FWRISC Quickstart

This Quickstart guide describes the process for getting up and running with FWRISC. Follow the process described below

Setup Tools

Please see the Tools page for information on the tools required to run FWRISC. Please install the required tools and configure your environment before proceeding.

Setup FWRISC Project

Please see the Setup page for information on cloning and bootstrapping the FWRISC project.

Run Regression Tests

The block-level regression tests can be run using the following steps. Note that the FWRISC environment-setup script must have previously been sourced:

% cd fwrisc-s/ve/fwrisc_rv32imc/sim
% runtest.pl -testlist testlists/fwrisc_riscv_all_tests.tl

The runtest command above will run unit tests, RISC-V compliance tests, and simple Zephyr tests. You should see something like the following after the test run completes:

# PASSED:  120
# FAILED:  0
# TOTAL:   120

Run the RIPE Tests

The five intrusion techniques that are part of the 2019 contest can be run using the fwrisc_riscv_ripe_tests.tl testlist. There are five tests in this testlist, each of which configures the ‘NV’ define to run one of the intrusion techniques.

% cd fwrisc-s/ve/fwrisc_rv32imc/sim
% runtest.pl -tl testlists/fwrisc_riscv_ripe_tests.tl

Expected output is:

PASSED: fwrisc_ripe_4
PASSED: fwrisc_ripe_2
PASSED: fwrisc_ripe_3
PASSED: fwrisc_ripe_1
PASSED: fwrisc_ripe_5
make: Entering directory `/project/fun/fwrisc/fwrisc-s/ve/fwrisc_rv32imc/sim/rundir/fwrisc_rv32imc/vl'
make: Nothing to be done for `post-run'.
make: Leaving directory `/project/fun/fwrisc/fwrisc-s/ve/fwrisc_rv32imc/sim/rundir/fwrisc_rv32imc/vl'
# PASSED:  5
# FAILED:  0
# TOTAL:   5

Individual RIPE tests can be run using a tests/fwrisc_ripe_X.f test files. The output from the first RIPE test is:

# RIPE is alive! fwrisc_sim
# -t direct -i shellcode -c longjmpstackparam -l stack -f homebrew----------------
# Shellcode instructions:
# lui t1,  0x00000               00000000
# addi t1, t1, 0x00                  00000000
# jalr t1000300e7
# ----------------
# target_addr == 0x80009ed0
# buffer == 0x80009aa0
# payload size == 1077
# bytes to pad: 1060
# overflow_ptr: 0x80009aa0
# payload: 
hit halt address 0x80003e04
--> m_engine=0xde7870
<-- m_engine=0xde7870
[       OK ] fwrisc_ripe_tests.ripe (94 ms)
[----------] 1 test from fwrisc_ripe_tests (94 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (94 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.
plusarg +TESTNAME=fwrisc_ripe_1 matches pattern +TESTNAME
PASSED: fwrisc_ripe_1
PASSED: fwrisc_ripe_1
make: Entering directory `/project/fun/fwrisc/fwrisc-s/ve/fwrisc_rv32imc/sim/rundir/fwrisc_rv32imc/vl'
make: Nothing to be done for `post-run'.
make: Leaving directory `/project/fun/fwrisc/fwrisc-s/ve/fwrisc_rv32imc/sim/rundir/fwrisc_rv32imc/vl'
# PASSED:  1
# FAILED:  0
# TOTAL:   1

The test terminates when the core hits the instruction access fault exception occurs, as a result of the intrusion code.

Run Synthesis

Please see the Synthesis document for more information on running synthesis. The short version is:

  • Ensure your environment is properly configured
  • cd fwrisc/synth/microsemi
  • make clean
  • make