Changed the seal ring abstract view to a more sensible layout using
obsactive to represent the seal ring diffusion, which does not have
the problems of raising DRC errors.
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag
index 8cb7e9a..5212b48 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator/seal_ring_corner_abstract.mag
@@ -1,42 +1,19 @@
 tech sky130A
-timestamp 1605459841
-<< error_p >>
-rect 199 25605 207 25613
-rect 291 25605 299 25613
-rect 191 25597 199 25605
-rect 299 25597 307 25605
-rect 25592 299 25600 307
-rect 25600 291 25608 299
-rect 25600 199 25608 207
-rect 25592 191 25600 199
-<< psubdiff >>
-rect 145 1334 199 25605
-rect 299 1334 355 25605
-rect 145 1197 355 1334
-rect 145 1037 531 1197
-rect 145 998 652 1037
-rect 253 900 652 998
-rect 355 797 792 900
-rect 453 795 792 797
-rect 453 690 900 795
-rect 565 652 900 690
-rect 565 582 1049 652
-rect 663 523 1049 582
-rect 663 480 1197 523
-rect 775 366 1197 480
-rect 862 355 1197 366
-rect 862 299 25600 355
-rect 862 270 1511 299
-rect 985 199 1511 270
-rect 985 145 25600 199
-<< psubdiffcont >>
-rect 199 1334 299 25605
-rect 1511 199 25600 299
+timestamp 1625444453
+<< obsactive >>
+rect 145 1095 355 25605
+tri 355 1095 545 1285 sw
+tri 145 695 545 1095 ne
+tri 545 695 945 1095 sw
+tri 545 345 895 695 ne
+rect 895 355 945 695
+tri 945 355 1285 695 sw
+rect 895 345 25600 355
+tri 895 145 1095 345 ne
+rect 1095 145 25600 345
 << locali >>
-rect 199 1214 299 1334
 rect 100 100 500 500
-rect 1437 199 1511 299
 << metal1 >>
 rect 275 325 325 420
 rect 180 275 420 325