blob: 02e76de53fb8ec459c104a688249d58c623e8ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// Company:
// Engineer: Wenting Zhang
// Create Date: 18:48:36 02/14/2018
// Design Name:
// Module Name: ppu
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Chip top level
// Additional Comments:
// Wraps up the VerilogBoy and expose signals to be connected to the pad frame
module chip(
input wire clk, // 4 MHz clock input
input wire rstn, // Active high sync reset
output reg [15:0] a, // Address bus
output reg [7:0] dout, // Data bus to be written
input wire [7:0] din, // Data bus read
output reg doe, // Data bus output enable
output reg wr, // High active write enable
output reg cale, // Cartridge address latch enable
output reg cs, // Cartridge chip select
output wire hsync, // LCD horizontal sync
output wire vsync, // LCD vertical sync
output wire csync, // LCD composite sync
output wire pvalid, // LCD pixel valid/ clock gate
output wire [1:0] pixel, // LCD pixel output
input wire skey, // Serial key input
output wire audiolr, // Audio left/right output
// For testbench only
output wire done,
output wire fault
wire rst = !rstn;
wire [1:0] ct;
wire [15:0] cpu_a;
wire [7:0] cpu_dout;
reg [7:0] cpu_din;
wire cpu_wr;
wire cpu_rd;
reg [7:0] key;
wire [15:0] ppu_a;
wire [7:0] ppu_dout;
reg [7:0] ppu_din;
wire ppu_wr;
wire ppu_rd;
wire [15:0] left;
wire [15:0] right;
boy boy(
.rst(rst), // Async Reset Input
.clk(clk), // 4.19MHz Clock Input
.phi(), // 1.05MHz Reference Clock Output
.ct(ct), // 0-3T cycle number
// Cartridge interface
.a(cpu_a), // Address Bus
.dout(cpu_dout), // Data Bus
.wr(cpu_wr), // Write Enable
.rd(cpu_rd), // Read Enable
// Keyboard input
// LCD output
.hs(hsync), // Horizontal Sync Output
.vs(vsync), // Vertical Sync Output
.cpl(), // Pixel Data Latch
.pixel(pixel), // Pixel Data
// Sound output
// Video RAM interface
// Debug interface
assign csync = hsync ^ vsync;
assign ppu_a[15:13] = 3'b100;
// Internal SRAM (WRAM + VRAM, 16KB)
// Address
// 1000 xxxx xxxx xxxx VRAM
// 1001 xxxx xxxx xxxx VRAM
// 1100 xxxx xxxx xxxx WRAM
// 1101 xxxx xxxx xxxx WRAM
wire addr_is_ram = ((cpu_a >= 16'h8000) && (cpu_a <= 16'h9fff)) ||
((cpu_a >= 16'hc000) && (cpu_a <= 16'hdfff));
wire addr_is_cart = ((cpu_a <= 16'h7fff) || // Cart ROM
((cpu_a >= 16'ha000) && (cpu_a <= 16'hbfff))); // Cart RAM
reg addr_is_cart_reg;
reg [15:0] cpu_a_reg;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ct == 2'b00) begin
addr_is_cart_reg <= addr_is_cart;
cpu_a_reg <= cpu_a;
// Bus multiplexing
always @(*) begin
if (ct == 2'b00) begin
// CPU/ DMA address output
a = cpu_a;
dout = 8'hff;
doe = 1'b0;
wr = 1'b0;
cale = 1'b1;
cs = 1'b0;
cpu_din = 8'hff;
ppu_din = 8'hff;
else if ((ct == 2'b01) || (ct == 2'b11)) begin
// VRAM access (read only)
a = ppu_a;
dout = 8'hff;
doe = 1'b0;
wr = 1'b0;
cale = 1'b0;
cs = 1'b0;
cpu_din = 8'hff;
ppu_din = din;
else begin
// CPU/ DMA access (RW)
a = cpu_a_reg;
dout = cpu_dout;
doe = !cpu_wr;
wr = cpu_wr;
cale = 1'b0;
cs = addr_is_cart_reg;
cpu_din = din;
ppu_din = 8'hff;
// Audio PDM
reg lrck;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
lrck <= 1'b0;
else begin
lrck <= ~lrck;
wire audiol;
wire audior;
sdm1b #(.W(9)) sdm_left (
sdm1b #(.W(9)) sdm_right (
assign audiolr = (lrck) ? (audiol) : (audior);
// Key serial to parallel
reg [7:0] key_sr;
reg [3:0] counter;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (csync) begin
counter <= 4'b0;
else begin
if (pvalid) begin
if (counter != 4'd8) begin
key_sr <= {key_sr[6:0], skey};
counter <= counter + 1;
else begin
key <= key_sr;
`default_nettype wire