of pins=6
+* sym_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sym
+* sch_path: /home/tim/gits/caravel_user_project_analog/xschem/example_por.sch
+.subckt example_por vdd3v3 vdd1v8 porb_h porb_l por_l vss
+*.iopin vdd3v3
+*.iopin vss
+*.opin porb_h
+*.opin porb_l
+*.opin por_l
+*.iopin vdd1v8
+XC1 net9 vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XC2 vss net9 sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 W=30 L=30 MF=1 m=1
+XM1 net3 net7 net5 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM2 net2 net3 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR1 net4 vdd3v3 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=500 mult=1 m=1
+XM4 net5 net6 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM5 net3 net3 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR2 vss net4 vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=150 mult=1 m=1
+XM7 net2 net2 net1 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM8 net1 net1 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=14 nf=7 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM10 net7 net4 vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
++ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM9 net7 net7 net6 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM11 net6 net6 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=16 nf=8 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM12 net8 net1 vdd3v3 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XM13 net9 net2 net8 vdd3v3 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5 L=0.8 W=2 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
++ as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)'
++ nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W' sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
+XR3 vss vss vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p69 L=25 mult=2 m=2
+x2 net10 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 porb_h sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x3 net10 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 porb_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__buf_8
+x4 net10 vss vss vdd1v8 vdd1v8 por_l sky130_fd_sc_hvl__inv_8
+x5 net9 vss vss vdd3v3 vdd3v3 net10 sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1
+** flattened .save nodes
diff --git a/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sym b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sym
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a561ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/user_analog_project_wrapper.sym
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+v {xschem version=2.9.9 file_version=1.2 }
+G {}
+K {type=subcircuit
+format="@name @pinlist @symname"
+V {}
+S {}
+E {}
+L 4 -130 -190 130 -190 {}
+L 4 -130 190 130 190 {}
+L 4 -130 -190 -130 190 {}
+L 4 130 -190 130 190 {}
+L 4 -150 -180 -130 -180 {}
+L 4 -150 -160 -130 -160 {}
+L 4 -150 -140 -130 -140 {}
+L 4 -150 -120 -130 -120 {}
+L 4 -150 -100 -130 -100 {}
+L 4 -150 -80 -130 -80 {}
+L 4 -150 -60 -130 -60 {}
+L 4 -150 -40 -130 -40 {}
+L 4 130 -20 150 -20 {}
+L 4 130 0 150 0 {}
+L 4 -150 -20 -130 -20 {}
+L 4 130 20 150 20 {}
+L 4 -150 0 -130 0 {}
+L 4 -150 20 -130 20 {}
+L 4 -150 40 -130 40 {}
+L 4 130 40 150 40 {}
+L 4 130 60 150 60 {}
+L 4 -150 60 -130 60 {}
+L 4 130 180 150 180 {}
+L 7 130 -180 150 -180 {}
+L 7 130 -160 150 -160 {}
+L 7 130 -140 150 -140 {}
+L 7 130 -120 150 -120 {}
+L 7 130 -100 150 -100 {}
+L 7 130 -80 150 -80 {}
+L 7 130 -60 150 -60 {}
+L 7 130 -40 150 -40 {}
+L 7 130 80 150 80 {}
+L 7 130 100 150 100 {}
+L 7 130 120 150 120 {}
+L 7 130 140 150 140 {}
+L 7 130 160 150 160 {}
+B 5 147.5 -182.5 152.5 -177.5 {name=vdda1 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -162.5 152.5 -157.5 {name=vdda2 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -142.5 152.5 -137.5 {name=vssa1 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -122.5 152.5 -117.5 {name=vssa2 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -102.5 152.5 -97.5 {name=vccd1 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -82.5 152.5 -77.5 {name=vccd2 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -62.5 152.5 -57.5 {name=vssd1 dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 -42.5 152.5 -37.5 {name=vssd2 dir=inout }
+B 5 -152.5 -182.5 -147.5 -177.5 {name=wb_clk_i dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 -162.5 -147.5 -157.5 {name=wb_rst_i dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 -142.5 -147.5 -137.5 {name=wbs_stb_i dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 -122.5 -147.5 -117.5 {name=wbs_cyc_i dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 -102.5 -147.5 -97.5 {name=wbs_we_i dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 -82.5 -147.5 -77.5 {name=wbs_sel_i[3:0] dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 -62.5 -147.5 -57.5 {name=wbs_dat_i[31:0] dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 -42.5 -147.5 -37.5 {name=wbs_adr_i[31:0] dir=in }
+B 5 147.5 -22.5 152.5 -17.5 {name=wbs_ack_o dir=out }
+B 5 147.5 -2.5 152.5 2.5 {name=wbs_dat_o[31:0] dir=out }
+B 5 -152.5 -22.5 -147.5 -17.5 {name=la_data_in[127:0] dir=in }
+B 5 147.5 17.5 152.5 22.5 {name=la_data_out[127:0] dir=out }
+B 5 -152.5 -2.5 -147.5 2.5 {name=la_oenb[127:0] dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 17.5 -147.5 22.5 {name=io_in[26:0] dir=in }
+B 5 -152.5 37.5 -147.5 42.5 {name=io_in_3v3[26:0] dir=in }
+B 5 147.5 37.5 152.5 42.5 {name=io_out[26:0] dir=out }
+B 5 147.5 57.5 152.5 62.5 {name=io_oeb[26:0] dir=out }
+B 5 147.5 77.5 152.5 82.5 {name=gpio_analog[17:0] dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 97.5 152.5 102.5 {name=gpio_noesd[17:0] dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 117.5 152.5 122.5 {name=io_analog[10:0] dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 137.5 152.5 142.5 {name=io_clamp_high[2:0] dir=inout }
+B 5 147.5 157.5 152.5 162.5 {name=io_clamp_low[2:0] dir=inout }
+B 5 -152.5 57.5 -147.5 62.5 {name=user_clock2 dir=in }
+B 5 147.5 177.5 152.5 182.5 {name=user_irq[2:0] dir=out }
+T {@symname} -119.5 114 0 0 0.3 0.3 {}
+T {@name} 135 -202 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vdda1} 125 -184 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vdda2} 125 -164 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vssa1} 125 -144 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vssa2} 125 -124 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vccd1} 125 -104 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vccd2} 125 -84 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vssd1} 125 -64 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {vssd2} 125 -44 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wb_clk_i} -125 -184 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wb_rst_i} -125 -164 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_stb_i} -125 -144 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_cyc_i} -125 -124 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_we_i} -125 -104 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_sel_i[3:0]} -125 -84 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_dat_i[31:0]} -125 -64 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_adr_i[31:0]} -125 -44 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_ack_o} 125 -24 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {wbs_dat_o[31:0]} 125 -4 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {la_data_in[127:0]} -125 -24 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {la_data_out[127:0]} 125 16 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {la_oenb[127:0]} -125 -4 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {io_in[26:0]} -125 16 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {io_in_3v3[26:0]} -125 36 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {io_out[26:0]} 125 36 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {io_oeb[26:0]} 125 56 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {gpio_analog[17:0]} 125 76 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {gpio_noesd[17:0]} 125 96 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {io_analog[10:0]} 125 116 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {io_clamp_high[2:0]} 125 136 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {io_clamp_low[2:0]} 125 156 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {user_clock2} -125 56 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
+T {user_irq[2:0]} 125 176 0 1 0.2 0.2 {}
diff --git a/xschem/xschemrc b/xschem/xschemrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca6e33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xschem/xschemrc
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#### xschemrc system configuration file
+#### values may be overridden by user's ~/.xschem/xschemrc configuration file
+#### or by project-local ./xschemrc
+#### Normally there is no reason to set this variable if using standard
+#### installation. Location of files is set at compile time but may be overridden
+#### with following line:
+# set XSCHEM_SHAREDIR $env(HOME)/share/xschem
+#### If unset xschem starts with XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH set to the default, typically:
+# /home/schippes/.xschem/xschem_library
+# /home/schippes/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices
+# /home/schippes/share/doc/xschem/examples
+# /home/schippes/share/doc/xschem/ngspice
+# /home/schippes/share/doc/xschem/logic
+# /home/schippes/share/doc/xschem/xschem_simulator
+# /home/schippes/share/doc/xschem/binto7seg
+# /home/schippes/share/doc/xschem/pcb
+# /home/schippes/share/doc/xschem/rom8k
+#### Allow user environment to override the path to the PDK
+if {[catch {set PDKPATH $env(PDKPATH)}]} {
+ set PDKPATH "/usr/share/pdk/sky130A"
+#### Flush any previous definition
+#### include devices/*.sym
+#### include skywater libraries. Here i use [pwd]. This works if i start xschem from here.
+# append XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH :/mnt/sda7/home/schippes/pdks/sky130A/
+#### add ~/.xschem/xschem_library (USER_CONF_DIR is normally ~/.xschem)
+append XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH :$USER_CONF_DIR/xschem_library
+#### each line contains a dircolor(pattern) followed by a color
+#### color can be an ordinary name (grey, brown, blue) or a hex code {#77aaff}
+#### hex code must be enclosed in braces
+array unset dircolor
+set dircolor(sky130_fd_pr$) blue
+set dircolor(sky130_tests$) blue
+set dircolor(xschem_sky130$) blue
+set dircolor(xschem_library$) red
+set dircolor(devices$) red
+#### Start without a design if no filename given on command line:
+#### To avoid absolute paths, use a path that is relative to one of the
+#### XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH directories. Default: empty
+set XSCHEM_START_WINDOW {sky130_tests/top.sch}
+#### If unset $USER_CONF_DIR/simulations is assumed (normally ~/.xschem/simulations)
+# set netlist_dir $env(HOME)/.xschem/simulations
+set netlist_dir .
+#### default: empty (use xschem default, [ ])
+# set bus_replacement_char {<>}
+#### for XSPICE: replace square brackets as the are used for XSPICE vector nodes.
+# set bus_replacement_char {__}
+#### Allowed values: spice, verilog, vhdl, tedax, default: spice
+# set netlist_type spice
+#### Some netlisting options (these are the defaults)
+# set hspice_netlist 1
+# set verilog_2001 1
+#### to use a fixed line with set change_lw to 0 and set some value to line_width
+#### these are the defaults
+# set line_width 0
+# set change_lw 1
+#### allow color postscript and svg exports. Default: 1, enable color
+# set color_ps 1
+#### initial size of xschem window you can specify also position with (wxh+x+y)
+#### this is the default:
+# set initial_geometry {900x600}
+#### if set to 0, when zooming out allow the viewport do drift toward the mouse position,
+#### allowing to move away by zooming / unzooming with mouse wheel
+#### default setting: 0
+# set unzoom_nodrift 0
+#### if set to 1 allow to place multiple components with same name.
+#### Warning: this is normally not allowed in any simulation netlist.
+#### default: 0, do not allow place multiple elements with same name (refdes)
+# set disable_unique_names 0
+#### if set to 1 continue drawing lines / wires after click
+#### default: 0
+# set persistent_command 1
+#### if set to 1 automatically join/trim wires while editing
+#### this may slow down on rally big designs. Can be disabled via menu
+#### default: 0
+# set autotrim_wires 0
+#### set widget scaling (mainly for font display), this is useful on 4K displays
+#### default: unset (tk uses its default) > 1.0 ==> bigger
+# set tk_scaling 1.7
+#### disable some symbol layers. Default: none, all layers are visible.
+# set enable_layer(5) 0 ;# example to disable pin red boxes
+#### enable to scale grid point size as done with lines at close zoom, default: 0
+# set big_grid_points 0
+#### command to translate xpm to png; (assumes command takes source
+#### and dest file as arguments, example: gm convert plot.xpm plot.png)
+#### default: {gm convert}
+# set to_png {gm convert}
+#### command to translate ps to pdf; (assumes command takes source
+#### and dest file as arguments, example: ps2pdf plot.pdf)
+#### default: ps2pdf
+# set to_pdf ps2pdf
+set to_pdf {ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None}
+#### Warning: changing these values will likely break compatibility
+#### with existing symbol libraries. Defaults: grid 20, snap 10.
+# set grid 20
+# set snap 10
+# set cadlayers 22
+# set light_colors {
+# "#ffffff" "#0044ee" "#aaaaaa" "#222222" "#229900"
+# "#bb2200" "#00ccee" "#ff0000" "#888800" "#00aaaa"
+# "#880088" "#00ff00" "#0000cc" "#666600" "#557755"
+# "#aa2222" "#7ccc40" "#00ffcc" "#ce0097" "#d2d46b"
+# "#ef6158" "#fdb200" }
+# set dark_colors {
+# "#000000" "#00ccee" "#3f3f3f" "#cccccc" "#88dd00"
+# "#bb2200" "#00ccee" "#ff0000" "#ffff00" "#ffffff"
+# "#ff00ff" "#00ff00" "#0000cc" "#aaaa00" "#aaccaa"
+# "#ff7777" "#bfff81" "#00ffcc" "#ce0097" "#d2d46b"
+# "#ef6158" "#fdb200" }
+#### Scale all fonts by this number
+# set cairo_font_scale 1.0
+#### default for following two is 0.85 (xscale) and 0.88 (yscale) to
+#### match cairo font spacing
+# set nocairo_font_xscale 1.0
+#### set nocairo_font_yscale 1.0
+#### Scale line spacing by this number
+# set cairo_font_line_spacing 1.0
+#### Specify a font
+# set cairo_font_name {Sans-Serif}
+# set svg_font_name {Sans-Serif}
+#### Lift up text by some zoom-corrected pixels for
+#### better compatibility wrt no cairo version.
+#### Useful values in the range [-1, 3]
+# set cairo_vert_correct 0
+# set nocairo_vert_correct 0
+#### General format for specifying a replacement for a keybind
+#### Replace Ctrl-d with Escape (so you wont kill the program)
+# set replace_key(Control-d) Escape
+#### swap w and W keybinds; Always specify Shift for capital letters
+# set replace_key(Shift-W) w
+# set replace_key(w) Shift-W
+#### default for linux: xterm
+# set terminal {xterm -geometry 100x35 -fn 9x15 -bg black -fg white -cr white -ms white }
+#### lxterminal is not OK since it will not inherit env vars:
+#### In order to reduce memory usage and increase the performance, all instances
+#### of the lxterminal are sharing a single process. LXTerminal is part of LXDE
+#### EDITOR
+#### editor must not detach from launching shell (-f mandatory for gvim)
+#### default for linux: gvim -f
+# set editor {gvim -f -geometry 90x28}
+# set editor { xterm -geometry 100x40 -e nano }
+# set editor { xterm -geometry 100x40 -e pico }
+#### For Windows
+# set editor {notepad.exe}
+#### SHOW ERC INFO WINDOW (erc errors, warnings etc)
+#### default: 0 (can be enabled by menu)
+# set show_infowindow 0
+#### RTDA NC
+# set computerfarm {nc run -Il}
+#### LSF BSUB
+# set computerfarm {bsub -Is}
+#### set gaw address for socket connection: {host port}
+#### default: set to localhost, port 2020
+# set gaw_tcp_address {localhost 2020}
+#### set xschem listening port; default: not enabled
+# set xschem_listen_port 2021
+#### set bespice wave listening port; default: not enabled
+set bespice_listen_port 2022
+#### default paths are set as shown here:
+# set utile_gui_path ${XSCHEM_SHAREDIR}/utile/utile3
+# set utile_cmd_path ${XSCHEM_SHAREDIR}/utile/utile
+#### list of tcl files to preload.
+# lappend tcl_files ${XSCHEM_SHAREDIR}/change_index.tcl
+lappend tcl_files ${XSCHEM_SHAREDIR}/ngspice_backannotate.tcl
+lappend tcl_files $PDKPATH/
+#### default: not enabled.
+# set toolbar_visible 1
+# set toolbar_horiz 1
+## (spice patched) skywater-pdk install
+# set SKYWATER_MODELS ~/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_pr_ngspice/latest
+# set SKYWATER_STDCELLS ~/skywater-pdk/libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest
+## opencircuitdesign pdks install. You need to change these to point to your open_pdks installation
+# set SKYWATER_MODELS /usr/local/share/pdk/sky130A/
+# set SKYWATER_STDCELLS /usr/local/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/spice
+set SKYWATER_STDCELLS $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/spice