blob: 7db3620be20afc4cab54c7753e480a2411fd1ed4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Simple ttk treeview with scrollbar and select button
import os
import json
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
import natsort
# Tree view used as a multi-column list box
class TreeViewChoice(ttk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, fontsize=11, markDir=False, deferLoad=False, selectVal=None, natSort=False, *args, **kwargs):
ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
s = ttk.Style()
s.configure('normal.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize))
s.configure('title.TLabel', font=('Helvetica', fontsize, 'bold'))
s.configure('normal.TButton', font=('Helvetica', fontsize),
border = 3, relief = 'raised')
s.configure('Treeview.Heading', font=('Helvetica', fontsize, 'bold'))
s.configure('Treeview.Column', font=('Helvetica', fontsize))
self.markDir = markDir
self.initSelected = selectVal
self.natSort = natSort
self.emptyMessage1 = '(no items)'
self.emptyMessage = '(loading...)' if deferLoad else self.emptyMessage1
# Last item is a list of 2-item lists, each containing the name of a button
# to place along the button bar at the bottom, and a callback function to
# run when the button is pressed.
def populate(self, title, itemlist=[], buttons=[], height=10, columns=[0],
self.itemlist = itemlist[:]
treeFrame = ttk.Frame(self)
treeFrame.pack(side='top', padx=5, pady=5, fill='both', expand='true')
scrollBar = ttk.Scrollbar(treeFrame)
scrollBar.pack(side='right', fill='y')
self.treeView = ttk.Treeview(treeFrame, selectmode='browse', columns=columns, height=height)
self.treeView.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand='true')
self.treeView.heading('#0', text=title, anchor='w')
buttonFrame = ttk.Frame(self)
buttonFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
self.func_buttons = []
for button in buttons:
func = button[2]
# Each func_buttons entry is a list of two items; first is the
# button widget, and the second is a boolean that is True if the
# button is to be present always, False if the button is only
# present when there are entries in the itemlist.
self.func_buttons.append([ttk.Button(buttonFrame, text=button[0],
style = 'normal.TButton',
command = lambda func=func: self.func_callback(func)),
self.selectcallback = None
self.lastselected = None
self.lasttag = None
self.treeView.bind('<<TreeviewSelect>>', self.retag)
self.repopulate(itemlist, versioning)
def get_button(self, index):
if index >= 0 and index < len(self.func_buttons):
return self.func_buttons[index][0]
return None
def retag(self, value):
treeview = value.widget
selection = treeview.selection()[0]
oldtag = self.treeView.item(selection, 'tag')[0]
except IndexError:
# No items in view; can't select the "(no items)" line.
self.treeView.item(selection, tag='selected')
if self.lastselected:
self.treeView.item(self.lastselected, tag=self.lasttag)
# Last selected item got deleted. Ignore this.
if self.selectcallback:
self.lastselected = selection
self.lasttag = oldtag
def repopulate(self, itemlist=[], versioning=False):
# Remove all children of treeview
if self.natSort:
self.itemlist = natsort.natsorted( itemlist,
alg=natsort.ns.INT |
natsort.ns.UNSIGNED |
natsort.ns.IGNORECASE )
self.itemlist = itemlist[:]
mode = 'even'
for item in self.itemlist:
# Special handling of JSON files. The following reads a JSON file and
# finds key 'ip-name' in dictionary 'data-sheet', if such exists. If
# not, it looks for key 'project' in the top level. Failing that, it
# lists the name of the JSON file (which is probably an ungainly hash
# name).
fileext = os.path.splitext(item)
if fileext[1] == '.json':
# Read contents of JSON file
with open(item, 'r') as f:
datatop = json.load(f)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
name = os.path.split(item)[1]
name = []
if 'data-sheet' in datatop:
dsheet = datatop['data-sheet']
if 'ip-name' in dsheet:
name = dsheet['ip-name']
if not name and 'project' in datatop:
name = datatop['project']
if not name:
name = os.path.split(item)[1]
elif versioning == True:
# If versioning is true, then the last path component is the
# version number, and the penultimate path component is the
# name.
version = os.path.split(item)[1]
name = os.path.split(os.path.split(item)[0])[1] + ' (v' + version + ')'
name = os.path.split(item)[1]
# Watch for duplicate items!
n = 0
origname = name
while self.treeView.exists(name):
n += 1
name = origname + '(' + str(n) + ')'
mode = 'even' if mode == 'odd' else 'odd'
# Note: iid value with spaces in it is a bad idea.
if ' ' in name:
name = name.replace(' ', '_')
# optionally: Mark directories with trailing slash
if self.markDir and os.path.isdir(item):
origname += "/"
self.treeView.insert('', 'end', text=origname, iid=name, value=item, tag=mode)
if self.initSelected and self.treeView.exists(self.initSelected):
self.initSelected = None
for button in self.func_buttons:
if len(self.itemlist) == 0:
self.treeView.insert('', 'end', text=self.emptyMessage)
self.emptyMessage = self.emptyMessage1 # discard optional special 1st loading... message
for button in self.func_buttons:
if button[1]:
button[0].pack(side='left', padx = 5)
for button in self.func_buttons:
button[0].pack(side='left', padx = 5)
# Return values from the treeview
def getvaluelist(self):
valuelist = []
itemlist = self.treeView.get_children()
for item in itemlist:
value = self.treeView.item(item, 'values')
return valuelist
# Return items from the treeview
def getlist(self):
return self.treeView.get_children()
# This is a bit of a hack way to populate a second column,
# but it works. It only works for one additional column,
# though, or else tuples will have to be generated differently.
def populate2(self, title, itemlist=[], valuelist=[]):
# Populate another column
self.treeView.heading(1, text = title)
self.treeView.column(1, anchor='center')
n = 0
for item in valuelist:
child = os.path.split(itemlist[n])[1]
# Get the item at this index
oldvalue = self.treeView.item(child, 'values')
newvalue = (oldvalue, item)
self.treeView.item(child, values = newvalue)
n += 1
def func_callback(self, callback, event=None):
def bindselect(self, callback):
self.selectcallback = callback
def setselect(self, value):
def selected(self):
value = self.treeView.item(self.treeView.selection())
if value['values']:
return value
return None