blob: db781e3244f233c438310acd9a51ad2c3d9b2055 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Convert VNB and VPB layers in a LEF file from "li1" or "met1" to
# "pwell" and "nwell" masterslice layers, as they should be.
import os
import sys
import re
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Usage: <lef_file_in> <lef_file_out>")
lef_file_in = sys.argv[1]
lef_file_out = sys.argv[2]
print("Input: " + lef_file_in)
print("Output: " + lef_file_out)
with open(lef_file_in, 'r') as ifile:
leflines =
layrex = re.compile('[ \t]*LAYER[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+;')
pinrex = re.compile('[ \t]*PIN[ \t]+([^ \t\n]+)')
endrex = re.compile('[ \t]*END[ \t]+([^ \t\n]+)')
subrex = re.compile('([ \t]*LAYER[ \t]+)([^ \t]+)([ \t]+;)')
vpbpin = False
vnbpin = False
linesout = []
for line in leflines:
lineout = line
lmatch = layrex.match(line)
pmatch = pinrex.match(line)
ematch = endrex.match(line)
if pmatch:
pinname =
if pinname == 'VNB':
vnbpin = True
elif pinname == 'VPB':
vpbpin = True
elif ematch:
pinname = ''
vnbpin = False
vpbpin = False
elif lmatch:
if vpbpin:
lineout = subrex.sub(r'\1nwell\3', line)
elif vnbpin:
lineout = subrex.sub(r'\1pwell\3', line)
with open(lef_file_out, 'w') as ofile:
for line in linesout:
print(line, file=ofile)