| --- |
| # TinyTapeout project information |
| project: |
| wokwi_id: 0 |
| source_files: |
| - user_module.v |
| - top.v |
| top_module: "top" |
| |
| # As everyone will have access to all designs, try to make it easy for someone new to your design to know what |
| # it does and how to operate it. |
| # |
| # Here is an example: https://github.com/mattvenn/tinytapeout_m_segments/blob/main/info.yaml |
| # |
| # This info will be automatically collected and used to make a datasheet for the chip. |
| documentation: |
| author: "proppy" # Your name |
| discord: "proppy" # Your discord handle |
| title: "XLS: bit population count" # Project title |
| description: "Count bits set in the input." # Short description of what your project does |
| how_it_works: "https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetParallel" # Longer description of how the project works |
| how_to_test: "Pull up input bits, check that output bits represent the count." # Instructions on how someone could test your project, include things like what buttons do what and how to set the clock if needed |
| external_hw: "LEDs and resistors" # Describe any external hardware neede |
| language: "XLS" # other examples include Verilog, Amaranth, VHDL, etc |
| doc_link: "https://github.com/proppy/tt02-xls-popcount/blob/main/README.md" # URL to longer form documentation, eg the README.md in your repository |
| clock_hz: 0 # Clock frequency in Hz (if required) |
| picture: "popcount.svg" # relative path to a picture in your repository |
| inputs: # a description of what the inputs do |
| - bit0 |
| - bit1 |
| - bit2 |
| - bit3 |
| - bit4 |
| - bit5 |
| - bit6 |
| - bit7 |
| outputs: |
| - count0 |
| - count1 |
| - count2 |
| - count3 |
| - count4 |
| - count5 |
| - count6 |
| - count7 |