FWRISC Synthesis

FWRISC has a goal of supporting the majority of available FPGA platforms. Currently, FWRISC has a complete synthesis flow setup for Microsemi FPGAs, and runs synthesis for Lattice using Yosys.

All synthesis-related files are stored in the synth subdirectory of the FWRISC project.


Synthesis for Microsemi IGLOO2/SmartFusion2 uses the Libero software. Before running synthesis, please ensure that tools are properly configured in your environment, and you have properly configured FWRISC by sourcing the setup file.

Run synthesis for the top-level SoC by running make. The output files will be placed inside the ‘libero’ subdirectory.

A cached version of the top-level bitstream is stored in the bitstream/fwrisc_fpga_top.stp file. This bitstream contains a ROM image that alternates flashing the LEDs on the Future Electronics CREATIVE board (P/N FUTUREM2SF-EVB).

Resource measurements for the FWRISC core on its own are done using a standalone Synplify project. The project files are stored in the synplify subdirectory.


Synthesis for Lattice ICE40 uses the Yosys software. Before running synthesis, please ensure that tools are properly configured in your environment, and you have properly configured FWRISC by sourcing the setup file.

Run Yosys synthesis for the FWRISC core on its own by running make. The resource report will be the last thing displayed in the console.