blob: a029e2fa6844d77c5a3778b2fb5f66c94bbf975d [file] [log] [blame]
// Testbench for dice
timeunit 1ns; timeprecision 10ps;
module dice_stim();
logic Clock, nReset;
wire TL, TR, ML, MC, MR, BL, BR;
dice dut1(.Clock(Clock), .nReset(nReset),
.TL(TL), .TR(TR),
.ML(ML), .MC(MC), .MR(MR),
.BL(BL), .BR(BR)
// Probe
task display_signals;
$display($time, " %d %d %b %b %b %b %b %b %b ", dut1.Ran, dut1.DiceValue, TL, TR, ML, MC, MR, BL, BR);
initial begin
$display(" Time Ran DiceValue TL TR ML MC MR BL BR");
$display(" ==== ============= ====================");
forever begin
// Print signals every 10 clock cycles
// Pause the sim
`ifndef NOPAUSE
// Stimuli
initial begin
nReset = 0;
#2 nReset = 1;
// If stop is not included, there needs to be something to stop the sim
`ifdef NOPAUSE
#2400 $finish();
// 100 MHz clock
always begin
Clock = 0;
#5 Clock = 1;
// Self-checking every 2 clock cycles
integer ones, prev_count=0;
always begin
// Check DiceValue matches number of active LEDs
// Doesn't check the pattern, but doing so would amount to asserting the inverse of the design
ones = $countones({TL, TR, ML, MC, MR, BL, BR});
assert (dut1.DiceValue == ones) else $error("DiceValue %d != number of active LEDs (%d)", dut1.DiceValue, ones);
// Check that the dice has not stayed on the same side
assert (ones != prev_count) else $error("Dice Value did not change in this cycle");
//Check for illegal rolls, ie to the opposite side of the dice
assert ((ones+prev_count)!= 7) else $error("Rolling from %d to %d not allowed", prev_count, ones);
prev_count = ones;