| module as2650( |
| input reset, |
| output [12:0] adr, |
| input [7:0] dbus_in, |
| output [7:0] dbus_out, |
| output oeb, |
| output rw, |
| output opreq, |
| output wrp, |
| output m_io, |
| output d_c, |
| |
| input sense, |
| output flag, |
| |
| input clk |
| ); |
| |
| /* CPU registers */ |
| reg [7:0] r0; |
| reg [7:0] r123[2:0]; |
| reg [7:0] r123_2[2:0]; |
| reg [14:0] pc; |
| reg [7:0] psu; |
| reg [7:0] psl; |
| reg [7:0] ins_reg; |
| reg [14:0] stack[7:0]; |
| reg [2:0] stack_ptr; |
| reg [7:0] cycle; |
| reg halted; |
| reg [7:0] holding_reg; |
| reg [7:0] addr_buff; |
| reg [1:0] idx_ctrl; |
| |
| assign flag = psu[6]; |
| wire [2:0] sp = psu[2:0]; |
| |
| reg r_opreq; |
| assign opreq = r_opreq; |
| reg r_rw; |
| assign rw = r_rw; |
| reg [12:0] r_addr; |
| assign adr = r_addr; |
| reg r_m_io; |
| assign m_io = r_m_io; |
| reg r_d_c; |
| assign d_c = r_d_c; |
| reg r_wrp; |
| assign wrp = r_wrp; |
| reg [7:0] b_buf; |
| assign oeb = r_rw ? 0 : 1; |
| assign dbus_out = b_buf; |
| |
| /* |
| * Some common values defined as wires |
| */ |
| wire [7:0] instr_reg = ins_reg[1:0] == 0 ? r0 : (psl[4] ? r123_2[ins_reg[1:0] - 1] : r123[ins_reg[1:0] - 1]); |
| wire [7:0] instr_reg_p1 = instr_reg + 1; |
| wire [7:0] instr_reg_m1 = instr_reg - 1; |
| wire [14:0] branch_addr = pc + (dbus_in[6:0] >= 64 ? -(64 - (dbus_in[6:0] - 64)) : dbus_in[6:0]); |
| wire carry = psl[0]; |
| wire overflow = psl[2]; |
| /* |
| * Shift & ALU wires |
| */ |
| wire [7:0] rrr = psl[3] ? {carry, instr_reg[7:1]} : {instr_reg[0], instr_reg[7:1]}; |
| wire [7:0] rrl = psl[3] ? {instr_reg[6:0], carry} : {instr_reg[6:0], instr_reg[7]}; |
| wire [7:0] input1 = ins_reg[2:3] == 0 ? holding_reg : instr_reg; |
| wire [7:0] input2 = ins_reg[2:3] == 0 ? instr_reg : holding_reg; |
| wire [7:0] alu_next = alu_step(input1, input2); |
| |
| always @(posedge clk) begin |
| if(reset) begin |
| pc <= 0; |
| r0 <= 0; |
| r123[0] <= 0; |
| r123[1] <= 0; |
| r123[2] <= 0; |
| r123[4] <= 0; |
| r123[5] <= 0; |
| r123[6] <= 0; |
| psu <= 0; |
| psl <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| r_addr <= 0; |
| r_m_io <= 1; |
| r_d_c <= 0; |
| r_wrp <= 0; |
| halted <= 0; |
| idx_ctrl <= 0; |
| stack_ptr <= 0; |
| end else if(!halted) begin |
| psu[7] <= sense; |
| cycle <= cycle + 1; |
| if(cycle == 0) begin // First instruction cycle. Request memory read from mem[pc] |
| idx_ctrl <= 0; |
| r_m_io <= 1; |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| r_addr <= pc[12:0]; |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| end else if(cycle == 1) begin // Latch received instruction |
| ins_reg <= dbus_in; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| if(ins_reg[4]) begin |
| if(ins_reg[3]) begin |
| /* |
| * Branch instructions |
| */ |
| if(ins_reg == 'h9B || ins_reg == 'hBB) begin |
| //zbrr, zbsr |
| if(cycle == 2) begin //Read instruction argument |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| r_addr <= pc[12:0]; |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| end else if(cycle == 3) begin //take the branch |
| if(dbus_in[7]) begin //Indirect addressing. Use ugly hack to force it. |
| r_addr <= branch_addr[12:0]; |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| cycle <= 8; |
| ins_reg <= ins_reg == 'h9B ? 'h1B : 'h3B; |
| end else begin //Take the branch |
| pc <= {0, 0, branch_addr[12:0]}; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h9F || ins_reg == 'hBF) begin |
| //bxa, bsxa |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| r_addr <= pc; |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| end else if(cycle == 3) begin |
| addr_buff <= dbus_in; |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| r_addr <= pc; |
| end else if(cycle == 4) begin |
| if(ins_reg == 'hBF) begin |
| stack[stack_ptr] <= pc; |
| stack_ptr <= stack_ptr + 1; |
| end |
| if(addr_buff[7]) begin //Indirect addressing |
| r_addr <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in}; |
| end else begin //Take branch |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| pc <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in} + (psl[4] ? r123_2[2] : r123[2]); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| //Do the indirect addressing |
| end else if(cycle == 5) begin |
| addr_buff <= dbus_in; |
| r_addr <= r_addr + 1; |
| end else if(cycle == 6) begin |
| pc <= {addr_buff[6:0], dbus_in}; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else begin |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| //Decide if the branch will be taken or not |
| if(ins_reg[7:4] == 'h5 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'h7 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'hD || ins_reg[7:4] == 'hF) begin |
| //These branch if a register is non-zero. May increment or decrement the reg. |
| write_reg(ins_reg[7:4] == 'hD ? instr_reg_p1 : (ins_reg[7:4] == 'hF ? instr_reg_m1 : instr_reg), ins_reg[1:0]); |
| if((ins_reg[7:4] == 'hD ? instr_reg_p1 : (ins_reg[7:4] == 'hF ? instr_reg_m1 : instr_reg)) == 0) begin //Branch is not taken |
| pc <= pc + (ins_reg[2] ? 2 : 1); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| r_addr <= pc; |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| end |
| end else begin |
| //These will compare the CC to decide wether to branch or not |
| if( |
| ((ins_reg[7:4] == 'h1 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'h3) |
| && |
| (ins_reg[1:0] != 'b11 && ins_reg[1:0] != psl[7:6])) |
| || |
| ((ins_reg[7:4] == 'h9 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'hB) |
| && |
| (ins_reg[1:0] == psl[7:6])) |
| ) begin //Branch is not taken |
| pc <= pc + (ins_reg[2] ? 2 : 1); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| r_addr <= pc; |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| end |
| end |
| end else if(cycle == 3) begin |
| if(!ins_reg[2]) begin //Relative branch |
| if(dbus[7]) begin //Indirect addressing. Need more data. |
| r_addr <= branch_addr[12:0]; |
| cycle <= 8; |
| end else begin //Take the branch |
| push_stack(); |
| pc <= branch_addr[12:0]; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else begin //Absolute branch, need one more byte |
| addr_buff <= dbus_in; |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| r_addr <= pc; |
| end |
| end else if(cycle == 4) begin //Getting the second byte of absolute branch |
| if(addr_buff[7]) begin //Indirect addressing. Need more data. |
| r_addr <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in}; |
| cycle <= 8; |
| end else begin //Take the branch |
| push_stack(); |
| pc <= {addr_buff[6:0], dbus_in}; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else if(cycle == 8) begin //Indirect addressing, first byte |
| addr_buff <= dbus_in; |
| r_addr <= r_addr + 1; |
| end else if(cycle == 9) begin //Indirect addressing, second byte, finally take branch |
| push_stack(); |
| pc <= {dbus_in[4:0], addr_buff}; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end |
| end else begin |
| if((ins_reg[7:4] == 'h1 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'h3) && ins_reg[2]) begin |
| /* |
| * Subroutine returns |
| */ |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| if(ins_reg[1:0] == 'b11 || ins_reg[1:0] == psl[7:6]) begin //Return on condition true |
| //Pop a value of the stack and into PC |
| pc <= stack[stack_ptr - 1]; |
| stack_ptr <= stack_ptr - 1; |
| if(ins_reg[7:4] == 'h3) begin //Also re-enable interrupts |
| psu[5] <= 0; |
| end |
| end else begin //Just continue without returning |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end |
| end else if((ins_reg[7:4] == 'h3 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'h7) && !ins_reg[2]) begin |
| /* |
| * Basic I/O read |
| */ |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| r_m_io <= 0; |
| r_d_c <= ins_reg[7:4] == 'h7 ? 1 : 0; |
| end else if(cycle == 3) begin |
| set_cc_for(dbus_in); |
| write_reg(dbus_in, ins_reg[1:0]); |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| r_m_io <= 1; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else if((ins_reg[7:4] == 'hB || ins_reg[7:4] == 'hF) && !ins_reg[2]) begin |
| /* |
| * Basic I/O write |
| */ |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 1; |
| b_buf <= instr_reg; |
| r_m_io <= 0; |
| r_d_c <= ins_reg[7:4] == 'hF ? 1 : 0; |
| end else if(cycle == 3) begin |
| r_wrp <= 1; |
| end else if(cycle == 4) begin |
| r_wrp <= 0; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| r_m_io <= 1; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:4] == 'h5 && !ins_reg[2]) begin |
| /* |
| * rrr |
| */ |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| if(psl[3]) begin |
| psl[0] <= instr_reg[0]; |
| psl[5] <= instr_reg[6]; |
| end |
| set_cc_for(rrr); |
| write_reg(rrr, ins_reg[1:0]); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:4] == 'hD && !ins_reg[2]) begin |
| /* |
| * rrl |
| */ |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| if(psl[3]) begin |
| psl[0] <= instr_reg[7]; |
| psl[5] <= instr_reg[4]; |
| end |
| set_cc_for(rrl); |
| write_reg(rrl, ins_reg[1:0]); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:4] >= 'h94 && ins_reg[7:4] <= 'h97) begin //Decimal-adjust register. Not implemented, for now. |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end else begin |
| /* |
| * Misc instructions |
| */ |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| if(ins_reg == 'h90 || ins_reg == 'h91) begin //Undocumented instructions that I know execute as NOP on the real CPU |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h12) begin |
| r0 <= psu; |
| set_cc_for(r0); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h13) begin |
| r0 <= psl; |
| set_cc_for(r0); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h92) begin |
| psu <= r0; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h93) begin |
| psl <= r0; |
| end else begin |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| r_addr <= pc; |
| end |
| end else if(cycle == 3) begin |
| if(ins_reg == 'h74) begin |
| psu <= psu & ~dbus_in; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h75) begin |
| psl <= psl & ~dbus_in; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h76) begin |
| psu <= psu | dbus_in; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'h77) begin |
| psl <= psl | dbus_in; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'hB4 || ins_reg == 'hB6) begin |
| psl[7:6] <= (psu & dbus_in) == dbus_in ? 0 : 2; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'hB5 || ins_reg == 'hB7) begin |
| psl[7:6] <= (psl & dbus_in) == dbus_in ? 0 : 2; |
| end else if(ins_reg >= 'hF4 && ins_reg <= 'hF7) begin //tmi |
| psl[7:6] <= (instr_reg & dbus_in) == dbus_in ? 0 : 2; |
| end |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end else begin |
| /* |
| * ALU or load/store instruction, or 'halt' or 'nop' |
| */ |
| if(cycle == 2) begin |
| if(ins_reg == 'h40) begin //halt |
| halted <= 1; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else if(ins_reg == 'hC0) begin //nop |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| if(ins_reg[3:2] == 0) begin //Zero-addressed instruction |
| if(ins_reg[7:4] == 0) begin //lodz instruction can complete immediately |
| r0 <= instr_reg; |
| set_cc_for(instr_reg); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:4] == 'hC && ins_reg[3:2] == 0) begin //strz instruction can complete immediately |
| write_reg(r0, ins_reg[1:0]); |
| set_cc_for(r0); |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end else begin //'zero' addressing mode can load immediately |
| holding_reg <= r0; |
| cycle <= 4; |
| end |
| end else begin |
| //All other addressing modes need to read at least one more byte of instruction argument |
| r_opreq <= 1; |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| r_addr <= pc[12:0]; |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| /* |
| * Immediate-addressed instructions only load one byte, with no further address computation, so we can take a shortcut for those. |
| * No need to 'branch' to complex address-computation. Just go to cycle 3 where the second operand is loaded from the bus. |
| */ |
| if(ins_reg[3:2] == 1) begin |
| cycle <= 3; |
| end else if(ins_reg[3:2] == 2) begin |
| cycle <= 'b10_000000; |
| end else if(ins_reg[3:2] == 3) begin |
| cycle <= 'b11_000000; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end else if(cycle == 3) begin |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| holding_reg <= dbus_in; |
| end else if(cycle == 4) begin |
| if(ins_reg[7:5] == 7) begin |
| if(psl[1]) begin |
| //Logical compare |
| psl[7:6] <= input1 > input2 ? 'b01 : (input1 < input2 ? 'b10 : 'b00); |
| end else begin |
| //Arithmetic compare |
| psl[7:6] <= input1[7] == input2[7] ? (input1 > input2 ? 'b01 : (input1 < input2 ? 'b10 : 'b00)) : (input1[7] ? 'b10 : 'b01); |
| end |
| end else begin |
| set_cc_for(alu_next); |
| write_reg(alu_next, idx_ctrl != 0 || ins_reg[2:3] == 0 ? 0 : ins_reg[1:0]); |
| if(ins_reg[7:5] == 4 || ins_reg[7:5] == 5) begin |
| psl[5] <= alu_next[4]; |
| psl[2] <= input1[7] == input2[7] && alu_next[7] != input1[7]; |
| psl[0] <= alu_next < input1; |
| end |
| end |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| /* |
| * Store instruction |
| */ |
| else if(cycle == 8) begin |
| r_wrp <= 1; |
| end else if(cycle == 9) begin |
| r_rw <= 0; |
| r_wrp <= 0; |
| r_opreq <= 0; |
| cycle <= 0; |
| end |
| |
| /* |
| * Relative-addressing |
| */ |
| else if(cycle == 'b10_000000) begin |
| cycle <= dbus_in[7] ? 'b01_000000 : (ins_reg[7:5] == 6 ? 8 : 3); //Detect if indirect load, and detect if store |
| r_addr <= pc[12:0] + 1 + (dbus_in[6:0] >= 64 ? -(64 - (dbus_in[6:0] - 64)) : dbus_in[6:0]); //Apply address change |
| if(!dbus_in[7]) begin |
| setup_read(); |
| end |
| end |
| /* |
| * Absolute-addressing |
| */ |
| else if(cycle == 'b11_000000) begin |
| addr_buff <= dbus_in; //Read MSB |
| r_addr <= r_addr + 1; //Read next byte |
| pc <= pc + 1; |
| end else if(cycle == 'b11_000001) begin |
| cycle <= addr_buff[7] ? 'b01_000000 : (ins_reg[7:5] == 6 ? 8 : 3); //Detect if indirect load, and detect if store |
| idx_ctrl <= addr_buff[6:5]; |
| if(!addr_buff[7]) begin |
| /* |
| * Offset address by register value for indexed addressing |
| */ |
| if(addr_buff[6:5] == 0) begin |
| r_addr <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in}; |
| end else begin |
| r_addr <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in} + (addr_buff[6:5] == 1 ? instr_reg_p1 : (addr_buff[6:5] == 2 ? instr_reg_m1 : instr_reg)); |
| write_reg(addr_buff[6:5] == 1 ? instr_reg_p1 : (addr_buff[6:5] == 2 ? instr_reg_m1 : instr_reg), ins_reg[1:0]); |
| end |
| setup_read(); |
| end else begin |
| r_addr <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in}; |
| end |
| end |
| /* |
| * Indirect addressing (follows relative or absolute) |
| */ |
| else if(cycle == 'b01_000000) begin |
| addr_buff <= dbus_in; //Read MSB |
| r_addr <= r_addr + 1; //Read next byte |
| end else if(cycle == 'b01_000001) begin |
| if(idx_ctrl == 0) begin |
| r_addr <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in}; |
| end else begin |
| /* |
| * Offset address by register value for indexed addressing |
| */ |
| r_addr <= {addr_buff[4:0], dbus_in} + (idx_ctrl[1:0] == 1 ? instr_reg_p1 : (idx_ctrl[1:0] == 2 ? instr_reg_m1 : instr_reg)); |
| write_reg(idx_ctrl[1:0] == 1 ? instr_reg_p1 : (idx_ctrl[1:0] == 2 ? instr_reg_m1 : instr_reg), ins_reg[1:0]); |
| end |
| cycle <= ins_reg[7:5] == 6 ? 8 : 3; //Detect if store |
| setup_read(); |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| task write_reg(input [7:0] data, input [1:0] r_addr); |
| begin |
| if(r_addr == 0) begin |
| r0 <= data; |
| end else begin |
| if(psl[4]) begin |
| r123_2[r_addr - 1] <= data; |
| end else begin |
| r123[r_addr - 1] <= data; |
| end |
| |
| end |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| task push_stack(); |
| begin |
| if(ins_reg[7:4] == 'h3 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'h7 || ins_reg[7:4] == 'hB) begin |
| stack[stack_ptr] <= pc; |
| stack_ptr <= stack_ptr + 1; |
| end |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| task set_cc_for(input [7:0] val); |
| begin |
| psl[7:6] <= val > 127 ? 'b10 : (val != 0 ? 'b01 : 'b00); |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| task setup_read(); |
| begin |
| if(ins_reg[7:4] == 'hC) begin |
| r_rw <= 1; |
| b_buf <= addr_buff[6:5] != 0 ? r0 : instr_reg; //Account for indexed addressing always using r0 |
| cycle <= 8; |
| end |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| function [7:0] alu_step(input [7:0] input1, input [7:0] input2); |
| begin |
| if(ins_reg[7:5] == 1) begin |
| alu_step = input1 ^ input2; |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:5] == 2) begin |
| alu_step = input1 & input2; |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:5] == 3) begin |
| alu_step = input1 | input2; |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:5] == 4) begin |
| alu_step = input1 + input2 + (psl[3] && psl[0]); |
| end else if(ins_reg[7:5] == 5) begin |
| alu_step = input1 + ~input2 + (!psl[3] || psl[0]); |
| end else begin |
| alu_step = input2; |
| end |
| end |
| endfunction |
| endmodule |