blob: 1a545f2ecc95f5f6c844acd771a4c89b93b1ed70 [file] [log] [blame]
// - 16 x 4-bit register file, single and dual port
// note: see below for dual read port version
// rev history:
// 12/4/2022 - based on LM3000 regfile.v
// inputs:
// rdAddr - read address
// rdOutEn - enable read register to appear on 'data' lines
// wrAddr - write address
// wrEn - write 'data' lines to selected (write) register
// clk - this actually does the write
// dataIn - data in (for register write)
// outputs:
// dataOut - data out for register read (tristate)
module regfile(rdAddr, rdOutEn, wrAddr, wrEn, clk, dataIn, dataOut);
input [3:0] rdAddr; // 4-bit addressing
input rdOutEn;
input [3:0] wrAddr;
input wrEn;
input clk;
input tri [3:0] dataIn; // tristate
output tri [3:0] dataOut; // tristate
reg [3:0] memory[0:15]; // we define 16 4-bit registers
assign dataOut = (rdOutEn)? memory[rdAddr]: 4'bzzzz;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (wrEn) begin
// this writes to location wrAddr
memory[wrAddr] <= dataIn;
// - 16 x 4-bit register file
// rev history:
// 12/4/2022 - based on LM3000 regfile.v
// inputs:
// rdAddr - read address
// rdOutEn - enable read register to appear on 'data' lines
// wrAddr - write address
// wrEn - write 'data' lines to selected (write) register
// clk - this actually does the write
// dataIn - data in (for register write)
// outputs:
// dataOut - data out for register read (tristate)
module regfile16x4_dual(rdAddr1, rdOutEn1, rdAddr2, rdOutEn2, wrAddr, wrEn, clk, dataIn, dataOut1, dataOut2);
input [3:0] rdAddr1; // 4-bit addressing
input rdOutEn1;
input [3:0] rdAddr2;
input rdOutEn2;
input [3:0] wrAddr;
input wrEn;
input clk;
input [3:0] dataIn;
output tri [3:0] dataOut1; // tristate
output tri [3:0] dataOut2; // tristate
reg [3:0] memory[0:15]; // we define 16 4-bit registers
// note: these are dual read ports - does this synthesize??
assign dataOut1 = (rdOutEn1)? memory[rdAddr1]: 4'bzzzz;
assign dataOut2 = (rdOutEn2)? memory[rdAddr2]: 4'bzzzz;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (wrEn) begin
// this writes to location wrAddr
//$display("** %g regfile: writing [%b] = %b (0x%0x)", $time, wrAddr, dataIn, dataIn);
memory[wrAddr] <= dataIn;