blob: 7ebfb288e582ed5e88d0e785c41e023bc3a0bb17 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Script to read a GDS file, modify the given string, and rewrite the GDS file.
# The string may be a substring; the GDS file will be parsed completely for
# library name, structure name, instance name, and other strings, and the
# replacement made everywhere it occurs, finding the bounds of the entire
# string around the search text, and adjusting the record bounds accordingly.
import os
import re
import sys
def usage():
print(' <old_string> <new_string> [...] <path_to_gds_in> [<path_to_gds_out>]')
if __name__ == '__main__':
debug = 0
verbatim = False
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("No options given to")
optionlist = []
arguments = []
for option in sys.argv[1:]:
if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
if len(arguments) < 3:
print("Wrong number of arguments given to")
for option in optionlist:
opval = option.split('=')
if opval[0] == '-debug':
if len(opval) == 2:
debug = int(opval[1])
debug = 1
elif opval[0] == '-verbatim':
verbatim = True
# If next-to-last argument is a valid path, then the last argument should
# be the path to GDS out. Otherwise, overwrite the source file.
if os.path.isfile(arguments[-2]):
dest = arguments[-1]
source = arguments[-2]
oldstrings = arguments[0:-2:2]
newstrings = arguments[1:-2:2]
dest = arguments[-1]
source = arguments[-1]
oldstrings = arguments[0:-1:2]
newstrings = arguments[1:-1:2]
if len(oldstrings) != len(newstrings):
print('Error: List of strings and replacements is not in pairs.')
sourcedir = os.path.split(source)[0]
gdsinfile = os.path.split(source)[1]
destdir = os.path.split(dest)[0]
gdsoutfile = os.path.split(dest)[1]
with open(source, 'rb') as ifile:
gdsdata =
# To be done: Allow the user to select a specific record type or types
# in which to restrict the string substitution. If no restrictions are
# specified, then substitue in library name, structure name, and strings.
recordtypes = ['libname', 'strname', 'sname', 'string']
recordfilter = [2, 6, 18, 25]
bsearchlist = list(bytes(item, 'ascii') for item in oldstrings)
breplist = list(bytes(item, 'ascii') for item in newstrings)
if debug > 1:
print('Search list = ' + str(bsearchlist))
print('Replace list = ' + str(breplist))
datalen = len(gdsdata)
if debug > 0:
print('Original data length = ' + str(datalen))
dataptr = 0
while dataptr < datalen:
# Read stream records up to any string, then search for search text.
bheader = gdsdata[dataptr:dataptr + 2]
reclen = int.from_bytes(bheader, 'big')
newlen = reclen
if newlen == 0:
print('Error: found zero-length record at position ' + str(dataptr))
rectype = gdsdata[dataptr + 2]
datatype = gdsdata[dataptr + 3]
if rectype in recordfilter:
# Datatype 6 is STRING
if datatype == 6:
bstring = gdsdata[dataptr + 4: dataptr + reclen]
if debug > 1:
idx = recordfilter.index(rectype)
print(recordtypes[idx] + ' string = ' + str(bstring))
for bsearch,brep in zip(bsearchlist, breplist):
# Verbatim option: search string must match GDS string exactly
if verbatim:
blen = reclen - 4
if bstring[-1] == 0:
blen = blen - 1
if len(bsearch) != blen:
repstring = re.sub(bsearch, brep, bstring)
if repstring != bstring:
before = gdsdata[0:dataptr]
after = gdsdata[dataptr + reclen:]
newlen = len(repstring) + 4
# Record sizes must be even
if newlen % 2 != 0:
# Was original string padded with null byte? If so,
# remove the null byte and reduce newlen. Otherwise,
# add a null byte and increase newlen.
if bstring[-1] == 0:
repstring = repstring[0:-1]
newlen -= 1
repstring += b'\x00'
newlen += 1
bnewlen = newlen.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
brectype = rectype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
bdatatype = datatype.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
# Assemble the new record
newrecord = bnewlen + brectype + bdatatype + repstring
# Reassemble the GDS data around the new record
gdsdata = before + newrecord[0:newlen] + after
# Adjust the data end location
datalen += (newlen - reclen)
if debug > 0:
print('Replaced ' + str(bstring) + ' with ' + str(repstring))
if debug > 1:
idx = recordfilter.index(rectype)
print(recordtypes[idx] + ' record = ' + str(datatype) + ' is not a string')
# Advance the pointer past the data
dataptr += newlen
with open(dest, 'wb') as ofile: