blob: 33358c7009c0a7e4d61ae2110f527705cbe80524 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file copies the staging area created by
# into the target directory area, changing paths to match the target,
# and creating symbolic links where requested and allowed.
# Options:
# -link_from <type> Make symbolic links to vendor files from target
# Types are: "none", "source", or a PDK name.
# Default "none" (copy all files from source)
# -ef_format Use efabless naming (libs.ref/techLEF),
# otherwise use generic naming (
# -staging <path> Path to staging top level directory
# -target <path> Path to target top level directory
# -local <path> For distributed installs, this is the local
# path to target top level directory.
# -source <path> Path to original source top level directory,
# if link_from is "source". This option may
# be called multiple times if there are multiple
# sources.
# -variable <name> Specify a variable name that is used for the
# target path. This variable name must be enforced
# in setup scripts like .magicrc
import re
import os
import sys
import glob
import stat
import shutil
import filecmp
import subprocess
# NOTE: This version of copy_tree from distutils works like shutil.copytree()
# in Python 3.8 and up ONLY using "dirs_exist_ok=True".
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
def usage():
print(" [options...]")
print(" -link_from <name> Make symbolic links from target to <name>")
print(" where <name> can be 'source' or a PDK name.")
print(" Default behavior is to copy all files.")
print(" -copy Copy files from source to target (default)")
print(" -ef_format Use efabless naming conventions for local directories")
print(" -staging <path> Path to top of staging directory tree")
print(" -target <path> Path to top of target directory tree")
print(" -local <path> Local path to top of target directory tree for distributed install")
print(" If <target> is unspecified then <name> is used for the target.")
def makeuserwritable(filepath):
if os.path.exists(filepath):
st = os.stat(filepath)
os.chmod(filepath, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)
# Filter files to replace all strings matching "stagingdir" with "localdir" for
# every file in "tooldir". If "tooldir" contains subdirectories, then recursively
# apply the replacement filter to all files in the subdirectories. Do not follow
# symbolic links.
def filter_recursive(tooldir, stagingdir, localdir):
gdstypes = ['.gds', '.gds2', '.gdsii']
if not os.path.exists(tooldir):
return 0
elif os.path.islink(tooldir):
return 0
toolfiles = os.listdir(tooldir)
total = 0
for file in toolfiles:
# Do not attempt to do text substitutions on a binary file!
if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in gdstypes:
filepath = tooldir + '/' + file
if os.path.islink(filepath):
elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
total += filter_recursive(filepath, stagingdir, localdir)
with open(filepath, 'r') as ifile:
flines =
except UnicodeDecodeError:
print('Failure to read file ' + filepath + '; non-ASCII content.')
# Make sure this file is writable (as the original may not be)
modified = False
with open(filepath, 'w') as ofile:
for line in flines:
newline = line.replace(stagingdir, localdir)
print(newline, file=ofile)
if newline != line:
modified = True
if modified:
total += 1
return total
# To avoid problems with various library functions that copy hierarchical
# directory trees, remove all the files from the target that are going to
# be replaced by the contents of staging. This avoids problems with
# symbolic links and such.
def remove_target(stagingdir, targetdir):
slist = os.listdir(stagingdir)
tlist = os.listdir(targetdir)
for sfile in slist:
if sfile in tlist:
tpath = targetdir + '/' + sfile
if os.path.islink(tpath):
elif os.path.isdir(tpath):
remove_target(stagingdir + '/' + sfile, targetdir + '/' + sfile)
# Create a list of source files/directories from the contents of source.txt
def make_source_list(sources):
sourcelist = []
for source in sources:
return sourcelist
# Replace all files in list "libfiles" with symbolic links to files in
# "sourcelist", where the files are found to be the same. If the entry
# in "libfiles" is a directory and the same directory is found in "sourcelist",
# then repeat recursively on the subdirectory.
# Because the installation may be distributed, there may be a difference
# between where the files to be linked to currently are (checklist)
# and where they will eventually be located (sourcelist).
def replace_with_symlinks(libfiles, sourcelist):
# List of files that never get installed
exclude = ['generate_magic.tcl', '.magicrc', 'sources.txt']
total = 0
for libfile in libfiles:
if os.path.islink(libfile):
sourcefile = next(item for item in sourcelist if os.path.split(item)[1] == os.path.split(libfile)[1])
if os.path.isdir(libfile):
newlibfiles = glob.glob(libfile + '/*')
newsourcelist = glob.glob(sourcefile + '/*')
total += replace_with_symlinks(newlibfiles, newsourcelist)
elif filecmp.cmp(libfile, sourcefile):
if not os.path.split(libfile)[1] in exclude:
# Use absolute path for the source file
sourcepath = os.path.abspath(sourcefile)
os.symlink(sourcepath, libfile)
total += 1
return total
# Similar to the routine above, replace files in "libdir" with symbolic
# links to the files in "srclibdir", where the files are found to be the
# same. The difference from the routine above is that "srclibdir" is
# another installed PDK, and so the directory hierarchy is expected to
# match that of "libdir" exactly, so the process of finding matches is
# a bit more straightforward.
# Because the installation may be distributed, there may be a difference
# between where the files to be linked to currently are (checklibdir)
# and where they will eventually be located (srclibdir).
def replace_all_with_symlinks(libdir, srclibdir, checklibdir):
total = 0
libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
except FileNotFoundError:
print('Cannot list directory ' + libdir)
print('Called: replace_all_with_symlinks(' + libdir + ', ' + srclibdir + ', ' + checklibdir + ')')
return total
checkfiles = os.listdir(checklibdir)
except FileNotFoundError:
print('Cannot list check directory ' + checklibdir)
print('Called: replace_all_with_symlinks(' + libdir + ', ' + srclibdir + ', ' + checklibdir + ')')
return total
for libfile in libfiles:
if libfile in checkfiles:
libpath = libdir + '/' + libfile
checkpath = checklibdir + '/' + libfile
srcpath = srclibdir + '/' + libfile
if os.path.isdir(libpath):
if os.path.isdir(checkpath):
total += replace_all_with_symlinks(libpath, srcpath, checkpath)
if filecmp.cmp(libpath, checkpath):
os.symlink(srcpath, libpath)
total += 1
except FileNotFoundError:
print('Failed file compare with libpath=' + libpath + ', checkpath=' + checkpath)
return total
# This is the main entry point for the staging install script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("No options given to")
optionlist = []
newopt = []
stagingdir = None
targetdir = None
link_from = None
localdir = None
variable = None
ef_format = False
do_install = True
# Break arguments into groups where the first word begins with "-".
# All following words not beginning with "-" are appended to the
# same list (optionlist). Then each optionlist is processed.
# Note that the first entry in optionlist has the '-' removed.
for option in sys.argv[1:]:
if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
if newopt != []:
newopt = []
if newopt != []:
# Check for option "ef_format" or "std_format"
for option in optionlist[:]:
if option[0] == 'ef_naming' or option[0] == 'ef_names' or option[0] == 'ef_format':
ef_format = True
elif option[0] == 'std_naming' or option[0] == 'std_names' or option[0] == 'std_format':
ef_format = False
elif option[0] == 'uninstall':
do_install = False
# Check for options "link_from", "staging", "target", and "local"
link_name = None
for option in optionlist[:]:
if option[0] == 'link_from':
if option[1].lower() == 'none':
link_from = None
elif option[1].lower() == 'source':
link_from = 'source'
link_from = option[1]
link_name = os.path.split(link_from)[1]
elif option[0] == 'staging' or option[0] == 'source':
stagingdir = option[1]
elif option[0] == 'target':
targetdir = option[1]
elif option[0] == 'local':
localdir = option[1]
elif option[0] == 'variable':
variable = option[1]
# Error if no staging or dest specified
if not stagingdir:
print("No staging directory specified. Exiting.")
if not targetdir:
print("No target directory specified. Exiting.")
# If localdir is not specified, then it is the same as the parent
# of the target (local installation assumed)
if not localdir:
localdir = targetdir
# Take the target PDK name from the target path last component
pdkname = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
# If link source is a PDK name, if it has no path, then pull the
# path from the target name.
if link_from:
if link_from != 'source':
if link_from.find('/', 0) < 0:
link_name = link_from
link_from = os.path.split(localdir)[0] + '/' + link_name
# If linking from source, convert the source path to an
# absolute pathname.
stagingdir = os.path.abspath(stagingdir)
# If link_from is the same as localdir, then set link_from to None
if link_from == localdir:
link_from = None
# checkdir is the DIST target directory for the PDK pointed
# to by link_name. Files must be found there before creating
# symbolic links to the (not yet existing) final install location.
if link_name:
checkdir = os.path.split(targetdir)[0] + '/' + link_name
checkdir = ''
# Diagnostic
if do_install:
print("Installing in target directory " + targetdir)
print("Uninstalling from target directory " + targetdir)
print("(Method not yet implemented)")
# Create the top-level directories
os.makedirs(targetdir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(targetdir + '/', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref', exist_ok=True)
if os.path.isdir(stagingdir + '/libs.priv'):
os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.priv', exist_ok=True)
has_priv = True
has_priv = False
# Path to magic techfile depends on ef_format
if ef_format == True:
mag_current = '/'
mag_current = '/'
# First install everything by direct copy. Keep the staging files
# as they will be used to reference the target area to know which
# files need to be checked and/or modified.
if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
os.makedirs(targetdir, exist_ok=True)
print('Fatal error: Cannot make target directory ' + targetdir + '!')
# Remove any files from the target directory that are going to be replaced
print('Removing files from target')
remove_target(stagingdir, targetdir)
print('Copying staging files to target')
# print('Diagnostic: copy_tree ' + stagingdir + ' ' + targetdir)
copy_tree(stagingdir, targetdir, preserve_symlinks=True)
# Magic and qflow setup files have references to the staging area that have
# been used by the vendor install; these need to be changed to the target
# directory.
print('Changing local path references from ' + stagingdir + ' to ' + localdir)
print('Part 1: Tools')
needcheck = ['ngspice']
techdirs = ['/']
if has_priv:
for techdir in techdirs:
tools = os.listdir(targetdir + techdir)
for tool in tools:
tooldir = targetdir + techdir + tool
# There are few enough tool setup files that they can just all be
# filtered directly. This code only looks in the directory 'tooldir'.
# If there are files is subdirectories of 'tooldir' that require
# substitution, then this code needs to be revisited.
# Note that due to the low overhead of tool setup files, there is
# no attempt to check for possible symlinks to link_from if link_from
# is a base PDK.
total = filter_recursive(tooldir, stagingdir, localdir)
if total > 0:
substr = 'substitutions' if total > 1 else 'substitution'
print(' ' + tool + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + substr + ')')
# If "link_from" is another PDK, then check all files against the files in
# the other PDK, and replace the file with a symbolic link if the file contents
# match (Note: This is done only for ngspice model files; other tool files are
# generally small and deemed unnecessary to make symbolic links).
if link_from not in ['source', None]:
thispdk = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
# Only create links for PDKs other than the one we are making links to.
if thispdk != link_from:
print('Replacing files with symbolic links to ' + link_from + ' where possible.')
for techdir in techdirs:
for tool in needcheck:
tooldir = targetdir + techdir + tool
srctooldir = link_from + techdir + tool
if checkdir != '':
checktooldir = checkdir + techdir + tool
checktooldir = srctooldir
if os.path.exists(tooldir):
total = replace_all_with_symlinks(tooldir, srctooldir, checktooldir)
if total > 0:
symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
print(' ' + tool + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
# In .mag files in mag/ and maglef/, also need to change the staging
# directory name to localdir. If "-variable" is specified in the options,
# the replace the staging path with the variable name, not localdir.
if variable:
localname = '$' + variable
localname = localdir
needcheck = ['mag', 'maglef']
refdirs = ['/libs.ref/']
if has_priv:
if ef_format:
print('Part 2: Formats')
for refdir in refdirs:
for filetype in needcheck:
print(' ' + filetype)
filedir = targetdir + refdir + filetype
if os.path.isdir(filedir):
libraries = os.listdir(filedir)
for library in libraries:
libdir = filedir + '/' + library
total = filter_recursive(libdir, stagingdir, localname)
if total > 0:
substr = 'substitutions' if total > 1 else 'substitution'
print(' ' + library + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + substr + ')')
print('Part 2: Libraries')
for refdir in refdirs:
libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
for library in libraries:
print(' ' + library)
for filetype in needcheck:
filedir = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filetype
total = filter_recursive(filedir, stagingdir, localname)
if total > 0:
substr = 'substitutions' if total > 1 else 'substitution'
print(' ' + filetype + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + substr + ')')
# If "link_from" is "source", then check all files against the source
# directory, and replace the file with a symbolic link if the file
# contents match. The "" script should have added a
# file "sources.txt" with the name of the source directories for each
# install directory.
if link_from not in ['source', None]:
print('Replacing files with symbolic links to source where possible.')
for refdir in refdirs:
if ef_format:
filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
for filedir in filedirs:
print(' ' + filedir)
dirpath = targetdir + refdir + filedir
if os.path.isdir(dirpath):
libraries = os.listdir(dirpath)
for library in libraries:
libdir = targetdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
if 'sources.txt' in libfiles:
libfiles = glob.glob(libdir + '/*')
libfiles.remove(libdir + '/sources.txt')
with open(libdir + '/sources.txt') as ifile:
sources =
sourcelist = make_source_list(sources)
total = replace_with_symlinks(libfiles, sourcelist)
if total > 0:
symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
print(' ' + library + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
for library in libraries:
print(' ' + library)
filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + library)
for filedir in filedirs:
libdir = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
if os.path.isdir(libdir):
libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
if 'sources.txt' in libfiles:
# List again, but with full paths.
libfiles = glob.glob(libdir + '/*')
libfiles.remove(libdir + '/sources.txt')
with open(libdir + '/sources.txt') as ifile:
sources =
sourcelist = make_source_list(sources)
total = replace_with_symlinks(libfiles, sourcelist)
if total > 0:
symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
print(' ' + filedir + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
# Otherwise, if "link_from" is another PDK, then check all files against
# the files in the other PDK, and replace the file with a symbolic link
# if the file contents match.
elif link_from:
thispdk = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
# Only create links for PDKs other than the one we are making links to.
if thispdk != link_from:
print('Replacing files with symbolic links to ' + link_from + ' where possible.')
for refdir in refdirs:
if ef_format:
filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
for filedir in filedirs:
print(' ' + filedir)
dirpath = targetdir + refdir + filedir
if os.path.isdir(dirpath):
libraries = os.listdir(dirpath)
for library in libraries:
libdir = targetdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
srclibdir = link_from + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
if checkdir != '':
checklibdir = checkdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
checklibdir = srclibdir
if os.path.exists(libdir):
total = replace_all_with_symlinks(libdir, srclibdir, checklibdir)
if total > 0:
symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
print(' ' + library + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
for library in libraries:
print(' ' + library)
filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + library)
for filedir in filedirs:
libdir = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
srclibdir = link_from + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
if checkdir != '':
checklibdir = checkdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
checklibdir = srclibdir
if os.path.exists(libdir):
total = replace_all_with_symlinks(libdir, srclibdir, checklibdir)
if total > 0:
symstr = 'symlinks' if total > 1 else 'symlink'
print(' ' + filedir + ' (' + str(total) + ' ' + symstr + ')')
# Remove temporary files: Magic generation scripts, sources.txt
# file, and magic extract files.
print('Removing temporary files from destination.')
for refdir in refdirs:
if ef_format:
filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
for filedir in filedirs:
if os.path.islink(filedir):
elif os.path.isdir(filedir):
libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + filedir)
for library in libraries:
libdir = targetdir + refdir + filedir + '/' + library
libfiles = os.listdir(libdir)
for libfile in libfiles:
filepath = libdir + '/' + libfile
if os.path.islink(filepath):
elif libfile == 'sources.txt':
elif libfile == 'generate_magic.tcl':
elif os.path.splitext(libfile)[1] == '.ext':
libraries = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir)
for library in libraries:
filedirs = os.listdir(targetdir + refdir + library)
for filedir in filedirs:
filepath = targetdir + refdir + library + '/' + filedir
if os.path.islink(filepath):
elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
libfiles = os.listdir(filepath)
for libfile in libfiles:
libfilepath = filepath + '/' + libfile
if os.path.islink(libfilepath):
elif libfile == 'sources.txt':
elif libfile == 'generate_magic.tcl':
elif os.path.splitext(libfile)[1] == '.ext':
print('Done with PDK migration.')