| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{Project Git Info}} Repository: https://github.com/russellfriesenhahn/gf180-russell.git | Branch: submission | Commit: 2bd7875d0d0cef2514e957814b3bc93e1a098e24 |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{EXTRACTING FILES}} Extracting compressed files in: gf180_russell |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{Project Type Info}} digital |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{Project GDS Info}} user_project_wrapper: 65dd3bf4eb413b5816f4817a7d63e6d952c55cb4 |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{Tools Info}} KLayout: v0.27.12 | Magic: v8.3.340 |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{PDKs Info}} GF180MCUC: a897aa30369d3bcec87d9d50ce9b01f320f854ef | Open PDKs: 120b0bd69c745825a0b8b76f364043a1cd08bb6a |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{START}} Precheck Started, the full log 'precheck.log' will be located in 'gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/logs' |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{PRECHECK SEQUENCE}} Precheck will run the following checks: [License, GPIO-Defines, XOR, Klayout FEOL, Klayout BEOL, Klayout Offgrid, Klayout Metal Minimum Clear Area Density] |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:19 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 1 of 7: License |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:20 - [INFO] - An approved LICENSE (Apache-2.0) was found in gf180_russell. |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:20 - [INFO] - {{MAIN LICENSE CHECK PASSED}} An approved LICENSE was found in project root. |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:21 - [INFO] - An approved LICENSE (Apache-2.0) was found in gf180_russell. |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:21 - [INFO] - {{SUBMODULES LICENSE CHECK PASSED}} No prohibited LICENSE file(s) was found in project submodules |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:21 - [WARNING] - {{SPDX COMPLIANCE CHECK FAILED}} Found 49 non-compliant file(s) with the SPDX Standard. |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:21 - [INFO] - SPDX COMPLIANCE: NON-COMPLIANT FILE(S) PREVIEW: ['gf180_russell/lib/user_proj_example.lib', 'gf180_russell/lib/user_project_wrapper.lib', 'gf180_russell/openlane/wrapped_vga_clock/config.tcl', 'gf180_russell/sdc/user_proj_example.sdc', 'gf180_russell/sdc/user_project_wrapper.sdc', 'gf180_russell/sdf/user_proj_example.sdf', 'gf180_russell/sdf/user_project_wrapper.sdf', 'gf180_russell/sdf/multicorner/nom/user_project_wrapper.ff.sdf', 'gf180_russell/sdf/multicorner/nom/user_project_wrapper.ss.sdf', 'gf180_russell/sdf/multicorner/nom/user_project_wrapper.tt.sdf', 'gf180_russell/spef/user_proj_example.spef', 'gf180_russell/spef/user_project_wrapper.spef', 'gf180_russell/spef/multicorner/user_project_wrapper.nom.spef', 'gf180_russell/verilog/includes/includes.gl+sdf.caravel_user_project', 'gf180_russell/verilog/includes/includes.gl.caravel_user_project'] |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:21 - [INFO] - For the full SPDX compliance report check: gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/logs/spdx_compliance_report.log |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:21 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 2 of 7: GPIO-Defines |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:21 - [INFO] - GPIO-DEFINES: Checking verilog/rtl/user_defines.v, parsing files: ['/opt/checks/gpio_defines_check/verilog_assets/gpio_modes_base.v', 'gf180_russell/verilog/rtl/user_defines.v', '/opt/checks/gpio_defines_check/verilog_assets/gpio_modes_observe.v'] |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:22 - [INFO] - GPIO-DEFINES report path: gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/outputs/reports/gpio_defines.report |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:22 - [INFO] - {{GPIO-DEFINES CHECK PASSED}} The user verilog/rtl/user_defines.v is valid. |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:22 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 3 of 7: XOR |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:28 - [INFO] - {{XOR CHECK UPDATE}} Total XOR differences: 0, for more details view gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/outputs/user_project_wrapper.xor.gds |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:28 - [INFO] - {{XOR CHECK PASSED}} The GDS file has no XOR violations. |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:28 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 4 of 7: Klayout FEOL |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:28 - [INFO] - in CUSTOM klayout_gds_drc_check |
| 2022-12-06 07:47:28 - [INFO] - run: klayout -b -r /opt/checks/tech-files/gf180mcuC_mr.drc -rd input=gf180_russell/gds/user_project_wrapper.gds -rd topcell=user_project_wrapper -rd report=gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/outputs/reports/klayout_feol_check.xml -rd feol=true -rd metal_top=9K -rd mim_option=B -rd metal_level=5LM -rd conn_drc=true >& gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/logs/klayout_feol_check.log |
| 2022-12-06 07:50:25 - [INFO] - No DRC Violations found |
| 2022-12-06 07:50:25 - [INFO] - {{Klayout FEOL CHECK PASSED}} The GDS file, user_project_wrapper.gds, has no DRC violations. |
| 2022-12-06 07:50:25 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 5 of 7: Klayout BEOL |
| 2022-12-06 07:50:25 - [INFO] - in CUSTOM klayout_gds_drc_check |
| 2022-12-06 07:50:25 - [INFO] - run: klayout -b -r /opt/checks/tech-files/gf180mcuC_mr.drc -rd input=gf180_russell/gds/user_project_wrapper.gds -rd topcell=user_project_wrapper -rd report=gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/outputs/reports/klayout_beol_check.xml -rd beol=true -rd metal_top=9K -rd mim_option=B -rd metal_level=5LM -rd conn_drc=true >& gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/logs/klayout_beol_check.log |
| 2022-12-06 07:52:12 - [INFO] - No DRC Violations found |
| 2022-12-06 07:52:12 - [INFO] - {{Klayout BEOL CHECK PASSED}} The GDS file, user_project_wrapper.gds, has no DRC violations. |
| 2022-12-06 07:52:12 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 6 of 7: Klayout Offgrid |
| 2022-12-06 07:52:12 - [INFO] - in CUSTOM klayout_gds_drc_check |
| 2022-12-06 07:52:12 - [INFO] - run: klayout -b -r /opt/checks/tech-files/gf180mcuC_mr.drc -rd input=gf180_russell/gds/user_project_wrapper.gds -rd topcell=user_project_wrapper -rd report=gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/outputs/reports/klayout_offgrid_check.xml -rd offgrid=true -rd metal_top=9K -rd mim_option=B -rd metal_level=5LM -rd conn_drc=true >& gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/logs/klayout_offgrid_check.log |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:37 - [INFO] - No DRC Violations found |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:37 - [INFO] - {{Klayout Offgrid CHECK PASSED}} The GDS file, user_project_wrapper.gds, has no DRC violations. |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:37 - [INFO] - {{STEP UPDATE}} Executing Check 7 of 7: Klayout Metal Minimum Clear Area Density |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:37 - [INFO] - in CUSTOM klayout_gds_drc_check |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:37 - [INFO] - run: klayout -b -r /opt/checks/drc_checks/klayout/gf180mcu_density.lydrc -rd input=gf180_russell/gds/user_project_wrapper.gds -rd topcell=user_project_wrapper -rd report=gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/outputs/reports/klayout_met_min_ca_density_check.xml >& gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/logs/klayout_met_min_ca_density_check.log |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:38 - [INFO] - No DRC Violations found |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:38 - [INFO] - {{Klayout Metal Minimum Clear Area Density CHECK PASSED}} The GDS file, user_project_wrapper.gds, has no DRC violations. |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:38 - [INFO] - {{FINISH}} Executing Finished, the full log 'precheck.log' can be found in 'gf180_russell/jobs/mpw_precheck/7fc70587-66aa-40a0-a985-32101358ada5/logs' |
| 2022-12-06 07:53:38 - [INFO] - {{SUCCESS}} All Checks Passed !!! |