blob: 96caf14a939c536995241dbb6536997523f04276 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file generates the local directory structure and populates the
# directories with foundry vendor data.
# Options:
# -link_from <type> Make symbolic links to vendor files from target
# Types are: "none", "source", or a PDK name.
# Default "none" (copy all files from source)
# -ef_names Use efabless naming (libs.ref/techLEF),
# otherwise use generic naming (
# -source <path> Path to source data top level directory
# -target <path> Path to target top level directory
# All other options represent paths to vendor files. They may all be
# wildcarded with "*" to represent, e.g., version number directories,
# or names of supported libraries. Where wildcards exist, if there is
# more than one directory in the path, the value represented by "*"
# will first be checked against library names. If no library name is
# found, then the wildcard value will be assumed to be numeric and
# separated by either "." or "_" to represent major/minor/sub/...
# revision numbers (alphanumeric).
# Note only one of "-spice" or "-cdl" need be specified. Since the
# open source tools use ngspice, CDL files are converted to ngspice
# syntax when needed.
# -techlef <path> Path to technology LEF file
# -doc <path> Path to technology documentation
# -lef <path> Path to LEF file
# -lefanno <path> Path to LEF file (for annotation only)
# -spice <path> Path to SPICE netlists
# -cdl <path> Path to CDL netlists
# -models <path> Path to SPICE (primitive device) models
# -liberty <path> Path to Liberty timing files
# -gds <path> Path to GDS data
# -verilog <path> Path to verilog models
# -library <type> <name> [<target>] See below
# For the "-library" option, any number of libraries may be supported, and
# one "-library" option should be provided for each supported library.
# <type> is one of: "digital", "primitive", or "general". Analog and I/O
# libraries fall under the category "general", as they are all treated the
# same way. <name> is the vendor name of the library. [<target>] is the
# (optional) local name of the library. If omitted, then the vendor name
# is used for the target (there is no particular reason to specify a
# different local name for a library).
# All options "-lef", "-spice", etc., can take the additional arguments
# up <number>
# to indicate that the source hierarchy should be copied from <number>
# levels above the files. For example, if liberty files are kept in
# multiple directories according to voltage level, then
# -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib
# would install all .lib files directly into libs.ref/lef/<libname>/*.lib
# while
# -liberty x/y/z/PVT_*/*.lib up 1
# would install all .lib files into libs.ref/lef/PVT_*/<libname>/*.lib
# Other library-specific arguments are:
# nospec : Remove timing specification before installing
# (used with verilog files; needs to be extended to
# liberty files)
# compile : Create a single library from all components. Used
# when a foundry library has inconveniently split
# an IP library (LEF, CDL, verilog, etc.) into
# individual files.
# NOTE: This script can be called once for all libraries if all file
# types (gds, cdl, lef, etc.) happen to all work with the same wildcards.
# However, it is more likely that it will be called several times for the
# same PDK, once to install I/O cells, once to install digital, and so
# forth, as made possible by the wild-carding.
import re
import os
import sys
import glob
import shutil
import subprocess
def usage():
print(" [options...]")
print(" -link_from <name> Make symbolic links from target to <name>")
print(" where <name> can be 'source' or a PDK name.")
print(" Default behavior is to copy all files.")
print(" -copy Copy files from source to target (default)")
print(" -ef_names Use efabless naming conventions for local directories")
print(" -source <path> Path to top of source directory tree")
print(" -target <path> Path to top of target directory tree")
print(" -techlef <path> Path to technology LEF file")
print(" -doc <path> Path to technology documentation")
print(" -lef <path> Path to LEF file")
print(" -lefanno <path> Path to LEF file (for annotation only)")
print(" -spice <path> Path to SPICE netlists")
print(" -cdl <path> Path to CDL netlists")
print(" -models <path> Path to SPICE (primitive device) models")
print(" -lib <path> Path to Liberty timing files")
print(" -liberty <path> Path to Liberty timing files")
print(" -gds <path> Path to GDS data")
print(" -verilog <path> Path to verilog models")
print(" -library <type> <name> [<target>] See below")
print(" All <path> names may be wild-carded with '*' ('glob'-style wild-cards)")
print(" All options with <path> other than source and target may take the additional")
print(" arguments 'up <number>', where <number> indicates the number of levels of")
print(" hierarchy of the source path to include when copying to the target.")
print(" Library <type> may be one of:")
print(" digital Digital standard cell library")
print(" primitive Primitive device library")
print(" general All other library types (I/O, analog, etc.)")
print(" If <target> is unspecified then <name> is used for the target.")
def get_gds_properties(magfile):
proprex = re.compile('^[ \t]*string[ \t]+(GDS_[^ \t]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)$')
proplines = []
if os.path.isfile(magfile):
with open(magfile, 'r') as ifile:
magtext =
for line in magtext:
lmatch = proprex.match(line)
if lmatch:
propline = + ' ' +
return proplines
# Read subcircuit ports from a CDL file, given a subcircuit name that should
# appear in the file as a subcircuit entry, and return a dictionary of ports
# and their indexes in the subcircuit line.
def get_subckt_ports(cdlfile, subname):
portdict = {}
pidx = 1
portrex = re.compile('^\.subckt[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)
with open(cdlfile, 'r') as ifile:
cdltext =
cdllines = cdltext.replace('\n+', ' ').splitlines()
for line in cdllines:
lmatch = portrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
if == subname.lower():
ports =
for port in ports:
portdict[port.lower()] = pidx
pidx += 1
return portdict
# Filter a verilog file to remove any backslash continuation lines, which
# iverilog does not parse. If targetroot is a directory, then find and
# process all files in the path of targetroot. If any file to be processed
# is unmodified (has no backslash continuation lines), then ignore it. If
# any file is a symbolic link and gets modified, then remove the symbolic
# link before overwriting with the modified file.
# If 'do_remove_spec' is True, then remove timing information from the file,
# which is everything between the keywords "specify" and "endspecify".
def vfilefilter(vfile, do_remove_spec):
modified = False
with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
vtext =
# Remove backslash-followed-by-newline and absorb initial whitespace. It
# is unclear what initial whitespace means in this context, as the use-
# case that has been seen seems to work under the assumption that leading
# whitespace is ignored up to the amount used by the last indentation.
vlines = re.sub('\\\\\n[ \t]*', '', vtext)
if do_remove_spec:
specrex = re.compile('\n[ \t]*specify[ \t\n]+')
endspecrex = re.compile('\n[ \t]*endspecify')
smatch =
while smatch:
specstart = smatch.start()
specpos = smatch.end()
ematch =[specpos:])
specend = ematch.end()
vtemp = vlines[0:specstart + 1] + vlines[specpos + specend + 1:]
vlines = vtemp
smatch =
if vlines != vtext:
# File contents have been modified, so if this file was a symbolic
# link, then remove it. Otherwise, overwrite the file with the
# modified contents.
if os.path.islink(vfile):
with open(vfile, 'w') as ofile:
# Run a filter on verilog files that cleans up known syntax issues.
# This is embedded in the foundry_install script and is not a custom
# filter largely because the issues are in the tool, not the PDK.
def vfilter(targetroot, do_remove_spec):
if os.path.isfile(targetroot):
vfilefilter(targetroot, do_remove_spec)
vlist = glob.glob(targetroot + '/*')
for vfile in vlist:
if os.path.isfile(vfile):
vfilefilter(vfile, do_remove_spec)
# For issues that are PDK-specific, a script can be written and put in
# the PDK's custom/scripts/ directory, and passed to the foundry_install
# script using the "filter" option.
def tfilter(targetroot, filterscript):
if os.path.isfile(targetroot):
print(' Filtering file ' + targetroot)[filterscript, targetroot, targetroot],
stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True)
tlist = glob.glob(targetroot + '/*')
for tfile in tlist:
if os.path.isfile(tfile):
print(' Filtering file ' + tfile)[filterscript, tfile, tfile],
stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True)
# This is the main entry point for the foundry install script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("No options given to")
optionlist = []
newopt = []
sourcedir = None
targetdir = None
link_from = None
ef_names = False
have_lef = False
have_lefanno = False
have_gds = False
have_spice = False
have_cdl = False
ignorelist = []
do_install = True
# Break arguments into groups where the first word begins with "-".
# All following words not beginning with "-" are appended to the
# same list (optionlist). Then each optionlist is processed.
# Note that the first entry in optionlist has the '-' removed.
for option in sys.argv[1:]:
if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
if newopt != []:
newopt = []
if newopt != []:
# Pull library names from optionlist
libraries = []
for option in optionlist[:]:
if option[0] == 'library':
# Check for option "ef_names" or "std_names"
for option in optionlist[:]:
if option[0] == 'ef_naming' or option[0] == 'ef_names':
ef_names = True
elif option[0] == 'std_naming' or option[0] == 'std_names':
ef_names = False
elif option[0] == 'uninstall':
do_install = False
# Check for options "link_from", "source", and "target"
link_name = None
for option in optionlist[:]:
if option[0] == 'link_from':
if option[1].lower() == 'none':
link_from = None
elif option[1].lower() == 'source':
link_from = 'source'
link_from = option[1]
link_name = os.path.split(link_from)[1]
elif option[0] == 'source':
sourcedir = option[1]
elif option[0] == 'target':
targetdir = option[1]
# Error if no source or dest specified
if not sourcedir:
print("No source directory specified. Exiting.")
if not targetdir:
print("No target directory specified. Exiting.")
# If link source is a PDK name, if it has no path, then pull the
# path from the target name.
if link_from:
if link_from != 'source':
if link_from.find('/', 0) < 0:
target_root = os.path.split(targetdir)[0]
link_from = target_root + '/' + link_from
link_name = link_from
# If linking from source, convert the source path to an
# absolute pathname.
sourcedir = os.path.abspath(sourcedir)
# Take the target PDK name from the target path last component
pdkname = os.path.split(targetdir)[1]
# checkdir is the DIST target directory for the PDK pointed
# to by link_name. Files must be found there before creating
# symbolic links to the (not yet existing) final install location.
if link_name:
checkdir = os.path.split(targetdir)[0] + '/' + link_name
checkdir = ''
# Diagnostic
if do_install:
print("Installing in target directory " + targetdir)
# Create the top-level directories
os.makedirs(targetdir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(targetdir + '/', exist_ok=True)
# Path to magic techfile depends on ef_names
if ef_names == True:
mag_current = '/'
mag_current = '/'
# Populate the techLEF and SPICE models, if specified.
for option in optionlist[:]:
if option[0] == 'techlef':
filter_script = None
for item in option:
if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
filter_script = item.split('=')[1]
if ef_names == True:
techlefdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/techLEF'
checklefdir = checkdir + '/libs.ref/techLEF'
if link_from:
linklefdir = link_from + '/libs.ref/techLEF'
linklefdir = ''
techlefdir = targetdir + '/'
checklefdir = checkdir + '/'
if link_from:
linklefdir = link_from + '/'
linklefdir = ''
os.makedirs(techlefdir, exist_ok=True)
# All techlef files should be linked or copied, so use "glob"
# on the wildcards
techlist = glob.glob(sourcedir + '/' + option[1])
for lefname in techlist:
leffile = os.path.split(lefname)[1]
targname = techlefdir + '/' + leffile
checklefname = checklefdir + '/' + leffile
linklefname = linklefdir + '/' + leffile
# Remove any existing file(s)
if os.path.isfile(targname):
elif os.path.islink(targname):
elif os.path.isdir(targname):
if do_install:
if not link_from:
if os.path.isfile(lefname):
shutil.copy(lefname, targname)
shutil.copytree(lefname, targname)
elif link_from == 'source':
os.symlink(lefname, targname)
if os.path.exists(checklefname):
os.symlink(linklefname, targname)
elif os.path.isfile(lefname):
shutil.copy(lefname, targname)
shutil.copytree(lefname, targname)
if filter_script:
# Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
tfilter(targname, filter_script)
elif option[0] == 'models':
filter_script = None
for item in option:
if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
filter_script = item.split('=')[1]
print('Diagnostic: installing models.')
modelsdir = targetdir + '/'
checkmoddir = checkdir + '/'
if link_from:
linkmoddir = link_from + '/'
linkmoddir = ''
os.makedirs(modelsdir, exist_ok=True)
# All model files should be linked or copied, so use "glob"
# on the wildcards. Copy each file and recursively copy each
# directory.
modellist = glob.glob(sourcedir + '/' + option[1])
for modname in modellist:
modfile = os.path.split(modname)[1]
targname = modelsdir + '/' + modfile
checkmodname = checkmoddir + '/' + modfile
linkmodname = linkmoddir + '/' + modfile
if os.path.isdir(modname):
# Remove any existing directory, and its contents
if os.path.isdir(targname):
# Recursively find and copy or link the whole directory
# tree from this point.
allmodlist = glob.glob(modname + '/**', recursive=True)
commonpart = os.path.commonpath(allmodlist)
for submodname in allmodlist:
if os.path.isdir(submodname):
# Get the path part that is not common between modlist and
# allmodlist.
subpart = os.path.relpath(submodname, commonpart)
subtargname = targname + '/' + subpart
os.makedirs(os.path.split(subtargname)[0], exist_ok=True)
if do_install:
if not link_from:
if os.path.isfile(submodname):
shutil.copy(submodname, subtargname)
shutil.copytree(submodname, subtargname)
elif link_from == 'source':
os.symlink(submodname, subtargname)
if os.path.exists(checkmodname):
os.symlink(linkmodname, subtargname)
elif os.path.isfile(submodname):
shutil.copy(submodname, subtargname)
shutil.copytree(submodname, subtargname)
if filter_script:
# Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
tfilter(targname, filter_script)
# Remove any existing file
if os.path.isfile(targname):
elif os.path.islink(targname):
elif os.path.isdir(targname):
if do_install:
if not link_from:
if os.path.isfile(modname):
shutil.copy(modname, targname)
shutil.copytree(modname, targname)
elif link_from == 'source':
os.symlink(modname, targname)
if os.path.isfile(checkmodname):
os.symlink(linkmodname, targname)
elif os.path.isfile(modname):
shutil.copy(modname, targname)
shutil.copytree(modname, targname)
if filter_script:
# Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
tfilter(targname, filter_script)
# The remaining options in optionlist should all be types like 'lef' or 'liberty'
for option in optionlist[:]:
# Diagnostic
if do_install:
print("Installing option: " + str(option[0]))
destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/' + option[0]
checklibdir = checkdir + '/libs.ref/' + option[0]
if link_from:
destlinkdir = link_from + '/libs.ref/' + option[0]
destlinkdir = ''
os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
# If the option is followed by the keyword "up" and a number, then
# the source should be copied (or linked) from <number> levels up
# in the hierarchy (see below).
if 'up' in option:
uparg = option.index('up')
hier_up = int(option[uparg + 1])
print("Non-numeric option to 'up': " + option[uparg + 1])
print("Ignoring 'up' option.")
hier_up = 0
hier_up = 0
filter_script = None
for item in option:
if item.split('=')[0] == 'filter':
filter_script = item.split('=')[1]
# Option 'compile' is a standalone keyword ('comp' may be used).
do_compile = 'compile' in option or 'comp' in option
# Option 'nospecify' is a standalone keyword ('nospec' may be used).
do_remove_spec = 'nospecify' in option or 'nospec' in option
# Check off things we need to do migration to magic database and
# abstact files.
if option[0] == 'lef':
have_lef = True
elif option[0] == 'gds':
have_gds = True
elif option[0] == 'lefanno':
have_lefanno = True
elif option[0] == 'spice':
have_spice = True
elif option[0] == 'cdl':
have_cdl = True
# For each library, create the library subdirectory
for library in libraries:
if len(library) == 3:
destlib = library[2]
destlib = library[1]
destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
destlinklibdir = destlinkdir + '/' + destlib
checksrclibdir = checklibdir + '/' + destlib
os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
# Populate the library subdirectory
# Parse the option and replace each '/*/' with the library name,
# and check if it is a valid directory name. Then glob the
# resulting option name. Warning: This assumes that all
# occurences of the text '/*/' match a library name. It should
# be possible to wild-card the directory name in such a way that
# this is always true.
testopt = re.sub('\/\*\/', '/' + library[1] + '/', option[1])
liblist = glob.glob(sourcedir + '/' + testopt)
# Diagnostic
print('Collecting files from ' + str(sourcedir + '/' + testopt))
print('Files to install:')
if len(liblist) < 10:
for item in liblist:
print(' ' + item)
for item in liblist[0:4]:
print(' ' + item)
print(' .')
print(' .')
print(' .')
for item in liblist[-6:-1]:
print(' ' + item)
print('(' + str(len(liblist)) + ' files total)')
for libname in liblist:
# Note that there may be a hierarchy to the files in option[1],
# say for liberty timing files under different conditions, so
# make sure directories have been created as needed.
libfile = os.path.split(libname)[1]
libfilepath = os.path.split(libname)[0]
destpathcomp = []
for i in range(hier_up):
destpathcomp.append('/' + os.path.split(libfilepath)[1])
libfilepath = os.path.split(libfilepath)[0]
destpath = ''.join(destpathcomp)
targname = destlibdir + destpath + '/' + libfile
# NOTE: When using "up" with link_from, could just make
# destpath itself a symbolic link; this way is more flexible
# but adds one symbolic link per file.
if destpath != '':
if not os.path.isdir(destlibdir + destpath):
os.makedirs(destlibdir + destpath, exist_ok=True)
# Both linklibname and checklibname need to contain any hierarchy
# implied by the "up" option.
linklibname = destlinklibdir + destpath + '/' + libfile
checklibname = checksrclibdir + destpath + '/' + libfile
# Remove any existing file
if os.path.isfile(targname):
elif os.path.islink(targname):
elif os.path.isdir(targname):
if do_install:
if not link_from:
if os.path.isfile(libname):
shutil.copy(libname, targname)
shutil.copytree(libname, targname)
elif link_from == 'source':
os.symlink(libname, targname)
if os.path.exists(checklibname):
os.symlink(linklibname, targname)
elif os.path.isfile(libname):
shutil.copy(libname, targname)
shutil.copytree(libname, targname)
if option[0] == 'verilog':
# Special handling of verilog files to make them
# syntactically acceptable to iverilog.
# NOTE: Perhaps this should be recast as a custom filter?
vfilter(targname, do_remove_spec)
if filter_script:
# Apply filter script to all files in the target directory
tfilter(targname, filter_script)
if do_compile == True:
# To do: Extend this option to include formats other than verilog.
# Also to do: Make this compatible with linking from another PDK.
if option[0] == 'verilog':
# If there is not a single file with all verilog cells in it,
# then compile one, because one does not want to have to have
# an include line for every single cell used in a design.
alllibname = destlibdir + '/' + destlib + '.v'
print('Diagnostic: Creating consolidated verilog library ' + destlib + '.v')
vlist = glob.glob(destlibdir + '/*.v')
if alllibname in vlist:
if len(vlist) > 1:
print('New file is: ' + alllibname)
with open(alllibname, 'w') as ofile:
for vfile in vlist:
with open(vfile, 'r') as ifile:
# print('Adding ' + vfile + ' to library.')
vtext =
# NOTE: The following workaround resolves an
# issue with iverilog, which does not properly
# parse specify timing paths that are not in
# parentheses. Easy to work around
vlines = re.sub(r'\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*([01]:[01]:[01])[ \t]*;', r') = ( \1 ) ;', vtext)
print(vlines, file=ofile)
print('\n//--------EOF---------\n', file=ofile)
print('Only one file (' + str(vlist) + '); ignoring "compile" option.')
print("Completed installation of vendor files.")
# Now for the harder part. If GDS and/or LEF databases were specified,
# then migrate them to magic (.mag files in layout/ or abstract/).
ignore = []
do_cdl_scaleu = False
for option in optionlist[:]:
if option[0] == 'cdl':
# Option 'scaleu' is a standalone keyword
do_cdl_scaleu = 'scaleu' in option
# Option 'ignore' has arguments after '='
for item in option:
if item.split('=')[0] == 'ignore':
ignorelist = item.split('=')[1].split(',')
devlist = []
pdklibrary = None
if have_gds:
print("Migrating GDS files to layout.")
destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/mag'
srcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/gds'
os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
# For each library, create the library subdirectory
for library in libraries:
if len(library) == 3:
destlib = library[2]
destlib = library[1]
destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
# For primitive devices, check the PDK script and find the name
# of the library and get a list of supported devices.
if library[0] == 'primitive':
pdkscript = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.tcl'
print('Searching for supported devices in PDK script ' + pdkscript + '.')
if os.path.isfile(pdkscript):
librex = re.compile('^[ \t]*set[ \t]+PDKNAMESPACE[ \t]+([^ \t]+)$')
devrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*proc[ \t]+([^ :\t]+)::([^ \t_]+)_defaults')
fixrex = re.compile('^[ \t]*return[ \t]+\[([^ :\t]+)::fixed_draw[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+')
devlist = []
fixedlist = []
with open(pdkscript, 'r') as ifile:
scripttext =
for line in scripttext:
lmatch = librex.match(line)
if lmatch:
pdklibrary =
dmatch = devrex.match(line)
if dmatch:
if == pdklibrary:
fmatch = fixrex.match(line)
if fmatch:
if == pdklibrary:
# Diagnostic
print("PDK library is " + str(pdklibrary))
# Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
# If there is no -F version then look for one without -F (open source PDK)
startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
if os.path.isfile(startup_script):
# If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
# Find GDS file names in the source
print('Getting GDS file list from ' + srclibdir + '.')
gdsfiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
# Generate a script called "generate_magic.tcl" and leave it in
# the target directory. Use it as input to magic to create the
# .mag files from the database.
print('Creating magic generation script.')
with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
print('# Script to generate .mag files from .gds ', file=ofile)
print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
print('gds readonly true', file=ofile)
print('gds flatten true', file=ofile)
# print('gds rescale false', file=ofile)
print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
for gdsfile in gdsfiles:
# Note: DO NOT use a relative path here.
# print('gds read ../../gds/' + destlib + '/' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
print('gds read ' + srclibdir + '/' + gdsfile, file=ofile)
# Make sure properties include the Tcl generated cell
# information from the PDK script
if pdklibrary:
tclfixedlist = '{' + ' '.join(fixedlist) + '}'
print('set devlist ' + tclfixedlist, file=ofile)
print('set topcell [lindex [cellname list top] 0]',
print('foreach cellname $devlist {', file=ofile)
print(' load $cellname', file=ofile)
print(' property gencell $cellname', file=ofile)
print(' property parameter m=1', file=ofile)
print(' property library ' + pdklibrary, file=ofile)
print('}', file=ofile)
print('load $topcell', file=ofile)
print('writeall force', file=ofile)
if have_lefanno:
# Find LEF file names in the source
lefsrcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lefanno'
lefsrclibdir = lefsrcdir + '/' + destlib
leffiles = list(item for item in os.listdir(lefsrclibdir) if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
if not have_lef:
# This library has a GDS database but no LEF database. Use
# magic to create abstract views of the GDS cells. If
# option "-lefanno" is given, then read the LEF file after
# loading the database file to annotate the cell with
# information from the LEF file. This usually indicates
# that the LEF file has some weird definition of obstruction
# layers and we want to normalize them by using magic's LEF
# write procedure, but we still need the pin use and class
# information from the LEF file, and maybe the bounding box.
print('set maglist [glob *.mag]', file=ofile)
print('foreach name $maglist {', file=ofile)
print(' load [file root $name]', file=ofile)
if have_lefanno:
print('}', file=ofile)
for leffile in leffiles:
print('lef read ' + lefsrclibdir + '/' + leffile, file=ofile)
print('foreach name $maglist {', file=ofile)
print(' load [file root $name]', file=ofile)
print(' lef write [file root $name]', file=ofile)
print('}', file=ofile)
print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
# Run magic to read in the GDS file and write out magic databases.
with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'r') as ifile:['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole'],
stdin = ifile, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
universal_newlines = True)
if not have_lef:
# Remove the lefanno/ target and its contents.
if have_lefanno:
lefannosrcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lefanno'
if os.path.isdir(lefannosrcdir):
destlefdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lef'
destleflibdir = destlefdir + '/' + destlib
os.makedirs(destleflibdir, exist_ok=True)
leflist = list(item for item in os.listdir(destlibdir) if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
# All macros will go into one file
destleflib = destleflibdir + '/' + destlib + '.lef'
# Remove any existing library file from the target directory
if os.path.isfile(destleflib):
first = True
with open(destleflib, 'w') as ofile:
for leffile in leflist:
# Remove any existing single file from the target directory
if os.path.isfile(destleflibdir + '/' + leffile):
os.remove(destleflibdir + '/' + leffile)
# Append contents
sourcelef = destlibdir + '/' + leffile
with open(sourcelef, 'r') as ifile:
leflines =
if not first:
# Remove header from all but the first file
leflines = leflines[8:]
first = False
for line in leflines:
print(line, file=ofile)
# Remove file from the source directory
have_lef = True
# Remove the startup script and generation script
os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
os.remove(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl')
print("Master PDK magic startup file not found. Did you install")
print("PDK tech files before PDK vendor files?")
if have_lef:
print("Migrating LEF files to layout.")
destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/maglef'
srcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/lef'
magdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/mag'
cdldir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/cdl'
os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
# For each library, create the library subdirectory
for library in libraries:
if len(library) == 3:
destlib = library[2]
destlib = library[1]
destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
maglibdir = magdir + '/' + destlib
cdllibdir = cdldir + '/' + destlib
os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
# Link to the PDK magic startup file from the target directory
startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '-F.magicrc'
if not os.path.isfile(startup_script):
startup_script = targetdir + mag_current + pdkname + '.magicrc'
if os.path.isfile(startup_script):
# If the symbolic link exists, remove it.
if os.path.isfile(destlibdir + '/.magicrc'):
os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
os.symlink(startup_script, destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
# Find LEF file names in the source
leffiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
# Generate a script called "generate_magic.tcl" and leave it in
# the target directory. Use it as input to magic to create the
# .mag files from the database.
with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
print('#!/usr/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
print('# Script to generate .mag files from .lef ', file=ofile)
print('#--------------------------------------------', file=ofile)
print('tech unlock *', file=ofile)
if pdklibrary:
tcldevlist = '{' + ' '.join(devlist) + '}'
print('set devlist ' + tcldevlist, file=ofile)
for leffile in leffiles:
# Okay to use a relative path here.
# print('lef read ' + srclibdir + '/' + leffile', file=ofile)
print('lef read ../../lef/' + destlib + '/' + leffile, file=ofile)
# To be completed: Parse SPICE file for port order, make
# sure ports are present and ordered.
if pdklibrary:
print('set cellname [file root ' + leffile + ']', file=ofile)
print('if {[lsearch $devlist $cellname] >= 0} {',
print(' load $cellname', file=ofile)
print(' property gencell $cellname', file=ofile)
print(' property parameter m=1', file=ofile)
print(' property library ' + pdklibrary, file=ofile)
print('}', file=ofile)
print('writeall force', file=ofile)
print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile)
# Run magic to read in the LEF file and write out magic databases.
with open(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl', 'r') as ifile:['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole'],
stdin = ifile, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
universal_newlines = True)
# Now list all the .mag files generated, and for each, read the
# corresponding file from the mag/ directory, pull the GDS file
# properties, and add those properties to the maglef view. Also
# read the CDL (or SPICE) netlist, read the ports, and rewrite
# the port order in the mag and maglef file accordingly.
# Diagnostic
print('Annotating files in ' + destlibdir)
magfiles = os.listdir(destlibdir)
for magroot in magfiles:
magname = os.path.splitext(magroot)[0]
magfile = maglibdir + '/' + magroot
magleffile = destlibdir + '/' + magroot
prop_lines = get_gds_properties(magfile)
# Make sure properties include the Tcl generated cell
# information from the PDK script
if pdklibrary:
if magname in fixedlist:
prop_lines.append('string gencell ' + magname)
prop_lines.append('string library ' + pdklibrary)
prop_lines.append('string parameter m=1')
cdlfile = cdllibdir + '/' + magname + '.cdl'
if not os.path.exists(cdlfile):
# Assume there is one file with all cell subcircuits in it.
cdlfile = glob.glob(cdllibdir + '/*.cdl')[0]
print('No CDL file for ' + destlib + ' device ' + magname)
cdlfile = None
# To be done: If destlib is 'primitive', then look in
# SPICE models for port order.
if destlib == 'primitive':
print('Fix me: Need to look in SPICE models!')
if cdlfile:
port_dict = get_subckt_ports(cdlfile, magname)
port_dict = {}
proprex = re.compile('<< properties >>')
endrex = re.compile('<< end >>')
rlabrex = re.compile('rlabel[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+([^ \t]+)')
flabrex = re.compile('flabel[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+[^ \t]+[ \t]+([^ \t]+)')
portrex = re.compile('port[ \t]+([^ \t])+[ \t]+(.*)')
portnum = -1
with open(magleffile, 'r') as ifile:
magtext =
with open(magleffile, 'w') as ofile:
for line in magtext:
tmatch = portrex.match(line)
if tmatch:
if portnum >= 0:
line = 'port ' + str(portnum) + ' ' +
line = 'port ' + + ' ' +
ematch = endrex.match(line)
if ematch and len(prop_lines) > 0:
print('<< properties >>', file=ofile)
for prop in prop_lines:
print('string ' + prop, file=ofile)
print(line, file=ofile)
pmatch = proprex.match(line)
if pmatch:
for prop in prop_lines:
print('string ' + prop, file=ofile)
prop_lines = []
lmatch = flabrex.match(line)
if not lmatch:
lmatch = rlabrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
labname =
portnum = port_dict[labname]
portnum = -1
if os.path.exists(magfile):
with open(magfile, 'r') as ifile:
magtext =
with open(magfile, 'w') as ofile:
for line in magtext:
tmatch = portrex.match(line)
if tmatch:
if portnum >= 0:
line = 'port ' + str(portnum) + ' ' +
line = 'port ' + + ' ' +
ematch = endrex.match(line)
print(line, file=ofile)
lmatch = flabrex.match(line)
if not lmatch:
lmatch = rlabrex.match(line)
if lmatch:
labname =
portnum = port_dict[labname]
portnum = -1
elif os.path.splitext(magfile)[1] == '.mag':
# NOTE: Probably this means the GDS cell has a different name.
print('Error: No file ' + magfile + '. Why is it in maglef???')
# Remove the startup script and generation script
os.remove(destlibdir + '/.magicrc')
os.remove(destlibdir + '/generate_magic.tcl')
print("Master PDK magic startup file not found. Did you install")
print("PDK tech files before PDK vendor files?")
# If SPICE or CDL databases were specified, then convert them to
# a form that can be used by ngspice, using the script
if have_spice:
if not os.path.isdir(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi'):
os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi', exist_ok=True)
elif have_cdl:
if not os.path.isdir(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi'):
os.makedirs(targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi', exist_ok=True)
print("Migrating CDL netlists to SPICE.")
destdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/spi'
srcdir = targetdir + '/libs.ref/cdl'
os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
# For each library, create the library subdirectory
for library in libraries:
if len(library) == 3:
destlib = library[2]
destlib = library[1]
destlibdir = destdir + '/' + destlib
srclibdir = srcdir + '/' + destlib
os.makedirs(destlibdir, exist_ok=True)
# Find CDL file names in the source
cdlfiles = os.listdir(srclibdir)
# The directory with scripts should be in ../common with respect
# to the Makefile that determines the cwd.
scriptdir = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0] + '/common/'
# Run script to read in the CDL file and write out SPICE
for cdlfile in cdlfiles:
spiname = os.path.splitext(cdlfile)[0] + '.spi'
procopts = [scriptdir + '', srclibdir + '/' + cdlfile, destlibdir + '/' + spiname]
if do_cdl_scaleu:
for item in ignorelist:
procopts.append('-ignore=' + item)
print('Running (in ' + destlibdir + '): ' + ' '.join(procopts)),
stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = destlibdir,
universal_newlines = True)