blob: 1c599930671e0c5235784f8ea678c8d3e76da867 [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile for efabless project open_pdks
# Tim Edwards, 11/21/2016
# Updated 10/19/2018 for use independently of the
# efabless /ef/ tree filesystem setup.
# Updated 5/5/2020 for use with the 2-stage install
# Typical usage:
# make
# generates the tech files from source masters.
# make install
# installs the tech files. If the configuration
# script has been given the "--with-<PDK>-dist-path="
# option, then tech files are installed in the path
# (such as a git repository) that is used for
# distribution of software across a system. Otherwise,
# files are installed in the local path specified by
# the configuration option "--with-<PDK>-local-path=".
# make clean
# clean up all files generated by 'make'
# make veryclean
# clean up all files generated by 'make' and remove
# all log files.
# make uninstall
# remove the installed PDKs.
# The following definitions are tied to the contents
# of this repository and should not be changed.
ifeq ($(TECHS),)
DONE_MESSAGE = "No techs configured."
TECHS_ALL = $(addprefix tech-,$(ENABLED_TECHS))
TECHS_INSTALL = $(addprefix install-,$(ENABLED_TECHS))
TECHS_UNINSTALL = $(addprefix uninstall-,$(TECHS))
TECHS_CLEAN = $(addprefix clean-,$(TECHS))
TECHS_VERYCLEAN = $(addprefix veryclean-,$(TECHS))
.PHONY: all install uninstall clean veryclean
all: $(TECHS_ALL)
install: $(TECHS_INSTALL) common_install
uninstall: $(TECHS_UNINSTALL)
clean: $(TECHS_CLEAN)
veryclean: $(TECHS_VERYCLEAN)
distclean: $(TECHS_VERYCLEAN)
${RM} -rf sources
CPP = common/
prefix = @prefix@
datarootdir = @datarootdir@
datadir = @datadir@
# NOTE: All scripts used by the project and design flow management
# system are in the "runtime" directory, except for and
#, which are the two files used by scripts in both the
# common/ and runtime/ directories.
@if test -w $(datadir) ; then \
mkdir -p $(datadir)/pdk/scripts/ ;\
mkdir -p $(datadir)/pdk/runtime ;\
for file in runtime/*.py ; do \
${CPP} -DPREFIX=$(datadir) $$file \
$(datadir)/pdk/$$file ;\
done ;\
for file in runtime/*.txt ; do \
${CPP} -DPREFIX=$(datadir) $$file \
$(datadir)/pdk/$$file ;\
done ;\
mv $(datadir)/pdk/runtime/* $(datadir)/pdk/scripts ;\
${CPP} -DPREFIX=$(datadir) common/ $(datadir)/pdk/scripts/ ;\
${CPP} -DPREFIX=$(datadir) common/ $(datadir)/pdk/scripts/ ;\
rm -r -f $(datadir)/pdk/runtime ;\
echo "Common install: Done." ;\
else \
echo "Common install: $(datadir) is not writeable (ignoring)." ;\
tech-%: %
(cd $* && ${MAKE} all)
install-%: %
(cd $* && ${MAKE} install)
uninstall-%: %
(cd $* && ${MAKE} uninstall)
(cd $* && ${MAKE} clean)
(cd $* && ${MAKE} veryclean)