add pdm code
diff --git a/info.yaml b/info.yaml
index 8e04ea5..fef0d8b 100644
--- a/info.yaml
+++ b/info.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   source_files:        # If using an HDL, set wokwi_id as 0 and uncomment and list your source files here
     - verilog/rtl/counter.v
     - verilog/rtl/decoder.v
-  top_module:  "seven_segment_seconds"      # put the name of your top module here, make it unique by prepending your github username
+  top_module:  "user_module"      # put the name of your top module here, make it unique by prepending your github username
 # As everyone will have access to all designs, try to make it easy for someone new to your design to know what
 # it does and how to operate it.
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_module.v b/verilog/rtl/user_module.v
index aea8267..714c20a 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_module.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_module.v
@@ -1,88 +1,56 @@
-/* Automatically generated from */
-`default_nettype none
-module user_module_334445762078310996(
-  input [7:0] io_in,
-  output [7:0] io_out
-  wire net1 = 1'b1;
-  wire net2 = 1'b0;
-  wire net3;
-  wire net4;
-  wire net5;
-  wire net6;
-  wire net7;
-  wire net8 = 1'b1;
-  wire net9 = 1'b0;
-  wire net10;
-  wire net11;
-  wire net12 = 1'b1;
-  wire net13 = 1'b0;
-  wire net14;
-  wire net15 = 1'b1;
-  wire net16 = 1'b0;
-  wire net17;
-  wire net18 = 1'b0;
-  wire net19 = 1'b1;
-  wire net20;
-  wire net21 = 1'b1;
-  wire net22;
-  wire net23;
-  wire net24 = 1'b0;
-  wire net25 = 1'b0;
-  and_cell gate1 (
-    .a (net3)
-  );
-  or_cell gate2 (
-  );
-  xor_cell gate3 (
-  );
-  nand_cell gate4 (
-    .a (net4),
-    .b (net5),
-    .out (net6)
-  );
-  not_cell gate5 (
-    .in (net7),
-    .out (net5)
-  );
-  buffer_cell gate6 (
-  );
-  mux_cell mux1 (
-    .a (net8),
-    .b (net9),
-    .sel (net10),
-    .out (net11)
-  );
-  dff_cell flipflop1 (
-  );
-  mux_cell mux2 (
-    .a (net12),
-    .b (net13),
-    .sel (net10),
-    .out (net14)
-  );
-  mux_cell mux3 (
-    .a (net15),
-    .b (net16),
-    .sel (net10),
-    .out (net17)
-  );
-  mux_cell mux4 (
-    .a (net18),
-    .b (net19),
-    .sel (net10),
-    .out (net20)
-  );
-  and_cell gate7 (
-    .a (net22),
-    .b (net23),
-    .out (net4)
-  );
+`default_nettype none


+//  Top level io for this module should stay the same to fit into the scan_wrapper.

+//  The pin connections within the user_module are up to you,

+//  although (if one is present) it is recommended to place a clock on io_in[0].

+//  This allows use of the internal clock divider if you wish.

+module user_module(

+  input [7:0] io_in, 

+  output [7:0] io_out



+  wire pdm_out;


+  assign io_out[0] = pdm_out;

+  assign io_out[1] = ~pdm_out;


+  pdm pdm_core(

+    .pdm_input(io_in[7:3]),

+    .write_en(io_in[2]),

+    .reset(io_in[1]),

+    .clk(io_in[0]),    

+    .pdm_out(pdm_out)

+  );




+//  Any submodules should be included in this file,

+//  so they are copied into the main TinyTapeout repo.

+//  Appending your ID to any submodules you create 

+//  ensures there are no clashes in full-chip simulation.

+module pdm(

+    input [4:0] pdm_input,

+    input       write_en,

+    input       clk, reset,    

+    output      pdm_out



+reg [4:0] accumulator;

+reg [4:0] input_reg;


+wire [5:0] sum;


+assign sum = input_reg + accumulator;

+assign pdm_out = sum[5];


+always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin

+    if (reset) begin 

+        input_reg <= 5'h00 ;

+        accumulator <= 5'h00;

+    end else begin

+        accumulator <= sum[4:0];

+        if (write_en) input_reg <= pdm_input ;

+    end



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_module_tb.v b/verilog/rtl/user_module_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77d4c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_module_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps

+//`include "user_module.v"


+module user_module_tb;


+wire [7:0] io_in;

+wire [7:0] io_out;


+reg clk, reset, write_en;

+reg [4:0] pdm_input;


+assign io_in = {pdm_input, write_en, reset, clk};


+user_module UUT (.io_in(io_in), .io_out(io_out));


+initial begin

+  $dumpfile("user_module_tb.vcd");

+  $dumpvars(0, user_module_tb);



+initial begin

+   #100_000_000; // Wait a long time in simulation units (adjust as needed).

+   $display("Caught by trap");

+   $finish;

+ end


+parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 5;

+parameter TCLK = 2*CLK_HALF_PERIOD;

+always begin

+    clk = 1'b1;


+    clk = 1'b0;






+    #20

+    reset = 1;


+    reset = 0;



+initial begin

+    write_en = 0;

+    pdm_input = 5'h00;


+    #(5*TCLK)

+    write_en = 1;

+    pdm_input= 5'h08;

+    #(TCLK);

+    write_en = 0;

+    #(63*TCLK);

+    write_en = 1;

+    pdm_input= 5'h1a;

+    #(TCLK);

+    write_en = 0;

+    #(63*TCLK);

+    write_en = 1;

+    pdm_input= 5'h0f;

+    #(64*TCLK);

+    pdm_input= 5'h04;

+    #(64*TCLK);

+    $finish;




diff --git a/verilog/rtl/wokwi_diagram.json b/verilog/rtl/wokwi_diagram.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 357c5bd..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/wokwi_diagram.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-  "version": 1,
-  "author": "Uri Shaked",
-  "editor": "wokwi",
-  "parts": [
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-dip-switch-8",
-      "id": "sw1",
-      "top": 31.3,
-      "left": -45.8,
-      "rotate": 90,
-      "attrs": {}
-    },
-    { "type": "wokwi-vcc", "id": "pwr1", "top": -124.04, "left": -134.4, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gnd", "id": "gnd1", "top": 67.2, "left": 681, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gate-and-2", "id": "gate1", "top": -211.2, "left": -96, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gate-or-2", "id": "gate2", "top": -276.8, "left": 148.67, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gate-xor-2", "id": "gate3", "top": -276.8, "left": 13.2, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gate-nand-2", "id": "gate4", "top": 364.8, "left": 201.6, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gate-not", "id": "gate5", "top": 393.6, "left": 96, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gate-buffer", "id": "gate6", "top": -181.2, "left": 55.2, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-mux-2", "id": "mux1", "top": -67.2, "left": 86.4, "attrs": {} },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-flip-flop-d",
-      "id": "flipflop1",
-      "top": -323.6,
-      "left": -244.13,
-      "attrs": {}
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-clock-generator",
-      "id": "clkgen1",
-      "top": -256.93,
-      "left": -250,
-      "attrs": {}
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-led-bar-graph",
-      "id": "bargraph1",
-      "top": -62.4,
-      "left": 600,
-      "attrs": { "color": "lime" }
-    },
-    { "type": "wokwi-vcc", "id": "pwr2", "top": -124.04, "left": 57.6, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-vcc", "id": "pwr3", "top": -268.04, "left": -28.8, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gnd", "id": "gnd2", "top": -18.71, "left": 76.2, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-mux-2", "id": "mux2", "top": -9.6, "left": 172.8, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-mux-2", "id": "mux3", "top": 57.6, "left": 240, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-mux-2", "id": "mux4", "top": 144, "left": 326.4, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-vcc", "id": "pwr4", "top": 19.96, "left": 230.4, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-vcc", "id": "pwr5", "top": 165.84, "left": 317, "rotate": 180, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-vcc", "id": "pwr6", "top": -37.64, "left": 163.2, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gnd", "id": "gnd3", "top": 28.8, "left": 162.6, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gnd", "id": "gnd4", "top": 96, "left": 229.8, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gnd", "id": "gnd5", "top": 101, "left": 325.2, "rotate": 180, "attrs": {} },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-dip-switch-8",
-      "id": "sw2",
-      "top": 342.76,
-      "left": -65.04,
-      "rotate": 90,
-      "attrs": {}
-    },
-    { "type": "wokwi-vcc", "id": "pwr7", "top": 298.36, "left": -67.2, "attrs": {} },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gate-and-2", "id": "gate7", "top": 326.4, "left": 96, "attrs": {} },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-resistor",
-      "id": "r1",
-      "top": -27.98,
-      "left": 9.21,
-      "rotate": 90,
-      "attrs": { "value": "1000" }
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-gnd",
-      "id": "gnd7",
-      "top": -95.97,
-      "left": -1.54,
-      "rotate": 180,
-      "attrs": {}
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-resistor",
-      "id": "r2",
-      "top": 278.2,
-      "left": -2.2,
-      "rotate": 90,
-      "attrs": { "value": "1000" }
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-resistor",
-      "id": "r3",
-      "top": 278.2,
-      "left": 26.6,
-      "rotate": 90,
-      "attrs": { "value": "1000" }
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "wokwi-resistor",
-      "id": "r4",
-      "top": 278.2,
-      "left": 55.4,
-      "rotate": 90,
-      "attrs": { "value": "1000" }
-    },
-    { "type": "wokwi-gnd", "id": "gnd8", "top": 216.2, "left": 47.8, "rotate": 180, "attrs": {} }
-  ],
-  "connections": [
-    [ "mux1:OUT", "bargraph1:A1", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "pwr1:VCC", "sw1:1a", "red", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "pwr2:VCC", "mux1:A", "red", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "mux1:B", "gnd2:GND", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C1", "bargraph1:C2", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C2", "bargraph1:C3", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C3", "bargraph1:C4", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C4", "bargraph1:C5", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C5", "bargraph1:C6", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C6", "bargraph1:C7", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C7", "bargraph1:C8", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C8", "bargraph1:C9", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C10", "bargraph1:C9", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:C10", "gnd1:GND", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw1:1b", "mux1:SEL", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "pwr6:VCC", "mux2:A", "red", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "gnd3:GND", "mux2:B", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "pwr4:VCC", "mux3:A", "red", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "gnd4:GND", "mux3:B", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "gnd5:GND", "mux4:A", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "pwr5:VCC", "mux4:B", "red", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "sw1:1b", "mux2:SEL", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw1:1b", "mux3:SEL", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw1:1b", "mux4:SEL", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "mux2:OUT", "bargraph1:A2", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "mux3:OUT", "bargraph1:A3", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "mux4:OUT", "bargraph1:A4", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "pwr7:VCC", "sw2:1a", "red", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "sw1:1a", "sw1:2a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw1:2a", "sw1:3a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:1a", "sw2:2a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:2a", "sw2:3a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:3a", "sw2:4a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:4a", "sw2:5a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:5a", "sw2:6a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:6a", "sw2:7a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:7a", "sw2:8a", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:1b", "gate7:A", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:2b", "gate7:B", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "sw2:3b", "gate5:IN", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "gate5:OUT", "gate4:B", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "gate7:OUT", "gate4:A", "green", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "r1:2", "sw1:1b", "green", [ "h1.74", "v16.62" ] ],
-    [ "gnd7:GND", "r1:1", "black", [ "v0" ] ],
-    [ "r2:1", "gnd8:GND", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "r4:1", "r3:1", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [ "r3:1", "r2:1", "green", [ "h0" ] ],
-    [
-      "gate1:A",
-      "clkgen1:CLK",
-      "green",
-      [ "h0", "v-48", "h-28.8", "v67.2", "h-57.6", "v38.4", "h-28.8", "v-57.6", "h28.8" ]
-    ],
-    [ "r2:2", "sw2:1b", "green", [ "h-9.6", "v17.8" ] ],
-    [ "r3:2", "sw2:2b", "green", [ "h-9.6", "v27.4" ] ],
-    [ "r4:2", "sw2:3b", "green", [ "h-9.6", "v27.4" ] ],
-    [ "bargraph1:A8", "gate4:OUT", "green", [ "h-37.9", "v305.65", "h-269.3" ] ]
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file