blob: 3cc559e885ee9617011c0f0b0e44f94c1a70a353 [file] [log] [blame]
module top_tukka_proj (
inout vdd, // User area 5.0V supply
inout vss, // User area ground
input clk1, // Clock 1 supposed to be faster
input clk2, // Clock 2 supposed to be slower
input reset_n, // System reset
input sel_clk2, // Select clock2 when high
//for SHA
// Control.
input wire cs,
input wire we,
// Data ports.
input wire [7 : 0] address,
input wire [31 : 0] write_data,
output wire [31 : 0] read_data,
output wire error,
//output clock
wire clk1or2; // Selected clock
//clock mux instintiated
clock_mux clock_mux0(
//sha instintiated
sha256 dut(