blob: d3be45183f40c1d0f4045af957151be3971c13ee [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
// top level module
module rolfmobile99_top(
input [18:0] io_in, // 19 inputs
output [8:0] io_out // 9 outputs
// note: these assigments should match inputs/outputs declared in info.yaml!
wire clk = io_in[0];
wire reset = io_in[1];
wire xnor_a = io_in[2];
wire xnor_b = io_in[3];
// regfile inputs
wire en1 = io_in[4];
wire en2 = io_in[5];
wire wrEn = io_in[6];
wire [3:0] rdAddr1 = io_in[10:7];
wire [3:0] rdAddr2 = io_in[14:11];
wire [3:0] dataIn = io_in[18:15];
// XNOR output
assign io_out[0] = xnor_y;
// regfile outputs
assign io_out[4:1] = dataBusA;
assign io_out[8:5] = dataBusB;
// io_out[6:0] = ... ; // notused
wire xnor_y;
// connect modules
// first, just an XNOR gate
xnor1 xnor1(.a(xnor_a),
// second, a 16x4 bit register file (see below!)
// needs the following:
// inputs: (4+15)
// - clk 1
// - reset 1
// - xnor_a 1
// - xnor_b 1
// - en1 1
// - en2 1
// - wrEn 1
// - rdAddr1 4
// - rdAddr2 4
// - wrAddr 4 (can combine with rdAddr1)
// - dataIn 4
// outputs (1+8):
// - xnor_y 1
// - dataBusA 4
// - dataBusB 4
wire [3:0] dataBusA;
wire [3:0] dataBusB;
wire [3:0] wrAddr;
assign wrAddr[3:0] = rdAddr1[3:0]; // combine with rdAddr1 to save input pins
regfile16x4_dual regfile(.rdAddr1(rdAddr1),
.dataOut2(dataBusB) );