Corrected two errors in handling SRAM core cell devices:  (1) the
npass devices were getting eliminated, and (2) the smaller parasitic
ppu devices were getting eliminated.  The first one was unintentional
and due to copying a set of operators to the wrong place;  the
second one was probably intentional, but the smaller parasitic
devices do have a characterized model and should be extracted.
However, one of the parasitic devices in the dual port SRAM layout
does not match any valid characterized device model bins, and the
model bins may need to be extended.
diff --git a/sky130/magic/ b/sky130/magic/
index dc07d13..415a40e 100644
--- a/sky130/magic/
+++ b/sky130/magic/
@@ -2502,9 +2502,9 @@
  and-not LVTN
  and HVTP
  and COREID
- # Shrink-grow operation eliminates the smaller ppass device
- shrink 70
- grow 70
+ # Shrink-grow operation eliminates the smaller parasitie device
+ # shrink 70
+ # grow 70
  labels DIFF
  layer pfetlvt pfetarea
@@ -2607,9 +2607,6 @@
  and NSDM
  and-not NWELL
  and COREID
- # Shrink-grow operation eliminates the smaller npass device
- shrink 70
- grow 70
  labels DIFF
  layer npd DIFF